// Copyright 2014 The Bazel Authors. All rights reserved. // // Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); // you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. // You may obtain a copy of the License at // // http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 // // Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software // distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, // WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. // See the License for the specific language governing permissions and // limitations under the License. package com.google.devtools.build.lib.syntax; import static com.google.common.truth.Truth.assertThat; import static org.junit.Assert.assertEquals; import static org.junit.Assert.assertNotNull; import com.google.common.collect.ImmutableMap; import com.google.devtools.build.lib.syntax.util.EvaluationTestCase; import org.junit.Test; import org.junit.runner.RunWith; import org.junit.runners.JUnit4; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; /** * A test class for functions and scoping. */ @RunWith(JUnit4.class) public class FunctionTest extends EvaluationTestCase { @Test public void testFunctionDef() throws Exception { eval("def func(a,b,c):", " a = 1", " b = a\n"); UserDefinedFunction stmt = (UserDefinedFunction) lookup("func"); assertNotNull(stmt); assertThat(stmt.getName()).isEqualTo("func"); assertThat(stmt.getFunctionSignature().getSignature().getShape().getMandatoryPositionals()) .isEqualTo(3); assertThat(stmt.getStatements()).hasSize(2); } @Test public void testFunctionDefDuplicateArguments() throws Exception { setFailFast(false); parseFile("def func(a,b,a):", " a = 1\n"); assertContainsError("duplicate parameter name in function definition"); } @Test public void testFunctionDefCallOuterFunc() throws Exception { List params = new ArrayList<>(); createOuterFunction(params); eval("def func(a):", " outer_func(a)", "func(1)", "func(2)"); assertThat(params).containsExactly(1, 2).inOrder(); } private void createOuterFunction(final List params) throws Exception { BaseFunction outerFunc = new BaseFunction("outer_func") { @Override public Object call(List args, Map kwargs, FuncallExpression ast, Environment env) throws EvalException, InterruptedException { params.addAll(args); return Runtime.NONE; } }; update("outer_func", outerFunc); } @Test public void testFunctionDefNoEffectOutsideScope() throws Exception { update("a", 1); eval("def func():", " a = 2", "func()\n"); assertEquals(1, lookup("a")); } @Test public void testFunctionDefGlobalVaribleReadInFunction() throws Exception { eval("a = 1", "def func():", " b = a", " return b", "c = func()\n"); assertEquals(1, lookup("c")); } @Test public void testFunctionDefLocalGlobalScope() throws Exception { eval("a = 1", "def func():", " a = 2", " b = a", " return b", "c = func()\n"); assertEquals(2, lookup("c")); } @Test public void testFunctionDefLocalVariableReferencedBeforeAssignment() throws Exception { checkEvalErrorContains("Variable 'a' is referenced before assignment.", "a = 1", "def func():", " b = a", " a = 2", " return b", "c = func()\n"); } @Test public void testFunctionDefLocalVariableReferencedAfterAssignment() throws Exception { eval("a = 1", "def func():", " a = 2", " b = a", " a = 3", " return b", "c = func()\n"); assertEquals(2, lookup("c")); } @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") @Test public void testSkylarkGlobalComprehensionIsAllowed() throws Exception { eval("a = [i for i in [1, 2, 3]]\n"); assertThat((Iterable) lookup("a")).containsExactly(1, 2, 3).inOrder(); } @Test public void testFunctionReturn() throws Exception { eval("def func():", " return 2", "b = func()\n"); assertEquals(2, lookup("b")); } @Test public void testFunctionReturnFromALoop() throws Exception { eval("def func():", " for i in [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]:", " return i", "b = func()\n"); assertEquals(1, lookup("b")); } @Test public void testFunctionExecutesProperly() throws Exception { eval("def func(a):", " b = 1", " if a:", " b = 2", " return b", "c = func(0)", "d = func(1)\n"); assertEquals(1, lookup("c")); assertEquals(2, lookup("d")); } @Test public void testFunctionCallFromFunction() throws Exception { final List params = new ArrayList<>(); createOuterFunction(params); eval("def func2(a):", " outer_func(a)", "def func1(b):", " func2(b)", "func1(1)", "func1(2)\n"); assertThat(params).containsExactly(1, 2).inOrder(); } @Test public void testFunctionCallFromFunctionReadGlobalVar() throws Exception { eval("a = 1", "def func2():", " return a", "def func1():", " return func2()", "b = func1()\n"); assertEquals(1, lookup("b")); } @Test public void testSingleLineFunction() throws Exception { eval("def func(): return 'a'", "s = func()\n"); assertEquals("a", lookup("s")); } @Test public void testFunctionReturnsDictionary() throws Exception { eval("def func(): return {'a' : 1}", "d = func()", "a = d['a']\n"); assertEquals(1, lookup("a")); } @Test public void testFunctionReturnsList() throws Exception { eval("def func(): return [1, 2, 3]", "d = func()", "a = d[1]\n"); assertEquals(2, lookup("a")); } @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") @Test public void testFunctionListArgumentsAreImmutable() throws Exception { eval("l = [1]", "def func(l):", " l += [2]", "func(l)"); assertThat((Iterable) lookup("l")).containsExactly(1); } @Test public void testFunctionDictArgumentsAreImmutable() throws Exception { eval("d = {'a' : 1}", "def func(d):", " d += {'a' : 2}", "func(d)"); assertEquals(ImmutableMap.of("a", 1), lookup("d")); } @Test public void testFunctionNameAliasing() throws Exception { eval("def func(a):", " return a + 1", "alias = func", "r = alias(1)"); assertEquals(2, lookup("r")); } @Test public void testCallingFunctionsWithMixedModeArgs() throws Exception { eval("def func(a, b, c):", " return a + b + c", "v = func(1, c = 2, b = 3)"); assertEquals(6, lookup("v")); } private String functionWithOptionalArgs() { return "def func(a, b = None, c = None):\n" + " r = a + 'a'\n" + " if b:\n" + " r += 'b'\n" + " if c:\n" + " r += 'c'\n" + " return r\n"; } @Test public void testWhichOptionalArgsAreDefinedForFunctions() throws Exception { eval(functionWithOptionalArgs(), "v1 = func('1', 1, 1)", "v2 = func(b = 2, a = '2', c = 2)", "v3 = func('3')", "v4 = func('4', c = 1)\n"); assertEquals("1abc", lookup("v1")); assertEquals("2abc", lookup("v2")); assertEquals("3a", lookup("v3")); assertEquals("4ac", lookup("v4")); } @Test public void testDefaultArguments() throws Exception { eval("def func(a, b = 'b', c = 'c'):", " return a + b + c", "v1 = func('a', 'x', 'y')", "v2 = func(b = 'x', a = 'a', c = 'y')", "v3 = func('a')", "v4 = func('a', c = 'y')\n"); assertEquals("axy", lookup("v1")); assertEquals("axy", lookup("v2")); assertEquals("abc", lookup("v3")); assertEquals("aby", lookup("v4")); } @Test public void testDefaultArgumentsInsufficientArgNum() throws Exception { checkEvalError("insufficient arguments received by func(a, b = \"b\", c = \"c\") " + "(got 0, expected at least 1)", "def func(a, b = 'b', c = 'c'):", " return a + b + c", "func()"); } @Test public void testKwargs() throws Exception { eval("def foo(a, b = 'b', *, c, d = 'd'):", " return a + b + c + d", "args = {'a': 'x', 'c': 'z'}", "v1 = foo(**args)", "v2 = foo('x', c = 'c', d = 'e', **{'b': 'y'})", "v3 = foo(c = 'z', a = 'x', **{'b': 'y', 'd': 'f'})"); assertEquals("xbzd", lookup("v1")); assertEquals("xyce", lookup("v2")); assertEquals("xyzf", lookup("v3")); UserDefinedFunction foo = (UserDefinedFunction) lookup("foo"); assertEquals("foo(a, b = \"b\", *, c, d = \"d\")", foo.toString()); } @Test public void testKwargsBadKey() throws Exception { checkEvalError("Keywords must be strings, not int", "def func(a, b): return a + b", "func('a', **{3: 1})"); } @Test public void testKwargsIsNotDict() throws Exception { checkEvalError("Argument after ** must be a dictionary, not int", "def func(a, b): return a + b", "func('a', **42)"); } @Test public void testKwargsCollision() throws Exception { checkEvalError("argument 'b' passed both by position and by name in call to func(a, b)", "def func(a, b): return a + b", "func('a', 'b', **{'b': 'foo'})"); } @Test public void testKwargsCollisionWithNamed() throws Exception { checkEvalError("duplicate keyword 'b' in call to func", "def func(a, b): return a + b", "func('a', b = 'b', **{'b': 'foo'})"); } @Test public void testDefaultArguments2() throws Exception { eval("a = 2", "def foo(x=a): return x", "def bar():", " a = 3", " return foo()", "v = bar()\n"); assertEquals(2, lookup("v")); } @Test public void testMixingPositionalOptional() throws Exception { eval("def f(name, value = '', optional = ''): return value", "v = f('name', 'value')\n"); assertEquals("value", lookup("v")); } @Test public void testStarArg() throws Exception { eval("def f(name, value = '1', optional = '2'): return name + value + optional", "v1 = f(*['name', 'value'])", "v2 = f('0', *['name', 'value'])", "v3 = f('0', *['b'], optional = '3')", "v4 = f(*[],name='a')\n"); assertEquals("namevalue2", lookup("v1")); assertEquals("0namevalue", lookup("v2")); assertEquals("0b3", lookup("v3")); assertEquals("a12", lookup("v4")); } @Test public void testStarParam() throws Exception { eval("def f(name, value = '1', *rest, mandatory, optional = '2'):", " r = name + value + mandatory + optional + '|'", " for x in rest: r += x", " return r", "v1 = f('a', 'b', mandatory = 'z')", "v2 = f('a', 'b', 'c', 'd', mandatory = 'z')", "v3 = f('a', *['b', 'c', 'd'], mandatory = 'y', optional = 'z')", "v4 = f(*['a'], **{'value': 'b', 'mandatory': 'c'})", "v5 = f('a', 'b', 'c', *['d', 'e'], mandatory = 'f', **{'optional': 'g'})\n"); assertEquals("abz2|", lookup("v1")); assertEquals("abz2|cd", lookup("v2")); assertEquals("abyz|cd", lookup("v3")); assertEquals("abc2|", lookup("v4")); assertEquals("abfg|cde", lookup("v5")); } }