// Copyright 2014 Google Inc. All rights reserved. // // Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); // you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. // You may obtain a copy of the License at // // http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 // // Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software // distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, // WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. // See the License for the specific language governing permissions and // limitations under the License. package com.google.devtools.build.lib.syntax; import com.google.common.collect.ImmutableSet; import com.google.devtools.build.lib.events.Location; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; /** * A helper class that offers a subset of the functionality of Python's string#format. * *

Currently, both manual and automatic positional as well as named replacement * fields are supported. However, nested replacement fields are not allowed. */ public final class FormatParser { private static final ImmutableSet ILLEGAL_IN_FIELD = ImmutableSet.of('.', '[', ']', ','); private final Location location; public FormatParser(Location location) { this.location = location; } /** * Formats the given input string by using the given arguments * *

This method offers a subset of the functionality of Python's string#format * * @param input The string to be formatted * @param args Positional arguments * @param kwargs Named arguments * @return The formatted string */ public String format(String input, List args, Map kwargs) throws EvalException { char[] chars = input.toCharArray(); StringBuilder output = new StringBuilder(); History history = new History(); for (int pos = 0; pos < chars.length; ++pos) { char current = chars[pos]; int advancePos = 0; if (current == '{') { advancePos = processOpeningBrace(chars, pos, args, kwargs, history, output); } else if (current == '}') { advancePos = processClosingBrace(chars, pos, output); } else { output.append(current); } pos += advancePos; } return output.toString(); } /** * Processes the expression after an opening brace (possibly a replacement field) and emits * the result to the output StringBuilder * * @param chars The entire string * @param pos The position of the opening brace * @param args List of positional arguments * @param kwargs Map of named arguments * @param history Helper object that tracks information about previously seen positional * replacement fields * @param output StringBuilder that consumes the result * @return Number of characters that have been consumed by this method */ protected int processOpeningBrace( char[] chars, int pos, List args, Map kwargs, History history, StringBuilder output) throws EvalException { if (has(chars, pos + 1, '{')) { // Escaped brace -> output and move to char after right brace output.append("{"); return 1; } // Inside a replacement field String key = getFieldName(chars, pos); Object value = null; // Only positional replacement fields will lead to a valid index try { int index = parsePositional(key, history); if (index < 0 || index >= args.size()) { fail("No replacement found for index " + index); } value = args.get(index); } catch (NumberFormatException nfe) { // Non-integer index -> Named if (!kwargs.containsKey(key)) { fail("Missing argument '" + key + "'"); } value = kwargs.get(key); } // Format object for output output.append(Printer.str(value)); // Advances the current position to the index of the closing brace of the // replacement field. Due to the definition of the enclosing for() loop, // the next iteration will examine the character right after the brace. return key.length() + 1; } /** * Processes a closing brace and emits the result to the output StringBuilder * * @param chars The entire string * @param pos Position of the closing brace * @param output StringBuilder that consumes the result * @return Number of characters that have been consumed by this method */ protected int processClosingBrace(char[] chars, int pos, StringBuilder output) throws EvalException { if (!has(chars, pos + 1, '}')) { // Invalid brace outside replacement field fail("Found '}' without matching '{'"); } // Escaped brace -> output and move to char after right brace output.append("}"); return 1; } /** * Checks whether the given input string has a specific character at the given location * * @param data Input string as character array * @param pos Position to be checked * @param needle Character to be searched for * @return True if string has the specified character at the given location */ protected boolean has(char[] data, int pos, char needle) { return pos < data.length && data[pos] == needle; } /** * Extracts the name/index of the replacement field that starts at the specified location * * @param chars Input string * @param openingBrace Position of the opening brace of the replacement field * @return Name or index of the current replacement field */ protected String getFieldName(char[] chars, int openingBrace) throws EvalException { StringBuilder result = new StringBuilder(); boolean foundClosingBrace = false; for (int pos = openingBrace + 1; pos < chars.length; ++pos) { char current = chars[pos]; if (current == '}') { foundClosingBrace = true; break; } else { if (current == '{') { fail("Nested replacement fields are not supported"); } else if (ILLEGAL_IN_FIELD.contains(current)) { fail("Invalid character '" + current + "' inside replacement field"); } result.append(current); } } if (!foundClosingBrace) { fail("Found '{' without matching '}'"); } return result.toString(); } /** * Converts the given key into an integer or assigns the next available index, if empty. * * @param key Key to be converted * @param history Helper object that tracks information about previously seen positional * replacement fields * @return The integer equivalent of the key */ protected int parsePositional(String key, History history) throws NumberFormatException, EvalException { int result = -1; try { if (key.isEmpty()) { // Automatic positional -> a new index value has to be assigned history.setAutomaticPositional(); result = history.getNextPosition(); } else { // This will fail if key is a named argument result = Integer.parseInt(key); history.setManualPositional(); // Only register if the conversion succeeds } } catch (MixedTypeException mte) { fail(mte.getMessage()); } return result; } /** * Throws an exception with the specified error message * @param msg The message to be thrown */ protected void fail(String msg) throws EvalException { throw new EvalException(location, msg); } /** * Exception for invalid combinations of replacement field types */ private static final class MixedTypeException extends Exception { public MixedTypeException() { super("Cannot mix manual and automatic numbering of positional fields"); } } /** * A wrapper to keep track of information about previous replacement fields */ private static final class History { /** * Different types of positional replacement fields */ private enum Positional { NONE, MANUAL, // {0}, {1} etc. AUTOMATIC // {} } private Positional type = Positional.NONE; private int position = -1; /** * Returns the next available index for an automatic positional replacement field * @return Next index */ public int getNextPosition() { ++position; return position; } /** * Registers a manual positional replacement field */ public void setManualPositional() throws MixedTypeException { setPositional(Positional.MANUAL); } /** * Registers an automatic positional replacement field */ public void setAutomaticPositional() throws MixedTypeException { setPositional(Positional.AUTOMATIC); } /** * Indicates that a positional replacement field of the specified type is being * processed and checks whether this conflicts with any previously seen * replacement fields * * @param current Type of current replacement field */ protected void setPositional(Positional current) throws MixedTypeException { if (type == Positional.NONE) { type = current; } else if (type != current) { throw new MixedTypeException(); } } } }