genrule( name = "copy_link_jni_md_header", srcs = select({ "//src:darwin": ["//tools/jdk:jni_md_header-darwin"], "//src:darwin_x86_64": ["//tools/jdk:jni_md_header-darwin"], "//src:freebsd": ["//tools/jdk:jni_md_header-freebsd"], "//src:windows": ["//tools/jdk:jni_md_header-windows"], "//src:windows_msvc": ["//tools/jdk:jni_md_header-windows"], "//conditions:default": ["//tools/jdk:jni_md_header-linux"], }), outs = ["jni_md.h"], cmd = "cp -f $< $@", visibility = ["//src/main/native:__subpackages__"], ) genrule( name = "copy_link_jni_header", srcs = ["//tools/jdk:jni_header"], outs = ["jni.h"], cmd = "cp -f $< $@", visibility = ["//src/main/native:__subpackages__"], ) filegroup( name = "jni_os", srcs = select({ "//src:darwin": [ "", "", ], "//src:darwin_x86_64": [ "", "", ], "//src:freebsd": [""], "//conditions:default": [""], }), ) cc_binary( name = "", srcs = [ "macros.h", "", "", "unix_jni.h", ":jni.h", ":jni_md.h", ":jni_os", ], copts = [ "-fPIC", "-DBLAZE_JAVA_CPU=\"k8\"", ], includes = ["."], # For jni headers. linkopts = select({ "//src:darwin": ["-framework CoreServices"], "//src:darwin_x86_64": ["-framework CoreServices"], "//conditions:default": [], }), linkshared = 1, visibility = ["//src:__subpackages__"], deps = [ "//src/main/cpp/util", "//src/main/cpp/util:md5", ], ) # TODO(bazel-team): Come up with a way to support platform-specific dynamic # library extensions. This is issue #914. genrule( name = "mac-compat", srcs = [""], outs = ["libunix.dylib"], cmd = "cp $< $@", output_to_bindir = 1, visibility = ["//src:__subpackages__"], ) filegroup( name = "srcs", srcs = glob(["**"]) + [ "//src/main/native/windows:srcs", ], visibility = ["//src:__pkg__"], ) # TODO(laszlocsomor): move the common parts needed both by the Windows JNI lib # and the Bazel client into a separate library, and only copy those to the # embedded tools folder. filegroup( name = "embedded_tools", srcs = glob(["*.cc"]) + glob(["*.h"]) + [ "BUILD", "//src/main/native/windows:embedded_tools", ], visibility = ["//visibility:public"], )