// Copyright 2014 The Bazel Authors. All rights reserved. // // Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); // you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. // You may obtain a copy of the License at // // http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 // // Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software // distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, // WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. // See the License for the specific language governing permissions and // limitations under the License. package com.google.devtools.build.lib.rules.cpp; import static com.google.common.truth.Truth.assertThat; import static org.junit.Assert.fail; import com.google.common.base.Joiner; import com.google.common.collect.ArrayListMultimap; import com.google.common.collect.ImmutableList; import com.google.common.collect.ImmutableMap; import com.google.common.collect.ImmutableSet; import com.google.common.collect.Iterables; import com.google.common.collect.Multimap; import com.google.devtools.build.lib.actions.Artifact; import com.google.devtools.build.lib.actions.ArtifactRoot; import com.google.devtools.build.lib.analysis.config.InvalidConfigurationException; import com.google.devtools.build.lib.rules.cpp.CcToolchainFeatures.ActionConfig; import com.google.devtools.build.lib.rules.cpp.CcToolchainFeatures.ExpansionException; import com.google.devtools.build.lib.rules.cpp.CcToolchainFeatures.FeatureConfiguration; import com.google.devtools.build.lib.rules.cpp.CcToolchainVariables.IntegerValue; import com.google.devtools.build.lib.rules.cpp.CcToolchainVariables.LibraryToLinkValue; import com.google.devtools.build.lib.rules.cpp.CcToolchainVariables.SequenceBuilder; import com.google.devtools.build.lib.rules.cpp.CcToolchainVariables.StringSequenceBuilder; import com.google.devtools.build.lib.rules.cpp.CcToolchainVariables.StructureBuilder; import com.google.devtools.build.lib.rules.cpp.CcToolchainVariables.VariableValue; import com.google.devtools.build.lib.rules.cpp.CcToolchainVariables.VariableValueBuilder; import com.google.devtools.build.lib.skyframe.serialization.AutoRegistry; import com.google.devtools.build.lib.skyframe.serialization.ObjectCodecs; import com.google.devtools.build.lib.skyframe.serialization.testutils.SerializationTester; import com.google.devtools.build.lib.testutil.FoundationTestCase; import com.google.devtools.build.lib.testutil.TestUtils; import com.google.devtools.build.lib.vfs.Path; import com.google.devtools.build.lib.vfs.PathFragment; import com.google.devtools.build.lib.view.config.crosstool.CrosstoolConfig.CToolchain; import com.google.devtools.build.lib.view.config.crosstool.CrosstoolConfig.CrosstoolRelease; import com.google.protobuf.TextFormat; import java.io.IOException; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Set; import org.junit.Test; import org.junit.runner.RunWith; import org.junit.runners.JUnit4; /** Tests for toolchain features. */ @RunWith(JUnit4.class) public class CcToolchainFeaturesTest extends FoundationTestCase { /** * Creates a {@code Variables} configuration from a list of key/value pairs. * *

If there are multiple entries with the same key, the variable will be treated as sequence * type. */ private CcToolchainVariables createVariables(String... entries) { if (entries.length % 2 != 0) { throw new IllegalArgumentException( "createVariables takes an even number of arguments (key/value pairs)"); } Multimap entryMap = ArrayListMultimap.create(); for (int i = 0; i < entries.length; i += 2) { entryMap.put(entries[i], entries[i + 1]); } CcToolchainVariables.Builder variables = new CcToolchainVariables.Builder(); for (String name : entryMap.keySet()) { Collection value = entryMap.get(name); if (value.size() == 1) { variables.addStringVariable(name, value.iterator().next()); } else { variables.addStringSequenceVariable(name, ImmutableList.copyOf(value)); } } return variables.build(); } /** * Creates a CcToolchainFeatures from features described in the given toolchain fragment. */ public static CcToolchainFeatures buildFeatures(String... toolchain) throws Exception { CToolchain.Builder toolchainBuilder = CToolchain.newBuilder(); TextFormat.merge(Joiner.on("").join(toolchain), toolchainBuilder); return new CcToolchainFeatures( CrosstoolInfo.fromToolchain( CrosstoolRelease.getDefaultInstance(), toolchainBuilder.buildPartial(), PathFragment.create("crosstool/"))); } private Set getEnabledFeatures(CcToolchainFeatures features, String... requestedFeatures) throws Exception { FeatureConfiguration configuration = features.getFeatureConfiguration(ImmutableSet.copyOf(requestedFeatures)); ImmutableSet.Builder enabledFeatures = ImmutableSet.builder(); for (String feature : features.getActivatableNames()) { if (configuration.isEnabled(feature)) { enabledFeatures.add(feature); } } return enabledFeatures.build(); } private Artifact scratchArtifact(String s) { Path execRoot = outputBase.getRelative("exec"); Path outputRoot = execRoot.getRelative("out"); ArtifactRoot root = ArtifactRoot.asDerivedRoot(execRoot, outputRoot); try { return new Artifact(scratch.overwriteFile(outputRoot.getRelative(s).toString()), root); } catch (IOException e) { throw new RuntimeException(e); } } @Test public void testFeatureConfigurationCodec() throws Exception { FeatureConfiguration emptyConfiguration = buildFeatures("").getFeatureConfiguration(ImmutableSet.of()); FeatureConfiguration emptyFeatures = buildFeatures("feature {name: 'a'}", "feature {name: 'b'}") .getFeatureConfiguration(ImmutableSet.of("a", "b")); FeatureConfiguration featuresWithFlags = buildFeatures( "feature {", " name: 'a'", " flag_set {", " action: 'action-a'", " flag_group { flag: 'flag-a'}", " }", " flag_set {", " action: 'action-b'", " flag_group { flag: 'flag-b'}", " }", "}", "feature {", " name: 'b'", " flag_set {", " action: 'action-c'", " flag_group { flag: 'flag-c'}", " }", "}") .getFeatureConfiguration(ImmutableSet.of("a", "b")); FeatureConfiguration featureWithEnvSet = buildFeatures( "feature {", " name: 'a'", " env_set {", " action: 'action-a'", " env_entry { key: 'foo', value: 'bar'}", " env_entry { key: 'baz', value: 'zee'}", " }", "}") .getFeatureConfiguration(ImmutableSet.of("a")); new SerializationTester(emptyConfiguration, emptyFeatures, featuresWithFlags, featureWithEnvSet) .runTests(); } @Test public void testCrosstoolProtoCanBeSerialized() throws Exception { ObjectCodecs objectCodecs = new ObjectCodecs(AutoRegistry.get().getBuilder().build(), ImmutableMap.of()); objectCodecs.serialize(CToolchain.WithFeatureSet.getDefaultInstance()); objectCodecs.serialize(CToolchain.VariableWithValue.getDefaultInstance()); objectCodecs.serialize(CToolchain.FlagGroup.getDefaultInstance()); objectCodecs.serialize(CToolchain.FlagSet.getDefaultInstance()); objectCodecs.serialize(CToolchain.EnvSet.getDefaultInstance()); } @Test public void testUnconditionalFeature() throws Exception { assertThat(buildFeatures("").getFeatureConfiguration(ImmutableSet.of("a")).isEnabled("a")) .isFalse(); assertThat( buildFeatures("feature { name: 'a' }") .getFeatureConfiguration(ImmutableSet.of("b")) .isEnabled("a")) .isFalse(); assertThat( buildFeatures("feature { name: 'a' }") .getFeatureConfiguration(ImmutableSet.of("a")) .isEnabled("a")) .isTrue(); } @Test public void testUnsupportedAction() throws Exception { FeatureConfiguration configuration = buildFeatures("").getFeatureConfiguration(ImmutableSet.of()); assertThat(configuration.getCommandLine("invalid-action", createVariables())).isEmpty(); } @Test public void testFlagOrderEqualsSpecOrder() throws Exception { FeatureConfiguration configuration = buildFeatures( "feature {", " name: 'a'", " flag_set {", " action: 'c++-compile'", " flag_group { flag: '-a-c++-compile' }", " }", " flag_set {", " action: 'link'", " flag_group { flag: '-a-c++-compile' }", " }", "}", "feature {", " name: 'b'", " flag_set {", " action: 'c++-compile'", " flag_group { flag: '-b-c++-compile' }", " }", " flag_set {", " action: 'link'", " flag_group { flag: '-b-link' }", " }", "}") .getFeatureConfiguration(ImmutableSet.of("a", "b")); List commandLine = configuration.getCommandLine(CppActionNames.CPP_COMPILE, createVariables()); assertThat(commandLine).containsExactly("-a-c++-compile", "-b-c++-compile").inOrder(); } @Test public void testEnvVars() throws Exception { FeatureConfiguration configuration = buildFeatures( "feature {", " name: 'a'", " env_set {", " action: 'c++-compile'", " env_entry { key: 'foo', value: 'bar' }", " env_entry { key: 'cat', value: 'meow' }", " }", " flag_set {", " action: 'c++-compile'", " flag_group { flag: '-a-c++-compile' }", " }", "}", "feature {", " name: 'b'", " env_set {", " action: 'c++-compile'", " env_entry { key: 'dog', value: 'woof' }", " }", " env_set {", " action: 'c++-compile'", " with_feature: { feature: 'd' }", " env_entry { key: 'withFeature', value: 'value1' }", " }", " env_set {", " action: 'c++-compile'", " with_feature: { feature: 'e' }", " env_entry { key: 'withoutFeature', value: 'value2' }", " }", " env_set {", " action: 'c++-compile'", " with_feature: { not_feature: 'f' }", " env_entry { key: 'withNotFeature', value: 'value3' }", " }", " env_set {", " action: 'c++-compile'", " with_feature: { not_feature: 'g' }", " env_entry { key: 'withoutNotFeature', value: 'value4' }", " }", "}", "feature {", " name: 'c'", " env_set {", " action: 'c++-compile'", " env_entry { key: 'doNotInclude', value: 'doNotIncludePlease' }", " }", "}", "feature { name: 'd' }", "feature { name: 'e' }", "feature { name: 'f' }", "feature { name: 'g' }") .getFeatureConfiguration(ImmutableSet.of("a", "b", "d", "f")); Map env = configuration.getEnvironmentVariables(CppActionNames.CPP_COMPILE, createVariables()); assertThat(env) .containsExactly( "foo", "bar", "cat", "meow", "dog", "woof", "withFeature", "value1", "withoutNotFeature", "value4") .inOrder(); assertThat(env).doesNotContainEntry("withoutFeature", "value2"); assertThat(env).doesNotContainEntry("withNotFeature", "value3"); assertThat(env).doesNotContainEntry("doNotInclude", "doNotIncludePlease"); } private String getExpansionOfFlag(String value) throws Exception { return getExpansionOfFlag(value, createVariables()); } private String getExpansionOfFlag(String value, CcToolchainVariables variables) throws Exception { return getCommandLineForFlag(value, variables).get(0); } private List getCommandLineForFlagGroups(String groups, CcToolchainVariables variables) throws Exception { FeatureConfiguration configuration = buildFeatures( "feature {", " name: 'a'", " flag_set {", " action: 'c++-compile'", " " + groups, " }", "}") .getFeatureConfiguration(ImmutableSet.of("a")); return configuration.getCommandLine(CppActionNames.CPP_COMPILE, variables); } private List getCommandLineForFlag(String value, CcToolchainVariables variables) throws Exception { return getCommandLineForFlagGroups("flag_group { flag: '" + value + "' }", variables); } private String getFlagParsingError(String value) throws Exception { try { getExpansionOfFlag(value); fail("Expected InvalidConfigurationException"); return ""; } catch (InvalidConfigurationException e) { return e.getMessage(); } } private String getFlagExpansionError(String value, CcToolchainVariables variables) throws Exception { try { getExpansionOfFlag(value, variables); fail("Expected ExpansionException"); return ""; } catch (ExpansionException e) { return e.getMessage(); } } private String getFlagGroupsExpansionError(String flagGroups, CcToolchainVariables variables) throws Exception { try { getCommandLineForFlagGroups(flagGroups, variables).get(0); fail("Expected ExpansionException"); return ""; } catch (ExpansionException e) { return e.getMessage(); } } @Test public void testVariableExpansion() throws Exception { assertThat(getExpansionOfFlag("%%")).isEqualTo("%"); assertThat(getExpansionOfFlag("%% a %% b %%")).isEqualTo("% a % b %"); assertThat(getExpansionOfFlag("%%{var}")).isEqualTo("%{var}"); assertThat(getExpansionOfFlag("%{v}", createVariables("v", ""))).isEqualTo(""); assertThat(getExpansionOfFlag(" %{v1} %{v2} ", createVariables("v1", "1", "v2", "2"))) .isEqualTo(" 1 2 "); assertThat(getFlagParsingError("%")).contains("expected '{'"); assertThat(getFlagParsingError("% ")).contains("expected '{'"); assertThat(getFlagParsingError("%{")).contains("expected variable name"); assertThat(getFlagParsingError("%{}")).contains("expected variable name"); assertThat( getCommandLineForFlagGroups( "flag_group{ iterate_over: 'v' flag: '%{v}' }", new CcToolchainVariables.Builder() .addStringSequenceVariable("v", ImmutableList.of()) .build())) .isEmpty(); assertThat(getFlagExpansionError("%{v}", createVariables())) .contains("Invalid toolchain configuration: Cannot find variable named 'v'"); } @Test public void testLazySequenceExpansion() throws Exception { assertThat( getCommandLineForFlagGroups( "flag_group { iterate_over: 'lazy' flag: '-lazy-%{lazy}' }", new CcToolchainVariables.Builder() .addLazyStringSequenceVariable("lazy", () -> ImmutableList.of("a", "b", "c")) .build())) .containsExactly("-lazy-a", "-lazy-b", "-lazy-c") .inOrder(); } private CcToolchainVariables createStructureSequenceVariables( String name, StructureBuilder... values) { SequenceBuilder builder = new SequenceBuilder(); for (StructureBuilder value : values) { builder.addValue(value.build()); } return new CcToolchainVariables.Builder().addCustomBuiltVariable(name, builder).build(); } private CcToolchainVariables createStructureVariables(String name, StructureBuilder value) { return new CcToolchainVariables.Builder().addCustomBuiltVariable(name, value).build(); } @Test public void testSimpleStructureVariableExpansion() throws Exception { assertThat( getCommandLineForFlagGroups( "flag_group { flag: '-A%{struct.foo}' flag: '-B%{struct.bar}' }", createStructureVariables( "struct", new StructureBuilder() .addField("foo", "fooValue") .addField("bar", "barValue")))) .containsExactly("-AfooValue", "-BbarValue"); } @Test public void testNestedStructureVariableExpansion() throws Exception { assertThat( getCommandLineForFlagGroups( "flag_group { flag: '-A%{struct.foo.bar}' }", createStructureVariables( "struct", new StructureBuilder() .addField("foo", new StructureBuilder().addField("bar", "fooBarValue"))))) .containsExactly("-AfooBarValue"); } @Test public void testAccessingStructureAsStringFails() throws Exception { assertThat( getFlagGroupsExpansionError( "flag_group { flag: '-A%{struct}' }", createStructureVariables( "struct", new StructureBuilder() .addField("foo", "fooValue") .addField("bar", "barValue")))) .isEqualTo( "Invalid toolchain configuration: Cannot expand variable 'struct': expected string, " + "found structure"); } @Test public void testAccessingStringValueAsStructureFails() throws Exception { assertThat( getFlagGroupsExpansionError( "flag_group { flag: '-A%{stringVar.foo}' }", createVariables("stringVar", "stringVarValue"))) .isEqualTo( "Invalid toolchain configuration: Cannot expand variable 'stringVar.foo': variable " + "'stringVar' is string, expected structure"); } @Test public void testAccessingSequenceAsStructureFails() throws Exception { assertThat( getFlagGroupsExpansionError( "flag_group { flag: '-A%{sequence.foo}' }", createVariables("sequence", "foo1", "sequence", "foo2"))) .isEqualTo( "Invalid toolchain configuration: Cannot expand variable 'sequence.foo': variable " + "'sequence' is sequence, expected structure"); } @Test public void testAccessingMissingStructureFieldFails() throws Exception { assertThat( getFlagGroupsExpansionError( "flag_group { flag: '-A%{struct.missing}' }", createStructureVariables( "struct", new StructureBuilder().addField("bar", "barValue")))) .isEqualTo( "Invalid toolchain configuration: Cannot expand variable 'struct.missing': structure " + "struct doesn't have a field named 'missing'"); } @Test public void testSequenceOfStructuresExpansion() throws Exception { assertThat( getCommandLineForFlagGroups( "flag_group { iterate_over: 'structs' flag: '-A%{structs.foo}' }", createStructureSequenceVariables( "structs", new StructureBuilder().addField("foo", "foo1Value"), new StructureBuilder().addField("foo", "foo2Value")))) .containsExactly("-Afoo1Value", "-Afoo2Value"); } @Test public void testStructureOfSequencesExpansion() throws Exception { assertThat( getCommandLineForFlagGroups( "flag_group {" + " iterate_over: 'struct.sequences'" + " flag: '-A%{struct.sequences.foo}'" + "}", createStructureVariables( "struct", new StructureBuilder() .addField( "sequences", new SequenceBuilder() .addValue(new StructureBuilder().addField("foo", "foo1Value")) .addValue(new StructureBuilder().addField("foo", "foo2Value")))))) .containsExactly("-Afoo1Value", "-Afoo2Value"); } @Test public void testDottedNamesNotAlwaysMeanStructures() throws Exception { assertThat( getCommandLineForFlagGroups( "flag_group {" + " iterate_over: 'struct.sequence'" + " flag_group {" + " iterate_over: 'other_sequence'" + " flag_group {" + " flag: '-A%{struct.sequence} -B%{other_sequence}'" + " }" + " }" + "}", new CcToolchainVariables.Builder() .addCustomBuiltVariable( "struct", new StructureBuilder() .addField("sequence", ImmutableList.of("first", "second"))) .addStringSequenceVariable("other_sequence", ImmutableList.of("foo", "bar")) .build())) .containsExactly("-Afirst -Bfoo", "-Afirst -Bbar", "-Asecond -Bfoo", "-Asecond -Bbar"); } @Test public void testExpandIfAllAvailableWithStructsExpandsIfPresent() throws Exception { assertThat( getCommandLineForFlagGroups( "flag_group {" + " expand_if_all_available: 'struct'" + " flag: '-A%{struct.foo}'" + " flag: '-B%{struct.bar}'" + "}", createStructureVariables( "struct", new CcToolchainVariables.StructureBuilder() .addField("foo", "fooValue") .addField("bar", "barValue")))) .containsExactly("-AfooValue", "-BbarValue"); } @Test public void testExpandIfAllAvailableWithStructsDoesntExpandIfMissing() throws Exception { assertThat( getCommandLineForFlagGroups( "flag_group {" + " expand_if_all_available: 'nonexistent'" + " flag: '-A%{struct.foo}'" + " flag: '-B%{struct.bar}'" + "}", createStructureVariables( "struct", new CcToolchainVariables.StructureBuilder() .addField("foo", "fooValue") .addField("bar", "barValue")))) .isEmpty(); } @Test public void testExpandIfAllAvailableWithStructsDoesntCrashIfMissing() throws Exception { assertThat( getCommandLineForFlagGroups( "flag_group {" + " expand_if_all_available: 'nonexistent'" + " flag: '-A%{nonexistent.foo}'" + " flag: '-B%{nonexistent.bar}'" + "}", createVariables())) .isEmpty(); } @Test public void testExpandIfAllAvailableWithStructFieldDoesntCrashIfMissing() throws Exception { assertThat( getCommandLineForFlagGroups( "flag_group {" + " expand_if_all_available: 'nonexistent.nonexistant_field'" + " flag: '-A%{nonexistent.foo}'" + " flag: '-B%{nonexistent.bar}'" + "}", createVariables())) .isEmpty(); } @Test public void testExpandIfAllAvailableWithStructFieldExpandsIfPresent() throws Exception { assertThat( getCommandLineForFlagGroups( "flag_group {" + " expand_if_all_available: 'struct.foo'" + " flag: '-A%{struct.foo}'" + " flag: '-B%{struct.bar}'" + "}", createStructureVariables( "struct", new CcToolchainVariables.StructureBuilder() .addField("foo", "fooValue") .addField("bar", "barValue")))) .containsExactly("-AfooValue", "-BbarValue"); } @Test public void testExpandIfAllAvailableWithStructFieldDoesntExpandIfMissing() throws Exception { assertThat( getCommandLineForFlagGroups( "flag_group {" + " expand_if_all_available: 'struct.foo'" + " flag: '-A%{struct.foo}'" + " flag: '-B%{struct.bar}'" + "}", createStructureVariables( "struct", new CcToolchainVariables.StructureBuilder().addField("bar", "barValue")))) .isEmpty(); } @Test public void testExpandIfAllAvailableWithStructFieldScopesRight() throws Exception { assertThat( getCommandLineForFlagGroups( "flag_group {" + " flag_group {" + " expand_if_all_available: 'struct.foo'" + " flag: '-A%{struct.foo}'" + " }" + " flag_group { " + " flag: '-B%{struct.bar}'" + " }" + "}", createStructureVariables( "struct", new CcToolchainVariables.StructureBuilder().addField("bar", "barValue")))) .containsExactly("-BbarValue"); } @Test public void testExpandIfNoneAvailableExpandsIfNotAvailable() throws Exception { assertThat( getCommandLineForFlagGroups( "flag_group {" + " flag_group {" + " expand_if_none_available: 'not_available'" + " flag: '-foo'" + " }" + " flag_group { " + " expand_if_none_available: 'available'" + " flag: '-bar'" + " }" + "}", createVariables("available", "available"))) .containsExactly("-foo"); } @Test public void testExpandIfNoneAvailableDoesntExpandIfThereIsOneOfManyAvailable() throws Exception { assertThat( getCommandLineForFlagGroups( "flag_group {" + " flag_group {" + " expand_if_none_available: 'not_available'" + " expand_if_none_available: 'available'" + " flag: '-foo'" + " }" + "}", createVariables("available", "available"))) .isEmpty(); } @Test public void testExpandIfTrueDoesntExpandIfMissing() throws Exception { assertThat( getCommandLineForFlagGroups( "flag_group {" + " expand_if_true: 'missing'" + " flag: '-A%{missing}'" + "}" + "flag_group {" + " expand_if_false: 'missing'" + " flag: '-B%{missing}'" + "}", createVariables())) .isEmpty(); } @Test public void testExpandIfTrueExpandsIfOne() throws Exception { assertThat( getCommandLineForFlagGroups( "flag_group {" + " expand_if_true: 'struct.bool'" + " flag: '-A%{struct.foo}'" + " flag: '-B%{struct.bar}'" + "}" + "flag_group {" + " expand_if_false: 'struct.bool'" + " flag: '-X%{struct.foo}'" + " flag: '-Y%{struct.bar}'" + "}", createStructureVariables( "struct", new CcToolchainVariables.StructureBuilder() .addField("bool", new IntegerValue(1)) .addField("foo", "fooValue") .addField("bar", "barValue")))) .containsExactly("-AfooValue", "-BbarValue"); } @Test public void testExpandIfTrueExpandsIfZero() throws Exception { assertThat( getCommandLineForFlagGroups( "flag_group {" + " expand_if_true: 'struct.bool'" + " flag: '-A%{struct.foo}'" + " flag: '-B%{struct.bar}'" + "}" + "flag_group {" + " expand_if_false: 'struct.bool'" + " flag: '-X%{struct.foo}'" + " flag: '-Y%{struct.bar}'" + "}", createStructureVariables( "struct", new CcToolchainVariables.StructureBuilder() .addField("bool", new IntegerValue(0)) .addField("foo", "fooValue") .addField("bar", "barValue")))) .containsExactly("-XfooValue", "-YbarValue"); } @Test public void testExpandIfEqual() throws Exception { assertThat( getCommandLineForFlagGroups( "flag_group {" + " expand_if_equal: { variable: 'var' value: 'equal_value' }" + " flag: '-foo_%{var}'" + "}" + "flag_group {" + " expand_if_equal: { variable: 'var' value: 'non_equal_value' }" + " flag: '-bar_%{var}'" + "}" + "flag_group {" + " expand_if_equal: { variable: 'non_existing_var' value: 'non_existing' }" + " flag: '-baz_%{non_existing_var}'" + "}", createVariables("var", "equal_value"))) .containsExactly("-foo_equal_value"); } @Test public void testListVariableExpansion() throws Exception { assertThat( getCommandLineForFlagGroups( "flag_group { iterate_over: 'v' flag: '%{v}' }", createVariables("v", "1", "v", "2"))) .containsExactly("1", "2"); } @Test public void testListVariableExpansionMixedWithNonListVariable() throws Exception { assertThat( getCommandLineForFlagGroups( "flag_group { iterate_over: 'v1' flag: '%{v1} %{v2}' }", createVariables("v1", "a1", "v1", "a2", "v2", "b"))) .containsExactly("a1 b", "a2 b"); } @Test public void testNestedListVariableExpansion() throws Exception { assertThat( getCommandLineForFlagGroups( "flag_group {" + " iterate_over: 'v1'" + " flag_group {" + " iterate_over: 'v2'" + " flag: '%{v1} %{v2}'" + " }" + "}", createVariables("v1", "a1", "v1", "a2", "v2", "b1", "v2", "b2"))) .containsExactly("a1 b1", "a1 b2", "a2 b1", "a2 b2"); } @Test public void testListVariableExpansionMixedWithImplicitlyAccessedListVariableFails() throws Exception { assertThat( getFlagGroupsExpansionError( "flag_group { iterate_over: 'v1' flag: '%{v1} %{v2}' }", createVariables("v1", "a1", "v1", "a2", "v2", "b1", "v2", "b2"))) .contains("Cannot expand variable 'v2': expected string, found sequence"); } @Test public void testFlagGroupVariableExpansion() throws Exception { assertThat( getCommandLineForFlagGroups( "" + "flag_group { iterate_over: 'v' flag: '-f' flag: '%{v}' }" + "flag_group { flag: '-end' }", createVariables("v", "1", "v", "2"))) .containsExactly("-f", "1", "-f", "2", "-end"); assertThat( getCommandLineForFlagGroups( "" + "flag_group { iterate_over: 'v' flag: '-f' flag: '%{v}' }" + "flag_group { iterate_over: 'v' flag: '%{v}' }", createVariables("v", "1", "v", "2"))) .containsExactly("-f", "1", "-f", "2", "1", "2"); assertThat( getCommandLineForFlagGroups( "" + "flag_group { iterate_over: 'v' flag: '-f' flag: '%{v}' } " + "flag_group { iterate_over: 'v' flag: '%{v}' }", createVariables("v", "1", "v", "2"))) .containsExactly("-f", "1", "-f", "2", "1", "2"); } private VariableValueBuilder createNestedSequence(int depth, int count, String prefix) { if (depth == 0) { StringSequenceBuilder builder = new StringSequenceBuilder(); for (int i = 0; i < count; ++i) { String value = prefix + i; builder.addValue(value); } return builder; } else { SequenceBuilder builder = new SequenceBuilder(); for (int i = 0; i < count; ++i) { String value = prefix + i; builder.addValue(createNestedSequence(depth - 1, count, value)); } return builder; } } private CcToolchainVariables createNestedVariables(String name, int depth, int count) { return new CcToolchainVariables.Builder() .addCustomBuiltVariable(name, createNestedSequence(depth, count, "")) .build(); } @Test public void testFlagTreeVariableExpansion() throws Exception { String nestedGroup = "" + "flag_group {" + " iterate_over: 'v'" + " flag_group { flag: '-a' }" + " flag_group { iterate_over: 'v' flag: '%{v}' }" + " flag_group { flag: '-b' }" + "}"; assertThat(getCommandLineForFlagGroups(nestedGroup, createNestedVariables("v", 1, 3))) .containsExactly( "-a", "00", "01", "02", "-b", "-a", "10", "11", "12", "-b", "-a", "20", "21", "22", "-b"); try { getCommandLineForFlagGroups(nestedGroup, createNestedVariables("v", 2, 3)); fail("Expected ExpansionException"); } catch (ExpansionException e) { assertThat(e).hasMessageThat().contains("'v'"); } try { buildFeatures( "feature {", " name: 'a'", " flag_set {", " action: 'c++-compile'", " flag_group {", " flag_group { flag: '-f' }", " flag: '-f'", " }", " }", "}"); fail("Expected ExpansionException"); } catch (ExpansionException e) { assertThat(e).hasMessageThat().contains("Invalid toolchain configuration"); } } @Test public void testImplies() throws Exception { CcToolchainFeatures features = buildFeatures( "feature { name: 'a' implies: 'b' implies: 'c' }", "feature { name: 'b' }", "feature { name: 'c' implies: 'd' }", "feature { name: 'd' }", "feature { name: 'e' }"); assertThat(getEnabledFeatures(features, "a")).containsExactly("a", "b", "c", "d"); } @Test public void testRequires() throws Exception { CcToolchainFeatures features = buildFeatures( "feature { name: 'a' requires: { feature: 'b' } }", "feature { name: 'b' requires: { feature: 'c' } }", "feature { name: 'c' }"); assertThat(getEnabledFeatures(features, "a")).isEmpty(); assertThat(getEnabledFeatures(features, "a", "b")).isEmpty(); assertThat(getEnabledFeatures(features, "a", "c")).containsExactly("c"); assertThat(getEnabledFeatures(features, "a", "b", "c")).containsExactly("a", "b", "c"); } @Test public void testDisabledRequirementChain() throws Exception { CcToolchainFeatures features = buildFeatures( "feature { name: 'a' }", "feature { name: 'b' requires: { feature: 'c' } implies: 'a' }", "feature { name: 'c' }"); assertThat(getEnabledFeatures(features, "b")).isEmpty(); features = buildFeatures( "feature { name: 'a' }", "feature { name: 'b' requires: { feature: 'a' } implies: 'c' }", "feature { name: 'c' }", "feature { name: 'd' requires: { feature: 'c' } implies: 'e' }", "feature { name: 'e' }"); assertThat(getEnabledFeatures(features, "b", "d")).isEmpty(); } @Test public void testEnabledRequirementChain() throws Exception { CcToolchainFeatures features = buildFeatures( "feature { name: '0' implies: 'a' }", "feature { name: 'a' }", "feature { name: 'b' requires: { feature: 'a' } implies: 'c' }", "feature { name: 'c' }", "feature { name: 'd' requires: { feature: 'c' } implies: 'e' }", "feature { name: 'e' }"); assertThat(getEnabledFeatures(features, "0", "b", "d")).containsExactly( "0", "a", "b", "c", "d", "e"); } @Test public void testLogicInRequirements() throws Exception { CcToolchainFeatures features = buildFeatures( "feature { name: 'a' requires: { feature: 'b' feature: 'c' } requires: { feature: 'd' } }", "feature { name: 'b' }", "feature { name: 'c' }", "feature { name: 'd' }"); assertThat(getEnabledFeatures(features, "a", "b", "c")).containsExactly("a", "b", "c"); assertThat(getEnabledFeatures(features, "a", "b")).containsExactly("b"); assertThat(getEnabledFeatures(features, "a", "c")).containsExactly("c"); assertThat(getEnabledFeatures(features, "a", "d")).containsExactly("a", "d"); } @Test public void testImpliesImpliesRequires() throws Exception { CcToolchainFeatures features = buildFeatures( "feature { name: 'a' implies: 'b' }", "feature { name: 'b' requires: { feature: 'c' } }", "feature { name: 'c' }"); assertThat(getEnabledFeatures(features, "a")).isEmpty(); } @Test public void testMultipleImplies() throws Exception { CcToolchainFeatures features = buildFeatures( "feature { name: 'a' implies: 'b' implies: 'c' implies: 'd' }", "feature { name: 'b' }", "feature { name: 'c' requires: { feature: 'e' } }", "feature { name: 'd' }", "feature { name: 'e' }"); assertThat(getEnabledFeatures(features, "a")).isEmpty(); assertThat(getEnabledFeatures(features, "a", "e")).containsExactly("a", "b", "c", "d", "e"); } @Test public void testDisabledFeaturesDoNotEnableImplications() throws Exception { CcToolchainFeatures features = buildFeatures( "feature { name: 'a' implies: 'b' requires: { feature: 'c' } }", "feature { name: 'b' }", "feature { name: 'c' }"); assertThat(getEnabledFeatures(features, "a")).isEmpty(); } @Test public void testFeatureNameCollision() throws Exception { try { buildFeatures( "feature { name: '<<>>' }", "feature { name: '<<>>' }"); fail("Expected InvalidConfigurationException"); } catch (InvalidConfigurationException e) { assertThat(e).hasMessageThat().contains("<<>>"); } } @Test public void testReferenceToUndefinedFeature() throws Exception { try { buildFeatures("feature { name: 'a' implies: '<<>>' }"); fail("Expected InvalidConfigurationException"); } catch (InvalidConfigurationException e) { assertThat(e).hasMessageThat().contains("<<>>"); } } @Test public void testImpliesWithCycle() throws Exception { CcToolchainFeatures features = buildFeatures( "feature { name: 'a' implies: 'b' }", "feature { name: 'b' implies: 'a' }"); assertThat(getEnabledFeatures(features, "a")).containsExactly("a", "b"); assertThat(getEnabledFeatures(features, "b")).containsExactly("a", "b"); } @Test public void testMultipleImpliesCycle() throws Exception { CcToolchainFeatures features = buildFeatures( "feature { name: 'a' implies: 'b' implies: 'c' implies: 'd' }", "feature { name: 'b' }", "feature { name: 'c' requires: { feature: 'e' } }", "feature { name: 'd' requires: { feature: 'f' } }", "feature { name: 'e' requires: { feature: 'c' } }", "feature { name: 'f' }"); assertThat(getEnabledFeatures(features, "a", "e")).isEmpty(); assertThat(getEnabledFeatures(features, "a", "e", "f")).containsExactly( "a", "b", "c", "d", "e", "f"); } @Test public void testRequiresWithCycle() throws Exception { CcToolchainFeatures features = buildFeatures( "feature { name: 'a' requires: { feature: 'b' } }", "feature { name: 'b' requires: { feature: 'a' } }", "feature { name: 'c' implies: 'a' }", "feature { name: 'd' implies: 'b' }"); assertThat(getEnabledFeatures(features, "c")).isEmpty(); assertThat(getEnabledFeatures(features, "d")).isEmpty(); assertThat(getEnabledFeatures(features, "c", "d")).containsExactly("a", "b", "c", "d"); } @Test public void testImpliedByOneEnabledAndOneDisabledFeature() throws Exception { CcToolchainFeatures features = buildFeatures( "feature { name: 'a' }", "feature { name: 'b' requires: { feature: 'a' } implies: 'd' }", "feature { name: 'c' implies: 'd' }", "feature { name: 'd' }"); assertThat(getEnabledFeatures(features, "b", "c")).containsExactly("c", "d"); } @Test public void testRequiresOneEnabledAndOneUnsupportedFeature() throws Exception { CcToolchainFeatures features = buildFeatures( "feature { name: 'a' requires: { feature: 'b' } requires: { feature: 'c' } }", "feature { name: 'b' }", "feature { name: 'c' requires: { feature: 'd' } }", "feature { name: 'd' }"); assertThat(getEnabledFeatures(features, "a", "b", "c")).containsExactly("a", "b"); } @Test public void testFlagSetWithMissingVariableIsNotExpanded() throws Exception { FeatureConfiguration configuration = buildFeatures( "feature {", " name: 'a'", " flag_set {", " action: 'c++-compile'", " expand_if_all_available: 'v'", " flag_group { flag: '%{v}' }", " }", " flag_set {", " action: 'c++-compile'", " flag_group { flag: 'unconditional' }", " }", "}") .getFeatureConfiguration(ImmutableSet.of("a")); assertThat(configuration.getCommandLine(CppActionNames.CPP_COMPILE, createVariables())) .containsExactly("unconditional"); } @Test public void testOnlyFlagSetsWithAllVariablesPresentAreExpanded() throws Exception { FeatureConfiguration configuration = buildFeatures( "feature {", " name: 'a'", " flag_set {", " action: 'c++-compile'", " expand_if_all_available: 'v'", " flag_group { flag: '%{v}' }", " }", " flag_set {", " action: 'c++-compile'", " expand_if_all_available: 'v'", " expand_if_all_available: 'w'", " flag_group { flag: '%{v}%{w}' }", " }", " flag_set {", " action: 'c++-compile'", " flag_group { flag: 'unconditional' }", " }", "}") .getFeatureConfiguration(ImmutableSet.of("a")); assertThat(configuration.getCommandLine(CppActionNames.CPP_COMPILE, createVariables("v", "1"))) .containsExactly("1", "unconditional"); } @Test public void testOnlyInnerFlagSetIsIteratedWithSequenceVariable() throws Exception { FeatureConfiguration configuration = buildFeatures( "feature {", " name: 'a'", " flag_set {", " action: 'c++-compile'", " expand_if_all_available: 'v'", " flag_group { iterate_over: 'v' flag: '%{v}' }", " }", " flag_set {", " action: 'c++-compile'", " expand_if_all_available: 'v'", " expand_if_all_available: 'w'", " flag_group { iterate_over: 'v' flag: '%{v}%{w}' }", " }", " flag_set {", " action: 'c++-compile'", " flag_group { flag: 'unconditional' }", " }", "}") .getFeatureConfiguration(ImmutableSet.of("a")); assertThat( configuration.getCommandLine( CppActionNames.CPP_COMPILE, createVariables("v", "1", "v", "2"))) .containsExactly("1", "2", "unconditional") .inOrder(); } @Test public void testFlagSetsAreIteratedIndividuallyForSequenceVariables() throws Exception { FeatureConfiguration configuration = buildFeatures( "feature {", " name: 'a'", " flag_set {", " action: 'c++-compile'", " expand_if_all_available: 'v'", " flag_group { iterate_over: 'v' flag: '%{v}' }", " }", " flag_set {", " action: 'c++-compile'", " expand_if_all_available: 'v'", " expand_if_all_available: 'w'", " flag_group { iterate_over: 'v' flag: '%{v}%{w}' }", " }", " flag_set {", " action: 'c++-compile'", " flag_group { flag: 'unconditional' }", " }", "}") .getFeatureConfiguration(ImmutableSet.of("a")); assertThat( configuration.getCommandLine( CppActionNames.CPP_COMPILE, createVariables("v", "1", "v", "2", "w", "3"))) .containsExactly("1", "2", "13", "23", "unconditional") .inOrder(); } @Test public void testConfiguration() throws Exception { CcToolchainFeatures features = buildFeatures( "feature {", " name: 'a'", " flag_set {", " action: 'c++-compile'", " flag_group {", " flag: '-f'", " flag: '%{v}'", " }", " }", "}", "feature { name: 'b' implies: 'a' }"); assertThat(getEnabledFeatures(features, "b")).containsExactly("a", "b"); assertThat( features .getFeatureConfiguration(ImmutableSet.of("b")) .getCommandLine(CppActionNames.CPP_COMPILE, createVariables("v", "1"))) .containsExactly("-f", "1"); byte[] serialized = TestUtils.serializeObject(features); CcToolchainFeatures deserialized = (CcToolchainFeatures) TestUtils.deserializeObject(serialized); assertThat(getEnabledFeatures(deserialized, "b")).containsExactly("a", "b"); assertThat( features .getFeatureConfiguration(ImmutableSet.of("b")) .getCommandLine(CppActionNames.CPP_COMPILE, createVariables("v", "1"))) .containsExactly("-f", "1"); } @Test public void testDefaultFeatures() throws Exception { CcToolchainFeatures features = buildFeatures("feature { name: 'a' }", "feature { name: 'b' enabled: true }"); assertThat(features.getDefaultFeaturesAndActionConfigs()).containsExactly("b"); } @Test public void testDefaultActionConfigs() throws Exception { CcToolchainFeatures features = buildFeatures("action_config { config_name: 'a' action_name: 'a'}", "action_config { config_name: 'b' action_name: 'b' enabled: true }"); assertThat(features.getDefaultFeaturesAndActionConfigs()).containsExactly("b"); } @Test public void testWithFeature_OneSetOneFeature() throws Exception { CcToolchainFeatures features = buildFeatures( "feature {", " name: 'a'", " flag_set {", " with_feature {feature: 'b'}", " action: 'c++-compile'", " flag_group {", " flag: 'dummy_flag'", " }", " }", "}", "feature {name: 'b'}"); assertThat( features .getFeatureConfiguration(ImmutableSet.of("a", "b")) .getCommandLine(CppActionNames.CPP_COMPILE, createVariables())) .containsExactly("dummy_flag"); assertThat( features .getFeatureConfiguration(ImmutableSet.of("a")) .getCommandLine(CppActionNames.CPP_COMPILE, createVariables())) .doesNotContain("dummy_flag"); } @Test public void testWithFeature_OneSetMultipleFeatures() throws Exception { CcToolchainFeatures features = buildFeatures( "feature {", " name: 'a'", " flag_set {", " with_feature {feature: 'b', feature: 'c'}", " action: 'c++-compile'", " flag_group {", " flag: 'dummy_flag'", " }", " }", "}", "feature {name: 'b'}", "feature {name: 'c'}"); assertThat( features .getFeatureConfiguration(ImmutableSet.of("a", "b", "c")) .getCommandLine(CppActionNames.CPP_COMPILE, createVariables())) .containsExactly("dummy_flag"); assertThat( features .getFeatureConfiguration(ImmutableSet.of("a", "b")) .getCommandLine(CppActionNames.CPP_COMPILE, createVariables())) .doesNotContain("dummy_flag"); assertThat( features .getFeatureConfiguration(ImmutableSet.of("a")) .getCommandLine(CppActionNames.CPP_COMPILE, createVariables())) .doesNotContain("dummy_flag"); } @Test public void testWithFeature_MulipleSetsMultipleFeatures() throws Exception { CcToolchainFeatures features = buildFeatures( "feature {", " name: 'a'", " flag_set {", " with_feature {feature: 'b1', feature: 'c1'}", " with_feature {feature: 'b2', feature: 'c2'}", " action: 'c++-compile'", " flag_group {", " flag: 'dummy_flag'", " }", " }", "}", "feature {name: 'b1'}", "feature {name: 'c1'}", "feature {name: 'b2'}", "feature {name: 'c2'}"); assertThat( features .getFeatureConfiguration(ImmutableSet.of("a", "b1", "c1", "b2", "c2")) .getCommandLine(CppActionNames.CPP_COMPILE, createVariables())) .containsExactly("dummy_flag"); assertThat( features .getFeatureConfiguration(ImmutableSet.of("a", "b1", "c1")) .getCommandLine(CppActionNames.CPP_COMPILE, createVariables())) .containsExactly("dummy_flag"); assertThat( features .getFeatureConfiguration(ImmutableSet.of("a", "b1", "b2")) .getCommandLine(CppActionNames.CPP_COMPILE, createVariables())) .doesNotContain("dummy_flag"); } @Test public void testWithFeature_NotFeature() throws Exception { CcToolchainFeatures features = buildFeatures( "feature {", " name: 'a'", " flag_set {", " with_feature { not_feature: 'x', not_feature: 'y', feature: 'z' }", " with_feature { not_feature: 'q' }", " action: 'c++-compile'", " flag_group {", " flag: 'dummy_flag'", " }", " }", "}", "feature {name: 'x'}", "feature {name: 'y'}", "feature {name: 'z'}", "feature {name: 'q'}"); assertThat( features .getFeatureConfiguration(ImmutableSet.of("a")) .getCommandLine(CppActionNames.CPP_COMPILE, createVariables())) .containsExactly("dummy_flag"); assertThat( features .getFeatureConfiguration(ImmutableSet.of("a", "q")) .getCommandLine(CppActionNames.CPP_COMPILE, createVariables())) .doesNotContain("dummy_flag"); assertThat( features .getFeatureConfiguration(ImmutableSet.of("a", "q", "z")) .getCommandLine(CppActionNames.CPP_COMPILE, createVariables())) .containsExactly("dummy_flag"); assertThat( features .getFeatureConfiguration(ImmutableSet.of("a", "q", "x", "z")) .getCommandLine(CppActionNames.CPP_COMPILE, createVariables())) .doesNotContain("dummy_flag"); assertThat( features .getFeatureConfiguration(ImmutableSet.of("a", "q", "x", "y", "z")) .getCommandLine(CppActionNames.CPP_COMPILE, createVariables())) .doesNotContain("dummy_flag"); } @Test public void testActivateActionConfigFromFeature() throws Exception { CcToolchainFeatures toolchainFeatures = buildFeatures( "action_config {", " config_name: 'action-a'", " action_name: 'action-a'", " tool {", " tool_path: 'toolchain/feature-a'", " with_feature: { feature: 'feature-a' }", " }", "}", "feature {", " name: 'activates-action-a'", " implies: 'action-a'", "}"); FeatureConfiguration featureConfiguration = toolchainFeatures.getFeatureConfiguration(ImmutableSet.of("activates-action-a")); assertThat(featureConfiguration.actionIsConfigured("action-a")).isTrue(); } @Test public void testFeatureCanRequireActionConfig() throws Exception { CcToolchainFeatures toolchainFeatures = buildFeatures( "action_config {", " config_name: 'action-a'", " action_name: 'action-a'", " tool {", " tool_path: 'toolchain/feature-a'", " with_feature: { feature: 'feature-a' }", " }", "}", "feature {", " name: 'requires-action-a'", " requires: { feature: 'action-a' }", "}"); FeatureConfiguration featureConfigurationWithoutAction = toolchainFeatures.getFeatureConfiguration(ImmutableSet.of("requires-action-a")); assertThat(featureConfigurationWithoutAction.isEnabled("requires-action-a")).isFalse(); FeatureConfiguration featureConfigurationWithAction = toolchainFeatures.getFeatureConfiguration(ImmutableSet.of("action-a", "requires-action-a")); assertThat(featureConfigurationWithAction.isEnabled("requires-action-a")).isTrue(); } @Test public void testSimpleActionTool() throws Exception { FeatureConfiguration configuration = buildFeatures( "action_config {", " config_name: 'action-a'", " action_name: 'action-a'", " tool {", " tool_path: 'toolchain/a'", " }", "}", "feature {", " name: 'activates-action-a'", " implies: 'action-a'", "}") .getFeatureConfiguration(ImmutableSet.of("activates-action-a")); PathFragment toolPath = configuration.getToolForAction("action-a").getToolPathFragment(); assertThat(toolPath.toString()).isEqualTo("crosstool/toolchain/a"); } @Test public void testActionToolFromFeatureSet() throws Exception { CcToolchainFeatures toolchainFeatures = buildFeatures( "action_config {", " config_name: 'action-a'", " action_name: 'action-a'", " tool {", " tool_path: 'toolchain/features-a-and-b'", " with_feature: {", " feature: 'feature-a'", " feature: 'feature-b'", " }", " }", " tool {", " tool_path: 'toolchain/feature-a-and-not-c'", " with_feature: {", " feature: 'feature-a'", " not_feature: 'feature-c'", " }", " }", " tool {", " tool_path: 'toolchain/feature-b-or-c'", " with_feature: { feature: 'feature-b' }", " with_feature: { feature: 'feature-c' }", " }", " tool {", " tool_path: 'toolchain/default'", " }", "}", "feature {", " name: 'feature-a'", "}", "feature {", " name: 'feature-b'", "}", "feature {", " name: 'feature-c'", "}", "feature {", " name: 'activates-action-a'", " implies: 'action-a'", "}"); FeatureConfiguration featureAConfiguration = toolchainFeatures.getFeatureConfiguration( ImmutableSet.of("feature-a", "activates-action-a")); assertThat(featureAConfiguration.getToolForAction("action-a").getToolPathFragment().toString()) .isEqualTo("crosstool/toolchain/feature-a-and-not-c"); FeatureConfiguration featureAAndCConfiguration = toolchainFeatures.getFeatureConfiguration( ImmutableSet.of("feature-a", "feature-c", "activates-action-a")); assertThat( featureAAndCConfiguration.getToolForAction("action-a").getToolPathFragment().toString()) .isEqualTo("crosstool/toolchain/feature-b-or-c"); FeatureConfiguration featureBConfiguration = toolchainFeatures.getFeatureConfiguration( ImmutableSet.of("feature-b", "activates-action-a")); assertThat(featureBConfiguration.getToolForAction("action-a").getToolPathFragment().toString()) .isEqualTo("crosstool/toolchain/feature-b-or-c"); FeatureConfiguration featureCConfiguration = toolchainFeatures.getFeatureConfiguration( ImmutableSet.of("feature-c", "activates-action-a")); assertThat(featureCConfiguration.getToolForAction("action-a").getToolPathFragment().toString()) .isEqualTo("crosstool/toolchain/feature-b-or-c"); FeatureConfiguration featureAAndBConfiguration = toolchainFeatures.getFeatureConfiguration( ImmutableSet.of("feature-a", "feature-b", "activates-action-a")); assertThat( featureAAndBConfiguration.getToolForAction("action-a").getToolPathFragment().toString()) .isEqualTo("crosstool/toolchain/features-a-and-b"); FeatureConfiguration noFeaturesConfiguration = toolchainFeatures.getFeatureConfiguration(ImmutableSet.of("activates-action-a")); assertThat( noFeaturesConfiguration.getToolForAction("action-a").getToolPathFragment().toString()) .isEqualTo("crosstool/toolchain/default"); } @Test public void testErrorForNoMatchingTool() throws Exception { CcToolchainFeatures toolchainFeatures = buildFeatures( "action_config {", " config_name: 'action-a'", " action_name: 'action-a'", " tool {", " tool_path: 'toolchain/feature-a'", " with_feature: { feature: 'feature-a' }", " }", "}", "feature {", " name: 'feature-a'", "}", "feature {", " name: 'activates-action-a'", " implies: 'action-a'", "}"); FeatureConfiguration noFeaturesConfiguration = toolchainFeatures.getFeatureConfiguration(ImmutableSet.of("activates-action-a")); try { noFeaturesConfiguration.getToolForAction("action-a").getToolPathFragment(); fail("Expected IllegalArgumentException"); } catch (IllegalArgumentException e) { assertThat(e) .hasMessageThat() .contains("Matching tool for action action-a not found for given feature configuration"); } } @Test public void testActivateActionConfigDirectly() throws Exception { CcToolchainFeatures toolchainFeatures = buildFeatures( "action_config {", " config_name: 'action-a'", " action_name: 'action-a'", " tool {", " tool_path: 'toolchain/feature-a'", " with_feature: { feature: 'feature-a' }", " }", "}"); FeatureConfiguration featureConfiguration = toolchainFeatures.getFeatureConfiguration(ImmutableSet.of("action-a")); assertThat(featureConfiguration.actionIsConfigured("action-a")).isTrue(); } @Test public void testActionConfigCanActivateFeature() throws Exception { CcToolchainFeatures toolchainFeatures = buildFeatures( "action_config {", " config_name: 'action-a'", " action_name: 'action-a'", " tool {", " tool_path: 'toolchain/feature-a'", " with_feature: { feature: 'feature-a' }", " }", " implies: 'activated-feature'", "}", "feature {", " name: 'activated-feature'", "}"); FeatureConfiguration featureConfiguration = toolchainFeatures.getFeatureConfiguration(ImmutableSet.of("action-a")); assertThat(featureConfiguration.isEnabled("activated-feature")).isTrue(); } @Test public void testInvalidActionConfigurationDuplicateActionConfigs() throws Exception { try { buildFeatures( "action_config {", " config_name: 'action-a'", " action_name: 'action-1'", "}", "action_config {", " config_name: 'action-a'", " action_name: 'action-2'", "}"); fail("Expected InvalidConfigurationException"); } catch (InvalidConfigurationException e) { assertThat(e) .hasMessageThat() .contains("feature or action config 'action-a' was specified multiple times."); } } @Test public void testInvalidActionConfigurationMultipleActionConfigsForAction() throws Exception { try { buildFeatures( "action_config {", " config_name: 'name-a'", " action_name: 'action-a'", "}", "action_config {", " config_name: 'name-b'", " action_name: 'action-a'", "}"); fail("Expected InvalidConfigurationException"); } catch (InvalidConfigurationException e) { assertThat(e).hasMessageThat().contains("multiple action configs for action 'action-a'"); } } @Test public void testFlagsFromActionConfig() throws Exception { FeatureConfiguration featureConfiguration = buildFeatures( "action_config {", " config_name: 'c++-compile'", " action_name: 'c++-compile'", " flag_set {", " flag_group {flag: 'foo'}", " }", "}") .getFeatureConfiguration(ImmutableSet.of("c++-compile")); List commandLine = featureConfiguration.getCommandLine("c++-compile", createVariables()); assertThat(commandLine).contains("foo"); } @Test public void testErrorForFlagFromActionConfigWithSpecifiedAction() throws Exception { try { buildFeatures( "action_config {", " config_name: 'c++-compile'", " action_name: 'c++-compile'", " flag_set {", " action: 'c++-compile'", " flag_group {flag: 'foo'}", " }", "}") .getFeatureConfiguration(ImmutableSet.of("c++-compile")); fail("Should throw InvalidConfigurationException"); } catch (InvalidConfigurationException e) { assertThat(e) .hasMessageThat() .contains(String.format(ActionConfig.FLAG_SET_WITH_ACTION_ERROR, "c++-compile")); } } @Test public void testLibraryToLinkValue() { assertThat( LibraryToLinkValue.forDynamicLibrary("foo") .getFieldValue("LibraryToLinkValue", LibraryToLinkValue.NAME_FIELD_NAME) .getStringValue(LibraryToLinkValue.NAME_FIELD_NAME)) .isEqualTo("foo"); assertThat( LibraryToLinkValue.forDynamicLibrary("foo") .getFieldValue("LibraryToLinkValue", LibraryToLinkValue.OBJECT_FILES_FIELD_NAME)) .isNull(); ImmutableList testArtifacts = ImmutableList.of(scratchArtifact("foo"), scratchArtifact("bar")); assertThat( LibraryToLinkValue.forObjectFileGroup(testArtifacts, false) .getFieldValue("LibraryToLinkValue", LibraryToLinkValue.NAME_FIELD_NAME)) .isNull(); Iterable objects = LibraryToLinkValue.forObjectFileGroup(testArtifacts, false) .getFieldValue("LibraryToLinkValue", LibraryToLinkValue.OBJECT_FILES_FIELD_NAME) .getSequenceValue(LibraryToLinkValue.OBJECT_FILES_FIELD_NAME); ImmutableList.Builder objectNames = ImmutableList.builder(); for (VariableValue object : objects) { objectNames.add(object.getStringValue("name")); } assertThat(objectNames.build()) .containsExactlyElementsIn( Iterables.transform(testArtifacts, testArtifact -> testArtifact.getExecPathString())); } @Test public void testProvidesCollision() throws Exception { try { buildFeatures( "feature {", " name: 'a'", " provides: 'provides_string'", "}", "feature {", " name: 'b'", " provides: 'provides_string'", "}") .getFeatureConfiguration(ImmutableSet.of("a", "b")); fail("Should throw CollidingProvidesException on collision, instead did not throw."); } catch (Exception e) { assertThat(e).hasMessageThat().contains("a b"); } } @Test public void testErrorForNoMatchingArtifactNamePatternCategory() throws Exception { try { buildFeatures( "artifact_name_pattern {", "category_name: 'NONEXISTENT_CATEGORY'", "prefix: 'foo'", "extension: 'bar'}"); fail("Should throw InvalidConfigurationException."); } catch (InvalidConfigurationException e) { assertThat(e) .hasMessageThat() .contains("Artifact category NONEXISTENT_CATEGORY not recognized"); } } @Test public void testErrorForNoMatchingArtifactPatternForCategory() throws Exception { try { CcToolchainFeatures toolchainFeatures = buildFeatures( "artifact_name_pattern {", "category_name: 'static_library'", "prefix: 'foo'", "extension: '.a'}"); toolchainFeatures.getArtifactNameForCategory(ArtifactCategory.DYNAMIC_LIBRARY, "output_name"); fail("Should throw InvalidConfigurationException."); } catch (InvalidConfigurationException e) { assertThat(e) .hasMessageThat() .contains( String.format( CcToolchainFeatures.MISSING_ARTIFACT_NAME_PATTERN_ERROR_TEMPLATE, ArtifactCategory.DYNAMIC_LIBRARY.toString().toLowerCase())); } } @Test public void testGetArtifactNameExtensionForCategory() throws Exception { CcToolchainFeatures toolchainFeatures = buildFeatures( "artifact_name_pattern {", " category_name: 'object_file'", " prefix: ''", " extension: '.obj'", "}", "artifact_name_pattern {", " category_name: 'executable'", " prefix: ''", " extension: ''", "}", "artifact_name_pattern {", " category_name: 'static_library'", " prefix: ''", " extension: '.a'", "}"); assertThat(toolchainFeatures.getArtifactNameExtensionForCategory(ArtifactCategory.OBJECT_FILE)) .isEqualTo(".obj"); assertThat(toolchainFeatures.getArtifactNameExtensionForCategory(ArtifactCategory.EXECUTABLE)) .isEmpty(); assertThat( toolchainFeatures.getArtifactNameExtensionForCategory(ArtifactCategory.STATIC_LIBRARY)) .isEqualTo(".a"); } }