// Copyright 2014 The Bazel Authors. All rights reserved. // // Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); // you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. // You may obtain a copy of the License at // // http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 // // Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software // distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, // WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. // See the License for the specific language governing permissions and // limitations under the License. package com.google.devtools.build.lib.testutil; import com.google.common.base.Predicate; import com.google.common.base.Predicates; import com.google.devtools.build.lib.packages.Attribute; import com.google.devtools.build.lib.packages.Attribute.AllowedValueSet; import com.google.devtools.build.lib.packages.BuildType; import com.google.devtools.build.lib.packages.RuleClass; import com.google.devtools.build.lib.syntax.Type; import com.google.devtools.build.lib.util.FileTypeSet; import com.google.devtools.build.lib.util.Preconditions; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Set; /** * A helper class to generate valid rules with filled attributes if necessary. */ public class BuildRuleWithDefaultsBuilder extends BuildRuleBuilder { private Set generateFiles; private Map generateRules; public BuildRuleWithDefaultsBuilder(String ruleClass, String ruleName) { super(ruleClass, ruleName); this.generateFiles = new HashSet<>(); this.generateRules = new HashMap<>(); } private BuildRuleWithDefaultsBuilder(String ruleClass, String ruleName, Map ruleClassMap, Set generateFiles, Map generateRules) { super(ruleClass, ruleName, ruleClassMap); this.generateFiles = generateFiles; this.generateRules = generateRules; } /** * Creates a dummy file with the given extension in the given package and returns a valid Blaze * label referring to the file. Note, the created label depends on the package of the rule. */ private String getDummyFileLabel(String rulePkg, String filePkg, String extension, Type attrType) { boolean isInput = (attrType == BuildType.LABEL || attrType == BuildType.LABEL_LIST); String fileName = (isInput ? "dummy_input" : "dummy_output") + extension; generateFiles.add(filePkg + "/" + fileName); if (rulePkg.equals(filePkg)) { return ":" + fileName; } else { return filePkg + ":" + fileName; } } private String getDummyRuleLabel(String rulePkg, RuleClass referencedRuleClass) { String referencedRuleName = ruleName + "_ref_" + referencedRuleClass.getName() .replace("$", "").replace(":", ""); // The new generated rule should have the same generatedFiles and generatedRules // in order to avoid duplications BuildRuleWithDefaultsBuilder builder = new BuildRuleWithDefaultsBuilder( referencedRuleClass.getName(), referencedRuleName, ruleClassMap, generateFiles, generateRules); builder.popuplateAttributes(rulePkg, true); generateRules.put(referencedRuleClass.getName(), builder); return referencedRuleName; } public BuildRuleWithDefaultsBuilder popuplateLabelAttribute(String pkg, Attribute attribute) { return popuplateLabelAttribute(pkg, pkg, attribute); } /** * Populates the label type attribute with generated values. Populates with a file if possible, or * generates an appropriate rule. Note, that the rules are always generated in the same package. */ public BuildRuleWithDefaultsBuilder popuplateLabelAttribute(String rulePkg, String filePkg, Attribute attribute) { Type attrType = attribute.getType(); String label = null; if (attribute.getAllowedFileTypesPredicate() != FileTypeSet.NO_FILE) { // Try to populate with files first String extension = null; if (attribute.getAllowedFileTypesPredicate() == FileTypeSet.ANY_FILE) { extension = ".txt"; } else { FileTypeSet fileTypes = attribute.getAllowedFileTypesPredicate(); // This argument should always hold, if not that means a Blaze design/implementation error Preconditions.checkArgument(!fileTypes.getExtensions().isEmpty()); extension = fileTypes.getExtensions().get(0); } label = getDummyFileLabel(rulePkg, filePkg, extension, attrType); } else { Predicate allowedRuleClasses = attribute.getAllowedRuleClassesPredicate(); if (allowedRuleClasses != Predicates.alwaysFalse()) { // See if there is an applicable rule among the already enqueued rules BuildRuleBuilder referencedRuleBuilder = getFirstApplicableRule(allowedRuleClasses); if (referencedRuleBuilder != null) { label = ":" + referencedRuleBuilder.ruleName; } else { RuleClass referencedRuleClass = getFirstApplicableRuleClass(allowedRuleClasses); if (referencedRuleClass != null) { // Generate a rule with the appropriate ruleClass and a label for it in // the original rule label = ":" + getDummyRuleLabel(rulePkg, referencedRuleClass); } } } } if (label != null) { if (attrType == BuildType.LABEL_LIST || attrType == BuildType.OUTPUT_LIST) { addMultiValueAttributes(attribute.getName(), label); } else { setSingleValueAttribute(attribute.getName(), label); } } return this; } private BuildRuleBuilder getFirstApplicableRule(Predicate allowedRuleClasses) { // There is no direct way to get the set of allowedRuleClasses from the Attribute // The Attribute API probably should not be modified for sole testing purposes for (Map.Entry entry : generateRules.entrySet()) { if (allowedRuleClasses.apply(ruleClassMap.get(entry.getKey()))) { return entry.getValue(); } } return null; } private RuleClass getFirstApplicableRuleClass(Predicate allowedRuleClasses) { // See comments in getFirstApplicableRule(Predicate allowedRuleClasses) for (RuleClass ruleClass : ruleClassMap.values()) { if (allowedRuleClasses.apply(ruleClass)) { return ruleClass; } } return null; } public BuildRuleWithDefaultsBuilder popuplateStringListAttribute(Attribute attribute) { addMultiValueAttributes(attribute.getName(), "x"); return this; } public BuildRuleWithDefaultsBuilder popuplateStringAttribute(Attribute attribute) { setSingleValueAttribute(attribute.getName(), "x"); return this; } public BuildRuleWithDefaultsBuilder popuplateBooleanAttribute(Attribute attribute) { setSingleValueAttribute(attribute.getName(), "false"); return this; } public BuildRuleWithDefaultsBuilder popuplateIntegerAttribute(Attribute attribute) { setSingleValueAttribute(attribute.getName(), 1); return this; } public BuildRuleWithDefaultsBuilder popuplateAttributes(String rulePkg, boolean heuristics) { for (Attribute attribute : ruleClass.getAttributes()) { if (attribute.isMandatory()) { if (attribute.getType() == BuildType.LABEL_LIST || attribute.getType() == BuildType.OUTPUT_LIST) { if (attribute.isNonEmpty()) { popuplateLabelAttribute(rulePkg, attribute); } else { // TODO(bazel-team): actually here an empty list would be fine, but BuildRuleBuilder // doesn't support that, and it makes little sense anyway popuplateLabelAttribute(rulePkg, attribute); } } else if (attribute.getType() == BuildType.LABEL || attribute.getType() == BuildType.OUTPUT) { popuplateLabelAttribute(rulePkg, attribute); } else { // Non label type attributes if (attribute.getAllowedValues() instanceof AllowedValueSet) { Collection allowedValues = ((AllowedValueSet) attribute.getAllowedValues()).getAllowedValues(); setSingleValueAttribute(attribute.getName(), allowedValues.iterator().next()); } else if (attribute.getType() == Type.STRING) { popuplateStringAttribute(attribute); } else if (attribute.getType() == Type.BOOLEAN) { popuplateBooleanAttribute(attribute); } else if (attribute.getType() == Type.INTEGER) { popuplateIntegerAttribute(attribute); } else if (attribute.getType() == Type.STRING_LIST) { popuplateStringListAttribute(attribute); } } // TODO(bazel-team): populate for other data types } else if (heuristics) { populateAttributesHeuristics(rulePkg, attribute); } } return this; } // Heuristics which might help to generate valid rules. // This is a bit hackish, but it helps some generated ruleclasses to pass analysis phase. private void populateAttributesHeuristics(String rulePkg, Attribute attribute) { if (attribute.getName().equals("srcs") && attribute.getType() == BuildType.LABEL_LIST) { // If there is a srcs attribute it might be better to populate it even if it's not mandatory popuplateLabelAttribute(rulePkg, attribute); } else if (attribute.getName().equals("main_class") && attribute.getType() == Type.STRING) { popuplateStringAttribute(attribute); } } @Override public Collection getFilesToGenerate() { return generateFiles; } @Override public Collection getRulesToGenerate() { return generateRules.values(); } }