// Copyright 2014 The Bazel Authors. All rights reserved. // // Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); // you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. // You may obtain a copy of the License at // // http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 // // Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software // distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, // WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. // See the License for the specific language governing permissions and // limitations under the License. package com.google.devtools.build.lib.runtime; import com.google.devtools.build.lib.exec.ExecutionOptions; import com.google.devtools.build.lib.rules.test.TestLogHelper; import com.google.devtools.build.lib.rules.test.TestResult; import com.google.devtools.build.lib.rules.test.TestStrategy.TestOutputFormat; import com.google.devtools.build.lib.rules.test.TestStrategy.TestSummaryFormat; import com.google.devtools.build.lib.util.StringUtil; import com.google.devtools.build.lib.util.io.AnsiTerminalPrinter; import com.google.devtools.build.lib.view.test.TestStatus.BlazeTestStatus; import com.google.devtools.common.options.Option; import com.google.devtools.common.options.OptionsBase; import com.google.devtools.common.options.OptionsProvider; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.List; import java.util.Set; /** * Prints the test results to a terminal. */ public class TerminalTestResultNotifier implements TestResultNotifier { private static class TestResultStats { int numberOfTargets; int passCount; int failedToBuildCount; int failedCount; int failedRemotelyCount; int failedLocallyCount; int noStatusCount; int numberOfExecutedTargets; boolean wasUnreportedWrongSize; } /** * Flags specific to test summary reporting. */ public static class TestSummaryOptions extends OptionsBase { @Option(name = "verbose_test_summary", defaultValue = "true", category = "verbosity", help = "If true, print additional information (timing, number of failed runs, etc) in the" + " test summary.") public boolean verboseSummary; @Option(name = "test_verbose_timeout_warnings", defaultValue = "false", category = "verbosity", help = "If true, print additional warnings when the actual test execution time does not " + "match the timeout defined by the test (whether implied or explicit).") public boolean testVerboseTimeoutWarnings; } private final AnsiTerminalPrinter printer; private final OptionsProvider options; private final TestSummaryOptions summaryOptions; /** * @param printer The terminal to print to */ public TerminalTestResultNotifier(AnsiTerminalPrinter printer, OptionsProvider options) { this.printer = printer; this.options = options; this.summaryOptions = options.getOptions(TestSummaryOptions.class); } /** * Prints a test result summary that contains only failed tests. */ private void printDetailedTestResultSummary(Set summaries) { for (TestSummary summary : summaries) { if (summary.getStatus() != BlazeTestStatus.PASSED) { TestSummaryPrinter.print(summary, printer, summaryOptions.verboseSummary, true); } } } /** * Prints a full test result summary. */ private void printShortSummary(Set summaries, boolean showPassingTests) { for (TestSummary summary : summaries) { if (summary.getStatus() != BlazeTestStatus.PASSED || showPassingTests) { TestSummaryPrinter.print(summary, printer, summaryOptions.verboseSummary, false); } } } /** * Returns true iff the --check_tests_up_to_date option is enabled. */ private boolean optionCheckTestsUpToDate() { return options.getOptions(ExecutionOptions.class).testCheckUpToDate; } /** * Prints a test summary information for all tests to the terminal. * * @param summaries Summary of all targets that were ran * @param numberOfExecutedTargets the number of targets that were actually ran */ @Override public void notify(Set summaries, int numberOfExecutedTargets) { TestResultStats stats = new TestResultStats(); stats.numberOfTargets = summaries.size(); stats.numberOfExecutedTargets = numberOfExecutedTargets; TestOutputFormat testOutput = options.getOptions(ExecutionOptions.class).testOutput; for (TestSummary summary : summaries) { if (summary.isLocalActionCached() && TestLogHelper.shouldOutputTestLog(testOutput, TestResult.isBlazeTestStatusPassed(summary.getStatus()))) { TestSummaryPrinter.printCachedOutput(summary, testOutput, printer); } } for (TestSummary summary : summaries) { if (TestResult.isBlazeTestStatusPassed(summary.getStatus())) { stats.passCount++; } else if (summary.getStatus() == BlazeTestStatus.FAILED_TO_BUILD) { stats.failedToBuildCount++; } else if (summary.ranRemotely()) { stats.failedRemotelyCount++; } else { stats.failedLocallyCount++; } if (summary.getStatus() == BlazeTestStatus.NO_STATUS) { stats.noStatusCount++; } if (summary.wasUnreportedWrongSize()) { stats.wasUnreportedWrongSize = true; } } stats.failedCount = summaries.size() - stats.passCount; TestSummaryFormat testSummaryFormat = options.getOptions(ExecutionOptions.class).testSummary; switch (testSummaryFormat) { case DETAILED: printDetailedTestResultSummary(summaries); break; case SHORT: printShortSummary(summaries, /*printSuccess=*/true); break; case TERSE: printShortSummary(summaries, /*printSuccess=*/false); break; case NONE: break; } printStats(stats); } private void addToErrorList(List list, String failureDescription, int count) { if (count > 0) { list.add(String.format("%s%d %s %s%s", AnsiTerminalPrinter.Mode.ERROR, count, count == 1 ? "fails" : "fail", failureDescription, AnsiTerminalPrinter.Mode.DEFAULT)); } } private void printStats(TestResultStats stats) { if (!optionCheckTestsUpToDate()) { List results = new ArrayList<>(); if (stats.passCount == 1) { results.add(stats.passCount + " test passes"); } else if (stats.passCount > 0) { results.add(stats.passCount + " tests pass"); } addToErrorList(results, "to build", stats.failedToBuildCount); addToErrorList(results, "locally", stats.failedLocallyCount); addToErrorList(results, "remotely", stats.failedRemotelyCount); printer.print(String.format("\nExecuted %d out of %d tests: %s.\n", stats.numberOfExecutedTargets, stats.numberOfTargets, StringUtil.joinEnglishList(results, "and"))); } else { int failingUpToDateCount = stats.failedCount - stats.noStatusCount; printer.print(String.format( "\nFinished with %d passing and %s%d failing%s tests up to date, %s%d out of date.%s\n", stats.passCount, failingUpToDateCount > 0 ? AnsiTerminalPrinter.Mode.ERROR : "", failingUpToDateCount, AnsiTerminalPrinter.Mode.DEFAULT, stats.noStatusCount > 0 ? AnsiTerminalPrinter.Mode.ERROR : "", stats.noStatusCount, AnsiTerminalPrinter.Mode.DEFAULT)); } if (stats.wasUnreportedWrongSize) { printer.print("There were tests whose specified size is too big. Use the " + "--test_verbose_timeout_warnings command line option to see which " + "ones these are.\n"); } } }