// Copyright 2014 The Bazel Authors. All rights reserved. // // Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); // you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. // You may obtain a copy of the License at // // http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 // // Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software // distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, // WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. // See the License for the specific language governing permissions and // limitations under the License. package com.google.devtools.build.lib.rules.objc; import com.google.common.annotations.VisibleForTesting; import com.google.common.base.Preconditions; import com.google.common.collect.ImmutableList; import com.google.devtools.build.lib.analysis.config.BuildConfiguration; import com.google.devtools.build.lib.analysis.config.CompilationMode; import com.google.devtools.build.lib.cmdline.Label; import com.google.devtools.build.lib.concurrent.ThreadSafety.Immutable; import com.google.devtools.build.lib.rules.apple.ApplePlatform.PlatformType; import com.google.devtools.build.lib.rules.apple.DottedVersion; import com.google.devtools.build.lib.rules.cpp.HeaderDiscovery; import com.google.devtools.build.lib.skyframe.serialization.ObjectCodec; import com.google.devtools.build.lib.skyframe.serialization.autocodec.AutoCodec; import com.google.devtools.build.lib.skylarkinterface.SkylarkCallable; import com.google.devtools.build.lib.skylarkinterface.SkylarkModule; import com.google.devtools.build.lib.skylarkinterface.SkylarkModuleCategory; import javax.annotation.Nullable; /** A compiler configuration containing flags required for Objective-C compilation. */ @AutoCodec @SkylarkModule( name = "objc", category = SkylarkModuleCategory.CONFIGURATION_FRAGMENT, doc = "A configuration fragment for Objective-C." ) @Immutable public class ObjcConfiguration extends BuildConfiguration.Fragment { public static final ObjectCodec CODEC = new ObjcConfiguration_AutoCodec(); @VisibleForTesting static final ImmutableList DBG_COPTS = ImmutableList.of("-O0", "-DDEBUG=1", "-fstack-protector", "-fstack-protector-all", "-g"); @VisibleForTesting static final ImmutableList GLIBCXX_DBG_COPTS = ImmutableList.of( "-D_GLIBCXX_DEBUG", "-D_GLIBCXX_DEBUG_PEDANTIC", "-D_GLIBCPP_CONCEPT_CHECKS"); @VisibleForTesting static final ImmutableList OPT_COPTS = ImmutableList.of( "-Os", "-DNDEBUG=1", "-Wno-unused-variable", "-Winit-self", "-Wno-extra"); private final DottedVersion iosSimulatorVersion; private final String iosSimulatorDevice; private final DottedVersion watchosSimulatorVersion; private final String watchosSimulatorDevice; private final DottedVersion tvosSimulatorVersion; private final String tvosSimulatorDevice; private final boolean generateDsym; private final boolean generateLinkmap; private final boolean runMemleaks; private final ImmutableList copts; private final CompilationMode compilationMode; private final ImmutableList fastbuildOptions; private final boolean enableBinaryStripping; private final boolean moduleMapsEnabled; @Nullable private final String signingCertName; private final boolean debugWithGlibcxx; @Nullable private final Label extraEntitlements; private final boolean deviceDebugEntitlements; private final boolean enableAppleBinaryNativeProtos; private final HeaderDiscovery.DotdPruningMode dotdPruningPlan; private final boolean experimentalHeaderThinning; private final int objcHeaderThinningPartitionSize; private final Label objcHeaderScannerTool; private final Label appleSdk; ObjcConfiguration(ObjcCommandLineOptions objcOptions, BuildConfiguration.Options options) { this.iosSimulatorDevice = Preconditions.checkNotNull(objcOptions.iosSimulatorDevice, "iosSimulatorDevice"); this.iosSimulatorVersion = Preconditions.checkNotNull(objcOptions.iosSimulatorVersion, "iosSimulatorVersion"); this.watchosSimulatorDevice = Preconditions.checkNotNull(objcOptions.watchosSimulatorDevice, "watchosSimulatorDevice"); this.watchosSimulatorVersion = Preconditions.checkNotNull(objcOptions.watchosSimulatorVersion, "watchosSimulatorVersion"); this.tvosSimulatorDevice = Preconditions.checkNotNull(objcOptions.tvosSimulatorDevice, "tvosSimulatorDevice"); this.tvosSimulatorVersion = Preconditions.checkNotNull(objcOptions.tvosSimulatorVersion, "tvosSimulatorVersion"); this.generateDsym = objcOptions.appleGenerateDsym; this.generateLinkmap = objcOptions.generateLinkmap; this.runMemleaks = objcOptions.runMemleaks; this.copts = ImmutableList.copyOf(objcOptions.copts); this.compilationMode = Preconditions.checkNotNull(options.compilationMode, "compilationMode"); this.fastbuildOptions = ImmutableList.copyOf(objcOptions.fastbuildOptions); this.enableBinaryStripping = objcOptions.enableBinaryStripping; this.moduleMapsEnabled = objcOptions.enableModuleMaps; this.signingCertName = objcOptions.iosSigningCertName; this.debugWithGlibcxx = objcOptions.debugWithGlibcxx; this.extraEntitlements = objcOptions.extraEntitlements; this.deviceDebugEntitlements = objcOptions.deviceDebugEntitlements; this.enableAppleBinaryNativeProtos = objcOptions.enableAppleBinaryNativeProtos; this.dotdPruningPlan = objcOptions.useDotdPruning ? HeaderDiscovery.DotdPruningMode.USE : HeaderDiscovery.DotdPruningMode.DO_NOT_USE; this.experimentalHeaderThinning = objcOptions.experimentalObjcHeaderThinning; this.objcHeaderThinningPartitionSize = objcOptions.objcHeaderThinningPartitionSize; this.objcHeaderScannerTool = objcOptions.objcHeaderScannerTool; this.appleSdk = objcOptions.appleSdk; } @AutoCodec.Instantiator ObjcConfiguration( DottedVersion iosSimulatorVersion, String iosSimulatorDevice, DottedVersion watchosSimulatorVersion, String watchosSimulatorDevice, DottedVersion tvosSimulatorVersion, String tvosSimulatorDevice, boolean generateDsym, boolean generateLinkmap, boolean runMemleaks, ImmutableList copts, CompilationMode compilationMode, ImmutableList fastbuildOptions, boolean enableBinaryStripping, boolean moduleMapsEnabled, String signingCertName, boolean debugWithGlibcxx, Label extraEntitlements, boolean deviceDebugEntitlements, boolean enableAppleBinaryNativeProtos, HeaderDiscovery.DotdPruningMode dotdPruningPlan, boolean experimentalHeaderThinning, int objcHeaderThinningPartitionSize, Label objcHeaderScannerTool, Label appleSdk) { this.iosSimulatorVersion = iosSimulatorVersion; this.iosSimulatorDevice = iosSimulatorDevice; this.watchosSimulatorVersion = watchosSimulatorVersion; this.watchosSimulatorDevice = watchosSimulatorDevice; this.tvosSimulatorVersion = tvosSimulatorVersion; this.tvosSimulatorDevice = tvosSimulatorDevice; this.generateDsym = generateDsym; this.generateLinkmap = generateLinkmap; this.runMemleaks = runMemleaks; this.copts = copts; this.compilationMode = compilationMode; this.fastbuildOptions = fastbuildOptions; this.enableBinaryStripping = enableBinaryStripping; this.moduleMapsEnabled = moduleMapsEnabled; this.signingCertName = signingCertName; this.debugWithGlibcxx = debugWithGlibcxx; this.extraEntitlements = extraEntitlements; this.deviceDebugEntitlements = deviceDebugEntitlements; this.enableAppleBinaryNativeProtos = enableAppleBinaryNativeProtos; this.dotdPruningPlan = dotdPruningPlan; this.experimentalHeaderThinning = experimentalHeaderThinning; this.objcHeaderThinningPartitionSize = objcHeaderThinningPartitionSize; this.objcHeaderScannerTool = objcHeaderScannerTool; this.appleSdk = appleSdk; } /** * Returns the type of device (e.g. 'iPhone 6') to simulate when running on the simulator. */ @SkylarkCallable(name = "ios_simulator_device", structField = true, doc = "The type of device (e.g. 'iPhone 6') to use when running on the simulator.") public String getIosSimulatorDevice() { // TODO(bazel-team): Deprecate in favor of getSimulatorDeviceForPlatformType(IOS). return iosSimulatorDevice; } @SkylarkCallable(name = "ios_simulator_version", structField = true, doc = "The SDK version of the iOS simulator to use when running on the simulator.") public DottedVersion getIosSimulatorVersion() { // TODO(bazel-team): Deprecate in favor of getSimulatorVersionForPlatformType(IOS). return iosSimulatorVersion; } @SkylarkCallable( name = "simulator_device_for_platform_type", doc = "The type of device (e.g., 'iPhone 6' to simulate when running on the simulator.") public String getSimulatorDeviceForPlatformType(PlatformType platformType) { switch (platformType) { case IOS: return iosSimulatorDevice; case TVOS: return tvosSimulatorDevice; case WATCHOS: return watchosSimulatorDevice; default: throw new IllegalArgumentException( "ApplePlatform type " + platformType + " does not support " + "simulators."); } } @SkylarkCallable( name = "simulator_version_for_platform_type", doc = "The SDK version of the simulator to use when running on the simulator.") public DottedVersion getSimulatorVersionForPlatformType(PlatformType platformType) { switch (platformType) { case IOS: return iosSimulatorVersion; case TVOS: return tvosSimulatorVersion; case WATCHOS: return watchosSimulatorVersion; default: throw new IllegalArgumentException( "ApplePlatform type " + platformType + " does not support " + "simulators."); } } /** * Returns whether dSYM generation is enabled. */ @SkylarkCallable( name = "generate_dsym", doc = "Whether to generate debug symbol(.dSYM) artifacts.", structField = true) public boolean generateDsym() { return generateDsym; } /** * Returns whether linkmap generation is enabled. */ @SkylarkCallable( name = "generate_linkmap", doc = "Whether to generate linkmap artifacts.", structField = true) public boolean generateLinkmap() { return generateLinkmap; } @SkylarkCallable( name = "run_memleaks", structField = true, doc = "Returns a boolean indicating whether memleaks should be run during tests or not." ) public boolean runMemleaks() { return runMemleaks; } /** * Returns the current compilation mode. */ public CompilationMode getCompilationMode() { return compilationMode; } /** * Returns the default set of clang options for the current compilation mode. */ @SkylarkCallable(name = "copts_for_current_compilation_mode", structField = true, doc = "Returns a list of default options to use for compiling Objective-C in the current " + "mode.") public ImmutableList getCoptsForCompilationMode() { switch (compilationMode) { case DBG: if (this.debugWithGlibcxx) { return ImmutableList.builder() .addAll(DBG_COPTS) .addAll(GLIBCXX_DBG_COPTS) .build(); } else { return DBG_COPTS; } case FASTBUILD: return fastbuildOptions; case OPT: return OPT_COPTS; default: throw new AssertionError(); } } /** * Returns options passed to (Apple) clang when compiling Objective C. These options should be * applied after any default options but before options specified in the attributes of the rule. */ @SkylarkCallable(name = "copts", structField = true, doc = "Returns a list of options to use for compiling Objective-C." + "These options are applied after any default options but before options specified in the " + "attributes of the rule.") public ImmutableList getCopts() { return copts; } /** * Whether module map generation and interpretation is enabled. */ public boolean moduleMapsEnabled() { return moduleMapsEnabled; } /** * Returns whether to perform symbol and dead-code strippings on linked binaries. The strippings * are performed iff --compilation_mode=opt and --objc_enable_binary_stripping are specified. */ public boolean shouldStripBinary() { return this.enableBinaryStripping && getCompilationMode() == CompilationMode.OPT; } /** * Returns the flag-supplied certificate name to be used in signing or {@code null} if no such * certificate was specified. */ @Nullable @SkylarkCallable(name = "signing_certificate_name", structField = true, allowReturnNones = true, doc = "Returns the flag-supplied certificate name to be used in signing, or None if no such " + "certificate was specified.") public String getSigningCertName() { return this.signingCertName; } /** * Returns the extra entitlements plist specified as a flag or {@code null} if none was given. */ @Nullable public Label getExtraEntitlements() { return extraEntitlements; } /** * Returns whether device debug entitlements should be included when signing an application. * *

Note that debug entitlements will be included only if the --device_debug_entitlements flag * is set and the compilation mode is not {@code opt}. */ @SkylarkCallable(name = "uses_device_debug_entitlements", structField = true, doc = "Returns whether device debug entitlements should be included when signing an " + "application.") public boolean useDeviceDebugEntitlements() { return deviceDebugEntitlements && compilationMode != CompilationMode.OPT; } /** Returns true if apple_binary targets should generate and link Objc protos. */ @SkylarkCallable(name = "enable_apple_binary_native_protos", structField = true, doc = "Returns whether apple_binary should generate and link protos natively.") public boolean enableAppleBinaryNativeProtos() { return enableAppleBinaryNativeProtos; } /** Returns the DotdPruningPlan for compiles in this build. */ public HeaderDiscovery.DotdPruningMode getDotdPruningPlan() { return dotdPruningPlan; } /** Returns true if header thinning of ObjcCompile actions is enabled to reduce action inputs. */ public boolean useExperimentalHeaderThinning() { return experimentalHeaderThinning; } /** Returns the max number of source files to add to each header scanning action. */ public int objcHeaderThinningPartitionSize() { return objcHeaderThinningPartitionSize; } /** Returns the label for the ObjC header scanner tool. */ public Label getObjcHeaderScannerTool() { return objcHeaderScannerTool; } /** Returns the label for the Apple SDK for current build configuration. */ public Label getAppleSdk() { return appleSdk; } }