// Copyright 2014 The Bazel Authors. All rights reserved. // // Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); // you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. // You may obtain a copy of the License at // // http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 // // Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software // distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, // WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. // See the License for the specific language governing permissions and // limitations under the License. package com.google.devtools.build.lib.vfs; import com.google.common.annotations.VisibleForTesting; import com.google.common.collect.Lists; import com.google.devtools.build.lib.concurrent.ThreadSafety.ThreadSafe; import com.google.devtools.build.lib.profiler.Profiler; import com.google.devtools.build.lib.profiler.ProfilerTask; import com.google.devtools.build.lib.unix.ErrnoFileStatus; import com.google.devtools.build.lib.unix.NativePosixFiles; import com.google.devtools.build.lib.unix.NativePosixFiles.Dirents; import com.google.devtools.build.lib.unix.NativePosixFiles.ReadTypes; import com.google.devtools.build.lib.util.Preconditions; import java.io.IOException; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.List; /** * This class implements the FileSystem interface using direct calls to the UNIX filesystem. */ @ThreadSafe public class UnixFileSystem extends AbstractFileSystemWithCustomStat { public UnixFileSystem() { } /** * Eager implementation of FileStatus for file systems that have an atomic * stat(2) syscall. A proxy for {@link com.google.devtools.build.lib.unix.FileStatus}. * Note that isFile and getLastModifiedTime have slightly different meanings * between UNIX and VFS. */ @VisibleForTesting protected static class UnixFileStatus implements FileStatus { private final com.google.devtools.build.lib.unix.FileStatus status; UnixFileStatus(com.google.devtools.build.lib.unix.FileStatus status) { this.status = status; } @Override public boolean isFile() { return !isDirectory() && !isSymbolicLink(); } @Override public boolean isDirectory() { return status.isDirectory(); } @Override public boolean isSymbolicLink() { return status.isSymbolicLink(); } @Override public boolean isSpecialFile() { return isFile() && !status.isRegularFile(); } @Override public long getSize() { return status.getSize(); } @Override public long getLastModifiedTime() { return (status.getLastModifiedTime() * 1000) + (status.getFractionalLastModifiedTime() / 1000000); } @Override public long getLastChangeTime() { return (status.getLastChangeTime() * 1000) + (status.getFractionalLastChangeTime() / 1000000); } @Override public long getNodeId() { // Note that we may want to include more information in this id number going forward, // especially the device number. return status.getInodeNumber(); } int getPermissions() { return status.getPermissions(); } @Override public String toString() { return status.toString(); } } @Override protected Collection getDirectoryEntries(Path path) throws IOException { String name = path.getPathString(); String[] entries; long startTime = Profiler.nanoTimeMaybe(); try { entries = NativePosixFiles.readdir(name); } finally { profiler.logSimpleTask(startTime, ProfilerTask.VFS_DIR, name); } Collection result = new ArrayList<>(entries.length); for (String entry : entries) { result.add(path.getChild(entry)); } return result; } @Override protected PathFragment resolveOneLink(Path path) throws IOException { // Beware, this seemingly simple code belies the complex specification of // FileSystem.resolveOneLink(). return stat(path, false).isSymbolicLink() ? readSymbolicLink(path) : null; } /** * Converts from {@link com.google.devtools.build.lib.unix.NativePosixFiles.Dirents.Type} to * {@link com.google.devtools.build.lib.vfs.Dirent.Type}. */ private static Dirent.Type convertToDirentType(Dirents.Type type) { switch (type) { case FILE: return Dirent.Type.FILE; case DIRECTORY: return Dirent.Type.DIRECTORY; case SYMLINK: return Dirent.Type.SYMLINK; case UNKNOWN: return Dirent.Type.UNKNOWN; default: throw new IllegalArgumentException("Unknown type " + type); } } @Override protected Collection readdir(Path path, boolean followSymlinks) throws IOException { String name = path.getPathString(); long startTime = Profiler.nanoTimeMaybe(); try { Dirents unixDirents = NativePosixFiles.readdir(name, followSymlinks ? ReadTypes.FOLLOW : ReadTypes.NOFOLLOW); Preconditions.checkState(unixDirents.hasTypes()); List dirents = Lists.newArrayListWithCapacity(unixDirents.size()); for (int i = 0; i < unixDirents.size(); i++) { dirents.add(new Dirent(unixDirents.getName(i), convertToDirentType(unixDirents.getType(i)))); } return dirents; } finally { profiler.logSimpleTask(startTime, ProfilerTask.VFS_DIR, name); } } @Override protected FileStatus stat(Path path, boolean followSymlinks) throws IOException { return statInternal(path, followSymlinks); } @VisibleForTesting protected UnixFileStatus statInternal(Path path, boolean followSymlinks) throws IOException { String name = path.getPathString(); long startTime = Profiler.nanoTimeMaybe(); try { return new UnixFileStatus(followSymlinks ? NativePosixFiles.stat(name) : NativePosixFiles.lstat(name)); } finally { profiler.logSimpleTask(startTime, ProfilerTask.VFS_STAT, name); } } // Like stat(), but returns null instead of throwing. // This is a performance optimization in the case where clients // catch and don't re-throw. @Override protected FileStatus statNullable(Path path, boolean followSymlinks) { String name = path.getPathString(); long startTime = Profiler.nanoTimeMaybe(); try { ErrnoFileStatus stat = followSymlinks ? NativePosixFiles.errnoStat(name) : NativePosixFiles.errnoLstat(name); return stat.hasError() ? null : new UnixFileStatus(stat); } finally { profiler.logSimpleTask(startTime, ProfilerTask.VFS_STAT, name); } } @Override protected boolean exists(Path path, boolean followSymlinks) { return statNullable(path, followSymlinks) != null; } /** * Return true iff the {@code stat} of {@code path} resulted in an {@code ENOENT} * or {@code ENOTDIR} error. */ @Override protected FileStatus statIfFound(Path path, boolean followSymlinks) throws IOException { String name = path.getPathString(); long startTime = Profiler.nanoTimeMaybe(); try { ErrnoFileStatus stat = followSymlinks ? NativePosixFiles.errnoStat(name) : NativePosixFiles.errnoLstat(name); if (!stat.hasError()) { return new UnixFileStatus(stat); } int errno = stat.getErrno(); if (errno == ErrnoFileStatus.ENOENT || errno == ErrnoFileStatus.ENOTDIR) { return null; } // This should not return -- we are calling stat here just to throw the proper exception. // However, since there may be transient IO errors, we cannot guarantee that an exception will // be thrown. // TODO(bazel-team): Extract the exception-construction code and make it visible separately in // FilesystemUtils to avoid having to do a duplicate stat call. return stat(path, followSymlinks); } finally { profiler.logSimpleTask(startTime, ProfilerTask.VFS_STAT, name); } } @Override protected boolean isReadable(Path path) throws IOException { return (statInternal(path, true).getPermissions() & 0400) != 0; } @Override protected boolean isWritable(Path path) throws IOException { return (statInternal(path, true).getPermissions() & 0200) != 0; } @Override protected boolean isExecutable(Path path) throws IOException { return (statInternal(path, true).getPermissions() & 0100) != 0; } /** * Adds or remove the bits specified in "permissionBits" to the permission * mask of the file specified by {@code path}. If the argument {@code add} is * true, the specified permissions are added, otherwise they are removed. * * @throws IOException if there was an error writing the file's metadata */ private void modifyPermissionBits(Path path, int permissionBits, boolean add) throws IOException { synchronized (path) { int oldMode = statInternal(path, true).getPermissions(); int newMode = add ? (oldMode | permissionBits) : (oldMode & ~permissionBits); NativePosixFiles.chmod(path.toString(), newMode); } } @Override protected void setReadable(Path path, boolean readable) throws IOException { modifyPermissionBits(path, 0400, readable); } @Override protected void setWritable(Path path, boolean writable) throws IOException { modifyPermissionBits(path, 0200, writable); } @Override protected void setExecutable(Path path, boolean executable) throws IOException { modifyPermissionBits(path, 0111, executable); } @Override protected void chmod(Path path, int mode) throws IOException { synchronized (path) { NativePosixFiles.chmod(path.toString(), mode); } } @Override public boolean supportsModifications() { return true; } @Override public boolean supportsSymbolicLinksNatively() { return true; } @Override public boolean supportsHardLinksNatively() { return true; } @Override public boolean isFilePathCaseSensitive() { return true; } @Override protected boolean createDirectory(Path path) throws IOException { synchronized (path) { // Note: UNIX mkdir(2), FilesystemUtils.mkdir() and createDirectory all // have different ways of representing failure! if (NativePosixFiles.mkdir(path.toString(), 0777)) { return true; // successfully created } // false => EEXIST: something is already in the way (file/dir/symlink) if (isDirectory(path, false)) { return false; // directory already existed } else { throw new IOException(path + " (File exists)"); } } } @Override protected void createSymbolicLink(Path linkPath, PathFragment targetFragment) throws IOException { synchronized (linkPath) { NativePosixFiles.symlink(targetFragment.toString(), linkPath.toString()); } } @Override protected PathFragment readSymbolicLink(Path path) throws IOException { // Note that the default implementation of readSymbolicLinkUnchecked calls this method and thus // is optimal since we only make one system call in here. String name = path.toString(); long startTime = Profiler.nanoTimeMaybe(); try { return new PathFragment(NativePosixFiles.readlink(name)); } catch (IOException e) { // EINVAL => not a symbolic link. Anything else is a real error. throw e.getMessage().endsWith("(Invalid argument)") ? new NotASymlinkException(path) : e; } finally { profiler.logSimpleTask(startTime, ProfilerTask.VFS_READLINK, name); } } @Override protected void renameTo(Path sourcePath, Path targetPath) throws IOException { synchronized (sourcePath) { NativePosixFiles.rename(sourcePath.toString(), targetPath.toString()); } } @Override protected long getFileSize(Path path, boolean followSymlinks) throws IOException { return stat(path, followSymlinks).getSize(); } @Override protected boolean delete(Path path) throws IOException { String name = path.toString(); long startTime = Profiler.nanoTimeMaybe(); synchronized (path) { try { return NativePosixFiles.remove(name); } finally { profiler.logSimpleTask(startTime, ProfilerTask.VFS_DELETE, name); } } } @Override protected long getLastModifiedTime(Path path, boolean followSymlinks) throws IOException { return stat(path, followSymlinks).getLastModifiedTime(); } @Override protected void setLastModifiedTime(Path path, long newTime) throws IOException { synchronized (path) { if (newTime == -1L) { // "now" NativePosixFiles.utime(path.toString(), true, 0); } else { // newTime > MAX_INT => -ve unixTime int unixTime = (int) (newTime / 1000); NativePosixFiles.utime(path.toString(), false, unixTime); } } } @Override protected byte[] getxattr(Path path, String name) throws IOException { String pathName = path.toString(); long startTime = Profiler.nanoTimeMaybe(); try { return NativePosixFiles.getxattr(pathName, name); } catch (UnsupportedOperationException e) { // getxattr() syscall is not supported by the underlying filesystem (it returned ENOTSUP). // Per method contract, treat this as ENODATA. return null; } finally { profiler.logSimpleTask(startTime, ProfilerTask.VFS_XATTR, pathName); } } @Override protected byte[] getMD5Digest(Path path) throws IOException { String name = path.toString(); long startTime = Profiler.nanoTimeMaybe(); try { return NativePosixFiles.md5sum(name).asBytes(); } finally { profiler.logSimpleTask(startTime, ProfilerTask.VFS_MD5, name); } } @Override protected void createFSDependentHardLink(Path linkPath, Path originalPath) throws IOException { NativePosixFiles.link(originalPath.toString(), linkPath.toString()); } }