# Build rules to test genrules under bazel. # TODO(bazel-team): Convert to unit test, or remove when the temporary Docker # override flags are removed. package(default_visibility = ["//visibility:public"]) filegroup( name = "srcs", srcs = glob(["**"]), visibility = ["//src:__pkg__"], ) # A rule that can help check if Docker container is enabled. genrule( name = "hostname", outs = ["hostname.txt"], cmd = "hostname > $@", ) # A rule to help check if the right uid is set. genrule( name = "uid", outs = ["uid.txt"], cmd = "id -u > $@; (whoami >> $@ || echo 'No whoami!')", ) # A genrule to check if output/stdout/strerr are piped correctly. genrule( name = "stdout-stderr", outs = ["output.txt"], cmd = "echo 'To file.' > $@; echo 'to stdout.'; (>&2 echo 'to stderr.');", ) # A use case that fails if it's built in a Docker container running under root. genrule( name = "mine", outs = ["mine.txt"], cmd = "echo 'this is mine!' > $@; chmod 700 $@;", ) # A use case that fails if it's built in a Docker container running under root. genrule( name = "vars", outs = ["vars.txt"], cmd = "set > $@", )