// Copyright 2006 The Bazel Authors. All Rights Reserved. // // Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); // you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. // You may obtain a copy of the License at // // http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 // // Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software // distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, // WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. // See the License for the specific language governing permissions and // limitations under the License. package com.google.devtools.build.lib.syntax; import static com.google.common.truth.Truth.assertThat; import static org.junit.Assert.assertEquals; import com.google.common.collect.ImmutableList; import com.google.common.collect.ImmutableMap; import com.google.common.collect.Iterables; import com.google.devtools.build.lib.syntax.SkylarkList.MutableList; import com.google.devtools.build.lib.syntax.util.EvaluationTestCase; import org.junit.Before; import org.junit.Test; import org.junit.runner.RunWith; import org.junit.runners.JUnit4; /** * Tests for MethodLibrary. */ @RunWith(JUnit4.class) public class MethodLibraryTest extends EvaluationTestCase { private static final String LINE_SEPARATOR = System.lineSeparator(); @Before public final void setFailFast() throws Exception { setFailFast(true); } @Test public void testMinWithInvalidArgs() throws Exception { new SkylarkTest() .testIfExactError("type 'int' is not iterable", "min(1)") .testIfExactError("Expected at least one argument", "min([])"); } @Test public void testMinWithString() throws Exception { new SkylarkTest() .testStatement("min('abcdefxyz')", "a") .testStatement("min('test', 'xyz')", "test"); } @Test public void testMinWithList() throws Exception { new BothModesTest() .testEval("min([4, 5], [1])", "[1]") .testEval("min([1, 2], [3])", "[1, 2]") .testEval("min([1, 5], [1, 6], [2, 4], [0, 6])", "[0, 6]") .testStatement("min([-1])", -1) .testStatement("min([5, 2, 3])", 2); } @Test public void testMinWithDict() throws Exception { new BothModesTest().testStatement("min({1: 2, -1 : 3})", -1).testStatement("min({2: None})", 2); } @Test public void testMinWithSet() throws Exception { new BothModesTest().testStatement("min(set([-1]))", -1).testStatement("min(set([5, 2, 3]))", 2); } @Test public void testMinWithPositionalArguments() throws Exception { new BothModesTest().testStatement("min(-1, 2)", -1).testStatement("min(5, 2, 3)", 2); } @Test public void testMinWithSameValues() throws Exception { new BothModesTest() .testStatement("min(1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1)", 1) .testStatement("min([1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1])", 1); } @Test public void testMinWithDifferentTypes() throws Exception { new BothModesTest() .testStatement("min(1, '2', True)", true) .testStatement("min([1, '2', True])", true) .testStatement("min(None, 1, 'test')", Runtime.NONE); } @Test public void testMaxWithInvalidArgs() throws Exception { new BothModesTest() .testIfExactError("type 'int' is not iterable", "max(1)") .testIfExactError("Expected at least one argument", "max([])"); } @Test public void testMaxWithString() throws Exception { new BothModesTest() .testStatement("max('abcdefxyz')", "z") .testStatement("max('test', 'xyz')", "xyz"); } @Test public void testMaxWithList() throws Exception { new BothModesTest() .testEval("max([1, 2], [5])", "[5]") .testStatement("max([-1])", -1) .testStatement("max([5, 2, 3])", 5); } @Test public void testMaxWithDict() throws Exception { new BothModesTest().testStatement("max({1: 2, -1 : 3})", 1).testStatement("max({2: None})", 2); } @Test public void testMaxWithSet() throws Exception { new BothModesTest().testStatement("max(set([-1]))", -1).testStatement("max(set([5, 2, 3]))", 5); } @Test public void testMaxWithPositionalArguments() throws Exception { new BothModesTest().testStatement("max(-1, 2)", 2).testStatement("max(5, 2, 3)", 5); } @Test public void testMaxWithSameValues() throws Exception { new BothModesTest() .testStatement("max(1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1)", 1) .testStatement("max([1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1])", 1); } @Test public void testMaxWithDifferentTypes() throws Exception { new BothModesTest() .testStatement("max(1, '2', True)", "2") .testStatement("max([1, '2', True])", "2") .testStatement("max(None, 1, 'test')", "test"); } @Test public void testSplitLines_EmptyLine() throws Exception { new BothModesTest().testEval("''.splitlines()", "[]").testEval("'\\n'.splitlines()", "['']"); } @Test public void testSplitLines_StartsWithLineBreak() throws Exception { new BothModesTest().testEval("'\\ntest'.splitlines()", "['', 'test']"); } @Test public void testSplitLines_EndsWithLineBreak() throws Exception { new BothModesTest().testEval("'test\\n'.splitlines()", "['test']"); } @Test public void testSplitLines_DifferentLineBreaks() throws Exception { new BothModesTest() .testEval("'this\\nis\\na\\ntest'.splitlines()", "['this', 'is', 'a', 'test']"); } @Test public void testSplitLines_OnlyLineBreaks() throws Exception { new BothModesTest() .testEval("'\\n\\n\\n'.splitlines()", "['', '', '']") .testEval("'\\r\\r\\r'.splitlines()", "['', '', '']") .testEval("'\\n\\r\\n\\r'.splitlines()", "['', '', '']") .testEval("'\\r\\n\\r\\n\\r\\n'.splitlines()", "['', '', '']"); } @Test public void testSplitLines_EscapedSequences() throws Exception { new BothModesTest().testEval("'\\n\\\\n\\\\\\n'.splitlines()", "['', '\\\\n\\\\']"); } @Test public void testSplitLines_KeepEnds() throws Exception { new BothModesTest() .testEval("''.splitlines(True)", "[]") .testEval("'\\n'.splitlines(True)", "['\\n']") .testEval( "'this\\nis\\r\\na\\rtest'.splitlines(True)", "['this\\n', 'is\\r\\n', 'a\\r', 'test']") .testEval("'\\ntest'.splitlines(True)", "['\\n', 'test']") .testEval("'test\\n'.splitlines(True)", "['test\\n']") .testEval("'\\n\\\\n\\\\\\n'.splitlines(True)", "['\\n', '\\\\n\\\\\\n']"); } @Test public void testStringIsAlnum() throws Exception { new BothModesTest() .testStatement("''.isalnum()", false) .testStatement("'a0 33'.isalnum()", false) .testStatement("'1'.isalnum()", true) .testStatement("'a033'.isalnum()", true); } @Test public void testStringIsDigit() throws Exception { new BothModesTest() .testStatement("''.isdigit()", false) .testStatement("' '.isdigit()", false) .testStatement("'a'.isdigit()", false) .testStatement("'0234325.33'.isdigit()", false) .testStatement("'1'.isdigit()", true) .testStatement("'033'.isdigit()", true); } @Test public void testStringIsSpace() throws Exception { new BothModesTest() .testStatement("''.isspace()", false) .testStatement("'a'.isspace()", false) .testStatement("'1'.isspace()", false) .testStatement("'\\ta\\n'.isspace()", false) .testStatement("' '.isspace()", true) .testStatement("'\\t\\n'.isspace()", true); } @Test public void testStringIsLower() throws Exception { new BothModesTest() .testStatement("''.islower()", false) .testStatement("' '.islower()", false) .testStatement("'1'.islower()", false) .testStatement("'Almost'.islower()", false) .testStatement("'abc'.islower()", true) .testStatement("' \\nabc'.islower()", true) .testStatement("'abc def\\n'.islower()", true) .testStatement("'\\ta\\n'.islower()", true); } @Test public void testStringIsUpper() throws Exception { new BothModesTest() .testStatement("''.isupper()", false) .testStatement("' '.isupper()", false) .testStatement("'1'.isupper()", false) .testStatement("'aLMOST'.isupper()", false) .testStatement("'ABC'.isupper()", true) .testStatement("' \\nABC'.isupper()", true) .testStatement("'ABC DEF\\n'.isupper()", true) .testStatement("'\\tA\\n'.isupper()", true); } @Test public void testStringIsTitle() throws Exception { new BothModesTest() .testStatement("''.istitle()", false) .testStatement("' '.istitle()", false) .testStatement("'134'.istitle()", false) .testStatement("'almost Correct'.istitle()", false) .testStatement("'1nope Nope Nope'.istitle()", false) .testStatement("'NO Way'.istitle()", false) .testStatement("'T'.istitle()", true) .testStatement("'Correct'.istitle()", true) .testStatement("'Very Correct! Yes\\nIndeed1X'.istitle()", true) .testStatement("'1234Ab Ab'.istitle()", true) .testStatement("'\\tA\\n'.istitle()", true); } @Test public void testAllWithEmptyValue() throws Exception { new BothModesTest() .testStatement("all('')", true) .testStatement("all([])", true) .testIfExactError("type 'NoneType' is not iterable", "any(None)"); } @Test public void testAllWithPrimitiveType() throws Exception { new BothModesTest().testStatement("all('test')", true).testIfErrorContains("", "all(1)"); } @Test public void testAllWithList() throws Exception { new BothModesTest() .testStatement("all([False])", false) .testStatement("all([True, False])", false) .testStatement("all([False, False])", false) .testStatement("all([False, True])", false) .testStatement("all(['', True])", false) .testStatement("all([0, True])", false) .testStatement("all([[], True])", false) .testStatement("all([True, 't', 1])", true); } @Test public void testAllWithSet() throws Exception { new BothModesTest() .testStatement("all(set([0]))", false) .testStatement("all(set([1, 0]))", false) .testStatement("all(set([1]))", true); } @Test public void testAllWithDict() throws Exception { new BothModesTest() .testStatement("all({1 : None})", true) .testStatement("all({None : 1})", false); } @Test public void testAnyWithEmptyValue() throws Exception { new BothModesTest() .testStatement("any('')", false) .testStatement("any([])", false) .testIfExactError("type 'NoneType' is not iterable", "any(None)"); } @Test public void testAnyWithPrimitiveType() throws Exception { new BothModesTest().testStatement("any('test')", true).testIfErrorContains("", "any(1)"); } @Test public void testAnyWithList() throws Exception { new BothModesTest() .testStatement("any([False])", false) .testStatement("any([0])", false) .testStatement("any([''])", false) .testStatement("any([[]])", false) .testStatement("any([True, False])", true) .testStatement("any([False, False])", false) .testStatement("any([False, '', 0])", false) .testStatement("any([False, '', 42])", true); } @Test public void testAnyWithSet() throws Exception { new BothModesTest() .testStatement("any(set([0]))", false) .testStatement("any(set([1, 0]))", true); } @Test public void testAnyWithDict() throws Exception { new BothModesTest() .testStatement("any({1 : None, '' : None})", true) .testStatement("any({None : 1, '' : 2})", false); } @Test public void testStackTraceLocation() throws Exception { new SkylarkTest() .testIfErrorContains( "Traceback (most recent call last):" + LINE_SEPARATOR + "\tFile \"\", line 8" + LINE_SEPARATOR + "\t\tfoo()" + LINE_SEPARATOR + "\tFile \"\", line 2, in foo" + LINE_SEPARATOR + "\t\tbar(1)" + LINE_SEPARATOR + "\tFile \"\", line 7, in bar" + LINE_SEPARATOR + "\t\t'test'.index(x)", "def foo():", " bar(1)", "def bar(x):", " if x == 1:", " a = x", " b = 2", " 'test'.index(x)", "foo()"); } @Test public void testStackTraceWithIf() throws Exception { new SkylarkTest() .testIfErrorContains( "File \"\", line 5" + LINE_SEPARATOR + "\t\tfoo()" + LINE_SEPARATOR + "\tFile \"\", line 3, in foo" + LINE_SEPARATOR + "\t\ts[0]", "def foo():", " s = set()", " if s[0] == 1:", " x = 1", "foo()"); } @Test public void testStackTraceSkipBuiltInOnly() throws Exception { // The error message should not include the stack trace when there is // only one built-in function. new BothModesTest() .testIfExactError( "Method string.index(sub: string, start: int, end: int or NoneType) is not applicable " + "for arguments (int, int, NoneType): 'sub' is int, but should be string", "'test'.index(1)"); } @Test public void testStackTrace() throws Exception { // Unlike SkylarintegrationTests#testStackTraceErrorInFunction(), this test // has neither a BUILD nor a bzl file. new SkylarkTest() .testIfExactError( "Traceback (most recent call last):" + LINE_SEPARATOR + "\tFile \"\", line 6" + LINE_SEPARATOR + "\t\tfoo()" + LINE_SEPARATOR + "\tFile \"\", line 2, in foo" + LINE_SEPARATOR + "\t\tbar(1)" + LINE_SEPARATOR + "\tFile \"\", line 5, in bar" + LINE_SEPARATOR + "\t\t'test'.index(x)" + LINE_SEPARATOR + "Method string.index(sub: string, start: int, end: int or NoneType) " + "is not applicable " + "for arguments (int, int, NoneType): 'sub' is int, but should be string", "def foo():", " bar(1)", "def bar(x):", " if 1 == 1:", " 'test'.index(x)", "foo()"); } @Test public void testBuiltinFunctionErrorMessage() throws Exception { new BothModesTest() .testIfErrorContains( "Method set.union(new_elements: Iterable) is not applicable for arguments (string): " + "'new_elements' is string, but should be Iterable", "set([]).union('a')") .testIfErrorContains( "Method string.startswith(sub: string, start: int, end: int or NoneType) is not " + "applicable for arguments (int, int, NoneType): 'sub' is int, " + "but should be string", "'test'.startswith(1)") .testIfErrorContains( "expected value of type 'list(object)' for parameter args in dict(), " + "but got \"a\" (string)", "dict('a')"); } @Test public void testHasAttr() throws Exception { new SkylarkTest() .testStatement("hasattr(set(), 'union')", Boolean.TRUE) .testStatement("hasattr('test', 'count')", Boolean.TRUE) .testStatement("hasattr(dict(a = 1, b = 2), 'items')", Boolean.TRUE) .testStatement("hasattr({}, 'items')", Boolean.TRUE); } @Test public void testGetAttrMissingField() throws Exception { new SkylarkTest() .testIfExactError( "Object of type 'string' has no attribute \"not_there\"", "getattr('a string', 'not_there')") .testStatement("getattr('a string', 'not_there', 'use this')", "use this") .testStatement("getattr('a string', 'not there', None)", Runtime.NONE); } @Test public void testGetAttrWithMethods() throws Exception { String msg = "Object of type 'string' has no attribute \"count\", however, " + "a method of that name exists"; new SkylarkTest() .testIfExactError(msg, "getattr('a string', 'count')") .testStatement("getattr('a string', 'count', 'default')", "default"); } @Test public void testDir() throws Exception { new SkylarkTest() .testStatement( "str(dir({}))", "[\"clear\", \"get\", \"items\", \"keys\"," + " \"pop\", \"popitem\", \"setdefault\", \"update\", \"values\"]"); } @Test public void testBoolean() throws Exception { new BothModesTest().testStatement("False", Boolean.FALSE).testStatement("True", Boolean.TRUE); } @Test public void testBooleanUnsupportedOperationFails() throws Exception { new BothModesTest() .testIfErrorContains("unsupported operand type(s) for +: 'bool' and 'bool'", "True + True"); } @Test public void testPyStringJoin() throws Exception { new BothModesTest().testStatement("'-'.join([ 'a', 'b', 'c' ])", "a-b-c"); } @Test public void testPyStringGlobalJoin() throws Exception { // TODO(bazel-team): BUILD and Skylark should use the same code path (and same error message). new BuildTest() .testIfErrorContains("name 'join' is not defined", "join(' ', [ 'a', 'b', 'c' ])"); new SkylarkTest() .testIfErrorContains( "ERROR 1:1: function 'join' does not exist", "join(' ', [ 'a', 'b', 'c' ])"); new BothModesTest().testStatement("' '.join([ 'a', 'b', 'c' ])", "a b c"); } @Test public void testPyStringJoinCompr() throws Exception { new BothModesTest() .testStatement("''.join([(x + '*') for x in ['a', 'b', 'c']])", "a*b*c*") .testStatement( "''.join([(y + '*' + z + '|') " + "for y in ['a', 'b', 'c'] for z in ['d', 'e']])", "a*d|a*e|b*d|b*e|c*d|c*e|"); } @Test public void testPyStringLower() throws Exception { new BothModesTest().testStatement("'Blah Blah'.lower()", "blah blah"); } @Test public void testPyStringUpper() throws Exception { new BothModesTest() .testStatement("'ein bier'.upper()", "EIN BIER") .testStatement("''.upper()", ""); } @Test public void testPyStringReplace() throws Exception { new BothModesTest() .testStatement("'banana'.replace('a', 'e')", "benene") .testStatement("'banana'.replace('a', '$()')", "b$()n$()n$()") .testStatement("'banana'.replace('a', '$')", "b$n$n$") .testStatement("'banana'.replace('a', '\\\\')", "b\\n\\n\\") .testStatement("'b$()n$()n$()'.replace('$()', '$($())')", "b$($())n$($())n$($())") .testStatement("'b\\\\n\\\\n\\\\'.replace('\\\\', '$()')", "b$()n$()n$()"); } @Test public void testPyStringReplace2() throws Exception { new BothModesTest().testStatement("'banana'.replace('a', 'e', 2)", "benena"); } @Test public void testPyStringSplit() throws Exception { new BothModesTest().testEval("'h i'.split(' ')", "['h', 'i']"); } @Test public void testPyStringSplit2() throws Exception { new BothModesTest().testEval("'h i p'.split(' ')", "['h', 'i', 'p']"); } @Test public void testPyStringSplit3() throws Exception { new BothModesTest().testEval("'a,e,i,o,u'.split(',', 2)", "['a', 'e', 'i,o,u']"); } @Test public void testPyStringSplitNoSep() throws Exception { new BothModesTest() .testEval("' 1 2 3 '.split(' ')", "['', '', '1', '', '2', '', '3', '', '']"); } @Test public void testPyStringRSplitRegex() throws Exception { new BothModesTest() .testEval("'foo/bar.lisp'.rsplit('.')", "['foo/bar', 'lisp']") .testEval("'foo/bar.?lisp'.rsplit('.?')", "['foo/bar', 'lisp']") .testEval("'fwe$foo'.rsplit('$')", "['fwe', 'foo']") .testEval("'windows'.rsplit('\\w')", "['windows']"); } @Test public void testPyStringRSplitNoMatch() throws Exception { new BothModesTest() .testEval("''.rsplit('o')", "['']") .testEval("'google'.rsplit('x')", "['google']"); } @Test public void testPyStringRSplitSeparator() throws Exception { new BothModesTest() .testEval("'xxxxxx'.rsplit('x')", "['', '', '', '', '', '', '']") .testEval("'xxxxxx'.rsplit('x', 1)", "['xxxxx', '']") .testEval("'xxxxxx'.rsplit('x', 2)", "['xxxx', '', '']") .testEval("'xxxxxx'.rsplit('x', 3)", "['xxx', '', '', '']") .testEval("'xxxxxx'.rsplit('x', 4)", "['xx', '', '', '', '']") .testEval("'xxxxxx'.rsplit('x', 5)", "['x', '', '', '', '', '']") .testEval("'xxxxxx'.rsplit('x', 6)", "['', '', '', '', '', '', '']") .testEval("'xxxxxx'.rsplit('x', 7)", "['', '', '', '', '', '', '']"); } @Test public void testPyStringRSplitLongerSep() throws Exception { new BothModesTest() .testEval("'abcdabef'.rsplit('ab')", "['', 'cd', 'ef']") .testEval("'google_or_gogol'.rsplit('go')", "['', 'ogle_or_', '', 'l']"); } @Test public void testPyStringRSplitMaxSplit() throws Exception { new BothModesTest() .testEval("'google'.rsplit('o')", "['g', '', 'gle']") .testEval("'google'.rsplit('o')", "['g', '', 'gle']") .testEval("'google'.rsplit('o', 1)", "['go', 'gle']") .testEval("'google'.rsplit('o', 2)", "['g', '', 'gle']") .testEval("'google'.rsplit('o', 3)", "['g', '', 'gle']") .testEval("'ogooglo'.rsplit('o')", "['', 'g', '', 'gl', '']") .testEval("'ogooglo'.rsplit('o', 1)", "['ogoogl', '']") .testEval("'ogooglo'.rsplit('o', 2)", "['ogo', 'gl', '']") .testEval("'ogooglo'.rsplit('o', 3)", "['og', '', 'gl', '']") .testEval("'ogooglo'.rsplit('o', 4)", "['', 'g', '', 'gl', '']") .testEval("'ogooglo'.rsplit('o', 5)", "['', 'g', '', 'gl', '']") .testEval("'google'.rsplit('google')", "['', '']") .testEval("'google'.rsplit('google', 1)", "['', '']") .testEval("'google'.rsplit('google', 2)", "['', '']"); } @Test public void testPyStringPartitionEasy() throws Exception { new BothModesTest() .testEval("'lawl'.partition('a')", "['l', 'a', 'wl']") .testEval("'lawl'.rpartition('a')", "['l', 'a', 'wl']"); } @Test public void testPyStringPartitionMultipleSep() throws Exception { new BothModesTest() .testEval("'google'.partition('o')", "['g', 'o', 'ogle']") .testEval("'google'.rpartition('o')", "['go', 'o', 'gle']") .testEval("'xxx'.partition('x')", "['', 'x', 'xx']") .testEval("'xxx'.rpartition('x')", "['xx', 'x', '']"); } @Test public void testPyStringPartitionEmptyInput() throws Exception { new BothModesTest() .testEval("''.partition('a')", "['', '', '']") .testEval("''.rpartition('a')", "['', '', '']"); } @Test public void testPyStringPartitionEmptySeparator() throws Exception { new BothModesTest() .testIfErrorContains("Empty separator", "'google'.partition('')") .testIfErrorContains("Empty separator", "'google'.rpartition('')"); } @Test public void testPyStringPartitionDefaultSep() throws Exception { new BothModesTest() .testEval("'hi this is a test'.partition()", "['hi', ' ', 'this is a test']") .testEval("'hi this is a test'.rpartition()", "['hi this is a', ' ', 'test']") .testEval("'google'.partition()", "['google', '', '']") .testEval("'google'.rpartition()", "['', '', 'google']"); } @Test public void testPyStringPartitionNoMatch() throws Exception { new BothModesTest() .testEval("'google'.partition('x')", "['google', '', '']") .testEval("'google'.rpartition('x')", "['', '', 'google']"); } @Test public void testPyStringPartitionWordBoundaries() throws Exception { new BothModesTest() .testEval("'goog'.partition('g')", "['', 'g', 'oog']") .testEval("'goog'.rpartition('g')", "['goo', 'g', '']") .testEval("'plex'.partition('p')", "['', 'p', 'lex']") .testEval("'plex'.rpartition('p')", "['', 'p', 'lex']") .testEval("'plex'.partition('x')", "['ple', 'x', '']") .testEval("'plex'.rpartition('x')", "['ple', 'x', '']"); } @Test public void testPyStringPartitionLongSep() throws Exception { new BothModesTest() .testEval("'google'.partition('oog')", "['g', 'oog', 'le']") .testEval("'google'.rpartition('oog')", "['g', 'oog', 'le']") .testEval( "'lolgooglolgooglolgooglol'.partition('goog')", "['lol', 'goog', 'lolgooglolgooglol']") .testEval( "'lolgooglolgooglolgooglol'.rpartition('goog')", "['lolgooglolgooglol', 'goog', 'lol']"); } @Test public void testPyStringPartitionCompleteString() throws Exception { new BothModesTest() .testEval("'google'.partition('google')", "['', 'google', '']") .testEval("'google'.rpartition('google')", "['', 'google', '']"); } @Test public void testPyStringTitle() throws Exception { new BothModesTest() .testStatement("'this is a very simple test'.title()", "This Is A Very Simple Test"); new BothModesTest() .testStatement("'Do We Keep Capital Letters?'.title()", "Do We Keep Capital Letters?"); new BothModesTest() .testStatement( "'this isn\\'t just an ol\\' apostrophe test'.title()", "This Isn'T Just An Ol' Apostrophe Test"); new BothModesTest() .testStatement( "'Let us test crazy characters: _bla.exe//foo:bla(test$class)'.title()", "Let Us Test Crazy Characters: _Bla.Exe//Foo:Bla(Test$Class)"); new BothModesTest().testStatement("'any germans here? äöü'.title()", "Any Germans Here? Äöü"); new BothModesTest() .testStatement( "'WE HAve tO lOWERCASE soMEthING heRE, AI?'.title()", "We Have To Lowercase Something Here, Ai?"); new BothModesTest() .testStatement("'wh4t ab0ut s0me numb3rs'.title()", "Wh4T Ab0Ut S0Me Numb3Rs"); } @Test public void testCapitalize() throws Exception { new BothModesTest() .testStatement("'hello world'.capitalize()", "Hello world") .testStatement("'HELLO WORLD'.capitalize()", "Hello world") .testStatement("''.capitalize()", "") .testStatement("'12 lower UPPER 34'.capitalize()", "12 lower upper 34"); } @Test public void testPyStringRfind() throws Exception { new BothModesTest() .testStatement("'banana'.rfind('na')", 4) .testStatement("'banana'.rfind('na', 3, 1)", -1) .testStatement("'aaaa'.rfind('a', 1, 1)", -1) .testStatement("'aaaa'.rfind('a', 1, 50)", 3) .testStatement("'aaaa'.rfind('aaaaa')", -1) .testStatement("'abababa'.rfind('ab', 1)", 4) .testStatement("'abababa'.rfind('ab', 0)", 4) .testStatement("'abababa'.rfind('ab', -1)", -1) .testStatement("'abababa'.rfind('ab', -2)", -1) .testStatement("'abababa'.rfind('ab', -3)", 4) .testStatement("'abababa'.rfind('ab', 0, 1)", -1) .testStatement("'abababa'.rfind('ab', 0, 2)", 0) .testStatement("'abababa'.rfind('ab', -1000)", 4) .testStatement("'abababa'.rfind('ab', 1000)", -1) .testStatement("''.rfind('a', 1)", -1); } @Test public void testPyStringFind() throws Exception { new BothModesTest() .testStatement("'banana'.find('na')", 2) .testStatement("'banana'.find('na', 3, 1)", -1) .testStatement("'aaaa'.find('a', 1, 1)", -1) .testStatement("'aaaa'.find('a', 1, 50)", 1) .testStatement("'aaaa'.find('aaaaa')", -1) .testStatement("'abababa'.find('ab', 1)", 2) .testStatement("'abababa'.find('ab', 0)", 0) .testStatement("'abababa'.find('ab', -1)", -1) .testStatement("'abababa'.find('ab', -2)", -1) .testStatement("'abababa'.find('ab', -3)", 4) .testStatement("'abababa'.find('ab', 0, 1)", -1) .testStatement("'abababa'.find('ab', 0, 2)", 0) .testStatement("'abababa'.find('ab', -1000)", 0) .testStatement("'abababa'.find('ab', 1000)", -1) .testStatement("''.find('a', 1)", -1); } @Test public void testPyStringIndex() throws Exception { new BothModesTest() .testStatement("'banana'.index('na')", 2) .testStatement("'abababa'.index('ab', 1)", 2) .testIfErrorContains("substring \"foo\" not found in \"banana\"", "'banana'.index('foo')"); } @Test public void testPyStringRIndex() throws Exception { new BothModesTest() .testStatement("'banana'.rindex('na')", 4) .testStatement("'abababa'.rindex('ab', 1)", 4) .testIfErrorContains("substring \"foo\" not found in \"banana\"", "'banana'.rindex('foo')"); } @Test public void testPyStringEndswith() throws Exception { new BothModesTest() .testStatement("'Apricot'.endswith('cot')", true) .testStatement("'a'.endswith('')", true) .testStatement("''.endswith('')", true) .testStatement("'Apricot'.endswith('co')", false) .testStatement("'Apricot'.endswith('co', -1)", false) .testStatement("'abcd'.endswith('c', -2, -1)", true) .testStatement("'abcd'.endswith('c', 1, 8)", false) .testStatement("'abcd'.endswith('d', 1, 8)", true); } @Test public void testPyStringStartswith() throws Exception { new BothModesTest() .testStatement("'Apricot'.startswith('Apr')", true) .testStatement("'Apricot'.startswith('A')", true) .testStatement("'Apricot'.startswith('')", true) .testStatement("'Apricot'.startswith('z')", false) .testStatement("''.startswith('')", true) .testStatement("''.startswith('a')", false); } @Test public void testPySubstring() throws Exception { new BothModesTest() .testStatement("'012345678'[0:-1]", "01234567") .testStatement("'012345678'[2:4]", "23") .testStatement("'012345678'[-5:-3]", "45") .testStatement("'012345678'[2:2]", "") .testStatement("'012345678'[2:]", "2345678") .testStatement("'012345678'[:3]", "012") .testStatement("'012345678'[-1:]", "8") .testStatement("'012345678'[:]", "012345678") .testStatement("'012345678'[-1:2]", "") .testStatement("'012345678'[4:2]", ""); } @Test public void testPyStringFormatEscaping() throws Exception { new BothModesTest() .testStatement("'{{}}'.format()", "{}") .testStatement("'{{}}'.format(42)", "{}") .testStatement("'{{ }}'.format()", "{ }") .testStatement("'{{ }}'.format(42)", "{ }") .testStatement("'{{{{}}}}'.format()", "{{}}") .testStatement("'{{{{}}}}'.format(42)", "{{}}") .testStatement("'{{0}}'.format(42)", "{0}") .testStatement("'{{}}'.format(42)", "{}") .testStatement("'{{{}}}'.format(42)", "{42}") .testStatement("'{{ '.format(42)", "{ ") .testStatement("' }}'.format(42)", " }") .testStatement("'{{ {}'.format(42)", "{ 42") .testStatement("'{} }}'.format(42)", "42 }") .testStatement("'{{0}}'.format(42)", "{0}") .testStatement("'{{{0}}}'.format(42)", "{42}") .testStatement("'{{ 0'.format(42)", "{ 0") .testStatement("'0 }}'.format(42)", "0 }") .testStatement("'{{ {0}'.format(42)", "{ 42") .testStatement("'{0} }}'.format(42)", "42 }") .testStatement("'{{test}}'.format(test = 42)", "{test}") .testStatement("'{{{test}}}'.format(test = 42)", "{42}") .testStatement("'{{ test'.format(test = 42)", "{ test") .testStatement("'test }}'.format(test = 42)", "test }") .testStatement("'{{ {test}'.format(test = 42)", "{ 42") .testStatement("'{test} }}'.format(test = 42)", "42 }") .testIfErrorContains("Found '}' without matching '{'", "'{{}'.format(1)") .testIfErrorContains("Found '}' without matching '{'", "'{}}'.format(1)"); } @Test public void testPyStringFormatManualPositionals() throws Exception { new BothModesTest() .testStatement( "'{0}, {1} {2} {3} test'.format('hi', 'this', 'is', 'a')", "hi, this is a test") .testStatement( "'{3}, {2} {1} {0} test'.format('a', 'is', 'this', 'hi')", "hi, this is a test") .testStatement( "'skip some {0}'.format('arguments', 'obsolete', 'deprecated')", "skip some arguments") .testStatement( "'{0} can be reused: {0}'.format('this', 'obsolete')", "this can be reused: this"); } @Test public void testPyStringFormatManualPositionalsErrors() throws Exception { new BothModesTest() .testIfErrorContains("No replacement found for index 0", "'{0}'.format()") .testIfErrorContains("No replacement found for index 1", "'{0} and {1}'.format('this')") .testIfErrorContains( "No replacement found for index 2", "'{0} and {2}'.format('this', 'that')") .testIfErrorContains( "No replacement found for index -1", "'{-0} and {-1}'.format('this', 'that')") .testIfErrorContains( "Invalid character ',' inside replacement field", "'{0,1} and {1}'.format('this', 'that')") .testIfErrorContains( "Invalid character '.' inside replacement field", "'{0.1} and {1}'.format('this', 'that')"); } @Test public void testPyStringFormatAutomaticPositionals() throws Exception { new BothModesTest() .testStatement("'{}, {} {} {} test'.format('hi', 'this', 'is', 'a')", "hi, this is a test") .testStatement( "'skip some {}'.format('arguments', 'obsolete', 'deprecated')", "skip some arguments"); } @Test public void testPyStringFormatAutomaticPositionalsError() throws Exception { new BothModesTest() .testIfErrorContains("No replacement found for index 0", "'{}'.format()") .testIfErrorContains("No replacement found for index 1", "'{} and {}'.format('this')"); } @Test public void testPyStringFormatMixedFields() throws Exception { new BothModesTest() .testStatement("'{test} and {}'.format(2, test = 1)", "1 and 2") .testStatement("'{test} and {0}'.format(2, test = 1)", "1 and 2") .testIfErrorContains( "non-keyword arg after keyword arg", "'{test} and {}'.format(test = 1, 2)") .testIfErrorContains( "non-keyword arg after keyword arg", "'{test} and {0}'.format(test = 1, 2)") .testIfErrorContains( "Cannot mix manual and automatic numbering of positional fields", "'{} and {1}'.format(1, 2)") .testIfErrorContains( "Cannot mix manual and automatic numbering of positional fields", "'{1} and {}'.format(1, 2)"); } @Test public void testPyStringFormatInvalidFields() throws Exception { for (char unsupported : new char[] {'.', '[', ']', ','}) { new BothModesTest() .testIfErrorContains( String.format("Invalid character '%c' inside replacement field", unsupported), String.format("'{test%ctest}'.format(test = 1)", unsupported)); } new BothModesTest() .testIfErrorContains("Nested replacement fields are not supported", "'{ {} }'.format(42)"); } @Test public void testPyStringFormat() throws Exception { new BothModesTest() .testStatement("'abc'.format()", "abc") .testStatement("'x{key}x'.format(key = 2)", "x2x") .testStatement("'x{key}x'.format(key = 'abc')", "xabcx") .testStatement("'{a}{b}{a}{b}'.format(a = 3, b = True)", "3True3True") .testStatement("'{a}{b}{a}{b}'.format(a = 3, b = True)", "3True3True") .testStatement("'{s1}{s2}'.format(s1 = ['a'], s2 = 'a')", "[\"a\"]a") .testIfErrorContains("Missing argument 'b'", "'{a}{b}'.format(a = 5)") .testStatement("'{a}'.format(a = '$')", "$") .testStatement("'{a}'.format(a = '$a')", "$a") .testStatement("'{a}$'.format(a = '$a')", "$a$"); // The test below is using **kwargs, which is not available in BUILD mode. new SkylarkTest().testStatement("'{(}'.format(**{'(': 2})", "2"); } @Test public void testReversedWithInvalidTypes() throws Exception { new BothModesTest() .testIfExactError("type 'NoneType' is not iterable", "reversed(None)") .testIfExactError("type 'int' is not iterable", "reversed(1)") .testIfExactError( "Argument to reversed() must be a sequence, not a dictionary.", "reversed({1: 3})"); new SkylarkTest() .testIfExactError( "Argument to reversed() must be a sequence, not a set.", "reversed(set([1]))"); } @Test public void testReversedWithLists() throws Exception { new BothModesTest() .testEval("reversed([])", "[]") .testEval("reversed([1])", "[1]") .testEval("reversed([1, 2, 3, 4, 5])", "[5, 4, 3, 2, 1]") .testEval("reversed([[1, 2], 3, 4, [5]])", "[[5], 4, 3, [1, 2]]") .testEval("reversed([1, 1, 1, 1, 2])", "[2, 1, 1, 1, 1]"); } @Test public void testReversedWithStrings() throws Exception { new BothModesTest() .testEval("reversed('')", "[]") .testEval("reversed('a')", "['a']") .testEval("reversed('abc')", "['c', 'b', 'a']") .testEval("reversed('__test ')", "[' ', ' ', 't', 's', 'e', 't', '_', '_']") .testEval("reversed('bbb')", "['b', 'b', 'b']"); } @Test public void testReversedNoSideEffects() throws Exception { new SkylarkTest() .testEval( "def foo():\n" + " x = ['a', 'b']\n" + " y = reversed(x)\n" + " y += ['c']\n" + " return x\n" + "foo()", "['a', 'b']"); } @Test public void testEquivalenceOfReversedAndSlice() throws Exception { String[] data = new String[] {"[]", "[1]", "[1, 2, 3]"}; for (String toBeReversed : data) { new BothModesTest() .testEval( String.format("reversed(%s)", toBeReversed), String.format("%s[::-1]", toBeReversed)); } } @Test public void testListSlice() throws Exception { new BothModesTest() .testEval("[0, 1, 2, 3][0:-1]", "[0, 1, 2]") .testEval("[0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5][2:4]", "[2, 3]") .testEval("[0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5][-2:-1]", "[4]") .testEval("[][1:2]", "[]") .testEval("[0, 1, 2, 3][-10:10]", "[0, 1, 2, 3]"); } @Test public void testListSlice_WrongType() throws Exception { new BothModesTest() .testIfExactError("Slice start must be an integer, not 'a'", "'123'['a'::]") .testIfExactError("Slice end must be an integer, not 'b'", "'123'[:'b':]"); } @Test public void testListSliceStep() throws Exception { new BothModesTest() .testEval("[1, 2, 3, 4, 5][::1]", "[1, 2, 3, 4, 5]") .testEval("[1, 2, 3, 4, 5][1::1]", "[2, 3, 4, 5]") .testEval("[1, 2, 3, 4, 5][:2:1]", "[1, 2]") .testEval("[1, 2, 3, 4, 5][1:3:1]", "[2, 3]") .testEval("[1, 2, 3, 4, 5][-4:-2:1]", "[2, 3]") .testEval("[1, 2, 3, 4, 5][-10:10:1]", "[1, 2, 3, 4, 5]") .testEval("[1, 2, 3, 4, 5][::42]", "[1]"); } @Test public void testListSliceStep_EmptyList() throws Exception { new BothModesTest().testEval("[][::1]", "[]").testEval("[][::-1]", "[]"); } @Test public void testListSliceStep_SkipValues() throws Exception { new BothModesTest() .testEval("[1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7][::3]", "[1, 4, 7]") .testEval("[1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9][1:7:3]", "[2, 5]"); } @Test public void testListSliceStep_Negative() throws Exception { new BothModesTest() .testEval("[1, 2, 3, 4, 5][::-1]", "[5, 4, 3, 2, 1]") .testEval("[1, 2, 3, 4, 5][4::-1]", "[5, 4, 3, 2, 1]") .testEval("[1, 2, 3, 4, 5][:0:-1]", "[5, 4, 3, 2]") .testEval("[1, 2, 3, 4, 5][3:1:-1]", "[4, 3]") .testEval("[1, 2, 3, 4, 5][::-2]", "[5, 3, 1]") .testEval("[1, 2, 3, 4, 5][::-10]", "[5]"); } @Test public void testListSlice_WrongOrder() throws Exception { new BothModesTest().testEval("[1, 2, 3][3:1:1]", "[]").testEval("[1, 2, 3][1:3:-1]", "[]"); } @Test public void testListSliceStep_InvalidStep() throws Exception { String msg = "Slice step cannot be zero"; new BothModesTest() .testIfExactError(msg, "[1, 2, 3][::0]") .testIfExactError(msg, "[1, 2, 3][1::0]") .testIfExactError(msg, "[1, 2, 3][:3:0]") .testIfExactError(msg, "[1, 2, 3][1:3:0]"); } @Test public void testTupleSlice() throws Exception { // Not as comprehensive as the tests for slicing lists since the underlying mechanism is the // same. new BothModesTest() .testEval("()[1:2]", "()") .testEval("()[::1]", "()") .testEval("(0, 1, 2, 3)[0:-1]", "(0, 1, 2)") .testEval("(0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5)[2:4]", "(2, 3)") .testEval("(0, 1, 2, 3)[-10:10]", "(0, 1, 2, 3)") .testEval("(1, 2, 3, 4, 5)[-10:10:1]", "(1, 2, 3, 4, 5)") .testEval("(1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9)[1:7:3]", "(2, 5)") .testEval("(1, 2, 3, 4, 5)[::-1]", "(5, 4, 3, 2, 1)") .testEval("(1, 2, 3, 4, 5)[3:1:-1]", "(4, 3)") .testEval("(1, 2, 3, 4, 5)[::-2]", "(5, 3, 1)") .testEval("(1, 2, 3, 4, 5)[::-10]", "(5,)") .testIfExactError("Slice step cannot be zero", "(1, 2, 3)[1::0]"); } @Test public void testListSort() throws Exception { new BothModesTest() .testEval("sorted([0,1,2,3])", "[0, 1, 2, 3]") .testEval("sorted([])", "[]") .testEval("sorted([3, 2, 1, 0])", "[0, 1, 2, 3]") .testEval("sorted([[1], [], [2], [1, 2]])", "[[], [1], [1, 2], [2]]") .testEval("sorted([True, False, True])", "[False, True, True]") .testEval("sorted(['a','x','b','z'])", "[\"a\", \"b\", \"x\", \"z\"]") .testEval("sorted([sorted, sorted])", "[sorted, sorted]") .testEval("sorted({1: True, 5: True, 4: False})", "[1, 4, 5]") .testEval("sorted(set([1, 5, 4]))", "[1, 4, 5]"); } @Test public void testDictionaryCopy() throws Exception { new BothModesTest() .setUp("x = {1 : 2}", "y = dict(x)") .testEval("x[1] == 2 and y[1] == 2", "True"); } @Test public void testDictionaryCopyKeyCollision() throws Exception { new BothModesTest() .setUp("x = {'test' : 2}", "y = dict(x, test = 3)") .testEval("y['test']", "3"); } @Test public void testDictionaryWithMultipleKeys() throws Exception { new BothModesTest().testStatement("{0: 'a', 1: 'b', 0: 'c'}[0]", "c"); } @Test public void testDictionaryKeyNotFound() throws Exception { new BothModesTest() .testIfErrorContains("Key \"0\" not found in dictionary", "{}['0']") .testIfErrorContains("Key 0 not found in dictionary", "{'0': 1, 2: 3, 4: 5}[0]"); } @Test public void testListAccessBadIndex() throws Exception { new BothModesTest() .testIfErrorContains( "Indices must be integers, not string", "[[1], [2]]['a']"); } @Test public void testDictionaryAccess() throws Exception { new BothModesTest() .testEval("{1: ['foo']}[1]", "['foo']") .testStatement("{'4': 8}['4']", 8) .testStatement("{'a': 'aa', 'b': 'bb', 'c': 'cc'}['b']", "bb"); } @Test public void testDictionaryVariableAccess() throws Exception { new BothModesTest().setUp("d = {'a' : 1}", "a = d['a']\n").testLookup("a", 1); } @Test public void testStringIndexing() throws Exception { new BothModesTest() .testStatement("'somestring'[0]", "s") .testStatement("'somestring'[1]", "o") .testStatement("'somestring'[4]", "s") .testStatement("'somestring'[9]", "g") .testStatement("'somestring'[-1]", "g") .testStatement("'somestring'[-2]", "n") .testStatement("'somestring'[-10]", "s"); } @Test public void testStringIndexingOutOfRange() throws Exception { new BothModesTest() .testIfErrorContains("Index out of range", "'abcdef'[10]") .testIfErrorContains("Index out of range", "'abcdef'[-11]") .testIfErrorContains("Index out of range", "'abcdef'[42]"); } @Test public void testStringSlice() throws Exception { new BothModesTest() .testStatement("'0123'[0:-1]", "012") .testStatement("'012345'[2:4]", "23") .testStatement("'012345'[-2:-1]", "4") .testStatement("''[1:2]", "") .testStatement("'012'[1:0]", "") .testStatement("'0123'[-10:10]", "0123"); } @Test public void testStringSlice_WrongType() throws Exception { new BothModesTest() .testIfExactError("Slice start must be an integer, not 'a'", "'123'['a'::]") .testIfExactError("Slice end must be an integer, not 'b'", "'123'[:'b':]"); } @Test public void testStringSliceStep() throws Exception { new BothModesTest() .testStatement("'01234'[::1]", "01234") .testStatement("'01234'[1::1]", "1234") .testStatement("'01234'[:2:1]", "01") .testStatement("'01234'[1:3:1]", "12") .testStatement("'01234'[-4:-2:1]", "12") .testStatement("'01234'[-10:10:1]", "01234") .testStatement("'01234'[::42]", "0"); } @Test public void testStringSliceStep_EmptyString() throws Exception { new BothModesTest().testStatement("''[::1]", "").testStatement("''[::-1]", ""); } @Test public void testStringSliceStep_SkipValues() throws Exception { new BothModesTest() .testStatement("'0123456'[::3]", "036") .testStatement("'01234567'[1:7:3]", "14"); } @Test public void testStringSliceStep_Negative() throws Exception { new BothModesTest() .testStatement("'01234'[::-1]", "43210") .testStatement("'01234'[4::-1]", "43210") .testStatement("'01234'[:0:-1]", "4321") .testStatement("'01234'[3:1:-1]", "32") .testStatement("'01234'[::-2]", "420") .testStatement("'01234'[::-10]", "4"); } @Test public void testStringSliceStep_WrongOrder() throws Exception { new BothModesTest().testStatement("'123'[3:1:1]", "").testStatement("'123'[1:3:-1]", ""); } @Test public void testStringSliceStep_InvalidStep() throws Exception { String msg = "Slice step cannot be zero"; new BothModesTest() .testIfExactError(msg, "'123'[::0]") .testIfExactError(msg, "'123'[1::0]") .testIfExactError(msg, "'123'[:3:0]") .testIfExactError(msg, "'123'[1:3:0]"); } @Test public void testDictionaryCreation() throws Exception { String expected = "{'a': 1, 'b': 2, 'c': 3}"; new BothModesTest() .testEval("dict([('a', 1), ('b', 2), ('c', 3)])", expected) .testEval("dict(a = 1, b = 2, c = 3)", expected) .testEval("dict([('a', 1)], b = 2, c = 3)", expected); } @Test public void testDictionaryCreationInnerLists() throws Exception { new BothModesTest().testEval("dict([[1, 2], [3, 4]], a = 5)", "{1: 2, 3: 4, 'a': 5}"); } @Test public void testDictionaryCreationEmpty() throws Exception { new BothModesTest().testEval("dict()", "{}").testEval("dict([])", "{}"); } @Test public void testDictionaryCreationDifferentKeyTypes() throws Exception { String expected = "{'a': 1, 2: 3}"; new BothModesTest() .testEval("dict([('a', 1), (2, 3)])", expected) .testEval("dict([(2, 3)], a = 1)", expected); } @Test public void testDictionaryCreationKeyCollision() throws Exception { String expected = "{'a': 1, 'b': 2, 'c': 3}"; new BothModesTest() .testEval("dict([('a', 42), ('b', 2), ('a', 1), ('c', 3)])", expected) .testEval("dict([('a', 42)], a = 1, b = 2, c = 3)", expected); new SkylarkTest().testEval("dict([('a', 42)], **{'a': 1, 'b': 2, 'c': 3})", expected); } @Test public void testDictionaryCreationInvalidPositional() throws Exception { new BothModesTest() .testIfErrorContains( "expected value of type 'list(object)' for parameter args in dict(), " + "but got \"a\" (string)", "dict('a')") .testIfErrorContains( "Cannot convert dictionary update sequence element #0 to a sequence", "dict(['a'])") .testIfErrorContains( "Cannot convert dictionary update sequence element #0 to a sequence", "dict([('a')])") .testIfErrorContains("too many (3) positional arguments", "dict((3,4), (3,2), (1,2))") .testIfErrorContains( "Sequence #0 has length 3, but exactly two elements are required", "dict([('a', 'b', 'c')])"); } @Test public void testDictionaryValues() throws Exception { new BothModesTest() .testEval("{1: 'foo'}.values()", "['foo']") .testEval("{}.values()", "[]") .testEval("{True: 3, False: 5}.values()", "[5, 3]") .testEval("{'a': 5, 'c': 2, 'b': 4, 'd': 3}.values()", "[5, 4, 2, 3]"); // sorted by keys } @Test public void testDictionaryKeys() throws Exception { new BothModesTest() .testEval("{1: 'foo'}.keys()", "[1]") .testEval("{}.keys()", "[]") .testEval("{True: 3, False: 5}.keys()", "[False, True]") .testEval( "{1:'a', 2:'b', 6:'c', 0:'d', 5:'e', 4:'f', 3:'g'}.keys()", "[0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6]"); } @Test public void testDictionaryGet() throws Exception { new BuildTest() .testStatement("{1: 'foo'}.get(1)", "foo") .testStatement("{1: 'foo'}.get(2)", Runtime.NONE) .testStatement("{1: 'foo'}.get(2, 'a')", "a") .testStatement("{1: 'foo'}.get(2, default='a')", "a") .testStatement("{1: 'foo'}.get(2, default=None)", Runtime.NONE); } @Test public void testDictionaryItems() throws Exception { new BothModesTest() .testEval("{'a': 'foo'}.items()", "[('a', 'foo')]") .testEval("{}.items()", "[]") .testEval("{1: 3, 2: 5}.items()", "[(1, 3), (2, 5)]") .testEval("{'a': 5, 'c': 2, 'b': 4}.items()", "[('a', 5), ('b', 4), ('c', 2)]"); } @Test public void testDictionaryClear() throws Exception { new SkylarkTest() .testEval( "d = {1: 'foo', 2: 'bar', 3: 'baz'}\n" + "if len(d) != 3: fail('clear 1')\n" + "if d.clear() != None: fail('clear 2')\n" + "d", "{}"); } @Test public void testDictionaryPop() throws Exception { new SkylarkTest() .testIfErrorContains( "KeyError: 1", "d = {1: 'foo', 2: 'bar', 3: 'baz'}\n" + "if len(d) != 3: fail('pop 1')\n" + "if d.pop(2) != 'bar': fail('pop 2')\n" + "if d.pop(3, 'quux') != 'baz': fail('pop 3a')\n" + "if d.pop(3, 'quux') != 'quux': fail('pop 3b')\n" + "if d.pop(1) != 'foo': fail('pop 1')\n" + "if d != {}: fail('pop 0')\n" + "d.pop(1)"); } @Test public void testDictionaryPopItem() throws Exception { new SkylarkTest() .testIfErrorContains( "popitem(): dictionary is empty", "d = {2: 'bar', 3: 'baz', 1: 'foo'}\n" + "if len(d) != 3: fail('popitem 0')\n" + "if d.popitem() != (1, 'foo'): fail('popitem 1')\n" + "if d.popitem() != (2, 'bar'): fail('popitem 2')\n" + "if d.popitem() != (3, 'baz'): fail('popitem 3')\n" + "if d != {}: fail('popitem 4')\n" + "d.popitem()"); } @Test public void testDictionaryUpdate() throws Exception { new BothModesTest() .setUp("foo = {'a': 2}") .testEval("foo.update({'b': 4}); foo", "{'a': 2, 'b': 4}"); new BothModesTest() .setUp("foo = {'a': 2}") .testEval("foo.update({'a': 3, 'b': 4}); foo", "{'a': 3, 'b': 4}"); } @Test public void testDictionarySetDefault() throws Exception { new SkylarkTest() .testEval( "d = {2: 'bar', 1: 'foo'}\n" + "if len(d) != 2: fail('setdefault 0')\n" + "if d.setdefault(1, 'a') != 'foo': fail('setdefault 1')\n" + "if d.setdefault(2) != 'bar': fail('setdefault 2')\n" + "if d.setdefault(3) != None: fail('setdefault 3')\n" + "if d.setdefault(4, 'b') != 'b': fail('setdefault 4')\n" + "d", "{1: 'foo', 2: 'bar', 3: None, 4: 'b'}"); } @Test public void testSetUnionWithList() throws Exception { evaluateSet("set([]).union(['a', 'b', 'c'])", "a", "b", "c"); evaluateSet("set(['a']).union(['b', 'c'])", "a", "b", "c"); evaluateSet("set(['a', 'b']).union(['c'])", "a", "b", "c"); evaluateSet("set(['a', 'b', 'c']).union([])", "a", "b", "c"); } @Test public void testSetUnionWithSet() throws Exception { evaluateSet("set([]).union(set(['a', 'b', 'c']))", "a", "b", "c"); evaluateSet("set(['a']).union(set(['b', 'c']))", "a", "b", "c"); evaluateSet("set(['a', 'b']).union(set(['c']))", "a", "b", "c"); evaluateSet("set(['a', 'b', 'c']).union(set([]))", "a", "b", "c"); } @Test public void testSetUnionDuplicates() throws Exception { evaluateSet("set(['a', 'b', 'c']).union(['a', 'b', 'c'])", "a", "b", "c"); evaluateSet("set(['a', 'a', 'a']).union(['a', 'a'])", "a"); evaluateSet("set(['a', 'b', 'c']).union(set(['a', 'b', 'c']))", "a", "b", "c"); evaluateSet("set(['a', 'a', 'a']).union(set(['a', 'a']))", "a"); } @Test public void testSetUnionError() throws Exception { new BothModesTest() .testIfErrorContains("insufficient arguments received by union", "set(['a']).union()") .testIfErrorContains( "Method set.union(new_elements: Iterable) is not applicable for arguments (string): " + "'new_elements' is string, but should be Iterable", "set(['a']).union('b')"); } @Test public void testSetUnionSideEffects() throws Exception { eval("def func():", " n1 = set(['a'])", " n2 = n1.union(['b'])", " return n1", "n = func()"); assertEquals(ImmutableList.of("a"), ((SkylarkNestedSet) lookup("n")).toCollection()); } private void evaluateSet(String statement, Object... expectedElements) throws Exception { new BothModesTest().testCollection(statement, expectedElements); } @Test public void testListIndexMethod() throws Exception { new BothModesTest() .testStatement("['a', 'b', 'c'].index('a')", 0) .testStatement("['a', 'b', 'c'].index('b')", 1) .testStatement("['a', 'b', 'c'].index('c')", 2) .testStatement("[2, 4, 6].index(4)", 1) .testStatement("[2, 4, 6].index(4)", 1) .testStatement("[0, 1, [1]].index([1])", 2) .testIfErrorContains("Item \"a\" not found in list", "[1, 2].index('a')") .testIfErrorContains("Item 0 not found in list", "[].index(0)"); } @Test public void testListIndex() throws Exception { new BothModesTest() .testStatement("['a', 'b', 'c', 'd'][0]", "a") .testStatement("['a', 'b', 'c', 'd'][1]", "b") .testStatement("['a', 'b', 'c', 'd'][-1]", "d") .testStatement("['a', 'b', 'c', 'd'][-2]", "c") .testStatement("[0, 1, 2][-3]", 0) .testStatement("[0, 1, 2][-2]", 1) .testStatement("[0, 1, 2][-1]", 2) .testStatement("[0, 1, 2][0]", 0); } @Test public void testListIndexOutOfRange() throws Exception { new BothModesTest() .testIfErrorContains( "Index out of range (index is 3, but sequence has 3 elements)", "[0, 1, 2][3]") .testIfErrorContains( "Index out of range (index is -4, but sequence has 3 elements)", "[0, 1, 2][-4]") .testIfErrorContains( "Index out of range (index is -2, but sequence has 1 elements)", "[0][-2]") .testIfErrorContains( "Index out of range (index is 1, but sequence has 1 elements)", "[0][1]") .testIfErrorContains( "Index out of range (index is 1, but sequence has 0 elements)", "[][1]"); } @Test public void testHash() throws Exception { // We specify the same string hashing algorithm as String.hashCode(). new SkylarkTest() .testStatement("hash('skylark')", "skylark".hashCode()) .testStatement("hash('google')", "google".hashCode()) .testIfErrorContains( "Method hash(value: string) is not applicable for arguments (NoneType): " + "'value' is NoneType, but should be string", "hash(None)"); } @Test public void testRange() throws Exception { new BothModesTest() .testStatement("str(range(5))", "[0, 1, 2, 3, 4]") .testStatement("str(range(0))", "[]") .testStatement("str(range(1))", "[0]") .testStatement("str(range(-2))", "[]") .testStatement("str(range(-3, 2))", "[-3, -2, -1, 0, 1]") .testStatement("str(range(3, 2))", "[]") .testStatement("str(range(3, 3))", "[]") .testStatement("str(range(3, 4))", "[3]") .testStatement("str(range(3, 5))", "[3, 4]") .testStatement("str(range(-3, 5, 2))", "[-3, -1, 1, 3]") .testStatement("str(range(-3, 6, 2))", "[-3, -1, 1, 3, 5]") .testStatement("str(range(5, 0, -1))", "[5, 4, 3, 2, 1]") .testStatement("str(range(5, 0, -10))", "[5]") .testStatement("str(range(0, -3, -2))", "[0, -2]") .testIfErrorContains("step cannot be 0", "range(2, 3, 0)"); } @Test public void testEnumerate() throws Exception { new BothModesTest() .testStatement("str(enumerate([]))", "[]") .testStatement("str(enumerate([5]))", "[(0, 5)]") .testStatement("str(enumerate([5, 3]))", "[(0, 5), (1, 3)]") .testStatement("str(enumerate(['a', 'b', 'c']))", "[(0, \"a\"), (1, \"b\"), (2, \"c\")]") .testStatement("str(enumerate(['a']) + [(1, 'b')])", "[(0, \"a\"), (1, \"b\")]"); } @Test public void testEnumerateBadArg() throws Exception { new BothModesTest() .testIfErrorContains( "Method enumerate(list: sequence) is not applicable for arguments (string): " + "'list' is string, but should be sequence", "enumerate('a')"); } @Test public void testPyListAppend() throws Exception { new BuildTest() .setUp("FOO = ['a', 'b']", "FOO.insert(0, 'c')") .testLookup("FOO", MutableList.of(env, "c", "a", "b")) .setUp("FOO.insert(1, 'd')") .testLookup("FOO", MutableList.of(env, "c", "d", "a", "b")) .setUp("FOO.insert(4, 'e')") .testLookup("FOO", MutableList.of(env, "c", "d", "a", "b", "e")) .setUp("FOO.insert(-10, 'f')") .testLookup("FOO", MutableList.of(env, "f", "c", "d", "a", "b", "e")) .setUp("FOO.insert(10, 'g')") .testLookup("FOO", MutableList.of(env, "f", "c", "d", "a", "b", "e", "g")) .testIfErrorContains("Type tuple has no function insert(int)", "(1, 2).insert(3)"); } @Test public void testPyListInsert() throws Exception { new BuildTest() .setUp("FOO = ['a', 'b']", "FOO.append('c')") .testLookup("FOO", MutableList.of(env, "a", "b", "c")) .testIfErrorContains("Type tuple has no function append(int)", "(1, 2).append(3)"); } @Test public void testPyListExtend() throws Exception { new BuildTest() .setUp("FOO = ['a', 'b']", "FOO.extend(['c', 'd'])") .testLookup("FOO", MutableList.of(env, "a", "b", "c", "d")) .testIfErrorContains("Type tuple has no function extend(list)", "(1, 2).extend([3, 4])"); } @Test public void testListRemove() throws Exception { new BothModesTest() .setUp("foo = ['a', 'b', 'c', 'b']", "foo.remove('b')") .testLookup("foo", MutableList.of(env, "a", "c", "b")) .setUp("foo.remove('c')") .testLookup("foo", MutableList.of(env, "a", "b")) .setUp("foo.remove('a')") .testLookup("foo", MutableList.of(env, "b")) .setUp("foo.remove('b')") .testLookup("foo", MutableList.of(env)) .testIfErrorContains("Item 3 not found in list", "[1, 2].remove(3)"); new BothModesTest() .testIfErrorContains("Type tuple has no function remove(int)", "(1, 2).remove(3)"); } @Test public void testListPop() throws Exception { new BothModesTest() .setUp("li = [2, 3, 4]; ret = li.pop()") .testLookup("li", MutableList.of(env, 2, 3)) .testLookup("ret", 4); new BothModesTest() .setUp("li = [2, 3, 4]; ret = li.pop(-2)") .testLookup("li", MutableList.of(env, 2, 4)) .testLookup("ret", 3); new BothModesTest() .setUp("li = [2, 3, 4]; ret = li.pop(1)") .testLookup("li", MutableList.of(env, 2, 4)) .testLookup("ret", 3); new BothModesTest() .testIfErrorContains( "Index out of range (index is 3, but sequence has 2 elements)", "[1, 2].pop(3)"); new BothModesTest().testIfErrorContains("Type tuple has no function pop()", "(1, 2).pop()"); } @Test public void testReassignmentOfPrimitivesNotForbiddenByCoreLanguage() throws Exception { new BuildTest() .setUp("cc_binary = (['hello.cc'])") .testIfErrorContains( "'list' object is not callable", "cc_binary(name = 'hello', srcs=['hello.cc'], malloc = '//base:system_malloc')"); } @Test public void testLenOnString() throws Exception { new BothModesTest().testStatement("len('abc')", 3); } @Test public void testLenOnList() throws Exception { new BothModesTest().testStatement("len([1,2,3])", 3); } @Test public void testLenOnDict() throws Exception { new BothModesTest().testStatement("len({'a' : 1, 'b' : 2})", 2); } @Test public void testLenOnBadType() throws Exception { new BothModesTest().testIfErrorContains("int is not iterable", "len(1)"); } @Test public void testIndexOnFunction() throws Exception { new BothModesTest() .testIfErrorContains("Type function has no operator [](int)", "len[1]") .testIfErrorContains("Type function has no operator [:](int, int, int)", "len[1:4]"); } @Test public void testBool() throws Exception { new BothModesTest() .testStatement("bool(1)", Boolean.TRUE) .testStatement("bool(0)", Boolean.FALSE) .testStatement("bool([1, 2])", Boolean.TRUE) .testStatement("bool([])", Boolean.FALSE) .testStatement("bool(None)", Boolean.FALSE); } @Test public void testStr() throws Exception { new BothModesTest() .testStatement("str(1)", "1") .testStatement("str(-2)", "-2") .testStatement("str([1, 2])", "[1, 2]") .testStatement("str(True)", "True") .testStatement("str(False)", "False") .testStatement("str(None)", "None") .testStatement("str(str)", ""); } @Test public void testInt() throws Exception { new BothModesTest() .testStatement("int('1')", 1) .testStatement("int('-1234')", -1234) .testIfErrorContains("invalid literal for int() with base 10: \"1.5\"", "int('1.5')") .testIfErrorContains("invalid literal for int() with base 10: \"ab\"", "int('ab')") .testStatement("int(42)", 42) .testStatement("int(-1)", -1) .testStatement("int(True)", 1) .testStatement("int(False)", 0) .testIfErrorContains("None is not of type string or int or bool", "int(None)"); } @Test public void testIntWithBase() throws Exception { new BothModesTest() .testStatement("int('11', 2)", 3) .testStatement("int('11', 9)", 10) .testStatement("int('AF', 16)", 175) .testStatement("int('11', 36)", 37) .testStatement("int('az', 36)", 395); } @Test public void testIntWithBase_InvalidBase() throws Exception { new BothModesTest() .testIfExactError("invalid literal for int() with base 3: \"123\"", "int('123', 3)") .testIfExactError("invalid literal for int() with base 15: \"FF\"", "int('FF', 15)") .testIfExactError("int() base must be >= 2 and <= 36", "int('123', -1)") .testIfExactError("int() base must be >= 2 and <= 36", "int('123', 1)") .testIfExactError("int() base must be >= 2 and <= 36", "int('123', 37)"); } @Test public void testIntWithBase_Prefix() throws Exception { new BothModesTest() .testStatement("int('0b11', 0)", 3) .testStatement("int('0B11', 2)", 3) .testStatement("int('0o11', 0)", 9) .testStatement("int('0O11', 8)", 9) .testStatement("int('0XFF', 0)", 255) .testStatement("int('0xFF', 16)", 255) .testIfExactError("invalid literal for int() with base 8: \"0xFF\"", "int('0xFF', 8)"); } @Test public void testIntWithBase_NoString() throws Exception { new BothModesTest() .testIfExactError("int() can't convert non-string with explicit base", "int(True, 2)") .testIfExactError("int() can't convert non-string with explicit base", "int(1, 2)"); } @Test public void testStrFunction() throws Exception { new SkylarkTest().testStatement("def foo(x): return x\nstr(foo)", ""); } @Test public void testType() throws Exception { new SkylarkTest() .testStatement("type(1)", "int") .testStatement("type('a')", "string") .testStatement("type([1, 2])", "list") .testStatement("type((1, 2))", "tuple") .testStatement("type(True)", "bool") .testStatement("type(None)", "NoneType") .testStatement("type(str)", "function"); } @Test public void testSelectFunction() throws Exception { enableSkylarkMode(); eval("a = select({'a': 1})"); SelectorList result = (SelectorList) lookup("a"); assertThat(((SelectorValue) Iterables.getOnlyElement(result.getElements())).getDictionary()) .isEqualTo(ImmutableMap.of("a", 1)); } @Test public void testCountFunction() throws Exception { new BothModesTest() .testStatement("'abc'.count('')", 4) .testStatement("'abc'.count('a')", 1) .testStatement("'abc'.count('b')", 1) .testStatement("'abc'.count('c')", 1) .testStatement("'abbc'.count('b')", 2) .testStatement("'aba'.count('a')", 2) .testStatement("'aaa'.count('aa')", 1) .testStatement("'aaaa'.count('aa')", 2) .testStatement("'abc'.count('a', 0)", 1) .testStatement("'abc'.count('a', 1)", 0) .testStatement("'abc'.count('c', 0, 3)", 1) .testStatement("'abc'.count('c', 0, 2)", 0) .testStatement("'abc'.count('a', -1)", 0) .testStatement("'abc'.count('c', -1)", 1) .testStatement("'abc'.count('c', 0, 5)", 1) .testStatement("'abc'.count('c', 0, -1)", 0) .testStatement("'abc'.count('a', 0, -1)", 1); } @Test public void testZipFunction() throws Exception { new BothModesTest() .testStatement("str(zip())", "[]") .testStatement("str(zip([1, 2]))", "[(1,), (2,)]") .testStatement("str(zip([1, 2], ['a', 'b']))", "[(1, \"a\"), (2, \"b\")]") .testStatement("str(zip([1, 2, 3], ['a', 'b']))", "[(1, \"a\"), (2, \"b\")]") .testStatement("str(zip([1], [2], [3]))", "[(1, 2, 3)]") .testStatement("str(zip([1], {2: 'a'}))", "[(1, 2)]") .testStatement("str(zip([1], []))", "[]") .testIfErrorContains("type 'int' is not iterable", "zip(123)") .testIfErrorContains("type 'int' is not iterable", "zip([1], 1)") .testStatement("str(zip([1], set([2])))", "[(1, 2)]"); } @Test public void testIsAlphaFunction() throws Exception { new BothModesTest() .testStatement("''.isalpha()", false) .testStatement("'abz'.isalpha()", true) .testStatement("'a1'.isalpha()", false) .testStatement("'a '.isalpha()", false) .testStatement("'A'.isalpha()", true) .testStatement("'AbZ'.isalpha()", true); } @Test public void testLStrip() throws Exception { new BothModesTest() .testStatement("'a b c'.lstrip('')", "a b c") .testStatement("'abcba'.lstrip('ba')", "cba") .testStatement("'abc'.lstrip('xyz')", "abc") .testStatement("' a b c '.lstrip()", "a b c ") // the "\\"s are because Java absorbs one level of "\"s .testStatement("' \\t\\na b c '.lstrip()", "a b c ") .testStatement("' a b c '.lstrip('')", " a b c "); } @Test public void testRStrip() throws Exception { new BothModesTest() .testStatement("'a b c'.rstrip('')", "a b c") .testStatement("'abcba'.rstrip('ba')", "abc") .testStatement("'abc'.rstrip('xyz')", "abc") .testStatement("' a b c '.rstrip()", " a b c") // the "\\"s are because Java absorbs one level of "\"s .testStatement("' a b c \\t \\n'.rstrip()", " a b c") .testStatement("' a b c '.rstrip('')", " a b c "); } @Test public void testStrip() throws Exception { new BothModesTest() .testStatement("'a b c'.strip('')", "a b c") .testStatement("'abcba'.strip('ba')", "c") .testStatement("'abc'.strip('xyz')", "abc") .testStatement("' a b c '.strip()", "a b c") .testStatement("' a b c\\t'.strip()", "a b c") .testStatement("'a b c'.strip('.')", "a b c") // the "\\"s are because Java absorbs one level of "\"s .testStatement("' \\t\\n\\ra b c \\t\\n\\r'.strip()", "a b c") .testStatement("' a b c '.strip('')", " a b c "); } @Test public void testFail() throws Exception { new SkylarkTest() .testIfErrorContains("abc", "fail('abc')") .testIfErrorContains("18", "fail(18)"); } }