// Copyright 2016 The Bazel Authors. All rights reserved. // // Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); // you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. // You may obtain a copy of the License at // // http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 // // Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software // distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, // WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. // See the License for the specific language governing permissions and // limitations under the License. package com.google.devtools.build.skyframe; import static com.google.devtools.build.skyframe.ParallelEvaluator.isDoneForBuild; import static com.google.devtools.build.skyframe.ParallelEvaluator.maybeMarkRebuilding; import com.google.common.base.Predicate; import com.google.common.collect.ImmutableMap; import com.google.common.collect.ImmutableSet; import com.google.common.collect.Iterables; import com.google.common.collect.Maps; import com.google.common.collect.Sets; import com.google.devtools.build.lib.profiler.AutoProfiler; import com.google.devtools.build.lib.util.GroupedList; import com.google.devtools.build.lib.util.Preconditions; import com.google.devtools.build.skyframe.ParallelEvaluatorContext.EnqueueParentBehavior; import com.google.devtools.build.skyframe.QueryableGraph.Reason; import java.util.ArrayDeque; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Deque; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Set; import java.util.logging.Logger; import javax.annotation.Nullable; /** * Depth-first implementation of cycle detection after a {@link ParallelEvaluator} evaluation has * completed with at least one root unfinished. */ class SimpleCycleDetector implements CycleDetector { private static final Logger logger = Logger.getLogger(SimpleCycleDetector.class.getName()); @Override public void checkForCycles( Iterable badRoots, EvaluationResult.Builder result, ParallelEvaluatorContext evaluatorContext) throws InterruptedException { try (AutoProfiler p = AutoProfiler.logged("Checking for Skyframe cycles", logger, 10)) { for (SkyKey root : badRoots) { ErrorInfo errorInfo = checkForCycles(root, evaluatorContext); if (errorInfo == null) { // This node just wasn't finished when evaluation aborted -- there were no cycles below // it. Preconditions.checkState(!evaluatorContext.keepGoing(), "", root, badRoots); continue; } Preconditions.checkState( !Iterables.isEmpty(errorInfo.getCycleInfo()), "%s was not evaluated, but was not part of a cycle", root); result.addError(root, errorInfo); if (!evaluatorContext.keepGoing()) { return; } } } } /** * Marker value that we push onto a stack before we push a node's children on. When the marker * value is popped, we know that all the children are finished. We would use null instead, but * ArrayDeque does not permit null elements. */ private static final SkyKey CHILDREN_FINISHED = LegacySkyKey.create(SkyFunctionName.create("MARKER"), "MARKER"); /** The max number of cycles we will report to the user for a given root, to avoid OOMing. */ private static final int MAX_CYCLES = 20; /** * The algorithm for this cycle detector is as follows. We visit the graph depth-first, keeping * track of the path we are currently on. We skip any DONE nodes (they are transitively * error-free). If we come to a node already on the path, we immediately construct a cycle. If we * are in the noKeepGoing case, we return ErrorInfo with that cycle to the caller. Otherwise, we * continue. Once all of a node's children are done, we construct an error value for it, based on * those children. Finally, when the original root's node is constructed, we return its ErrorInfo. */ private static ErrorInfo checkForCycles(SkyKey root, ParallelEvaluatorContext evaluatorContext) throws InterruptedException { // The number of cycles found. Do not keep on searching for more cycles after this many were // found. int cyclesFound = 0; // The path through the graph currently being visited. List graphPath = new ArrayList<>(); // Set of nodes on the path, to avoid expensive searches through the path for cycles. Set pathSet = new HashSet<>(); // Maintain a stack explicitly instead of recursion to avoid stack overflows // on extreme graphs (with long dependency chains). Deque toVisit = new ArrayDeque<>(); toVisit.push(root); // The procedure for this check is as follows: we visit a node, push it onto the graph path, // push a marker value onto the toVisit stack, and then push all of its children onto the // toVisit stack. Thus, when the marker node comes to the top of the toVisit stack, we have // visited the downward transitive closure of the value. At that point, all of its children must // be finished, and so we can build the definitive error info for the node, popping it off the // graph path. while (!toVisit.isEmpty()) { SkyKey key = toVisit.pop(); NodeEntry entry; if (key == CHILDREN_FINISHED) { // We have reached the marker node - that means all children of a node have been visited. // Since all nodes have errors, we must have found errors in the children at this point. key = graphPath.remove(graphPath.size() - 1); entry = Preconditions.checkNotNull( evaluatorContext.getGraph().get(null, Reason.CYCLE_CHECKING, key), key); pathSet.remove(key); // Skip this node if it was first/last node of a cycle, and so has already been processed. if (entry.isDone()) { continue; } if (!evaluatorContext.keepGoing()) { // in the --nokeep_going mode, we would have already returned if we'd found a cycle below // this node. We haven't, so there are no cycles below this node; skip further evaluation continue; } Set removedDeps = ImmutableSet.of(); if (cyclesFound < MAX_CYCLES) { // Value must be ready, because all of its children have finished, so we can build its // error. Preconditions.checkState(entry.isReady(), "%s not ready. ValueEntry: %s", key, entry); } else if (!entry.isReady()) { removedDeps = removeIncompleteChildrenForCycle( key, entry, Iterables.concat(entry.getTemporaryDirectDeps()), evaluatorContext); } maybeMarkRebuilding(entry); GroupedList directDeps = entry.getTemporaryDirectDeps(); // Find out which children have errors. Similar logic to that in Evaluate#run(). List errorDeps = getChildrenErrorsForCycle(key, Iterables.concat(directDeps), evaluatorContext); Preconditions.checkState( !errorDeps.isEmpty(), "Node %s was not successfully evaluated, but had no child errors. NodeEntry: %s", key, entry); SkyFunctionEnvironment env = new SkyFunctionEnvironment( key, directDeps, Sets.difference(entry.getAllRemainingDirtyDirectDeps(), removedDeps), evaluatorContext); env.setError(entry, ErrorInfo.fromChildErrors(key, errorDeps)); env.commit(entry, EnqueueParentBehavior.SIGNAL); } else { entry = evaluatorContext.getGraph().get(null, Reason.CYCLE_CHECKING, key); } Preconditions.checkNotNull(entry, key); // Nothing to be done for this node if it already has an entry. if (entry.isDone()) { continue; } if (cyclesFound == MAX_CYCLES) { // Do not keep on searching for cycles indefinitely, to avoid excessive runtime/OOMs. continue; } if (pathSet.contains(key)) { int cycleStart = graphPath.indexOf(key); // Found a cycle! cyclesFound++; Iterable cycle = graphPath.subList(cycleStart, graphPath.size()); logger.info("Found cycle : " + cycle + " from " + graphPath); // Put this node into a consistent state for building if it is dirty. if (entry.isDirty() && entry.getDirtyState() == NodeEntry.DirtyState.CHECK_DEPENDENCIES) { // In the check deps state, entry has exactly one child not done yet. Note that this node // must be part of the path to the cycle we have found (since done nodes cannot be in // cycles, and this is the only missing one). Thus, it will not be removed below in // removeDescendantsOfCycleValue, so it is safe here to signal that it is done. entry.signalDep(); maybeMarkRebuilding(entry); } if (evaluatorContext.keepGoing()) { // Any children of this node that we haven't already visited are not worth visiting, // since this node is about to be done. Thus, the only child worth visiting is the one in // this cycle, the cycleChild (which may == key if this cycle is a self-edge). SkyKey cycleChild = selectCycleChild(key, graphPath, cycleStart); Set removedDeps = removeDescendantsOfCycleValue( key, entry, cycleChild, toVisit, graphPath.size() - cycleStart, evaluatorContext); ValueWithMetadata dummyValue = ValueWithMetadata.wrapWithMetadata(new SkyValue() {}); SkyFunctionEnvironment env = new SkyFunctionEnvironment( key, entry.getTemporaryDirectDeps(), ImmutableMap.of(cycleChild, dummyValue), Sets.difference(entry.getAllRemainingDirtyDirectDeps(), removedDeps), evaluatorContext); // Construct error info for this node. Get errors from children, which are all done // except possibly for the cycleChild. List allErrors = getChildrenErrorsForCycleChecking( Iterables.concat(entry.getTemporaryDirectDeps()), /*unfinishedChild=*/ cycleChild, evaluatorContext); CycleInfo cycleInfo = new CycleInfo(cycle); // Add in this cycle. allErrors.add(ErrorInfo.fromCycle(cycleInfo)); env.setError(entry, ErrorInfo.fromChildErrors(key, allErrors)); env.commit(entry, EnqueueParentBehavior.SIGNAL); continue; } else { // We need to return right away in the noKeepGoing case, so construct the cycle (with the // path) and return. Preconditions.checkState( graphPath.get(0).equals(root), "%s not reached from %s. ValueEntry: %s", key, root, entry); return ErrorInfo.fromCycle(new CycleInfo(graphPath.subList(0, cycleStart), cycle)); } } // This node is not yet known to be in a cycle. So process its children. Iterable children = Iterables.concat(entry.getTemporaryDirectDeps()); if (Iterables.isEmpty(children)) { continue; } // Prefetch all children, in case our graph performs better with a primed cache. No need to // recurse into done nodes. The fields of done nodes aren't necessary, since we'll filter them // out. // TODO(janakr): If graph implementations start using these hints for not-done nodes, we may // have to change this. Map childrenNodes = evaluatorContext.getGraph().getBatch(key, Reason.EXISTENCE_CHECKING, children); Preconditions.checkState(childrenNodes.size() == Iterables.size(children), childrenNodes); children = Maps.filterValues( childrenNodes, new Predicate() { @Override public boolean apply(NodeEntry nodeEntry) { return !nodeEntry.isDone(); } }) .keySet(); // This marker flag will tell us when all this node's children have been processed. toVisit.push(CHILDREN_FINISHED); // This node is now part of the path through the graph. graphPath.add(key); pathSet.add(key); for (SkyKey nextValue : children) { toVisit.push(nextValue); } } return evaluatorContext.keepGoing() ? getAndCheckDoneForCycle(root, evaluatorContext).getErrorInfo() : null; } /** * Returns the child of this node that is in the cycle that was just found. If the cycle is a * self-edge, returns the node itself. */ private static SkyKey selectCycleChild(SkyKey key, List graphPath, int cycleStart) { return cycleStart + 1 == graphPath.size() ? key : graphPath.get(cycleStart + 1); } /** * Get all the errors of child nodes. There must be at least one cycle amongst them. * * @param children child nodes to query for errors. * @return List of ErrorInfos from all children that had errors. */ private static List getChildrenErrorsForCycle( SkyKey parent, Iterable children, ParallelEvaluatorContext evaluatorContext) throws InterruptedException { List allErrors = new ArrayList<>(); boolean foundCycle = false; for (NodeEntry childNode : getAndCheckDoneBatchForCycle(parent, children, evaluatorContext).values()) { ErrorInfo errorInfo = childNode.getErrorInfo(); if (errorInfo != null) { foundCycle |= !Iterables.isEmpty(errorInfo.getCycleInfo()); allErrors.add(errorInfo); } } Preconditions.checkState(foundCycle, "", children, allErrors); return allErrors; } /** * Get all the errors of child nodes. * * @param children child nodes to query for errors. * @param unfinishedChild child which is allowed to not be done. * @return List of ErrorInfos from all children that had errors. */ private static List getChildrenErrorsForCycleChecking( Iterable children, SkyKey unfinishedChild, ParallelEvaluatorContext evaluatorContext) throws InterruptedException { List allErrors = new ArrayList<>(); Set> childEntries = evaluatorContext.getBatchValues(null, Reason.CYCLE_CHECKING, children).entrySet(); for (Map.Entry childMapEntry : childEntries) { SkyKey childKey = childMapEntry.getKey(); NodeEntry childNodeEntry = childMapEntry.getValue(); ErrorInfo errorInfo = getErrorMaybe( childKey, childNodeEntry, /*allowUnfinished=*/ childKey.equals(unfinishedChild)); if (errorInfo != null) { allErrors.add(errorInfo); } } return allErrors; } @Nullable private static ErrorInfo getErrorMaybe( SkyKey key, NodeEntry childNodeEntry, boolean allowUnfinished) throws InterruptedException { Preconditions.checkNotNull(childNodeEntry, key); if (!allowUnfinished) { return checkDone(key, childNodeEntry).getErrorInfo(); } return childNodeEntry.isDone() ? childNodeEntry.getErrorInfo() : null; } /** * Removes direct children of key from toVisit and from the entry itself, and makes the entry * ready if necessary. We must do this because it would not make sense to try to build the * children after building the entry. It would violate the invariant that a parent can only be * built after its children are built; See bug "Precondition error while evaluating a Skyframe * graph with a cycle". * * @param key SkyKey of node in a cycle. * @param entry NodeEntry of node in a cycle. * @param cycleChild direct child of key in the cycle, or key itself if the cycle is a self-edge. * @param toVisit list of remaining nodes to visit by the cycle-checker. * @param cycleLength the length of the cycle found. */ private static Set removeDescendantsOfCycleValue( SkyKey key, NodeEntry entry, @Nullable SkyKey cycleChild, Iterable toVisit, int cycleLength, ParallelEvaluatorContext evaluatorContext) throws InterruptedException { GroupedList directDeps = entry.getTemporaryDirectDeps(); Set unvisitedDeps = Sets.newHashSetWithExpectedSize(directDeps.numElements()); Iterables.addAll(unvisitedDeps, Iterables.concat(directDeps)); unvisitedDeps.remove(cycleChild); // Remove any children from this node that are not part of the cycle we just found. They are // irrelevant to the node as it stands, and if they are deleted from the graph because they are // not built by the end of cycle-checking, we would have dangling references. Set removedDeps = removeIncompleteChildrenForCycle(key, entry, unvisitedDeps, evaluatorContext); if (!entry.isReady()) { // The entry has at most one undone dep now, its cycleChild. Signal to make entry ready. Note // that the entry can conceivably be ready if its cycleChild already found a different cycle // and was built. entry.signalDep(); } maybeMarkRebuilding(entry); Preconditions.checkState(entry.isReady(), "%s %s %s", key, cycleChild, entry); Iterator it = toVisit.iterator(); while (it.hasNext()) { SkyKey descendant = it.next(); if (descendant == CHILDREN_FINISHED) { // Marker value, delineating the end of a group of children that were enqueued. cycleLength--; if (cycleLength == 0) { // We have seen #cycleLength-1 marker values, and have arrived at the one for this value, // so we are done. return removedDeps; } continue; // Don't remove marker values. } if (cycleLength == 1) { // Remove the direct children remaining to visit of the cycle node. Preconditions.checkState( unvisitedDeps.contains(descendant), "%s %s %s %s %s", key, descendant, cycleChild, unvisitedDeps, entry); it.remove(); } } throw new IllegalStateException( String.format( "There were not %d groups of children in %s when trying to remove children of %s other " + "than %s", cycleLength, toVisit, key, cycleChild)); } private static Set removeIncompleteChildrenForCycle( SkyKey key, NodeEntry entry, Iterable children, ParallelEvaluatorContext evaluatorContext) throws InterruptedException { Set unfinishedDeps = new HashSet<>(); for (SkyKey child : children) { if (removeIncompleteChildForCycle(key, child, evaluatorContext)) { unfinishedDeps.add(child); } } entry.removeUnfinishedDeps(unfinishedDeps); return unfinishedDeps; } private static NodeEntry checkDone(SkyKey key, NodeEntry entry) { Preconditions.checkNotNull(entry, key); Preconditions.checkState(entry.isDone(), "%s %s", key, entry); return entry; } private static NodeEntry getAndCheckDoneForCycle( SkyKey key, ParallelEvaluatorContext evaluatorContext) throws InterruptedException { return checkDone(key, evaluatorContext.getGraph().get(null, Reason.CYCLE_CHECKING, key)); } private static Map getAndCheckDoneBatchForCycle( SkyKey parent, Iterable keys, ParallelEvaluatorContext evaluatorContext) throws InterruptedException { Map nodes = evaluatorContext.getBatchValues(parent, Reason.CYCLE_CHECKING, keys); for (Map.Entry nodeEntryMapEntry : nodes.entrySet()) { checkDone(nodeEntryMapEntry.getKey(), nodeEntryMapEntry.getValue()); } return nodes; } /** * If child is not done, removes {@param inProgressParent} from {@param child}'s reverse deps. * Returns whether child should be removed from inProgressParent's entry's direct deps. */ private static boolean removeIncompleteChildForCycle( SkyKey inProgressParent, SkyKey child, ParallelEvaluatorContext evaluatorContext) throws InterruptedException { NodeEntry childEntry = evaluatorContext.getGraph().get(inProgressParent, Reason.CYCLE_CHECKING, child); if (!isDoneForBuild(childEntry)) { childEntry.removeInProgressReverseDep(inProgressParent); return true; } return false; } }