// Copyright 2014 Google Inc. All rights reserved. // // Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); // you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. // You may obtain a copy of the License at // // http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 // // Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software // distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, // WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. // See the License for the specific language governing permissions and // limitations under the License. package com.google.devtools.build.lib.syntax; import com.google.common.annotations.VisibleForTesting; import com.google.common.base.Preconditions; import com.google.common.base.Supplier; import com.google.common.collect.ImmutableList; import com.google.common.collect.ImmutableMap; import com.google.devtools.build.lib.Constants; import com.google.devtools.build.lib.events.Event; import com.google.devtools.build.lib.events.EventHandler; import com.google.devtools.build.lib.events.Location; import com.google.devtools.build.lib.packages.CachingPackageLocator; import com.google.devtools.build.lib.syntax.DictionaryLiteral.DictionaryEntryLiteral; import com.google.devtools.build.lib.syntax.IfStatement.ConditionalStatements; import com.google.devtools.build.lib.vfs.Path; import java.io.IOException; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.EnumSet; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; /** * Recursive descent parser for LL(2) BUILD language. * Loosely based on Python 2 grammar. * See https://docs.python.org/2/reference/grammar.html * */ class Parser { /** * Combines the parser result into a single value object. */ public static final class ParseResult { /** The statements (rules, basically) from the parsed file. */ public final List statements; /** The comments from the parsed file. */ public final List comments; /** Whether the file contained any errors. */ public final boolean containsErrors; public ParseResult(List statements, List comments, boolean containsErrors) { // No need to copy here; when the object is created, the parser instance is just about to go // out of scope and be garbage collected. this.statements = Preconditions.checkNotNull(statements); this.comments = Preconditions.checkNotNull(comments); this.containsErrors = containsErrors; } } private static final EnumSet STATEMENT_TERMINATOR_SET = EnumSet.of(TokenKind.EOF, TokenKind.NEWLINE); private static final EnumSet LIST_TERMINATOR_SET = EnumSet.of(TokenKind.EOF, TokenKind.RBRACKET, TokenKind.SEMI); private static final EnumSet DICT_TERMINATOR_SET = EnumSet.of(TokenKind.EOF, TokenKind.RBRACE, TokenKind.SEMI); private static final EnumSet EXPR_LIST_TERMINATOR_SET = EnumSet.of(TokenKind.EOF, TokenKind.RBRACE, TokenKind.RBRACKET, TokenKind.RPAREN, TokenKind.NEWLINE, TokenKind.SEMI); private static final EnumSet EXPR_TERMINATOR_SET = EnumSet.of( TokenKind.EOF, TokenKind.COMMA, TokenKind.COLON, TokenKind.FOR, TokenKind.PLUS, TokenKind.MINUS, TokenKind.PERCENT, TokenKind.RPAREN, TokenKind.RBRACKET); private Token token; // current lookahead token private Token pushedToken = null; // used to implement LL(2) private static final boolean DEBUGGING = false; private final Lexer lexer; private final EventHandler eventHandler; private final List comments; private final boolean parsePython; /** Whether advanced language constructs are allowed */ private boolean skylarkMode = false; private static final Map binaryOperators = new ImmutableMap.Builder() .put(TokenKind.AND, Operator.AND) .put(TokenKind.EQUALS_EQUALS, Operator.EQUALS_EQUALS) .put(TokenKind.GREATER, Operator.GREATER) .put(TokenKind.GREATER_EQUALS, Operator.GREATER_EQUALS) .put(TokenKind.IN, Operator.IN) .put(TokenKind.LESS, Operator.LESS) .put(TokenKind.LESS_EQUALS, Operator.LESS_EQUALS) .put(TokenKind.MINUS, Operator.MINUS) .put(TokenKind.NOT_EQUALS, Operator.NOT_EQUALS) .put(TokenKind.OR, Operator.OR) .put(TokenKind.PERCENT, Operator.PERCENT) .put(TokenKind.PLUS, Operator.PLUS) .put(TokenKind.STAR, Operator.MULT) .build(); private static final Map augmentedAssignmentMethods = new ImmutableMap.Builder() .put(TokenKind.PLUS_EQUALS, Operator.PLUS) // += // TODO(bazel-team): other similar operators .build(); /** Highest precedence goes last. * Based on: http://docs.python.org/2/reference/expressions.html#operator-precedence **/ private static final List> operatorPrecedence = ImmutableList.of( EnumSet.of(Operator.OR), EnumSet.of(Operator.AND), EnumSet.of(Operator.NOT), EnumSet.of(Operator.EQUALS_EQUALS, Operator.NOT_EQUALS, Operator.LESS, Operator.LESS_EQUALS, Operator.GREATER, Operator.GREATER_EQUALS, Operator.IN), EnumSet.of(Operator.MINUS, Operator.PLUS), EnumSet.of(Operator.MULT, Operator.PERCENT)); private Iterator tokens = null; private int errorsCount; private boolean recoveryMode; // stop reporting errors until next statement private CachingPackageLocator locator; private List includedFiles; private Parser(Lexer lexer, EventHandler eventHandler, CachingPackageLocator locator, boolean parsePython) { this.lexer = lexer; this.eventHandler = eventHandler; this.parsePython = parsePython; this.tokens = lexer.getTokens().iterator(); this.comments = new ArrayList<>(); this.locator = locator; this.includedFiles = new ArrayList<>(); this.includedFiles.add(lexer.getFilename()); nextToken(); } private Parser(Lexer lexer, EventHandler eventHandler, CachingPackageLocator locator) { this(lexer, eventHandler, locator, false /* parsePython */); } public Parser setSkylarkMode(boolean skylarkMode) { this.skylarkMode = skylarkMode; return this; } /** * Entry-point to parser that parses a build file with comments. All errors * encountered during parsing are reported via "reporter". */ public static ParseResult parseFile( Lexer lexer, EventHandler eventHandler, CachingPackageLocator locator, boolean parsePython) { Parser parser = new Parser(lexer, eventHandler, locator, parsePython); List statements = parser.parseFileInput(); return new ParseResult(statements, parser.comments, parser.errorsCount > 0 || lexer.containsErrors()); } /** * Entry-point to parser that parses a build file with comments. All errors * encountered during parsing are reported via "reporter". Enable Skylark extensions * that are not part of the core BUILD language. */ public static ParseResult parseFileForSkylark( Lexer lexer, EventHandler eventHandler, CachingPackageLocator locator, ValidationEnvironment validationEnvironment) { Parser parser = new Parser(lexer, eventHandler, locator).setSkylarkMode(true); List statements = parser.parseFileInput(); boolean hasSemanticalErrors = false; try { for (Statement statement : statements) { statement.validate(validationEnvironment); } } catch (EvalException e) { // Do not report errors caused by a previous parsing error, as it has already been reported. if (!e.isDueToIncompleteAST()) { eventHandler.handle(Event.error(e.getLocation(), e.getMessage())); } hasSemanticalErrors = true; } return new ParseResult(statements, parser.comments, parser.errorsCount > 0 || lexer.containsErrors() || hasSemanticalErrors); } /** * Entry-point to parser that parses a statement. All errors encountered * during parsing are reported via "reporter". */ @VisibleForTesting public static Statement parseStatement( Lexer lexer, EventHandler eventHandler) { Parser parser = new Parser(lexer, eventHandler, null); Statement result = parser.parseSmallStatement(); while (parser.token.kind == TokenKind.NEWLINE) { parser.nextToken(); } parser.expect(TokenKind.EOF); return result; } /** * Entry-point to parser that parses an expression. All errors encountered * during parsing are reported via "reporter". The expression may be followed * by newline tokens. */ @VisibleForTesting public static Expression parseExpression(Lexer lexer, EventHandler eventHandler) { Parser parser = new Parser(lexer, eventHandler, null); Expression result = parser.parseExpression(); while (parser.token.kind == TokenKind.NEWLINE) { parser.nextToken(); } parser.expect(TokenKind.EOF); return result; } private void addIncludedFiles(List files) { this.includedFiles.addAll(files); } private void reportError(Location location, String message) { errorsCount++; // Limit the number of reported errors to avoid spamming output. if (errorsCount <= 5) { eventHandler.handle(Event.error(location, message)); } } private void syntaxError(Token token, String message) { if (!recoveryMode) { String msg = token.kind == TokenKind.INDENT ? "indentation error" : "syntax error at '" + token + "': " + message; reportError(lexer.createLocation(token.left, token.right), msg); recoveryMode = true; } } /** * Consumes the current token. If it is not of the specified (expected) * kind, reports a syntax error. */ private boolean expect(TokenKind kind) { boolean expected = token.kind == kind; if (!expected) { syntaxError(token, "expected " + kind.getPrettyName()); } nextToken(); return expected; } /** * Same as expect, but stop the recovery mode if the token was expected. */ private void expectAndRecover(TokenKind kind) { if (expect(kind)) { recoveryMode = false; } } /** * Consume tokens past the first token that has a kind that is in the set of * teminatingTokens. * @param terminatingTokens * @return the end offset of the terminating token. */ private int syncPast(EnumSet terminatingTokens) { Preconditions.checkState(terminatingTokens.contains(TokenKind.EOF)); while (!terminatingTokens.contains(token.kind)) { nextToken(); } int end = token.right; // read past the synchronization token nextToken(); return end; } /** * Consume tokens until we reach the first token that has a kind that is in * the set of teminatingTokens. * @param terminatingTokens * @return the end offset of the terminating token. */ private int syncTo(EnumSet terminatingTokens) { // EOF must be in the set to prevent an infinite loop Preconditions.checkState(terminatingTokens.contains(TokenKind.EOF)); // read past the problematic token int previous = token.right; nextToken(); int current = previous; while (!terminatingTokens.contains(token.kind)) { nextToken(); previous = current; current = token.right; } return previous; } // Keywords that exist in Python and that we don't parse. private static final EnumSet FORBIDDEN_KEYWORDS = EnumSet.of(TokenKind.AS, TokenKind.ASSERT, TokenKind.BREAK, TokenKind.CONTINUE, TokenKind.DEL, TokenKind.EXCEPT, TokenKind.FINALLY, TokenKind.FROM, TokenKind.GLOBAL, TokenKind.IMPORT, TokenKind.IS, TokenKind.LAMBDA, TokenKind.NONLOCAL, TokenKind.RAISE, TokenKind.TRY, TokenKind.WITH, TokenKind.WHILE, TokenKind.YIELD); private void checkForbiddenKeywords(Token token) { if (parsePython || !FORBIDDEN_KEYWORDS.contains(token.kind)) { return; } String error; switch (token.kind) { case ASSERT: error = "'assert' not supported, use 'fail' instead"; break; case TRY: error = "'try' not supported, all exceptions are fatal"; break; case IMPORT: error = "'import' not supported, use 'load' instead"; break; case IS: error = "'is' not supported, use '==' instead"; break; case LAMBDA: error = "'lambda' not supported, declare a function instead"; break; case RAISE: error = "'raise' not supported, use 'fail' instead"; break; case WHILE: error = "'while' not supported, use 'for' instead"; break; default: error = "keyword '" + token.kind.getPrettyName() + "' not supported"; break; } reportError(lexer.createLocation(token.left, token.right), error); } private void nextToken() { if (pushedToken != null) { token = pushedToken; pushedToken = null; } else { if (token == null || token.kind != TokenKind.EOF) { token = tokens.next(); // transparently handle comment tokens while (token.kind == TokenKind.COMMENT) { makeComment(token); token = tokens.next(); } } } checkForbiddenKeywords(token); if (DEBUGGING) { System.err.print(token); } } private void pushToken(Token tokenToPush) { if (pushedToken != null) { throw new IllegalStateException("Exceeded LL(2) lookahead!"); } pushedToken = token; token = tokenToPush; } // create an error expression private Ident makeErrorExpression(int start, int end) { return setLocation(new Ident("$error$"), start, end); } // Convenience wrapper around ASTNode.setLocation that returns the node. private NODE setLocation(NODE node, Location location) { return ASTNode.setLocation(location, node); } // Another convenience wrapper method around ASTNode.setLocation private NODE setLocation(NODE node, int startOffset, int endOffset) { return setLocation(node, lexer.createLocation(startOffset, endOffset)); } // Convenience method that uses end offset from the last node. private NODE setLocation(NODE node, int startOffset, ASTNode lastNode) { Preconditions.checkNotNull(lastNode, "can't extract end offset from a null node"); Preconditions.checkNotNull(lastNode.getLocation(), "lastNode doesn't have a location"); return setLocation(node, startOffset, lastNode.getLocation().getEndOffset()); } // create a funcall expression private Expression makeFuncallExpression(Expression receiver, Ident function, List args, int start, int end) { if (function.getLocation() == null) { function = setLocation(function, start, end); } return setLocation(new FuncallExpression(receiver, function, args), start, end); } // arg ::= IDENTIFIER '=' nontupleexpr // | expr private Argument.Passed parseFuncallArgument() { final int start = token.left; // parse **expr if (token.kind == TokenKind.STAR_STAR) { nextToken(); Expression expr = parseNonTupleExpression(); return setLocation(new Argument.StarStar(expr), start, expr); } // parse *expr if (token.kind == TokenKind.STAR) { nextToken(); Expression expr = parseNonTupleExpression(); return setLocation(new Argument.Star(expr), start, expr); } // parse keyword = expr if (token.kind == TokenKind.IDENTIFIER) { Token identToken = token; String name = (String) token.value; nextToken(); if (token.kind == TokenKind.EQUALS) { // it's a named argument nextToken(); Expression expr = parseNonTupleExpression(); return setLocation(new Argument.Keyword(name, expr), start, expr); } else { // oops, back up! pushToken(identToken); } } // parse a positional argument Expression expr = parseNonTupleExpression(); return setLocation(new Argument.Positional(expr), start, expr); } // arg ::= IDENTIFIER '=' nontupleexpr // | IDENTIFIER private Parameter parseFunctionParameter() { // TODO(bazel-team): optionally support type annotations int start = token.left; if (token.kind == TokenKind.STAR_STAR) { // kwarg nextToken(); Ident ident = parseIdent(); return setLocation(new Parameter.StarStar( ident.getName()), start, ident); } else if (token.kind == TokenKind.STAR) { // stararg int end = token.right; nextToken(); if (token.kind == TokenKind.IDENTIFIER) { Ident ident = parseIdent(); return setLocation(new Parameter.Star(ident.getName()), start, ident); } else { return setLocation(new Parameter.Star(null), start, end); } } else { Ident ident = parseIdent(); if (token.kind == TokenKind.EQUALS) { // there's a default value nextToken(); Expression expr = parseNonTupleExpression(); return setLocation(new Parameter.Optional( ident.getName(), expr), start, expr); } else { return setLocation(new Parameter.Mandatory( ident.getName()), start, ident); } } } // funcall_suffix ::= '(' arg_list? ')' private Expression parseFuncallSuffix(int start, Expression receiver, Ident function) { List args = Collections.emptyList(); expect(TokenKind.LPAREN); int end; if (token.kind == TokenKind.RPAREN) { end = token.right; nextToken(); // RPAREN } else { args = parseFuncallArguments(); // (includes optional trailing comma) end = token.right; expect(TokenKind.RPAREN); } return makeFuncallExpression(receiver, function, args, start, end); } // selector_suffix ::= '.' IDENTIFIER // |'.' IDENTIFIER funcall_suffix private Expression parseSelectorSuffix(int start, Expression receiver) { expect(TokenKind.DOT); if (token.kind == TokenKind.IDENTIFIER) { Ident ident = parseIdent(); if (token.kind == TokenKind.LPAREN) { return parseFuncallSuffix(start, receiver, ident); } else { return setLocation(new DotExpression(receiver, ident), start, token.right); } } else { syntaxError(token, "expected identifier after dot"); int end = syncTo(EXPR_TERMINATOR_SET); return makeErrorExpression(start, end); } } // arg_list ::= ( (arg ',')* arg ','? )? private List parseFuncallArguments() { List arguments = parseFunctionArguments(new Supplier() { @Override public Argument.Passed get() { return parseFuncallArgument(); } }); try { Argument.validateFuncallArguments(arguments); } catch (Argument.ArgumentException e) { reportError(lexer.createLocation(token.left, token.right), e.getMessage()); } return arguments; } // expr_list parses a comma-separated list of expression. It assumes that the // first expression was already parsed, so it starts with a comma. // It is used to parse tuples and list elements. // expr_list ::= ( ',' expr )* ','? private List parseExprList() { List list = new ArrayList<>(); // terminating tokens for an expression list while (token.kind == TokenKind.COMMA) { expect(TokenKind.COMMA); if (EXPR_LIST_TERMINATOR_SET.contains(token.kind)) { break; } list.add(parseNonTupleExpression()); } return list; } // dict_entry_list ::= ( (dict_entry ',')* dict_entry ','? )? private List parseDictEntryList() { List list = new ArrayList<>(); // the terminating token for a dict entry list while (token.kind != TokenKind.RBRACE) { list.add(parseDictEntry()); if (token.kind == TokenKind.COMMA) { nextToken(); } else { break; } } return list; } // dict_entry ::= nontupleexpr ':' nontupleexpr private DictionaryEntryLiteral parseDictEntry() { int start = token.left; Expression key = parseNonTupleExpression(); expect(TokenKind.COLON); Expression value = parseNonTupleExpression(); return setLocation(new DictionaryEntryLiteral(key, value), start, value); } private ExpressionStatement mocksubincludeExpression( String labelName, String file, Location location) { List args = new ArrayList<>(); args.add(setLocation(new Argument.Positional( new StringLiteral(labelName, '"')), location)); args.add(setLocation(new Argument.Positional( new StringLiteral(file, '"')), location)); Ident mockIdent = setLocation(new Ident("mocksubinclude"), location); Expression funCall = new FuncallExpression(null, mockIdent, args); return setLocation(new ExpressionStatement(funCall), location); } // parse a file from an include call private void include(String labelName, List list, Location location) { if (locator == null) { return; } try { Label label = Label.parseAbsolute(labelName); String packageName = label.getPackageFragment().getPathString(); Path packagePath = locator.getBuildFileForPackage(packageName); if (packagePath == null) { reportError(location, "Package '" + packageName + "' not found"); list.add(mocksubincludeExpression(labelName, "", location)); return; } Path path = packagePath.getParentDirectory(); Path file = path.getRelative(label.getName()); if (this.includedFiles.contains(file)) { reportError(location, "Recursive inclusion of file '" + path + "'"); return; } ParserInputSource inputSource = ParserInputSource.create(file); // Insert call to the mocksubinclude function to get the dependencies right. list.add(mocksubincludeExpression(labelName, file.toString(), location)); Lexer lexer = new Lexer(inputSource, eventHandler, parsePython); Parser parser = new Parser(lexer, eventHandler, locator, parsePython); parser.addIncludedFiles(this.includedFiles); list.addAll(parser.parseFileInput()); } catch (Label.SyntaxException e) { reportError(location, "Invalid label '" + labelName + "'"); } catch (IOException e) { reportError(location, "Include of '" + labelName + "' failed: " + e.getMessage()); list.add(mocksubincludeExpression(labelName, "", location)); } } // primary ::= INTEGER // | STRING // | STRING '.' IDENTIFIER funcall_suffix // | IDENTIFIER // | IDENTIFIER funcall_suffix // | IDENTIFIER '.' selector_suffix // | list_expression // | '(' ')' // a tuple with zero elements // | '(' expr ')' // a parenthesized expression // | dict_expression // | '-' primary_with_suffix private Expression parsePrimary() { int start = token.left; switch (token.kind) { case INT: { IntegerLiteral literal = new IntegerLiteral((Integer) token.value); setLocation(literal, start, token.right); nextToken(); return literal; } case STRING: { String value = (String) token.value; int end = token.right; char quoteChar = lexer.charAt(start); nextToken(); if (token.kind == TokenKind.STRING) { reportError(lexer.createLocation(end, token.left), "Implicit string concatenation is forbidden, use the + operator"); } StringLiteral literal = new StringLiteral(value, quoteChar); setLocation(literal, start, end); return literal; } case IDENTIFIER: { Ident ident = parseIdent(); if (token.kind == TokenKind.LPAREN) { // it's a function application return parseFuncallSuffix(start, null, ident); } else { return ident; } } case LBRACKET: { // it's a list return parseListMaker(); } case LBRACE: { // it's a dictionary return parseDictExpression(); } case LPAREN: { nextToken(); // check for the empty tuple literal if (token.kind == TokenKind.RPAREN) { ListLiteral literal = ListLiteral.makeTuple(Collections.emptyList()); setLocation(literal, start, token.right); nextToken(); return literal; } // parse the first expression Expression expression = parseExpression(); setLocation(expression, start, token.right); if (token.kind == TokenKind.RPAREN) { nextToken(); return expression; } expect(TokenKind.RPAREN); int end = syncTo(EXPR_TERMINATOR_SET); return makeErrorExpression(start, end); } case MINUS: { nextToken(); List args = new ArrayList<>(); Expression expr = parsePrimaryWithSuffix(); args.add(setLocation(new Argument.Positional(expr), start, expr)); return makeFuncallExpression(null, new Ident("-"), args, start, token.right); } default: { syntaxError(token, "expected expression"); int end = syncTo(EXPR_TERMINATOR_SET); return makeErrorExpression(start, end); } } } // primary_with_suffix ::= primary selector_suffix* // | primary substring_suffix private Expression parsePrimaryWithSuffix() { int start = token.left; Expression receiver = parsePrimary(); while (true) { if (token.kind == TokenKind.DOT) { receiver = parseSelectorSuffix(start, receiver); } else if (token.kind == TokenKind.LBRACKET) { receiver = parseSubstringSuffix(start, receiver); } else { break; } } return receiver; } // substring_suffix ::= '[' expression? ':' expression? ']' private Expression parseSubstringSuffix(int start, Expression receiver) { List args = new ArrayList<>(); Expression startExpr; Expression endExpr; expect(TokenKind.LBRACKET); int loc1 = token.left; if (token.kind == TokenKind.COLON) { startExpr = setLocation(new IntegerLiteral(0), token.left, token.right); } else { startExpr = parseNonTupleExpression(); } args.add(setLocation(new Argument.Positional(startExpr), loc1, startExpr)); // This is a dictionary access if (token.kind == TokenKind.RBRACKET) { expect(TokenKind.RBRACKET); return makeFuncallExpression(receiver, new Ident("$index"), args, start, token.right); } // This is a slice (or substring) expect(TokenKind.COLON); int loc2 = token.left; if (token.kind == TokenKind.RBRACKET) { endExpr = setLocation(new IntegerLiteral(Integer.MAX_VALUE), token.left, token.right); } else { endExpr = parseNonTupleExpression(); } expect(TokenKind.RBRACKET); args.add(setLocation(new Argument.Positional(endExpr), loc2, endExpr)); return makeFuncallExpression(receiver, new Ident("$slice"), args, start, token.right); } // Equivalent to 'exprlist' rule in Python grammar. // loop_variables ::= primary_with_suffix ( ',' primary_with_suffix )* ','? private Expression parseForLoopVariables() { // We cannot reuse parseExpression because it would parse the 'in' operator. // e.g. "for i in e: pass" -> we want to parse only "i" here. int start = token.left; Expression e1 = parsePrimaryWithSuffix(); if (token.kind != TokenKind.COMMA) { return e1; } // It's a tuple List tuple = new ArrayList<>(); tuple.add(e1); while (token.kind == TokenKind.COMMA) { expect(TokenKind.COMMA); if (EXPR_LIST_TERMINATOR_SET.contains(token.kind)) { break; } tuple.add(parsePrimaryWithSuffix()); } return setLocation(ListLiteral.makeTuple(tuple), start, token.right); } // list_maker ::= '[' ']' // |'[' expr ']' // |'[' expr expr_list ']' // |'[' expr ('FOR' loop_variables 'IN' expr)+ ']' private Expression parseListMaker() { int start = token.left; expect(TokenKind.LBRACKET); if (token.kind == TokenKind.RBRACKET) { // empty List ListLiteral literal = ListLiteral.emptyList(); setLocation(literal, start, token.right); nextToken(); return literal; } Expression expression = parseNonTupleExpression(); Preconditions.checkNotNull(expression, "null element in list in AST at %s:%s", token.left, token.right); switch (token.kind) { case RBRACKET: { // singleton List ListLiteral literal = ListLiteral.makeList(Collections.singletonList(expression)); setLocation(literal, start, token.right); nextToken(); return literal; } case FOR: { // list comprehension ListComprehension listComprehension = new ListComprehension(expression); do { nextToken(); Expression loopVar = parseForLoopVariables(); if (token.kind == TokenKind.IN) { nextToken(); Expression listExpression = parseExpression(); listComprehension.add(loopVar, listExpression); } else { break; } if (token.kind == TokenKind.RBRACKET) { setLocation(listComprehension, start, token.right); nextToken(); return listComprehension; } } while (token.kind == TokenKind.FOR); syntaxError(token, "expected 'for' or ']'"); int end = syncPast(LIST_TERMINATOR_SET); return makeErrorExpression(start, end); } case COMMA: { List list = parseExprList(); Preconditions.checkState(!list.contains(null), "null element in list in AST at %s:%s", token.left, token.right); list.add(0, expression); if (token.kind == TokenKind.RBRACKET) { ListLiteral literal = ListLiteral.makeList(list); setLocation(literal, start, token.right); nextToken(); return literal; } expect(TokenKind.RBRACKET); int end = syncPast(LIST_TERMINATOR_SET); return makeErrorExpression(start, end); } default: { syntaxError(token, "expected ',', 'for' or ']'"); int end = syncPast(LIST_TERMINATOR_SET); return makeErrorExpression(start, end); } } } // dict_expression ::= '{' '}' // |'{' dict_entry_list '}' // |'{' dict_entry 'FOR' loop_variables 'IN' expr '}' private Expression parseDictExpression() { int start = token.left; expect(TokenKind.LBRACE); if (token.kind == TokenKind.RBRACE) { // empty Dict DictionaryLiteral literal = DictionaryLiteral.emptyDict(); setLocation(literal, start, token.right); nextToken(); return literal; } DictionaryEntryLiteral entry = parseDictEntry(); if (token.kind == TokenKind.FOR) { // Dict comprehension nextToken(); Expression loopVar = parseForLoopVariables(); expect(TokenKind.IN); Expression listExpression = parseExpression(); expect(TokenKind.RBRACE); return setLocation(new DictComprehension( entry.getKey(), entry.getValue(), loopVar, listExpression), start, token.right); } List entries = new ArrayList<>(); entries.add(entry); if (token.kind == TokenKind.COMMA) { expect(TokenKind.COMMA); entries.addAll(parseDictEntryList()); } if (token.kind == TokenKind.RBRACE) { DictionaryLiteral literal = new DictionaryLiteral(entries); setLocation(literal, start, token.right); nextToken(); return literal; } expect(TokenKind.RBRACE); int end = syncPast(DICT_TERMINATOR_SET); return makeErrorExpression(start, end); } private Ident parseIdent() { if (token.kind != TokenKind.IDENTIFIER) { expect(TokenKind.IDENTIFIER); return makeErrorExpression(token.left, token.right); } Ident ident = new Ident(((String) token.value)); setLocation(ident, token.left, token.right); nextToken(); return ident; } // binop_expression ::= binop_expression OP binop_expression // | parsePrimaryWithSuffix // This function takes care of precedence between operators (see operatorPrecedence for // the order), and it assumes left-to-right associativity. private Expression parseBinOpExpression(int prec) { int start = token.left; Expression expr = parseNonTupleExpression(prec + 1); // The loop is not strictly needed, but it prevents risks of stack overflow. Depth is // limited to number of different precedence levels (operatorPrecedence.size()). for (;;) { if (!binaryOperators.containsKey(token.kind)) { return expr; } Operator operator = binaryOperators.get(token.kind); if (!operatorPrecedence.get(prec).contains(operator)) { return expr; } nextToken(); Expression secondary = parseNonTupleExpression(prec + 1); expr = optimizeBinOpExpression(operator, expr, secondary); setLocation(expr, start, secondary); } } // Optimize binary expressions. // string literal + string literal can be concatenated into one string literal // so we don't have to do the expensive string concatenation at runtime. private Expression optimizeBinOpExpression( Operator operator, Expression expr, Expression secondary) { if (operator == Operator.PLUS) { if (expr instanceof StringLiteral && secondary instanceof StringLiteral) { StringLiteral left = (StringLiteral) expr; StringLiteral right = (StringLiteral) secondary; if (left.getQuoteChar() == right.getQuoteChar()) { return new StringLiteral(left.getValue() + right.getValue(), left.getQuoteChar()); } } } return new BinaryOperatorExpression(operator, expr, secondary); } // Equivalent to 'testlist' rule in Python grammar. It can parse every // kind of expression. // In many cases, we need to use parseNonTupleExpression to avoid ambiguity // e.g. fct(x, y) vs fct((x, y)) private Expression parseExpression() { int start = token.left; Expression expression = parseNonTupleExpression(); if (token.kind != TokenKind.COMMA) { return expression; } // It's a tuple List tuple = parseExprList(); tuple.add(0, expression); // add the first expression to the front of the tuple return setLocation(ListLiteral.makeTuple(tuple), start, token.right); } // Equivalent to 'test' rule in Python grammar. private Expression parseNonTupleExpression() { int start = token.left; Expression expr = parseNonTupleExpression(0); if (token.kind == TokenKind.IF) { nextToken(); Expression condition = parseNonTupleExpression(0); if (token.kind == TokenKind.ELSE) { nextToken(); Expression elseClause = parseNonTupleExpression(); return setLocation(new ConditionalExpression(expr, condition, elseClause), start, elseClause); } else { reportError(lexer.createLocation(start, token.left), "missing else clause in conditional expression or semicolon before if"); return expr; // Try to recover from error: drop the if and the expression after it. Ouch. } } return expr; } private Expression parseNonTupleExpression(int prec) { if (prec >= operatorPrecedence.size()) { return parsePrimaryWithSuffix(); } if (token.kind == TokenKind.NOT && operatorPrecedence.get(prec).contains(Operator.NOT)) { return parseNotExpression(prec); } return parseBinOpExpression(prec); } // not_expr :== 'not' expr private Expression parseNotExpression(int prec) { int start = token.left; expect(TokenKind.NOT); Expression expression = parseNonTupleExpression(prec + 1); NotExpression notExpression = new NotExpression(expression); return setLocation(notExpression, start, token.right); } // file_input ::= ('\n' | stmt)* EOF private List parseFileInput() { List list = new ArrayList<>(); while (token.kind != TokenKind.EOF) { if (token.kind == TokenKind.NEWLINE) { expectAndRecover(TokenKind.NEWLINE); } else if (recoveryMode) { // If there was a parse error, we want to recover here // before starting a new top-level statement. syncTo(STATEMENT_TERMINATOR_SET); recoveryMode = false; } else { parseTopLevelStatement(list); } } return list; } // load '(' STRING (COMMA STRING)* COMMA? ')' private void parseLoad(List list) { int start = token.left; if (token.kind != TokenKind.STRING) { expect(TokenKind.STRING); return; } String path = (String) token.value; nextToken(); expect(TokenKind.COMMA); List symbols = new ArrayList<>(); if (token.kind == TokenKind.STRING) { symbols.add(new Ident((String) token.value)); } expect(TokenKind.STRING); while (token.kind != TokenKind.RPAREN && token.kind != TokenKind.EOF) { expect(TokenKind.COMMA); if (token.kind == TokenKind.RPAREN) { break; } if (token.kind == TokenKind.STRING) { symbols.add(new Ident((String) token.value)); } expect(TokenKind.STRING); } expect(TokenKind.RPAREN); list.add(setLocation(new LoadStatement(path, symbols), start, token.left)); } private void parseTopLevelStatement(List list) { // In Python grammar, there is no "top-level statement" and imports are // considered as "small statements". We are a bit stricter than Python here. int start = token.left; // Check if there is an include if (token.kind == TokenKind.IDENTIFIER) { Token identToken = token; Ident ident = parseIdent(); if (ident.getName().equals("include") && token.kind == TokenKind.LPAREN && !skylarkMode) { expect(TokenKind.LPAREN); if (token.kind == TokenKind.STRING) { include((String) token.value, list, lexer.createLocation(start, token.right)); } expect(TokenKind.STRING); expect(TokenKind.RPAREN); return; } else if (ident.getName().equals("load") && token.kind == TokenKind.LPAREN) { expect(TokenKind.LPAREN); parseLoad(list); return; } pushToken(identToken); // push the ident back to parse it as a statement } parseStatement(list, true); } // small_stmt | 'pass' private void parseSmallStatementOrPass(List list) { if (token.kind == TokenKind.PASS) { // Skip the token, don't add it to the list. // It has no existence in the AST. expect(TokenKind.PASS); } else { list.add(parseSmallStatement()); } } // simple_stmt ::= small_stmt (';' small_stmt)* ';'? NEWLINE private void parseSimpleStatement(List list) { parseSmallStatementOrPass(list); while (token.kind == TokenKind.SEMI) { nextToken(); if (token.kind == TokenKind.NEWLINE) { break; } parseSmallStatementOrPass(list); } expectAndRecover(TokenKind.NEWLINE); } // small_stmt ::= assign_stmt // | expr // | RETURN expr // assign_stmt ::= expr ('=' | augassign) expr // augassign ::= ('+=' ) // Note that these are in Python, but not implemented here (at least for now): // '-=' | '*=' | '/=' | '%=' | '&=' | '|=' | '^=' |'<<=' | '>>=' | '**=' | '//=' // Semantic difference from Python: // In Skylark, x += y is simple syntactic sugar for x = x + y. // In Python, x += y is more or less equivalent to x = x + y, but if a method is defined // on x.__iadd__(y), then it takes precedence, and in the case of lists it side-effects // the original list (it doesn't do that on tuples); if no such method is defined it falls back // to the x.__add__(y) method that backs x + y. In Skylark, we don't support this side-effect. // Note also that there is a special casing to translate 'ident[key] = value' // to 'ident = ident + {key: value}'. This is needed to support the pure version of Python-like // dictionary assignment syntax. private Statement parseSmallStatement() { int start = token.left; if (token.kind == TokenKind.RETURN) { return parseReturnStatement(); } Expression expression = parseExpression(); if (token.kind == TokenKind.EQUALS) { nextToken(); Expression rvalue = parseExpression(); if (expression instanceof FuncallExpression) { FuncallExpression func = (FuncallExpression) expression; if (func.getFunction().getName().equals("$index") && func.getObject() instanceof Ident) { // Special casing to translate 'ident[key] = value' to 'ident = ident + {key: value}' // Note that the locations of these extra expressions are fake. Preconditions.checkArgument(func.getArguments().size() == 1); DictionaryLiteral dictRValue = setLocation(new DictionaryLiteral(ImmutableList.of( setLocation(new DictionaryEntryLiteral(func.getArguments().get(0).getValue(), rvalue), start, token.right))), start, token.right); BinaryOperatorExpression binExp = setLocation(new BinaryOperatorExpression( Operator.PLUS, func.getObject(), dictRValue), start, token.right); return setLocation(new AssignmentStatement(func.getObject(), binExp), start, token.right); } } return setLocation(new AssignmentStatement(expression, rvalue), start, rvalue); } else if (augmentedAssignmentMethods.containsKey(token.kind)) { Operator operator = augmentedAssignmentMethods.get(token.kind); nextToken(); Expression operand = parseExpression(); int end = operand.getLocation().getEndOffset(); return setLocation(new AssignmentStatement(expression, setLocation(new BinaryOperatorExpression( operator, expression, operand), start, end)), start, end); } else { return setLocation(new ExpressionStatement(expression), start, expression); } } // if_stmt ::= IF expr ':' suite [ELIF expr ':' suite]* [ELSE ':' suite]? private IfStatement parseIfStatement() { int start = token.left; List thenBlocks = new ArrayList<>(); thenBlocks.add(parseConditionalStatements(TokenKind.IF)); while (token.kind == TokenKind.ELIF) { thenBlocks.add(parseConditionalStatements(TokenKind.ELIF)); } List elseBlock; if (token.kind == TokenKind.ELSE) { expect(TokenKind.ELSE); expect(TokenKind.COLON); elseBlock = parseSuite(); } else { elseBlock = ImmutableList.of(); } return setLocation(new IfStatement(thenBlocks, elseBlock), start, token.right); } // cond_stmts ::= [EL]IF expr ':' suite private ConditionalStatements parseConditionalStatements(TokenKind tokenKind) { int start = token.left; expect(tokenKind); Expression expr = parseNonTupleExpression(); expect(TokenKind.COLON); List thenBlock = parseSuite(); ConditionalStatements stmt = new ConditionalStatements(expr, thenBlock); return setLocation(stmt, start, token.right); } // for_stmt ::= FOR IDENTIFIER IN expr ':' suite private void parseForStatement(List list) { int start = token.left; expect(TokenKind.FOR); Expression loopVar = parseForLoopVariables(); expect(TokenKind.IN); Expression collection = parseExpression(); expect(TokenKind.COLON); List block = parseSuite(); Statement stmt = new ForStatement(loopVar, collection, block); list.add(setLocation(stmt, start, token.right)); } // def foo(bar1, bar2): private void parseFunctionDefStatement(List list) { int start = token.left; expect(TokenKind.DEF); Ident ident = parseIdent(); expect(TokenKind.LPAREN); FunctionSignature.WithValues args = parseFunctionSignature(); expect(TokenKind.RPAREN); expect(TokenKind.COLON); List block = parseSuite(); FunctionDefStatement stmt = new FunctionDefStatement(ident, args, block); list.add(setLocation(stmt, start, token.right)); } private FunctionSignature.WithValues parseFunctionSignature() { List> parameters = parseFunctionArguments(new Supplier>() { @Override public Parameter get() { return parseFunctionParameter(); } }); try { return FunctionSignature.WithValues.of(parameters); } catch (FunctionSignature.SignatureException e) { reportError(e.getParameter().getLocation(), e.getMessage()); // return bogus empty signature return FunctionSignature.WithValues.create(FunctionSignature.of()); } } /** * Parse a list of Argument-s. The arguments can be of class Argument.Passed or Parameter, * as returned by the Supplier parseArgument (that, taking no argument, must be closed over * the mutable input data structures). * *

This parser does minimal validation: it ensures the proper python use of the comma (that * can terminate before a star but not after) and the fact that a **kwarg must appear last. * It does NOT validate further ordering constraints for a {@code List}, such as * all positional preceding keyword arguments in a call, nor does it check the more subtle * constraints for Parameter-s. This validation must happen afterwards in an appropriate method. */ private ImmutableList parseFunctionArguments(Supplier parseArgument) { boolean hasArg = false; boolean hasStar = false; boolean hasStarStar = false; ArrayList arguments = new ArrayList<>(); while (token.kind != TokenKind.RPAREN && token.kind != TokenKind.EOF) { if (hasStarStar) { reportError(lexer.createLocation(token.left, token.right), "unexpected tokens after kwarg"); break; } if (hasArg) { expect(TokenKind.COMMA); } if (token.kind == TokenKind.RPAREN && !hasStar) { // list can end with a COMMA if there is neither * nor ** break; } V arg = parseArgument.get(); hasArg = true; if (arg.isStar()) { hasStar = true; } else if (arg.isStarStar()) { hasStarStar = true; } arguments.add(arg); } return ImmutableList.copyOf(arguments); } // suite is typically what follows a colon (e.g. after def or for). // suite ::= simple_stmt // | NEWLINE INDENT stmt+ OUTDENT private List parseSuite() { List list = new ArrayList<>(); if (token.kind == TokenKind.NEWLINE) { expect(TokenKind.NEWLINE); if (token.kind != TokenKind.INDENT) { reportError(lexer.createLocation(token.left, token.right), "expected an indented block"); return list; } expect(TokenKind.INDENT); while (token.kind != TokenKind.OUTDENT && token.kind != TokenKind.EOF) { parseStatement(list, false); } expectAndRecover(TokenKind.OUTDENT); } else { parseSimpleStatement(list); } return list; } // skipSuite does not check that the code is syntactically correct, it // just skips based on indentation levels. private void skipSuite() { if (token.kind == TokenKind.NEWLINE) { expect(TokenKind.NEWLINE); if (token.kind != TokenKind.INDENT) { reportError(lexer.createLocation(token.left, token.right), "expected an indented block"); return; } expect(TokenKind.INDENT); // Don't try to parse all the Python syntax, just skip the block // until the corresponding outdent token. int depth = 1; while (depth > 0) { // Because of the way the lexer works, this should never happen Preconditions.checkState(token.kind != TokenKind.EOF); if (token.kind == TokenKind.INDENT) { depth++; } if (token.kind == TokenKind.OUTDENT) { depth--; } nextToken(); } } else { // the block ends at the newline token // e.g. if x == 3: print "three" syncTo(STATEMENT_TERMINATOR_SET); } } // stmt ::= simple_stmt // | compound_stmt private void parseStatement(List list, boolean isTopLevel) { if (token.kind == TokenKind.DEF && skylarkMode) { if (!isTopLevel) { reportError(lexer.createLocation(token.left, token.right), "nested functions are not allowed. Move the function to top-level"); } parseFunctionDefStatement(list); } else if (token.kind == TokenKind.IF && skylarkMode) { list.add(parseIfStatement()); } else if (token.kind == TokenKind.FOR && skylarkMode) { if (isTopLevel) { reportError(lexer.createLocation(token.left, token.right), "for loops are not allowed on top-level. Put it into a function"); } parseForStatement(list); } else if (token.kind == TokenKind.IF || token.kind == TokenKind.ELSE || token.kind == TokenKind.FOR || token.kind == TokenKind.CLASS || token.kind == TokenKind.DEF || token.kind == TokenKind.TRY) { skipBlock(); } else { parseSimpleStatement(list); } } // return_stmt ::= RETURN expr private ReturnStatement parseReturnStatement() { int start = token.left; expect(TokenKind.RETURN); Expression expression = parseExpression(); return setLocation(new ReturnStatement(expression), start, expression); } // block ::= ('if' | 'for' | 'class') expr ':' suite private void skipBlock() { int start = token.left; Token blockToken = token; syncTo(EnumSet.of(TokenKind.COLON, TokenKind.EOF)); // skip over expression or name if (!parsePython) { reportError(lexer.createLocation(start, token.right), "syntax error at '" + blockToken + "': This Python-style construct is not supported. " + Constants.PARSER_ERROR_EXTENSION_NEEDED); } expect(TokenKind.COLON); skipSuite(); } // create a comment node private void makeComment(Token token) { comments.add(setLocation(new Comment((String) token.value), token.left, token.right)); } }