// Copyright 2016 The Bazel Authors. All rights reserved. // // Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); // you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. // You may obtain a copy of the License at // // http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 // // Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software // distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, // WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. // See the License for the specific language governing permissions and // limitations under the License. package com.google.devtools.build.lib.rules.proto; import static com.google.common.base.Preconditions.checkState; import static com.google.common.collect.Iterables.isEmpty; import static com.google.devtools.build.lib.collect.nestedset.Order.STABLE_ORDER; import static com.google.devtools.build.lib.rules.proto.ProtoCommon.areDepsStrict; import com.google.common.annotations.VisibleForTesting; import com.google.common.base.Joiner; import com.google.common.base.Preconditions; import com.google.common.base.Supplier; import com.google.common.base.Suppliers; import com.google.common.collect.ImmutableList; import com.google.common.collect.ImmutableMap; import com.google.devtools.build.lib.actions.Action; import com.google.devtools.build.lib.actions.Artifact; import com.google.devtools.build.lib.actions.ParameterFile; import com.google.devtools.build.lib.actions.ResourceSet; import com.google.devtools.build.lib.analysis.FilesToRunProvider; import com.google.devtools.build.lib.analysis.MakeVariableExpander; import com.google.devtools.build.lib.analysis.RuleConfiguredTarget; import com.google.devtools.build.lib.analysis.RuleContext; import com.google.devtools.build.lib.analysis.actions.CustomCommandLine; import com.google.devtools.build.lib.analysis.actions.SpawnAction; import com.google.devtools.build.lib.collect.nestedset.NestedSet; import com.google.devtools.build.lib.collect.nestedset.NestedSetBuilder; import com.google.devtools.build.lib.util.LazyString; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import javax.annotation.Nullable; /** Constructs actions to run the protocol compiler to generate sources from .proto files. */ public class ProtoCompileActionBuilder { private static final String MNEMONIC = "GenProto"; private static final ResourceSet GENPROTO_RESOURCE_SET = ResourceSet.createWithRamCpuIo(100, .1, .0); private static final Action[] NO_ACTIONS = new Action[0]; private RuleContext ruleContext; private SupportData supportData; private String language; private String langPrefix; private Iterable outputs; private String langParameter; private String langPluginName; private String langPluginParameter; private Supplier langPluginParameterSupplier; private boolean hasServices; private Iterable additionalCommandLineArguments; private Iterable additionalTools; /** Build a proto compiler commandline argument for use in setXParameter methods. */ public static String buildProtoArg(String arg, String value, Iterable flags) { return String.format( "--%s=%s%s", arg, (isEmpty(flags) ? "" : Joiner.on(',').join(flags) + ":"), value); } public ProtoCompileActionBuilder setRuleContext(RuleContext ruleContext) { this.ruleContext = ruleContext; return this; } public ProtoCompileActionBuilder setSupportData(SupportData supportData) { this.supportData = supportData; return this; } public ProtoCompileActionBuilder setLanguage(String language) { this.language = language; return this; } public ProtoCompileActionBuilder setLangPrefix(String langPrefix) { this.langPrefix = langPrefix; return this; } public ProtoCompileActionBuilder allowServices(boolean hasServices) { this.hasServices = hasServices; return this; } public ProtoCompileActionBuilder setOutputs(Iterable outputs) { this.outputs = outputs; return this; } public ProtoCompileActionBuilder setLangParameter(String langParameter) { this.langParameter = langParameter; return this; } public ProtoCompileActionBuilder setLangPluginName(String langPluginName) { this.langPluginName = langPluginName; return this; } public ProtoCompileActionBuilder setLangPluginParameter(String langPluginParameter) { this.langPluginParameter = langPluginParameter; return this; } public ProtoCompileActionBuilder setLangPluginParameterSupplier( Supplier langPluginParameterSupplier) { this.langPluginParameterSupplier = langPluginParameterSupplier; return this; } public ProtoCompileActionBuilder setAdditionalCommandLineArguments( Iterable additionalCmdLine) { this.additionalCommandLineArguments = additionalCmdLine; return this; } public ProtoCompileActionBuilder setAdditionalTools( Iterable additionalTools) { this.additionalTools = additionalTools; return this; } public ProtoCompileActionBuilder( RuleContext ruleContext, SupportData supportData, String language, String langPrefix, Iterable outputs) { this.ruleContext = ruleContext; this.supportData = supportData; this.language = language; this.langPrefix = langPrefix; this.outputs = outputs; } /** Static class to avoid keeping a reference to this builder after build() is called. */ private static class LazyLangPluginFlag extends LazyString { private final String langPrefix; private final Supplier langPluginParameter1; LazyLangPluginFlag(String langPrefix, Supplier langPluginParameter1) { this.langPrefix = langPrefix; this.langPluginParameter1 = langPluginParameter1; } @Override public String toString() { return String.format("--%s_out=%s", langPrefix, langPluginParameter1.get()); } } private static class LazyCommandLineExpansion extends LazyString { // E.g., --java_out=%s private final String template; private final Map variableValues; private LazyCommandLineExpansion( String template, Map variableValues) { this.template = template; this.variableValues = variableValues; } @Override public String toString() { try { return MakeVariableExpander.expand( template, new MakeVariableExpander.Context() { @Override public String lookupMakeVariable(String var) throws MakeVariableExpander.ExpansionException { CharSequence value = variableValues.get(var); return value != null ? value.toString() : var; } }); } catch (MakeVariableExpander.ExpansionException e) { // Squeelch. We don't throw this exception in the lookupMakeVariable implementation above, // and we can't report it here anyway, because this code will typically execute in the // Execution phase. } return template; } } public Action[] build() { checkState( langPluginParameter == null || langPluginParameterSupplier == null, "Only one of {langPluginParameter, langPluginParameterSupplier} should be set."); if (isEmpty(outputs)) { return NO_ACTIONS; } try { return createAction().build(ruleContext); } catch (MissingPrerequisiteException e) { return NO_ACTIONS; } } private SpawnAction.Builder createAction() throws MissingPrerequisiteException { SpawnAction.Builder result = new SpawnAction.Builder().addTransitiveInputs(supportData.getTransitiveImports()); FilesToRunProvider langPluginTarget = getLangPluginTarget(); if (langPluginTarget != null) { result.addTool(langPluginTarget); } FilesToRunProvider compilerTarget = ruleContext.getExecutablePrerequisite(":proto_compiler", RuleConfiguredTarget.Mode.HOST); if (compilerTarget == null) { throw new MissingPrerequisiteException(); } if (this.additionalTools != null) { for (FilesToRunProvider tool : additionalTools) { result.addTool(tool); } } result .useParameterFile(ParameterFile.ParameterFileType.UNQUOTED) .addOutputs(outputs) .setResources(GENPROTO_RESOURCE_SET) .useDefaultShellEnvironment() .setExecutable(compilerTarget) .setCommandLine(createProtoCompilerCommandLine().build()) .setProgressMessage("Generating " + language + " proto_library " + ruleContext.getLabel()) .setMnemonic(MNEMONIC); return result; } @Nullable private FilesToRunProvider getLangPluginTarget() throws MissingPrerequisiteException { if (langPluginName == null) { return null; } FilesToRunProvider result = ruleContext.getExecutablePrerequisite(langPluginName, RuleConfiguredTarget.Mode.HOST); if (result == null) { throw new MissingPrerequisiteException(); } return result; } /** Commandline generator for protoc invocations. */ @VisibleForTesting CustomCommandLine.Builder createProtoCompilerCommandLine() throws MissingPrerequisiteException { CustomCommandLine.Builder result = CustomCommandLine.builder(); if (langPluginName == null) { if (langParameter != null) { result.add(langParameter); } } else { FilesToRunProvider langPluginTarget = getLangPluginTarget(); Supplier langPluginParameter1 = langPluginParameter == null ? langPluginParameterSupplier : Suppliers.ofInstance(langPluginParameter); Preconditions.checkArgument(langParameter == null); Preconditions.checkArgument(langPluginParameter1 != null); // We pass a separate langPluginName as there are plugins that cannot be overridden // and thus we have to deal with "$xx_plugin" and "xx_plugin". result.add( String.format( "--plugin=protoc-gen-%s=%s", langPrefix, langPluginTarget.getExecutable().getExecPathString())); result.add(new LazyLangPluginFlag(langPrefix, langPluginParameter1)); } result.add(ruleContext.getFragment(ProtoConfiguration.class).protocOpts()); boolean areDepsStrict = areDepsStrict(ruleContext); // Add include maps result.add( new ProtoCommandLineArgv( areDepsStrict ? supportData.getProtosInDirectDeps() : null, supportData.getTransitiveImports())); if (areDepsStrict) { // Note: the %s in the line below is used by proto-compiler. That is, the string we create // here should have a literal %s in it. result.add( "--direct_dependencies_violation_msg=%s is imported, " + "but " + ruleContext.getLabel().getCanonicalForm() + " doesn't directly depend on a proto_library that 'srcs' it."); } for (Artifact src : supportData.getDirectProtoSources()) { result.addPath(src.getRootRelativePath()); } if (!hasServices) { result.add("--disallow_services"); } if (additionalCommandLineArguments != null) { result.add(additionalCommandLineArguments); } return result; } /** * Static inner class since these objects live into the execution phase and so they must not keep * alive references to the surrounding analysis-phase objects. */ @VisibleForTesting static class ProtoCommandLineArgv extends CustomCommandLine.CustomMultiArgv { @Nullable private final Iterable protosInDirectDependencies; private final Iterable transitiveImports; ProtoCommandLineArgv( @Nullable Iterable protosInDirectDependencies, Iterable transitiveImports) { this.protosInDirectDependencies = protosInDirectDependencies; this.transitiveImports = transitiveImports; } @Override public Iterable argv() { ImmutableList.Builder builder = ImmutableList.builder(); for (Artifact artifact : transitiveImports) { builder.add( "-I" + artifact .getRootRelativePath() .relativeTo( artifact .getOwnerLabel() .getPackageIdentifier() .getRepository() .getPathUnderExecRoot()) + "=" + artifact.getExecPathString()); } if (protosInDirectDependencies != null) { ArrayList rootRelativePaths = new ArrayList<>(); for (Artifact directDependency : protosInDirectDependencies) { rootRelativePaths.add(directDependency.getRootRelativePathString()); } builder.add("--direct_dependencies=" + Joiner.on(":").join(rootRelativePaths)); } return builder.build(); } } /** Signifies that a prerequisite could not be satisfied. */ private static class MissingPrerequisiteException extends Exception {} public static void writeDescriptorSet( RuleContext ruleContext, final CharSequence outReplacement, Iterable protosToCompile, NestedSet transitiveSources, NestedSet protosInDirectDeps, Iterable outputs, boolean allowServices) { registerActions( ruleContext, ImmutableList.of(createDescriptorSetToolchain(outReplacement)), protosToCompile, transitiveSources, protosInDirectDeps, ruleContext.getLabel().getCanonicalForm(), outputs, "Descriptor Set", allowServices); } private static ToolchainInvocation createDescriptorSetToolchain(CharSequence outReplacement) { return new ToolchainInvocation( "dontcare", ProtoLangToolchainProvider.create( "--descriptor_set_out=$(OUT)", null /* pluginExecutable */, null /* runtime */, NestedSetBuilder.emptySet(STABLE_ORDER) /* blacklistedProtos */), outReplacement); } /** * Registers actions to generate code from .proto files. * *

This method uses information from proto_lang_toolchain() rules. New rules should use this * method instead of the soup of methods above. * * @param toolchainInvocations See {@link #createCommandLineFromToolchains}. * @param ruleLabel See {@link #createCommandLineFromToolchains}. * @param outputs The artifacts that the resulting action must create. * @param flavorName e.g., "Java (Immutable)" * @param allowServices If false, the compilation will break if any .proto file has service */ public static void registerActions( RuleContext ruleContext, List toolchainInvocations, Iterable protosToCompile, NestedSet transitiveSources, NestedSet protosInDirectDeps, String ruleLabel, Iterable outputs, String flavorName, boolean allowServices) { if (isEmpty(outputs)) { return; } SpawnAction.Builder result = new SpawnAction.Builder().addTransitiveInputs(transitiveSources); for (ToolchainInvocation invocation : toolchainInvocations) { ProtoLangToolchainProvider toolchain = invocation.toolchain; if (toolchain.pluginExecutable() != null) { result.addTool(toolchain.pluginExecutable()); } } FilesToRunProvider compilerTarget = ruleContext.getExecutablePrerequisite(":proto_compiler", RuleConfiguredTarget.Mode.HOST); if (compilerTarget == null) { return; } result .useParameterFile(ParameterFile.ParameterFileType.UNQUOTED) .addOutputs(outputs) .setResources(GENPROTO_RESOURCE_SET) .useDefaultShellEnvironment() .setExecutable(compilerTarget) .setCommandLine( createCommandLineFromToolchains( toolchainInvocations, protosToCompile, transitiveSources, areDepsStrict(ruleContext) ? protosInDirectDeps : null, ruleLabel, allowServices, ruleContext.getFragment(ProtoConfiguration.class).protocOpts())) .setProgressMessage("Generating " + flavorName + " proto_library " + ruleContext.getLabel()) .setMnemonic(MNEMONIC); ruleContext.registerAction(result.build(ruleContext)); } /** * Constructs command-line arguments to execute proto-compiler. * *

  • Each toolchain contributes a command-line, formatted from its commandLine() method. *
  • $(OUT) is replaced with the outReplacement field of ToolchainInvocation. *
  • $(PLUGIN_out) is replaced with PLUGIN__out where 'key' is the key of * toolchainInvocations. The key thus allows multiple plugins in one command-line. *
  • If a toolchain's {@code plugin()} is non-null, we point at it by emitting * --plugin=protoc-gen-PLUGIN_=. *
* * Note {@code toolchainInvocations} is ordered, and affects the order in which plugins are * called. As some plugins rely on output from other plugins, their order matters. * * @param toolchainInvocations See {@link #createCommandLineFromToolchains}. * @param ruleLabel Name of the proto_library for which we're compiling. This string is used to * populate an error message format that's passed to proto-compiler. * @param allowServices If false, the compilation will break if any .proto file has */ @VisibleForTesting static CustomCommandLine createCommandLineFromToolchains( List toolchainInvocations, Iterable protosToCompile, NestedSet transitiveSources, @Nullable NestedSet protosInDirectDeps, String ruleLabel, boolean allowServices, ImmutableList protocOpts) { CustomCommandLine.Builder cmdLine = CustomCommandLine.builder(); // A set to check if there are multiple invocations with the same name. HashSet invocationNames = new HashSet<>(); for (ToolchainInvocation invocation : toolchainInvocations) { if (!invocationNames.add(invocation.name)) { throw new IllegalStateException( "Invocation name " + invocation.name + " appears more than once. " + "This could lead to incorrect proto-compiler behavior"); } ProtoLangToolchainProvider toolchain = invocation.toolchain; cmdLine.add( new LazyCommandLineExpansion( toolchain.commandLine(), ImmutableMap.of( "OUT", invocation.outReplacement, "PLUGIN_OUT", String.format("PLUGIN_%s_out", invocation.name)))); if (toolchain.pluginExecutable() != null) { cmdLine.add( String.format( "--plugin=protoc-gen-%s=%s", String.format("PLUGIN_%s", invocation.name), toolchain.pluginExecutable().getExecutable().getExecPathString())); } } cmdLine.add(protocOpts); // Add include maps cmdLine.add(new ProtoCommandLineArgv(protosInDirectDeps, transitiveSources)); if (protosInDirectDeps != null) { // Note: the %s in the line below is used by proto-compiler. That is, the string we create // here should have a literal %s in it. cmdLine.add( "--direct_dependencies_violation_msg=%s is imported, " + "but " + ruleLabel + " doesn't directly depend on a proto_library that 'srcs' it."); } for (Artifact src : protosToCompile) { cmdLine.addPath(src.getRootRelativePath()); } if (!allowServices) { cmdLine.add("--disallow_services"); } return cmdLine.build(); } /** * Describes a toolchain and the value to replace for a $(OUT) that might appear in its * commandLine() (e.g., "bazel-out/foo.srcjar"). */ public static class ToolchainInvocation { final String name; public final ProtoLangToolchainProvider toolchain; final CharSequence outReplacement; public ToolchainInvocation( String name, ProtoLangToolchainProvider toolchain, CharSequence outReplacement) { checkState(!name.contains(" "), "Name %s should not contain spaces", name); this.name = name; this.toolchain = toolchain; this.outReplacement = outReplacement; } } }