// Copyright 2014 The Bazel Authors. All rights reserved. // // Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); // you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. // You may obtain a copy of the License at // // http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 // // Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software // distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, // WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. // See the License for the specific language governing permissions and // limitations under the License. package com.google.devtools.build.lib.syntax; import com.google.devtools.build.lib.events.Event; import com.google.devtools.build.lib.events.EventHandler; import com.google.devtools.build.lib.events.Location; import com.google.devtools.build.lib.util.Preconditions; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Set; import java.util.Stack; /** * An Environment for the semantic checking of Skylark files. * * @see Statement#validate * @see Expression#validate */ public final class ValidationEnvironment { private final ValidationEnvironment parent; private final Set variables = new HashSet<>(); private final Map variableLocations = new HashMap<>(); private final Set readOnlyVariables = new HashSet<>(); private final SkylarkSemanticsOptions semantics; // A stack of variable-sets which are read only but can be assigned in different // branches of if-else statements. private final Stack> futureReadOnlyVariables = new Stack<>(); /** Create a ValidationEnvironment for a given global Environment. */ ValidationEnvironment(Environment env) { Preconditions.checkArgument(env.isGlobal()); parent = null; Set builtinVariables = env.getVariableNames(); variables.addAll(builtinVariables); readOnlyVariables.addAll(builtinVariables); semantics = env.getSemantics(); } /** Creates a local ValidationEnvironment to validate user defined function bodies. */ ValidationEnvironment(ValidationEnvironment parent) { // Don't copy readOnlyVariables: Variables may shadow global values. this.parent = parent; semantics = parent.semantics; } /** Returns true if this ValidationEnvironment is top level i.e. has no parent. */ boolean isTopLevel() { return parent == null; } SkylarkSemanticsOptions getSemantics() { return semantics; } /** Declare a variable and add it to the environment. */ void declare(String varname, Location location) throws EvalException { checkReadonly(varname, location); if (parent == null) { // top-level values are immutable readOnlyVariables.add(varname); if (!futureReadOnlyVariables.isEmpty()) { // Currently validating an if-else statement futureReadOnlyVariables.peek().add(varname); } } variables.add(varname); variableLocations.put(varname, location); } private void checkReadonly(String varname, Location location) throws EvalException { if (readOnlyVariables.contains(varname)) { throw new EvalException( location, String.format("Variable %s is read only", varname), "https://bazel.build/versions/master/docs/skylark/errors/read-only-variable.html"); } } /** Returns true if the symbol exists in the validation environment (or a parent). */ boolean hasSymbolInEnvironment(String varname) { return variables.contains(varname) || (parent != null && parent.hasSymbolInEnvironment(varname)); } /** Returns the set of all accessible symbols (both local and global) */ Set getAllSymbols() { Set all = new HashSet<>(); all.addAll(variables); if (parent != null) { all.addAll(parent.getAllSymbols()); } return all; } /** * Starts a session with temporarily disabled readonly checking for variables between branches. * This is useful to validate control flows like if-else when we know that certain parts of the * code cannot both be executed. */ void startTemporarilyDisableReadonlyCheckSession() { futureReadOnlyVariables.add(new HashSet()); } /** Finishes the session with temporarily disabled readonly checking. */ void finishTemporarilyDisableReadonlyCheckSession() { Set variables = futureReadOnlyVariables.pop(); readOnlyVariables.addAll(variables); if (!futureReadOnlyVariables.isEmpty()) { futureReadOnlyVariables.peek().addAll(variables); } } /** Finishes a branch of temporarily disabled readonly checking. */ void finishTemporarilyDisableReadonlyCheckBranch() { readOnlyVariables.removeAll(futureReadOnlyVariables.peek()); } /** Throws EvalException if a load() appears after another kind of statement. */ private static void checkLoadAfterStatement(List statements) throws EvalException { Location firstStatement = null; for (Statement statement : statements) { // Ignore string literals (e.g. docstrings). if (statement instanceof ExpressionStatement && ((ExpressionStatement) statement).getExpression() instanceof StringLiteral) { continue; } if (statement instanceof LoadStatement) { if (firstStatement == null) { continue; } throw new EvalException( statement.getLocation(), "load() statements must be called before any other statement. " + "First non-load() statement appears at " + firstStatement + ". Use --incompatible_bzl_disallow_load_after_statement to temporarily disable " + "this check."); } if (firstStatement == null) { firstStatement = statement.getLocation(); } } } /** Throws EvalException if a `if` statement appears at the top level. */ private static void checkToplevelIfStatement(List statements) throws EvalException { for (Statement statement : statements) { if (statement instanceof IfStatement) { throw new EvalException( statement.getLocation(), "if statements are not allowed at the top level. You may move it inside a function " + "or use an if expression (x if condition else y). " + "Use --incompatible_disallow_toplevel_if_statement to temporarily disable " + "this check."); } } } /** Validates the AST and runs static checks. */ void validateAst(List statements) throws EvalException { // Check that load() statements are on top. if (semantics.incompatibleBzlDisallowLoadAfterStatement) { checkLoadAfterStatement(statements); } // Check that load() statements are on top. if (semantics.incompatibleDisallowToplevelIfStatement) { checkToplevelIfStatement(statements); } // Add every function in the environment before validating. This is // necessary because functions may call other functions defined // later in the file. for (Statement statement : statements) { if (statement instanceof FunctionDefStatement) { FunctionDefStatement fct = (FunctionDefStatement) statement; declare(fct.getIdent().getName(), fct.getLocation()); } } for (Statement statement : statements) { statement.validate(this); } } public static void validateAst(Environment env, List statements) throws EvalException { new ValidationEnvironment(env).validateAst(statements); } public static boolean validateAst( Environment env, List statements, EventHandler eventHandler) { try { validateAst(env, statements); return true; } catch (EvalException e) { if (!e.isDueToIncompleteAST()) { eventHandler.handle(Event.error(e.getLocation(), e.getMessage())); } return false; } } }