// Copyright 2018 The Bazel Authors. All rights reserved. // // Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); // you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. // You may obtain a copy of the License at // // http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 // // Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software // distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, // WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. // See the License for the specific language governing permissions and // limitations under the License. package com.google.devtools.build.lib.skylarkdebug.server; import com.google.common.annotations.VisibleForTesting; import com.google.common.base.Throwables; import com.google.devtools.build.lib.events.Event; import com.google.devtools.build.lib.events.EventHandler; import com.google.devtools.build.lib.events.Location; import com.google.devtools.build.lib.skylarkdebugging.SkylarkDebuggingProtos; import com.google.devtools.build.lib.syntax.DebugServer; import com.google.devtools.build.lib.syntax.Environment; import com.google.devtools.build.lib.syntax.Eval; import com.google.devtools.build.lib.syntax.EvalException; import com.google.devtools.build.lib.syntax.Statement; import java.io.IOException; import java.net.ServerSocket; import java.util.List; import java.util.function.Function; import javax.annotation.Nullable; /** Manages the network socket and debugging state for threads running Skylark code. */ public final class SkylarkDebugServer implements DebugServer { /** * Initializes debugging support, setting up any debugging-specific overrides, then opens the * debug server socket and blocks waiting for an incoming connection. * * @param port the port on which the server should listen for connections * @param verboseLogging if true, debug-level events will be logged * @throws IOException if an I/O error occurs while opening the socket or waiting for a connection */ public static SkylarkDebugServer createAndWaitForConnection( EventHandler eventHandler, int port, boolean verboseLogging) throws IOException { ServerSocket serverSocket = new ServerSocket(port, /* backlog */ 1); return createAndWaitForConnection(eventHandler, serverSocket, verboseLogging); } /** * Initializes debugging support, setting up any debugging-specific overrides, then opens the * debug server socket and blocks waiting for an incoming connection. * * @param verboseLogging if true, debug-level events will be logged * @throws IOException if an I/O error occurs while waiting for a connection */ @VisibleForTesting static SkylarkDebugServer createAndWaitForConnection( EventHandler eventHandler, ServerSocket serverSocket, boolean verboseLogging) throws IOException { DebugServerTransport transport = DebugServerTransport.createAndWaitForClient(eventHandler, serverSocket, verboseLogging); return new SkylarkDebugServer(eventHandler, transport, verboseLogging); } private final EventHandler eventHandler; /** Handles all thread-related state. */ private final ThreadHandler threadHandler; /** The server socket for the debug server. */ private final DebugServerTransport transport; private final boolean verboseLogging; private SkylarkDebugServer( EventHandler eventHandler, DebugServerTransport transport, boolean verboseLogging) { this.eventHandler = eventHandler; this.threadHandler = new ThreadHandler(); this.transport = transport; this.verboseLogging = verboseLogging; listenForClientRequests(); } /** * Starts a worker thread to listen for and handle incoming client requests, returning any * relevant responses. */ private void listenForClientRequests() { Thread clientThread = new Thread( () -> { try { while (true) { SkylarkDebuggingProtos.DebugRequest request = transport.readClientRequest(); if (request == null) { return; } SkylarkDebuggingProtos.DebugEvent response = handleClientRequest(request); if (response != null) { transport.postEvent(response); } } } catch (Throwable e) { if (!transport.isClosed()) { eventHandler.handle( Event.error( "Debug server listener thread died: " + Throwables.getStackTraceAsString(e))); } } finally { eventHandler.handle( Event.info( "Debug server listener thread closed; shutting down debug server and " + "resuming all threads")); close(); } }); clientThread.setDaemon(true); clientThread.start(); } @Override public void close() { try { if (verboseLogging) { eventHandler.handle(Event.debug("Closing debug server")); } transport.close(); } catch (IOException e) { eventHandler.handle( Event.error( "Error shutting down the debug server: " + Throwables.getStackTraceAsString(e))); } finally { // ensure no threads are left paused, otherwise the build command will never complete threadHandler.resumeAllThreads(); } } @Override public Function evalOverride() { return DebugAwareEval::new; } /** * Pauses the execution of the current thread if there are conditions that should cause it to be * paused, such as a breakpoint being reached. * * @param location the location of the statement or expression currently being executed */ @VisibleForTesting void pauseIfNecessary(Environment env, Location location) { if (!transport.isClosed()) { threadHandler.pauseIfNecessary(env, location, transport); } } /** Handles a request from the client, and returns the response, where relevant. */ @Nullable private SkylarkDebuggingProtos.DebugEvent handleClientRequest( SkylarkDebuggingProtos.DebugRequest request) { long sequenceNumber = request.getSequenceNumber(); try { switch (request.getPayloadCase()) { case START_DEBUGGING: threadHandler.resumeAllThreads(); return DebugEventHelper.startDebuggingResponse(sequenceNumber); case LIST_FRAMES: return listFrames(sequenceNumber, request.getListFrames()); case SET_BREAKPOINTS: return setBreakpoints(sequenceNumber, request.getSetBreakpoints()); case CONTINUE_EXECUTION: return continueExecution(sequenceNumber, request.getContinueExecution()); case PAUSE_THREAD: return pauseThread(sequenceNumber, request.getPauseThread()); case EVALUATE: return evaluate(sequenceNumber, request.getEvaluate()); case GET_CHILDREN: return getChildren(sequenceNumber, request.getGetChildren()); case PAYLOAD_NOT_SET: DebugEventHelper.error(sequenceNumber, "No request payload found"); } return DebugEventHelper.error( sequenceNumber, "Unhandled request type: " + request.getPayloadCase()); } catch (DebugRequestException e) { return DebugEventHelper.error(sequenceNumber, e.getMessage()); } } /** Handles a {@code ListFramesRequest} and returns its response. */ private SkylarkDebuggingProtos.DebugEvent listFrames( long sequenceNumber, SkylarkDebuggingProtos.ListFramesRequest request) throws DebugRequestException { List frames = threadHandler.listFrames(request.getThreadId()); return DebugEventHelper.listFramesResponse(sequenceNumber, frames); } /** Handles a {@code SetBreakpointsRequest} and returns its response. */ private SkylarkDebuggingProtos.DebugEvent setBreakpoints( long sequenceNumber, SkylarkDebuggingProtos.SetBreakpointsRequest request) { threadHandler.setBreakpoints(request.getBreakpointList()); return DebugEventHelper.setBreakpointsResponse(sequenceNumber); } /** Handles a {@code EvaluateRequest} and returns its response. */ private SkylarkDebuggingProtos.DebugEvent evaluate( long sequenceNumber, SkylarkDebuggingProtos.EvaluateRequest request) throws DebugRequestException { return DebugEventHelper.evaluateResponse( sequenceNumber, threadHandler.evaluate(request.getThreadId(), request.getStatement())); } /** Handles a {@code GetChildrenRequest} and returns its response. */ private SkylarkDebuggingProtos.DebugEvent getChildren( long sequenceNumber, SkylarkDebuggingProtos.GetChildrenRequest request) throws DebugRequestException { return DebugEventHelper.getChildrenResponse( sequenceNumber, threadHandler.getChildrenForValue(request.getThreadId(), request.getValueId())); } /** Handles a {@code ContinueExecutionRequest} and returns its response. */ private SkylarkDebuggingProtos.DebugEvent continueExecution( long sequenceNumber, SkylarkDebuggingProtos.ContinueExecutionRequest request) throws DebugRequestException { long threadId = request.getThreadId(); if (threadId == 0) { threadHandler.resumeAllThreads(); return DebugEventHelper.continueExecutionResponse(sequenceNumber); } threadHandler.resumeThread(threadId, request.getStepping()); return DebugEventHelper.continueExecutionResponse(sequenceNumber); } private SkylarkDebuggingProtos.DebugEvent pauseThread( long sequenceNumber, SkylarkDebuggingProtos.PauseThreadRequest request) throws DebugRequestException { long threadId = request.getThreadId(); if (threadId == 0) { threadHandler.pauseAllThreads(); } else { threadHandler.pauseThread(threadId); } return DebugEventHelper.pauseThreadResponse(sequenceNumber); } /** A subclass of {@link Eval} with debugging hooks. */ private final class DebugAwareEval extends Eval { DebugAwareEval(Environment env) { super(env); } @Override public void exec(Statement st) throws EvalException, InterruptedException { pauseIfNecessary(env, st.getLocation()); super.exec(st); } } }