// Copyright 2015 The Bazel Authors. All rights reserved. // // Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); // you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. // You may obtain a copy of the License at // // http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 // // Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software // distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, // WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. // See the License for the specific language governing permissions and // limitations under the License. package com.google.devtools.build.lib.analysis.select; import static com.google.common.truth.Truth.assertThat; import static org.junit.Assert.assertNull; import com.google.common.collect.ImmutableList; import com.google.common.collect.Iterables; import com.google.devtools.build.lib.cmdline.Label; import com.google.devtools.build.lib.packages.AggregatingAttributeMapper; import com.google.devtools.build.lib.packages.Attribute; import com.google.devtools.build.lib.packages.BuildType; import com.google.devtools.build.lib.packages.Rule; import com.google.devtools.build.lib.syntax.Type; import com.google.devtools.build.lib.testutil.TestConstants; import org.junit.Before; import org.junit.Test; import org.junit.runner.RunWith; import org.junit.runners.JUnit4; /** * Unit tests for {@link AggregatingAttributeMapper}. */ @RunWith(JUnit4.class) public class AggregatingAttributeMapperTest extends AbstractAttributeMapperTest { @Before public final void createMapper() throws Exception { // Run AbstractAttributeMapper tests through an AggregatingAttributeMapper. mapper = AggregatingAttributeMapper.of(rule); } /** * Tests that {@link AggregatingAttributeMapper#visitAttribute} returns an * attribute's sole value when declared directly (i.e. not as a configurable dict). */ @Test public void testGetPossibleValuesDirectAttribute() throws Exception { Rule rule = createRule("a", "myrule", "sh_binary(name = 'myrule',", " srcs = ['a.sh'])"); assertThat(AggregatingAttributeMapper.of(rule).visitAttribute("srcs", BuildType.LABEL_LIST)) .containsExactlyElementsIn(ImmutableList.of(ImmutableList.of(Label.create("a", "a.sh")))); } /** * Tests that {@link AggregatingAttributeMapper#visitAttribute} returns * every possible value that a configurable attribute can resolve to. */ @Test public void testGetPossibleValuesConfigurableAttribute() throws Exception { Rule rule = createRule("a", "myrule", "sh_binary(name = 'myrule',", " srcs = select({", " '//conditions:a': ['a.sh'],", " '//conditions:b': ['b.sh'],", " '" + BuildType.Selector.DEFAULT_CONDITION_KEY + "': ['default.sh'],", " }))"); assertThat(AggregatingAttributeMapper.of(rule).visitAttribute("srcs", BuildType.LABEL_LIST)) .containsExactlyElementsIn( ImmutableList.of( ImmutableList.of(Label.create("a", "a.sh")), ImmutableList.of(Label.create("a", "b.sh")), ImmutableList.of(Label.create("a", "default.sh")))); } @Test public void testGetPossibleValuesWithConcatenatedSelects() throws Exception { Rule rule = createRule("a", "myrule", "sh_binary(name = 'myrule',", " srcs = select({", " '//conditions:a1': ['a1.sh'],", " '//conditions:b1': ['b1.sh']})", " + select({", " '//conditions:a2': ['a2.sh'],", " '//conditions:b2': ['b2.sh']})", " )"); assertThat(AggregatingAttributeMapper.of(rule).visitAttribute("srcs", BuildType.LABEL_LIST)) .containsExactlyElementsIn( ImmutableList.of( ImmutableList.of(Label.create("a", "a1.sh"), Label.create("a", "a2.sh")), ImmutableList.of(Label.create("a", "a1.sh"), Label.create("a", "b2.sh")), ImmutableList.of(Label.create("a", "b1.sh"), Label.create("a", "a2.sh")), ImmutableList.of(Label.create("a", "b1.sh"), Label.create("a", "b2.sh")))); } /** * Given a large number of selects, we expect better than the naive * exponential performance from evaluating select1 x select2 x select3 x ... */ @Test public void testGetPossibleValuesWithManySelects() throws Exception { String pattern = " + select({'//conditions:a1': '%c', '//conditions:a2': '%s'})"; StringBuilder ruleDef = new StringBuilder(); ruleDef.append("genrule(name = 'gen', srcs = [], outs = ['gen.out'], cmd = ''"); for (char c : "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz".toCharArray()) { ruleDef.append(String.format(pattern, c, Character.toUpperCase(c))); } ruleDef.append(")"); Rule rule = createRule("a", "gen", ruleDef.toString()); // Naive evaluation would visit 2^26 cases and either overflow memory or timeout the test. assertThat(AggregatingAttributeMapper.of(rule).visitAttribute("cmd", Type.STRING)) .containsExactly("abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz", "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ"); } /** * Tests that, on rule visitation, {@link AggregatingAttributeMapper} visits *every* possible * value in a configurable attribute (including configuration key labels). */ @Test public void testVisitationConfigurableAttribute() throws Exception { Rule rule = createRule("a", "myrule", "sh_binary(name = 'myrule',", " srcs = select({", " '//conditions:a': ['a.sh'],", " '//conditions:b': ['b.sh'],", " '" + BuildType.Selector.DEFAULT_CONDITION_KEY + "': ['default.sh'],", " }))"); VisitationRecorder recorder = new VisitationRecorder(); AggregatingAttributeMapper.of(rule).visitLabels(recorder); assertThat(recorder.labelsVisited) .containsExactlyElementsIn( ImmutableList.of( "//a:a.sh", "//a:b.sh", "//a:default.sh", "//conditions:a", "//conditions:b")); } @Test public void testGetReachableLabels() throws Exception { Rule rule = createRule("x", "main", "cc_binary(", " name = 'main',", " srcs = select({", " '//conditions:a': ['a.cc'],", " '//conditions:b': ['b.cc']})", " + ", " ['always.cc']", " + ", " select({", " '//conditions:c': ['c.cc'],", " '//conditions:d': ['d.cc'],", " '" + BuildType.Selector.DEFAULT_CONDITION_KEY + "': ['default.cc'],", " }))"); ImmutableList