// Copyright 2014 The Bazel Authors. All rights reserved. // // Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); // you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. // You may obtain a copy of the License at // // http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 // // Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software // distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, // WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. // See the License for the specific language governing permissions and // limitations under the License. package com.google.devtools.build.lib.skyframe; import com.google.common.base.Preconditions; import com.google.common.base.Predicate; import com.google.common.collect.ImmutableList; import com.google.common.collect.Iterables; import com.google.common.collect.Sets; import com.google.devtools.build.lib.actions.FileStateType; import com.google.devtools.build.lib.actions.FileStateValue; import com.google.devtools.build.lib.actions.FileValue; import com.google.devtools.build.lib.actions.InconsistentFilesystemException; import com.google.devtools.build.lib.pkgcache.PathPackageLocator; import com.google.devtools.build.lib.util.Pair; import com.google.devtools.build.lib.vfs.Path; import com.google.devtools.build.lib.vfs.PathFragment; import com.google.devtools.build.lib.vfs.RootedPath; import com.google.devtools.build.skyframe.SkyFunction; import com.google.devtools.build.skyframe.SkyFunctionException; import com.google.devtools.build.skyframe.SkyFunctionException.Transience; import com.google.devtools.build.skyframe.SkyKey; import com.google.devtools.build.skyframe.SkyValue; import java.io.IOException; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.TreeSet; import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicReference; import javax.annotation.Nullable; /** * A {@link SkyFunction} for {@link FileValue}s. * *

Most of the complexity in the implementation is associated to handling symlinks. Namely, * this class makes sure that {@code FileValue}s corresponding to symlinks are correctly invalidated * if the destination of the symlink is invalidated. Directory symlinks are also covered. */ public class FileFunction implements SkyFunction { private final AtomicReference pkgLocator; public FileFunction(AtomicReference pkgLocator) { this.pkgLocator = pkgLocator; } @Override public SkyValue compute(SkyKey skyKey, Environment env) throws FileFunctionException, InterruptedException { RootedPath rootedPath = (RootedPath) skyKey.argument(); RootedPath realRootedPath = null; FileStateValue realFileStateValue = null; PathFragment relativePath = rootedPath.getRootRelativePath(); // Resolve ancestor symlinks, but only if the current file is not the filesystem root (has no // parent) or a package path root (treated opaquely and handled by skyframe's DiffAwareness // interface). Note that this is the first thing we do - if an ancestor is part of a // symlink cycle, we want to detect that quickly as it gives a more informative error message // than we'd get doing bogus filesystem operations. if (!relativePath.equals(PathFragment.EMPTY_FRAGMENT)) { Pair resolvedState = resolveFromAncestors(rootedPath, env); if (resolvedState == null) { return null; } realRootedPath = resolvedState.getFirst(); realFileStateValue = resolvedState.getSecond(); if (realFileStateValue.getType() == FileStateType.NONEXISTENT) { return FileValue.value( rootedPath, FileStateValue.NONEXISTENT_FILE_STATE_NODE, realRootedPath, realFileStateValue); } } FileStateValue fileStateValue; if (rootedPath.equals(realRootedPath)) { fileStateValue = Preconditions.checkNotNull(realFileStateValue, rootedPath); } else { fileStateValue = (FileStateValue) env.getValue(FileStateValue.key(rootedPath)); if (fileStateValue == null) { return null; } } if (realFileStateValue == null) { realRootedPath = rootedPath; realFileStateValue = fileStateValue; } ArrayList symlinkChain = new ArrayList<>(); TreeSet orderedSeenPaths = Sets.newTreeSet(); while (realFileStateValue.getType().isSymlink()) { symlinkChain.add(realRootedPath); orderedSeenPaths.add(realRootedPath.asPath()); Pair resolvedState = getSymlinkTargetRootedPath(realRootedPath, realFileStateValue.getSymlinkTarget(), orderedSeenPaths, symlinkChain, env); if (resolvedState == null) { return null; } realRootedPath = resolvedState.getFirst(); realFileStateValue = resolvedState.getSecond(); } return FileValue.value(rootedPath, fileStateValue, realRootedPath, realFileStateValue); } /** * Returns the path and file state of {@code rootedPath}, accounting for ancestor symlinks, or * {@code null} if there was a missing dep. */ @Nullable private static Pair resolveFromAncestors( RootedPath rootedPath, Environment env) throws FileFunctionException, InterruptedException { PathFragment relativePath = rootedPath.getRootRelativePath(); RootedPath realRootedPath = rootedPath; FileValue parentFileValue = null; PathFragment parentDirectory = relativePath.getParentDirectory(); if (parentDirectory != null) { RootedPath parentRootedPath = RootedPath.toRootedPath(rootedPath.getRoot(), parentDirectory); parentFileValue = (FileValue) env.getValue(FileValue.key(parentRootedPath)); if (parentFileValue == null) { return null; } PathFragment baseName = PathFragment.create(relativePath.getBaseName()); RootedPath parentRealRootedPath = parentFileValue.realRootedPath(); realRootedPath = RootedPath.toRootedPath( parentRealRootedPath.getRoot(), parentRealRootedPath.getRootRelativePath().getRelative(baseName)); if (!parentFileValue.exists()) { return Pair.of( realRootedPath, FileStateValue.NONEXISTENT_FILE_STATE_NODE); } } FileStateValue realFileStateValue = (FileStateValue) env.getValue(FileStateValue.key(realRootedPath)); if (realFileStateValue == null) { return null; } if (realFileStateValue.getType() != FileStateType.NONEXISTENT && parentFileValue != null && !parentFileValue.isDirectory()) { String type = realFileStateValue.getType().toString().toLowerCase(); String message = type + " " + rootedPath.asPath() + " exists but its parent " + "path " + parentFileValue.realRootedPath().asPath() + " isn't an existing directory."; throw new FileFunctionException(new InconsistentFilesystemException(message), Transience.TRANSIENT); } return Pair.of(realRootedPath, realFileStateValue); } /** * Returns the symlink target and file state of {@code rootedPath}'s symlink to {@code * symlinkTarget}, accounting for ancestor symlinks, or {@code null} if there was a missing dep. */ @Nullable private Pair getSymlinkTargetRootedPath( RootedPath rootedPath, PathFragment symlinkTarget, TreeSet orderedSeenPaths, Iterable symlinkChain, Environment env) throws FileFunctionException, InterruptedException { RootedPath symlinkTargetRootedPath; if (symlinkTarget.isAbsolute()) { Path path = rootedPath.asPath().getFileSystem().getPath(symlinkTarget); symlinkTargetRootedPath = RootedPath.toRootedPathMaybeUnderRoot(path, pkgLocator.get().getPathEntries()); } else { Path path = rootedPath.asPath(); Path symlinkTargetPath; if (path.getParentDirectory() != null) { RootedPath parentRootedPath = RootedPath.toRootedPathMaybeUnderRoot( path.getParentDirectory(), pkgLocator.get().getPathEntries()); FileValue parentFileValue = (FileValue) env.getValue(FileValue.key(parentRootedPath)); if (parentFileValue == null) { return null; } symlinkTargetPath = parentFileValue.realRootedPath().asPath().getRelative(symlinkTarget); } else { // This means '/' is a symlink to 'symlinkTarget'. symlinkTargetPath = path.getRelative(symlinkTarget); } symlinkTargetRootedPath = RootedPath.toRootedPathMaybeUnderRoot(symlinkTargetPath, pkgLocator.get().getPathEntries()); } // Suppose we have a symlink chain p -> p1 -> p2 -> ... pK. We want to determine the fully // resolved path, if any, of p. This entails following the chain and noticing if there's a // symlink issue. There three sorts of issues: // (i) Symlink cycle: // p -> p1 -> p2 -> p1 // (ii) Unbounded expansion caused by a symlink to a descendant of a member of the chain: // p -> a/b -> c/d -> a/b/e // (iii) Unbounded expansion caused by a symlink to an ancestor of a member of the chain: // p -> a/b -> c/d -> a // // We can detect all three of these symlink issues by following the chain and deciding if each // new element is problematic. Here is our incremental algorithm: // // Suppose we encounter the symlink target p and we have already encountered all the paths in P: // If p is in P then we have a found a cycle (i). // If p is a descendant of any path p' in P then we have unbounded expansion (ii). // If p is an ancestor of any path p' in P then we have unbounded expansion (iii). // We can check for these cases efficiently (read: sublinear time) by finding the extremal // candidate p' for (ii) and (iii). Path symlinkTargetPath = symlinkTargetRootedPath.asPath(); SkyKey uniquenessKey = null; FileSymlinkException fse = null; Path seenFloorPath = orderedSeenPaths.floor(symlinkTargetPath); Path seenCeilingPath = orderedSeenPaths.ceiling(symlinkTargetPath); if (orderedSeenPaths.contains(symlinkTargetPath)) { // 'rootedPath' is a symlink to a previous element in the symlink chain (i). Pair, ImmutableList> pathAndChain = CycleUtils.splitIntoPathAndChain( isPathPredicate(symlinkTargetRootedPath.asPath()), symlinkChain); FileSymlinkCycleException fsce = new FileSymlinkCycleException(pathAndChain.getFirst(), pathAndChain.getSecond()); uniquenessKey = FileSymlinkCycleUniquenessFunction.key(fsce.getCycle()); fse = fsce; } else if (seenFloorPath != null && symlinkTargetPath.startsWith(seenFloorPath)) { // 'rootedPath' is a symlink to a descendant of a previous element in the symlink chain (ii). Pair, ImmutableList> pathAndChain = CycleUtils.splitIntoPathAndChain( isPathPredicate(seenFloorPath), ImmutableList.copyOf( Iterables.concat(symlinkChain, ImmutableList.of(symlinkTargetRootedPath)))); uniquenessKey = FileSymlinkInfiniteExpansionUniquenessFunction.key(pathAndChain.getSecond()); fse = new FileSymlinkInfiniteExpansionException( pathAndChain.getFirst(), pathAndChain.getSecond()); } else if (seenCeilingPath != null && seenCeilingPath.startsWith(symlinkTargetPath)) { // 'rootedPath' is a symlink to an ancestor of a previous element in the symlink chain (iii). Pair, ImmutableList> pathAndChain = CycleUtils.splitIntoPathAndChain( isPathPredicate(seenCeilingPath), ImmutableList.copyOf( Iterables.concat(symlinkChain, ImmutableList.of(symlinkTargetRootedPath)))); uniquenessKey = FileSymlinkInfiniteExpansionUniquenessFunction.key(pathAndChain.getSecond()); fse = new FileSymlinkInfiniteExpansionException( pathAndChain.getFirst(), pathAndChain.getSecond()); } if (uniquenessKey != null) { if (env.getValue(uniquenessKey) == null) { // Note that this dependency is merely to ensure that each unique symlink error gets // reported exactly once. return null; } throw new FileFunctionException( Preconditions.checkNotNull(fse, rootedPath), Transience.PERSISTENT); } return resolveFromAncestors(symlinkTargetRootedPath, env); } private static final Predicate isPathPredicate(final Path path) { return new Predicate() { @Override public boolean apply(RootedPath rootedPath) { return rootedPath.asPath().equals(path); } }; } @Nullable @Override public String extractTag(SkyKey skyKey) { return null; } /** * Used to declare all the exception types that can be wrapped in the exception thrown by * {@link FileFunction#compute}. */ private static final class FileFunctionException extends SkyFunctionException { public FileFunctionException(IOException e, Transience transience) { super(e, transience); } } }