// Copyright 2014 The Bazel Authors. All rights reserved. // // Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); // you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. // You may obtain a copy of the License at // // http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 // // Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software // distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, // WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. // See the License for the specific language governing permissions and // limitations under the License. package com.google.devtools.build.lib.rules.objc; import static com.google.devtools.build.lib.collect.nestedset.Order.LINK_ORDER; import static com.google.devtools.build.lib.collect.nestedset.Order.STABLE_ORDER; import com.google.common.annotations.VisibleForTesting; import com.google.common.base.Predicate; import com.google.common.base.Predicates; import com.google.common.collect.ImmutableList; import com.google.common.collect.ImmutableMap; import com.google.common.collect.ImmutableSet; import com.google.common.collect.Iterables; import com.google.devtools.build.lib.actions.Artifact; import com.google.devtools.build.lib.analysis.TransitiveInfoProvider; import com.google.devtools.build.lib.collect.nestedset.NestedSet; import com.google.devtools.build.lib.collect.nestedset.NestedSetBuilder; import com.google.devtools.build.lib.collect.nestedset.Order; import com.google.devtools.build.lib.concurrent.ThreadSafety.Immutable; import com.google.devtools.build.lib.packages.NativeClassObjectConstructor; import com.google.devtools.build.lib.packages.SkylarkClassObject; import com.google.devtools.build.lib.rules.cpp.CcLinkParamsProvider; import com.google.devtools.build.lib.rules.cpp.CppModuleMap; import com.google.devtools.build.lib.rules.cpp.LinkerInputs; import com.google.devtools.build.lib.rules.cpp.LinkerInputs.LibraryToLink; import com.google.devtools.build.lib.skylarkinterface.SkylarkModule; import com.google.devtools.build.lib.skylarkinterface.SkylarkModuleCategory; import com.google.devtools.build.lib.syntax.EvalUtils; import com.google.devtools.build.lib.util.Preconditions; import com.google.devtools.build.lib.vfs.PathFragment; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.Map; /** * A provider that provides all compiling and linking information in the transitive closure of its * deps that are needed for building Objective-C rules. */ @Immutable @SkylarkModule( name = "ObjcProvider", category = SkylarkModuleCategory.PROVIDER, doc = "A provider for compilation and linking of objc." ) public final class ObjcProvider extends SkylarkClassObject implements TransitiveInfoProvider, TransitiveInfoProvider.WithLegacySkylarkName { /** * The skylark struct key name for a rule implementation to use when exporting an ObjcProvider. */ public static final String OBJC_SKYLARK_PROVIDER_NAME = "objc"; @Override public String getSkylarkName() { return OBJC_SKYLARK_PROVIDER_NAME; } /** * Represents one of the things this provider can provide transitively. Things are provided as * {@link NestedSet}s of type E. */ @Immutable public static class Key { private final Order order; private final String skylarkKeyName; private final Class type; private Key(Order order, String skylarkKeyName, Class type) { this.order = Preconditions.checkNotNull(order); this.skylarkKeyName = skylarkKeyName; this.type = type; } /** * Returns the name of the collection represented by this key in the Skylark provider. */ public String getSkylarkKeyName() { return skylarkKeyName; } /** * Returns the type of nested set keyed in the ObjcProvider by this key. */ public Class getType() { return type; } } public static final Key LIBRARY = new Key<>(LINK_ORDER, "library", Artifact.class); public static final Key IMPORTED_LIBRARY = new Key<>(LINK_ORDER, "imported_library", Artifact.class); /** * J2ObjC JRE emulation libraries and their dependencies. Separate from LIBRARY because these * dependencies are specified further up the tree from where the dependency actually exists and * they must be forced to the end of the link order. */ public static final Key JRE_LIBRARY = new Key<>(LINK_ORDER, "jre_library", Artifact.class); /** * Single-architecture linked binaries to be combined for the final multi-architecture binary. */ public static final Key LINKED_BINARY = new Key<>(STABLE_ORDER, "linked_binary", Artifact.class); /** Combined-architecture binaries to include in the final bundle. */ public static final Key MULTI_ARCH_LINKED_BINARIES = new Key<>(STABLE_ORDER, "combined_arch_linked_binary", Artifact.class); /** Combined-architecture dynamic libraries to include in the final bundle. */ public static final Key MULTI_ARCH_DYNAMIC_LIBRARIES = new Key<>(STABLE_ORDER, "combined_arch_dynamic_library", Artifact.class); /** Combined-architecture archives to include in the final bundle. */ public static final Key MULTI_ARCH_LINKED_ARCHIVES = new Key<>(STABLE_ORDER, "combined_arch_linked_archive", Artifact.class); /** * Indicates which libraries to load with {@code -force_load}. This is a subset of the union of * the {@link #LIBRARY} and {@link #IMPORTED_LIBRARY} sets. */ public static final Key FORCE_LOAD_LIBRARY = new Key<>(LINK_ORDER, "force_load_library", Artifact.class); /** * Contains all header files. These may be either public or private headers. */ public static final Key HEADER = new Key<>(STABLE_ORDER, "header", Artifact.class); /** * Contains all source files. */ public static final Key SOURCE = new Key<>(STABLE_ORDER, "source", Artifact.class); /** * Include search paths specified with {@code -I} on the command line. Also known as header search * paths (and distinct from user header search paths). */ public static final Key INCLUDE = new Key<>(LINK_ORDER, "include", PathFragment.class); /** * Include search paths specified with {@code -iquote} on the command line. Also known as user * header search paths. */ public static final Key IQUOTE = new Key<>(LINK_ORDER, "iquote", PathFragment.class); /** * Include search paths specified with {@code -isystem} on the command line. */ public static final Key INCLUDE_SYSTEM = new Key<>(LINK_ORDER, "include_system", PathFragment.class); /** * Key for values in {@code defines} attributes. These are passed as {@code -D} flags to all * invocations of the compiler for this target and all depending targets. */ public static final Key DEFINE = new Key<>(STABLE_ORDER, "define", String.class); public static final Key ASSET_CATALOG = new Key<>(STABLE_ORDER, "asset_catalog", Artifact.class); /** * Added to {@link TargetControl#getGeneralResourceFileList()} when running Xcodegen. */ public static final Key GENERAL_RESOURCE_FILE = new Key<>(STABLE_ORDER, "general_resource_file", Artifact.class); /** * Resource directories added to {@link TargetControl#getGeneralResourceFileList()} when running * Xcodegen. When copying files inside resource directories to the app bundle, XCode will preserve * the directory structures of the copied files. */ public static final Key GENERAL_RESOURCE_DIR = new Key<>(STABLE_ORDER, "general_resource_dir", PathFragment.class); /** * Exec paths of {@code .bundle} directories corresponding to imported bundles to link. * These are passed to Xcodegen. */ public static final Key BUNDLE_IMPORT_DIR = new Key<>(STABLE_ORDER, "bundle_import_dir", PathFragment.class); /** * Files that are plopped into the final bundle at some arbitrary bundle path. Note that these are * not passed to Xcodegen, and these don't include information about where the file originated * from. */ public static final Key BUNDLE_FILE = new Key<>(STABLE_ORDER, "bundle_file", BundleableFile.class); public static final Key XCASSETS_DIR = new Key<>(STABLE_ORDER, "xcassets_dir", PathFragment.class); public static final Key SDK_DYLIB = new Key<>(STABLE_ORDER, "sdk_dylib", String.class); public static final Key SDK_FRAMEWORK = new Key<>(STABLE_ORDER, "sdk_framework", SdkFramework.class); public static final Key WEAK_SDK_FRAMEWORK = new Key<>(STABLE_ORDER, "weak_sdk_framework", SdkFramework.class); public static final Key XCDATAMODEL = new Key<>(STABLE_ORDER, "xcdatamodel", Artifact.class); public static final Key FLAG = new Key<>(STABLE_ORDER, "flag", Flag.class); /** * Clang umbrella header. Public headers are #included in umbrella headers to be compatible with * J2ObjC segmented headers. */ public static final Key UMBRELLA_HEADER = new Key<>(STABLE_ORDER, "umbrella_header", Artifact.class); /** * Clang module maps, used to enforce proper use of private header files. */ public static final Key MODULE_MAP = new Key<>(STABLE_ORDER, "module_map", Artifact.class); /** * Information about this provider's module map, in the form of a {@link CppModuleMap}. This * is intransitive, and can be used to get just the target's module map to pass to clang or to * get the module maps for direct but not transitive dependencies. You should only add module maps * for this key using {@link Builder#addWithoutPropagating}. */ public static final Key TOP_LEVEL_MODULE_MAP = new Key<>(STABLE_ORDER, "top_level_module_map", CppModuleMap.class); /** * Merge zips to include in the bundle. The entries of these zip files are included in the final * bundle with the same path. The entries in the merge zips should not include the bundle root * path (e.g. {@code Foo.app}). */ public static final Key MERGE_ZIP = new Key<>(STABLE_ORDER, "merge_zip", Artifact.class); /** * Merge zips to include in the ipa and outside the bundle root. * * e.g. For a bundle Test.ipa, unzipped content will be in: * Test.ipa/ * Test.ipa/Payload * Test.ipa/Payload/Test.app */ public static final Key ROOT_MERGE_ZIP = new Key<>(STABLE_ORDER, "root_merge_zip", Artifact.class); /** * Exec paths of {@code .framework} directories corresponding to frameworks to include in search * paths, but not to link. These cause -F arguments (framework search paths) to be added to * each compile action, but do not cause -framework (link framework) arguments to be added to * link actions. */ public static final Key FRAMEWORK_SEARCH_PATH_ONLY = new Key<>(LINK_ORDER, "framework_search_paths", PathFragment.class); /** * Exec paths of {@code .framework} directories corresponding to static frameworks to link. These * cause -F arguments (framework search paths) to be added to each compile action, and * -framework (link framework) arguments to be added to each link action. These differ from * dynamic frameworks in that they are statically linked into the binary. */ // TODO(cparsons): Rename this key to static_framework_dir. public static final Key STATIC_FRAMEWORK_DIR = new Key<>(LINK_ORDER, "framework_dir", PathFragment.class); /** * Files in {@code .framework} directories that should be included as inputs when compiling and * linking. */ public static final Key STATIC_FRAMEWORK_FILE = new Key<>(STABLE_ORDER, "static_framework_file", Artifact.class); /** * Exec paths of {@code .framework} directories corresponding to dynamic frameworks to link. These * cause -F arguments (framework search paths) to be added to each compile action, and * -framework (link framework) arguments to be added to each link action. These differ from * static frameworks in that they are not statically linked into the binary. */ public static final Key DYNAMIC_FRAMEWORK_DIR = new Key<>(LINK_ORDER, "dynamic_framework_dir", PathFragment.class); /** * Files in {@code .framework} directories belonging to a dynamically linked framework. They * should be included as inputs when compiling and linking as well as copied into the final * application bundle. */ public static final Key DYNAMIC_FRAMEWORK_FILE = new Key<>(STABLE_ORDER, "dynamic_framework_file", Artifact.class); /** * Bundles which should be linked in as a nested bundle to the final application. */ public static final Key NESTED_BUNDLE = new Key<>(STABLE_ORDER, "nested_bundle", Bundling.class); /** * Artifact containing information on debug symbols. */ public static final Key DEBUG_SYMBOLS = new Key<>(STABLE_ORDER, "debug_symbols", Artifact.class); /** * Artifact containing the plist of the debug symbols. */ public static final Key DEBUG_SYMBOLS_PLIST = new Key<>(STABLE_ORDER, "debug_symbols_plist", Artifact.class); /** * Debug artifacts that should be exported by the top-level target. */ public static final Key EXPORTED_DEBUG_ARTIFACTS = new Key<>(STABLE_ORDER, "exported_debug_artifacts", Artifact.class); /** * Single-architecture link map for a binary. */ public static final Key LINKMAP_FILE = new Key<>(STABLE_ORDER, "linkmap_file", Artifact.class); /** * Artifacts for storyboard sources. */ public static final Key STORYBOARD = new Key<>(STABLE_ORDER, "storyboard", Artifact.class); /** * Artifacts for .xib file sources. */ public static final Key XIB = new Key<>(STABLE_ORDER, "xib", Artifact.class); /** * Artifacts for strings source files. */ public static final Key STRINGS = new Key<>(STABLE_ORDER, "strings", Artifact.class); /** * Linking information from cc dependencies. */ public static final Key CC_LIBRARY = new Key<>(LINK_ORDER, "cc_library", LinkerInputs.LibraryToLink.class); /** * Linking options from dependencies. */ public static final Key LINKOPT = new Key<>(LINK_ORDER, "linkopt", String.class); /** * Link time artifacts from dependencies. These do not fall into any other category such as * libraries or archives, rather provide a way to add arbitrary data (e.g. Swift AST files) * to the linker. The rule that adds these is also responsible to add the necessary linker flags * in {@link #LINKOPT}. */ public static final Key LINK_INPUTS = new Key<>(LINK_ORDER, "link_inputs", Artifact.class); /** Static libraries that are built from J2ObjC-translated Java code. */ public static final Key J2OBJC_LIBRARY = new Key<>(LINK_ORDER, "j2objc_library", Artifact.class); /** * Flags that apply to a transitive build dependency tree. Each item in the enum corresponds to a * flag. If the item is included in the key {@link #FLAG}, then the flag is considered set. */ public enum Flag { /** * Indicates that C++ (or Objective-C++) is used in any source file. This affects how the linker * is invoked. */ USES_CPP, /** Indicates that Swift dependencies are present. This affects bundling actions. */ USES_SWIFT, /** * Indicates that a watchOS 1 extension is present in the bundle. (There can only be one * extension for any given watchOS version in a given bundle). */ HAS_WATCH1_EXTENSION, /** * Indicates that a watchOS 2 extension is present in the bundle. (There can only be one * extension for any given watchOS version in a given bundle). */ HAS_WATCH2_EXTENSION, } private final ImmutableMap, NestedSet> items; // Items which should not be propagated to dependents. private final ImmutableMap, NestedSet> nonPropagatedItems; /** All keys in ObjcProvider that will be passed in the corresponding Skylark provider. */ static final ImmutableList> KEYS_FOR_SKYLARK = ImmutableList.>of( ASSET_CATALOG, BUNDLE_FILE, BUNDLE_IMPORT_DIR, DEFINE, DYNAMIC_FRAMEWORK_DIR, DYNAMIC_FRAMEWORK_FILE, DEBUG_SYMBOLS, DEBUG_SYMBOLS_PLIST, EXPORTED_DEBUG_ARTIFACTS, FRAMEWORK_SEARCH_PATH_ONLY, FORCE_LOAD_LIBRARY, GENERAL_RESOURCE_DIR, GENERAL_RESOURCE_FILE, HEADER, IMPORTED_LIBRARY, INCLUDE, INCLUDE_SYSTEM, IQUOTE, J2OBJC_LIBRARY, JRE_LIBRARY, LIBRARY, LINK_INPUTS, LINKED_BINARY, LINKMAP_FILE, LINKOPT, MERGE_ZIP, MODULE_MAP, MULTI_ARCH_DYNAMIC_LIBRARIES, MULTI_ARCH_LINKED_ARCHIVES, MULTI_ARCH_LINKED_BINARIES, ROOT_MERGE_ZIP, SDK_DYLIB, SDK_FRAMEWORK, SOURCE, STATIC_FRAMEWORK_DIR, STATIC_FRAMEWORK_FILE, STORYBOARD, STRINGS, UMBRELLA_HEADER, WEAK_SDK_FRAMEWORK, XCASSETS_DIR, XCDATAMODEL, XIB); /** * All keys in ObjcProvider that are explicitly not exposed to skylark. This is used for * testing and verification purposes to ensure that a conscious decision is made for all keys; * by default, keys should be exposed to skylark: a comment outlining why a key is omitted * from skylark should follow each such case. **/ @VisibleForTesting static final ImmutableList> KEYS_NOT_IN_SKYLARK = ImmutableList.>of( // LibraryToLink not exposed to skylark. CC_LIBRARY, // Flag enum is not exposed to skylark. FLAG, // Bundle not exposed to skylark. NESTED_BUNDLE, // CppModuleMap is not exposed to skylark. TOP_LEVEL_MODULE_MAP); /** * Set of {@link ObjcProvider} whose values are not subtracted via {@link #subtractSubtrees}. * *

Only keys which are unrelated to statically-linked library dependencies should be listed. * For example, LIBRARY is a subtractable key because it contains objects of individual * objc_library dependencies, but keys pertaining to resources are non-subtractable keys, because * the top level binary will need these resources whether or not the library is statically or * dynamically linked. */ private static final ImmutableSet> NON_SUBTRACTABLE_KEYS = ImmutableSet.>of( DEFINE, DYNAMIC_FRAMEWORK_DIR, DYNAMIC_FRAMEWORK_FILE, FLAG, MERGE_ZIP, ROOT_MERGE_ZIP, FRAMEWORK_SEARCH_PATH_ONLY, HEADER, INCLUDE, INCLUDE_SYSTEM, IQUOTE, LINKOPT, SDK_DYLIB, SDK_FRAMEWORK, WEAK_SDK_FRAMEWORK); /** * Returns the skylark key for the given string, or null if no such key exists or is available * to Skylark. */ static Key getSkylarkKeyForString(String keyName) { for (Key candidateKey : KEYS_FOR_SKYLARK) { if (candidateKey.getSkylarkKeyName().equals(keyName)) { return candidateKey; } } return null; } // Items which should be passed to strictly direct dependers, but not transitive dependers. private final ImmutableMap, NestedSet> strictDependencyItems; private static final NativeClassObjectConstructor OBJC_PROVIDER = new NativeClassObjectConstructor(ObjcProvider.class, "objc_provider") { @Override public String getErrorMessageFormatForInstances() { return "ObjcProvider field %s could not be instantiated"; } }; private ObjcProvider( ImmutableMap, NestedSet> items, ImmutableMap, NestedSet> nonPropagatedItems, ImmutableMap, NestedSet> strictDependencyItems, ImmutableMap skylarkFields) { super(OBJC_PROVIDER, skylarkFields); this.items = Preconditions.checkNotNull(items); this.nonPropagatedItems = Preconditions.checkNotNull(nonPropagatedItems); this.strictDependencyItems = Preconditions.checkNotNull(strictDependencyItems); } @Override public Concatter getConcatter() { return null; } /** * All artifacts, bundleable files, etc. of the type specified by {@code key}. */ @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public NestedSet get(Key key) { Preconditions.checkNotNull(key); NestedSetBuilder builder = new NestedSetBuilder<>(key.order); if (strictDependencyItems.containsKey(key)) { builder.addTransitive((NestedSet) strictDependencyItems.get(key)); } if (nonPropagatedItems.containsKey(key)) { builder.addTransitive((NestedSet) nonPropagatedItems.get(key)); } if (items.containsKey(key)) { builder.addTransitive((NestedSet) items.get(key)); } return builder.build(); } /** * Returns all keys that have at least one value in this provider (values may be propagable, * non-propagable, or strict). */ private Iterable> getValuedKeys() { return ImmutableSet.>builder() .addAll(strictDependencyItems.keySet()) .addAll(nonPropagatedItems.keySet()) .addAll(items.keySet()) .build(); } /** * All artifacts, bundleable files, etc, that should be propagated to transitive dependers, of * the type specified by {@code key}. */ @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") private NestedSet getPropagable(Key key) { Preconditions.checkNotNull(key); NestedSetBuilder builder = new NestedSetBuilder<>(key.order); if (items.containsKey(key)) { builder.addTransitive((NestedSet) items.get(key)); } return builder.build(); } /** * Indicates whether {@code flag} is set on this provider. */ public boolean is(Flag flag) { return Iterables.contains(get(FLAG), flag); } /** * Indicates whether this provider has any asset catalogs. This is true whenever some target in * its transitive dependency tree specifies a non-empty {@code asset_catalogs} attribute. */ public boolean hasAssetCatalogs() { return !get(XCASSETS_DIR).isEmpty(); } /** Returns the list of .a files required for linking that arise from objc libraries. */ ImmutableList getObjcLibraries() { // JRE libraries must be ordered after all regular objc libraries. NestedSet jreLibs = get(JRE_LIBRARY); return ImmutableList.builder() .addAll(Iterables.filter( get(LIBRARY), Predicates.not(Predicates.in(jreLibs.toSet())))) .addAll(jreLibs) .build(); } /** Returns the list of .a files required for linking that arise from cc libraries. */ ImmutableList getCcLibraries() { ImmutableList.Builder ccLibraryBuilder = ImmutableList.builder(); for (LinkerInputs.LibraryToLink libraryToLink : get(CC_LIBRARY)) { ccLibraryBuilder.add(libraryToLink.getArtifact()); } return ccLibraryBuilder.build(); } /** * Subtracts dependency subtrees from this provider and returns the result (subtraction does not * mutate this provider). Note that not all provider keys are subtracted; generally only keys * which correspond with compiled libraries will be subtracted. * *

This is an expensive operation, as it requires flattening of all nested sets contained * in each provider. * * @param avoidObjcProviders objc providers which contain the dependency subtrees to subtract * @param avoidCcProviders cc providers which contain the dependency subtrees to subtract */ // TODO(b/19795062): Investigate subtraction generalized to NestedSet. public ObjcProvider subtractSubtrees(Iterable avoidObjcProviders, Iterable avoidCcProviders) { // LIBRARY and CC_LIBRARY need to be special cased for objc-cc interop. // A library which is a dependency of a cc_library may be present in all or any of // three possible locations (and may be duplicated!): // 1. ObjcProvider.LIBRARY // 2. ObjcProvider.CC_LIBRARY // 3. CcLinkParamsProvider->LibraryToLink->getArtifact() // TODO(cpeyser): Clean up objc-cc interop. HashSet avoidLibrariesSet = new HashSet<>(); for (CcLinkParamsProvider linkProvider : avoidCcProviders) { NestedSet librariesToLink = linkProvider.getCcLinkParams(true, false).getLibraries(); for (LibraryToLink libraryToLink : librariesToLink.toList()) { avoidLibrariesSet.add(libraryToLink.getArtifact()); } } for (ObjcProvider avoidProvider : avoidObjcProviders) { avoidLibrariesSet.addAll(avoidProvider.getCcLibraries()); for (Artifact libraryToAvoid : avoidProvider.getPropagable(LIBRARY)) { avoidLibrariesSet.add(libraryToAvoid); } } ObjcProvider.Builder objcProviderBuilder = new ObjcProvider.Builder(); for (Key key : getValuedKeys()) { if (key == CC_LIBRARY) { addTransitiveAndFilter(objcProviderBuilder, CC_LIBRARY, ccLibraryNotYetLinked(avoidLibrariesSet)); } else if (key == LIBRARY) { addTransitiveAndFilter(objcProviderBuilder, LIBRARY, notContainedIn(avoidLibrariesSet)); } else if (NON_SUBTRACTABLE_KEYS.contains(key)) { addTransitiveAndAvoid(objcProviderBuilder, key, ImmutableList.of()); } else { addTransitiveAndAvoid(objcProviderBuilder, key, avoidObjcProviders); } } return objcProviderBuilder.build(); } /** * Returns a predicate which returns true for a given artifact if the artifact is not contained * in a given set. * * @param linkedLibraryArtifacts if a given artifact is present in this set, the predicate will * return false */ private static Predicate notContainedIn( final HashSet linkedLibraryArtifacts) { return libraryToLink -> !linkedLibraryArtifacts.contains(libraryToLink); } /** * Returns a predicate which returns true for a given {@link LibraryToLink} if the library * artifact is not contained in a given set. * * @param linkedLibraryArtifacts if a given library's artifact is present in this set, the * predicate will return false */ private static Predicate ccLibraryNotYetLinked( final HashSet linkedLibraryArtifacts) { return libraryToLink -> !linkedLibraryArtifacts.contains(libraryToLink.getArtifact()); } @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") private void addTransitiveAndFilter(ObjcProvider.Builder objcProviderBuilder, Key key, Predicate filterPredicate) { NestedSet propagableItems = (NestedSet) items.get(key); NestedSet nonPropagableItems = (NestedSet) nonPropagatedItems.get(key); NestedSet strictItems = (NestedSet) strictDependencyItems.get(key); if (propagableItems != null) { objcProviderBuilder.addAll(key, Iterables.filter(propagableItems.toList(), filterPredicate)); } if (nonPropagableItems != null) { objcProviderBuilder.addAllNonPropagable(key, Iterables.filter(nonPropagableItems.toList(), filterPredicate)); } if (strictItems != null) { objcProviderBuilder.addAllForDirectDependents(key, Iterables.filter(strictItems.toList(), filterPredicate)); } } @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") private void addTransitiveAndAvoid(ObjcProvider.Builder objcProviderBuilder, Key key, Iterable avoidProviders) { HashSet avoidItemsSet = new HashSet(); for (ObjcProvider avoidProvider : avoidProviders) { avoidItemsSet.addAll(avoidProvider.getPropagable(key).toList()); } addTransitiveAndFilter(objcProviderBuilder, key, Predicates.not(Predicates.in(avoidItemsSet))); } /** * A builder for this context with an API that is optimized for collecting information from * several transitive dependencies. */ public static final class Builder { private final Map, NestedSetBuilder> items = new HashMap<>(); private final Map, NestedSetBuilder> nonPropagatedItems = new HashMap<>(); private final Map, NestedSetBuilder> strictDependencyItems = new HashMap<>(); private static void maybeAddEmptyBuilder(Map, NestedSetBuilder> set, Key key) { set.computeIfAbsent(key, k -> new NestedSetBuilder<>(k.order)); } @SuppressWarnings({"rawtypes", "unchecked"}) private void uncheckedAddAll(Key key, Iterable toAdd, Map, NestedSetBuilder> set) { maybeAddEmptyBuilder(set, key); set.get(key).addAll(toAdd); } @SuppressWarnings({"rawtypes", "unchecked"}) private void uncheckedAddTransitive(Key key, NestedSet toAdd, Map, NestedSetBuilder> set) { maybeAddEmptyBuilder(set, key); set.get(key).addTransitive(toAdd); } /** * Add all elements from providers, and propagate them to any (transitive) dependers on this * ObjcProvider. */ public Builder addTransitiveAndPropagate(Iterable providers) { for (ObjcProvider provider : providers) { addTransitiveAndPropagate(provider); } return this; } /** * Add all keys and values from provider, and propagate them to any (transitive) dependers on * this ObjcProvider. */ public Builder addTransitiveAndPropagate(ObjcProvider provider) { for (Map.Entry, NestedSet> typeEntry : provider.items.entrySet()) { uncheckedAddTransitive(typeEntry.getKey(), typeEntry.getValue(), this.items); } for (Map.Entry, NestedSet> typeEntry : provider.strictDependencyItems.entrySet()) { uncheckedAddTransitive(typeEntry.getKey(), typeEntry.getValue(), this.nonPropagatedItems); } return this; } /** * Add all keys and values from the given provider, but propagate any normally-propagated items * only to direct dependers of this ObjcProvider. */ public Builder addAsDirectDeps(ObjcProvider provider) { for (Map.Entry, NestedSet> typeEntry : provider.items.entrySet()) { uncheckedAddTransitive(typeEntry.getKey(), typeEntry.getValue(), this.strictDependencyItems); } for (Map.Entry, NestedSet> typeEntry : provider.strictDependencyItems.entrySet()) { uncheckedAddTransitive(typeEntry.getKey(), typeEntry.getValue(), this.nonPropagatedItems); } return this; } /** * Add all elements from a single key of the given provider, and propagate them to any * (transitive) dependers on this ObjcProvider. */ public Builder addTransitiveAndPropagate(Key key, ObjcProvider provider) { if (provider.items.containsKey(key)) { uncheckedAddTransitive(key, provider.items.get(key), this.items); } if (provider.strictDependencyItems.containsKey(key)) { uncheckedAddTransitive( key, provider.strictDependencyItems.get(key), this.nonPropagatedItems); } return this; } /** * Adds elements in items, and propagate them to any (transitive) dependers on this * ObjcProvider. */ public Builder addTransitiveAndPropagate(Key key, NestedSet items) { uncheckedAddTransitive(key, items, this.items); return this; } /** * Add elements from providers, but don't propagate them to any dependers on this ObjcProvider. * These elements will be exposed to {@link #get(Key)} calls, but not to any ObjcProviders * which add this provider to themselves. */ public Builder addTransitiveWithoutPropagating(Iterable providers) { for (ObjcProvider provider : providers) { addTransitiveWithoutPropagating(provider); } return this; } /** * Add all keys and values from provider, without propagating them to any (transitive) dependers * on this ObjcProvider. These elements will be exposed to {@link #get(Key)} calls, but not to * any ObjcProviders which add this provider to themselves. */ public Builder addTransitiveWithoutPropagating(ObjcProvider provider) { for (Map.Entry, NestedSet> typeEntry : provider.items.entrySet()) { uncheckedAddTransitive(typeEntry.getKey(), typeEntry.getValue(), this.nonPropagatedItems); } for (Map.Entry, NestedSet> typeEntry : provider.strictDependencyItems.entrySet()) { uncheckedAddTransitive(typeEntry.getKey(), typeEntry.getValue(), this.nonPropagatedItems); } return this; } /** * Add a single key from provider, without propagating them to any (transitive) dependers * on this ObjcProvider. These elements will be exposed to {@link #get(Key)} calls, but not to * any ObjcProviders which add this provider to themselves. */ public Builder addTransitiveWithoutPropagating(Key key, ObjcProvider provider) { if (provider.items.containsKey(key)) { uncheckedAddTransitive(key, provider.items.get(key), this.nonPropagatedItems); } if (provider.strictDependencyItems.containsKey(key)) { uncheckedAddTransitive( key, provider.strictDependencyItems.get(key), this.nonPropagatedItems); } return this; } /** * Adds elements in items, without propagating them to any (transitive) dependers on this * ObjcProvider. */ public Builder addTransitiveWithoutPropagating(Key key, NestedSet items) { uncheckedAddTransitive(key, items, this.nonPropagatedItems); return this; } /** * Add element, and propagate it to any (transitive) dependers on this ObjcProvider. */ public Builder add(Key key, E toAdd) { uncheckedAddAll(key, ImmutableList.of(toAdd), this.items); return this; } /** * Add elements in toAdd, and propagate them to any (transitive) dependers on this ObjcProvider. */ public Builder addAll(Key key, Iterable toAdd) { uncheckedAddAll(key, toAdd, this.items); return this; } /** * Add elements in toAdd, and do not propagate to dependents of this provider. */ public Builder addAllNonPropagable(Key key, Iterable toAdd) { uncheckedAddAll(key, toAdd, this.nonPropagatedItems); return this; } /** * Add element toAdd, and propagate it only to direct dependents of this provider. */ public Builder addForDirectDependents(Key key, E toAdd) { uncheckedAddAll(key, ImmutableList.of(toAdd), this.strictDependencyItems); return this; } /** * Add elements in toAdd, and propagate them only to direct dependents of this provider. */ public Builder addAllForDirectDependents(Key key, Iterable toAdd) { uncheckedAddAll(key, toAdd, this.strictDependencyItems); return this; } /** * Add elements in toAdd with the given key from skylark. An error is thrown if toAdd is not * an appropriate SkylarkNestedSet. */ void addElementsFromSkylark(Key key, Object toAdd) { uncheckedAddAll(key, ObjcProviderSkylarkConverters.convertToJava(key, toAdd), this.items); } /** * Adds the given providers from skylark. An error is thrown if toAdd is not an iterable of * ObjcProvider instances. */ @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") void addProvidersFromSkylark(Object toAdd) { if (!(toAdd instanceof Iterable)) { throw new IllegalArgumentException( String.format( AppleSkylarkCommon.BAD_PROVIDERS_ITER_ERROR, EvalUtils.getDataTypeName(toAdd))); } else { Iterable toAddIterable = (Iterable) toAdd; for (Object toAddObject : toAddIterable) { if (!(toAddObject instanceof ObjcProvider)) { throw new IllegalArgumentException( String.format( AppleSkylarkCommon.BAD_PROVIDERS_ELEM_ERROR, EvalUtils.getDataTypeName(toAddObject))); } else { this.addTransitiveAndPropagate((ObjcProvider) toAddObject); } } } } /** * Adds the given providers from skylark, but propagate any normally-propagated items * only to direct dependers. An error is thrown if toAdd is not an iterable of ObjcProvider * instances. */ @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") void addDirectDepProvidersFromSkylark(Object toAdd) { if (!(toAdd instanceof Iterable)) { throw new IllegalArgumentException( String.format( AppleSkylarkCommon.BAD_PROVIDERS_ITER_ERROR, EvalUtils.getDataTypeName(toAdd))); } else { Iterable toAddIterable = (Iterable) toAdd; for (Object toAddObject : toAddIterable) { if (!(toAddObject instanceof ObjcProvider)) { throw new IllegalArgumentException( String.format( AppleSkylarkCommon.BAD_PROVIDERS_ELEM_ERROR, EvalUtils.getDataTypeName(toAddObject))); } else { this.addAsDirectDeps((ObjcProvider) toAddObject); } } } } @SuppressWarnings({"rawtypes", "unchecked"}) public ObjcProvider build() { ImmutableMap.Builder, NestedSet> propagatedBuilder = new ImmutableMap.Builder<>(); for (Map.Entry, NestedSetBuilder> typeEntry : items.entrySet()) { propagatedBuilder.put(typeEntry.getKey(), typeEntry.getValue().build()); } ImmutableMap.Builder, NestedSet> nonPropagatedBuilder = new ImmutableMap.Builder<>(); for (Map.Entry, NestedSetBuilder> typeEntry : nonPropagatedItems.entrySet()) { nonPropagatedBuilder.put(typeEntry.getKey(), typeEntry.getValue().build()); } ImmutableMap.Builder, NestedSet> strictDependencyBuilder = new ImmutableMap.Builder<>(); for (Map.Entry, NestedSetBuilder> typeEntry : strictDependencyItems.entrySet()) { strictDependencyBuilder.put(typeEntry.getKey(), typeEntry.getValue().build()); } ImmutableMap, NestedSet> propagated = propagatedBuilder.build(); ImmutableMap, NestedSet> nonPropagated = nonPropagatedBuilder.build(); ImmutableMap, NestedSet> strictDependency = strictDependencyBuilder.build(); ImmutableMap.Builder skylarkFields = new ImmutableMap.Builder<>(); for (Key key : KEYS_FOR_SKYLARK) { NestedSetBuilder union = new NestedSetBuilder(key.order); if (propagated.containsKey(key)) { union.addTransitive((NestedSet) propagated.get(key)); } if (strictDependency.containsKey(key)) { union.addTransitive(strictDependency.get(key)); } if (nonPropagated.containsKey(key)) { union.addTransitive(nonPropagated.get(key)); } skylarkFields.put( key.getSkylarkKeyName(), ObjcProviderSkylarkConverters.convertToSkylark(key, union.build())); } return new ObjcProvider(propagated, nonPropagated, strictDependency, skylarkFields.build()); } } }