// Copyright 2006 The Bazel Authors. All rights reserved. // // Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); // you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. // You may obtain a copy of the License at // // http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 // // Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software // distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, // WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. // See the License for the specific language governing permissions and // limitations under the License. package com.google.devtools.build.lib.syntax; import static com.google.common.truth.Truth.assertThat; import com.google.devtools.build.lib.events.Event; import com.google.devtools.build.lib.syntax.SkylarkList.Tuple; import com.google.devtools.build.lib.syntax.util.EvaluationTestCase; import com.google.devtools.build.lib.testutil.MoreAsserts; import com.google.devtools.build.lib.testutil.Scratch; import com.google.devtools.build.lib.vfs.Path; import java.io.IOException; import org.junit.Test; import org.junit.runner.RunWith; import org.junit.runners.JUnit4; /** * Unit tests for BuildFileAST. */ @RunWith(JUnit4.class) public class BuildFileASTTest extends EvaluationTestCase { private Scratch scratch = new Scratch(); @Override public Environment newEnvironment() throws Exception { return newBuildEnvironment(); } /** * Parses the contents of the specified string (using DUMMY_PATH as the fake * filename) and returns the AST. Resets the error handler beforehand. */ private BuildFileAST parseBuildFile(String... lines) throws IOException { Path file = scratch.file("/a/build/file/BUILD", lines); ParserInputSource inputSource = ParserInputSource.create(file, file.getFileSize()); return BuildFileAST.parseBuildFile(inputSource, getEventHandler()); } @Test public void testParseBuildFileOK() throws Exception { BuildFileAST buildfile = parseBuildFile( "# a file in the build language", "", "x = [1,2,'foo',4] + [1,2, \"%s%d\" % ('foo', 1)]"); assertThat(buildfile.exec(env, getEventHandler())).isTrue(); // Test final environment is correctly modified: // // input1.BUILD contains: // x = [1,2,'foo',4] + [1,2, "%s%d" % ('foo', 1)] assertThat(env.lookup("x")) .isEqualTo(SkylarkList.createImmutable(Tuple.of(1, 2, "foo", 4, 1, 2, "foo1"))); } @Test public void testEvalException() throws Exception { setFailFast(false); BuildFileAST buildfile = parseBuildFile( "x = 1", "y = [2,3]", "", "z = x + y"); assertThat(buildfile.exec(env, getEventHandler())).isFalse(); Event e = assertContainsError("unsupported operand type(s) for +: 'int' and 'list'"); assertThat(e.getLocation().getStartLineAndColumn().getLine()).isEqualTo(4); } @Test public void testParsesFineWithNewlines() throws Exception { BuildFileAST buildFileAST = parseBuildFile("foo()", "bar()", "something = baz()", "bar()"); assertThat(buildFileAST.getStatements()).hasSize(4); } @Test public void testFailsIfNewlinesAreMissing() throws Exception { setFailFast(false); BuildFileAST buildFileAST = parseBuildFile("foo() bar() something = baz() bar()"); Event event = assertContainsError("syntax error at \'bar\': expected newline"); assertThat(event.getLocation().getPath().toString()).isEqualTo("/a/build/file/BUILD"); assertThat(event.getLocation().getStartLineAndColumn().getLine()).isEqualTo(1); assertThat(buildFileAST.containsErrors()).isTrue(); } @Test public void testImplicitStringConcatenationFails() throws Exception { setFailFast(false); BuildFileAST buildFileAST = parseBuildFile("a = 'foo' 'bar'"); Event event = assertContainsError( "Implicit string concatenation is forbidden, use the + operator"); assertThat(event.getLocation().getPath().toString()).isEqualTo("/a/build/file/BUILD"); assertThat(event.getLocation().getStartLineAndColumn().getLine()).isEqualTo(1); assertThat(event.getLocation().getStartLineAndColumn().getColumn()).isEqualTo(10); assertThat(buildFileAST.containsErrors()).isTrue(); } @Test public void testImplicitStringConcatenationAcrossLinesIsIllegal() throws Exception { setFailFast(false); BuildFileAST buildFileAST = parseBuildFile("a = 'foo'\n 'bar'"); Event event = assertContainsError("indentation error"); assertThat(event.getLocation().getPath().toString()).isEqualTo("/a/build/file/BUILD"); assertThat(event.getLocation().getStartLineAndColumn().getLine()).isEqualTo(2); assertThat(event.getLocation().getStartLineAndColumn().getColumn()).isEqualTo(2); assertThat(buildFileAST.containsErrors()).isTrue(); } @Test public void testWithSyntaxErrorsDoesNotPrintDollarError() throws Exception { setFailFast(false); BuildFileAST buildFile = parseBuildFile( "abi = '$(ABI)-glibc-' + glibc_version + '-' + $(TARGET_CPU) + '-linux'", "libs = [abi + opt_level + '/lib/libcc.a']", "shlibs = [abi + opt_level + '/lib/libcc.so']", "+* shlibs", // syntax error at '+' "cc_library(name = 'cc',", " srcs = libs,", " includes = [ abi + opt_level + '/include' ])"); assertThat(buildFile.containsErrors()).isTrue(); assertContainsError("syntax error at '+': expected expression"); assertThat(buildFile.exec(env, getEventHandler())).isFalse(); MoreAsserts.assertDoesNotContainEvent(getEventCollector(), "$error$"); // This message should not be printed anymore. MoreAsserts.assertDoesNotContainEvent(getEventCollector(), "contains syntax error(s)"); } }