// Copyright 2018 The Bazel Authors. All rights reserved. // // Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); // you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. // You may obtain a copy of the License at // // http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 // // Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software // distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, // WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or Tied. // See the License for the specific language governing permissions and // limitations under the License. package com.google.devtools.build.lib.skylarkbuildapi.android; import com.google.devtools.build.lib.events.Location; import com.google.devtools.build.lib.skylarkbuildapi.FileApi; import com.google.devtools.build.lib.skylarkbuildapi.FileProviderApi; import com.google.devtools.build.lib.skylarkbuildapi.ProviderApi; import com.google.devtools.build.lib.skylarkbuildapi.StructApi; import com.google.devtools.build.lib.skylarkbuildapi.TransitiveInfoCollectionApi; import com.google.devtools.build.lib.skylarkinterface.Param; import com.google.devtools.build.lib.skylarkinterface.SkylarkCallable; import com.google.devtools.build.lib.skylarkinterface.SkylarkModule; import com.google.devtools.build.lib.syntax.Environment; import com.google.devtools.build.lib.syntax.EvalException; import com.google.devtools.build.lib.syntax.SkylarkDict; import com.google.devtools.build.lib.syntax.SkylarkList; /** Skylark-visible methods for working with Android data (manifests, resources, and assets). */ @SkylarkModule( name = "android_data", doc = "Utilities for working with Android data (manifests, resources, and assets). " + "This API is non-final and subject to change without warning; do not rely on it.") public interface AndroidDataProcessingApi< AndroidDataContextT extends AndroidDataContextApi, TransitiveInfoCollectionT extends TransitiveInfoCollectionApi, FileT extends FileApi, SpecialFileT extends FileApi, AndroidAssetsInfoT extends AndroidAssetsInfoApi, AndroidResourcesInfoT extends AndroidResourcesInfoApi, AndroidManifestInfoT extends AndroidManifestInfoApi, AndroidLibraryAarInfoT extends AndroidLibraryAarInfoApi, AndroidBinaryDataInfoT extends AndroidBinaryDataInfoApi> { @SkylarkCallable( name = "assets_from_deps", parameters = { @Param( name = "deps", defaultValue = "[]", type = SkylarkList.class, generic1 = AndroidAssetsInfoApi.class, positional = false, named = true, doc = "Dependencies to inherit assets from"), @Param( name = "neverlink", defaultValue = "False", type = Boolean.class, positional = false, named = true, doc = "Defaults to False. If true, assets will not be exposed to targets that depend on" + " them.") }, useEnvironment = true, doc = "Creates an AndroidAssetsInfoApi from this target's asset dependencies, ignoring local" + " assets. No processing will be done. This method is deprecated and exposed only" + " for backwards-compatibility with existing behavior.") AndroidAssetsInfoT assetsFromDeps( SkylarkList deps, boolean neverlink, Environment env); @SkylarkCallable( name = "resources_from_deps", mandatoryPositionals = 1, // context parameters = { @Param( name = "deps", defaultValue = "[]", type = SkylarkList.class, generic1 = AndroidResourcesInfoApi.class, positional = false, named = true, doc = "Dependencies to inherit resources from"), @Param( name = "neverlink", defaultValue = "False", type = Boolean.class, positional = false, named = true, doc = "Defaults to False. If true, resources will not be exposed to targets that depend" + " on them."), @Param( name = "custom_package", positional = false, defaultValue = "None", type = String.class, noneable = true, named = true, doc = "The Android application package to stamp the manifest with. If not provided, the" + " current Java package, derived from the location of this target's BUILD" + " file, will be used. For example, given a BUILD file in" + " 'java/com/foo/bar/BUILD', the package would be 'com.foo.bar'."), }, useLocation = true, useEnvironment = true, doc = "Creates an AndroidResourcesInfoApi from this target's resource dependencies, ignoring" + " local resources. Only processing of deps will be done. This method is deprecated" + " and exposed only for backwards-compatibility with existing behavior. An empty" + " manifest will be generated and included in the provider - this path should not" + " be used when an explicit manifest is specified.") AndroidResourcesInfoT resourcesFromDeps( AndroidDataContextT ctx, SkylarkList deps, boolean neverlink, Object customPackage, Location location, Environment env) throws InterruptedException, EvalException; @SkylarkCallable( name = "stamp_manifest", mandatoryPositionals = 1, // AndroidDataContextApi ctx is mandatory parameters = { @Param( name = "manifest", positional = false, defaultValue = "None", type = FileApi.class, noneable = true, named = true, doc = "The manifest to stamp. If not passed, a dummy manifest will be generated"), @Param( name = "custom_package", positional = false, defaultValue = "None", type = String.class, noneable = true, named = true, doc = "The Android application package to stamp the manifest with. If not provided, the" + " current Java package, derived from the location of this target's BUILD" + " file, will be used. For example, given a BUILD file in" + " 'java/com/foo/bar/BUILD', the package would be 'com.foo.bar'."), @Param( name = "exports_manifest", positional = false, defaultValue = "False", type = Boolean.class, named = true, doc = "Defaults to False. If passed as True, this manifest will be exported to and" + " eventually merged into targets that depend on it. Otherwise, it won't be" + " inherited."), }, useLocation = true, useEnvironment = true, doc = "Stamps a manifest with package information.") AndroidManifestInfoT stampAndroidManifest( AndroidDataContextT ctx, Object manifest, Object customPackage, boolean exported, Location location, Environment env) throws InterruptedException, EvalException; @SkylarkCallable( name = "merge_assets", mandatoryPositionals = 1, // context parameters = { @Param( name = "assets", positional = false, defaultValue = "None", type = SkylarkList.class, generic1 = TransitiveInfoCollectionApi.class, noneable = true, named = true, doc = "Targets containing raw assets for this target. If passed, 'assets_dir' must also" + " be passed."), @Param( name = "assets_dir", positional = false, defaultValue = "None", type = String.class, noneable = true, named = true, doc = "Directory the assets are contained in. Must be passed if and only if 'assets' is" + " passed. This path will be split off of the asset paths on the device."), @Param( name = "deps", positional = false, defaultValue = "[]", type = SkylarkList.class, generic1 = AndroidAssetsInfoApi.class, named = true, doc = "Providers containing assets from dependencies. These assets will be merged" + " together with each other and this target's assets."), @Param( name = "neverlink", positional = false, defaultValue = "False", type = Boolean.class, named = true, doc = "Defaults to False. If passed as True, these assets will not be inherited by" + " targets that depend on this one.") }, useLocation = true, useEnvironment = true, doc = "Merges this target's assets together with assets inherited from dependencies. Note that," + " by default, actions for validating the merge are created but may not be called." + " You may want to force these actions to be called - see the 'validation_result'" + " field in AndroidAssetsInfoApi") AndroidAssetsInfoT mergeAssets( AndroidDataContextT ctx, Object assets, Object assetsDir, SkylarkList deps, boolean neverlink, Location location, Environment env) throws EvalException, InterruptedException; @SkylarkCallable( name = "merge_resources", mandatoryPositionals = 2, // context, manifest parameters = { @Param( name = "resources", positional = false, defaultValue = "[]", type = SkylarkList.class, generic1 = FileProviderApi.class, named = true, doc = "Providers of this target's resources"), @Param( name = "deps", positional = false, defaultValue = "[]", type = SkylarkList.class, generic1 = AndroidResourcesInfoApi.class, named = true, doc = "Targets containing raw resources from dependencies. These resources will be merged" + " together with each other and this target's resources."), @Param( name = "neverlink", positional = false, defaultValue = "False", type = Boolean.class, named = true, doc = "Defaults to False. If passed as True, these resources will not be inherited by" + " targets that depend on this one."), @Param( name = "enable_data_binding", positional = false, defaultValue = "False", type = Boolean.class, named = true, doc = "Defaults to False. If True, processes data binding expressions in layout" + " resources."), }, useLocation = true, useEnvironment = true, doc = "Merges this target's resources together with resources inherited from dependencies." + " Returns a dict of provider type to actual info, with elements for" + " AndroidResourcesInfoApi (various resource information) and JavaInfoApi (wrapping" + " the R.class jar, for use in Java compilation). The passed manifest provider is" + " used to get Android package information and to validate that all resources it" + " refers to are available. Note that this method might do additional processing to" + " this manifest, so in the future, you may want to use the manifest contained in" + " this method's output instead of this one.") SkylarkDict mergeResources( AndroidDataContextT ctx, AndroidManifestInfoT manifest, SkylarkList resources, SkylarkList deps, boolean neverlink, boolean enableDataBinding, Location location, Environment env) throws EvalException, InterruptedException; @SkylarkCallable( name = "make_aar", mandatoryPositionals = 4, // context, resource info, asset info, and library class jar parameters = { @Param( name = "proguard_specs", type = SkylarkList.class, generic1 = TransitiveInfoCollectionApi.class, defaultValue = "[]", positional = false, named = true, doc = "Files to be used as Proguard specification for this target, which will be" + " inherited in the top-level target"), @Param( name = "deps", type = SkylarkList.class, generic1 = AndroidLibraryAarInfoApi.class, defaultValue = "[]", positional = false, named = true, doc = "Dependant AAR providers used to build this AAR."), @Param( name = "neverlink", type = Boolean.class, defaultValue = "False", positional = false, named = true, doc = "Defaults to False. If true, this target's Aar will not be generated or propagated" + " to targets that depend upon it."), }, doc = "Builds an AAR and corresponding provider for this target. The resource and asset" + " providers from this same target must both be passed, as must the class JAR output" + " of building the Android Java library.") AndroidLibraryAarInfoT makeAar( AndroidDataContextT ctx, AndroidResourcesInfoT resourcesInfo, AndroidAssetsInfoT assetsInfo, FileT libraryClassJar, SkylarkList proguardSpecs, SkylarkList deps, boolean neverlink) throws EvalException, InterruptedException; @SkylarkCallable( name = "process_library_data", mandatoryPositionals = 2, // ctx and libraryClassJar are required parameters = { @Param( name = "manifest", positional = false, type = FileApi.class, defaultValue = "None", named = true, noneable = true, doc = "If passed, the manifest to use for this target. Otherwise, a dummy manifest will" + " be generated."), @Param( name = "resources", positional = false, defaultValue = "None", type = SkylarkList.class, generic1 = FileProviderApi.class, named = true, noneable = true, doc = "Providers of this target's resources"), @Param( name = "assets", positional = false, defaultValue = "None", type = SkylarkList.class, generic1 = TransitiveInfoCollectionApi.class, noneable = true, named = true, doc = "Targets containing raw assets for this target. If passed, 'assets_dir' must also" + " be passed."), @Param( name = "assets_dir", positional = false, defaultValue = "None", type = String.class, noneable = true, named = true, doc = "Directory the assets are contained in. Must be passed if and only if 'assets' is" + " passed. This path will be split off of the asset paths on the device."), @Param( name = "exports_manifest", positional = false, defaultValue = "None", type = Boolean.class, named = true, noneable = true, doc = "Defaults to False. If passed as True, this manifest will be exported to and" + " eventually merged into targets that depend on it. Otherwise, it won't be" + " inherited."), @Param( name = "custom_package", positional = false, defaultValue = "None", type = String.class, noneable = true, named = true, doc = "The Android application package to stamp the manifest with. If not provided, the" + " current Java package, derived from the location of this target's BUILD" + " file, will be used. For example, given a BUILD file in" + " 'java/com/foo/bar/BUILD', the package would be 'com.foo.bar'."), @Param( name = "neverlink", positional = false, defaultValue = "False", type = Boolean.class, named = true, doc = "Defaults to False. If passed as True, these resources and assets will not be" + " inherited by targets that depend on this one."), @Param( name = "enable_data_binding", positional = false, defaultValue = "False", type = Boolean.class, named = true, doc = "Defaults to False. If True, processes data binding expressions in layout" + " resources."), @Param( name = "proguard_specs", type = SkylarkList.class, generic1 = TransitiveInfoCollectionApi.class, defaultValue = "[]", positional = false, named = true, doc = "Files to be used as Proguard specification for this target, which will be" + " inherited in the top-level target"), @Param( name = "deps", positional = false, defaultValue = "[]", type = SkylarkList.class, generic1 = AndroidAssetsInfoApi.class, named = true, doc = "Dependency targets. Providers will be extracted from these dependencies for each" + " type of data."), }, useLocation = true, useEnvironment = true, doc = "Performs full processing of data for android_library or similar rules. Returns a dict" + " from provider type to providers for the target.") SkylarkDict processLibraryData( AndroidDataContextT cotx, FileT libraryClassJar, Object manifest, Object resources, Object assets, Object assetsDir, Object exportsManifest, Object customPackage, boolean neverlink, boolean enableDataBinding, SkylarkList proguardSpecs, SkylarkList deps, Location location, Environment env) throws InterruptedException, EvalException; @SkylarkCallable( name = "process_aar_import_data", // context, resource, asset, and manifest are all mandatory mandatoryPositionals = 4, parameters = { @Param( name = "deps", type = SkylarkList.class, generic1 = TransitiveInfoCollectionApi.class, named = true, positional = false, defaultValue = "[]", doc = "Targets to inherit asset and resource dependencies from.") }, doc = "Processes assets, resources, and manifest for aar_import targets") SkylarkDict processAarImportData( AndroidDataContextT ctx, SpecialFileT resources, SpecialFileT assets, FileT androidManifest, SkylarkList deps) throws InterruptedException; @SkylarkCallable( name = "process_local_test_data", mandatoryPositionals = 1, // context is mandatory parameters = { @Param( name = "manifest", positional = false, type = FileApi.class, defaultValue = "None", named = true, noneable = true, doc = "If passed, the manifest to use for this target. Otherwise, a dummy manifest will" + " be generated."), @Param( name = "resources", positional = false, defaultValue = "[]", type = SkylarkList.class, generic1 = FileProviderApi.class, named = true, doc = "Providers of this target's resources"), @Param( name = "assets", positional = false, defaultValue = "None", type = SkylarkList.class, generic1 = TransitiveInfoCollectionApi.class, noneable = true, named = true, doc = "Targets containing raw assets for this target. If passed, 'assets_dir' must also" + " be passed."), @Param( name = "assets_dir", positional = false, defaultValue = "None", type = String.class, noneable = true, named = true, doc = "Directory the assets are contained in. Must be passed if and only if 'assets' is" + " passed. This path will be split off of the asset paths on the device."), @Param( name = "custom_package", positional = false, defaultValue = "None", type = String.class, noneable = true, named = true, doc = "The Android application package to stamp the manifest with. If not provided, the" + " current Java package, derived from the location of this target's BUILD" + " file, will be used. For example, given a BUILD file in" + " 'java/com/foo/bar/BUILD', the package would be 'com.foo.bar'."), @Param( name = "aapt_version", positional = false, defaultValue = "'auto'", type = String.class, named = true, doc = "The version of aapt to use. Defaults to 'auto'. 'aapt' and 'aapt2' are also" + " supported."), @Param( name = "manifest_values", positional = false, defaultValue = "{}", type = SkylarkDict.class, generic1 = String.class, named = true, doc = "A dictionary of values to be overridden in the manifest. You must expand any" + " templates in these values before they are passed to this function."), @Param( name = "deps", positional = false, defaultValue = "[]", type = SkylarkList.class, generic1 = TransitiveInfoCollectionApi.class, named = true, doc = "Dependency targets. Providers will be extracted from these dependencies for each" + " type of data."), }, useLocation = true, useEnvironment = true, doc = "Processes resources, assets, and manifests for android_local_test and returns a dict" + " from provider type to the appropriate provider.") SkylarkDict processLocalTestData( AndroidDataContextT ctx, Object manifest, SkylarkList resources, Object assets, Object assetsDir, Object customPackage, String aaptVersionString, SkylarkDict manifestValues, SkylarkList deps, Location location, Environment env) throws InterruptedException, EvalException; @SkylarkCallable( name = "make_binary_settings", mandatoryPositionals = 1, // AndroidDataContextApi is mandatory parameters = { @Param( name = "shrink_resources", positional = false, noneable = true, defaultValue = "None", type = Boolean.class, named = true, doc = "Whether to shrink resources. Defaults to the value used in Android" + " configuration."), @Param( name = "resource_configuration_filters", positional = false, defaultValue = "[]", type = SkylarkList.class, generic1 = String.class, named = true, doc = "A SkylarkList of resource configuration filters, such 'en' that will limit the" + " resources in the apk to only the ones in the 'en' configuration."), @Param( name = "densities", positional = false, defaultValue = "[]", type = SkylarkList.class, generic1 = String.class, named = true, doc = "Densities to filter for when building the apk. A corresponding compatible-screens" + " section will also be added to the manifest if it does not already contain a" + " superset SkylarkListing."), @Param( name = "nocompress_extensions", positional = false, defaultValue = "[]", type = SkylarkList.class, generic1 = String.class, named = true, doc = "A SkylarkList of file extension to leave uncompressed in apk. Templates must be" + " expanded before passing this value in."), @Param( name = "aapt_version", positional = false, defaultValue = "'auto'", type = String.class, named = true, doc = "The version of aapt to use. Defaults to 'auto'. 'aapt' and 'aapt2' are also" + " supported."), }, useLocation = true, useEnvironment = true, doc = "Returns a wrapper object containing various settings shared across multiple methods for" + " processing binary data.") AndroidBinaryDataSettingsApi makeBinarySettings( AndroidDataContextT ctx, Object shrinkResources, SkylarkList resourceConfigurationFilters, SkylarkList densities, SkylarkList noCompressExtensions, String aaptVersionString, Location location, Environment env) throws EvalException; @SkylarkCallable( name = "process_binary_data", mandatoryPositionals = 1, // AndroidDataContextApi is mandatory parameters = { @Param( name = "resources", positional = false, defaultValue = "[]", type = SkylarkList.class, generic1 = FileProviderApi.class, named = true, doc = "Providers of this target's resources"), @Param( name = "assets", positional = false, defaultValue = "None", type = SkylarkList.class, generic1 = TransitiveInfoCollectionApi.class, noneable = true, named = true, doc = "Targets containing raw assets for this target. If passed, 'assets_dir' must also" + " be passed."), @Param( name = "assets_dir", positional = false, defaultValue = "None", type = String.class, noneable = true, named = true, doc = "Directory the assets are contained in. Must be passed if and only if 'assets' is" + " passed. This path will be split off of the asset paths on the device."), @Param( name = "manifest", positional = false, type = FileApi.class, defaultValue = "None", named = true, noneable = true, doc = "If passed, the manifest to use for this target. Otherwise, a dummy manifest will" + " be generated."), @Param( name = "custom_package", positional = false, defaultValue = "None", type = String.class, noneable = true, named = true, doc = "The Android application package to stamp the manifest with. If not provided, the" + " current Java package, derived from the location of this target's BUILD" + " file, will be used. For example, given a BUILD file in" + " 'java/com/foo/bar/BUILD', the package would be 'com.foo.bar'."), @Param( name = "manifest_values", positional = false, defaultValue = "{}", type = SkylarkDict.class, generic1 = String.class, named = true, doc = "A dictionary of values to be overridden in the manifest. You must expand any" + " templates in the values before calling this function."), @Param( name = "deps", positional = false, defaultValue = "[]", type = SkylarkList.class, generic1 = TransitiveInfoCollectionApi.class, named = true, doc = "Dependency targets. Providers will be extracted from these dependencies for each" + " type of data."), @Param( name = "manifest_merger", type = String.class, defaultValue = "'auto'", positional = false, named = true, doc = "The manifest merger to use. Defaults to 'auto', but 'android' and 'legacy' are" + " also supported."), @Param( name = "binary_settings", type = AndroidBinaryDataSettingsApi.class, noneable = true, defaultValue = "None", positional = false, named = true, doc = "Settings common to various binary processing methods, created with" + " make_binary_data_settings"), @Param( name = "crunch_png", positional = false, defaultValue = "True", type = Boolean.class, named = true, doc = "Whether PNG crunching should be done. Defaults to True."), @Param( name = "enable_data_binding", positional = false, defaultValue = "False", type = Boolean.class, named = true, doc = "Defaults to False. If True, processes data binding expressions in layout" + " resources."), }, useLocation = true, useEnvironment = true, doc = "Processes resources, assets, and manifests for android_binary and returns the" + " appropriate providers.") AndroidBinaryDataInfoT processBinaryData( AndroidDataContextT ctx, SkylarkList resources, Object assets, Object assetsDir, Object manifest, Object customPackage, SkylarkDict manifestValues, SkylarkList deps, String manifestMerger, Object maybeSettings, boolean crunchPng, boolean dataBindingEnabled, Location location, Environment env) throws InterruptedException, EvalException; @SkylarkCallable( name = "shrink_data_apk", // Required: AndroidDataContextApi, AndroidBinaryDataInfoApi to shrink, and two proguard // outputs mandatoryPositionals = 4, parameters = { @Param( name = "binary_settings", type = AndroidBinaryDataSettingsApi.class, noneable = true, defaultValue = "None", positional = false, named = true, doc = "Settings common to various binary processing methods, created with" + " make_binary_data_settings"), @Param( name = "deps", positional = false, defaultValue = "[]", type = SkylarkList.class, generic1 = TransitiveInfoCollectionApi.class, named = true, doc = "Dependency targets. Providers will be extracted from these dependencies for each" + " type of data."), @Param( name = "proguard_specs", type = SkylarkList.class, generic1 = TransitiveInfoCollectionApi.class, defaultValue = "[]", positional = false, named = true, doc = "Files to be used as Proguard specification for this target, which will be" + " inherited in the top-level target"), @Param( name = "extra_proguard_specs,", type = SkylarkList.class, generic1 = TransitiveInfoCollectionApi.class, defaultValue = "[]", positional = false, named = true, doc = "Additional proguard specs that should be added for top-level targets. This value" + " is controlled by Java configuration."), }, useLocation = true, useEnvironment = true, doc = "Possibly shrinks the data APK by removing resources that were marked as unused during" + " proguarding.") AndroidBinaryDataInfoT shrinkDataApk( AndroidDataContextT ctx, AndroidBinaryDataInfoT binaryDataInfo, FileT proguardOutputJar, FileT proguardMapping, Object maybeSettings, SkylarkList deps, SkylarkList localProguardSpecs, SkylarkList extraProguardSpecs, Location location, Environment env) throws EvalException, InterruptedException; }