// Copyright 2014 The Bazel Authors. All rights reserved. // // Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); // you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. // You may obtain a copy of the License at // // http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 // // Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software // distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, // WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. // See the License for the specific language governing permissions and // limitations under the License. package com.google.devtools.build.lib.syntax; import static com.google.common.truth.Truth.assertThat; import static com.google.common.truth.Truth.assertWithMessage; import static org.junit.Assert.assertEquals; import static org.junit.Assert.assertFalse; import static org.junit.Assert.assertTrue; import static org.junit.Assert.fail; import com.google.common.base.Joiner; import com.google.common.collect.ImmutableList; import com.google.devtools.build.lib.events.Location; import com.google.devtools.build.lib.syntax.DictionaryLiteral.DictionaryEntryLiteral; import com.google.devtools.build.lib.syntax.util.EvaluationTestCase; import org.junit.Before; import org.junit.Test; import org.junit.runner.RunWith; import org.junit.runners.JUnit4; import java.util.LinkedList; import java.util.List; /** * Tests of parser behaviour. */ @RunWith(JUnit4.class) public class ParserTest extends EvaluationTestCase { Environment buildEnvironment; @Before @Override public void setUp() throws Exception { super.setUp(); buildEnvironment = newBuildEnvironment(); } private Parser.ParseResult parseFileWithComments(String... input) { return buildEnvironment.parseFileWithComments(input); } /** Parses build code (not Skylark) */ @Override protected List parseFile(String... input) { return buildEnvironment.parseFile(input); } /** Parses a build code (not Skylark) with PythonProcessing enabled */ private List parseFileWithPython(String... input) { return Parser.parseFile( ParserInputSource.create(Joiner.on("\n").join(input), null), getEventHandler(), /*parsePython=*/true).statements; } /** Parses Skylark code */ private List parseFileForSkylark(String... input) { return env.parseFile(input); } private static String getText(String text, ASTNode node) { return text.substring(node.getLocation().getStartOffset(), node.getLocation().getEndOffset()); } // helper func for testListLiterals: private static int getIntElem(DictionaryEntryLiteral entry, boolean key) { return ((IntegerLiteral) (key ? entry.getKey() : entry.getValue())).getValue(); } // helper func for testListLiterals: private static DictionaryEntryLiteral getElem(DictionaryLiteral list, int index) { return list.getEntries().get(index); } // helper func for testListLiterals: private static int getIntElem(ListLiteral list, int index) { return ((IntegerLiteral) list.getElements().get(index)).getValue(); } // helper func for testListLiterals: private static Expression getElem(ListLiteral list, int index) { return list.getElements().get(index); } // helper func for testing arguments: private static Expression getArg(FuncallExpression f, int index) { return f.getArguments().get(index).getValue(); } @Test public void testPrecedence1() throws Exception { BinaryOperatorExpression e = (BinaryOperatorExpression) parseExpression("'%sx' % 'foo' + 'bar'"); assertEquals(Operator.PLUS, e.getOperator()); } @Test public void testPrecedence2() throws Exception { BinaryOperatorExpression e = (BinaryOperatorExpression) parseExpression("('%sx' % 'foo') + 'bar'"); assertEquals(Operator.PLUS, e.getOperator()); } @Test public void testPrecedence3() throws Exception { BinaryOperatorExpression e = (BinaryOperatorExpression) parseExpression("'%sx' % ('foo' + 'bar')"); assertEquals(Operator.PERCENT, e.getOperator()); } @Test public void testPrecedence4() throws Exception { BinaryOperatorExpression e = (BinaryOperatorExpression) parseExpression("1 + - (2 - 3)"); assertEquals(Operator.PLUS, e.getOperator()); } @Test public void testPrecedence5() throws Exception { BinaryOperatorExpression e = (BinaryOperatorExpression) parseExpression("2 * x | y + 1"); assertEquals(Operator.PIPE, e.getOperator()); } @Test public void testUnaryMinusExpr() throws Exception { FuncallExpression e = (FuncallExpression) parseExpression("-5"); FuncallExpression e2 = (FuncallExpression) parseExpression("- 5"); assertEquals("-", e.getFunction().getName()); assertEquals("-", e2.getFunction().getName()); assertThat(e.getArguments()).hasSize(1); assertEquals(1, e.getNumPositionalArguments()); IntegerLiteral arg0 = (IntegerLiteral) e.getArguments().get(0).getValue(); assertEquals(5, (int) arg0.getValue()); } @Test public void testFuncallExpr() throws Exception { FuncallExpression e = (FuncallExpression) parseExpression("foo(1, 2, bar=wiz)"); Identifier ident = e.getFunction(); assertEquals("foo", ident.getName()); assertThat(e.getArguments()).hasSize(3); assertEquals(2, e.getNumPositionalArguments()); IntegerLiteral arg0 = (IntegerLiteral) e.getArguments().get(0).getValue(); assertEquals(1, (int) arg0.getValue()); IntegerLiteral arg1 = (IntegerLiteral) e.getArguments().get(1).getValue(); assertEquals(2, (int) arg1.getValue()); Argument.Passed arg2 = e.getArguments().get(2); assertEquals("bar", arg2.getName()); Identifier arg2val = (Identifier) arg2.getValue(); assertEquals("wiz", arg2val.getName()); } @Test public void testMethCallExpr() throws Exception { FuncallExpression e = (FuncallExpression) parseExpression("foo.foo(1, 2, bar=wiz)"); Identifier ident = e.getFunction(); assertEquals("foo", ident.getName()); assertThat(e.getArguments()).hasSize(3); assertEquals(2, e.getNumPositionalArguments()); IntegerLiteral arg0 = (IntegerLiteral) e.getArguments().get(0).getValue(); assertEquals(1, (int) arg0.getValue()); IntegerLiteral arg1 = (IntegerLiteral) e.getArguments().get(1).getValue(); assertEquals(2, (int) arg1.getValue()); Argument.Passed arg2 = e.getArguments().get(2); assertEquals("bar", arg2.getName()); Identifier arg2val = (Identifier) arg2.getValue(); assertEquals("wiz", arg2val.getName()); } @Test public void testChainedMethCallExpr() throws Exception { FuncallExpression e = (FuncallExpression) parseExpression("foo.replace().split(1)"); Identifier ident = e.getFunction(); assertEquals("split", ident.getName()); assertThat(e.getArguments()).hasSize(1); assertEquals(1, e.getNumPositionalArguments()); IntegerLiteral arg0 = (IntegerLiteral) e.getArguments().get(0).getValue(); assertEquals(1, (int) arg0.getValue()); } @Test public void testPropRefExpr() throws Exception { DotExpression e = (DotExpression) parseExpression("foo.foo"); Identifier ident = e.getField(); assertEquals("foo", ident.getName()); } @Test public void testStringMethExpr() throws Exception { FuncallExpression e = (FuncallExpression) parseExpression("'foo'.foo()"); Identifier ident = e.getFunction(); assertEquals("foo", ident.getName()); assertThat(e.getArguments()).isEmpty(); } @Test public void testStringLiteralOptimizationValue() throws Exception { StringLiteral l = (StringLiteral) parseExpression("'abc' + 'def'"); assertEquals("abcdef", l.value); } @Test public void testStringLiteralOptimizationToString() throws Exception { StringLiteral l = (StringLiteral) parseExpression("'abc' + 'def'"); assertEquals("'abcdef'", l.toString()); } @Test public void testStringLiteralOptimizationLocation() throws Exception { StringLiteral l = (StringLiteral) parseExpression("'abc' + 'def'"); assertEquals(0, l.getLocation().getStartOffset()); assertEquals(13, l.getLocation().getEndOffset()); } @Test public void testStringLiteralOptimizationDifferentQuote() throws Exception { assertThat(parseExpression("'abc' + \"def\"")).isInstanceOf(BinaryOperatorExpression.class); } @Test public void testSubstring() throws Exception { FuncallExpression e = (FuncallExpression) parseExpression("'FOO.CC'[:].lower()[1:]"); assertEquals("$slice", e.getFunction().getName()); assertThat(e.getArguments()).hasSize(2); e = (FuncallExpression) parseExpression("'FOO.CC'.lower()[1:].startswith('oo')"); assertEquals("startswith", e.getFunction().getName()); assertThat(e.getArguments()).hasSize(1); e = (FuncallExpression) parseExpression("'FOO.CC'[1:][:2]"); assertEquals("$slice", e.getFunction().getName()); assertThat(e.getArguments()).hasSize(2); } private void assertLocation(int start, int end, Location location) throws Exception { int actualStart = location.getStartOffset(); int actualEnd = location.getEndOffset(); if (actualStart != start || actualEnd != end) { fail("Expected location = [" + start + ", " + end + "), found [" + actualStart + ", " + actualEnd + ")"); } } @Test public void testErrorRecovery() throws Exception { setFailFast(false); String expr = "f(1, [x for foo foo foo foo], 3)"; FuncallExpression e = (FuncallExpression) parseExpression(expr); assertContainsError("syntax error at 'foo'"); // Test that the actual parameters are: (1, $error$, 3): Identifier ident = e.getFunction(); assertEquals("f", ident.getName()); assertThat(e.getArguments()).hasSize(3); assertEquals(3, e.getNumPositionalArguments()); IntegerLiteral arg0 = (IntegerLiteral) e.getArguments().get(0).getValue(); assertEquals(1, (int) arg0.getValue()); Argument.Passed arg1 = e.getArguments().get(1); Identifier arg1val = ((Identifier) arg1.getValue()); assertEquals("$error$", arg1val.getName()); assertLocation(5, 29, arg1val.getLocation()); assertEquals("[x for foo foo foo foo]", expr.substring(5, 28)); assertEquals(30, arg1val.getLocation().getEndLineAndColumn().getColumn()); IntegerLiteral arg2 = (IntegerLiteral) e.getArguments().get(2).getValue(); assertEquals(3, (int) arg2.getValue()); } @Test public void testDoesntGetStuck() throws Exception { setFailFast(false); // Make sure the parser does not get stuck when trying // to parse an expression containing a syntax error. // This usually results in OutOfMemoryError because the // parser keeps filling up the error log. // We need to make sure that we will always advance // in the token stream. parseExpression("f(1, ], 3)"); parseExpression("f(1, ), 3)"); parseExpression("[ ) for v in 3)"); assertContainsError(""); // "" matches any, i.e., there were some events } @Test public void testSecondaryLocation() { String expr = "f(1 % 2)"; FuncallExpression call = (FuncallExpression) parseExpression(expr); Argument.Passed arg = call.getArguments().get(0); assertThat(arg.getLocation().getEndOffset()).isLessThan(call.getLocation().getEndOffset()); } @Test public void testPrimaryLocation() { String expr = "f(1 + 2)"; FuncallExpression call = (FuncallExpression) parseExpression(expr); Argument.Passed arg = call.getArguments().get(0); assertThat(arg.getLocation().getEndOffset()).isLessThan(call.getLocation().getEndOffset()); } @Test public void testAssignLocation() { List statements = parseFile("a = b;c = d\n"); Statement statement = statements.get(0); assertEquals(5, statement.getLocation().getEndOffset()); } @Test public void testAssignKeyword() { setFailFast(false); parseExpression("with = 4"); assertContainsError("keyword 'with' not supported"); assertContainsError("syntax error at 'with': expected expression"); } @Test public void testBreak() { setFailFast(false); parseExpression("break"); assertContainsError("syntax error at 'break': expected expression"); } @Test public void testTry() { setFailFast(false); parseExpression("try: 1 + 1"); assertContainsError("'try' not supported, all exceptions are fatal"); assertContainsError("syntax error at 'try': expected expression"); } @Test public void testTupleAssign() { List statements = parseFile("list[0] = 5; dict['key'] = value\n"); assertThat(statements).hasSize(2); assertThat(statements.get(0)).isInstanceOf(AssignmentStatement.class); assertThat(statements.get(1)).isInstanceOf(AssignmentStatement.class); } @Test public void testAssign() { List statements = parseFile("a, b = 5\n"); assertThat(statements).hasSize(1); assertThat(statements.get(0)).isInstanceOf(AssignmentStatement.class); AssignmentStatement assign = (AssignmentStatement) statements.get(0); assertThat(assign.getLValue().getExpression()).isInstanceOf(ListLiteral.class); } @Test public void testInvalidAssign() { setFailFast(false); parseExpression("1 + (b = c)"); assertContainsError("syntax error"); clearEvents(); } @Test public void testAugmentedAssign() throws Exception { assertEquals("[x = x + 1\n]", parseFile("x += 1").toString()); } @Test public void testPrettyPrintFunctions() throws Exception { assertEquals("[x[1:3]\n]", parseFile("x[1:3]").toString()); assertEquals("[str[42]\n]", parseFile("str[42]").toString()); assertEquals("[ctx.new_file('hello')\n]", parseFile("ctx.new_file('hello')").toString()); assertEquals("[new_file('hello')\n]", parseFile("new_file('hello')").toString()); } @Test public void testFuncallLocation() { List statements = parseFile("a(b);c = d\n"); Statement statement = statements.get(0); assertEquals(4, statement.getLocation().getEndOffset()); } @Test public void testSpecialFuncallLocation() throws Exception { List statements = parseFile("-x\n"); assertLocation(0, 3, statements.get(0).getLocation()); statements = parseFile("arr[15]\n"); assertLocation(0, 8, statements.get(0).getLocation()); statements = parseFile("str[1:12]\n"); assertLocation(0, 10, statements.get(0).getLocation()); } @Test public void testListPositions() throws Exception { String expr = "[0,f(1),2]"; ListLiteral list = (ListLiteral) parseExpression(expr); assertEquals("[0,f(1),2]", getText(expr, list)); assertEquals("0", getText(expr, getElem(list, 0))); assertEquals("f(1)", getText(expr, getElem(list, 1))); assertEquals("2", getText(expr, getElem(list, 2))); } @Test public void testDictPositions() throws Exception { String expr = "{1:2,2:f(1),3:4}"; DictionaryLiteral list = (DictionaryLiteral) parseExpression(expr); assertEquals("{1:2,2:f(1),3:4}", getText(expr, list)); assertEquals("1:2", getText(expr, getElem(list, 0))); assertEquals("2:f(1)", getText(expr, getElem(list, 1))); assertEquals("3:4", getText(expr, getElem(list, 2))); } @Test public void testArgumentPositions() throws Exception { String stmt = "f(0,g(1,2),2)"; FuncallExpression f = (FuncallExpression) parseExpression(stmt); assertEquals(stmt, getText(stmt, f)); assertEquals("0", getText(stmt, getArg(f, 0))); assertEquals("g(1,2)", getText(stmt, getArg(f, 1))); assertEquals("2", getText(stmt, getArg(f, 2))); } @Test public void testForBreakContinue() throws Exception { List file = parseFileForSkylark( "def foo():", " for i in [1, 2]:", " break", " continue", " break"); assertThat(file).hasSize(1); List body = ((FunctionDefStatement) file.get(0)).getStatements(); assertThat(body).hasSize(1); List loop = ((ForStatement) body.get(0)).block(); assertThat(loop).hasSize(3); assertThat(((FlowStatement) loop.get(0)).getKind()).isEqualTo(FlowStatement.Kind.BREAK); assertLocation(34, 40, loop.get(0).getLocation()); assertThat(((FlowStatement) loop.get(1)).getKind()).isEqualTo(FlowStatement.Kind.CONTINUE); assertLocation(44, 53, loop.get(1).getLocation()); assertThat(((FlowStatement) loop.get(2)).getKind()).isEqualTo(FlowStatement.Kind.BREAK); assertLocation(57, 62, loop.get(2).getLocation()); } @Test public void testListLiterals1() throws Exception { ListLiteral list = (ListLiteral) parseExpression("[0,1,2]"); assertFalse(list.isTuple()); assertThat(list.getElements()).hasSize(3); assertFalse(list.isTuple()); for (int i = 0; i < 3; ++i) { assertEquals(i, getIntElem(list, i)); } } @Test public void testTupleLiterals2() throws Exception { ListLiteral tuple = (ListLiteral) parseExpression("(0,1,2)"); assertTrue(tuple.isTuple()); assertThat(tuple.getElements()).hasSize(3); assertTrue(tuple.isTuple()); for (int i = 0; i < 3; ++i) { assertEquals(i, getIntElem(tuple, i)); } } @Test public void testTupleWithoutParens() throws Exception { ListLiteral tuple = (ListLiteral) parseExpression("0, 1, 2"); assertTrue(tuple.isTuple()); assertThat(tuple.getElements()).hasSize(3); assertTrue(tuple.isTuple()); for (int i = 0; i < 3; ++i) { assertEquals(i, getIntElem(tuple, i)); } } @Test public void testTupleWithoutParensWithTrailingComma() throws Exception { ListLiteral tuple = (ListLiteral) parseExpression("0, 1, 2, 3,"); assertTrue(tuple.isTuple()); assertThat(tuple.getElements()).hasSize(4); assertTrue(tuple.isTuple()); for (int i = 0; i < 4; ++i) { assertEquals(i, getIntElem(tuple, i)); } } @Test public void testTupleLiterals3() throws Exception { ListLiteral emptyTuple = (ListLiteral) parseExpression("()"); assertTrue(emptyTuple.isTuple()); assertThat(emptyTuple.getElements()).isEmpty(); } @Test public void testTupleLiterals4() throws Exception { ListLiteral singletonTuple = (ListLiteral) parseExpression("(42,)"); assertTrue(singletonTuple.isTuple()); assertThat(singletonTuple.getElements()).hasSize(1); assertEquals(42, getIntElem(singletonTuple, 0)); } @Test public void testTupleLiterals5() throws Exception { IntegerLiteral intLit = (IntegerLiteral) parseExpression("(42)"); // not a tuple! assertEquals(42, (int) intLit.getValue()); } @Test public void testListLiterals6() throws Exception { ListLiteral emptyList = (ListLiteral) parseExpression("[]"); assertFalse(emptyList.isTuple()); assertThat(emptyList.getElements()).isEmpty(); } @Test public void testListLiterals7() throws Exception { ListLiteral singletonList = (ListLiteral) parseExpression("[42,]"); assertFalse(singletonList.isTuple()); assertThat(singletonList.getElements()).hasSize(1); assertEquals(42, getIntElem(singletonList, 0)); } @Test public void testListLiterals8() throws Exception { ListLiteral singletonList = (ListLiteral) parseExpression("[42]"); // a singleton assertFalse(singletonList.isTuple()); assertThat(singletonList.getElements()).hasSize(1); assertEquals(42, getIntElem(singletonList, 0)); } @Test public void testDictionaryLiterals() throws Exception { DictionaryLiteral dictionaryList = (DictionaryLiteral) parseExpression("{1:42}"); // a singleton dictionary assertThat(dictionaryList.getEntries()).hasSize(1); DictionaryEntryLiteral tuple = getElem(dictionaryList, 0); assertEquals(1, getIntElem(tuple, true)); assertEquals(42, getIntElem(tuple, false)); } @Test public void testDictionaryLiterals1() throws Exception { DictionaryLiteral dictionaryList = (DictionaryLiteral) parseExpression("{}"); // an empty dictionary assertThat(dictionaryList.getEntries()).isEmpty(); } @Test public void testDictionaryLiterals2() throws Exception { DictionaryLiteral dictionaryList = (DictionaryLiteral) parseExpression("{1:42,}"); // a singleton dictionary assertThat(dictionaryList.getEntries()).hasSize(1); DictionaryEntryLiteral tuple = getElem(dictionaryList, 0); assertEquals(1, getIntElem(tuple, true)); assertEquals(42, getIntElem(tuple, false)); } @Test public void testDictionaryLiterals3() throws Exception { DictionaryLiteral dictionaryList = (DictionaryLiteral) parseExpression("{1:42,2:43,3:44}"); assertThat(dictionaryList.getEntries()).hasSize(3); for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) { DictionaryEntryLiteral tuple = getElem(dictionaryList, i); assertEquals(i + 1, getIntElem(tuple, true)); assertEquals(i + 42, getIntElem(tuple, false)); } } @Test public void testListLiterals9() throws Exception { ListLiteral singletonList = (ListLiteral) parseExpression("[ abi + opt_level + \'/include\' ]"); assertFalse(singletonList.isTuple()); assertThat(singletonList.getElements()).hasSize(1); } @Test public void testListComprehensionSyntax() throws Exception { setFailFast(false); parseExpression("[x for"); assertContainsError("syntax error at 'newline'"); clearEvents(); parseExpression("[x for x"); assertContainsError("syntax error at 'newline'"); clearEvents(); parseExpression("[x for x in"); assertContainsError("syntax error at 'newline'"); clearEvents(); parseExpression("[x for x in []"); assertContainsError("syntax error at 'newline'"); clearEvents(); parseExpression("[x for x for y in ['a']]"); assertContainsError("syntax error at 'for'"); clearEvents(); } @Test public void testListComprehensionEmptyList() throws Exception { List clauses = ((ListComprehension) parseExpression( "['foo/%s.java' % x for x in []]")).getClauses(); assertThat(clauses).hasSize(1); assertThat(clauses.get(0).getExpression().toString()).isEqualTo("[]"); assertThat(clauses.get(0).getLValue().getExpression().toString()).isEqualTo("x"); } @Test public void testListComprehension() throws Exception { List clauses = ((ListComprehension) parseExpression( "['foo/%s.java' % x for x in ['bar', 'wiz', 'quux']]")).getClauses(); assertThat(clauses).hasSize(1); assertThat(clauses.get(0).getLValue().getExpression().toString()).isEqualTo("x"); assertThat(clauses.get(0).getExpression()).isInstanceOf(ListLiteral.class); } @Test public void testForForListComprehension() throws Exception { List clauses = ((ListComprehension) parseExpression( "['%s/%s.java' % (x, y) for x in ['foo', 'bar'] for y in list]")).getClauses(); assertThat(clauses).hasSize(2); assertThat(clauses.get(0).getLValue().getExpression().toString()).isEqualTo("x"); assertThat(clauses.get(0).getExpression()).isInstanceOf(ListLiteral.class); assertThat(clauses.get(1).getLValue().getExpression().toString()).isEqualTo("y"); assertThat(clauses.get(1).getExpression()).isInstanceOf(Identifier.class); } @Test public void testParserRecovery() throws Exception { setFailFast(false); List statements = parseFileForSkylark( "def foo():", " a = 2 for 4", // parse error " b = [3, 4]", "", "d = 4 ada", // parse error "", "def bar():", " a = [3, 4]", " b = 2 + + 5", // parse error ""); assertThat(getEventCollector()).hasSize(3); assertContainsError("syntax error at 'for': expected newline"); assertContainsError("syntax error at 'ada': expected newline"); assertContainsError("syntax error at '+': expected expression"); assertThat(statements).hasSize(3); } @Test public void testParserContainsErrorsIfSyntaxException() throws Exception { setFailFast(false); parseExpression("'foo' %%"); assertContainsError("syntax error at '%'"); } @Test public void testParserDoesNotContainErrorsIfSuccess() throws Exception { parseExpression("'foo'"); } @Test public void testParserContainsErrors() throws Exception { setFailFast(false); parseFile("+"); assertContainsError("syntax error at '+'"); } @Test public void testSemicolonAndNewline() throws Exception { List stmts = parseFile( "foo='bar'; foo(bar)", "", "foo='bar'; foo(bar)"); assertThat(stmts).hasSize(4); } @Test public void testSemicolonAndNewline2() throws Exception { setFailFast(false); List stmts = parseFile( "foo='foo' error(bar)", "", ""); assertContainsError("syntax error at 'error'"); assertThat(stmts).hasSize(1); } @Test public void testExprAsStatement() throws Exception { List stmts = parseFile( "li = []", "li.append('a.c')", "\"\"\" string comment \"\"\"", "foo(bar)"); assertThat(stmts).hasSize(4); } @Test public void testParseBuildFileWithSingeRule() throws Exception { List stmts = parseFile( "genrule(name = 'foo',", " srcs = ['input.csv'],", " outs = [ 'result.txt',", " 'result.log'],", " cmd = 'touch result.txt result.log')", ""); assertThat(stmts).hasSize(1); } @Test public void testParseBuildFileWithMultipleRules() throws Exception { List stmts = parseFile( "genrule(name = 'foo',", " srcs = ['input.csv'],", " outs = [ 'result.txt',", " 'result.log'],", " cmd = 'touch result.txt result.log')", "", "genrule(name = 'bar',", " srcs = ['input.csv'],", " outs = [ 'graph.svg'],", " cmd = 'touch graph.svg')"); assertThat(stmts).hasSize(2); } @Test public void testParseBuildFileWithComments() throws Exception { Parser.ParseResult result = parseFileWithComments( "# Test BUILD file", "# with multi-line comment", "", "genrule(name = 'foo',", " srcs = ['input.csv'],", " outs = [ 'result.txt',", " 'result.log'],", " cmd = 'touch result.txt result.log')"); assertThat(result.statements).hasSize(1); assertThat(result.comments).hasSize(2); } @Test public void testParseBuildFileWithManyComments() throws Exception { Parser.ParseResult result = parseFileWithComments( "# 1", "# 2", "", "# 4 ", "# 5", "#", // 6 - find empty comment for syntax highlighting "# 7 ", "# 8", "genrule(name = 'foo',", " srcs = ['input.csv'],", " # 11", " outs = [ 'result.txt',", " 'result.log'], # 13", " cmd = 'touch result.txt result.log')", "# 15"); assertThat(result.statements).hasSize(1); // Single genrule StringBuilder commentLines = new StringBuilder(); for (Comment comment : result.comments) { // Comments start and end on the same line assertEquals(comment.getLocation().getStartLineAndColumn().getLine() + " ends on " + comment.getLocation().getEndLineAndColumn().getLine(), comment.getLocation().getStartLineAndColumn().getLine(), comment.getLocation().getEndLineAndColumn().getLine()); commentLines.append('('); commentLines.append(comment.getLocation().getStartLineAndColumn().getLine()); commentLines.append(','); commentLines.append(comment.getLocation().getStartLineAndColumn().getColumn()); commentLines.append(") "); } assertWithMessage("Found: " + commentLines) .that(result.comments.size()).isEqualTo(10); // One per '#' } @Test public void testMissingComma() throws Exception { setFailFast(false); // Regression test. // Note: missing comma after name='foo' parseFile("genrule(name = 'foo'\n" + " srcs = ['in'])"); assertContainsError("syntax error at 'srcs'"); } @Test public void testDoubleSemicolon() throws Exception { setFailFast(false); // Regression test. parseFile("x = 1; ; x = 2;"); assertContainsError("syntax error at ';'"); } @Test public void testFunctionDefinitionErrorRecovery() throws Exception { // Parser skips over entire function definitions, and reports a meaningful // error. setFailFast(false); List stmts = parseFile( "x = 1;\n" + "def foo(x, y, **z):\n" + " # a comment\n" + " x = 2\n" + " foo(bar)\n" + " return z\n" + "x = 3"); assertThat(stmts).hasSize(2); } @Test public void testFunctionDefinitionIgnoredEvenWithUnsupportedKeyword() throws Exception { // Parser skips over entire function definitions without reporting error, // when parsePython is set to true. List stmts = parseFileWithPython( "x = 1;", "def foo(x, y, **z):", " try:", " x = 2", " with: pass", " return 2", "x = 3"); assertThat(stmts).hasSize(2); } @Test public void testFunctionDefinitionIgnored() throws Exception { // Parser skips over entire function definitions without reporting error, // when parsePython is set to true. List stmts = parseFileWithPython( "x = 1;", "def foo(x, y, **z):", " # a comment", " if true:", " x = 2", " foo(bar)", " return z", "x = 3"); assertThat(stmts).hasSize(2); stmts = parseFileWithPython( "x = 1;", "def foo(x, y, **z): return x", "x = 3"); assertThat(stmts).hasSize(2); } @Test public void testMissingBlock() throws Exception { setFailFast(false); List stmts = parseFileWithPython( "x = 1;", "def foo(x):", "x = 2;\n"); assertThat(stmts).hasSize(2); assertContainsError("expected an indented block"); } @Test public void testInvalidDef() throws Exception { setFailFast(false); parseFileWithPython( "x = 1;", "def foo(x)", "x = 2;\n"); assertContainsError("syntax error at 'EOF'"); } @Test public void testDefSingleLine() throws Exception { List statements = parseFileForSkylark( "def foo(): x = 1; y = 2\n"); FunctionDefStatement stmt = (FunctionDefStatement) statements.get(0); assertThat(stmt.getStatements()).hasSize(2); } @Test public void testSkipIfBlock() throws Exception { // Skip over 'if' blocks, when parsePython is set List stmts = parseFileWithPython( "x = 1;", "if x == 1:", " foo(x)", "else:", " bar(x)", "x = 3;\n"); assertThat(stmts).hasSize(2); } @Test public void testPass() throws Exception { List statements = parseFileForSkylark("pass\n"); assertThat(statements).isEmpty(); } @Test public void testForPass() throws Exception { List statements = parseFileForSkylark( "def foo():", " pass\n"); assertThat(statements).hasSize(1); FunctionDefStatement stmt = (FunctionDefStatement) statements.get(0); assertThat(stmt.getStatements()).isEmpty(); } @Test public void testSkipIfBlockFail() throws Exception { // Do not parse 'if' blocks, when parsePython is not set setFailFast(false); List stmts = parseFile( "x = 1;", "if x == 1:", " x = 2", "x = 3;\n"); assertThat(stmts).hasSize(2); assertContainsError("This is not supported in BUILD files"); } @Test public void testForLoopMultipleVariables() throws Exception { List stmts1 = parseFile("[ i for i, j, k in [(1, 2, 3)] ]\n"); assertThat(stmts1).hasSize(1); List stmts2 = parseFile("[ i for i, j in [(1, 2, 3)] ]\n"); assertThat(stmts2).hasSize(1); List stmts3 = parseFile("[ i for (i, j, k) in [(1, 2, 3)] ]\n"); assertThat(stmts3).hasSize(1); } @Test public void testReturnNone() throws Exception { List defNone = parseFileForSkylark("def foo():", " return None\n"); assertThat(defNone).hasSize(1); List bodyNone = ((FunctionDefStatement) defNone.get(0)).getStatements(); assertThat(bodyNone).hasSize(1); ReturnStatement returnNone = (ReturnStatement) bodyNone.get(0); assertEquals("None", ((Identifier) returnNone.getReturnExpression()).getName()); int i = 0; for (String end : new String[]{";", "\n"}) { List defNoExpr = parseFileForSkylark("def bar" + i + "():", " return" + end); i++; assertThat(defNoExpr).hasSize(1); List bodyNoExpr = ((FunctionDefStatement) defNoExpr.get(0)).getStatements(); assertThat(bodyNoExpr).hasSize(1); ReturnStatement returnNoExpr = (ReturnStatement) bodyNoExpr.get(0); Identifier none = (Identifier) returnNoExpr.getReturnExpression(); assertEquals("None", none.getName()); assertLocation( returnNoExpr.getLocation().getStartOffset(), returnNoExpr.getLocation().getEndOffset(), none.getLocation()); } } @Test public void testForLoopBadSyntax() throws Exception { setFailFast(false); parseFile("[1 for (a, b, c in var]\n"); assertContainsError("syntax error"); } @Test public void testForLoopBadSyntax2() throws Exception { setFailFast(false); parseFile("[1 for in var]\n"); assertContainsError("syntax error"); } @Test public void testFunCallBadSyntax() throws Exception { setFailFast(false); parseFile("f(1,\n"); assertContainsError("syntax error"); } @Test public void testFunCallBadSyntax2() throws Exception { setFailFast(false); parseFile("f(1, 5, ,)\n"); assertContainsError("syntax error"); } private static final String DOUBLE_SLASH_LOAD = "load('//foo/bar/file', 'test')\n"; private static final String DOUBLE_SLASH_ERROR = "First argument of load() is a path, not a label. It should start with a " + "single slash if it is an absolute path."; @Test public void testLoadDoubleSlashBuild() throws Exception { setFailFast(false); parseFile(DOUBLE_SLASH_LOAD); assertContainsError(DOUBLE_SLASH_ERROR); } @Test public void testLoadDoubleSlashSkylark() throws Exception { setFailFast(false); parseFileForSkylark(DOUBLE_SLASH_LOAD); assertContainsError(DOUBLE_SLASH_ERROR); } @Test public void testLoadNoSymbol() throws Exception { setFailFast(false); parseFileForSkylark("load('/foo/bar/file')\n"); assertContainsError("syntax error"); } @Test public void testLoadOneSymbol() throws Exception { List statements = parseFileForSkylark( "load('/foo/bar/file', 'fun_test')\n"); LoadStatement stmt = (LoadStatement) statements.get(0); assertEquals("/foo/bar/file.bzl", stmt.getImportPath().toString()); assertThat(stmt.getSymbols()).hasSize(1); } @Test public void testLoadOneSymbolWithTrailingComma() throws Exception { List statements = parseFileForSkylark( "load('/foo/bar/file', 'fun_test',)\n"); LoadStatement stmt = (LoadStatement) statements.get(0); assertEquals("/foo/bar/file.bzl", stmt.getImportPath().toString()); assertThat(stmt.getSymbols()).hasSize(1); } @Test public void testLoadMultipleSymbols() throws Exception { List statements = parseFileForSkylark( "load('file', 'foo', 'bar')\n"); LoadStatement stmt = (LoadStatement) statements.get(0); assertEquals("file.bzl", stmt.getImportPath().toString()); assertThat(stmt.getSymbols()).hasSize(2); } @Test public void testLoadSyntaxError() throws Exception { setFailFast(false); parseFileForSkylark("load(non_quoted, 'a')\n"); assertContainsError("syntax error"); } @Test public void testLoadSyntaxError2() throws Exception { setFailFast(false); parseFileForSkylark("load('non_quoted', a)\n"); assertContainsError("syntax error"); } @Test public void testLoadNotAtTopLevel() throws Exception { setFailFast(false); parseFileForSkylark("if 1: load(8)\n"); assertContainsError("function 'load' does not exist"); } @Test public void testLoadAlias() throws Exception { runLoadAliasTestForSymbols("my_alias = 'lawl'", "my_alias"); } @Test public void testLoadAliasMultiple() throws Exception { runLoadAliasTestForSymbols( "my_alias = 'lawl', 'lol', next_alias = 'rofl'", "my_alias", "lol", "next_alias"); } private void runLoadAliasTestForSymbols(String loadSymbolString, String... expectedSymbols) { List statements = parseFileForSkylark(String.format("load('/foo/bar/file', %s)\n", loadSymbolString)); LoadStatement stmt = (LoadStatement) statements.get(0); ImmutableList actualSymbols = stmt.getSymbols(); assertThat(actualSymbols).hasSize(expectedSymbols.length); List actualSymbolNames = new LinkedList<>(); for (Identifier identifier : actualSymbols) { actualSymbolNames.add(identifier.getName()); } assertThat(actualSymbolNames).containsExactly((Object[]) expectedSymbols); } @Test public void testLoadAliasSyntaxError() throws Exception { setFailFast(false); parseFileForSkylark("load('/foo', test1 = )\n"); assertContainsError("syntax error at ')': expected string"); parseFileForSkylark("load('/foo', test2 = 1)\n"); assertContainsError("syntax error at '1': expected string"); parseFileForSkylark("load('/foo', test3 = old)\n"); assertContainsError("syntax error at 'old': expected string"); } @Test public void testParseErrorNotComparison() throws Exception { setFailFast(false); parseFile("2 < not 3"); assertContainsError("syntax error at 'not'"); } @Test public void testNotWithArithmeticOperatorsBadSyntax() throws Exception { setFailFast(false); parseFile("0 + not 0"); assertContainsError("syntax error at 'not'"); } @Test public void testKwargsForbidden() throws Exception { setFailFast(false); parseFile("func(**dict)"); assertContainsError("**kwargs arguments are not allowed in BUILD files"); } @Test public void testArgsForbidden() throws Exception { setFailFast(false); parseFile("func(*array)"); assertContainsError("*args arguments are not allowed in BUILD files"); } @Test public void testOptionalArgBeforeMandatoryArgInFuncDef() throws Exception { setFailFast(false); parseFileForSkylark("def func(a, b = 'a', c):\n return 0\n"); assertContainsError( "a mandatory positional parameter must not follow an optional parameter"); } @Test public void testKwargBeforePositionalArg() throws Exception { setFailFast(false); parseFileForSkylark( "def func(a, b): return a + b", "func(**{'b': 1}, 'a')"); assertContainsError("unexpected tokens after kwarg"); } @Test public void testDuplicateKwarg() throws Exception { setFailFast(false); parseFileForSkylark( "def func(a, b): return a + b", "func(**{'b': 1}, **{'a': 2})"); assertContainsError("unexpected tokens after kwarg"); } @Test public void testUnnamedStar() throws Exception { setFailFast(false); List statements = parseFileForSkylark( "def func(a, b1=2, b2=3, *, c1, d=4, c2): return a + b1 + b2 + c1 + c2 + d\n"); assertThat(statements).hasSize(1); assertThat(statements.get(0)).isInstanceOf(FunctionDefStatement.class); FunctionDefStatement stmt = (FunctionDefStatement) statements.get(0); FunctionSignature sig = stmt.getSignature().getSignature(); // Note the reordering of optional named-only at the end. assertThat(sig.getNames()).isEqualTo(ImmutableList.of( "a", "b1", "b2", "c1", "c2", "d")); FunctionSignature.Shape shape = sig.getShape(); assertThat(shape.getMandatoryPositionals()).isEqualTo(1); assertThat(shape.getOptionalPositionals()).isEqualTo(2); assertThat(shape.getMandatoryNamedOnly()).isEqualTo(2); assertThat(shape.getOptionalNamedOnly()).isEqualTo(1); } @Test public void testTopLevelForFails() throws Exception { setFailFast(false); parseFileForSkylark("for i in []: 0\n"); assertContainsError( "for loops are not allowed on top-level. Put it into a function"); } @Test public void testNestedFunctionFails() throws Exception { setFailFast(false); parseFileForSkylark( "def func(a):", " def bar(): return 0", " return bar()", ""); assertContainsError( "nested functions are not allowed. Move the function to top-level"); } @Test public void testElseWithoutIf() throws Exception { setFailFast(false); parseFileForSkylark( "def func(a):", // no if " else: return a"); assertContainsError("syntax error at 'else'"); } @Test public void testTryStatementInBuild() throws Exception { setFailFast(false); parseFile("try: pass"); assertContainsError("syntax error at 'try': Try statements are not supported."); } @Test public void testTryStatementInSkylark() throws Exception { setFailFast(false); parseFileForSkylark("try: pass"); assertContainsError("syntax error at 'try': Try statements are not supported."); } @Test public void testClassDefinitionInBuild() throws Exception { setFailFast(false); parseFile("class test(object): pass"); assertContainsError("syntax error at 'class': Class definitions are not supported."); } @Test public void testClassDefinitionInSkylark() throws Exception { setFailFast(false); parseFileForSkylark("class test(object): pass"); assertContainsError("syntax error at 'class': Class definitions are not supported."); } @Test public void testDefInBuild() throws Exception { setFailFast(false); parseFile("def func(): pass"); assertContainsError("syntax error at 'def': This is not supported in BUILD files. " + "Move the block to a .bzl file and load it"); } }