// Copyright 2015 The Bazel Authors. All rights reserved. // // Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); // you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. // You may obtain a copy of the License at // // http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 // // Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software // distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, // WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. // See the License for the specific language governing permissions and // limitations under the License. package com.google.devtools.build.lib.rules.cpp; import static com.google.common.truth.Truth.assertThat; import static org.junit.Assert.assertEquals; import static org.junit.Assert.assertFalse; import static org.junit.Assert.assertNotNull; import static org.junit.Assert.assertNull; import static org.junit.Assert.assertTrue; import static org.junit.Assert.fail; import com.google.common.base.Functions; import com.google.common.collect.ImmutableList; import com.google.common.collect.ImmutableMap; import com.google.devtools.build.lib.analysis.config.BuildOptions; import com.google.devtools.build.lib.analysis.config.CompilationMode; import com.google.devtools.build.lib.analysis.config.ConfigurationEnvironment; import com.google.devtools.build.lib.analysis.config.InvalidConfigurationException; import com.google.devtools.build.lib.analysis.util.AnalysisTestCase; import com.google.devtools.build.lib.cmdline.Label; import com.google.devtools.build.lib.cmdline.LabelSyntaxException; import com.google.devtools.build.lib.cmdline.PackageIdentifier; import com.google.devtools.build.lib.packages.util.MockCcSupport; import com.google.devtools.build.lib.rules.cpp.CppConfiguration.Tool; import com.google.devtools.build.lib.testutil.TestConstants; import com.google.devtools.build.lib.testutil.TestRuleClassProvider; import com.google.devtools.build.lib.vfs.PathFragment; import com.google.devtools.build.lib.view.config.crosstool.CrosstoolConfig.LipoMode; import org.junit.Test; import org.junit.runner.RunWith; import org.junit.runners.JUnit4; import java.io.IOException; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.Collections; /** * Tests for {@link CppConfigurationLoader}. */ @RunWith(JUnit4.class) public class CrosstoolConfigurationLoaderTest extends AnalysisTestCase { private static final Collection NO_FEATURES = Collections.emptySet(); private CppConfiguration create(CppConfigurationLoader loader, String... args) throws Exception { ConfigurationEnvironment env = new ConfigurationEnvironment.TargetProviderEnvironment( skyframeExecutor.getPackageManager(), reporter, directories); return loader.create(env, BuildOptions.of( TestRuleClassProvider.getRuleClassProvider().getOptionFragments(), args)); } private CppConfigurationLoader loader(String crosstoolFileContents) throws IOException { CrosstoolConfigurationHelper.overwriteCrosstoolFile( directories.getWorkspace(), crosstoolFileContents); return new CppConfigurationLoader(Functions.identity()); } private CppConfigurationLoader loaderWithOptionalTool(String optionalTool) throws IOException { return loader( "major_version: \"12\"" + "minor_version: \"0\"" + "default_target_cpu: \"cpu\"" + "default_toolchain {" + " cpu: \"cpu\"" + " toolchain_identifier: \"toolchain-identifier\"" + "}" + "toolchain {" + " toolchain_identifier: \"toolchain-identifier\"" + " host_system_name: \"host-system-name\"" + " target_system_name: \"target-system-name\"" + " target_cpu: \"piii\"" + " target_libc: \"target-libc\"" + " compiler: \"compiler\"" + " abi_version: \"abi-version\"" + " abi_libc_version: \"abi-libc-version\"" + " tool_path { name: \"ar\" path: \"path-to-ar\" }" + " tool_path { name: \"cpp\" path: \"path-to-cpp\" }" + " tool_path { name: \"gcc\" path: \"path-to-gcc\" }" + " tool_path { name: \"gcov\" path: \"path-to-gcov\" }" + " tool_path { name: \"ld\" path: \"path-to-ld\" }" + " tool_path { name: \"nm\" path: \"path-to-nm\" }" + " tool_path { name: \"objcopy\" path: \"path-to-objcopy\" }" + " tool_path { name: \"objdump\" path: \"path-to-objdump\" }" + " tool_path { name: \"strip\" path: \"path-to-strip\" }" + " tool_path { name: \"dwp\" path: \"path-to-dwp\" }" + optionalTool + " supports_gold_linker: true" + " supports_thin_archives: true" + " supports_normalizing_ar: true" + " supports_incremental_linker: true" + " supports_fission: true" + " compiler_flag: \"c\"" + " cxx_flag: \"cxx\"" + " unfiltered_cxx_flag: \"unfiltered\"" + " linker_flag: \"linker\"" + " dynamic_library_linker_flag: \"solinker\"" + " objcopy_embed_flag: \"objcopy\"" + " compilation_mode_flags {" + " mode: FASTBUILD" + " compiler_flag: \"fastbuild\"" + " cxx_flag: \"cxx-fastbuild\"" + " linker_flag: \"linker-fastbuild\"" + " }" + " compilation_mode_flags {" + " mode: DBG" + " compiler_flag: \"dbg\"" + " cxx_flag: \"cxx-dbg\"" + " linker_flag: \"linker-dbg\"" + " }" + " compilation_mode_flags {" + " mode: COVERAGE" + " compiler_flag: \"coverage\"" + " cxx_flag: \"cxx-coverage\"" + " linker_flag: \"linker-coverage\"" + " }" + " compilation_mode_flags {" + " mode: OPT" + " compiler_flag: \"opt\"" + " cxx_flag: \"cxx-opt\"" + " linker_flag: \"linker-opt\"" + " }" + " linking_mode_flags {" + " mode: FULLY_STATIC" + " linker_flag: \"fully static\"" + " }" + " linking_mode_flags {" + " mode: MOSTLY_STATIC" + " linker_flag: \"mostly static\"" + " }" + " linking_mode_flags {" + " mode: DYNAMIC" + " linker_flag: \"dynamic\"" + " }" + " make_variable {" + " name: \"SOME_MAKE_VARIABLE\"" + " value: \"make-variable-value\"" + " }" + " cxx_builtin_include_directory: \"system-include-dir\"" + "}"); } /** * Checks that we do not accidentally change the proto format in incompatible * ways. Do not modify the configuration file in this test, except if you are * absolutely certain that it is backwards-compatible. */ @Test public void testSimpleCompleteConfiguration() throws Exception { CppConfigurationLoader loader = loaderWithOptionalTool(""); CppConfiguration toolchain = create(loader, "--cpu=cpu"); assertEquals("toolchain-identifier", toolchain.getToolchainIdentifier()); assertEquals("host-system-name", toolchain.getHostSystemName()); assertEquals("compiler", toolchain.getCompiler()); assertEquals("target-libc", toolchain.getTargetLibc()); assertEquals("piii", toolchain.getTargetCpu()); assertEquals("target-system-name", toolchain.getTargetGnuSystemName()); assertEquals(getToolPath("/path-to-ar"), toolchain.getToolPathFragment(Tool.AR)); assertEquals("abi-version", toolchain.getAbi()); assertEquals("abi-libc-version", toolchain.getAbiGlibcVersion()); assertTrue(toolchain.supportsGoldLinker()); assertTrue(toolchain.supportsThinArchives()); assertFalse(toolchain.supportsStartEndLib()); assertFalse(toolchain.supportsInterfaceSharedObjects()); assertFalse(toolchain.supportsEmbeddedRuntimes()); assertFalse(toolchain.toolchainNeedsPic()); assertTrue(toolchain.supportsFission()); assertEquals( ImmutableList.of(getToolPath("/system-include-dir")), toolchain.getBuiltInIncludeDirectories()); assertNull(toolchain.getSysroot()); assertEquals(Arrays.asList("c", "fastbuild"), toolchain.getCompilerOptions(NO_FEATURES)); assertEquals(Arrays.asList(), toolchain.getCOptions()); assertEquals(Arrays.asList("cxx", "cxx-fastbuild"), toolchain.getCxxOptions(NO_FEATURES)); assertEquals(Arrays.asList("unfiltered"), toolchain.getUnfilteredCompilerOptions(NO_FEATURES)); assertEquals(Arrays.asList(), toolchain.getLinkOptions()); assertEquals( Arrays.asList("linker", "-Wl,-S", "linker-fastbuild", "fully static"), toolchain.getFullyStaticLinkOptions(NO_FEATURES, false)); assertEquals( Arrays.asList("linker", "-Wl,-S", "linker-fastbuild", "dynamic"), toolchain.getDynamicLinkOptions(NO_FEATURES, false)); assertEquals( Arrays.asList("linker", "-Wl,-S", "linker-fastbuild", "mostly static", "solinker"), toolchain.getFullyStaticLinkOptions(NO_FEATURES, true)); assertEquals( Arrays.asList("linker", "-Wl,-S", "linker-fastbuild", "dynamic", "solinker"), toolchain.getDynamicLinkOptions(NO_FEATURES, true)); assertEquals(Arrays.asList("objcopy"), toolchain.getObjCopyOptionsForEmbedding()); assertEquals(Arrays.asList(), toolchain.getLdOptionsForEmbedding()); assertEquals(Arrays.asList("rcsD"), toolchain.getArFlags(/*thinArchives=*/ false)); assertEquals(Arrays.asList("rcsDT"), toolchain.getArFlags(/*thinArchives=*/ true)); assertThat(toolchain.getAdditionalMakeVariables().entrySet()) .containsExactlyElementsIn( ImmutableMap.of( "SOME_MAKE_VARIABLE", "make-variable-value", "STACK_FRAME_UNLIMITED", "", "CC_FLAGS", "") .entrySet()); assertEquals(getToolPath("/path-to-ld"), toolchain.getLdExecutable()); assertEquals(getToolPath("/path-to-dwp"), toolchain.getToolPathFragment(Tool.DWP)); } /** * Tests all of the fields and a bunch of the combinations a config can hold, * including non-default toolchains, missing sections and repeated entries * (and their order in the end result.) */ @Test public void testComprehensiveCompleteConfiguration() throws Exception { CppConfigurationLoader loader = loader( // Needs to include \n's; as a single line it hits a parser limitation. "major_version: \"12\"\n" + "minor_version: \"0\"\n" + "default_target_cpu: \"piii\"\n" + "default_toolchain {\n" + " cpu: \"piii\"\n" + " toolchain_identifier: \"toolchain-identifier-A\"\n" + "}\n" + "default_toolchain {\n" + " cpu: \"k8\"\n" + " toolchain_identifier: \"toolchain-identifier-B\"\n" + "}\n" + "toolchain {\n" + " toolchain_identifier: \"toolchain-identifier-A\"\n" + " host_system_name: \"host-system-name-A\"\n" + " target_system_name: \"target-system-name-A\"\n" + " target_cpu: \"piii\"\n" + " target_libc: \"target-libc-A\"\n" + " compiler: \"compiler-A\"\n" + " abi_version: \"abi-version-A\"\n" + " abi_libc_version: \"abi-libc-version-A\"\n" + " tool_path { name: \"ar\" path: \"path/to/ar-A\" }\n" + " tool_path { name: \"cpp\" path: \"path/to/cpp-A\" }\n" + " tool_path { name: \"gcc\" path: \"path/to/gcc-A\" }\n" + " tool_path { name: \"gcov\" path: \"path/to/gcov-A\" }\n" + " tool_path { name: \"gcov-tool\" path: \"path-to-gcov-tool-A\" }" + " tool_path { name: \"ld\" path: \"path/to/ld-A\" }\n" + " tool_path { name: \"nm\" path: \"path/to/nm-A\" }\n" + " tool_path { name: \"objcopy\" path: \"path/to/objcopy-A\" }\n" + " tool_path { name: \"objdump\" path: \"path/to/objdump-A\" }\n" + " tool_path { name: \"strip\" path: \"path/to/strip-A\" }\n" + " tool_path { name: \"dwp\" path: \"path/to/dwp\" }\n" + " supports_gold_linker: true\n" + " supports_thin_archives: true\n" + " supports_start_end_lib: true\n" + " supports_normalizing_ar: true\n" + " supports_embedded_runtimes: true\n" + " needsPic: true\n" + " compiler_flag: \"compiler-flag-A-1\"\n" + " compiler_flag: \"compiler-flag-A-2\"\n" + " cxx_flag: \"cxx-flag-A-1\"\n" + " cxx_flag: \"cxx-flag-A-2\"\n" + " unfiltered_cxx_flag: \"unfiltered-flag-A-1\"\n" + " unfiltered_cxx_flag: \"unfiltered-flag-A-2\"\n" + " linker_flag: \"linker-flag-A-1\"\n" + " linker_flag: \"linker-flag-A-2\"\n" + " dynamic_library_linker_flag: \"solinker-flag-A-1\"\n" + " dynamic_library_linker_flag: \"solinker-flag-A-2\"\n" + " objcopy_embed_flag: \"objcopy-embed-flag-A-1\"\n" + " objcopy_embed_flag: \"objcopy-embed-flag-A-2\"\n" + " ld_embed_flag: \"ld-embed-flag-A-1\"\n" + " ld_embed_flag: \"ld-embed-flag-A-2\"\n" + " ar_flag : \"ar-flag-A\"\n" + " ar_thin_archives_flag : \"ar-thin-archives-flag-A\"\n" + " compilation_mode_flags {\n" + " mode: FASTBUILD\n" + " compiler_flag: \"fastbuild-flag-A-1\"\n" + " compiler_flag: \"fastbuild-flag-A-2\"\n" + " cxx_flag: \"cxx-fastbuild-flag-A-1\"\n" + " cxx_flag: \"cxx-fastbuild-flag-A-2\"\n" + " linker_flag: \"linker-fastbuild-flag-A-1\"\n" + " linker_flag: \"linker-fastbuild-flag-A-2\"\n" + " }\n" + " compilation_mode_flags {\n" + " mode: DBG\n" + " compiler_flag: \"dbg-flag-A-1\"\n" + " compiler_flag: \"dbg-flag-A-2\"\n" + " cxx_flag: \"cxx-dbg-flag-A-1\"\n" + " cxx_flag: \"cxx-dbg-flag-A-2\"\n" + " linker_flag: \"linker-dbg-flag-A-1\"\n" + " linker_flag: \"linker-dbg-flag-A-2\"\n" + " }\n" + " compilation_mode_flags {\n" + " mode: COVERAGE\n" + " }\n" + " # skip mode OPT to test handling its absence\n" + " linking_mode_flags {\n" + " mode: FULLY_STATIC\n" + " linker_flag: \"fully-static-flag-A-1\"\n" + " linker_flag: \"fully-static-flag-A-2\"\n" + " }\n" + " linking_mode_flags {\n" + " mode: MOSTLY_STATIC\n" + " }\n" + " # skip linking mode DYNAMIC to test handling its absence\n" + " make_variable {\n" + " name: \"SOME_MAKE_VARIABLE-A-1\"\n" + " value: \"make-variable-value-A-1\"\n" + " }\n" + " make_variable {\n" + " name: \"SOME_MAKE_VARIABLE-A-2\"\n" + " value: \"make-variable-value-A-2 with spaces in\"\n" + " }\n" + " cxx_builtin_include_directory: \"system-include-dir-A-1\"\n" + " cxx_builtin_include_directory: \"system-include-dir-A-2\"\n" + " builtin_sysroot: \"builtin-sysroot-A\"\n" + " default_python_top: \"python-top-A\"\n" + " default_python_version: \"python-version-A\"\n" + " default_grte_top: \"//some:labelA\"" + " debian_extra_requires: \"a\"" + " debian_extra_requires: \"b\"" + "}\n" + "toolchain {\n" + " toolchain_identifier: \"toolchain-identifier-B\"\n" + " host_system_name: \"host-system-name-B\"\n" + " target_system_name: \"target-system-name-B\"\n" + " target_cpu: \"piii\"\n" + " target_libc: \"target-libc-B\"\n" + " compiler: \"compiler-B\"\n" + " abi_version: \"abi-version-B\"\n" + " abi_libc_version: \"abi-libc-version-B\"\n" + " tool_path { name: \"ar\" path: \"path/to/ar-B\" }\n" + " tool_path { name: \"cpp\" path: \"path/to/cpp-B\" }\n" + " tool_path { name: \"gcc\" path: \"path/to/gcc-B\" }\n" + " tool_path { name: \"gcov\" path: \"path/to/gcov-B\" }\n" + " tool_path { name: \"gcov-tool\" path: \"path/to/gcov-tool-B\" }\n" + " tool_path { name: \"ld\" path: \"path/to/ld-B\" }\n" + " tool_path { name: \"nm\" path: \"path/to/nm-B\" }\n" + " tool_path { name: \"objcopy\" path: \"path/to/objcopy-B\" }\n" + " tool_path { name: \"objdump\" path: \"path/to/objdump-B\" }\n" + " tool_path { name: \"strip\" path: \"path/to/strip-B\" }\n" + " tool_path { name: \"dwp\" path: \"path/to/dwp\" }\n" + " supports_gold_linker: true\n" + " supports_thin_archives: true\n" + " supports_start_end_lib: true\n" + " supports_normalizing_ar: true\n" + " supports_embedded_runtimes: true\n" + " needsPic: true\n" + " compiler_flag: \"compiler-flag-B-1\"\n" + " compiler_flag: \"compiler-flag-B-2\"\n" + " optional_compiler_flag {\n" + " default_setting_name: \"crosstool_fig\"\n" + " flag: \"-Wfig\"\n" + " }\n" + " cxx_flag: \"cxx-flag-B-1\"\n" + " cxx_flag: \"cxx-flag-B-2\"\n" + " unfiltered_cxx_flag: \"unfiltered-flag-B-1\"\n" + " unfiltered_cxx_flag: \"unfiltered-flag-B-2\"\n" + " linker_flag: \"linker-flag-B-1\"\n" + " linker_flag: \"linker-flag-B-2\"\n" + " dynamic_library_linker_flag: \"solinker-flag-B-1\"\n" + " dynamic_library_linker_flag: \"solinker-flag-B-2\"\n" + " objcopy_embed_flag: \"objcopy-embed-flag-B-1\"\n" + " objcopy_embed_flag: \"objcopy-embed-flag-B-2\"\n" + " ld_embed_flag: \"ld-embed-flag-B-1\"\n" + " ld_embed_flag: \"ld-embed-flag-B-2\"\n" + " ar_flag : \"ar-flag-B\"\n" + " ar_thin_archives_flag : \"ar-thin-archives-flag-B\"\n" + " compilation_mode_flags {\n" + " mode: FASTBUILD\n" + " compiler_flag: \"fastbuild-flag-B-1\"\n" + " compiler_flag: \"fastbuild-flag-B-2\"\n" + " cxx_flag: \"cxx-fastbuild-flag-B-1\"\n" + " cxx_flag: \"cxx-fastbuild-flag-B-2\"\n" + " linker_flag: \"linker-fastbuild-flag-B-1\"\n" + " linker_flag: \"linker-fastbuild-flag-B-2\"\n" + " }\n" + " compilation_mode_flags {\n" + " mode: DBG\n" + " compiler_flag: \"dbg-flag-B-1\"\n" + " compiler_flag: \"dbg-flag-B-2\"\n" + " cxx_flag: \"cxx-dbg-flag-B-1\"\n" + " cxx_flag: \"cxx-dbg-flag-B-2\"\n" + " linker_flag: \"linker-dbg-flag-B-1\"\n" + " linker_flag: \"linker-dbg-flag-B-2\"\n" + " }\n" + " compilation_mode_flags {\n" + " mode: COVERAGE\n" + " }\n" + " # skip mode OPT to test handling its absence\n" + " lipo_mode_flags {" + " mode: OFF" + " compiler_flag: \"lipo_off\"" + " cxx_flag: \"cxx-lipo_off\"" + " linker_flag: \"linker-lipo_off\"" + " }" + " lipo_mode_flags {" + " mode: BINARY" + " compiler_flag: \"lipo_binary\"" + " cxx_flag: \"cxx-lipo_binary\"" + " linker_flag: \"linker-lipo_binary\"" + " }" + " linking_mode_flags {\n" + " mode: FULLY_STATIC\n" + " linker_flag: \"fully-static-flag-B-1\"\n" + " linker_flag: \"fully-static-flag-B-2\"\n" + " }\n" + " linking_mode_flags {\n" + " mode: MOSTLY_STATIC\n" + " }\n" + " # skip linking mode DYNAMIC to test handling its absence\n" + " make_variable {\n" + " name: \"SOME_MAKE_VARIABLE-B-1\"\n" + " value: \"make-variable-value-B-1\"\n" + " }\n" + " make_variable {\n" + " name: \"SOME_MAKE_VARIABLE-B-2\"\n" + " value: \"make-variable-value-B-2 with spaces in\"\n" + " }\n" + " cxx_builtin_include_directory: \"system-include-dir-B-1\"\n" + " cxx_builtin_include_directory: \"system-include-dir-B-2\"\n" + " builtin_sysroot: \"builtin-sysroot-B\"\n" + " default_python_top: \"python-top-B\"\n" + " default_python_version: \"python-version-B\"\n" + " default_grte_top: \"//some:labelB\"\n" + " debian_extra_requires: \"c\"" + " debian_extra_requires: \"d\"" + "}\n" + "default_setting {\n" + " name: \"crosstool_fig\"\n" + " default_value: false\n" + "}\n" + "toolchain {\n" + " toolchain_identifier: \"toolchain-identifier-C\"\n" + " host_system_name: \"host-system-name-C\"\n" + " target_system_name: \"target-system-name-C\"\n" + " target_cpu: \"piii\"\n" + " target_libc: \"target-libc-C\"\n" + " compiler: \"compiler-C\"\n" + " abi_version: \"abi-version-C\"\n" + " abi_libc_version: \"abi-libc-version-C\"\n" + " tool_path { name: \"ar\" path: \"path/to/ar-C\" }" + " tool_path { name: \"cpp\" path: \"path/to/cpp-C\" }" + " tool_path { name: \"gcc\" path: \"path/to/gcc-C\" }" + " tool_path { name: \"gcov\" path: \"path/to/gcov-C\" }" + " tool_path { name: \"gcov-tool\" path: \"path/to/gcov-tool-C\" }" + " tool_path { name: \"ld\" path: \"path/to/ld-C\" }" + " tool_path { name: \"nm\" path: \"path/to/nm-C\" }" + " tool_path { name: \"objcopy\" path: \"path/to/objcopy-C\" }" + " tool_path { name: \"objdump\" path: \"path/to/objdump-C\" }" + " tool_path { name: \"strip\" path: \"path/to/strip-C\" }" + " tool_path { name: \"dwp\" path: \"path/to/dwp\" }\n" + "}"); CppConfiguration toolchainA = create(loader, "--cpu=piii"); assertEquals("toolchain-identifier-A", toolchainA.getToolchainIdentifier()); assertEquals("host-system-name-A", toolchainA.getHostSystemName()); assertEquals("target-system-name-A", toolchainA.getTargetGnuSystemName()); assertEquals("piii", toolchainA.getTargetCpu()); assertEquals("target-libc-A", toolchainA.getTargetLibc()); assertEquals("compiler-A", toolchainA.getCompiler()); assertEquals("abi-version-A", toolchainA.getAbi()); assertEquals("abi-libc-version-A", toolchainA.getAbiGlibcVersion()); assertEquals(getToolPath("path/to/ar-A"), toolchainA.getToolPathFragment(Tool.AR)); assertEquals(getToolPath("path/to/cpp-A"), toolchainA.getToolPathFragment(Tool.CPP)); assertEquals(getToolPath("path/to/gcc-A"), toolchainA.getToolPathFragment(Tool.GCC)); assertEquals(getToolPath("path/to/gcov-A"), toolchainA.getToolPathFragment(Tool.GCOV)); assertEquals(getToolPath("path/to/ld-A"), toolchainA.getToolPathFragment(Tool.LD)); assertEquals(getToolPath("path/to/nm-A"), toolchainA.getToolPathFragment(Tool.NM)); assertEquals(getToolPath("path/to/objcopy-A"), toolchainA.getToolPathFragment(Tool.OBJCOPY)); assertEquals(getToolPath("path/to/objdump-A"), toolchainA.getToolPathFragment(Tool.OBJDUMP)); assertEquals(getToolPath("path/to/strip-A"), toolchainA.getToolPathFragment(Tool.STRIP)); assertTrue(toolchainA.supportsGoldLinker()); assertTrue(toolchainA.supportsThinArchives()); assertTrue(toolchainA.supportsStartEndLib()); assertTrue(toolchainA.supportsEmbeddedRuntimes()); assertTrue(toolchainA.toolchainNeedsPic()); assertEquals( Arrays.asList( "compiler-flag-A-1", "compiler-flag-A-2", "fastbuild-flag-A-1", "fastbuild-flag-A-2"), toolchainA.getCompilerOptions(NO_FEATURES)); assertEquals( Arrays.asList( "cxx-flag-A-1", "cxx-flag-A-2", "cxx-fastbuild-flag-A-1", "cxx-fastbuild-flag-A-2"), toolchainA.getCxxOptions(NO_FEATURES)); assertEquals( Arrays.asList("--sysroot=some", "unfiltered-flag-A-1", "unfiltered-flag-A-2"), toolchainA.getUnfilteredCompilerOptions(NO_FEATURES)); assertEquals( Arrays.asList( "linker-flag-A-1", "linker-flag-A-2", "-Wl,-S", "linker-fastbuild-flag-A-1", "linker-fastbuild-flag-A-2", "solinker-flag-A-1", "solinker-flag-A-2"), toolchainA.getDynamicLinkOptions(NO_FEATURES, true)); // Only test a couple of compilation/lipo/linking mode combinations // (but test each mode at least once.) assertEquals( Arrays.asList( "linker-flag-A-1", "linker-flag-A-2", "-Wl,-S", "linker-fastbuild-flag-A-1", "linker-fastbuild-flag-A-2", "fully-static-flag-A-1", "fully-static-flag-A-2"), toolchainA.configureLinkerOptions( CompilationMode.FASTBUILD, LipoMode.OFF, LinkingMode.FULLY_STATIC, new PathFragment("hello-world/ld"), true)); assertEquals( Arrays.asList( "linker-flag-A-1", "linker-flag-A-2", "-Wl,-S", "linker-dbg-flag-A-1", "linker-dbg-flag-A-2"), toolchainA.configureLinkerOptions( CompilationMode.DBG, LipoMode.OFF, LinkingMode.DYNAMIC, new PathFragment("hello-world/ld"), true)); assertEquals( Arrays.asList( "linker-flag-A-1", "linker-flag-A-2", "-Wl,-S", "fully-static-flag-A-1", "fully-static-flag-A-2"), toolchainA.configureLinkerOptions( CompilationMode.OPT, LipoMode.OFF, LinkingMode.FULLY_STATIC, new PathFragment("hello-world/ld"), true)); assertEquals( Arrays.asList( "linker-flag-A-1", "linker-flag-A-2", "-Wl,-S", "fully-static-flag-A-1", "fully-static-flag-A-2"), toolchainA.configureLinkerOptions( CompilationMode.OPT, LipoMode.BINARY, LinkingMode.FULLY_STATIC, new PathFragment("hello-world/ld"), true)); assertEquals( Arrays.asList("objcopy-embed-flag-A-1", "objcopy-embed-flag-A-2"), toolchainA.getObjCopyOptionsForEmbedding()); assertEquals( Arrays.asList("ld-embed-flag-A-1", "ld-embed-flag-A-2"), toolchainA.getLdOptionsForEmbedding()); assertEquals(Arrays.asList("ar-flag-A"), toolchainA.getArFlags(/*thinArchives=*/ false)); assertEquals( Arrays.asList("ar-thin-archives-flag-A"), toolchainA.getArFlags(/*thinArchives=*/ true)); assertThat(toolchainA.getAdditionalMakeVariables().entrySet()) .containsExactlyElementsIn( ImmutableMap.builder() .put("SOME_MAKE_VARIABLE-A-1", "make-variable-value-A-1") .put("SOME_MAKE_VARIABLE-A-2", "make-variable-value-A-2 with spaces in") .put("CC_FLAGS", "--sysroot=some") .put("STACK_FRAME_UNLIMITED", "") .build() .entrySet()); assertEquals( Arrays.asList( getToolPath("/system-include-dir-A-1"), getToolPath("/system-include-dir-A-2")), toolchainA.getBuiltInIncludeDirectories()); assertEquals(new PathFragment("some"), toolchainA.getSysroot()); // Cursory testing of the "B" toolchain only; assume that if none of // toolchain B bled through into toolchain A, the reverse also didn't occur. And // we test more of it with the "C" toolchain below. checkToolchainB(loader, LipoMode.OFF, "--cpu=k8", "--lipo=off"); checkToolchainB(loader, LipoMode.BINARY, "--cpu=k8", "--lipo=binary"); // Make sure nothing bled through to the nearly-empty "C" toolchain. This is also testing for // all the defaults. CppConfiguration toolchainC = create(loader, "--compiler=compiler-C", "--glibc=target-libc-C", "--cpu=piii"); assertEquals("toolchain-identifier-C", toolchainC.getToolchainIdentifier()); assertEquals("host-system-name-C", toolchainC.getHostSystemName()); assertEquals("target-system-name-C", toolchainC.getTargetGnuSystemName()); assertEquals("piii", toolchainC.getTargetCpu()); assertEquals("target-libc-C", toolchainC.getTargetLibc()); assertEquals("compiler-C", toolchainC.getCompiler()); assertEquals("abi-version-C", toolchainC.getAbi()); assertEquals("abi-libc-version-C", toolchainC.getAbiGlibcVersion()); // Don't bother with testing the list of tools again. assertFalse(toolchainC.supportsGoldLinker()); assertFalse(toolchainC.supportsThinArchives()); assertFalse(toolchainC.supportsStartEndLib()); assertFalse(toolchainC.supportsInterfaceSharedObjects()); assertFalse(toolchainC.supportsEmbeddedRuntimes()); assertFalse(toolchainC.toolchainNeedsPic()); assertFalse(toolchainC.supportsFission()); assertThat(toolchainC.getCompilerOptions(NO_FEATURES)).isEmpty(); assertThat(toolchainC.getCOptions()).isEmpty(); assertThat(toolchainC.getCxxOptions(NO_FEATURES)).isEmpty(); assertThat(toolchainC.getUnfilteredCompilerOptions(NO_FEATURES)).isEmpty(); assertEquals(Arrays.asList("-Wl,-S"), toolchainC.getDynamicLinkOptions(NO_FEATURES, true)); assertEquals( Arrays.asList("-Wl,-S"), toolchainC.configureLinkerOptions( CompilationMode.FASTBUILD, LipoMode.OFF, LinkingMode.FULLY_STATIC, new PathFragment("hello-world/ld"), true)); assertEquals( Arrays.asList("-Wl,-S"), toolchainC.configureLinkerOptions( CompilationMode.DBG, LipoMode.OFF, LinkingMode.DYNAMIC, new PathFragment("hello-world/ld"), true)); assertEquals( Arrays.asList("-Wl,-S"), toolchainC.configureLinkerOptions( CompilationMode.OPT, LipoMode.OFF, LinkingMode.FULLY_STATIC, new PathFragment("hello-world/ld"), true)); assertThat(toolchainC.getObjCopyOptionsForEmbedding()).isEmpty(); assertThat(toolchainC.getLdOptionsForEmbedding()).isEmpty(); assertThat(toolchainC.getAdditionalMakeVariables().entrySet()) .containsExactlyElementsIn( ImmutableMap.builder() .put("CC_FLAGS", "") .put("STACK_FRAME_UNLIMITED", "") .build() .entrySet()); assertThat(toolchainC.getBuiltInIncludeDirectories()).isEmpty(); assertNull(toolchainC.getSysroot()); } protected PathFragment getToolPath(String path) throws LabelSyntaxException { PackageIdentifier packageIdentifier = PackageIdentifier.create( TestConstants.TOOLS_REPOSITORY, new PathFragment( new PathFragment(TestConstants.TOOLS_REPOSITORY_PATH), new PathFragment(path))); return packageIdentifier.getPathFragment(); } private void checkToolchainB(CppConfigurationLoader loader, LipoMode lipoMode, String... args) throws Exception { String lipoSuffix = lipoMode.toString().toLowerCase(); CppConfiguration toolchainB = create(loader, args); assertEquals("toolchain-identifier-B", toolchainB.getToolchainIdentifier()); assertEquals( Arrays.asList( "linker-flag-B-1", "linker-flag-B-2", "-Wl,-S", "linker-dbg-flag-B-1", "linker-dbg-flag-B-2", "linker-lipo_" + lipoSuffix), toolchainB.configureLinkerOptions( CompilationMode.DBG, lipoMode, LinkingMode.DYNAMIC, new PathFragment("hello-world/ld"), true)); assertEquals( ImmutableList.of( "compiler-flag-B-1", "compiler-flag-B-2", "fastbuild-flag-B-1", "fastbuild-flag-B-2", "lipo_" + lipoSuffix, "-Wfig"), toolchainB.getCompilerOptions(ImmutableList.of("crosstool_fig"))); } /** * Tests that we can select a toolchain using a subset of the --compiler and * --glibc flags, as long as they select a unique result. Also tests the error * messages we get when they don't. */ @Test public void testCompilerLibcSearch() throws Exception { CppConfigurationLoader loader = loader( // Needs to include \n's; as a single line it hits a parser limitation. "major_version: \"12\"\n" + "minor_version: \"0\"\n" + "default_target_cpu: \"k8\"\n" + "default_toolchain {\n" + " cpu: \"piii\"\n" + " toolchain_identifier: \"toolchain-identifier-AA-piii\"\n" + "}\n" + "default_toolchain {\n" + " cpu: \"k8\"\n" + " toolchain_identifier: \"toolchain-identifier-BB\"\n" + "}\n" + "toolchain {\n" + " toolchain_identifier: \"toolchain-identifier-AA\"\n" + " host_system_name: \"host-system-name-AA\"\n" + " target_system_name: \"target-system-name-AA\"\n" + " target_cpu: \"k8\"\n" + " target_libc: \"target-libc-A\"\n" + " compiler: \"compiler-A\"\n" + " abi_version: \"abi-version-A\"\n" + " abi_libc_version: \"abi-libc-version-A\"\n" + "}\n" // AA-piii is uniquely determined by libc and compiler. + "toolchain {\n" + " toolchain_identifier: \"toolchain-identifier-AA-piii\"\n" + " host_system_name: \"host-system-name-AA\"\n" + " target_system_name: \"target-system-name-AA\"\n" + " target_cpu: \"piii\"\n" + " target_libc: \"target-libc-A\"\n" + " compiler: \"compiler-A\"\n" + " abi_version: \"abi-version-A\"\n" + " abi_libc_version: \"abi-libc-version-A\"\n" + "}\n" + "toolchain {\n" + " toolchain_identifier: \"toolchain-identifier-AB\"\n" + " host_system_name: \"host-system-name-AB\"\n" + " target_system_name: \"target-system-name-AB\"\n" + " target_cpu: \"k8\"\n" + " target_libc: \"target-libc-A\"\n" + " compiler: \"compiler-B\"\n" + " abi_version: \"abi-version-B\"\n" + " abi_libc_version: \"abi-libc-version-A\"\n" + "}\n" + "toolchain {\n" + " toolchain_identifier: \"toolchain-identifier-BA\"\n" + " host_system_name: \"host-system-name-BA\"\n" + " target_system_name: \"target-system-name-BA\"\n" + " target_cpu: \"k8\"\n" + " target_libc: \"target-libc-B\"\n" + " compiler: \"compiler-A\"\n" + " abi_version: \"abi-version-A\"\n" + " abi_libc_version: \"abi-libc-version-B\"\n" + "}\n" + "toolchain {\n" + " toolchain_identifier: \"toolchain-identifier-BB\"\n" + " host_system_name: \"host-system-name-BB\"\n" + " target_system_name: \"target-system-name-BB\"\n" + " target_cpu: \"k8\"\n" + " target_libc: \"target-libc-B\"\n" + " compiler: \"compiler-B\"\n" + " abi_version: \"abi-version-B\"\n" + " abi_libc_version: \"abi-libc-version-B\"\n" + "}\n" + "toolchain {\n" + " toolchain_identifier: \"toolchain-identifier-BC\"\n" + " host_system_name: \"host-system-name-BC\"\n" + " target_system_name: \"target-system-name-BC\"\n" + " target_cpu: \"k8\"\n" + " target_libc: \"target-libc-B\"\n" + " compiler: \"compiler-C\"\n" + " abi_version: \"abi-version-C\"\n" + " abi_libc_version: \"abi-libc-version-B\"\n" + "}"); // Uses the default toolchain for k8. assertEquals("toolchain-identifier-BB", create(loader, "--cpu=k8").getToolchainIdentifier()); // Defaults to --cpu=k8. assertEquals( "toolchain-identifier-BA", create(loader, "--compiler=compiler-A", "--glibc=target-libc-B").getToolchainIdentifier()); // Uses the default toolchain for piii. assertEquals( "toolchain-identifier-AA-piii", create(loader, "--cpu=piii").getToolchainIdentifier()); // We can select the unique piii toolchain with either its compiler or glibc. assertEquals( "toolchain-identifier-AA-piii", create(loader, "--cpu=piii", "--compiler=compiler-A").getToolchainIdentifier()); assertEquals( "toolchain-identifier-AA-piii", create(loader, "--cpu=piii", "--glibc=target-libc-A").getToolchainIdentifier()); // compiler-C uniquely identifies a toolchain, so we can use it. assertEquals( "toolchain-identifier-BC", create(loader, "--compiler=compiler-C").getToolchainIdentifier()); try { create(loader, "--compiler=nonexistent-compiler"); fail("Expected an error that no toolchain matched."); } catch (InvalidConfigurationException e) { assertThat(e) .hasMessage( "No toolchain found for --cpu='k8' --compiler='nonexistent-compiler'. " + "Valid toolchains are: [\n" + " --cpu='k8' --compiler='compiler-A' --glibc='target-libc-A',\n" + " --cpu='piii' --compiler='compiler-A' --glibc='target-libc-A',\n" + " --cpu='k8' --compiler='compiler-B' --glibc='target-libc-A',\n" + " --cpu='k8' --compiler='compiler-A' --glibc='target-libc-B',\n" + " --cpu='k8' --compiler='compiler-B' --glibc='target-libc-B',\n" + " --cpu='k8' --compiler='compiler-C' --glibc='target-libc-B',\n" + "]"); } try { create(loader, "--glibc=target-libc-A"); fail("Expected an error that multiple toolchains matched."); } catch (InvalidConfigurationException e) { assertThat(e) .hasMessage( "Multiple toolchains found for --cpu='k8' --glibc='target-libc-A': [\n" + " --cpu='k8' --compiler='compiler-A' --glibc='target-libc-A',\n" + " --cpu='k8' --compiler='compiler-B' --glibc='target-libc-A',\n" + "]"); } } private void assertStringStartsWith(String expected, String text) { if (!text.startsWith(expected)) { fail("expected <" + expected + ">, but got <" + text + ">"); } } @Test public void testIncompleteFile() throws Exception { try { CrosstoolConfigurationLoader.toReleaseConfiguration("/CROSSTOOL", "major_version: \"12\""); fail(); } catch (IOException e) { assertStringStartsWith( "Could not read the crosstool configuration file " + "'/CROSSTOOL', because of an incomplete protocol buffer", e.getMessage()); } } /** * Returns a test crosstool config with the specified tool missing from the tool_path * set. Also allows injection of custom fields. */ private static String getConfigWithMissingToolDef(Tool missingTool, String... customFields) { StringBuilder s = new StringBuilder( "major_version: \"12\"" + "minor_version: \"0\"" + "default_target_cpu: \"cpu\"" + "default_toolchain {" + " cpu: \"cpu\"" + " toolchain_identifier: \"toolchain-identifier\"" + "}" + "toolchain {" + " toolchain_identifier: \"toolchain-identifier\"" + " host_system_name: \"host-system-name\"" + " target_system_name: \"target-system-name\"" + " target_cpu: \"piii\"" + " target_libc: \"target-libc\"" + " compiler: \"compiler\"" + " abi_version: \"abi-version\"" + " abi_libc_version: \"abi-libc-version\""); for (String customField : customFields) { s.append(customField); } for (Tool tool : Tool.values()) { if (tool != missingTool) { String toolName = tool.getNamePart(); s.append(" tool_path { name: \"" + toolName + "\" path: \"path-to-" + toolName + "\" }"); } } s.append("}"); return s.toString(); } @Test public void testConfigWithMissingToolDefs() throws Exception { CppConfigurationLoader loader = loader(getConfigWithMissingToolDef(Tool.STRIP)); try { create(loader, "--cpu=cpu"); fail(); } catch (IllegalArgumentException e) { assertThat(e.getMessage()).contains("Tool path for 'strip' is missing"); } } /** * For a fission-supporting crosstool: check the dwp tool path. */ @Test public void testFissionConfigWithMissingDwp() throws Exception { CppConfigurationLoader loader = loader(getConfigWithMissingToolDef(Tool.DWP, "supports_fission: true")); try { create(loader, "--cpu=cpu"); fail("Expected failed check on 'dwp' tool path"); } catch (IllegalArgumentException e) { assertThat(e.getMessage()).contains("Tool path for 'dwp' is missing"); } } /** * For a non-fission-supporting crosstool, there's no need to check the dwp tool path. */ @Test public void testNonFissionConfigWithMissingDwp() throws Exception { CppConfigurationLoader loader = loader(getConfigWithMissingToolDef(Tool.DWP, "supports_fission: false")); // The following line throws an IllegalArgumentException if an expected tool path is missing. create(loader, "--cpu=cpu"); } @Test public void testInvalidFile() throws Exception { try { CrosstoolConfigurationLoader.toReleaseConfiguration("/CROSSTOOL", "some xxx : yak \""); fail(); } catch (IOException e) { assertStringStartsWith( "Could not read the crosstool configuration file " + "'/CROSSTOOL', because of a parser error", e.getMessage()); } } /** * Tests interpretation of static_runtimes_filegroup / dynamic_runtimes_filegroup. */ @Test public void testCustomRuntimeLibraryPaths() throws Exception { CppConfigurationLoader loader = loader( "major_version: \"v17\"" + "minor_version: \"0\"" + "default_target_cpu: \"cpu\"" + "default_toolchain {" + " cpu: \"piii\"" + " toolchain_identifier: \"default-libs\"" + "}" + "default_toolchain {" + " cpu: \"k8\"" + " toolchain_identifier: \"custom-libs\"" + "}" + "toolchain {" // "default-libs": runtime libraries in default locations. + " toolchain_identifier: \"default-libs\"" + " host_system_name: \"host-system-name\"" + " target_system_name: \"target-system-name\"" + " target_cpu: \"piii\"" + " target_libc: \"target-libc\"" + " compiler: \"compiler\"" + " abi_version: \"abi-version\"" + " abi_libc_version: \"abi-libc-version\"" + " supports_embedded_runtimes: true" + "}\n" + "toolchain {" // "custom-libs" runtime libraries in toolchain-specified locations. + " toolchain_identifier: \"custom-libs\"" + " host_system_name: \"host-system-name\"" + " target_system_name: \"target-system-name\"" + " target_cpu: \"k8\"" + " target_libc: \"target-libc\"" + " compiler: \"compiler\"" + " abi_version: \"abi-version\"" + " abi_libc_version: \"abi-libc-version\"" + " supports_embedded_runtimes: true" + " static_runtimes_filegroup: \"static-group\"" + " dynamic_runtimes_filegroup: \"dynamic-group\"" + "}\n"); final PackageIdentifier ctTop = MockCcSupport.getMockCrosstoolsTop(); CppConfiguration defaultLibs = create(loader, "--cpu=piii"); assertEquals( Label.create(ctTop, "static-runtime-libs-piii"), defaultLibs.getStaticRuntimeLibsLabel()); assertEquals( Label.create(ctTop, "dynamic-runtime-libs-piii"), defaultLibs.getDynamicRuntimeLibsLabel()); CppConfiguration customLibs = create(loader, "--cpu=k8"); assertEquals(Label.create(ctTop, "static-group"), customLibs.getStaticRuntimeLibsLabel()); assertEquals(Label.create(ctTop, "dynamic-group"), customLibs.getDynamicRuntimeLibsLabel()); } /* * Crosstools should load fine with or without 'gcov-tool'. Those that define 'gcov-tool' * should also add a make variable. */ @Test public void testOptionalGcovTool() throws Exception { // Crosstool with gcov-tool CppConfigurationLoader loader = loaderWithOptionalTool(" tool_path { name: \"gcov-tool\" path: \"path-to-gcov-tool\" }"); CppConfiguration cppConfig = create(loader, "--cpu=cpu"); ImmutableMap.Builder builder = ImmutableMap.builder(); cppConfig.addGlobalMakeVariables(builder); assertNotNull(builder.build().get("GCOVTOOL")); // Crosstool without gcov-tool loader = loaderWithOptionalTool(""); cppConfig = create(loader, "--cpu=cpu"); builder = ImmutableMap.builder(); cppConfig.addGlobalMakeVariables(builder); assertThat(builder.build()).doesNotContainKey("GCOVTOOL"); } }