// Copyright 2014 The Bazel Authors. All rights reserved. // // Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); // you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. // You may obtain a copy of the License at // // http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 // // Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software // distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, // WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. // See the License for the specific language governing permissions and // limitations under the License. package com.google.devtools.build.lib.util; import static com.google.common.truth.Truth.assertThat; import static org.junit.Assert.assertEquals; import static org.junit.Assert.fail; import com.google.common.collect.ImmutableList; import com.google.common.collect.Sets; import com.google.devtools.build.lib.testutil.Scratch; import com.google.devtools.build.lib.vfs.FileSystem; import com.google.devtools.build.lib.vfs.FileSystemUtils; import com.google.devtools.build.lib.vfs.Path; import org.junit.Test; import org.junit.runner.RunWith; import org.junit.runners.JUnit4; import java.io.IOException; import java.nio.charset.Charset; import java.util.Collection; @RunWith(JUnit4.class) public class DependencySetTest { private Scratch scratch = new Scratch(); private FileSystem fileSystem = scratch.getFileSystem(); private Path root = scratch.resolve("/"); private DependencySet newDependencySet() { return new DependencySet(root); } @Test public void dotDParser_simple() throws Exception { Path file1 = fileSystem.getPath("/usr/local/blah/blah/genhello/hello.cc"); Path file2 = fileSystem.getPath("/usr/local/blah/blah/genhello/hello.h"); String filename = "hello.o"; Path dotd = scratch.file("/tmp/foo.d", filename + ": \\", " " + file1 + " \\", " " + file2 + " "); DependencySet depset = newDependencySet().read(dotd); assertThat(depset.getDependencies()).containsExactlyElementsIn(Sets.newHashSet(file1, file2)); assertEquals(depset.getOutputFileName(), filename); } @Test public void dotDParser_simple_crlf() throws Exception { Path file1 = fileSystem.getPath("/usr/local/blah/blah/genhello/hello.cc"); Path file2 = fileSystem.getPath("/usr/local/blah/blah/genhello/hello.h"); String filename = "hello.o"; Path dotd = scratch.file("/tmp/foo.d", filename + ": \\\r", " " + file1 + " \\\r", " " + file2 + " "); DependencySet depset = newDependencySet().read(dotd); assertThat(depset.getDependencies()).containsExactlyElementsIn(Sets.newHashSet(file1, file2)); assertEquals(depset.getOutputFileName(), filename); } @Test public void dotDParser_simple_cr() throws Exception { Path file1 = fileSystem.getPath("/usr/local/blah/blah/genhello/hello.cc"); Path file2 = fileSystem.getPath("/usr/local/blah/blah/genhello/hello.h"); String filename = "hello.o"; Path dotd = scratch.file("/tmp/foo.d", filename + ": \\\r" + " " + file1 + " \\\r" + " " + file2 + " "); DependencySet depset = newDependencySet().read(dotd); assertThat(depset.getDependencies()).containsExactlyElementsIn(Sets.newHashSet(file1, file2)); assertEquals(depset.getOutputFileName(), filename); } @Test public void dotDParser_leading_crlf() throws Exception { Path file1 = fileSystem.getPath("/usr/local/blah/blah/genhello/hello.cc"); Path file2 = fileSystem.getPath("/usr/local/blah/blah/genhello/hello.h"); String filename = "hello.o"; Path dotd = scratch.file("/tmp/foo.d", "\r\n" + filename + ": \\\r\n" + " " + file1 + " \\\r\n" + " " + file2 + " "); DependencySet depset = newDependencySet().read(dotd); assertThat(depset.getDependencies()).containsExactlyElementsIn(Sets.newHashSet(file1, file2)); assertEquals(depset.getOutputFileName(), filename); } @Test public void dotDParser_oddFormatting() throws Exception { Path file1 = fileSystem.getPath("/usr/local/blah/blah/genhello/hello.cc"); Path file2 = fileSystem.getPath("/usr/local/blah/blah/genhello/hello.h"); Path file3 = fileSystem.getPath("/usr/local/blah/blah/genhello/other.h"); Path file4 = fileSystem.getPath("/usr/local/blah/blah/genhello/onemore.h"); String filename = "hello.o"; Path dotd = scratch.file("/tmp/foo.d", filename + ": " + file1 + " \\", " " + file2 + "\\", " " + file3 + " " + file4); DependencySet depset = newDependencySet().read(dotd); assertThat(depset.getDependencies()) .containsExactlyElementsIn(Sets.newHashSet(file1, file2, file3, file4)); assertEquals(depset.getOutputFileName(), filename); } @Test public void dotDParser_relativeFilenames() throws Exception { Path file1 = root.getRelative("hello.cc"); Path file2 = root.getRelative("hello.h"); String filename = "hello.o"; Path dotd = scratch.file("/tmp/foo.d", filename + ": \\", " " + file1.relativeTo(root) + " \\", " " + file2.relativeTo(root) + " "); DependencySet depset = newDependencySet().read(dotd); assertThat(depset.getDependencies()).containsExactlyElementsIn(Sets.newHashSet(file1, file2)); assertEquals(depset.getOutputFileName(), filename); } @Test public void dotDParser_emptyFile() throws Exception { Path dotd = scratch.file("/tmp/empty.d"); DependencySet depset = newDependencySet().read(dotd); Collection headers = depset.getDependencies(); if (!headers.isEmpty()) { fail("Not empty: " + headers.size() + " " + headers); } assertEquals(depset.getOutputFileName(), null); } @Test public void dotDParser_multipleTargets() throws Exception { Path file1 = fileSystem.getPath("/usr/local/blah/blah/genhello/hello.cc"); Path file2 = fileSystem.getPath("/usr/local/blah/blah/genhello/hello.h"); Path dotd = scratch.file("/tmp/foo.d", "hello.o: \\", " " + file1, "hello2.o: \\", " " + file2); assertThat(newDependencySet().read(dotd).getDependencies()) .containsExactlyElementsIn(Sets.newHashSet(file1, file2)); } /* * Regression test: if gcc fails to execute remotely, and we retry locally, then the behavior * of gcc's DEPENDENCIES_OUTPUT option is to append, not overwrite, the .d file. As a result, * during retry, a second stanza is written to the file. * * We handle this by merging all of the stanzas. */ @Test public void dotDParser_duplicateStanza() throws Exception { Path file1 = fileSystem.getPath("/usr/local/blah/blah/genhello/hello.cc"); Path file2 = fileSystem.getPath("/usr/local/blah/blah/genhello/hello.h"); Path file3 = fileSystem.getPath("/usr/local/blah/blah/genhello/other.h"); Path dotd = scratch.file("/tmp/foo.d", "hello.o: \\", " " + file1 + " \\", " " + file2 + " ", "hello.o: \\", " " + file1 + " \\", " " + file3 + " "); assertThat(newDependencySet().read(dotd).getDependencies()) .containsExactly(file1, file1, file2, file3); } @Test public void dotDParser_errorOnNoTrailingNewline() throws Exception { Path file1 = fileSystem.getPath("/usr/local/blah/blah/genhello/hello.cc"); Path dotd = scratch.file("/tmp/foo.d"); FileSystemUtils.writeContent( dotd, ("hello.o: \\\n " + file1).getBytes(Charset.forName("UTF-8"))); try { newDependencySet().read(dotd); fail(); } catch (IOException e) { assertThat(e.getMessage()).contains("File does not end in a newline"); } } /* * Test compatibility with --config=nvcc, which writes an extra space before the colon. */ @Test public void dotDParser_spaceBeforeColon() throws Exception { Path file1 = fileSystem.getPath("/usr/local/blah/blah/genhello/hello.cc"); Path file2 = fileSystem.getPath("/usr/local/blah/blah/genhello/hello.h"); String filename = "hello.o"; Path dotd = scratch.file("/tmp/foo.d", filename + " : \\", " " + file1 + " \\", " " + file2 + " "); DependencySet depset = newDependencySet().read(dotd); assertThat(depset.getDependencies()).containsExactlyElementsIn(Sets.newHashSet(file1, file2)); assertEquals(depset.getOutputFileName(), filename); } /* * Bug-for-bug compatibility with --config=msvc, which writes malformed .d files. */ @Test public void dotDParser_missingBackslash() throws Exception { Path file1 = fileSystem.getPath("/usr/local/blah/blah/genhello/hello.cc"); Path file2 = fileSystem.getPath("/usr/local/blah/blah/genhello/hello.h"); String filename = "hello.o"; Path dotd = scratch.file("/tmp/foo.d", filename + ": ", " " + file1 + " \\", " " + file2 + " "); DependencySet depset = newDependencySet().read(dotd); assertThat(depset.getDependencies()).isEmpty(); } @Test public void writeSet() throws Exception { Path file1 = fileSystem.getPath("/usr/local/blah/blah/genhello/hello.cc"); Path file2 = fileSystem.getPath("/usr/local/blah/blah/genhello/hello.h"); Path file3 = fileSystem.getPath("/usr/local/blah/blah/genhello/other.h"); String filename = "/usr/local/blah/blah/genhello/hello.o"; DependencySet depSet1 = newDependencySet(); depSet1.addDependencies(ImmutableList.of(file1, file2, file3)); depSet1.setOutputFileName(filename); Path outfile = scratch.resolve(filename); Path dotd = scratch.resolve("/usr/local/blah/blah/genhello/hello.d"); FileSystemUtils.createDirectoryAndParents(dotd.getParentDirectory()); depSet1.write(outfile, ".d"); String dotdContents = new String(FileSystemUtils.readContentAsLatin1(dotd)); String expected = "usr/local/blah/blah/genhello/hello.o: \\\n" + " /usr/local/blah/blah/genhello/hello.cc \\\n" + " /usr/local/blah/blah/genhello/hello.h \\\n" + " /usr/local/blah/blah/genhello/other.h\n"; assertEquals(expected, dotdContents); assertEquals(filename, depSet1.getOutputFileName()); } @Test public void writeReadSet() throws Exception { String filename = "/usr/local/blah/blah/genhello/hello.d"; Path file1 = fileSystem.getPath("/usr/local/blah/blah/genhello/hello.cc"); Path file2 = fileSystem.getPath("/usr/local/blah/blah/genhello/hello.h"); Path file3 = fileSystem.getPath("/usr/local/blah/blah/genhello/other.h"); DependencySet depSet1 = newDependencySet(); depSet1.addDependencies(ImmutableList.of(file1, file2, file3)); depSet1.setOutputFileName(filename); Path dotd = scratch.resolve(filename); FileSystemUtils.createDirectoryAndParents(dotd.getParentDirectory()); depSet1.write(dotd, ".d"); DependencySet depSet2 = newDependencySet().read(dotd); assertEquals(depSet1, depSet2); // due to how pic.d files are written, absolute paths are changed into relatives assertEquals(depSet1.getOutputFileName(), "/" + depSet2.getOutputFileName()); } }