// Copyright 2018 The Bazel Authors. All rights reserved. // // Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); // you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. // You may obtain a copy of the License at // // http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 // // Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software // distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, // WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. // See the License for the specific language governing permissions and // limitations under the License. package com.google.devtools.build.lib.skylarkbuildapi.java; import com.google.common.collect.ImmutableList; import com.google.devtools.build.lib.cmdline.Label; import com.google.devtools.build.lib.events.Location; import com.google.devtools.build.lib.skylarkbuildapi.FileApi; import com.google.devtools.build.lib.skylarkbuildapi.ProviderApi; import com.google.devtools.build.lib.skylarkbuildapi.SkylarkActionFactoryApi; import com.google.devtools.build.lib.skylarkbuildapi.SkylarkRuleContextApi; import com.google.devtools.build.lib.skylarkbuildapi.TransitiveInfoCollectionApi; import com.google.devtools.build.lib.skylarkinterface.Param; import com.google.devtools.build.lib.skylarkinterface.ParamType; import com.google.devtools.build.lib.skylarkinterface.SkylarkCallable; import com.google.devtools.build.lib.skylarkinterface.SkylarkModule; import com.google.devtools.build.lib.syntax.Environment; import com.google.devtools.build.lib.syntax.EvalException; import com.google.devtools.build.lib.syntax.SkylarkList; import com.google.devtools.build.lib.syntax.SkylarkNestedSet; import javax.annotation.Nullable; /** * Utilities for Java compilation support in Skylark. */ @SkylarkModule(name = "java_common", doc = "Utilities for Java compilation support in Skylark.") public interface JavaCommonApi, SkylarkRuleContextT extends SkylarkRuleContextApi, TransitiveInfoCollectionT extends TransitiveInfoCollectionApi, SkylarkActionFactoryT extends SkylarkActionFactoryApi> { @SkylarkCallable( name = "create_provider", doc = "Creates a JavaInfo from jars. compile_time/runtime_jars represent the outputs of the " + "target providing a JavaInfo, while transitive_*_jars represent their dependencies." + "

Note: compile_time_jars and runtime_jars are not automatically merged into the " + "transitive jars (unless the given transitive_*_jars are empty) - if this is the " + "desired behaviour the user should merge the jars before creating the provider." + "

This function also creates actions to generate interface jars by default." + "

When use_ijar is True, ijar will be run on the given compile_time_jars and the " + "resulting interface jars will be stored as compile_jars, " + "while the initial jars will be stored as full_compile_jars. " + "

When use_ijar=False, the given compile_time_jars will be stored as both " + "compile_jars and full_compile_jars. No actions are created. " + "See JavaInfo#compile_jars and JavaInfo#full_compile_jars for more details." + "

Currently only " + "" + "ijar" + " is supported for generating interface jars. " + "Header compilation is not yet supported.", parameters = { @Param( name = "actions", type = SkylarkActionFactoryApi.class, noneable = true, defaultValue = "None", doc = "The ctx.actions object, used to register the actions for creating the " + "interface jars. Only set if use_ijar=True."), @Param( name = "compile_time_jars", positional = false, named = true, allowedTypes = { @ParamType(type = SkylarkList.class), @ParamType(type = SkylarkNestedSet.class), }, generic1 = FileApi.class, defaultValue = "[]", doc = "A list or a set of jars that should be used at compilation for a given target."), @Param( name = "runtime_jars", positional = false, named = true, allowedTypes = { @ParamType(type = SkylarkList.class), @ParamType(type = SkylarkNestedSet.class), }, generic1 = FileApi.class, defaultValue = "[]", doc = "A list or a set of jars that should be used at runtime for a given target."), @Param( name = "use_ijar", positional = false, named = true, type = Boolean.class, defaultValue = "True", doc = "If True it will generate interface jars for every jar in compile_time_jars." + "The generating interface jars will be stored as compile_jars " + "and the initial (full) compile_time_jars will be stored as " + "full_compile_jars. If False the given compile_jars will be " + "stored as both compile_jars and full_compile_jars."), @Param( name = "java_toolchain", positional = false, named = true, type = TransitiveInfoCollectionApi.class, noneable = true, defaultValue = "None", doc = "A label pointing to a java_toolchain rule to be used for retrieving the ijar " + "tool. Only set when use_ijar is True."), @Param( name = "transitive_compile_time_jars", positional = false, named = true, allowedTypes = { @ParamType(type = SkylarkList.class), @ParamType(type = SkylarkNestedSet.class), }, generic1 = FileApi.class, defaultValue = "[]", doc = "A list or set of compile time jars collected from the transitive closure of a " + "rule."), @Param( name = "transitive_runtime_jars", positional = false, named = true, allowedTypes = { @ParamType(type = SkylarkList.class), @ParamType(type = SkylarkNestedSet.class), }, generic1 = FileApi.class, defaultValue = "[]", doc = "A list or set of runtime jars collected from the transitive closure of a rule."), @Param( name = "source_jars", positional = false, named = true, allowedTypes = { @ParamType(type = SkylarkList.class), @ParamType(type = SkylarkNestedSet.class), }, generic1 = FileApi.class, defaultValue = "[]", doc = "A list or set of output source jars that contain the uncompiled source files " + "including the source files generated by annotation processors if the case.") }, useLocation = true, useEnvironment = true) public JavaInfoT create( @Nullable Object actionsUnchecked, Object compileTimeJars, Object runtimeJars, Boolean useIjar, @Nullable Object javaToolchainUnchecked, Object transitiveCompileTimeJars, Object transitiveRuntimeJars, Object sourceJars, Location location, Environment environment) throws EvalException; @SkylarkCallable( name = "provider", structField = true, doc = "Returns the Java declared provider.
" + "The same value is accessible as JavaInfo.
" + "Prefer using JavaInfo in new code." ) public ProviderApi getJavaProvider(); @SkylarkCallable( name = "compile", doc = "Compiles Java source files/jars from the implementation of a Skylark rule and returns a " + "provider that represents the results of the compilation and can be added to the set of " + "providers emitted by this rule.", parameters = { @Param( name = "ctx", positional = true, named = false, type = SkylarkRuleContextApi.class, doc = "The rule context." ), @Param( name = "source_jars", positional = false, named = true, type = SkylarkList.class, generic1 = FileApi.class, defaultValue = "[]", doc = "A list of the jars to be compiled. At least one of source_jars or source_files" + " should be specified." ), @Param( name = "source_files", positional = false, named = true, type = SkylarkList.class, generic1 = FileApi.class, defaultValue = "[]", doc = "A list of the Java source files to be compiled. At least one of source_jars or " + "source_files should be specified." ), @Param( name = "output", positional = false, named = true, type = FileApi.class ), @Param( name = "javac_opts", positional = false, named = true, type = SkylarkList.class, generic1 = String.class, defaultValue = "[]", doc = "A list of the desired javac options. Optional." ), @Param( name = "deps", positional = false, named = true, type = SkylarkList.class, generic1 = JavaInfoApi.class, defaultValue = "[]", doc = "A list of dependencies. Optional." ), @Param( name = "exports", positional = false, named = true, type = SkylarkList.class, generic1 = JavaInfoApi.class, defaultValue = "[]", doc = "A list of exports. Optional." ), @Param( name = "plugins", positional = false, named = true, type = SkylarkList.class, generic1 = JavaInfoApi.class, defaultValue = "[]", doc = "A list of plugins. Optional." ), @Param( name = "exported_plugins", positional = false, named = true, type = SkylarkList.class, generic1 = JavaInfoApi.class, defaultValue = "[]", doc = "A list of exported plugins. Optional." ), @Param( name = "strict_deps", defaultValue = "'ERROR'", positional = false, named = true, type = String.class, doc = "A string that specifies how to handle strict deps. Possible values: 'OFF', 'ERROR'," + "'WARN' and 'DEFAULT'. For more details see " + "https://docs.bazel.build/versions/master/bazel-user-manual.html#flag--strict_java_deps" + ". By default 'ERROR'." ), @Param( name = "java_toolchain", positional = false, named = true, type = TransitiveInfoCollectionApi.class, doc = "A label pointing to a java_toolchain rule to be used for this compilation. " + "Mandatory." ), @Param( name = "host_javabase", positional = false, named = true, type = TransitiveInfoCollectionApi.class, doc = "A label pointing to a JDK to be used for this compilation. Mandatory." ), @Param( name = "sourcepath", positional = false, named = true, type = SkylarkList.class, generic1 = FileApi.class, defaultValue = "[]" ), @Param( name = "resources", positional = false, named = true, type = SkylarkList.class, generic1 = FileApi.class, defaultValue = "[]" ), @Param( name = "neverlink", positional = false, named = true, type = Boolean.class, defaultValue = "False" ) }, useEnvironment = true ) public JavaInfoT createJavaCompileAction( SkylarkRuleContextT skylarkRuleContext, SkylarkList sourceJars, SkylarkList sourceFiles, FileT outputJar, SkylarkList javacOpts, SkylarkList deps, SkylarkList exports, SkylarkList plugins, SkylarkList exportedPlugins, String strictDepsMode, TransitiveInfoCollectionT javaToolchain, TransitiveInfoCollectionT hostJavabase, SkylarkList sourcepathEntries, SkylarkList resources, Boolean neverlink, Environment environment) throws EvalException, InterruptedException; @SkylarkCallable( name = "run_ijar", doc = "Runs ijar on a jar, stripping it of its method bodies. This helps reduce rebuilding " + "of dependent jars during any recompiles consisting only of simple changes to " + "method implementations. The return value is typically passed to " + "" + "JavaInfo#compile_jar.", parameters = { @Param( name = "actions", named = true, type = SkylarkActionFactoryApi.class, doc = "ctx.actions"), @Param( name = "jar", positional = false, named = true, type = FileApi.class, doc = "The jar to run ijar on."), @Param( name = "target_label", positional = false, named = true, type = Label.class, noneable = true, defaultValue = "None", doc = "A target label to stamp the jar with. Used for add_dep support. " + "Typically, you would pass ctx.label to stamp the jar " + "with the current rule's label."), @Param( name = "java_toolchain", positional = false, named = true, type = TransitiveInfoCollectionApi.class, doc = "A label pointing to a java_toolchain rule to used to find the ijar tool."), }) public FileApi runIjar( SkylarkActionFactoryT actions, FileT jar, Object targetLabel, TransitiveInfoCollectionT javaToolchain) throws EvalException; @SkylarkCallable( name = "stamp_jar", doc = "Stamps a jar with a target label for add_dep support. " + "The return value is typically passed to " + "" + "JavaInfo#compile_jar. " + "Prefer to use " + "run_ijar " + "when possible.", parameters = { @Param( name = "actions", named = true, type = SkylarkActionFactoryApi.class, doc = "ctx.actions"), @Param( name = "jar", positional = false, named = true, type = FileApi.class, doc = "The jar to run stamp_jar on."), @Param( name = "target_label", positional = false, named = true, type = Label.class, doc = "A target label to stamp the jar with. Used for add_dep support. " + "Typically, you would pass ctx.label to stamp the jar " + "with the current rule's label."), @Param( name = "java_toolchain", positional = false, named = true, type = TransitiveInfoCollectionApi.class, doc = "A label pointing to a java_toolchain rule to used to find the stamp_jar tool."), }) public FileApi stampJar( SkylarkActionFactoryT actions, FileT jar, Label targetLabel, TransitiveInfoCollectionT javaToolchain) throws EvalException; @SkylarkCallable( name = "pack_sources", doc = "Packs sources and source jars into a single source jar file. " + "The return value is typically passed to" + "

" + "JavaInfo#source_jar

.", parameters = { @Param( name = "actions", named = true, type = SkylarkActionFactoryApi.class, doc = "ctx.actions"), @Param( name = "output_jar", positional = false, named = true, type = FileApi.class, doc = "The output jar of the rule. Used to name the resulting source jar."), @Param( name = "sources", positional = false, named = true, type = SkylarkList.class, generic1 = FileApi.class, defaultValue = "[]", doc = "A list of Java source files to be packed into the source jar."), @Param( name = "source_jars", positional = false, named = true, type = SkylarkList.class, generic1 = FileApi.class, defaultValue = "[]", doc = "A list of source jars to be packed into the source jar."), @Param( name = "java_toolchain", positional = false, named = true, type = TransitiveInfoCollectionApi.class, doc = "A label pointing to a java_toolchain rule to used to find the ijar tool."), @Param( name = "host_javabase", positional = false, named = true, type = TransitiveInfoCollectionApi.class, doc = "A label pointing to a JDK to be used for packing sources."), }, allowReturnNones = true) public FileApi packSources( SkylarkActionFactoryT actions, FileT outputJar, SkylarkList sourceFiles, SkylarkList sourceJars, TransitiveInfoCollectionT javaToolchain, TransitiveInfoCollectionT hostJavabase) throws EvalException; @SkylarkCallable( name = "default_javac_opts", // This function is experimental for now. documented = false, parameters = { @Param( name = "ctx", positional = true, named = false, type = SkylarkRuleContextApi.class, doc = "The rule context." ), @Param(name = "java_toolchain_attr", positional = false, named = true, type = String.class) }) // TODO(b/78512644): migrate callers to passing explicit javacopts or using custom toolchains, and // delete public ImmutableList getDefaultJavacOpts( SkylarkRuleContextT skylarkRuleContext, String javaToolchainAttr) throws EvalException; @SkylarkCallable( name = "merge", doc = "Merges the given providers into a single JavaInfo.", parameters = { @Param( name = "providers", positional = true, named = false, type = SkylarkList.class, generic1 = JavaInfoApi.class, doc = "The list of providers to merge." ), } ) public JavaInfoT mergeJavaProviders(SkylarkList providers); @SkylarkCallable( name = "make_non_strict", doc = "Returns a new Java provider whose direct-jars part is the union of both the direct and" + " indirect jars of the given Java provider.", parameters = { @Param( name = "java_info", positional = true, named = false, type = JavaInfoApi.class, doc = "The java info." ), } ) public JavaInfoT makeNonStrict(JavaInfoT javaInfo); @SkylarkCallable( name = "JavaRuntimeInfo", doc = "The key used to retrieve the provider that contains information about the Java " + "runtime being used.", structField = true ) public ProviderApi getJavaRuntimeProvider(); }