// Copyright 2014 Google Inc. All rights reserved. // // Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); // you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. // You may obtain a copy of the License at // // http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 // // Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software // distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, // WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. // See the License for the specific language governing permissions and // limitations under the License. package com.google.devtools.build.lib.rules.cpp; import com.google.common.annotations.VisibleForTesting; import com.google.common.base.Preconditions; import com.google.common.collect.ImmutableList; import com.google.common.collect.Iterables; import com.google.devtools.build.lib.actions.ActionOwner; import com.google.devtools.build.lib.actions.Artifact; import com.google.devtools.build.lib.actions.MiddlemanFactory; import com.google.devtools.build.lib.actions.Root; import com.google.devtools.build.lib.analysis.AnalysisEnvironment; import com.google.devtools.build.lib.analysis.AnalysisUtils; import com.google.devtools.build.lib.analysis.FileProvider; import com.google.devtools.build.lib.analysis.RuleConfiguredTarget.Mode; import com.google.devtools.build.lib.analysis.RuleContext; import com.google.devtools.build.lib.analysis.TransitiveInfoCollection; import com.google.devtools.build.lib.analysis.config.BuildConfiguration; import com.google.devtools.build.lib.collect.nestedset.NestedSetBuilder; import com.google.devtools.build.lib.packages.RuleErrorConsumer; import com.google.devtools.build.lib.packages.Type; import com.google.devtools.build.lib.rules.cpp.CcLinkParams.Linkstamp; import com.google.devtools.build.lib.rules.cpp.CppCompilationContext.Builder; import com.google.devtools.build.lib.rules.cpp.Link.LinkTargetType; import com.google.devtools.build.lib.shell.ShellUtils; import com.google.devtools.build.lib.syntax.Label; import com.google.devtools.build.lib.syntax.Label.SyntaxException; import com.google.devtools.build.lib.util.FileTypeSet; import com.google.devtools.build.lib.util.IncludeScanningUtil; import com.google.devtools.build.lib.vfs.PathFragment; import com.google.devtools.build.lib.view.config.crosstool.CrosstoolConfig.LipoMode; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.LinkedHashMap; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import javax.annotation.Nullable; /** * Helper class for functionality shared by cpp related rules. * *

This class can be used only after the loading phase. */ public class CppHelper { // TODO(bazel-team): should this use Link.SHARED_LIBRARY_FILETYPES? public static final FileTypeSet SHARED_LIBRARY_FILETYPES = FileTypeSet.of( CppFileTypes.SHARED_LIBRARY, CppFileTypes.VERSIONED_SHARED_LIBRARY); private static final FileTypeSet CPP_FILETYPES = FileTypeSet.of( CppFileTypes.CPP_HEADER, CppFileTypes.CPP_SOURCE); private CppHelper() { // prevents construction } /** * Merges the STL and toolchain contexts into context builder. The STL is automatically determined * using the ":stl" attribute. */ public static void mergeToolchainDependentContext(RuleContext ruleContext, Builder contextBuilder) { TransitiveInfoCollection stl = ruleContext.getPrerequisite(":stl", Mode.TARGET); if (stl != null) { // TODO(bazel-team): Clean this up. contextBuilder.addSystemIncludeDir(stl.getLabel().getPackageFragment().getRelative("gcc3")); contextBuilder.mergeDependentContext(stl.getProvider(CppCompilationContext.class)); } CcToolchainProvider toolchain = getToolchain(ruleContext); if (toolchain != null) { contextBuilder.mergeDependentContext(toolchain.getCppCompilationContext()); } } /** * Returns the malloc implementation for the given target. */ public static TransitiveInfoCollection mallocForTarget(RuleContext ruleContext) { if (ruleContext.getFragment(CppConfiguration.class).customMalloc() != null) { return ruleContext.getPrerequisite(":default_malloc", Mode.TARGET); } else { return ruleContext.getPrerequisite("malloc", Mode.TARGET); } } /** * Expands Make variables in a list of string and tokenizes the result. If the package feature * no_copts_tokenization is set, tokenize only items consisting of a single make variable. * * @param ruleContext the ruleContext to be used as the context of Make variable expansion * @param attributeName the name of the attribute to use in error reporting * @param input the list of strings to expand * @return a list of strings containing the expanded and tokenized values for the * attribute */ // TODO(bazel-team): Move to CcCommon; refactor CcPlugin to use either CcLibraryHelper or // CcCommon. static List expandMakeVariables( RuleContext ruleContext, String attributeName, List input) { boolean tokenization = !ruleContext.getFeatures().contains("no_copts_tokenization"); List tokens = new ArrayList<>(); for (String token : input) { try { // Legacy behavior: tokenize all items. if (tokenization) { ruleContext.tokenizeAndExpandMakeVars(tokens, attributeName, token); } else { String exp = ruleContext.expandSingleMakeVariable(attributeName, token); if (exp != null) { ShellUtils.tokenize(tokens, exp); } else { tokens.add(ruleContext.expandMakeVariables(attributeName, token)); } } } catch (ShellUtils.TokenizationException e) { ruleContext.attributeError(attributeName, e.getMessage()); } } return ImmutableList.copyOf(tokens); } /** * Appends the tokenized values of the copts attribute to copts. */ public static ImmutableList getAttributeCopts(RuleContext ruleContext, String attr) { Preconditions.checkArgument(ruleContext.getRule().isAttrDefined(attr, Type.STRING_LIST)); List unexpanded = ruleContext.attributes().get(attr, Type.STRING_LIST); return ImmutableList.copyOf(expandMakeVariables(ruleContext, attr, unexpanded)); } /** * Expands attribute value either using label expansion * (if attemptLabelExpansion == {@code true} and it does not look like make * variable or flag) or tokenizes and expands make variables. */ public static void expandAttribute(RuleContext ruleContext, List values, String attrName, String attrValue, boolean attemptLabelExpansion) { if (attemptLabelExpansion && CppHelper.isLinkoptLabel(attrValue)) { if (!CppHelper.expandLabel(ruleContext, values, attrValue)) { ruleContext.attributeError(attrName, "could not resolve label '" + attrValue + "'"); } } else { ruleContext.tokenizeAndExpandMakeVars(values, attrName, attrValue); } } /** * Determines if a linkopt can be a label. Linkopts come in 2 varieties: * literals -- flags like -Xl and makefile vars like $(LD) -- and labels, * which we should expand into filenames. * * @param linkopt the link option to test. * @return true if the linkopt is not a flag (starting with "-") or a makefile * variable (starting with "$"); */ private static boolean isLinkoptLabel(String linkopt) { return !linkopt.startsWith("$") && !linkopt.startsWith("-"); } /** * Expands a label against the target's deps, adding the expanded path strings * to the linkopts. * * @param linkopts the linkopts to add the expanded label to * @param labelName the name of the label to expand * @return true if the label was expanded successfully, false otherwise */ private static boolean expandLabel(RuleContext ruleContext, List linkopts, String labelName) { try { Label label = ruleContext.getLabel().getRelative(labelName); for (FileProvider target : ruleContext .getPrerequisites("deps", Mode.TARGET, FileProvider.class)) { if (target.getLabel().equals(label)) { for (Artifact artifact : target.getFilesToBuild()) { linkopts.add(artifact.getExecPathString()); } return true; } } } catch (SyntaxException e) { // Quietly ignore and fall through. } linkopts.add(labelName); return false; } /** * This almost trivial method looks up the :cc_toolchain attribute on the rule context, makes sure * that it refers to a rule that has a {@link CcToolchainProvider} (gives an error otherwise), and * returns a reference to that {@link CcToolchainProvider}. The method only returns {@code null} * if there is no such attribute (this is currently not an error). */ @Nullable public static CcToolchainProvider getToolchain(RuleContext ruleContext) { if (ruleContext.attributes().getAttributeDefinition(":cc_toolchain") == null) { // TODO(bazel-team): Report an error or throw an exception in this case. return null; } TransitiveInfoCollection dep = ruleContext.getPrerequisite(":cc_toolchain", Mode.TARGET); return getToolchain(ruleContext, dep); } /** * This almost trivial method makes sure that the given info collection has a {@link * CcToolchainProvider} (gives an error otherwise), and returns a reference to that {@link * CcToolchainProvider}. The method never returns {@code null}, even if there is no toolchain. */ public static CcToolchainProvider getToolchain(RuleContext ruleContext, TransitiveInfoCollection dep) { // TODO(bazel-team): Consider checking this generally at the attribute level. if ((dep == null) || (dep.getProvider(CcToolchainProvider.class) == null)) { ruleContext.ruleError("The selected C++ toolchain is not a cc_toolchain rule"); return CcToolchainProvider.EMPTY_TOOLCHAIN_IS_ERROR; } return dep.getProvider(CcToolchainProvider.class); } /** * Returns the directory where object files are created. */ public static PathFragment getObjDirectory(Label ruleLabel) { return AnalysisUtils.getUniqueDirectory(ruleLabel, new PathFragment("_objs")); } /** * Creates a grep-includes ExtractInclusions action for generated sources/headers in the * needsIncludeScanning() BuildConfiguration case. Returns a map from original header * Artifact to the output Artifact of grepping over it. The return value only includes * entries for generated sources or headers when --extract_generated_inclusions is enabled. * *

Previously, incremental rebuilds redid all include scanning work * for a given .cc source in serial. For high-latency file systems, this could cause * performance problems if many headers are generated. */ @Nullable public static final Map createExtractInclusions(RuleContext ruleContext, Iterable prerequisites) { Map extractions = new HashMap<>(); for (Artifact prerequisite : prerequisites) { if (extractions.containsKey(prerequisite)) { // Don't create duplicate actions just because user specified same header file twice. continue; } Artifact scanned = createExtractInclusions(ruleContext, prerequisite); if (scanned != null) { extractions.put(prerequisite, scanned); } } return extractions; } /** * Creates a grep-includes ExtractInclusions action for generated sources/headers in the * needsIncludeScanning() BuildConfiguration case. * *

Previously, incremental rebuilds redid all include scanning work for a given * .cc source in serial. For high-latency file systems, this could cause * performance problems if many headers are generated. */ private static final Artifact createExtractInclusions(RuleContext ruleContext, Artifact prerequisite) { if (ruleContext != null && ruleContext.getFragment(CppConfiguration.class).needsIncludeScanning() && !prerequisite.isSourceArtifact() && CPP_FILETYPES.matches(prerequisite.getFilename())) { Artifact scanned = getIncludesOutput(ruleContext, prerequisite); ruleContext.registerAction( new ExtractInclusionAction(ruleContext.getActionOwner(), prerequisite, scanned)); return scanned; } return null; } private static Artifact getIncludesOutput(RuleContext ruleContext, Artifact src) { Root root = ruleContext.getFragment(CppConfiguration.class).getGreppedIncludesDirectory(); PathFragment relOut = IncludeScanningUtil.getRootRelativeOutputPath(src.getExecPath()); return ruleContext.getAnalysisEnvironment().getDerivedArtifact(relOut, root); } /** * Returns the workspace-relative filename for the linked artifact. */ public static PathFragment getLinkedFilename(RuleContext ruleContext, LinkTargetType linkType) { PathFragment result = ruleContext.getPackageDirectory().getRelative(ruleContext.getLabel().getName()); if (linkType != LinkTargetType.EXECUTABLE) { result = result.replaceName("lib" + result.getBaseName() + linkType.getExtension()); } return result; } /** * Resolves the linkstamp collection from the {@code CcLinkParams} into a map. * *

Emits a warning on the rule if there are identical linkstamp artifacts with different * compilation contexts. */ public static Map> resolveLinkstamps(RuleErrorConsumer listener, CcLinkParams linkParams) { Map> result = new LinkedHashMap<>(); for (Linkstamp pair : linkParams.getLinkstamps()) { Artifact artifact = pair.getArtifact(); if (result.containsKey(artifact)) { listener.ruleWarning("rule inherits the '" + artifact.toDetailString() + "' linkstamp file from more than one cc_library rule"); } result.put(artifact, pair.getDeclaredIncludeSrcs()); } return result; } public static void addTransitiveLipoInfoForCommonAttributes( RuleContext ruleContext, CcCompilationOutputs outputs, NestedSetBuilder scannableBuilder) { TransitiveLipoInfoProvider stl = null; if (ruleContext.getRule().getAttributeDefinition(":stl") != null && ruleContext.getPrerequisite(":stl", Mode.TARGET) != null) { // If the attribute is defined, it is never null. stl = ruleContext.getPrerequisite(":stl", Mode.TARGET) .getProvider(TransitiveLipoInfoProvider.class); } if (stl != null) { scannableBuilder.addTransitive(stl.getTransitiveIncludeScannables()); } for (TransitiveLipoInfoProvider dep : ruleContext.getPrerequisites("deps", Mode.TARGET, TransitiveLipoInfoProvider.class)) { scannableBuilder.addTransitive(dep.getTransitiveIncludeScannables()); } if (ruleContext.attributes().has("malloc", Type.LABEL)) { TransitiveInfoCollection malloc = mallocForTarget(ruleContext); TransitiveLipoInfoProvider provider = malloc.getProvider(TransitiveLipoInfoProvider.class); if (provider != null) { scannableBuilder.addTransitive(provider.getTransitiveIncludeScannables()); } } for (IncludeScannable scannable : outputs.getLipoScannables()) { Preconditions.checkState(scannable.getIncludeScannerSources().size() == 1); scannableBuilder.add(scannable); } } // TODO(bazel-team): figure out a way to merge these 2 methods. See the Todo in // CcCommonConfiguredTarget.noCoptsMatches(). /** * Determines if we should apply -fPIC for this rule's C++ compilations. This determination * is generally made by the global C++ configuration settings "needsPic" and * and "usePicForBinaries". However, an individual rule may override these settings by applying * -fPIC" to its "nocopts" attribute. This allows incompatible rules to "opt out" of global PIC * settings (see bug: "Provide a way to turn off -fPIC for targets that can't be built that way"). * * @param ruleContext the context of the rule to check * @param forBinary true if compiling for a binary, false if for a shared library * @return true if this rule's compilations should apply -fPIC, false otherwise */ public static boolean usePic(RuleContext ruleContext, boolean forBinary) { if (CcCommon.noCoptsMatches("-fPIC", ruleContext)) { return false; } CppConfiguration config = ruleContext.getFragment(CppConfiguration.class); return forBinary ? config.usePicObjectsForBinaries() : config.needsPic(); } /** * Returns the LIPO context provider for configured target, * or null if such a provider doesn't exist. */ public static LipoContextProvider getLipoContextProvider(RuleContext ruleContext) { if (ruleContext.getRule().getAttributeDefinition(":lipo_context_collector") == null) { return null; } TransitiveInfoCollection dep = ruleContext.getPrerequisite(":lipo_context_collector", Mode.DONT_CHECK); return (dep != null) ? dep.getProvider(LipoContextProvider.class) : null; } // Creates CppModuleMap object, and adds it to C++ compilation context. public static CppModuleMap addCppModuleMapToContext(RuleContext ruleContext, CppCompilationContext.Builder contextBuilder) { // Create the module map artifact as a genfile. Artifact mapFile = ruleContext.getPackageRelativeArtifact( ruleContext.getLabel().getName() + Iterables.getOnlyElement(CppFileTypes.CPP_MODULE_MAP.getExtensions()), ruleContext.getConfiguration().getGenfilesDirectory()); CppModuleMap moduleMap = new CppModuleMap(mapFile, ruleContext.getLabel().toString()); contextBuilder.setCppModuleMap(moduleMap); return moduleMap; } /** * Returns a middleman for all files to build for the given configured target, * substituting shared library artifacts with corresponding solib symlinks. If * multiple calls are made, then it returns the same artifact for configurations * with the same internal directory. * *

The resulting middleman only aggregates the inputs and must be expanded * before populating the set of files necessary to execute an action. */ static List getAggregatingMiddlemanForCppRuntimes(RuleContext ruleContext, String purpose, TransitiveInfoCollection dep, String solibDirOverride, BuildConfiguration configuration) { return getMiddlemanInternal( ruleContext.getAnalysisEnvironment(), ruleContext, ruleContext.getActionOwner(), purpose, dep, true, true, solibDirOverride, configuration); } @VisibleForTesting public static List getAggregatingMiddlemanForTesting(AnalysisEnvironment env, RuleContext ruleContext, ActionOwner owner, String purpose, TransitiveInfoCollection dep, boolean useSolibSymlinks, BuildConfiguration configuration) { return getMiddlemanInternal( env, ruleContext, owner, purpose, dep, useSolibSymlinks, false, null, configuration); } /** * Internal implementation for getAggregatingMiddlemanForCppRuntimes. */ private static List getMiddlemanInternal(AnalysisEnvironment env, RuleContext ruleContext, ActionOwner actionOwner, String purpose, TransitiveInfoCollection dep, boolean useSolibSymlinks, boolean isCppRuntime, String solibDirOverride, BuildConfiguration configuration) { if (dep == null) { return ImmutableList.of(); } MiddlemanFactory factory = env.getMiddlemanFactory(); Iterable artifacts = dep.getProvider(FileProvider.class).getFilesToBuild(); if (useSolibSymlinks) { List symlinkedArtifacts = new ArrayList<>(); for (Artifact artifact : artifacts) { symlinkedArtifacts.add(solibArtifactMaybe( ruleContext, artifact, isCppRuntime, solibDirOverride, configuration)); } artifacts = symlinkedArtifacts; purpose += "_with_solib"; } return ImmutableList.of( factory.createMiddlemanAllowMultiple(env, actionOwner, ruleContext.getPackageDirectory(), purpose, artifacts, configuration.getMiddlemanDirectory())); } /** * If the artifact is a shared library, returns the solib symlink artifact associated with it. * * @param ruleContext the context of the rule that creates the symlink * @param artifact the library the solib symlink should point to * @param isCppRuntime whether the library is a C++ runtime * @param solibDirOverride if not null, forces the solib symlink to be in this directory */ private static Artifact solibArtifactMaybe(RuleContext ruleContext, Artifact artifact, boolean isCppRuntime, String solibDirOverride, BuildConfiguration configuration) { if (SHARED_LIBRARY_FILETYPES.matches(artifact.getFilename())) { return isCppRuntime ? SolibSymlinkAction.getCppRuntimeSymlink( ruleContext, artifact, solibDirOverride, configuration) .getArtifact() : SolibSymlinkAction.getDynamicLibrarySymlink( ruleContext, artifact, false, true, configuration) .getArtifact(); } else { return artifact; } } /** * Returns the type of archives being used. */ public static Link.ArchiveType archiveType(BuildConfiguration config) { CppConfiguration cppConfig = config.getFragment(CppConfiguration.class); return cppConfig.archiveType(); } /** * Returns the FDO build subtype. */ public static String getFdoBuildStamp(CppConfiguration cppConfiguration) { if (cppConfiguration.getFdoSupport().isAutoFdoEnabled()) { return (cppConfiguration.getLipoMode() == LipoMode.BINARY) ? "ALIPO" : "AFDO"; } if (cppConfiguration.isFdo()) { return (cppConfiguration.getLipoMode() == LipoMode.BINARY) ? "LIPO" : "FDO"; } return null; } /** * Returns a relative path to the bin directory for data in AutoFDO LIPO mode. */ public static PathFragment getLipoDataBinFragment(BuildConfiguration configuration) { PathFragment parent = configuration.getBinFragment().getParentDirectory(); return parent.replaceName(parent.getBaseName() + "-lipodata") .getChild(configuration.getBinFragment().getBaseName()); } /** * Returns a relative path to the genfiles directory for data in AutoFDO LIPO mode. */ public static PathFragment getLipoDataGenfilesFragment(BuildConfiguration configuration) { PathFragment parent = configuration.getGenfilesFragment().getParentDirectory(); return parent.replaceName(parent.getBaseName() + "-lipodata") .getChild(configuration.getGenfilesFragment().getBaseName()); } }