// Copyright 2014 The Bazel Authors. All rights reserved. // // Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); // you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. // You may obtain a copy of the License at // // http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 // // Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software // distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, // WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. // See the License for the specific language governing permissions and // limitations under the License. package com.google.devtools.build.lib.rules.cpp; import static com.google.common.truth.Truth.assertThat; import static org.junit.Assert.fail; import com.google.devtools.build.lib.actions.Action; import com.google.devtools.build.lib.actions.Artifact; import com.google.devtools.build.lib.actions.util.ActionsTestUtil; import com.google.devtools.build.lib.analysis.ConfiguredTarget; import com.google.devtools.build.lib.analysis.config.InvalidConfigurationException; import com.google.devtools.build.lib.analysis.util.BuildViewTestCase; import com.google.devtools.build.lib.collect.nestedset.NestedSet; import com.google.devtools.build.lib.testutil.TestConstants; import org.junit.Test; import org.junit.runner.RunWith; import org.junit.runners.JUnit4; /** * Unit tests for the {@code cc_toolchain_suite} rule. */ @RunWith(JUnit4.class) public class CcToolchainSuiteTest extends BuildViewTestCase { @Test public void testFilesToBuild() throws Exception { scratch.file( "cc/BUILD", "cc_toolchain_suite(", " name = 'suite',", " toolchains = { ", " 'k8|k8-compiler': ':k8-toolchain',", " 'darwin|darwin-compiler': ':darwin-toolchain',", " 'x64_windows|windows-compiler': ':windows-toolchain',", " 'ppc|compiler': ':local_linux',", " },", " proto = \"\"\"", "major_version: 'v1'", "minor_version: '0'", "default_target_cpu: 'k8'", "default_toolchain {", " cpu: 'k8'", " toolchain_identifier: 'k8-toolchain'", "}", "default_toolchain {", " cpu: 'darwin'", " toolchain_identifier: 'darwin-toolchain'", "}", "default_toolchain {", " cpu: 'x64_windows'", " toolchain_identifier: 'windows-toolchain'", "}", "default_toolchain {", " cpu: 'ppc'", " toolchain_identifier: 'local_linux'", "}", "toolchain {", " compiler: 'k8-compiler'", " target_cpu: 'k8'", " toolchain_identifier: 'k8-toolchain'", " host_system_name: 'linux'", " target_system_name: 'linux'", " abi_version: 'cpu-abi'", " abi_libc_version: ''", " target_libc: ''", " builtin_sysroot: 'sysroot'", " default_grte_top: '//cc:grtetop'", " tool_path { name: 'cpu-compiler', path: 'k8/compiler' }", " tool_path { name: 'ar', path: 'k8/ar' }", " tool_path { name: 'as', path: 'k8/as' }", " tool_path { name: 'cpp', path: 'k8/cpp' }", " tool_path { name: 'gcc', path: 'k8/gcc' }", " tool_path { name: 'gcov', path: 'k8/gcov' }", " tool_path { name: 'ld', path: 'k8/ld' }", " tool_path { name: 'nm', path: 'k8/nm' }", " tool_path { name: 'objcopy', path: 'k8/objcopy' }", " tool_path { name: 'objdump', path: 'k8/objdump' }", " tool_path { name: 'strip', path: 'k8/strip' }", "}", "toolchain {", " compiler: 'darwin-compiler'", " target_cpu: 'darwin'", " toolchain_identifier: 'darwin-toolchain'", " host_system_name: 'linux'", " target_system_name: 'linux'", " abi_version: ''", " abi_libc_version: ''", " target_libc: ''", " builtin_sysroot: 'sysroot'", " default_grte_top: '//cc:grtetop'", " tool_path { name: 'darwin-compiler', path: 'darwin/compiler' }", " tool_path { name: 'ar', path: 'darwin/ar' }", " tool_path { name: 'as', path: 'darwin/as' }", " tool_path { name: 'cpp', path: 'darwin/cpp' }", " tool_path { name: 'gcc', path: 'darwin/gcc' }", " tool_path { name: 'gcov', path: 'darwin/gcov' }", " tool_path { name: 'ld', path: 'darwin/ld' }", " tool_path { name: 'nm', path: 'darwin/nm' }", " tool_path { name: 'objcopy', path: 'darwin/objcopy' }", " tool_path { name: 'objdump', path: 'darwin/objdump' }", " tool_path { name: 'strip', path: 'darwin/strip' }", "}", "toolchain {", " compiler: 'windows-compiler'", " target_cpu: 'x64_windows'", " toolchain_identifier: 'windows-toolchain'", " host_system_name: 'windows'", " target_system_name: 'windows'", " abi_version: ''", " abi_libc_version: ''", " target_libc: ''", " builtin_sysroot: 'sysroot'", " default_grte_top: '//cc:grtetop'", " tool_path { name: 'windows-compiler', path: 'windows/compiler' }", " tool_path { name: 'ar', path: 'windows/ar' }", " tool_path { name: 'as', path: 'windows/as' }", " tool_path { name: 'cpp', path: 'windows/cpp' }", " tool_path { name: 'gcc', path: 'windows/gcc' }", " tool_path { name: 'gcov', path: 'windows/gcov' }", " tool_path { name: 'ld', path: 'windows/ld' }", " tool_path { name: 'nm', path: 'windows/nm' }", " tool_path { name: 'objcopy', path: 'windows/objcopy' }", " tool_path { name: 'objdump', path: 'windows/objdump' }", " tool_path { name: 'strip', path: 'windows/strip' }", "}", "toolchain {", " abi_version: 'local'", " abi_libc_version: 'local'", " builtin_sysroot: ''", " compiler: 'compiler'", " host_system_name: 'local'", " target_libc: 'local'", " target_cpu: 'ppc'", " target_system_name: 'local'", " toolchain_identifier: 'local_linux'", " tool_path { name: 'ar' path: '/usr/bin/ar' }", " tool_path { name: 'as' path: '/usr/bin/as' }", " tool_path { name: 'compat-ld' path: '/usr/bin/ld' }", " tool_path { name: 'cpp' path: '/usr/bin/cpp' }", " tool_path { name: 'dwp' path: '/usr/bin/dwp' }", " tool_path { name: 'gcc' path: '/usr/bin/gcc' }", " tool_path { name: 'gcov' path: '/usr/bin/gcov' }", " tool_path { name: 'ld' path: '/usr/bin/ld' }", " tool_path { name: 'nm' path: '/usr/bin/nm' }", " tool_path { name: 'objcopy' path: '/usr/bin/objcopy' }", " tool_path { name: 'objdump' path: '/usr/bin/objdump' }", " tool_path { name: 'strip' path: '/usr/bin/strip' }", "}", "\"\"\")", "cc_toolchain(", " name = 'k8-toolchain',", " module_map = 'map',", " cpu = 'cpu',", " ar_files = 'ar',", " as_files = 'as',", " compiler_files = 'compile',", " dwp_files = 'dwp',", " coverage_files = 'gcov',", " linker_files = 'link',", " strip_files = ':strip',", " objcopy_files = 'objcopy',", " all_files = ':k8-files',", " dynamic_runtime_libs = ['k8-dynamic-runtime-libs'],", " static_runtime_libs = ['k8-static-runtime-libs'])", "filegroup(", " name = 'k8-files',", " srcs = ['k8-marker', 'everything'])", "", "cc_toolchain(", " name = 'darwin-toolchain',", " module_map = 'map',", " cpu = 'cpu',", " ar_files = 'ar',", " as_files = 'as',", " compiler_files = 'compile',", " dwp_files = 'dwp',", " coverage_files = 'gcov',", " linker_files = 'link',", " strip_files = ':strip',", " objcopy_files = 'objcopy',", " all_files = ':darwin-files',", " dynamic_runtime_libs = ['darwin-dynamic-runtime-libs'],", " static_runtime_libs = ['darwin-static-runtime-libs'])", "filegroup(", " name = 'darwin-files',", " srcs = ['darwin-marker', 'everything'])", "cc_toolchain(", " name = 'windows-toolchain',", " module_map = 'map',", " cpu = 'cpu',", " ar_files = 'ar',", " as_files = 'as',", " compiler_files = 'compile',", " dwp_files = 'dwp',", " coverage_files = 'gcov',", " linker_files = 'link',", " strip_files = ':strip',", " objcopy_files = 'objcopy',", " all_files = ':windows-files',", " dynamic_runtime_libs = ['windows-dynamic-runtime-libs'],", " static_runtime_libs = ['windows-static-runtime-libs'])", "filegroup(", " name = 'windows-files',", " srcs = ['windows-marker', 'everything'])", "cc_toolchain(", " name = 'local_linux',", " module_map = 'map',", " cpu = 'cpu',", " ar_files = 'ar',", " as_files = 'as',", " compiler_files = 'compile',", " dwp_files = 'dwp',", " coverage_files = 'gcov',", " linker_files = 'link',", " strip_files = ':strip',", " objcopy_files = 'objcopy',", " all_files = ':linux-files',", " dynamic_runtime_libs = ['linux-dynamic-runtime-libs'],", " static_runtime_libs = ['linux-static-runtime-libs'])", "filegroup(", " name = 'linux-files',", " srcs = ['linux-marker', 'everything'])"); scratch.file( "a/BUILD", "genrule(name='a', srcs=[], outs=['ao'],", " tools=['" + TestConstants.TOOLS_REPOSITORY + "//tools/cpp:crosstool'],", " cmd='x'", ")"); invalidatePackages(); useConfiguration( "--crosstool_top=//cc:suite", "--cpu=ppc", "--host_cpu=ppc", "--compiler=compiler"); Action action = getGeneratingAction(getConfiguredTarget("//a:a"), "a/ao"); assertThat(ActionsTestUtil.baseArtifactNames(action.getInputs())).contains("linux-marker"); NestedSet suiteFiles = getFilesToBuild(getConfiguredTarget("//cc:suite")); assertThat(ActionsTestUtil.baseArtifactNames(suiteFiles)) .containsAllOf("k8-marker", "darwin-marker", "windows-marker", "linux-marker"); } @Test public void testCcToolchainLabelFromAttributes() throws Exception { scratch.file( "cc/BUILD", "filegroup(name='empty')", "filegroup(name='everything')", "TOOLCHAIN_NAMES = [", " 'darwin-from-crosstool',", " 'windows-from-crosstool',", " 'k8-compiler',", " 'k8-default-from-cpu',", " 'ppc-compiler',", " 'ppc-default-from-cpu']", "[cc_toolchain(", " name = NAME,", " cpu = 'banana',", " all_files = ':empty',", " ar_files = ':empty',", " as_files = ':empty',", " compiler_files = ':empty',", " dwp_files = ':empty',", " linker_files = ':empty',", " strip_files = ':empty',", " objcopy_files = ':empty',", " dynamic_runtime_libs = [':empty'],", " static_runtime_libs = [':empty'],", ") for NAME in TOOLCHAIN_NAMES]", "cc_toolchain_suite(", " name = 'suite',", " toolchains = {", " 'k8|compiler': ':k8-compiler',", " 'ppc': ':invalid-label',", " 'ppc|compiler': ':ppc-compiler',", " 'k8': ':k8-default-from-cpu',", " 'x64_windows' : ':windows-from-crosstool',", " 'darwin' : ':darwin-from-crosstool',", " 'x64_windows|compiler' : ':windows-from-crosstool',", " 'darwin|compiler' : ':darwin-from-crosstool',", " },", " proto = \"\"\"", "major_version: 'v1'", "minor_version: '0'", "default_target_cpu: 'k8'", "default_toolchain {", " cpu: 'k8'", " toolchain_identifier: 'k8-from-crosstool'", "}", "default_toolchain {", " cpu: 'ppc'", " toolchain_identifier: 'ppc-from-crosstool'", "}", "default_toolchain {", " cpu: 'darwin'", " toolchain_identifier: 'darwin-from-crosstool'", "}", "default_toolchain {", " cpu: 'x64_windows'", " toolchain_identifier: 'windows-from-crosstool'", "}", "toolchain {", " compiler: 'compiler'", " target_cpu: 'k8'", " toolchain_identifier: 'k8-from-crosstool'", " host_system_name: 'linux'", " target_system_name: 'linux'", " abi_version: 'cpu-abi'", " abi_libc_version: ''", " target_libc: 'local'", " builtin_sysroot: 'sysroot'", " default_grte_top: '//cc:grtetop'", "}", "toolchain {", " compiler: 'compiler'", " target_cpu: 'ppc'", " toolchain_identifier: 'ppc-from-crosstool'", " host_system_name: 'linux'", " target_system_name: 'linux'", " abi_version: 'cpu-abi'", " abi_libc_version: ''", " target_libc: 'local'", " builtin_sysroot: 'sysroot'", " default_grte_top: '//cc:grtetop'", "}", "toolchain {", " compiler: 'compiler'", " target_cpu: 'darwin'", " toolchain_identifier: 'darwin-from-crosstool'", " host_system_name: 'linux'", " target_system_name: 'linux'", " abi_version: ''", " abi_libc_version: ''", " target_libc: ''", " builtin_sysroot: 'sysroot'", " default_grte_top: '//cc:grtetop'", "}", "toolchain {", " compiler: 'compiler'", " target_cpu: 'x64_windows'", " toolchain_identifier: 'windows-from-crosstool'", " host_system_name: 'windows'", " target_system_name: 'windows'", " abi_version: ''", " abi_libc_version: ''", " target_libc: ''", " builtin_sysroot: 'sysroot'", " default_grte_top: '//cc:grtetop'", "}", "\"\"\"", ")"); scratch.file("a/BUILD", "cc_binary(name='b', srcs=['b.cc'])"); useConfiguration("--crosstool_top=//cc:suite", "--cpu=k8"); ConfiguredTarget c = getConfiguredTarget("//a:b"); CppConfiguration config = getConfiguration(c).getFragment(CppConfiguration.class); assertThat(config.getCcToolchainRuleLabel().toString()).isEqualTo("//cc:k8-default-from-cpu"); useConfiguration("--crosstool_top=//cc:suite", "--compiler=compiler", "--cpu=ppc"); config = getConfiguration(getConfiguredTarget("//a:b")).getFragment(CppConfiguration.class); assertThat(config.getCcToolchainRuleLabel().toString()).isEqualTo("//cc:ppc-compiler"); useConfiguration("--crosstool_top=//cc:suite", "--compiler=compiler", "--cpu=k8"); config = getConfiguration(getConfiguredTarget("//a:b")).getFragment(CppConfiguration.class); assertThat(config.getCcToolchainRuleLabel().toString()).isEqualTo("//cc:k8-compiler"); try { useConfiguration("--crosstool_top=//cc:suite", "--cpu=ppc"); getConfiguration(getConfiguredTarget("//a:b")).getFragment(CppConfiguration.class); fail("expected failure because 'ppc' entry points to an invalid label"); } catch (InvalidConfigurationException e) { assertThat(e) .hasMessageThat() .contains("The label '//cc:invalid-label' is not a cc_toolchain rule"); } } @Test public void testCcToolchainFromToolchainIdentifier() throws Exception { scratch.file( "cc/BUILD", "filegroup(name='empty')", "filegroup(name='everything')", "TOOLCHAIN_NAMES = [", " 'k8',", " 'ppc',", " 'darwin',", " 'windows']", "[cc_toolchain(", " name = NAME,", " cpu = 'banana',", " all_files = ':empty',", " ar_files = ':empty',", " as_files = ':empty',", " compiler_files = ':empty',", " dwp_files = ':empty',", " linker_files = ':empty',", " strip_files = ':empty',", " objcopy_files = ':empty',", " dynamic_runtime_libs = [':empty'],", " static_runtime_libs = [':empty'],", ") for NAME in TOOLCHAIN_NAMES]", "[cc_toolchain(", " name = NAME + '-override',", " cpu = 'banana',", " all_files = ':empty',", " ar_files = ':empty',", " as_files = ':empty',", " compiler_files = ':empty',", " dwp_files = ':empty',", " linker_files = ':empty',", " strip_files = ':empty',", " objcopy_files = ':empty',", " dynamic_runtime_libs = [':empty'],", " static_runtime_libs = [':empty'],", " toolchain_identifier = NAME + '-from-attribute'", ") for NAME in TOOLCHAIN_NAMES]", "cc_toolchain(", " name = 'invalid',", " cpu = 'banana',", " all_files = ':empty',", " ar_files = ':empty',", " as_files = ':empty',", " compiler_files = ':empty',", " dwp_files = ':empty',", " linker_files = ':empty',", " strip_files = ':empty',", " objcopy_files = ':empty',", " dynamic_runtime_libs = [':empty'],", " static_runtime_libs = [':empty'],", " toolchain_identifier = 'invalid-toolchain',", ")", "cc_toolchain(", " name = 'duplicate',", " cpu = 'banana',", " all_files = ':empty',", " ar_files = ':empty',", " as_files = ':empty',", " compiler_files = ':empty',", " dwp_files = ':empty',", " linker_files = ':empty',", " strip_files = ':empty',", " objcopy_files = ':empty',", " dynamic_runtime_libs = [':empty'],", " static_runtime_libs = [':empty'],", " toolchain_identifier = 'duplicate-toolchain',", ")", "cc_toolchain(", " name = 'wrong-compiler',", " cpu = 'banana',", " all_files = ':empty',", " ar_files = ':empty',", " as_files = ':empty',", " compiler_files = ':empty',", " dwp_files = ':empty',", " linker_files = ':empty',", " strip_files = ':empty',", " objcopy_files = ':empty',", " dynamic_runtime_libs = [':empty'],", " static_runtime_libs = [':empty'],", " toolchain_identifier = 'wrong-compiler-toolchain',", ")", "cc_toolchain_suite(", " name = 'suite',", " toolchains = {", " 'k8': ':k8-override',", " 'k8|compiler': ':k8',", " 'k8|compiler-from-attribute': ':k8-override',", " 'ppc|compiler': ':invalid',", " 'ppc|compiler-from-attribute': ':ppc-override',", " 'k8|compiler1': ':duplicate',", " 'k8|right-compiler': ':wrong-compiler',", " 'x64_windows' : ':windows',", " 'x64_windows|compiler' : ':windows',", " 'x64_windows|compiler-from-attribute' : ':windows',", " 'x64_windows|compiler1' : ':windows',", " 'x64_windows|right-compiler' : ':windows',", " 'darwin' : ':darwin',", " 'darwin|compiler' : ':darwin',", " 'darwin|compiler-from-attribute' : ':darwin',", " 'darwin|compiler1' : ':darwin',", " 'darwin|right-compiler' : ':darwin',", " },", " proto = \"\"\"", "major_version: 'v1'", "minor_version: '0'", "default_target_cpu: 'k8'", "default_toolchain {", " cpu: 'k8'", " toolchain_identifier: 'k8-toolchain-identifier'", "}", "default_toolchain {", " cpu: 'ppc'", " toolchain_identifier: 'ppc-toolchain-identifier'", "}", "default_toolchain {", " cpu: 'darwin'", " toolchain_identifier: 'darwin-toolchain-identifier'", "}", "default_toolchain {", " cpu: 'x64_windows'", " toolchain_identifier: 'windows-toolchain-identifier'", "}", "toolchain {", " compiler: 'compiler'", " target_cpu: 'k8'", " toolchain_identifier: 'k8-toolchain-identifier'", " host_system_name: 'linux'", " target_system_name: 'linux'", " abi_version: 'cpu-abi'", " abi_libc_version: ''", " target_libc: 'local'", " builtin_sysroot: 'sysroot'", " default_grte_top: '//cc:grtetop'", "}", "toolchain {", " compiler: 'compiler-from-attribute'", " target_cpu: 'k8'", " toolchain_identifier: 'k8-from-attribute'", " host_system_name: 'linux'", " target_system_name: 'linux'", " abi_version: 'cpu-abi'", " abi_libc_version: ''", " target_libc: 'local'", " builtin_sysroot: 'sysroot'", " default_grte_top: '//cc:grtetop'", "}", "toolchain {", " compiler: 'compiler'", " target_cpu: 'ppc'", " toolchain_identifier: 'ppc-toolchain-identifier'", " host_system_name: 'linux'", " target_system_name: 'linux'", " abi_version: 'cpu-abi'", " abi_libc_version: ''", " target_libc: 'local'", " builtin_sysroot: 'sysroot'", " default_grte_top: '//cc:grtetop'", "}", "toolchain {", " compiler: 'compiler-from-attribute'", " target_cpu: 'ppc'", " toolchain_identifier: 'ppc-from-attribute'", " host_system_name: 'linux'", " target_system_name: 'linux'", " abi_version: 'cpu-abi'", " abi_libc_version: ''", " target_libc: 'local'", " builtin_sysroot: 'sysroot'", " default_grte_top: '//cc:grtetop'", "}", "toolchain {", " compiler: 'compiler'", " target_cpu: 'darwin'", " toolchain_identifier: 'darwin-toolchain-identifier'", " host_system_name: 'linux'", " target_system_name: 'linux'", " abi_version: ''", " abi_libc_version: ''", " target_libc: ''", " builtin_sysroot: 'sysroot'", " default_grte_top: '//cc:grtetop'", "}", "toolchain {", " compiler: 'compiler-from-attribute'", " target_cpu: 'darwin'", " toolchain_identifier: 'darwin-from-attribute'", " host_system_name: 'linux'", " target_system_name: 'linux'", " abi_version: 'cpu-abi'", " abi_libc_version: ''", " target_libc: 'local'", " builtin_sysroot: 'sysroot'", " default_grte_top: '//cc:grtetop'", "}", "toolchain {", " compiler: 'compiler'", " target_cpu: 'x64_windows'", " toolchain_identifier: 'windows-toolchain-identifier'", " host_system_name: 'windows'", " target_system_name: 'windows'", " abi_version: ''", " abi_libc_version: ''", " target_libc: ''", " builtin_sysroot: 'sysroot'", " default_grte_top: '//cc:grtetop'", "}", "toolchain {", " compiler: 'compiler-from-attribute'", " target_cpu: 'x64_windows'", " toolchain_identifier: 'windows-from-attribute'", " host_system_name: 'linux'", " target_system_name: 'linux'", " abi_version: 'cpu-abi'", " abi_libc_version: ''", " target_libc: 'local'", " builtin_sysroot: 'sysroot'", " default_grte_top: '//cc:grtetop'", "}", "toolchain {", " compiler: 'compiler1'", " target_cpu: 'k8'", " toolchain_identifier: 'duplicate-toolchain'", " host_system_name: 'linux'", " target_system_name: 'linux'", " abi_version: 'cpu-abi'", " abi_libc_version: ''", " target_libc: 'local'", " builtin_sysroot: 'sysroot'", " default_grte_top: '//cc:grtetop'", "}", "toolchain {", " compiler: 'compiler2'", " target_cpu: 'k8'", " toolchain_identifier: 'duplicate-toolchain'", " host_system_name: 'linux'", " target_system_name: 'linux'", " abi_version: 'cpu-abi'", " abi_libc_version: ''", " target_libc: 'local'", " builtin_sysroot: 'sysroot'", " default_grte_top: '//cc:grtetop'", "}", "toolchain {", " compiler: 'wrong-compiler'", " target_cpu: 'k8'", " toolchain_identifier: 'wrong-compiler-toolchain'", " host_system_name: 'linux'", " target_system_name: 'linux'", " abi_version: 'cpu-abi'", " abi_libc_version: ''", " target_libc: 'local'", " builtin_sysroot: 'sysroot'", " default_grte_top: '//cc:grtetop'", "}", "\"\"\"", ")"); scratch.file("a/BUILD", "cc_binary(name='b', srcs=['b.cc'])"); useConfiguration("--crosstool_top=//cc:suite", "--cpu=k8"); ConfiguredTarget c = getConfiguredTarget("//a:b"); CppConfiguration config = getConfiguration(c).getFragment(CppConfiguration.class); assertThat(config.getToolchainIdentifier()).isEqualTo("k8-from-attribute"); useConfiguration("--crosstool_top=//cc:suite", "--cpu=ppc"); c = getConfiguredTarget("//a:b"); config = getConfiguration(c).getFragment(CppConfiguration.class); assertThat(config.getToolchainIdentifier()).isEqualTo("ppc-toolchain-identifier"); useConfiguration( "--crosstool_top=//cc:suite", "--compiler=compiler-from-attribute", "--cpu=ppc"); config = getConfiguration(getConfiguredTarget("//a:b")).getFragment(CppConfiguration.class); assertThat(config.getToolchainIdentifier()).isEqualTo("ppc-from-attribute"); try { useConfiguration("--crosstool_top=//cc:suite", "--compiler=compiler", "--cpu=ppc"); getConfiguration(getConfiguredTarget("//a:b")).getFragment(CppConfiguration.class); fail("expected failure because ppc|compiler entry points to an invalid toolchain identifier"); } catch (InvalidConfigurationException e) { assertThat(e) .hasMessageThat() .contains("Toolchain identifier 'invalid-toolchain' was not found"); } try { useConfiguration("--crosstool_top=//cc:suite", "--compiler=compiler1", "--cpu=k8"); getConfiguration(getConfiguredTarget("//a:b")).getFragment(CppConfiguration.class); fail("expected failure because of duplicate toolchain identifier"); } catch (InvalidConfigurationException e) { assertThat(e) .hasMessageThat() .contains("Multiple toolchains with 'duplicate-toolchain' identifier"); } try { useConfiguration("--crosstool_top=//cc:suite", "--compiler=right-compiler", "--cpu=k8"); getConfiguration(getConfiguredTarget("//a:b")).getFragment(CppConfiguration.class); fail("expected failure because toolchain.compiler does not equal --compiler"); } catch (InvalidConfigurationException e) { assertThat(e) .hasMessageThat() .contains( "The selected toolchain's cpu and compiler must match the command line options:\n" + " --cpu: k8, toolchain.target_cpu: k8\n" + " --compiler: right-compiler, toolchain.compiler: wrong-compiler"); } } @Test public void testDisableCcToolchainLabelFromCrosstoolFile() throws Exception { scratch.file( "cc/BUILD", "filegroup(name='empty')", "filegroup(name='everything')", "TOOLCHAIN_NAMES = [", " 'darwin',", " 'windows',", " 'k8',", " 'ppc-compiler',", " 'ppc']", "[cc_toolchain(", " name = NAME,", " cpu = 'banana',", " all_files = ':empty',", " ar_files = ':empty',", " as_files = ':empty',", " compiler_files = ':empty',", " dwp_files = ':empty',", " linker_files = ':empty',", " strip_files = ':empty',", " objcopy_files = ':empty',", " dynamic_runtime_libs = [':empty'],", " static_runtime_libs = [':empty'],", ") for NAME in TOOLCHAIN_NAMES]", "cc_toolchain_suite(", " name = 'suite',", " toolchains = {", " 'ppc': ':ppc',", " 'ppc|compiler': ':ppc-compiler',", " 'k8': ':k8',", " 'x64_windows' : ':windows',", " 'darwin' : ':darwin',", " 'x64_windows|compiler' : ':windows',", " 'darwin|compiler' : ':darwin',", " },", " proto = \"\"\"", "major_version: 'v1'", "minor_version: '0'", "default_target_cpu: 'k8'", "default_toolchain {", " cpu: 'k8'", " toolchain_identifier: 'k8-from-crosstool'", "}", "default_toolchain {", " cpu: 'ppc'", " toolchain_identifier: 'ppc-from-crosstool'", "}", "default_toolchain {", " cpu: 'darwin'", " toolchain_identifier: 'darwin-from-crosstool'", "}", "default_toolchain {", " cpu: 'x64_windows'", " toolchain_identifier: 'windows-from-crosstool'", "}", "toolchain {", " compiler: 'compiler'", " target_cpu: 'k8'", " toolchain_identifier: 'k8-from-crosstool'", " host_system_name: 'linux'", " target_system_name: 'linux'", " abi_version: 'cpu-abi'", " abi_libc_version: ''", " target_libc: 'local'", " builtin_sysroot: 'sysroot'", " default_grte_top: '//cc:grtetop'", "}", "toolchain {", " compiler: 'compiler'", " target_cpu: 'ppc'", " toolchain_identifier: 'ppc-from-crosstool'", " host_system_name: 'linux'", " target_system_name: 'linux'", " abi_version: 'cpu-abi'", " abi_libc_version: ''", " target_libc: 'local'", " builtin_sysroot: 'sysroot'", " default_grte_top: '//cc:grtetop'", "}", "toolchain {", " compiler: 'compiler'", " target_cpu: 'darwin'", " toolchain_identifier: 'darwin-from-crosstool'", " host_system_name: 'linux'", " target_system_name: 'linux'", " abi_version: ''", " abi_libc_version: ''", " target_libc: ''", " builtin_sysroot: 'sysroot'", " default_grte_top: '//cc:grtetop'", "}", "toolchain {", " compiler: 'compiler'", " target_cpu: 'x64_windows'", " toolchain_identifier: 'windows-from-crosstool'", " host_system_name: 'windows'", " target_system_name: 'windows'", " abi_version: ''", " abi_libc_version: ''", " target_libc: ''", " builtin_sysroot: 'sysroot'", " default_grte_top: '//cc:grtetop'", "}", "\"\"\"", ")"); scratch.file("a/BUILD", "cc_binary(name='b', srcs=['b.cc'])"); try { useConfiguration( "--crosstool_top=//cc:suite", "--cpu=k8", "--compiler=compiler", "--experimental_enable_cc_toolchain_label_from_crosstool_proto=false"); getConfiguredTarget("//a:b"); fail("Expected failure because selecting cc_toolchain label from CROSSTOOL is disabled"); } catch (InvalidConfigurationException e) { assertThat(e) .hasMessageThat() .contains( "you may want to add an entry for 'k8|compiler' into toolchains and " + "toolchain_identifier 'k8-from-crosstool' into the corresponding " + "cc_toolchain rule"); } } }