// Copyright 2014 The Bazel Authors. All rights reserved. // // Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); // you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. // You may obtain a copy of the License at // // http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 // // Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software // distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, // WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. // See the License for the specific language governing permissions and // limitations under the License. package com.google.devtools.build.lib.vfs; import static java.nio.charset.StandardCharsets.ISO_8859_1; import com.google.common.base.Preconditions; import com.google.common.base.Predicate; import com.google.common.io.ByteSink; import com.google.common.io.ByteSource; import com.google.common.io.ByteStreams; import com.google.devtools.build.lib.concurrent.ThreadSafety.ConditionallyThreadSafe; import com.google.devtools.build.lib.concurrent.ThreadSafety.ThreadSafe; import java.io.IOException; import java.io.InputStream; import java.io.OutputStream; import java.io.PrintStream; import java.nio.charset.Charset; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.List; import java.util.Set; /** * Helper functions that implement often-used complex operations on file * systems. */ @ConditionallyThreadSafe // ThreadSafe except for deleteTree. public class FileSystemUtils { private FileSystemUtils() {} /**************************************************************************** * Path and PathFragment functions. */ /** * Throws exceptions if {@code baseName} is not a valid base name. A valid * base name: * */ @ThreadSafe public static void checkBaseName(String baseName) { if (baseName.length() == 0) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Child must not be empty string ('')"); } if (baseName.equals(".") || baseName.equals("..")) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("baseName must not be '" + baseName + "'"); } if (baseName.indexOf('/') != -1) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("baseName must not contain a slash: '" + baseName + "'"); } } /** * Returns the common ancestor between two paths, or null if none (including * if they are on different filesystems). */ public static Path commonAncestor(Path a, Path b) { while (a != null && !b.startsWith(a)) { a = a.getParentDirectory(); // returns null at root } return a; } /** * Returns the longest common ancestor of the two path fragments, or either "/" or "" (depending * on whether {@code a} is absolute or relative) if there is none. */ public static PathFragment commonAncestor(PathFragment a, PathFragment b) { while (a != null && !b.startsWith(a)) { a = a.getParentDirectory(); } return a; } /** * Returns a path fragment from a given from-dir to a given to-path. May be * either a short relative path "foo/bar", an up'n'over relative path * "../../foo/bar" or an absolute path. */ public static PathFragment relativePath(Path fromDir, Path to) { if (to.getFileSystem() != fromDir.getFileSystem()) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("fromDir and to must be on the same FileSystem"); } return relativePath(fromDir.asFragment(), to.asFragment()); } /** * Returns a path fragment from a given from-dir to a given to-path. */ public static PathFragment relativePath(PathFragment fromDir, PathFragment to) { if (to.equals(fromDir)) { return PathFragment.create("."); // same dir, just return '.' } if (to.startsWith(fromDir)) { return to.relativeTo(fromDir); // easy case--it's a descendant } PathFragment ancestor = commonAncestor(fromDir, to); if (ancestor == null) { return to; // no common ancestor, use 'to' } int levels = fromDir.relativeTo(ancestor).segmentCount(); StringBuilder dotdots = new StringBuilder(); for (int i = 0; i < levels; i++) { dotdots.append("../"); } return PathFragment.create(dotdots.toString()).getRelative(to.relativeTo(ancestor)); } /** * Removes the shortest suffix beginning with '.' from the basename of the * filename string. If the basename contains no '.', the filename is returned * unchanged. * *

e.g. "foo/bar.x" -> "foo/bar" * *

Note that if the filename is composed entirely of ".", this method will return the string * with one fewer ".", which may have surprising effects. */ @ThreadSafe public static String removeExtension(String filename) { int lastDotIndex = filename.lastIndexOf('.'); if (lastDotIndex == -1) { return filename; } int lastSlashIndex = filename.lastIndexOf('/'); if (lastSlashIndex > lastDotIndex) { return filename; } return filename.substring(0, lastDotIndex); } /** * Removes the shortest suffix beginning with '.' from the basename of the * PathFragment. If the basename contains no '.', the filename is returned * unchanged. * *

e.g. "foo/bar.x" -> "foo/bar" * *

Note that if the base filename is composed entirely of ".", this method will return the * filename with one fewer "." in the base filename, which may have surprising effects. */ @ThreadSafe public static PathFragment removeExtension(PathFragment path) { return path.replaceName(removeExtension(path.getBaseName())); } /** * Removes the shortest suffix beginning with '.' from the basename of the * Path. If the basename contains no '.', the filename is returned * unchanged. * *

e.g. "foo/bar.x" -> "foo/bar" * *

Note that if the base filename is composed entirely of ".", this method will return the * filename with one fewer "." in the base filename, which may have surprising effects. */ @ThreadSafe public static Path removeExtension(Path path) { return path.getFileSystem().getPath(removeExtension(path.asFragment())); } /** * Returns a new {@code PathFragment} formed by replacing the extension of the * last path segment of {@code path} with {@code newExtension}. Null is * returned iff {@code path} has zero segments. */ public static PathFragment replaceExtension(PathFragment path, String newExtension) { return path.replaceName(removeExtension(path.getBaseName()) + newExtension); } /** * Returns a new {@code PathFragment} formed by replacing the extension of the * last path segment of {@code path} with {@code newExtension}. Null is * returned iff {@code path} has zero segments or it doesn't end with {@code oldExtension}. */ public static PathFragment replaceExtension(PathFragment path, String newExtension, String oldExtension) { String base = path.getBaseName(); if (!base.endsWith(oldExtension)) { return null; } String newBase = base.substring(0, base.length() - oldExtension.length()) + newExtension; return path.replaceName(newBase); } /** * Returns a new {@code Path} formed by replacing the extension of the * last path segment of {@code path} with {@code newExtension}. Null is * returned iff {@code path} has zero segments. */ public static Path replaceExtension(Path path, String newExtension) { PathFragment fragment = replaceExtension(path.asFragment(), newExtension); return fragment == null ? null : path.getFileSystem().getPath(fragment); } /** * Returns a new {@code PathFragment} formed by adding the extension to the last path segment of * {@code path}. Null is returned if {@code path} has zero segments. */ public static PathFragment appendExtension(PathFragment path, String newExtension) { return path.replaceName(path.getBaseName() + newExtension); } /** * Returns a new {@code PathFragment} formed by replacing the first, or all if * {@code replaceAll} is true, {@code oldSegment} of {@code path} with {@code * newSegment}. */ public static PathFragment replaceSegments(PathFragment path, String oldSegment, String newSegment, boolean replaceAll) { int count = path.segmentCount(); for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) { if (path.getSegment(i).equals(oldSegment)) { path = PathFragment.create( path.subFragment(0, i), PathFragment.create(newSegment), path.subFragment(i+1, count)); if (!replaceAll) { return path; } } } return path; } /** * Returns a new {@code PathFragment} formed by appending the given string to the last path * segment of {@code path} without removing the extension. Returns null if {@code path} * has zero segments. */ public static PathFragment appendWithoutExtension(PathFragment path, String toAppend) { return path.replaceName(appendWithoutExtension(path.getBaseName(), toAppend)); } /** * Given a string that represents a file with an extension separated by a '.' and a string * to append, return a string in which {@code toAppend} has been appended to {@code name} * before the last '.' character. If {@code name} does not include a '.', appends {@code * toAppend} at the end. * *

For example, * ("libfoo.jar", "-src") ==> "libfoo-src.jar" * ("libfoo", "-src") ==> "libfoo-src" */ private static String appendWithoutExtension(String name, String toAppend) { int dotIndex = name.lastIndexOf('.'); if (dotIndex > 0) { String baseName = name.substring(0, dotIndex); String extension = name.substring(dotIndex); return baseName + toAppend + extension; } else { return name + toAppend; } } /**************************************************************************** * FileSystem property functions. */ /** * Return the current working directory as expressed by the System property * 'user.dir'. */ public static Path getWorkingDirectory(FileSystem fs) { return fs.getPath(getWorkingDirectory()); } /** * Returns the current working directory as expressed by the System property * 'user.dir'. This version does not require a {@link FileSystem}. */ public static PathFragment getWorkingDirectory() { return PathFragment.create(System.getProperty("user.dir", "/")); } /**************************************************************************** * Path FileSystem mutating operations. */ /** * "Touches" the file or directory specified by the path, following symbolic * links. If it does not exist, it is created as an empty file; otherwise, the * time of last access is updated to the current time. * * @throws IOException if there was an error while touching the file */ @ThreadSafe public static void touchFile(Path path) throws IOException { if (path.exists()) { // -1L means "use the current time", and is ultimately implemented by // utime(path, null), thereby using the kernel's clock, not the JVM's. // (A previous implementation based on the JVM clock was found to be // skewy.) path.setLastModifiedTime(-1L); } else { createEmptyFile(path); } } /** * Creates an empty regular file with the name of the current path, following * symbolic links. * * @throws IOException if the file could not be created for any reason * (including that there was already a file at that location) */ public static void createEmptyFile(Path path) throws IOException { path.getOutputStream().close(); } /** * Creates or updates a symbolic link from 'link' to 'target'. Replaces * existing symbolic links with target, and skips the link creation if it is * already present. Will also create any missing ancestor directories of the * link. This method is non-atomic * *

Note: this method will throw an IOException if there is an unequal * non-symlink at link. * * @throws IOException if the creation of the symbolic link was unsuccessful * for any reason. */ @ThreadSafe // but not atomic public static void ensureSymbolicLink(Path link, Path target) throws IOException { ensureSymbolicLink(link, target.asFragment()); } /** * Creates or updates a symbolic link from 'link' to 'target'. Replaces * existing symbolic links with target, and skips the link creation if it is * already present. Will also create any missing ancestor directories of the * link. This method is non-atomic * *

Note: this method will throw an IOException if there is an unequal * non-symlink at link. * * @throws IOException if the creation of the symbolic link was unsuccessful * for any reason. */ @ThreadSafe // but not atomic public static void ensureSymbolicLink(Path link, String target) throws IOException { ensureSymbolicLink(link, PathFragment.create(target)); } /** * Creates or updates a symbolic link from 'link' to 'target'. Replaces * existing symbolic links with target, and skips the link creation if it is * already present. Will also create any missing ancestor directories of the * link. This method is non-atomic * *

Note: this method will throw an IOException if there is an unequal * non-symlink at link. * * @throws IOException if the creation of the symbolic link was unsuccessful * for any reason. */ @ThreadSafe // but not atomic public static void ensureSymbolicLink(Path link, PathFragment target) throws IOException { // TODO(bazel-team): (2009) consider adding the logic for recovering from the case when // we have already created a parent directory symlink earlier. try { if (link.readSymbolicLink().equals(target)) { return; // Do nothing if the link is already there. } } catch (IOException e) { // link missing or broken /* fallthru and do the work below */ } if (link.isSymbolicLink()) { link.delete(); // Remove the symlink since it is pointing somewhere else. } else { createDirectoryAndParents(link.getParentDirectory()); } try { link.createSymbolicLink(target); } catch (IOException e) { // Only pass on exceptions caused by a true link creation failure. if (!link.isSymbolicLink() || !link.resolveSymbolicLinks().equals(link.getRelative(target))) { throw e; } } } public static ByteSource asByteSource(final Path path) { return new ByteSource() { @Override public InputStream openStream() throws IOException { return path.getInputStream(); } }; } public static ByteSink asByteSink(final Path path, final boolean append) { return new ByteSink() { @Override public OutputStream openStream() throws IOException { return path.getOutputStream(append); } }; } public static ByteSink asByteSink(final Path path) { return asByteSink(path, false); } /** * Copies the file from location "from" to location "to", while overwriting a * potentially existing "to". File's last modified time, executable and * writable bits are also preserved. * *

If no error occurs, the method returns normally. If a parent directory does * not exist, a FileNotFoundException is thrown. An IOException is thrown when * other erroneous situations occur. (e.g. read errors) */ @ThreadSafe // but not atomic public static void copyFile(Path from, Path to) throws IOException { try { to.delete(); } catch (IOException e) { throw new IOException("error copying file: " + "couldn't delete destination: " + e.getMessage()); } asByteSource(from).copyTo(asByteSink(to)); to.setLastModifiedTime(from.getLastModifiedTime()); // Preserve mtime. if (!from.isWritable()) { to.setWritable(false); // Make file read-only if original was read-only. } to.setExecutable(from.isExecutable()); // Copy executable bit. } /** * Moves the file from location "from" to location "to", while overwriting a * potentially existing "to". File's last modified time, executable and * writable bits are also preserved. * *

If no error occurs, the method returns normally. If a parent directory does * not exist, a FileNotFoundException is thrown. An IOException is thrown when * other erroneous situations occur. (e.g. read errors) */ @ThreadSafe // but not atomic public static void moveFile(Path from, Path to) throws IOException { long mtime = from.getLastModifiedTime(); boolean writable = from.isWritable(); boolean executable = from.isExecutable(); // We don't try-catch here for better performance. to.delete(); try { from.renameTo(to); } catch (IOException e) { asByteSource(from).copyTo(asByteSink(to)); if (!from.delete()) { if (!to.delete()) { throw new IOException("Unable to delete " + to); } throw new IOException("Unable to delete " + from); } } to.setLastModifiedTime(mtime); // Preserve mtime. if (!writable) { to.setWritable(false); // Make file read-only if original was read-only. } to.setExecutable(executable); // Copy executable bit. } /** * Copies a tool binary from one path to another, returning the target path. * The directory of the target path must already exist. The target copy's time * is set to match, as well as its read-only and executable flags. The * operation is skipped if the target file has the same time and size as the * source. */ public static Path copyTool(Path source, Path target) throws IOException { FileStatus sourceStat = null; FileStatus targetStat = target.statNullable(); if (targetStat != null) { // stat the source file only if we'll need the stat. sourceStat = source.stat(Symlinks.FOLLOW); } if (targetStat == null || targetStat.getLastModifiedTime() != sourceStat.getLastModifiedTime() || targetStat.getSize() != sourceStat.getSize()) { copyFile(source, target); target.setWritable(source.isWritable()); target.setExecutable(source.isExecutable()); target.setLastModifiedTime(source.getLastModifiedTime()); } return target; } /**************************************************************************** * Directory tree operations. */ /** * Returns a new collection containing all of the paths below a given root * path, for which the given predicate is true. Symbolic links are not * followed, and may appear in the result. * * @throws IOException If the root does not denote a directory */ @ThreadSafe public static Collection traverseTree(Path root, Predicate predicate) throws IOException { List paths = new ArrayList<>(); traverseTree(paths, root, predicate); return paths; } /** * Populates an existing Path List, adding all of the paths below a given root * path for which the given predicate is true. Symbolic links are not * followed, and may appear in the result. * * @throws IOException If the root does not denote a directory */ @ThreadSafe public static void traverseTree(Collection paths, Path root, Predicate predicate) throws IOException { for (Path p : root.getDirectoryEntries()) { if (predicate.apply(p)) { paths.add(p); } if (p.isDirectory(Symlinks.NOFOLLOW)) { traverseTree(paths, p, predicate); } } } /** * Deletes 'p', and everything recursively beneath it if it's a directory. * Does not follow any symbolic links. * * @throws IOException if any file could not be removed. */ @ThreadSafe public static void deleteTree(Path p) throws IOException { deleteTreesBelow(p); p.delete(); } /** * Deletes all dir trees recursively beneath 'dir' if it's a directory, * nothing otherwise. Does not follow any symbolic links. * * @throws IOException if any file could not be removed. */ @ThreadSafe public static void deleteTreesBelow(Path dir) throws IOException { if (dir.isDirectory(Symlinks.NOFOLLOW)) { // real directories (not symlinks) dir.setReadable(true); dir.setWritable(true); dir.setExecutable(true); for (Path child : dir.getDirectoryEntries()) { deleteTree(child); } } } /** * Copies all dir trees under a given 'from' dir to location 'to', while overwriting all files in * the potentially existing 'to'. Resolves symbolic links if {@code followSymlinks == * Symlinks#FOLLOW}. Otherwise copies symlinks as-is. * *

The source and the destination must be non-overlapping, otherwise an * IllegalArgumentException will be thrown. This method cannot be used to copy a dir tree to a sub * tree of itself. * *

If no error occurs, the method returns normally. If the given 'from' does not exist, a * FileNotFoundException is thrown. An IOException is thrown when other erroneous situations * occur. (e.g. read errors) */ @ThreadSafe public static void copyTreesBelow(Path from, Path to, Symlinks followSymlinks) throws IOException { if (to.startsWith(from)) { throw new IllegalArgumentException(to + " is a subdirectory of " + from); } Collection entries = from.getDirectoryEntries(); for (Path entry : entries) { Path toPath = to.getChild(entry.getBaseName()); if (!followSymlinks.toBoolean() && entry.isSymbolicLink()) { FileSystemUtils.ensureSymbolicLink(toPath, entry.readSymbolicLink()); } else if (entry.isFile()) { copyFile(entry, toPath); } else { toPath.createDirectory(); copyTreesBelow(entry, toPath, followSymlinks); } } } /** * Moves all dir trees under a given 'from' dir to location 'to', while overwriting * all files in the potentially existing 'to'. Doesn't resolve symbolic links. * *

The source and the destination must be non-overlapping, otherwise an * IllegalArgumentException will be thrown. This method cannot be used to copy * a dir tree to a sub tree of itself. * *

If no error occurs, the method returns normally. If the given 'from' does * not exist, a FileNotFoundException is thrown. An IOException is thrown when * other erroneous situations occur. (e.g. read errors) */ @ThreadSafe public static void moveTreesBelow(Path from , Path to) throws IOException { if (to.startsWith(from)) { throw new IllegalArgumentException(to + " is a subdirectory of " + from); } Collection entries = from.getDirectoryEntries(); for (Path entry : entries) { if (entry.isDirectory(Symlinks.NOFOLLOW)) { Path subDir = to.getChild(entry.getBaseName()); subDir.createDirectory(); moveTreesBelow(entry, subDir); } else { Path newEntry = to.getChild(entry.getBaseName()); moveFile(entry, newEntry); } } } /** * Attempts to create a directory with the name of the given path, creating * ancestors as necessary. * *

Postcondition: completes normally iff {@code dir} denotes an existing * directory (not necessarily canonical); completes abruptly otherwise. * * @return true if the directory was successfully created anew, false if it * already existed (including the case where {@code dir} denotes a symlink * to an existing directory) * @throws IOException if the directory could not be created */ @ThreadSafe public static boolean createDirectoryAndParents(Path dir) throws IOException { return createDirectoryAndParentsWithCache(null, dir); } /** * Attempts to create a directory with the name of the given path, creating ancestors as * necessary. Only creates directories or their parents if they are not contained in the set * {@code createdDirs} and instead assumes that they already exist. This saves a round-trip to the * kernel, but is only safe when no one deletes directories that have been created by this method. * *

Postcondition: completes normally iff {@code dir} denotes an existing directory (not * necessarily canonical); completes abruptly otherwise. * * @return true if the directory was successfully created anew, false if it already existed * (including the case where {@code dir} denotes a symlink to an existing directory) * @throws IOException if the directory could not be created */ @ThreadSafe public static boolean createDirectoryAndParentsWithCache(Set createdDirs, Path dir) throws IOException { // Optimised for minimal number of I/O calls. // Don't attempt to create the root directory. if (dir.getParentDirectory() == null) { return false; } // We already created that directory. if (createdDirs != null && createdDirs.contains(dir)) { return false; } FileSystem filesystem = dir.getFileSystem(); if (filesystem instanceof UnionFileSystem) { // If using UnionFS, make sure that we do not traverse filesystem boundaries when creating // parent directories by rehoming the path on the most specific filesystem. FileSystem delegate = ((UnionFileSystem) filesystem).getDelegate(dir); dir = delegate.getPath(dir.asFragment()); } try { boolean result = dir.createDirectory(); if (createdDirs != null) { createdDirs.add(dir); } return result; } catch (IOException e) { if (e.getMessage().endsWith(" (No such file or directory)")) { // ENOENT createDirectoryAndParentsWithCache(createdDirs, dir.getParentDirectory()); boolean result = dir.createDirectory(); if (createdDirs != null) { createdDirs.add(dir); } return result; } else if (e.getMessage().endsWith(" (File exists)") && dir.isDirectory()) { // EEXIST if (createdDirs != null) { createdDirs.add(dir); } return false; } else { throw e; // some other error (e.g. ENOTDIR, EACCES, etc.) } } } /** * Attempts to remove a relative chain of directories under a given base. * Returns {@code true} if the removal was successful, and returns {@code * false} if the removal fails because a directory was not empty. An * {@link IOException} is thrown for any other errors. */ @ThreadSafe public static boolean removeDirectoryAndParents(Path base, PathFragment toRemove) { if (toRemove.isAbsolute()) { return false; } try { for (; toRemove.segmentCount() > 0; toRemove = toRemove.getParentDirectory()) { Path p = base.getRelative(toRemove); if (p.exists()) { p.delete(); } } } catch (IOException e) { return false; } return true; } /**************************************************************************** * Whole-file I/O utilities for characters and bytes. These convenience * methods are not efficient and should not be used for large amounts of data! */ /** * Decodes the given byte array assumed to be encoded with ISO-8859-1 encoding (isolatin1). */ public static char[] convertFromLatin1(byte[] content) { char[] latin1 = new char[content.length]; for (int i = 0; i < latin1.length; i++) { // yeah, latin1 is this easy! :-) latin1[i] = (char) (0xff & content[i]); } return latin1; } /** * Writes lines to file using ISO-8859-1 encoding (isolatin1). */ @ThreadSafe // but not atomic public static void writeIsoLatin1(Path file, String... lines) throws IOException { writeLinesAs(file, ISO_8859_1, lines); } /** * Append lines to file using ISO-8859-1 encoding (isolatin1). */ @ThreadSafe // but not atomic public static void appendIsoLatin1(Path file, String... lines) throws IOException { appendLinesAs(file, ISO_8859_1, lines); } /** * Writes the specified String as ISO-8859-1 (latin1) encoded bytes to the * file. Follows symbolic links. * * @throws IOException if there was an error */ public static void writeContentAsLatin1(Path outputFile, String content) throws IOException { writeContent(outputFile, ISO_8859_1, content); } /** * Writes the specified String using the specified encoding to the file. * Follows symbolic links. * * @throws IOException if there was an error */ public static void writeContent(Path outputFile, Charset charset, String content) throws IOException { asByteSink(outputFile).asCharSink(charset).write(content); } /** * Writes lines to file using the given encoding, ending every line with a * line break '\n' character. */ @ThreadSafe // but not atomic public static void writeLinesAs(Path file, Charset charset, String... lines) throws IOException { writeLinesAs(file, charset, Arrays.asList(lines)); } /** * Appends lines to file using the given encoding, ending every line with a * line break '\n' character. */ @ThreadSafe // but not atomic public static void appendLinesAs(Path file, Charset charset, String... lines) throws IOException { appendLinesAs(file, charset, Arrays.asList(lines)); } /** * Writes lines to file using the given encoding, ending every line with a * line break '\n' character. */ @ThreadSafe // but not atomic public static void writeLinesAs(Path file, Charset charset, Iterable lines) throws IOException { createDirectoryAndParents(file.getParentDirectory()); asByteSink(file).asCharSink(charset).writeLines(lines); } /** * Appends lines to file using the given encoding, ending every line with a * line break '\n' character. */ @ThreadSafe // but not atomic public static void appendLinesAs(Path file, Charset charset, Iterable lines) throws IOException { createDirectoryAndParents(file.getParentDirectory()); asByteSink(file, true).asCharSink(charset).writeLines(lines); } /** * Writes the specified byte array to the output file. Follows symbolic links. * * @throws IOException if there was an error */ public static void writeContent(Path outputFile, byte[] content) throws IOException { asByteSink(outputFile).write(content); } /** * Updates the contents of the output file if they do not match the given array, thus maintaining * the mtime and ctime in case of no updates. Follows symbolic links. * *

If the output file already exists but is unreadable, this tries to overwrite it with the new * contents. In other words: unreadable or missing files are considered to be non-matching. * * @throws IOException if there was an error */ public static void maybeUpdateContent(Path outputFile, byte[] newContent) throws IOException { byte[] currentContent; try { currentContent = readContent(outputFile); } catch (IOException e) { // Ignore error per the rationale given in the docstring. Keep in mind that what we are doing // here is for performance reasons only so we should only break if the real action (that is, // the write) fails -- not any of the optimization steps. currentContent = null; } if (currentContent == null) { writeContent(outputFile, newContent); } else { if (!Arrays.equals(newContent, currentContent)) { if (!outputFile.isWritable()) { outputFile.delete(); } writeContent(outputFile, newContent); } } } /** * Returns the entirety of the specified input stream and returns it as a char * array, decoding characters using ISO-8859-1 (Latin1). * * @throws IOException if there was an error */ public static char[] readContentAsLatin1(InputStream in) throws IOException { return convertFromLatin1(ByteStreams.toByteArray(in)); } /** * Returns the entirety of the specified file and returns it as a char array, * decoding characters using ISO-8859-1 (Latin1). * * @throws IOException if there was an error */ public static char[] readContentAsLatin1(Path inputFile) throws IOException { return convertFromLatin1(readContent(inputFile)); } /** * Returns an iterable that allows iterating over ISO-8859-1 (Latin1) text * file contents line by line. If the file ends in a line break, the iterator * will return an empty string as the last element. * * @throws IOException if there was an error */ public static Iterable iterateLinesAsLatin1(Path inputFile) throws IOException { return readLines(inputFile, ISO_8859_1); } /** * Returns an iterable that allows iterating over text file contents line by line in the given * {@link Charset}. If the file ends in a line break, the iterator will return an empty string * as the last element. * * @throws IOException if there was an error */ public static Iterable readLines(Path inputFile, Charset charset) throws IOException { return asByteSource(inputFile).asCharSource(charset).readLines(); } /** * Returns the entirety of the specified file and returns it as a byte array. * * @throws IOException if there was an error */ public static byte[] readContent(Path inputFile) throws IOException { return asByteSource(inputFile).read(); } /** * Reads the entire file using the given charset and returns the contents as a string */ public static String readContent(Path inputFile, Charset charset) throws IOException { return asByteSource(inputFile).asCharSource(charset).read(); } /** * Reads at most {@code limit} bytes from {@code inputFile} and returns it as a byte array. * * @throws IOException if there was an error. */ public static byte[] readContentWithLimit(Path inputFile, int limit) throws IOException { Preconditions.checkArgument(limit >= 0, "limit needs to be >=0, but it is %s", limit); ByteSource byteSource = asByteSource(inputFile); byte[] buffer = new byte[limit]; try (InputStream inputStream = byteSource.openBufferedStream()) { int read = ByteStreams.read(inputStream, buffer, 0, limit); return read == limit ? buffer : Arrays.copyOf(buffer, read); } } /** * Reads the given file {@code path}, assumed to have size {@code fileSize}, and does a sanity * check on the number of bytes read. * *

Use this method when you already know the size of the file. The sanity check is intended to * catch issues where filesystems incorrectly truncate files. * * @throws IOException if there was an error, or if fewer than {@code fileSize} bytes were read. */ public static byte[] readWithKnownFileSize(Path path, long fileSize) throws IOException { if (fileSize > Integer.MAX_VALUE) { throw new IOException("Cannot read file with size larger than 2GB"); } int fileSizeInt = (int) fileSize; byte[] bytes = readContentWithLimit(path, fileSizeInt); if (fileSizeInt > bytes.length) { throw new IOException("Unexpected short read from file '" + path + "' (expected " + fileSizeInt + ", got " + bytes.length + " bytes)"); } return bytes; } /** * Dumps diagnostic information about the specified filesystem to {@code out}. * This is the implementation of the filesystem part of the 'blaze dump' * command. It lives here, rather than in DumpCommand, because it requires * privileged access to members of this package. * *

Its results are unspecified and MUST NOT be interpreted programmatically. */ public static void dump(FileSystem fs, final PrintStream out) { // Unfortunately there's no "letrec" for anonymous functions so we have to // (a) name the function, (b) put it in a box and (c) use List not array // because of the generic type. *sigh*. final List> dumpFunction = new ArrayList<>(); dumpFunction.add( child -> { Path path = child; out.println(" " + path + " (" + path.toDebugString() + ")"); path.applyToChildren(dumpFunction.get(0)); return false; }); fs.getRootDirectory().applyToChildren(dumpFunction.get(0)); } /** * Returns the type of the file system path belongs to. */ public static String getFileSystem(Path path) { return path.getFileSystem().getFileSystemType(path); } /** * Returns whether the given path starts with any of the paths in the given * list of prefixes. */ public static boolean startsWithAny(Path path, Iterable prefixes) { for (Path prefix : prefixes) { if (path.startsWith(prefix)) { return true; } } return false; } /** * Returns whether the given path starts with any of the paths in the given * list of prefixes. */ public static boolean startsWithAny(PathFragment path, Iterable prefixes) { for (PathFragment prefix : prefixes) { if (path.startsWith(prefix)) { return true; } } return false; } /** * Create a new hard link file at "linkPath" for file at "originalPath". If "originalPath" is a * directory, then for each entry, create link under "linkPath" recursively. * * @param linkPath The path of the new link file to be created * @param originalPath The path of the original file * @throws IOException if there was an error executing {@link Path#createHardLink} */ public static void createHardLink(Path linkPath, Path originalPath) throws IOException { // Directory if (originalPath.isDirectory()) { for (Path originalSubpath : originalPath.getDirectoryEntries()) { Path linkSubpath = linkPath.getRelative(originalSubpath.relativeTo(originalPath)); createHardLink(linkSubpath, originalSubpath); } // Other types of file } else { Path parentDir = linkPath.getParentDirectory(); if (!parentDir.exists()) { FileSystemUtils.createDirectoryAndParents(parentDir); } originalPath.createHardLink(linkPath); } } }