// Copyright 2014 The Bazel Authors. All rights reserved. // // Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); // you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. // You may obtain a copy of the License at // // http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 // // Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software // distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, // WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. // See the License for the specific language governing permissions and // limitations under the License. package com.google.devtools.build.lib.rules.objc; import com.google.devtools.build.lib.actions.Artifact; import com.google.devtools.build.lib.actions.Root; import com.google.devtools.build.lib.analysis.RuleConfiguredTarget.Mode; import com.google.devtools.build.lib.analysis.RuleContext; import com.google.devtools.build.lib.cmdline.Label; import com.google.devtools.build.lib.rules.cpp.CppModuleMap; import com.google.devtools.build.lib.util.Preconditions; import com.google.devtools.build.lib.vfs.FileSystemUtils; import com.google.devtools.build.lib.vfs.PathFragment; /** * Factory class for generating artifacts which are used as intermediate output. */ // TODO(bazel-team): This should really be named DerivedArtifacts as it contains methods for // final as well as intermediate artifacts. public final class IntermediateArtifacts { static final String LINKMAP_SUFFIX = ".linkmap"; static final String BREAKPAD_SUFFIX = ".breakpad"; private final RuleContext ruleContext; private final String archiveFileNameSuffix; private final String outputPrefix; IntermediateArtifacts(RuleContext ruleContext, String archiveFileNameSuffix) { this(ruleContext, archiveFileNameSuffix, ""); } IntermediateArtifacts(RuleContext ruleContext, String archiveFileNameSuffix, String outputPrefix) { this.ruleContext = ruleContext; this.archiveFileNameSuffix = Preconditions.checkNotNull(archiveFileNameSuffix); this.outputPrefix = Preconditions.checkNotNull(outputPrefix); } /** * Returns a derived artifact in the bin directory obtained by appending some extension to the * main label name; the result artifact is placed in a unique "entitlements" directory. * For example, if this artifact is for a target Foo with extension ".extension", the result * artifact will be located at {target_base_path}/entitlements/Foo.extension. */ public Artifact appendExtensionForEntitlementArtifact(String extension) { PathFragment entitlementsDirectory = ruleContext.getUniqueDirectory("entitlements"); Artifact artifact = ruleContext.getDerivedArtifact( entitlementsDirectory.replaceName( addOutputPrefix(entitlementsDirectory.getBaseName(), extension)), ruleContext.getConfiguration().getBinDirectory()); return artifact; } /** * Returns the location of this target's generated entitlements file. */ public Artifact entitlements() { return appendExtensionForEntitlementArtifact(".entitlements"); } /** * Returns a derived artifact in the bin directory obtained by appending some extension to the end * of the given {@link PathFragment}. */ private Artifact appendExtension(PathFragment original, String extension) { return scopedArtifact(FileSystemUtils.appendExtension(original, addOutputPrefix("", extension))); } /** * Returns a derived artifact in the bin directory obtained by appending some extension to the end * of the {@link PathFragment} corresponding to the owner {@link Label}. */ private Artifact appendExtension(String extension) { PathFragment name = new PathFragment(ruleContext.getLabel().getName()); return scopedArtifact(name.replaceName(addOutputPrefix(name.getBaseName(), extension))); } /** * A dummy .c file to be included in xcode projects. This is needed if the target does not have * any source files but Xcode requires one. */ public Artifact dummySource() { return scopedArtifact( ruleContext.getPrerequisiteArtifact("$dummy_source", Mode.TARGET).getRootRelativePath()); } /** * Returns a derived artifact in the genfiles directory obtained by appending some extension to * the end of the {@link PathFragment} corresponding to the owner {@link Label}. */ private Artifact appendExtensionInGenfiles(String extension) { PathFragment name = new PathFragment(ruleContext.getLabel().getName()); return scopedArtifact( name.replaceName(addOutputPrefix(name.getBaseName(), extension)), /* inGenfiles = */ true); } /** * The output of using {@code actoolzip} to run {@code actool} for a given bundle which is * merged under the {@code .app} or {@code .bundle} directory root. */ public Artifact actoolzipOutput() { return appendExtension(".actool.zip"); } /** * Output of the partial infoplist generated by {@code actool} when given the * {@code --output-partial-info-plist [path]} flag. */ public Artifact actoolPartialInfoplist() { return appendExtension(".actool-PartialInfo.plist"); } /** * The Info.plist file for a bundle which is comprised of more than one originating plist file. * This is not needed for a bundle which has no source Info.plist files, or only one Info.plist * file, since no merging occurs in that case. */ public Artifact mergedInfoplist() { return appendExtension("-MergedInfo.plist"); } /** * The .objlist file, which contains a list of paths of object files to archive and is read by * libtool in the archive action. */ public Artifact objList() { return appendExtension(".objlist"); } /** * The artifact which is the binary (or library) which is comprised of one or more .a files linked * together. Compared to the artifact returned by {@link #unstrippedSingleArchitectureBinary}, * this artifact is stripped of symbol table when --compilation_mode=opt and * --objc_enable_binary_stripping are specified. */ public Artifact strippedSingleArchitectureBinary() { return appendExtension("_bin"); } /** * The artifact which is the binary (or library) which is comprised of one or more .a files linked * together. It also contains full debug symbol information, compared to the artifact returned * by {@link #strippedSingleArchitectureBinary}. This artifact will serve as input for the symbol * strip action and is only created when --compilation_mode=opt and * --objc_enable_binary_stripping are specified. */ public Artifact unstrippedSingleArchitectureBinary() { return appendExtension("_bin_unstripped"); } /** * Lipo binary generated by combining one or more linked binaries. This binary is the one included * in generated bundles and invoked as entry point to the application. */ public Artifact combinedArchitectureBinary() { return appendExtension("_lipobin"); } private Artifact scopedArtifact(PathFragment scopeRelative, boolean inGenfiles) { Root root = inGenfiles ? ruleContext.getConfiguration().getGenfilesDirectory() : ruleContext.getConfiguration().getBinDirectory(); // The path of this artifact will be RULE_PACKAGE/SCOPERELATIVE return ruleContext.getPackageRelativeArtifact(scopeRelative, root); } private Artifact scopedArtifact(PathFragment scopeRelative) { return scopedArtifact(scopeRelative, /* inGenfiles = */ false); } /** * The {@code .a} file which contains all the compiled sources for a rule. */ public Artifact archive() { // The path will be RULE_PACKAGE/libRULEBASENAME.a String basename = new PathFragment(ruleContext.getLabel().getName()).getBaseName(); return scopedArtifact(new PathFragment(String.format( "lib%s%s.a", basename, archiveFileNameSuffix))); } private Artifact inUniqueObjsDir(Artifact source, String extension) { PathFragment uniqueDir = new PathFragment("_objs").getRelative(ruleContext.getLabel().getName()); PathFragment sourceFile = uniqueDir.getRelative(source.getRootRelativePath()); PathFragment scopeRelativePath = FileSystemUtils.replaceExtension(sourceFile, extension); return scopedArtifact(scopeRelativePath); } /** * The artifact for the .o file that should be generated when compiling the {@code source} * artifact. */ public Artifact objFile(Artifact source) { return inUniqueObjsDir(source, ".o"); } /** * The swift module produced by compiling the {@code source} artifact. */ public Artifact swiftModuleFile(Artifact source) { return inUniqueObjsDir(source, ".partial_swiftmodule"); } /** * Integrated swift module for this target. */ public Artifact swiftModule() { return appendExtension(".swiftmodule"); } /** * Integrated swift header for this target. */ public Artifact swiftHeader() { return appendExtension("-Swift.h"); } /** * The artifact for the .gcno file that should be generated when compiling the {@code source} * artifact. */ public Artifact gcnoFile(Artifact source) { return inUniqueObjsDir(source, ".gcno"); } /** * Returns the artifact corresponding to the pbxproj control file, which specifies the information * required to generate the Xcode project file. */ public Artifact pbxprojControlArtifact() { return appendExtension(".xcodeproj-control"); } /** * The artifact which contains the zipped-up results of compiling the storyboard. This is merged * into the final bundle under the {@code .app} or {@code .bundle} directory root. */ public Artifact compiledStoryboardZip(Artifact input) { return appendExtension("/" + BundleableFile.flatBundlePath(input.getExecPath()) + ".zip"); } /** * Returns the artifact which is the output of building an entire xcdatamodel[d] made of artifacts * specified by a single rule. * * @param containerDir the containing *.xcdatamodeld or *.xcdatamodel directory * @return the artifact for the zipped up compilation results. */ public Artifact compiledMomZipArtifact(PathFragment containerDir) { return appendExtension( "/" + FileSystemUtils.replaceExtension(containerDir, ".zip").getBaseName()); } /** * Returns the compiled (i.e. converted to binary plist format) artifact corresponding to the * given {@code .strings} file. */ public Artifact convertedStringsFile(Artifact originalFile) { return appendExtension(originalFile.getExecPath(), ".binary"); } /** * Returns the artifact corresponding to the zipped-up compiled form of the given {@code .xib} * file. */ public Artifact compiledXibFileZip(Artifact originalFile) { return appendExtension( "/" + FileSystemUtils.replaceExtension(originalFile.getExecPath(), ".nib.zip")); } /** * Returns the artifact which is the output of running swift-stdlib-tool and copying resulting * dylibs. */ public Artifact swiftFrameworksFileZip() { return appendExtension(".swiftstdlib.zip"); } /** * The temp zipped debug symbol bundle file which contains debug symbols generated by dsymutil. */ public Artifact tempDsymBundleZip(DsymOutputType dsymOutputType) { return appendExtension(dsymOutputType.getSuffix() + ".zip"); } /** * Debug symbol plist generated for a linked binary. */ public Artifact dsymPlist(DsymOutputType dsymOutputType) { return appendExtension(String.format("%s/Contents/Info.plist", dsymOutputType.getSuffix())); } /** * Debug symbol file generated for a linked binary. */ public Artifact dsymSymbol(DsymOutputType dsymOutputType) { return dsymSymbol(dsymOutputType, "bin"); } /** * Debug symbol file generated for a linked binary, for a specific architecture. */ public Artifact dsymSymbol(DsymOutputType dsymOutputType, String suffix) { return appendExtension( String.format( "%s/Contents/Resources/DWARF/%s_%s", dsymOutputType.getSuffix(), ruleContext.getLabel().getName(), suffix)); } /** * Representation for a specific architecture. */ private Artifact architectureRepresentation(String arch, String suffix) { return appendExtension(String.format("_%s%s", arch, suffix)); } /** * Breakpad debug symbol representation. */ public Artifact breakpadSym() { return appendExtension(BREAKPAD_SUFFIX); } /** * Breakpad debug symbol representation for a specific architecture. */ public Artifact breakpadSym(String arch) { return architectureRepresentation(arch, BREAKPAD_SUFFIX); } /** * Linkmap representation */ public Artifact linkmap() { return appendExtension(LINKMAP_SUFFIX); } /** * Linkmap representation for a specific architecture. */ public Artifact linkmap(String arch) { return architectureRepresentation(arch, LINKMAP_SUFFIX); } /** * Shell script that launches the binary. */ public Artifact runnerScript() { return appendExtension("_runner.sh"); } /** * Dependency file that is generated when compiling the {@code source} artifact. */ public Artifact dotdFile(Artifact source) { return inUniqueObjsDir(source, ".d"); } /** * {@link CppModuleMap} that provides the clang module map for this target. */ public CppModuleMap moduleMap() { if (!ObjcRuleClasses.objcConfiguration(ruleContext).moduleMapsEnabled()) { throw new IllegalStateException(); } String moduleName = ruleContext .getLabel() .toString() .replace("//", "") .replace("/", "_") .replace(":", "_"); // To get Swift to pick up module maps, we need to name them "module.modulemap" and have their // parent directory in the module map search paths. return new CppModuleMap(appendExtensionInGenfiles(".modulemaps/module.modulemap"), moduleName); } /** * Returns a static library archive with dead code/objects removed by J2ObjC dead code removal, * given the original unpruned static library containing J2ObjC-translated code. */ public Artifact j2objcPrunedArchive(Artifact unprunedArchive) { PathFragment prunedSourceArtifactPath = FileSystemUtils.appendWithoutExtension( unprunedArchive.getRootRelativePath(), "_pruned"); return ruleContext.getUniqueDirectoryArtifact( "_j2objc_pruned", prunedSourceArtifactPath, ruleContext.getBinOrGenfilesDirectory()); } /** * Returns the location of this target's merged but not post-processed or signed IPA. */ public Artifact unprocessedIpa() { return appendExtension(".unprocessed.ipa"); } /** * Returns artifact name prefixed with an output prefix if specified. */ private String addOutputPrefix(String baseName, String artifactName) { if (!outputPrefix.isEmpty()) { return String.format("%s-%s%s", baseName, outputPrefix, artifactName); } return String.format("%s%s", baseName, artifactName); } }