// Copyright 2014 The Bazel Authors. All rights reserved. // // Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); // you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. // You may obtain a copy of the License at // // http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 // // Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software // distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, // WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. // See the License for the specific language governing permissions and // limitations under the License. package com.google.devtools.build.lib.rules.test; import com.google.common.annotations.VisibleForTesting; import com.google.common.collect.ImmutableList; import com.google.common.collect.ImmutableMap; import com.google.common.collect.ImmutableSet; import com.google.common.collect.Iterables; import com.google.devtools.build.lib.actions.AbstractAction; import com.google.devtools.build.lib.actions.ActionExecutionContext; import com.google.devtools.build.lib.actions.ActionExecutionException; import com.google.devtools.build.lib.actions.ActionInput; import com.google.devtools.build.lib.actions.ActionInputHelper; import com.google.devtools.build.lib.actions.ActionOwner; import com.google.devtools.build.lib.actions.Artifact; import com.google.devtools.build.lib.actions.ExecException; import com.google.devtools.build.lib.actions.NotifyOnActionCacheHit; import com.google.devtools.build.lib.actions.UserExecException; import com.google.devtools.build.lib.analysis.RunfilesSupplierImpl; import com.google.devtools.build.lib.analysis.config.BuildConfiguration; import com.google.devtools.build.lib.analysis.config.RunUnder; import com.google.devtools.build.lib.cmdline.Label; import com.google.devtools.build.lib.collect.ImmutableIterable; import com.google.devtools.build.lib.collect.nestedset.NestedSet; import com.google.devtools.build.lib.util.Fingerprint; import com.google.devtools.build.lib.util.LoggingUtil; import com.google.devtools.build.lib.util.Preconditions; import com.google.devtools.build.lib.vfs.FileSystemUtils; import com.google.devtools.build.lib.vfs.Path; import com.google.devtools.build.lib.vfs.PathFragment; import com.google.devtools.build.lib.view.test.TestStatus.TestResultData; import com.google.devtools.common.options.TriState; import java.io.IOException; import java.io.InputStream; import java.io.OutputStream; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.logging.Level; import javax.annotation.Nullable; /** * An Action representing a test with the associated environment (runfiles, * environment variables, test result, etc). It consumes test executable and * runfiles artifacts and produces test result and test status artifacts. */ // Not final so that we can mock it in tests. public class TestRunnerAction extends AbstractAction implements NotifyOnActionCacheHit { public static final PathFragment COVERAGE_TMP_ROOT = PathFragment.create("_coverage"); // Used for selecting subset of testcase / testmethods. private static final String TEST_BRIDGE_TEST_FILTER_ENV = "TESTBRIDGE_TEST_ONLY"; private static final String GUID = "cc41f9d0-47a6-11e7-8726-eb6ce83a8cc8"; private final NestedSet runtime; private final BuildConfiguration configuration; private final Artifact testLog; private final Artifact cacheStatus; private final PathFragment testWarningsPath; private final PathFragment unusedRunfilesLogPath; private final PathFragment splitLogsPath; private final PathFragment splitLogsDir; private final PathFragment undeclaredOutputsDir; private final PathFragment undeclaredOutputsZipPath; private final PathFragment undeclaredOutputsAnnotationsDir; private final PathFragment undeclaredOutputsManifestPath; private final PathFragment undeclaredOutputsAnnotationsPath; private final PathFragment xmlOutputPath; @Nullable private final PathFragment testShard; private final PathFragment testExitSafe; private final PathFragment testStderr; private final PathFragment testInfrastructureFailure; private final PathFragment baseDir; private final Artifact coverageData; private final TestTargetProperties testProperties; private final TestTargetExecutionSettings executionSettings; private final int shardNum; private final int runNumber; private final String workspaceName; private final boolean useTestRunner; // Mutable state related to test caching. Lazily initialized: null indicates unknown. private Boolean unconditionalExecution; /** Any extra environment variables (and values) added by the rule that created this action. */ private final ImmutableMap extraTestEnv; /** * The set of environment variables that are inherited from the client environment. These are * handled explicitly by the ActionCacheChecker and so don't have to be included in the cache key. */ private final ImmutableIterable requiredClientEnvVariables; private static ImmutableList list(Artifact... artifacts) { ImmutableList.Builder builder = ImmutableList.builder(); for (Artifact artifact : artifacts) { if (artifact != null) { builder.add(artifact); } } return builder.build(); } /** * Create new TestRunnerAction instance. Should not be called directly. * Use {@link TestActionBuilder} instead. * * @param shardNum The shard number. Must be 0 if totalShards == 0 * (no sharding). Otherwise, must be >= 0 and < totalShards. * @param runNumber test run number */ TestRunnerAction( ActionOwner owner, Iterable inputs, NestedSet runtime, // Must be a subset of inputs Artifact testLog, Artifact cacheStatus, Artifact coverageArtifact, TestTargetProperties testProperties, Map extraTestEnv, TestTargetExecutionSettings executionSettings, int shardNum, int runNumber, BuildConfiguration configuration, String workspaceName, boolean useTestRunner) { super( owner, inputs, // Note that this action only cares about the runfiles, not the mapping. new RunfilesSupplierImpl(PathFragment.create("runfiles"), executionSettings.getRunfiles()), list(testLog, cacheStatus, coverageArtifact)); this.runtime = runtime; this.configuration = Preconditions.checkNotNull(configuration); this.testLog = testLog; this.cacheStatus = cacheStatus; this.coverageData = coverageArtifact; this.shardNum = shardNum; this.runNumber = runNumber; this.testProperties = Preconditions.checkNotNull(testProperties); this.executionSettings = Preconditions.checkNotNull(executionSettings); this.baseDir = cacheStatus.getExecPath().getParentDirectory(); int totalShards = executionSettings.getTotalShards(); Preconditions.checkState((totalShards == 0 && shardNum == 0) || (totalShards > 0 && 0 <= shardNum && shardNum < totalShards)); this.testExitSafe = baseDir.getChild("test.exited_prematurely"); // testShard Path should be set only if sharding is enabled. this.testShard = totalShards > 1 ? baseDir.getChild("test.shard") : null; this.xmlOutputPath = baseDir.getChild("test.xml"); this.testWarningsPath = baseDir.getChild("test.warnings"); this.unusedRunfilesLogPath = baseDir.getChild("test.unused_runfiles_log"); this.testStderr = baseDir.getChild("test.err"); this.splitLogsDir = baseDir.getChild("test.raw_splitlogs"); // See note in {@link #getSplitLogsPath} on the choice of file name. this.splitLogsPath = splitLogsDir.getChild("test.splitlogs"); this.undeclaredOutputsDir = baseDir.getChild("test.outputs"); this.undeclaredOutputsZipPath = undeclaredOutputsDir.getChild("outputs.zip"); this.undeclaredOutputsAnnotationsDir = baseDir.getChild("test.outputs_manifest"); this.undeclaredOutputsManifestPath = undeclaredOutputsAnnotationsDir.getChild("MANIFEST"); this.undeclaredOutputsAnnotationsPath = undeclaredOutputsAnnotationsDir.getChild("ANNOTATIONS"); this.testInfrastructureFailure = baseDir.getChild("test.infrastructure_failure"); this.workspaceName = workspaceName; this.useTestRunner = useTestRunner; this.extraTestEnv = ImmutableMap.copyOf(extraTestEnv); this.requiredClientEnvVariables = ImmutableIterable.from(Iterables.concat( configuration.getActionEnvironment().getInheritedEnv(), configuration.getTestActionEnvironment().getInheritedEnv())); } public BuildConfiguration getConfiguration() { return configuration; } public final PathFragment getBaseDir() { return baseDir; } @Override public boolean showsOutputUnconditionally() { return true; } public List getSpawnOutputs() { final List outputs = new ArrayList<>(); outputs.add(ActionInputHelper.fromPath(getXmlOutputPath())); outputs.add(ActionInputHelper.fromPath(getExitSafeFile())); if (isSharded()) { outputs.add(ActionInputHelper.fromPath(getTestShard())); } outputs.add(ActionInputHelper.fromPath(getTestWarningsPath())); outputs.add(ActionInputHelper.fromPath(getSplitLogsPath())); outputs.add(ActionInputHelper.fromPath(getUnusedRunfilesLogPath())); outputs.add(ActionInputHelper.fromPath(getInfrastructureFailureFile())); outputs.add(ActionInputHelper.fromPath(getUndeclaredOutputsZipPath())); outputs.add(ActionInputHelper.fromPath(getUndeclaredOutputsManifestPath())); outputs.add(ActionInputHelper.fromPath(getUndeclaredOutputsAnnotationsPath())); if (isCoverageMode()) { outputs.add(getCoverageData()); } return outputs; } @Override protected String computeKey() { Fingerprint f = new Fingerprint(); f.addString(GUID); f.addStrings(executionSettings.getArgs().arguments()); f.addString(executionSettings.getTestFilter() == null ? "" : executionSettings.getTestFilter()); RunUnder runUnder = executionSettings.getRunUnder(); f.addString(runUnder == null ? "" : runUnder.getValue()); f.addStringMap(extraTestEnv); // TODO(ulfjack): It might be better for performance to hash the action and test envs in config, // and only add a hash here. configuration.getActionEnvironment().addTo(f); configuration.getTestActionEnvironment().addTo(f); // The 'requiredClientEnvVariables' are handled by Skyframe and don't need to be added here. f.addString(testProperties.getSize().toString()); f.addString(testProperties.getTimeout().toString()); f.addStrings(testProperties.getTags()); f.addInt(testProperties.isLocal() ? 1 : 0); f.addInt(shardNum); f.addInt(executionSettings.getTotalShards()); f.addInt(runNumber); f.addInt(configuration.getRunsPerTestForLabel(getOwner().getLabel())); f.addInt(configuration.isCodeCoverageEnabled() ? 1 : 0); return f.hexDigestAndReset(); } @Override public boolean executeUnconditionally() { // Note: isVolatile must return true if executeUnconditionally can ever return true // for this instance. if (unconditionalExecution == null) { unconditionalExecution = computeExecuteUnconditionallyFromTestStatus(); } return unconditionalExecution; } @Override public boolean isVolatile() { return true; } /** * Saves cache status to disk. */ public void saveCacheStatus(TestResultData data) throws IOException { try (OutputStream out = cacheStatus.getPath().getOutputStream()) { data.writeTo(out); } } /** * Returns the cache from disk, or null if the file doesn't exist or if there is an error. */ @Nullable private TestResultData readCacheStatus() { try (InputStream in = cacheStatus.getPath().getInputStream()) { return TestResultData.parseFrom(in); } catch (IOException expected) { return null; } } private boolean computeExecuteUnconditionallyFromTestStatus() { return !canBeCached( configuration.cacheTestResults(), readCacheStatus(), testProperties.isExternal(), configuration.getRunsPerTestForLabel(getOwner().getLabel())); } @VisibleForTesting static boolean canBeCached( TriState cacheTestResults, TestResultData prevStatus, boolean isExternal, int runsPerTest) { if (cacheTestResults == TriState.NO) { return false; } if (isExternal) { return false; } if (cacheTestResults == TriState.AUTO && (runsPerTest > 1)) { return false; } // Test will not be executed unconditionally - check whether test result exists and is // valid. If it is, method will return false and we will rely on the dependency checker // to make a decision about test execution. if (cacheTestResults == TriState.AUTO && prevStatus != null && !prevStatus.getTestPassed()) { return false; } // Rely on the dependency checker to determine if the test can be cached. Note that the status // is a declared output, so its non-existence also triggers a re-run. return true; } /** * Returns whether caching has been deemed safe by looking at the previous test run * (for local caching). If the previous run is not present, return "true" here, as * remote execution caching should be safe. */ public boolean shouldCacheResult() { return !executeUnconditionally(); } @Override public void actionCacheHit(ActionCachedContext executor) { unconditionalExecution = null; try { executor.getEventBus().post( executor.getContext(TestActionContext.class).newCachedTestResult( executor.getExecRoot(), this, readCacheStatus())); } catch (IOException e) { LoggingUtil.logToRemote(Level.WARNING, "Failed creating cached protocol buffer", e); } } @Override protected String getRawProgressMessage() { return "Testing " + getTestName(); } /** * Deletes all possible test outputs. * * TestRunnerAction potentially can create many more non-declared outputs - xml output, * coverage data file and logs for failed attempts. All those outputs are uniquely * identified by the test log base name with arbitrary prefix and extension. */ @Override protected void deleteOutputs(Path execRoot) throws IOException { super.deleteOutputs(execRoot); // We do not rely on globs, as it causes quadratic behavior in --runs_per_test and test // shard count. // We also need to remove *.(xml|data|shard|warnings|zip) files if they are present. execRoot.getRelative(xmlOutputPath).delete(); execRoot.getRelative(testWarningsPath).delete(); execRoot.getRelative(unusedRunfilesLogPath).delete(); // Note that splitLogsPath points to a file inside the splitLogsDir so // it's not necessary to delete it explicitly. FileSystemUtils.deleteTree(execRoot.getRelative(splitLogsDir)); FileSystemUtils.deleteTree(execRoot.getRelative(undeclaredOutputsDir)); FileSystemUtils.deleteTree(execRoot.getRelative(undeclaredOutputsAnnotationsDir)); execRoot.getRelative(testStderr).delete(); execRoot.getRelative(testExitSafe).delete(); if (testShard != null) { execRoot.getRelative(testShard).delete(); } execRoot.getRelative(testInfrastructureFailure).delete(); // Coverage files use "coverage" instead of "test". String coveragePrefix = "coverage"; // We cannot use coverageData artifact since it may be null. Generate coverage name instead. execRoot.getRelative(baseDir.getChild(coveragePrefix + ".dat")).delete(); // Delete files fetched from remote execution. execRoot.getRelative(baseDir.getChild("test.zip")).delete(); deleteTestAttemptsDirMaybe(execRoot.getRelative(baseDir), "test"); } private void deleteTestAttemptsDirMaybe(Path outputDir, String namePrefix) throws IOException { Path testAttemptsDir = outputDir.getChild(namePrefix + "_attempts"); if (testAttemptsDir.exists()) { // Normally we should have used deleteTree(testAttemptsDir). However, if test output is // in a FUSE filesystem implemented with the high-level API, there may be .fuse??????? // entries, which prevent removing the directory. As a workaround, code below will throw // IOException if it will fail to remove something inside testAttemptsDir, but will // silently suppress any exceptions when deleting testAttemptsDir itself. FileSystemUtils.deleteTreesBelow(testAttemptsDir); try { testAttemptsDir.delete(); } catch (IOException e) { // Do nothing. } } } public void setupEnvVariables(Map env, int timeoutInSeconds) { env.put("TEST_SIZE", getTestProperties().getSize().toString()); env.put("TEST_TIMEOUT", Integer.toString(timeoutInSeconds)); env.put("TEST_WORKSPACE", getRunfilesPrefix()); env.put( "TEST_BINARY", getExecutionSettings().getExecutable().getRootRelativePath().getCallablePathString()); // When we run test multiple times, set different TEST_RANDOM_SEED values for each run. // Don't override any previous setting. if (getConfiguration().getRunsPerTestForLabel(getOwner().getLabel()) > 1 && !env.containsKey("TEST_RANDOM_SEED")) { env.put("TEST_RANDOM_SEED", Integer.toString(getRunNumber() + 1)); } String testFilter = getExecutionSettings().getTestFilter(); if (testFilter != null) { env.put(TEST_BRIDGE_TEST_FILTER_ENV, testFilter); } env.put("TEST_WARNINGS_OUTPUT_FILE", getTestWarningsPath().getPathString()); env.put("TEST_UNUSED_RUNFILES_LOG_FILE", getUnusedRunfilesLogPath().getPathString()); env.put("TEST_LOGSPLITTER_OUTPUT_FILE", getSplitLogsPath().getPathString()); env.put("TEST_UNDECLARED_OUTPUTS_ZIP", getUndeclaredOutputsZipPath().getPathString()); env.put("TEST_UNDECLARED_OUTPUTS_DIR", getUndeclaredOutputsDir().getPathString()); env.put("TEST_UNDECLARED_OUTPUTS_MANIFEST", getUndeclaredOutputsManifestPath().getPathString()); env.put( "TEST_UNDECLARED_OUTPUTS_ANNOTATIONS", getUndeclaredOutputsAnnotationsPath().getPathString()); env.put( "TEST_UNDECLARED_OUTPUTS_ANNOTATIONS_DIR", getUndeclaredOutputsAnnotationsDir().getPathString()); env.put("TEST_PREMATURE_EXIT_FILE", getExitSafeFile().getPathString()); env.put("TEST_INFRASTRUCTURE_FAILURE_FILE", getInfrastructureFailureFile().getPathString()); if (isSharded()) { env.put("TEST_SHARD_INDEX", Integer.toString(getShardNum())); env.put("TEST_TOTAL_SHARDS", Integer.toString(getExecutionSettings().getTotalShards())); env.put("TEST_SHARD_STATUS_FILE", getTestShard().getPathString()); } env.put("XML_OUTPUT_FILE", getXmlOutputPath().getPathString()); if (!isEnableRunfiles()) { // If runfiles are disabled, tell remote-runtest.sh/local-runtest.sh about that. env.put("RUNFILES_MANIFEST_ONLY", "1"); } if (isCoverageMode()) { // Instruct remote-runtest.sh/local-runtest.sh not to cd into the runfiles directory. // TODO(ulfjack): Find a way to avoid setting this variable. env.put("RUNTEST_PRESERVE_CWD", "1"); env.put("COVERAGE_MANIFEST", getCoverageManifest().getExecPathString()); env.put("COVERAGE_DIR", getCoverageDirectory().getPathString()); env.put("COVERAGE_OUTPUT_FILE", getCoverageData().getExecPathString()); } } /** * Gets the test name in a user-friendly format. * Will generally include the target name and run/shard numbers, if applicable. */ public String getTestName() { String suffix = getTestSuffix(); String label = Label.print(getOwner().getLabel()); return suffix.isEmpty() ? label : label + " " + suffix; } /** * Gets the test suffix in a user-friendly format, eg "(shard 1 of 7)". * Will include the target name and run/shard numbers, if applicable. */ public String getTestSuffix() { int totalShards = executionSettings.getTotalShards(); // Use a 1-based index for user friendliness. int runsPerTest = configuration.getRunsPerTestForLabel(getOwner().getLabel()); if (totalShards > 1 && runsPerTest > 1) { return String.format("(shard %d of %d, run %d of %d)", shardNum + 1, totalShards, runNumber + 1, runsPerTest); } else if (totalShards > 1) { return String.format("(shard %d of %d)", shardNum + 1, totalShards); } else if (runsPerTest > 1) { return String.format("(run %d of %d)", runNumber + 1, runsPerTest); } else { return ""; } } public Artifact getTestLog() { return testLog; } /** * Returns all environment variables which must be set in order to run this test. */ public Map getExtraTestEnv() { return extraTestEnv; } @Override public Iterable getClientEnvironmentVariables() { return requiredClientEnvVariables; } public ResolvedPaths resolve(Path execRoot) { return new ResolvedPaths(execRoot); } public Artifact getCacheStatusArtifact() { return cacheStatus; } public PathFragment getTestWarningsPath() { return testWarningsPath; } public PathFragment getUnusedRunfilesLogPath() { return unusedRunfilesLogPath; } public PathFragment getSplitLogsPath() { return splitLogsPath; } public PathFragment getUndeclaredOutputsDir() { return undeclaredOutputsDir; } /** * @return path to the optional zip file of undeclared test outputs. */ public PathFragment getUndeclaredOutputsZipPath() { return undeclaredOutputsZipPath; } /** * @return path to the undeclared output manifest file. */ public PathFragment getUndeclaredOutputsManifestPath() { return undeclaredOutputsManifestPath; } public PathFragment getUndeclaredOutputsAnnotationsDir() { return undeclaredOutputsAnnotationsDir; } /** * @return path to the undeclared output annotations file. */ public PathFragment getUndeclaredOutputsAnnotationsPath() { return undeclaredOutputsAnnotationsPath; } public PathFragment getTestShard() { return testShard; } public PathFragment getExitSafeFile() { return testExitSafe; } public PathFragment getInfrastructureFailureFile() { return testInfrastructureFailure; } /** * @return path to the optionally created XML output file created by the test. */ public PathFragment getXmlOutputPath() { return xmlOutputPath; } /** * @return coverage data artifact or null if code coverage was not requested. */ @Nullable public Artifact getCoverageData() { return coverageData; } @Nullable public Artifact getCoverageManifest() { return getExecutionSettings().getInstrumentedFileManifest(); } /** Returns true if coverage data should be gathered. */ public boolean isCoverageMode() { return coverageData != null; } /** * Returns a directory to temporarily store coverage results for the given action relative to the * execution root. This directory is used to store all coverage results related to the test * execution with exception of the locally generated *.gcda files. Those are stored separately * using relative path within coverage directory. * *

The directory name for the given test runner action is constructed as: {@code * _coverage/target_path/test_log_name} where {@code test_log_name} is usually a target name but * potentially can include extra suffix, such as a shard number (if test execution was sharded). */ public PathFragment getCoverageDirectory() { return COVERAGE_TMP_ROOT.getRelative( FileSystemUtils.removeExtension(getTestLog().getRootRelativePath())); } public TestTargetProperties getTestProperties() { return testProperties; } public TestTargetExecutionSettings getExecutionSettings() { return executionSettings; } public boolean useTestRunner() { return useTestRunner; } public boolean isSharded() { return testShard != null; } /** * @return the shard number for this action. * If getTotalShards() > 0, must be >= 0 and < getTotalShards(). * Otherwise, must be 0. */ public int getShardNum() { return shardNum; } /** * @return run number. */ public int getRunNumber() { return runNumber; } /** * @return the workspace name. */ public String getRunfilesPrefix() { return workspaceName; } @Override public Artifact getPrimaryOutput() { return testLog; } @Override public void execute(ActionExecutionContext actionExecutionContext) throws ActionExecutionException, InterruptedException { TestActionContext context = actionExecutionContext.getContext(TestActionContext.class); try { context.exec(this, actionExecutionContext); } catch (ExecException e) { throw e.toActionExecutionException(this); } finally { unconditionalExecution = null; } } @Override public String getMnemonic() { return "TestRunner"; } @Override public ImmutableSet getMandatoryOutputs() { return getOutputs(); } public Artifact getRuntimeArtifact(String basename) throws ExecException { for (Artifact runtimeArtifact : runtime) { if (runtimeArtifact.getExecPath().getBaseName().equals(basename)) { return runtimeArtifact; } } throw new UserExecException("'" + basename + "' not found in test runtime"); } public PathFragment getShExecutable() { return configuration.getShellExecutable(); } public ImmutableMap getLocalShellEnvironment() { return configuration.getLocalShellEnvironment(); } public boolean isEnableRunfiles() { return configuration.runfilesEnabled(); } /** * The same set of paths as the parent test action, resolved against a given exec root. */ public final class ResolvedPaths { private final Path execRoot; ResolvedPaths(Path execRoot) { this.execRoot = Preconditions.checkNotNull(execRoot); } private Path getPath(PathFragment relativePath) { return execRoot.getRelative(relativePath); } public final Path getBaseDir() { return getPath(baseDir); } /** * In rare cases, error messages will be printed to stderr instead of stdout. The test action is * responsible for appending anything in the stderr file to the real test.log. */ public Path getTestStderr() { return getPath(testStderr); } public Path getTestWarningsPath() { return getPath(testWarningsPath); } public Path getSplitLogsPath() { return getPath(splitLogsPath); } public Path getUnusedRunfilesLogPath() { return getPath(unusedRunfilesLogPath); } /** * @return path to the directory containing the split logs (raw and proto file). */ public Path getSplitLogsDir() { return getPath(splitLogsDir); } /** * @return path to the optional zip file of undeclared test outputs. */ public Path getUndeclaredOutputsZipPath() { return getPath(undeclaredOutputsZipPath); } /** * @return path to the directory to hold undeclared test outputs. */ public Path getUndeclaredOutputsDir() { return getPath(undeclaredOutputsDir); } /** * @return path to the directory to hold undeclared output annotations parts. */ public Path getUndeclaredOutputsAnnotationsDir() { return getPath(undeclaredOutputsAnnotationsDir); } /** * @return path to the undeclared output manifest file. */ public Path getUndeclaredOutputsManifestPath() { return getPath(undeclaredOutputsManifestPath); } /** * @return path to the undeclared output annotations file. */ public Path getUndeclaredOutputsAnnotationsPath() { return getPath(undeclaredOutputsAnnotationsPath); } @Nullable public Path getTestShard() { return testShard == null ? null : getPath(testShard); } public Path getExitSafeFile() { return getPath(testExitSafe); } public Path getInfrastructureFailureFile() { return getPath(testInfrastructureFailure); } /** * @return path to the optionally created XML output file created by the test. */ public Path getXmlOutputPath() { return getPath(xmlOutputPath); } } }