// Copyright 2006-2015 Google Inc. All rights reserved. // // Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); // you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. // You may obtain a copy of the License at // // http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 // // Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software // distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, // WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. // See the License for the specific language governing permissions and // limitations under the License. package com.google.devtools.build.lib.syntax; import static com.google.common.truth.Truth.assertThat; import static com.google.devtools.build.lib.testutil.MoreAsserts.assertSameContents; import static org.junit.Assert.assertEquals; import static org.junit.Assert.assertFalse; import static org.junit.Assert.assertNotSame; import static org.junit.Assert.assertTrue; import static org.junit.Assert.fail; import com.google.common.collect.ImmutableMap; import com.google.common.collect.Lists; import com.google.common.collect.Sets; import com.google.devtools.build.lib.packages.BuildType; import com.google.devtools.build.lib.packages.License; import com.google.devtools.build.lib.packages.TriState; import com.google.devtools.build.lib.syntax.Type.ConversionException; import com.google.devtools.build.lib.testutil.MoreAsserts; import org.junit.Assert; import org.junit.Before; import org.junit.Test; import org.junit.runner.RunWith; import org.junit.runners.JUnit4; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; /** * Test of type-conversions using Type. */ @RunWith(JUnit4.class) public class TypeTest { private Label currentRule; @Before public void setUp() throws Exception { this.currentRule = Label.parseAbsolute("//quux:baz"); } @Test public void testInteger() throws Exception { Object x = 3; assertEquals(x, Type.INTEGER.convert(x, null)); assertThat(Type.INTEGER.flatten(x)).isEmpty(); } @Test public void testNonInteger() throws Exception { try { Type.INTEGER.convert("foo", null); fail(); } catch (Type.ConversionException e) { // This does not use assertMessageContainsWordsWithQuotes because at least // one test should test exact wording (but they all shouldn't to make // changing/improving the messages easy). assertThat(e).hasMessage("expected value of type 'int', but got \"foo\" (string)"); } } // Ensure that types are reported correctly. @Test public void testTypeErrorMessage() throws Exception { try { Type.STRING_LIST.convert("[(1,2), 3, 4]", "myexpr", null); fail(); } catch (Type.ConversionException e) { assertThat(e).hasMessage("expected value of type 'list(string)' for myexpr, " + "but got \"[(1,2), 3, 4]\" (string)"); } } @Test public void testString() throws Exception { Object s = "foo"; assertEquals(s, Type.STRING.convert(s, null)); assertThat(Type.STRING.flatten(s)).isEmpty(); } @Test public void testNonString() throws Exception { try { Type.STRING.convert(3, null); fail(); } catch (Type.ConversionException e) { assertThat(e).hasMessage("expected value of type 'string', but got 3 (int)"); } } @Test public void testBoolean() throws Exception { Object myTrue = true; Object myFalse = false; assertEquals(Boolean.TRUE, Type.BOOLEAN.convert(1, null)); assertEquals(Boolean.FALSE, Type.BOOLEAN.convert(0, null)); assertTrue(Type.BOOLEAN.convert(true, null)); assertTrue(Type.BOOLEAN.convert(myTrue, null)); assertFalse(Type.BOOLEAN.convert(false, null)); assertFalse(Type.BOOLEAN.convert(myFalse, null)); assertThat(Type.BOOLEAN.flatten(myTrue)).isEmpty(); } @Test public void testNonBoolean() throws Exception { try { Type.BOOLEAN.convert("unexpected", null); fail(); } catch (Type.ConversionException e) { assertThat(e).hasMessage( "expected value of type 'int', but got \"unexpected\" (string)"); } // Integers other than [0, 1] should fail. try { Type.BOOLEAN.convert(2, null); fail(); } catch (Type.ConversionException e) { assertEquals(e.getMessage(), "boolean is not one of [0, 1]"); } try { Type.BOOLEAN.convert(-1, null); fail(); } catch (Type.ConversionException e) { assertEquals(e.getMessage(), "boolean is not one of [0, 1]"); } } @Test public void testTriState() throws Exception { Assert.assertEquals(TriState.YES, BuildType.TRISTATE.convert(1, null)); assertEquals(TriState.NO, BuildType.TRISTATE.convert(0, null)); assertEquals(TriState.AUTO, BuildType.TRISTATE.convert(-1, null)); assertEquals(TriState.YES, BuildType.TRISTATE.convert(true, null)); assertEquals(TriState.NO, BuildType.TRISTATE.convert(false, null)); assertEquals(TriState.YES, BuildType.TRISTATE.convert(TriState.YES, null)); assertEquals(TriState.NO, BuildType.TRISTATE.convert(TriState.NO, null)); assertEquals(TriState.AUTO, BuildType.TRISTATE.convert(TriState.AUTO, null)); assertThat(BuildType.TRISTATE.flatten(TriState.YES)).isEmpty(); } @Test public void testTriStateDoesNotAcceptArbitraryIntegers() throws Exception { List listOfCases = Lists.newArrayList(2, 3, -5, -2, 20); for (Object entry : listOfCases) { try { BuildType.TRISTATE.convert(entry, null); fail(); } catch (Type.ConversionException e) { // Expected. } } } @Test public void testTriStateDoesNotAcceptStrings() throws Exception { List listOfCases = Lists.newArrayList("bad", "true", "auto", "false"); for (Object entry : listOfCases) { try { BuildType.TRISTATE.convert(entry, null); fail(); } catch (Type.ConversionException e) { // Expected. } } } @Test public void testTagConversion() throws Exception { assertSameContents(Sets.newHashSet("attribute"), Type.BOOLEAN.toTagSet(true, "attribute")); assertSameContents(Sets.newHashSet("noattribute"), Type.BOOLEAN.toTagSet(false, "attribute")); assertSameContents(Sets.newHashSet("whiskey"), Type.STRING.toTagSet("whiskey", "preferred_cocktail")); assertSameContents(Sets.newHashSet("cheddar", "ementaler", "gruyere"), Type.STRING_LIST.toTagSet( Lists.newArrayList("cheddar", "ementaler", "gruyere"), "cheeses")); } @Test public void testIllegalTagConversionByType() throws Exception { try { BuildType.TRISTATE.toTagSet(TriState.AUTO, "some_tristate"); fail("Expect UnsuportedOperationException"); } catch (UnsupportedOperationException e) { // Success. } try { BuildType.LICENSE.toTagSet(License.NO_LICENSE, "output_license"); fail("Expect UnsuportedOperationException"); } catch (UnsupportedOperationException e) { // Success. } } @Test public void testIllegalTagConversIonFromNullOnSupportedType() throws Exception { try { Type.BOOLEAN.toTagSet(null, "a_boolean"); fail("Expect UnsuportedOperationException"); } catch (IllegalStateException e) { // Success. } } @Test public void testLabel() throws Exception { Label label = Label.parseAbsolute("//foo:bar"); assertEquals(label, BuildType.LABEL.convert("//foo:bar", null, currentRule)); assertThat(BuildType.LABEL.flatten(label)).containsExactly(label); } @Test public void testNodepLabel() throws Exception { Label label = Label.parseAbsolute("//foo:bar"); assertEquals(label, BuildType.NODEP_LABEL.convert("//foo:bar", null, currentRule)); assertThat(BuildType.NODEP_LABEL.flatten(label)).containsExactly(label); } @Test public void testRelativeLabel() throws Exception { assertEquals(Label.parseAbsolute("//quux:wiz"), BuildType.LABEL.convert(":wiz", null, currentRule)); assertEquals(Label.parseAbsolute("//quux:wiz"), BuildType.LABEL.convert("wiz", null, currentRule)); try { BuildType.LABEL.convert("wiz", null); fail(); } catch (NullPointerException e) { /* ok */ } } @Test public void testInvalidLabel() throws Exception { try { BuildType.LABEL.convert("not a label", null, currentRule); fail(); } catch (Type.ConversionException e) { MoreAsserts.assertContainsWordsWithQuotes(e.getMessage(), "not a label"); } } @Test public void testNonLabel() throws Exception { try { BuildType.LABEL.convert(3, null); fail(); } catch (Type.ConversionException e) { assertThat(e).hasMessage("expected value of type 'string', but got 3 (int)"); } } @Test public void testStringList() throws Exception { Object input = Arrays.asList("foo", "bar", "wiz"); List converted = Type.STRING_LIST.convert(input, null); assertEquals(input, converted); assertNotSame(input, converted); assertThat(Type.STRING_LIST.flatten(input)).isEmpty(); } @Test public void testStringDict() throws Exception { Object input = ImmutableMap.of("foo", "bar", "wiz", "bang"); Map converted = Type.STRING_DICT.convert(input, null); assertEquals(input, converted); assertNotSame(input, converted); assertThat(Type.STRING_DICT.flatten(converted)).isEmpty(); } @Test public void testStringDictBadElements() throws Exception { Object input = ImmutableMap.of("foo", Arrays.asList("bar", "baz"), "wiz", "bang"); try { Type.STRING_DICT.convert(input, null); fail(); } catch (Type.ConversionException e) { assertThat(e).hasMessage("expected value of type 'string' for dict value element, " + "but got [\"bar\", \"baz\"] (List)"); } } @Test public void testNonStringList() throws Exception { try { Type.STRING_LIST.convert(3, "blah"); fail(); } catch (Type.ConversionException e) { assertThat(e).hasMessage("expected value of type 'list(string)' for blah, but got 3 (int)"); } } @Test public void testStringListBadElements() throws Exception { Object input = Arrays.asList("foo", "bar", 1); try { Type.STRING_LIST.convert(input, "argument quux"); fail(); } catch (Type.ConversionException e) { assertThat(e).hasMessage( "expected value of type 'string' for element 2 of argument quux, but got 1 (int)"); } } @Test public void testLabelList() throws Exception { Object input = Arrays.asList("//foo:bar", ":wiz"); List