// Copyright 2015 The Bazel Authors. All rights reserved. // // Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); // you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. // You may obtain a copy of the License at // // http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 // // Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software // distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, // WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. // See the License for the specific language governing permissions and // limitations under the License. package com.google.devtools.build.lib.actions; import static com.google.common.truth.Truth.assertThat; import static org.mockito.Mockito.when; import com.google.common.base.Preconditions; import com.google.common.base.Splitter; import com.google.common.collect.ImmutableList; import com.google.common.collect.Iterables; import com.google.common.eventbus.EventBus; import com.google.devtools.build.lib.actions.util.ActionsTestUtil; import com.google.devtools.build.lib.clock.Clock; import com.google.devtools.build.lib.events.EventKind; import com.google.devtools.build.lib.events.util.EventCollectionApparatus; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.List; import org.junit.Before; import org.junit.Test; import org.junit.runner.RunWith; import org.junit.runners.JUnit4; import org.mockito.Mockito; /** Test for the {@link ActionExecutionStatusReporter} class. */ @RunWith(JUnit4.class) public class ActionExecutionStatusReporterTest { private static final class MockClock implements Clock { private long millis = 0; public void advance() { advanceBy(1000); } public void advanceBy(long millis) { Preconditions.checkArgument(millis > 0); this.millis += millis; } @Override public long currentTimeMillis() { return millis; } @Override public long nanoTime() { // There's no reason to use a nanosecond-precision for a mock clock. return millis * 1000000L; } } private EventCollectionApparatus events; private ActionExecutionStatusReporter statusReporter; private EventBus eventBus; private MockClock clock = new MockClock(); private Action mockAction(String progressMessage) { Action action = Mockito.mock(Action.class); when(action.getOwner()).thenReturn(ActionsTestUtil.NULL_ACTION_OWNER); when(action.getProgressMessage()).thenReturn(progressMessage); if (progressMessage == null) { when(action.prettyPrint()).thenReturn("default message"); } return action; } @Before public final void initializeEventBus() throws Exception { events = new EventCollectionApparatus(EventKind.ALL_EVENTS); statusReporter = ActionExecutionStatusReporter.create(events.reporter(), clock); eventBus = new EventBus(); eventBus.register(statusReporter); } private void verifyNoOutput() { events.clear(); statusReporter.showCurrentlyExecutingActions(""); assertThat(events.collector()).isEmpty(); } private void verifyOutput(String... lines) throws Exception { events.clear(); statusReporter.showCurrentlyExecutingActions(""); assertThat( Splitter.on('\n') .omitEmptyStrings() .trimResults() .split( Iterables.getOnlyElement(events.collector()) .getMessage() .replaceAll(" +", " "))) .containsExactlyElementsIn(Arrays.asList(lines)) .inOrder(); } private void verifyWarningOutput(String... lines) throws Exception { events.setFailFast(false); events.clear(); statusReporter.warnAboutCurrentlyExecutingActions(); assertThat( Splitter.on('\n') .omitEmptyStrings() .trimResults() .split( Iterables.getOnlyElement(events.collector()) .getMessage() .replaceAll(" +", " "))) .containsExactlyElementsIn(Arrays.asList(lines)) .inOrder(); } @Test public void testCategories() throws Exception { verifyNoOutput(); verifyWarningOutput("There are no active jobs - stopping the build"); setPreparing(mockAction("action1")); clock.advance(); verifyWarningOutput("Still waiting for unfinished jobs"); setScheduling(mockAction("action2")); clock.advance(); setRunning(mockAction("action3"), "remote"); clock.advance(); setRunning(mockAction("action4"), "something else"); verifyOutput("Still waiting for 4 jobs to complete:", "Preparing:", "action1, 3 s", "Running (remote):", "action3, 1 s", "Running (something else):", "action4, 0 s", "Scheduling:", "action2, 2 s"); verifyWarningOutput("Still waiting for 3 jobs to complete:", "Running (remote):", "action3, 1 s", "Running (something else):", "action4, 0 s", "Scheduling:", "action2, 2 s", "Build will be stopped after these tasks terminate"); } @Test public void testSingleAction() throws Exception { Action action = mockAction("action1"); verifyNoOutput(); setPreparing(action); clock.advanceBy(1200); verifyOutput("Still waiting for 1 job to complete:", "Preparing:", "action1, 1 s"); clock.advanceBy(5000); setScheduling(action); clock.advanceBy(1200); // Only started *scheduling* 1200 ms ago, not 6200 ms ago. verifyOutput("Still waiting for 1 job to complete:", "Scheduling:", "action1, 1 s"); setRunning(action, "remote"); clock.advanceBy(3000); // Only started *running* 3000 ms ago, not 4200 ms ago. verifyOutput("Still waiting for 1 job to complete:", "Running (remote):", "action1, 3 s"); statusReporter.remove(action); verifyNoOutput(); } @Test public void testDynamicUpdate() throws Exception { Action action = mockAction("action1"); verifyNoOutput(); setPreparing(action); clock.advance(); verifyOutput("Still waiting for 1 job to complete:", "Preparing:", "action1, 1 s"); setScheduling(action); clock.advance(); verifyOutput("Still waiting for 1 job to complete:", "Scheduling:", "action1, 1 s"); setRunning(action, "remote"); clock.advance(); verifyOutput("Still waiting for 1 job to complete:", "Running (remote):", "action1, 1 s"); clock.advance(); eventBus.post(ActionStatusMessage.analysisStrategy(action)); // Locality strategy was changed, so timer was reset to 0 s. verifyOutput("Still waiting for 1 job to complete:", "Analyzing:", "action1, 0 s"); statusReporter.remove(action); verifyNoOutput(); } @Test public void testGroups() throws Exception { verifyNoOutput(); List actions = ImmutableList.of( mockAction("remote1"), mockAction("remote2"), mockAction("remote3"), mockAction("local1"), mockAction("local2"), mockAction("local3")); for (Action a : actions) { setScheduling(a); clock.advance(); } verifyOutput("Still waiting for 6 jobs to complete:", "Scheduling:", "remote1, 6 s", "remote2, 5 s", "remote3, 4 s", "local1, 3 s", "local2, 2 s", "local3, 1 s"); for (Action a : actions) { setRunning(a, a.getProgressMessage().startsWith("remote") ? "remote" : "something else"); clock.advanceBy(2000); } // Timers got reset because now they are no longer scheduling but running. verifyOutput("Still waiting for 6 jobs to complete:", "Running (remote):", "remote1, 12 s", "remote2, 10 s", "remote3, 8 s", "Running (something else):", "local1, 6 s", "local2, 4 s", "local3, 2 s"); statusReporter.remove(actions.get(0)); verifyOutput("Still waiting for 5 jobs to complete:", "Running (remote):", "remote2, 10 s", "remote3, 8 s", "Running (something else):", "local1, 6 s", "local2, 4 s", "local3, 2 s"); } @Test public void testTruncation() throws Exception { verifyNoOutput(); List actions = new ArrayList<>(); for (int i = 1; i <= 100; i++) { Action a = mockAction("a" + i); actions.add(a); setScheduling(a); clock.advance(); } verifyOutput("Still waiting for 100 jobs to complete:", "Scheduling:", "a1, 100 s", "a2, 99 s", "a3, 98 s", "a4, 97 s", "a5, 96 s", "a6, 95 s", "a7, 94 s", "a8, 93 s", "a9, 92 s", "... 91 more jobs"); for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++) { setRunning(actions.get(i), "something else"); clock.advance(); } verifyOutput("Still waiting for 100 jobs to complete:", "Running (something else):", "a1, 5 s", "a2, 4 s", "a3, 3 s", "a4, 2 s", "a5, 1 s", "Scheduling:", "a6, 100 s", "a7, 99 s", "a8, 98 s", "a9, 97 s", "a10, 96 s", "a11, 95 s", "a12, 94 s", "a13, 93 s", "a14, 92 s", "... 86 more jobs"); } @Test public void testOrdering() throws Exception { verifyNoOutput(); setScheduling(mockAction("a1")); clock.advance(); setPreparing(mockAction("b1")); clock.advance(); setPreparing(mockAction("b2")); clock.advance(); setScheduling(mockAction("a2")); clock.advance(); verifyOutput("Still waiting for 4 jobs to complete:", "Preparing:", "b1, 3 s", "b2, 2 s", "Scheduling:", "a1, 4 s", "a2, 1 s"); } @Test public void testNoProgressMessage() throws Exception { verifyNoOutput(); setScheduling(mockAction(null)); verifyOutput("Still waiting for 1 job to complete:", "Scheduling:", "default message, 0 s"); } @Test public void testWaitTimeCalculation() throws Exception { // --progress_report_interval=0 assertThat(ActionExecutionStatusReporter.getWaitTime(0, 0)).isEqualTo(10); assertThat(ActionExecutionStatusReporter.getWaitTime(0, 10)).isEqualTo(30); assertThat(ActionExecutionStatusReporter.getWaitTime(0, 30)).isEqualTo(60); assertThat(ActionExecutionStatusReporter.getWaitTime(0, 60)).isEqualTo(60); // --progress_report_interval=42 assertThat(ActionExecutionStatusReporter.getWaitTime(42, 0)).isEqualTo(42); assertThat(ActionExecutionStatusReporter.getWaitTime(42, 42)).isEqualTo(42); // --progress_report_interval=30 (looks like one of the default timeout stages) assertThat(ActionExecutionStatusReporter.getWaitTime(30, 0)).isEqualTo(30); assertThat(ActionExecutionStatusReporter.getWaitTime(30, 30)).isEqualTo(30); } private void setScheduling(ActionExecutionMetadata action) { eventBus.post(ActionStatusMessage.schedulingStrategy(action)); } private void setPreparing(ActionExecutionMetadata action) { eventBus.post(ActionStatusMessage.preparingStrategy(action)); } private void setRunning(ActionExecutionMetadata action, String strategy) { eventBus.post(ActionStatusMessage.runningStrategy(action, strategy)); } }