// Copyright 2015 The Bazel Authors. All rights reserved. // // Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); // you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. // You may obtain a copy of the License at // // http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 // // Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software // distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, // WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. // See the License for the specific language governing permissions and // limitations under the License. package com.google.devtools.build.lib.skyframe; import static com.google.common.truth.Truth.assertThat; import static org.junit.Assert.assertFalse; import static org.junit.Assert.assertNotNull; import static org.junit.Assert.assertNull; import static org.junit.Assert.assertTrue; import com.google.common.base.Preconditions; import com.google.common.collect.ImmutableList; import com.google.devtools.build.lib.analysis.util.BuildViewTestCase; import com.google.devtools.build.lib.cmdline.Label; import com.google.devtools.build.lib.packages.NoSuchPackageException; import com.google.devtools.build.lib.packages.NoSuchTargetException; import com.google.devtools.build.skyframe.EvaluationResult; import com.google.devtools.build.skyframe.SkyKey; import com.google.devtools.build.skyframe.SkyValue; import com.google.devtools.build.skyframe.WalkableGraph; import org.junit.Test; import org.junit.runner.RunWith; import org.junit.runners.JUnit4; import java.io.IOException; /** Tests for {@link com.google.devtools.build.lib.skyframe.PrepareDepsOfPatternsFunction}. */ @RunWith(JUnit4.class) public class PrepareDepsOfPatternsFunctionTest extends BuildViewTestCase { private static SkyKey getKeyForLabel(Label label) { // Note that these tests used to look for TargetMarker SkyKeys before TargetMarker was // inlined in TransitiveTraversalFunction. Because TargetMarker is now inlined, it doesn't // appear in the graph. Instead, these tests now look for TransitiveTraversal keys. return TransitiveTraversalValue.key(label); } @Test public void testFunctionLoadsTargetAndNotUnspecifiedTargets() throws Exception { // Given a package "//foo" with independent target rules ":foo" and ":foo2", createFooAndFoo2(/*dependent=*/ false); // Given a target pattern sequence consisting of a single-target pattern for "//foo", ImmutableList patternSequence = ImmutableList.of("//foo"); // When PrepareDepsOfPatternsFunction successfully completes evaluation, WalkableGraph walkableGraph = getGraphFromPatternsEvaluation(patternSequence, /*successExpected=*/ true); // Then the graph contains a value for the target "//foo:foo", assertValidValue(walkableGraph, getKeyForLabel(Label.create("foo", "foo"))); // And the graph does not contain a value for the target "//foo:foo2". assertFalse(walkableGraph.exists(getKeyForLabel(Label.create("foo", "foo2")))); } @Test public void testFunctionLoadsTargetDependencies() throws Exception { // Given a package "//foo" with target rules ":foo" and ":foo2", // And given ":foo" depends on ":foo2", createFooAndFoo2(/*dependent=*/ true); // Given a target pattern sequence consisting of a single-target pattern for "//foo", ImmutableList patternSequence = ImmutableList.of("//foo"); // When PrepareDepsOfPatternsFunction successfully completes evaluation, WalkableGraph walkableGraph = getGraphFromPatternsEvaluation(patternSequence, /*successExpected=*/ true); // Then the graph contains an entry for ":foo"'s dependency, ":foo2". assertValidValue(walkableGraph, getKeyForLabel(Label.create("foo", "foo2"))); } @Test public void testFunctionExpandsTargetPatterns() throws Exception { // Given a package "//foo" with independent target rules ":foo" and ":foo2", createFooAndFoo2(/*dependent=*/ false); // Given a target pattern sequence consisting of a pattern for "//foo:*", ImmutableList patternSequence = ImmutableList.of("//foo:*"); // When PrepareDepsOfPatternsFunction successfully completes evaluation, WalkableGraph walkableGraph = getGraphFromPatternsEvaluation(patternSequence, /*successExpected=*/ true); // Then the graph contains an entry for ":foo" and ":foo2". assertValidValue(walkableGraph, getKeyForLabel(Label.create("foo", "foo"))); assertValidValue(walkableGraph, getKeyForLabel(Label.create("foo", "foo2"))); } @Test public void testTargetParsingException() throws Exception { // Given no packages, and a target pattern sequence referring to a non-existent target, String nonexistentTarget = "//foo:foo"; ImmutableList patternSequence = ImmutableList.of(nonexistentTarget); // When PrepareDepsOfPatternsFunction completes evaluation, WalkableGraph walkableGraph = getGraphFromPatternsEvaluation(patternSequence, /*successExpected=*/ false); // Then the graph does not contain an entry for ":foo", assertFalse(walkableGraph.exists(getKeyForLabel(Label.create("foo", "foo")))); } @Test public void testDependencyTraversalNoSuchPackageException() throws Exception { // Given a package "//foo" with a target ":foo" that has a dependency on a non-existent target // "//bar:bar" in a non-existent package "//bar", createFooWithDependencyOnMissingBarPackage(); // Given a target pattern sequence consisting of a single-target pattern for "//foo", ImmutableList patternSequence = ImmutableList.of("//foo"); // When PrepareDepsOfPatternsFunction completes evaluation, WalkableGraph walkableGraph = getGraphFromPatternsEvaluation(patternSequence, /*successExpected=*/ false); // Then the graph contains an entry for ":foo", assertValidValue( walkableGraph, getKeyForLabel(Label.create("foo", "foo")), /*expectTransitiveException=*/ true); // And an entry with a NoSuchPackageException for "//bar:bar", Exception e = assertException(walkableGraph, getKeyForLabel(Label.create("bar", "bar"))); assertThat(e).isInstanceOf(NoSuchPackageException.class); } @Test public void testDependencyTraversalNoSuchTargetException() throws Exception { // Given a package "//foo" with a target ":foo" that has a dependency on a non-existent target // "//bar:bar" in an existing package "//bar", createFooWithDependencyOnBarPackageWithMissingTarget(); // Given a target pattern sequence consisting of a single-target pattern for "//foo", ImmutableList patternSequence = ImmutableList.of("//foo"); // When PrepareDepsOfPatternsFunction completes evaluation, WalkableGraph walkableGraph = getGraphFromPatternsEvaluation(patternSequence, /*successExpected=*/ false); // Then the graph contains an entry for ":foo" which has both a value and an exception, assertValidValue( walkableGraph, getKeyForLabel(Label.create("foo", "foo")), /*expectTransitiveException=*/ true); // And an entry with a NoSuchTargetException for "//bar:bar", Exception e = assertException(walkableGraph, getKeyForLabel(Label.create("bar", "bar"))); assertThat(e).isInstanceOf(NoSuchTargetException.class); } @Test public void testParsingProblemsKeepGoing() throws Exception { parsingProblem(/*keepGoing=*/ true); } /** * PrepareDepsOfPatternsFunction always keeps going despite any target pattern parsing errors, * in keeping with the original behavior of {@link SkyframeExecutor#prepareAndGet}, which * always used {@code keepGoing=true} during target pattern parsing because it was responsible * for ensuring that queries had a complete graph to work on. */ @Test public void testParsingProblemsNoKeepGoing() throws Exception { parsingProblem(/*keepGoing=*/ false); } private void parsingProblem(boolean keepGoing) throws Exception { // Given a package "//foo" with target rule ":foo", createFooAndFoo2(/*dependent=*/ false); // Given a target pattern sequence consisting of a pattern with parsing problems followed by // a legit target pattern, String bogusPattern = "//foo/...."; ImmutableList patternSequence = ImmutableList.of(bogusPattern, "//foo:foo"); // When PrepareDepsOfPatternsFunction runs in the selected keep-going mode, WalkableGraph walkableGraph = getGraphFromPatternsEvaluation( patternSequence, /*successExpected=*/ true, /*keepGoing=*/ keepGoing); // Then it skips evaluation of the malformed target pattern, but logs about it, assertContainsEvent("Skipping '" + bogusPattern + "': "); // And then the graph contains a value for the legit target pattern's target "//foo:foo". assertTrue(walkableGraph.exists(getKeyForLabel(Label.create("foo", "foo")))); } // Helpers: private WalkableGraph getGraphFromPatternsEvaluation( ImmutableList patternSequence, boolean successExpected) throws InterruptedException { return getGraphFromPatternsEvaluation(patternSequence, successExpected, /*keepGoing=*/ true); } private WalkableGraph getGraphFromPatternsEvaluation( ImmutableList patternSequence, boolean successExpected, boolean keepGoing) throws InterruptedException { SkyKey independentTarget = PrepareDepsOfPatternsValue.key(patternSequence, ""); ImmutableList singletonTargetPattern = ImmutableList.of(independentTarget); // When PrepareDepsOfPatternsFunction completes evaluation, EvaluationResult evaluationResult = getSkyframeExecutor() .getDriverForTesting() .evaluate(singletonTargetPattern, keepGoing, LOADING_PHASE_THREADS, eventCollector); if (successExpected) { // Then the evaluation completed successfully. assertFalse(evaluationResult.hasError()); } else { // Then the evaluation resulted in some errors. assertTrue(evaluationResult.hasError()); } return Preconditions.checkNotNull(evaluationResult.getWalkableGraph()); } private void createFooAndFoo2(boolean dependent) throws IOException { String dependencyIfAny = dependent ? "srcs = [':foo2']," : ""; scratch.file( "foo/BUILD", "genrule(name = 'foo',", dependencyIfAny, " outs = ['out.txt'],", " cmd = 'touch $@')", "genrule(name = 'foo2',", " outs = ['out2.txt'],", " cmd = 'touch $@')"); } private void createFooWithDependencyOnMissingBarPackage() throws IOException { scratch.file( "foo/BUILD", "genrule(name = 'foo',", " srcs = ['//bar:bar'],", " outs = ['out.txt'],", " cmd = 'touch $@')"); } private void createFooWithDependencyOnBarPackageWithMissingTarget() throws IOException { scratch.file( "foo/BUILD", "genrule(name = 'foo',", " srcs = ['//bar:bar'],", " outs = ['out.txt'],", " cmd = 'touch $@')"); scratch.file("bar/BUILD"); } private void assertValidValue(WalkableGraph graph, SkyKey key) { assertValidValue(graph, key, /*expectTransitiveException=*/ false); } /** * A node in the walkable graph may have both a value and an exception. This happens when one * of a node's transitive dependencies throws an exception, but its parent recovers from it. */ private void assertValidValue( WalkableGraph graph, SkyKey key, boolean expectTransitiveException) { assertTrue(graph.exists(key)); assertNotNull(graph.getValue(key)); if (expectTransitiveException) { assertNotNull(graph.getException(key)); } else { assertNull(graph.getException(key)); } } private Exception assertException(WalkableGraph graph, SkyKey key) { assertTrue(graph.exists(key)); assertNull(graph.getValue(key)); Exception exception = graph.getException(key); assertNotNull(exception); return exception; } }