// Copyright 2014 The Bazel Authors. All rights reserved. // // Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); // you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. // You may obtain a copy of the License at // // http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 // // Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software // distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, // WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. // See the License for the specific language governing permissions and // limitations under the License. package com.google.devtools.common.options; import com.google.common.base.Function; import com.google.common.base.Functions; import com.google.common.base.Joiner; import com.google.common.base.Preconditions; import com.google.common.collect.ImmutableList; import com.google.common.collect.ListMultimap; import com.google.common.escape.Escaper; import java.lang.reflect.Field; import java.nio.file.FileSystem; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.Comparator; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import javax.annotation.Nullable; /** * A parser for options. Typical use case in a main method: * *
 * OptionsParser parser = OptionsParser.newOptionsParser(FooOptions.class, BarOptions.class);
 * parser.parseAndExitUponError(args);
 * FooOptions foo = parser.getOptions(FooOptions.class);
 * BarOptions bar = parser.getOptions(BarOptions.class);
 * List<String> otherArguments = parser.getResidue();
* *

FooOptions and BarOptions would be options specification classes, derived from OptionsBase, * that contain fields annotated with @Option(...). * *

Alternatively, rather than calling {@link #parseAndExitUponError(OptionPriority, String, * String[])}, client code may call {@link #parse(OptionPriority,String,List)}, and handle parser * exceptions usage messages themselves. * *

This options parsing implementation has (at least) one design flaw. It allows both '--foo=baz' * and '--foo baz' for all options except void, boolean and tristate options. For these, the 'baz' * in '--foo baz' is not treated as a parameter to the option, making it is impossible to switch * options between void/boolean/tristate and everything else without breaking backwards * compatibility. * * @see Options a simpler class which you can use if you only have one options specification class */ public class OptionsParser implements OptionsProvider { /** * An unchecked exception thrown when there is a problem constructing a parser, e.g. an error * while validating an {@link Option} field in one of its {@link OptionsBase} subclasses. * *

This exception is unchecked because it generally indicates an internal error affecting all * invocations of the program. I.e., any such error should be immediately obvious to the * developer. Although unchecked, we explicitly mark some methods as throwing it as a reminder in * the API. */ public static class ConstructionException extends RuntimeException { public ConstructionException(String message) { super(message); } public ConstructionException(Throwable cause) { super(cause); } public ConstructionException(String message, Throwable cause) { super(message, cause); } } /** * A cache for the parsed options data. Both keys and values are immutable, so * this is always safe. Only access this field through the {@link * #getOptionsData} method for thread-safety! The cache is very unlikely to * grow to a significant amount of memory, because there's only a fixed set of * options classes on the classpath. */ private static final Map>, OptionsData> optionsData = new HashMap<>(); /** * Returns {@link OpaqueOptionsData} suitable for passing along to {@link * #newOptionsParser(OpaqueOptionsData optionsData)}. * *

This is useful when you want to do the work of analyzing the given {@code optionsClasses} * exactly once, but you want to parse lots of different lists of strings (and thus need to * construct lots of different {@link OptionsParser} instances). */ public static OpaqueOptionsData getOptionsData( List> optionsClasses) throws ConstructionException { return getOptionsDataInternal(optionsClasses); } /** * Returns the {@link OptionsData} associated with the given list of options classes. */ static synchronized OptionsData getOptionsDataInternal( List> optionsClasses) throws ConstructionException { ImmutableList> immutableOptionsClasses = ImmutableList.copyOf(optionsClasses); OptionsData result = optionsData.get(immutableOptionsClasses); if (result == null) { try { result = OptionsData.from(immutableOptionsClasses); } catch (Exception e) { throw new ConstructionException(e.getMessage(), e); } optionsData.put(immutableOptionsClasses, result); } return result; } /** * Returns the {@link OptionsData} associated with the given options class. */ static OptionsData getOptionsDataInternal(Class optionsClass) throws ConstructionException { return getOptionsDataInternal(ImmutableList.>of(optionsClass)); } /** * @see #newOptionsParser(Iterable) */ public static OptionsParser newOptionsParser(Class class1) throws ConstructionException { return newOptionsParser(ImmutableList.>of(class1)); } /** * @see #newOptionsParser(Iterable) */ public static OptionsParser newOptionsParser(Class class1, Class class2) throws ConstructionException { return newOptionsParser(ImmutableList.of(class1, class2)); } /** Create a new {@link OptionsParser}. */ public static OptionsParser newOptionsParser( Iterable> optionsClasses) throws ConstructionException { return newOptionsParser( getOptionsDataInternal(ImmutableList.>copyOf(optionsClasses))); } /** * Create a new {@link OptionsParser}, using {@link OpaqueOptionsData} previously returned from * {@link #getOptionsData}. */ public static OptionsParser newOptionsParser(OpaqueOptionsData optionsData) { return new OptionsParser((OptionsData) optionsData); } private final OptionsParserImpl impl; private final List residue = new ArrayList(); private boolean allowResidue = true; OptionsParser(OptionsData optionsData) { impl = new OptionsParserImpl(optionsData); } /** * Indicates whether or not the parser will allow a non-empty residue; that * is, iff this value is true then a call to one of the {@code parse} * methods will throw {@link OptionsParsingException} unless * {@link #getResidue()} is empty after parsing. */ public void setAllowResidue(boolean allowResidue) { this.allowResidue = allowResidue; } /** * Indicates whether or not the parser will allow long options with a * single-dash, instead of the usual double-dash, too, eg. -example instead of just --example. */ public void setAllowSingleDashLongOptions(boolean allowSingleDashLongOptions) { this.impl.setAllowSingleDashLongOptions(allowSingleDashLongOptions); } /** Enables the Parser to handle params files loacted insinde the provided {@link FileSystem}. */ public void enableParamsFileSupport(FileSystem fs) { this.impl.setArgsPreProcessor(new ParamsFilePreProcessor(fs)); } public void parseAndExitUponError(String[] args) { parseAndExitUponError(OptionPriority.COMMAND_LINE, "unknown", args); } /** * A convenience function for use in main methods. Parses the command line * parameters, and exits upon error. Also, prints out the usage message * if "--help" appears anywhere within {@code args}. */ public void parseAndExitUponError(OptionPriority priority, String source, String[] args) { for (String arg : args) { if (arg.equals("--help")) { System.out.println(describeOptions(Collections.emptyMap(), HelpVerbosity.LONG)); System.exit(0); } } try { parse(priority, source, Arrays.asList(args)); } catch (OptionsParsingException e) { System.err.println("Error parsing command line: " + e.getMessage()); System.err.println("Try --help."); System.exit(2); } } /** * The metadata about an option. */ public static final class OptionDescription { private final String name; // For valued flags private final Object defaultValue; private final Converter converter; private final boolean allowMultiple; private final ImmutableList expansions; private final ImmutableList implicitRequirements; OptionDescription( String name, Object defaultValue, Converter converter, boolean allowMultiple, ImmutableList expansions, ImmutableList implicitRequirements) { this.name = name; this.defaultValue = defaultValue; this.converter = converter; this.allowMultiple = allowMultiple; this.expansions = expansions; this.implicitRequirements = implicitRequirements; } public String getName() { return name; } public Object getDefaultValue() { return defaultValue; } public Converter getConverter() { return converter; } public boolean getAllowMultiple() { return allowMultiple; } public ImmutableList getImplicitRequirements() { return implicitRequirements; } public ImmutableList getExpansions() { return expansions; } } /** * The name and value of an option with additional metadata describing its * priority, source, whether it was set via an implicit dependency, and if so, * by which other option. */ public static class OptionValueDescription { private final String name; @Nullable private final String originalValueString; @Nullable private final Object value; @Nullable private final OptionPriority priority; @Nullable private final String source; @Nullable private final String implicitDependant; @Nullable private final String expandedFrom; private final boolean allowMultiple; public OptionValueDescription( String name, @Nullable String originalValueString, @Nullable Object value, @Nullable OptionPriority priority, @Nullable String source, @Nullable String implicitDependant, @Nullable String expandedFrom, boolean allowMultiple) { this.name = name; this.originalValueString = originalValueString; this.value = value; this.priority = priority; this.source = source; this.implicitDependant = implicitDependant; this.expandedFrom = expandedFrom; this.allowMultiple = allowMultiple; } public String getName() { return name; } public String getOriginalValueString() { return originalValueString; } // Need to suppress unchecked warnings, because the "multiple occurrence" // options use unchecked ListMultimaps due to limitations of Java generics. @SuppressWarnings({"unchecked", "rawtypes"}) public Object getValue() { if (allowMultiple) { // Sort the results by option priority and return them in a new list. // The generic type of the list is not known at runtime, so we can't // use it here. It was already checked in the constructor, so this is // type-safe. List result = new ArrayList<>(); ListMultimap realValue = (ListMultimap) value; for (OptionPriority priority : OptionPriority.values()) { // If there is no mapping for this key, this check avoids object creation (because // ListMultimap has to return a new object on get) and also an unnecessary addAll call. if (realValue.containsKey(priority)) { result.addAll(realValue.get(priority)); } } return result; } return value; } /** * @return the priority of the thing that set this value for this flag */ public OptionPriority getPriority() { return priority; } /** * @return the thing that set this value for this flag */ public String getSource() { return source; } public String getImplicitDependant() { return implicitDependant; } public boolean isImplicitDependency() { return implicitDependant != null; } public String getExpansionParent() { return expandedFrom; } public boolean isExpansion() { return expandedFrom != null; } public boolean getAllowMultiple() { return allowMultiple; } @Override public String toString() { StringBuilder result = new StringBuilder(); result.append("option '").append(name).append("' "); result.append("set to '").append(value).append("' "); result.append("with priority ").append(priority); if (source != null) { result.append(" and source '").append(source).append("'"); } if (implicitDependant != null) { result.append(" implicitly by "); } return result.toString(); } // Need to suppress unchecked warnings, because the "multiple occurrence" // options use unchecked ListMultimaps due to limitations of Java generics. @SuppressWarnings({"unchecked", "rawtypes"}) void addValue(OptionPriority addedPriority, Object addedValue) { Preconditions.checkState(allowMultiple); ListMultimap optionValueList = (ListMultimap) value; if (addedValue instanceof List) { optionValueList.putAll(addedPriority, (List) addedValue); } else { optionValueList.put(addedPriority, addedValue); } } } /** * The name and unparsed value of an option with additional metadata describing its * priority, source, whether it was set via an implicit dependency, and if so, * by which other option. * *

Note that the unparsed value and the source parameters can both be null. */ public static class UnparsedOptionValueDescription { private final String name; private final Field field; private final String unparsedValue; private final OptionPriority priority; private final String source; private final boolean explicit; public UnparsedOptionValueDescription(String name, Field field, String unparsedValue, OptionPriority priority, String source, boolean explicit) { this.name = name; this.field = field; this.unparsedValue = unparsedValue; this.priority = priority; this.source = source; this.explicit = explicit; } public String getName() { return name; } Field getField() { return field; } public boolean isBooleanOption() { return field.getType().equals(boolean.class); } private OptionUsageRestrictions optionUsageRestrictions() { return field.getAnnotation(Option.class).optionUsageRestrictions(); } public boolean isDocumented() { return optionUsageRestrictions() == OptionUsageRestrictions.DOCUMENTED; } public boolean isHidden() { return optionUsageRestrictions() == OptionUsageRestrictions.HIDDEN || optionUsageRestrictions() == OptionUsageRestrictions.INTERNAL; } boolean isExpansion() { return OptionsData.isExpansionOption(field.getAnnotation(Option.class)); } boolean isImplicitRequirement() { Option option = field.getAnnotation(Option.class); return option.implicitRequirements().length > 0; } boolean allowMultiple() { Option option = field.getAnnotation(Option.class); return option.allowMultiple(); } public String getUnparsedValue() { return unparsedValue; } OptionPriority getPriority() { return priority; } public String getSource() { return source; } public boolean isExplicit() { return explicit; } @Override public String toString() { StringBuilder result = new StringBuilder(); result.append("option '").append(name).append("' "); result.append("set to '").append(unparsedValue).append("' "); result.append("with priority ").append(priority); if (source != null) { result.append(" and source '").append(source).append("'"); } return result.toString(); } } /** * The verbosity with which option help messages are displayed: short (just * the name), medium (name, type, default, abbreviation), and long (full * description). */ public enum HelpVerbosity { LONG, MEDIUM, SHORT } /** * The restrictions on an option. Only documented options are output as part of the help and are * intended for general user use. Undocumented options can be used by any user but aren't * advertised and in practice should be used by bazel developers or early adopters helping to test * a feature. * *

We use HIDDEN so that options that form the protocol between the client and the server are * not logged. These are flags, but should never be set by a user. * *

Options which are INTERNAL are not recognized by the parser at all, and so cannot be used as * flags. */ public enum OptionUsageRestrictions { DOCUMENTED, UNDOCUMENTED, HIDDEN, INTERNAL } /** * Returns a description of all the options this parser can digest. In addition to {@link Option} * annotations, this method also interprets {@link OptionsUsage} annotations which give an * intuitive short description for the options. Options of the same category (see {@link * Option#category}) will be grouped together. * * @param categoryDescriptions a mapping from category names to category descriptions. * Descriptions are optional; if omitted, a string based on the category name will be used. * @param helpVerbosity if {@code long}, the options will be described verbosely, including their * types, defaults and descriptions. If {@code medium}, the descriptions are omitted, and if * {@code short}, the options are just enumerated. */ public String describeOptions( Map categoryDescriptions, HelpVerbosity helpVerbosity) { OptionsData data = impl.getOptionsData(); StringBuilder desc = new StringBuilder(); if (!data.getOptionsClasses().isEmpty()) { List allFields = new ArrayList<>(); for (Class optionsClass : data.getOptionsClasses()) { allFields.addAll(data.getFieldsForClass(optionsClass)); } Collections.sort(allFields, OptionsUsage.BY_CATEGORY); String prevCategory = null; for (Field optionField : allFields) { Option option = optionField.getAnnotation(Option.class); String category = option.category(); if (!category.equals(prevCategory)) { prevCategory = category; String description = categoryDescriptions.get(category); if (description == null) { description = "Options category '" + category + "'"; } if (option.optionUsageRestrictions() == OptionUsageRestrictions.DOCUMENTED) { desc.append("\n").append(description).append(":\n"); } } if (option.optionUsageRestrictions() == OptionUsageRestrictions.DOCUMENTED) { OptionsUsage.getUsage(optionField, desc, helpVerbosity, impl.getOptionsData()); } } } return desc.toString().trim(); } /** * Returns a description of all the options this parser can digest. * In addition to {@link Option} annotations, this method also * interprets {@link OptionsUsage} annotations which give an intuitive short * description for the options. * * @param categoryDescriptions a mapping from category names to category * descriptions. Options of the same category (see {@link * Option#category}) will be grouped together, preceded by the description * of the category. */ public String describeOptionsHtml(Map categoryDescriptions, Escaper escaper) { OptionsData data = impl.getOptionsData(); StringBuilder desc = new StringBuilder(); if (!data.getOptionsClasses().isEmpty()) { List allFields = new ArrayList<>(); for (Class optionsClass : data.getOptionsClasses()) { allFields.addAll(data.getFieldsForClass(optionsClass)); } Collections.sort(allFields, OptionsUsage.BY_CATEGORY); String prevCategory = null; for (Field optionField : allFields) { Option option = optionField.getAnnotation(Option.class); String category = option.category(); if (!category.equals(prevCategory) && option.optionUsageRestrictions() == OptionUsageRestrictions.DOCUMENTED) { String description = categoryDescriptions.get(category); if (description == null) { description = "Options category '" + category + "'"; } if (prevCategory != null) { desc.append("\n\n"); } desc.append(escaper.escape(description)).append(":\n"); desc.append("

"); prevCategory = category; } if (option.optionUsageRestrictions() == OptionUsageRestrictions.DOCUMENTED) { OptionsUsage.getUsageHtml(optionField, desc, escaper, impl.getOptionsData()); } } desc.append("
\n"); } return desc.toString(); } /** * Returns a string listing the possible flag completion for this command along with the command * completion if any. See {@link OptionsUsage#getCompletion(Field, StringBuilder)} for more * details on the format for the flag completion. */ public String getOptionsCompletion() { OptionsData data = impl.getOptionsData(); StringBuilder desc = new StringBuilder(); // List all options List allFields = new ArrayList<>(); for (Class optionsClass : data.getOptionsClasses()) { allFields.addAll(data.getFieldsForClass(optionsClass)); } // Sort field for deterministic ordering Collections.sort(allFields, new Comparator() { @Override public int compare(Field f1, Field f2) { String name1 = f1.getAnnotation(Option.class).name(); String name2 = f2.getAnnotation(Option.class).name(); return name1.compareTo(name2); } }); for (Field optionField : allFields) { Option option = optionField.getAnnotation(Option.class); if (option.optionUsageRestrictions() == OptionUsageRestrictions.DOCUMENTED) { OptionsUsage.getCompletion(optionField, desc); } } return desc.toString(); } /** * Returns a description of the option. * * @return The {@link OptionDescription} for the option, or null if there is no option by the * given name. */ public OptionDescription getOptionDescription(String name) throws OptionsParsingException { return impl.getOptionDescription(name); } /** * Returns a description of the option value set by the last previous call to * {@link #parse(OptionPriority, String, List)} that successfully set the given * option. If the option is of type {@link List}, the description will * correspond to any one of the calls, but not necessarily the last. * * @return The {@link OptionValueDescription} for the option, or null if the value has not been * set. * @throws IllegalArgumentException if there is no option by the given name. */ public OptionValueDescription getOptionValueDescription(String name) { return impl.getOptionValueDescription(name); } /** * A convenience method, equivalent to * {@code parse(OptionPriority.COMMAND_LINE, null, Arrays.asList(args))}. */ public void parse(String... args) throws OptionsParsingException { parse(OptionPriority.COMMAND_LINE, null, Arrays.asList(args)); } /** * A convenience method, equivalent to * {@code parse(OptionPriority.COMMAND_LINE, null, args)}. */ public void parse(List args) throws OptionsParsingException { parse(OptionPriority.COMMAND_LINE, null, args); } /** * Parses {@code args}, using the classes registered with this parser. * {@link #getOptions(Class)} and {@link #getResidue()} return the results. * May be called multiple times; later options override existing ones if they * have equal or higher priority. The source of options is a free-form string * that can be used for debugging. Strings that cannot be parsed as options * accumulates as residue, if this parser allows it. * * @see OptionPriority */ public void parse(OptionPriority priority, String source, List args) throws OptionsParsingException { parseWithSourceFunction(priority, Functions.constant(source), args); } /** * Parses {@code args}, using the classes registered with this parser. * {@link #getOptions(Class)} and {@link #getResidue()} return the results. May be called * multiple times; later options override existing ones if they have equal or higher priority. * The source of options is given as a function that maps option names to the source of the * option. Strings that cannot be parsed as options accumulates as* residue, if this parser * allows it. */ public void parseWithSourceFunction(OptionPriority priority, Function sourceFunction, List args) throws OptionsParsingException { Preconditions.checkNotNull(priority); Preconditions.checkArgument(priority != OptionPriority.DEFAULT); residue.addAll(impl.parse(priority, sourceFunction, args)); if (!allowResidue && !residue.isEmpty()) { String errorMsg = "Unrecognized arguments: " + Joiner.on(' ').join(residue); throw new OptionsParsingException(errorMsg); } } /** * Clears the given option. * *

This will not affect options objects that have already been retrieved from this parser * through {@link #getOptions(Class)}. * * @param optionName The full name of the option to clear. * @return A map of an option name to the old value of the options that were cleared. * @throws IllegalArgumentException If the flag does not exist. */ public OptionValueDescription clearValue(String optionName) throws OptionsParsingException { OptionValueDescription clearedValue = impl.clearValue(optionName); return clearedValue; } @Override public List getResidue() { return ImmutableList.copyOf(residue); } /** * Returns a list of warnings about problems encountered by previous parse calls. */ public List getWarnings() { return impl.getWarnings(); } @Override public O getOptions(Class optionsClass) { return impl.getParsedOptions(optionsClass); } @Override public boolean containsExplicitOption(String name) { return impl.containsExplicitOption(name); } @Override public List asListOfUnparsedOptions() { return impl.asListOfUnparsedOptions(); } @Override public List asListOfExplicitOptions() { return impl.asListOfExplicitOptions(); } @Override public List asListOfEffectiveOptions() { return impl.asListOfEffectiveOptions(); } @Override public List canonicalize() { return impl.asCanonicalizedList(); } }