// Copyright 2014 The Bazel Authors. All rights reserved. // // Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); // you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. // You may obtain a copy of the License at // // http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 // // Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software // distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, // WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. // See the License for the specific language governing permissions and // limitations under the License. package com.google.devtools.build.lib.rules.cpp; import com.google.common.base.Functions; import com.google.common.base.Predicate; import com.google.common.base.Predicates; import com.google.common.collect.ImmutableList; import com.google.common.collect.ImmutableMap; import com.google.common.collect.Iterables; import com.google.devtools.build.lib.actions.ActionOwner; import com.google.devtools.build.lib.actions.Artifact; import com.google.devtools.build.lib.analysis.RuleConfiguredTarget.Mode; import com.google.devtools.build.lib.analysis.RuleContext; import com.google.devtools.build.lib.analysis.config.BuildConfiguration; import com.google.devtools.build.lib.cmdline.Label; import com.google.devtools.build.lib.collect.nestedset.NestedSet; import com.google.devtools.build.lib.collect.nestedset.NestedSetBuilder; import com.google.devtools.build.lib.rules.cpp.CcToolchainFeatures.FeatureConfiguration; import com.google.devtools.build.lib.rules.cpp.CcToolchainFeatures.Variables; import com.google.devtools.build.lib.rules.cpp.CppCompileAction.DotdFile; import com.google.devtools.build.lib.rules.cpp.CppCompileAction.SpecialInputsHandler; import com.google.devtools.build.lib.util.FileType; import com.google.devtools.build.lib.util.Preconditions; import com.google.devtools.build.lib.vfs.FileSystemUtils; import com.google.devtools.build.lib.vfs.PathFragment; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.LinkedHashMap; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Set; import java.util.UUID; import java.util.regex.Pattern; /** * Builder class to construct C++ compile actions. */ public class CppCompileActionBuilder { public static final UUID GUID = UUID.fromString("97493805-894f-493a-be66-9a698f45c31d"); private final ActionOwner owner; private final BuildConfiguration configuration; private final List features = new ArrayList<>(); private CcToolchainFeatures.FeatureConfiguration featureConfiguration; private CcToolchainFeatures.Variables variables = Variables.EMPTY; private Artifact sourceFile; private final Label sourceLabel; private final NestedSetBuilder mandatoryInputsBuilder; private Artifact optionalSourceFile; private Artifact outputFile; private Artifact dwoFile; private Artifact ltoIndexingFile; private PathFragment tempOutputFile; private DotdFile dotdFile; private Artifact gcnoFile; private CppCompilationContext context = CppCompilationContext.EMPTY; private final List copts = new ArrayList<>(); private final List pluginOpts = new ArrayList<>(); private final List nocopts = new ArrayList<>(); private ImmutableList extraSystemIncludePrefixes = ImmutableList.of(); private boolean usePic; private boolean allowUsingHeaderModules; private SpecialInputsHandler specialInputsHandler = CppCompileAction.VOID_SPECIAL_INPUTS_HANDLER; private UUID actionClassId = GUID; private Class actionContext; private CppConfiguration cppConfiguration; private ImmutableMap lipoScannableMap; private final ImmutableList.Builder additionalIncludeFiles = new ImmutableList.Builder<>(); private Boolean shouldScanIncludes; private Map executionInfo = new LinkedHashMap<>(); private Map environment = new LinkedHashMap<>(); private CppSemantics cppSemantics; private CcToolchainProvider ccToolchain; private final ImmutableMap localShellEnvironment; private final boolean codeCoverageEnabled; // New fields need to be added to the copy constructor. /** * Creates a builder from a rule. This also uses the configuration and * artifact factory from the rule. */ public CppCompileActionBuilder(RuleContext ruleContext, Label sourceLabel, CcToolchainProvider ccToolchain) { this( ruleContext.getActionOwner(), sourceLabel, ruleContext.getConfiguration(), getLipoScannableMap(ruleContext), ruleContext.getFeatures(), ccToolchain); } /** * Creates a builder from a rule and configuration. */ public CppCompileActionBuilder(RuleContext ruleContext, Label sourceLabel, CcToolchainProvider ccToolchain, BuildConfiguration configuration) { this( ruleContext.getActionOwner(), sourceLabel, configuration, getLipoScannableMap(ruleContext), ruleContext.getFeatures(), ccToolchain); } /** * Creates a builder from a rule and configuration. */ private CppCompileActionBuilder( ActionOwner actionOwner, Label sourceLabel, BuildConfiguration configuration, Map lipoScannableMap, Set features, CcToolchainProvider ccToolchain) { this.owner = actionOwner; this.sourceLabel = sourceLabel; this.configuration = configuration; this.cppConfiguration = configuration.getFragment(CppConfiguration.class); this.lipoScannableMap = ImmutableMap.copyOf(lipoScannableMap); this.features.addAll(features); this.mandatoryInputsBuilder = NestedSetBuilder.stableOrder(); this.allowUsingHeaderModules = true; this.localShellEnvironment = configuration.getLocalShellEnvironment(); this.codeCoverageEnabled = configuration.isCodeCoverageEnabled(); this.actionContext = CppCompileActionContext.class; this.ccToolchain = ccToolchain; } private static ImmutableMap getLipoScannableMap( RuleContext ruleContext) { if (!ruleContext.getFragment(CppConfiguration.class).isLipoOptimization() // Rules that do not contain sources that are compiled into object files, but may // contain headers, will still create CppCompileActions without providing a // lipo_context_collector. || ruleContext.attributes().getAttributeDefinition(":lipo_context_collector") == null) { return ImmutableMap.of(); } LipoContextProvider provider = ruleContext.getPrerequisite( ":lipo_context_collector", Mode.DONT_CHECK, LipoContextProvider.class); return provider.getIncludeScannables(); } /** * Creates a builder that is a copy of another builder. */ public CppCompileActionBuilder(CppCompileActionBuilder other) { this.owner = other.owner; this.features.addAll(other.features); this.featureConfiguration = other.featureConfiguration; this.sourceFile = other.sourceFile; this.sourceLabel = other.sourceLabel; this.mandatoryInputsBuilder = NestedSetBuilder.stableOrder() .addTransitive(other.mandatoryInputsBuilder.build()); this.optionalSourceFile = other.optionalSourceFile; this.outputFile = other.outputFile; this.dwoFile = other.dwoFile; this.ltoIndexingFile = other.ltoIndexingFile; this.tempOutputFile = other.tempOutputFile; this.dotdFile = other.dotdFile; this.gcnoFile = other.gcnoFile; this.context = other.context; this.copts.addAll(other.copts); this.pluginOpts.addAll(other.pluginOpts); this.nocopts.addAll(other.nocopts); this.extraSystemIncludePrefixes = ImmutableList.copyOf(other.extraSystemIncludePrefixes); this.specialInputsHandler = other.specialInputsHandler; this.actionClassId = other.actionClassId; this.actionContext = other.actionContext; this.cppConfiguration = other.cppConfiguration; this.configuration = other.configuration; this.usePic = other.usePic; this.allowUsingHeaderModules = other.allowUsingHeaderModules; this.lipoScannableMap = other.lipoScannableMap; this.shouldScanIncludes = other.shouldScanIncludes; this.executionInfo = new LinkedHashMap<>(other.executionInfo); this.environment = new LinkedHashMap<>(other.environment); this.localShellEnvironment = other.localShellEnvironment; this.codeCoverageEnabled = other.codeCoverageEnabled; this.cppSemantics = other.cppSemantics; this.ccToolchain = other.ccToolchain; } public PathFragment getTempOutputFile() { return tempOutputFile; } public CppCompileActionBuilder setSourceFile(Artifact sourceFile) { this.sourceFile = sourceFile; return this; } public Artifact getSourceFile() { return sourceFile; } public CppCompilationContext getContext() { return context; } public NestedSet getMandatoryInputs() { return mandatoryInputsBuilder.build(); } private static Predicate getNocoptPredicate(Collection patterns) { final ImmutableList finalPatterns = ImmutableList.copyOf(patterns); if (finalPatterns.isEmpty()) { return Predicates.alwaysTrue(); } else { return option -> { for (Pattern pattern : finalPatterns) { if (pattern.matcher(option).matches()) { return false; } } return true; }; } } private Iterable getLipoScannables(NestedSet realMandatoryInputs) { boolean fake = tempOutputFile != null; return lipoScannableMap.isEmpty() || fake ? ImmutableList.of() : Iterables.filter( Iterables.transform( Iterables.filter( FileType.filter( realMandatoryInputs, CppFileTypes.C_SOURCE, CppFileTypes.CPP_SOURCE, CppFileTypes.ASSEMBLER_WITH_C_PREPROCESSOR), Predicates.not(Predicates.equalTo(getSourceFile()))), Functions.forMap(lipoScannableMap, null)), Predicates.notNull()); } private String getActionName() { PathFragment sourcePath = sourceFile.getExecPath(); if (CppFileTypes.CPP_MODULE_MAP.matches(sourcePath)) { return CppCompileAction.CPP_MODULE_COMPILE; } else if (CppFileTypes.CPP_HEADER.matches(sourcePath)) { // TODO(bazel-team): Handle C headers that probably don't work in C++ mode. if (!cppConfiguration.getParseHeadersVerifiesModules() && featureConfiguration.isEnabled(CppRuleClasses.PARSE_HEADERS)) { return CppCompileAction.CPP_HEADER_PARSING; } else if (!cppConfiguration.getParseHeadersVerifiesModules() && featureConfiguration.isEnabled(CppRuleClasses.PREPROCESS_HEADERS)) { return CppCompileAction.CPP_HEADER_PREPROCESSING; } else { // CcCommon.collectCAndCppSources() ensures we do not add headers to // the compilation artifacts unless either 'parse_headers' or // 'preprocess_headers' is set. throw new IllegalStateException(); } } else if (CppFileTypes.C_SOURCE.matches(sourcePath)) { return CppCompileAction.C_COMPILE; } else if (CppFileTypes.CPP_SOURCE.matches(sourcePath)) { return CppCompileAction.CPP_COMPILE; } else if (CppFileTypes.OBJC_SOURCE.matches(sourcePath)) { return CppCompileAction.OBJC_COMPILE; } else if (CppFileTypes.OBJCPP_SOURCE.matches(sourcePath)) { return CppCompileAction.OBJCPP_COMPILE; } else if (CppFileTypes.ASSEMBLER.matches(sourcePath)) { return CppCompileAction.ASSEMBLE; } else if (CppFileTypes.ASSEMBLER_WITH_C_PREPROCESSOR.matches(sourcePath)) { return CppCompileAction.PREPROCESS_ASSEMBLE; } else if (CppFileTypes.CLIF_INPUT_PROTO.matches(sourcePath)) { return CppCompileAction.CLIF_MATCH; } else if (CppFileTypes.CPP_MODULE.matches(sourcePath)) { return CppCompileAction.CPP_MODULE_CODEGEN; } // CcLibraryHelper ensures CppCompileAction only gets instantiated for supported file types. throw new IllegalStateException(); } /** * Builds the action and performs some validations on the action. * *

This method may be called multiple times to create multiple compile * actions (usually after calling some setters to modify the generated * action). */ public CppCompileAction buildAndValidate(RuleContext ruleContext) { CppCompileAction action = build(); if (cppSemantics.needsIncludeValidation()) { verifyActionIncludePaths(action, ruleContext); } return action; } /** * Builds the Action as configured without validations. Users may want to call * {@link #buildAndValidate} instead. * *

This method may be called multiple times to create multiple compile * actions (usually after calling some setters to modify the generated * action). */ public CppCompileAction build() { // This must be set either to false or true by CppSemantics, otherwise someone forgot to call // finalizeCompileActionBuilder on this builder. Preconditions.checkNotNull(shouldScanIncludes); boolean useHeaderModules = allowUsingHeaderModules && featureConfiguration.isEnabled(CppRuleClasses.USE_HEADER_MODULES); // If the crosstool uses action_configs to configure cc compilation, collect execution info // from there, otherwise, use no execution info. // TODO(b/27903698): Assert that the crosstool has an action_config for this action. if (featureConfiguration.actionIsConfigured(getActionName())) { for (String executionRequirement : featureConfiguration.getToolForAction(getActionName()).getExecutionRequirements()) { executionInfo.put(executionRequirement, ""); } } NestedSet realMandatoryInputs = buildMandatoryInputs(); NestedSet allInputs = buildAllInputs(realMandatoryInputs); NestedSetBuilder prunableInputBuilder = NestedSetBuilder.stableOrder(); prunableInputBuilder.addTransitive(context.getDeclaredIncludeSrcs()); prunableInputBuilder.addTransitive(cppSemantics.getAdditionalPrunableIncludes()); Iterable lipoScannables = getLipoScannables(realMandatoryInputs); // We need to add "legal generated scanner files" coming through LIPO scannables here. These // usually contain pre-grepped source files, i.e. files just containing the #include lines // extracted from generated files. With LIPO, some of these files can be accessed, even though // there is no direct dependency on them. Adding the artifacts as inputs to this compile // action ensures that the action generating them is actually executed. for (IncludeScannable lipoScannable : lipoScannables) { for (Artifact value : lipoScannable.getLegalGeneratedScannerFileMap().values()) { if (value != null) { prunableInputBuilder.add(value); } } } NestedSet prunableInputs = prunableInputBuilder.build(); // Copying the collections is needed to make the builder reusable. boolean fake = tempOutputFile != null; if (fake) { return new FakeCppCompileAction( owner, allInputs, ImmutableList.copyOf(features), featureConfiguration, variables, sourceFile, shouldScanIncludes, shouldPruneModules(), usePic, useHeaderModules, sourceLabel, realMandatoryInputs, prunableInputs, outputFile, tempOutputFile, dotdFile, localShellEnvironment, cppConfiguration, context, actionContext, ImmutableList.copyOf(copts), getNocoptPredicate(nocopts), getLipoScannables(realMandatoryInputs), cppSemantics, ccToolchain, ImmutableMap.copyOf(executionInfo)); } else { return new CppCompileAction( owner, allInputs, ImmutableList.copyOf(features), featureConfiguration, variables, sourceFile, shouldScanIncludes, shouldPruneModules(), usePic, useHeaderModules, sourceLabel, realMandatoryInputs, prunableInputs, outputFile, dotdFile, gcnoFile, dwoFile, ltoIndexingFile, optionalSourceFile, localShellEnvironment, cppConfiguration, context, actionContext, ImmutableList.copyOf(copts), getNocoptPredicate(nocopts), specialInputsHandler, getLipoScannables(realMandatoryInputs), additionalIncludeFiles.build(), actionClassId, ImmutableMap.copyOf(executionInfo), ImmutableMap.copyOf(environment), getActionName(), cppSemantics, ccToolchain); } } /** * Returns the list of mandatory inputs for the {@link CppCompileAction} as configured. */ NestedSet buildMandatoryInputs() { NestedSetBuilder realMandatoryInputsBuilder = NestedSetBuilder.compileOrder(); realMandatoryInputsBuilder.addTransitive(mandatoryInputsBuilder.build()); realMandatoryInputsBuilder.addAll(ccToolchain.getBuiltinIncludeFiles()); realMandatoryInputsBuilder.addAll(context.getTransitiveCompilationPrerequisites()); if (useHeaderModules() && !shouldPruneModules()) { realMandatoryInputsBuilder.addTransitive(context.getTransitiveModules(usePic)); } realMandatoryInputsBuilder.addTransitive(context.getAdditionalInputs()); realMandatoryInputsBuilder.add(Preconditions.checkNotNull(sourceFile)); return realMandatoryInputsBuilder.build(); } /** * Returns the list of all inputs for the {@link CppCompileAction} as configured. */ NestedSet buildAllInputs(NestedSet mandatoryInputs) { NestedSetBuilder builder = NestedSetBuilder.stableOrder(); if (optionalSourceFile != null) { builder.add(optionalSourceFile); } builder.addTransitive(mandatoryInputs); return builder.build(); } private boolean useHeaderModules() { return allowUsingHeaderModules && featureConfiguration.isEnabled(CppRuleClasses.USE_HEADER_MODULES); } private boolean shouldPruneModules() { return cppConfiguration.getPruneCppModules() && shouldScanIncludes && useHeaderModules(); } private static void verifyActionIncludePaths(CppCompileAction action, RuleContext ruleContext) { Iterable ignoredDirs = action.getValidationIgnoredDirs(); // We currently do not check the output of: // - getQuoteIncludeDirs(): those only come from includes attributes, and are checked in // CcCommon.getIncludeDirsFromIncludesAttribute(). // - getBuiltinIncludeDirs(): while in practice this doesn't happen, bazel can be configured // to use an absolute system root, in which case the builtin include dirs might be absolute. for (PathFragment include : Iterables.concat(action.getIncludeDirs(), action.getSystemIncludeDirs())) { // Ignore headers from built-in include directories. if (FileSystemUtils.startsWithAny(include, ignoredDirs)) { continue; } // One starting ../ is okay for getting to a sibling repository. if (include.startsWith(Label.EXTERNAL_PATH_PREFIX)) { include = include.relativeTo(Label.EXTERNAL_PATH_PREFIX); } if (include.isAbsolute() || !PathFragment.EMPTY_FRAGMENT.getRelative(include).normalize().isNormalized()) { ruleContext.ruleError( "The include path '" + include + "' references a path outside of the execution root."); } } } /** * Sets the feature configuration to be used for the action. */ public CppCompileActionBuilder setFeatureConfiguration( FeatureConfiguration featureConfiguration) { this.featureConfiguration = featureConfiguration; return this; } /** * Sets the feature build variables to be used for the action. */ public CppCompileActionBuilder setVariables(CcToolchainFeatures.Variables variables) { this.variables = variables; return this; } /** * Returns the build variables to be used for the action. */ CcToolchainFeatures.Variables getVariables() { return variables; } public CppCompileActionBuilder addEnvironment(Map environment) { this.environment.putAll(environment); return this; } public CppCompileActionBuilder addExecutionInfo(Map executionInfo) { this.executionInfo.putAll(executionInfo); return this; } public CppCompileActionBuilder setSpecialInputsHandler( SpecialInputsHandler specialInputsHandler) { this.specialInputsHandler = specialInputsHandler; return this; } public CppCompileActionBuilder setCppConfiguration(CppConfiguration cppConfiguration) { this.cppConfiguration = cppConfiguration; return this; } public CppCompileActionBuilder setActionContext( Class actionContext) { this.actionContext = actionContext; return this; } public CppCompileActionBuilder setActionClassId(UUID uuid) { this.actionClassId = uuid; return this; } /** * Set an optional source file (usually with metadata of the main source file). The optional * source file can only be set once, whether via this method or through the constructor * {@link #CppCompileActionBuilder(CppCompileActionBuilder)}. */ public CppCompileActionBuilder addOptionalSourceFile(Artifact artifact) { Preconditions.checkState(optionalSourceFile == null, "%s %s", optionalSourceFile, artifact); optionalSourceFile = artifact; return this; } public CppCompileActionBuilder addMandatoryInputs(Iterable artifacts) { mandatoryInputsBuilder.addAll(artifacts); return this; } public CppCompileActionBuilder addTransitiveMandatoryInputs(NestedSet artifacts) { mandatoryInputsBuilder.addTransitive(artifacts); return this; } public CppCompileActionBuilder addAdditionalIncludes(List includes) { additionalIncludeFiles.addAll(includes); return this; } public CppCompileActionBuilder setOutputs(Artifact outputFile, Artifact dotdFile) { this.outputFile = outputFile; this.dotdFile = dotdFile == null ? null : new DotdFile(dotdFile); return this; } public CppCompileActionBuilder setOutputs( RuleContext ruleContext, ArtifactCategory outputCategory, String outputName, boolean generateDotd) { this.outputFile = CppHelper.getCompileOutputArtifact( ruleContext, CppHelper.getArtifactNameForCategory(ruleContext, ccToolchain, outputCategory, outputName), configuration); if (generateDotd) { String dotdFileName = CppHelper.getDotdFileName(ruleContext, ccToolchain, outputCategory, outputName); if (cppConfiguration.getInmemoryDotdFiles()) { // Just set the path, no artifact is constructed BuildConfiguration configuration = ruleContext.getConfiguration(); dotdFile = new DotdFile( configuration.getBinDirectory(ruleContext.getRule().getRepository()).getExecPath() .getRelative(CppHelper.getObjDirectory(ruleContext.getLabel())) .getRelative(dotdFileName)); } else { dotdFile = new DotdFile(CppHelper.getCompileOutputArtifact(ruleContext, dotdFileName, configuration)); } } else { dotdFile = null; } return this; } public CppCompileActionBuilder setDwoFile(Artifact dwoFile) { this.dwoFile = dwoFile; return this; } /** * Set the minimized bitcode file emitted by this (ThinLTO) compilation that can be used in place * of the full bitcode outputFile in the LTO indexing step. */ public CppCompileActionBuilder setLTOIndexingFile(Artifact ltoIndexingFile) { this.ltoIndexingFile = ltoIndexingFile; return this; } Artifact getOutputFile() { return outputFile; } /** * The temp output file is not an artifact, since it does not appear in the outputs of the * action. * *

This is theoretically a problem if that file already existed before, since then Blaze * does not delete it before executing the rule, but 1. that only applies for local * execution which does not happen very often and 2. it is only a problem if the compiler is * affected by the presence of this file, which it should not be. */ public CppCompileActionBuilder setTempOutputFile(PathFragment tempOutputFile) { this.tempOutputFile = tempOutputFile; return this; } public DotdFile getDotdFile() { return this.dotdFile; } public CppCompileActionBuilder setGcnoFile(Artifact gcnoFile) { this.gcnoFile = gcnoFile; return this; } public CppCompileActionBuilder addCopt(String copt) { copts.add(copt); return this; } public CppCompileActionBuilder addCopts(Iterable copts) { Iterables.addAll(this.copts, copts); return this; } public CppCompileActionBuilder addCopts(int position, Iterable copts) { this.copts.addAll(position, ImmutableList.copyOf(copts)); return this; } public CppCompileActionBuilder addNocopts(Pattern nocopts) { this.nocopts.add(nocopts); return this; } public CppCompileActionBuilder setContext(CppCompilationContext context) { this.context = context; return this; } /** Sets whether the CompileAction should use pic mode. */ public CppCompileActionBuilder setPicMode(boolean usePic) { this.usePic = usePic; return this; } /** Sets whether the CompileAction should use header modules. */ public CppCompileActionBuilder setAllowUsingHeaderModules(boolean allowUsingHeaderModules) { this.allowUsingHeaderModules = allowUsingHeaderModules; return this; } /** Sets the CppSemantics for this compile. */ public CppCompileActionBuilder setSemantics(CppSemantics semantics) { this.cppSemantics = semantics; return this; } public void setShouldScanIncludes(boolean shouldScanIncludes) { this.shouldScanIncludes = shouldScanIncludes; } public boolean getShouldScanIncludes() { return shouldScanIncludes; } public CcToolchainProvider getToolchain() { return ccToolchain; } }