// Copyright 2014 The Bazel Authors. All rights reserved. // // Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); // you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. // You may obtain a copy of the License at // // http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 // // Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software // distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, // WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. // See the License for the specific language governing permissions and // limitations under the License. package com.google.devtools.build.lib.rules.cpp; import com.google.common.collect.ImmutableList; import com.google.common.collect.ImmutableMap; import com.google.devtools.build.lib.actions.Artifact; import com.google.devtools.build.lib.analysis.TransitiveInfoProvider; import com.google.devtools.build.lib.analysis.config.CompilationMode; import com.google.devtools.build.lib.collect.nestedset.NestedSet; import com.google.devtools.build.lib.collect.nestedset.NestedSetBuilder; import com.google.devtools.build.lib.collect.nestedset.Order; import com.google.devtools.build.lib.concurrent.ThreadSafety.Immutable; import com.google.devtools.build.lib.packages.ClassObjectConstructor; import com.google.devtools.build.lib.packages.NativeClassObjectConstructor; import com.google.devtools.build.lib.packages.SkylarkClassObject; import com.google.devtools.build.lib.skylarkinterface.SkylarkCallable; import com.google.devtools.build.lib.skylarkinterface.SkylarkModule; import com.google.devtools.build.lib.util.Pair; import com.google.devtools.build.lib.util.Preconditions; import com.google.devtools.build.lib.vfs.PathFragment; import java.util.Map; import javax.annotation.Nullable; /** * Information about a C++ compiler used by the cc_* rules. */ @SkylarkModule( name = "CcToolchainInfo", doc = "Information about the C++ compiler being used." ) @Immutable public final class CcToolchainProvider extends SkylarkClassObject implements TransitiveInfoProvider { public static final String SKYLARK_NAME = "CcToolchainInfo"; public static final ClassObjectConstructor SKYLARK_CONSTRUCTOR = new NativeClassObjectConstructor(SKYLARK_NAME) {}; /** An empty toolchain to be returned in the error case (instead of null). */ public static final CcToolchainProvider EMPTY_TOOLCHAIN_IS_ERROR = new CcToolchainProvider( null, NestedSetBuilder.emptySet(Order.STABLE_ORDER), NestedSetBuilder.emptySet(Order.STABLE_ORDER), NestedSetBuilder.emptySet(Order.STABLE_ORDER), NestedSetBuilder.emptySet(Order.STABLE_ORDER), NestedSetBuilder.emptySet(Order.STABLE_ORDER), NestedSetBuilder.emptySet(Order.STABLE_ORDER), null, NestedSetBuilder.emptySet(Order.STABLE_ORDER), NestedSetBuilder.emptySet(Order.STABLE_ORDER), NestedSetBuilder.emptySet(Order.STABLE_ORDER), NestedSetBuilder.emptySet(Order.STABLE_ORDER), null, NestedSetBuilder.emptySet(Order.STABLE_ORDER), null, PathFragment.EMPTY_FRAGMENT, CppCompilationContext.EMPTY, false, false, ImmutableMap.of(), ImmutableList.of(), NestedSetBuilder.>emptySet(Order.COMPILE_ORDER), null, ImmutableMap.of(), ImmutableList.of(), null); @Nullable private final CppConfiguration cppConfiguration; private final NestedSet crosstool; private final NestedSet crosstoolMiddleman; private final NestedSet compile; private final NestedSet strip; private final NestedSet objCopy; private final NestedSet link; private final Artifact interfaceSoBuilder; private final NestedSet dwp; private final NestedSet coverage; private final NestedSet libcLink; private final NestedSet staticRuntimeLinkInputs; @Nullable private final Artifact staticRuntimeLinkMiddleman; private final NestedSet dynamicRuntimeLinkInputs; @Nullable private final Artifact dynamicRuntimeLinkMiddleman; private final PathFragment dynamicRuntimeSolibDir; private final CppCompilationContext cppCompilationContext; private final boolean supportsParamFiles; private final boolean supportsHeaderParsing; private final ImmutableMap buildVariables; private final ImmutableList builtinIncludeFiles; private final NestedSet> coverageEnvironment; @Nullable private final Artifact linkDynamicLibraryTool; private final ImmutableMap environment; private final ImmutableList builtInIncludeDirectories; @Nullable private final PathFragment sysroot; public CcToolchainProvider( @Nullable CppConfiguration cppConfiguration, NestedSet crosstool, NestedSet crosstoolMiddleman, NestedSet compile, NestedSet strip, NestedSet objCopy, NestedSet link, Artifact interfaceSoBuilder, NestedSet dwp, NestedSet coverage, NestedSet libcLink, NestedSet staticRuntimeLinkInputs, @Nullable Artifact staticRuntimeLinkMiddleman, NestedSet dynamicRuntimeLinkInputs, @Nullable Artifact dynamicRuntimeLinkMiddleman, PathFragment dynamicRuntimeSolibDir, CppCompilationContext cppCompilationContext, boolean supportsParamFiles, boolean supportsHeaderParsing, Map buildVariables, ImmutableList builtinIncludeFiles, NestedSet> coverageEnvironment, Artifact linkDynamicLibraryTool, ImmutableMap environment, ImmutableList builtInIncludeDirectories, @Nullable PathFragment sysroot) { super(SKYLARK_CONSTRUCTOR, ImmutableMap.of()); this.cppConfiguration = cppConfiguration; this.crosstool = Preconditions.checkNotNull(crosstool); this.crosstoolMiddleman = Preconditions.checkNotNull(crosstoolMiddleman); this.compile = Preconditions.checkNotNull(compile); this.strip = Preconditions.checkNotNull(strip); this.objCopy = Preconditions.checkNotNull(objCopy); this.link = Preconditions.checkNotNull(link); this.interfaceSoBuilder = interfaceSoBuilder; this.dwp = Preconditions.checkNotNull(dwp); this.coverage = Preconditions.checkNotNull(coverage); this.libcLink = Preconditions.checkNotNull(libcLink); this.staticRuntimeLinkInputs = Preconditions.checkNotNull(staticRuntimeLinkInputs); this.staticRuntimeLinkMiddleman = staticRuntimeLinkMiddleman; this.dynamicRuntimeLinkInputs = Preconditions.checkNotNull(dynamicRuntimeLinkInputs); this.dynamicRuntimeLinkMiddleman = dynamicRuntimeLinkMiddleman; this.dynamicRuntimeSolibDir = Preconditions.checkNotNull(dynamicRuntimeSolibDir); this.cppCompilationContext = Preconditions.checkNotNull(cppCompilationContext); this.supportsParamFiles = supportsParamFiles; this.supportsHeaderParsing = supportsHeaderParsing; this.buildVariables = ImmutableMap.copyOf(buildVariables); this.builtinIncludeFiles = builtinIncludeFiles; this.coverageEnvironment = coverageEnvironment; this.linkDynamicLibraryTool = linkDynamicLibraryTool; this.environment = environment; this.builtInIncludeDirectories = builtInIncludeDirectories; this.sysroot = sysroot; } @SkylarkCallable( name = "built_in_include_directories", doc = "Returns the list of built-in directories of the compiler.", structField = true ) public ImmutableList getBuiltInIncludeDirectories() { return builtInIncludeDirectories; } /** * Returns all the files in Crosstool. Is not a middleman. */ public NestedSet getCrosstool() { return crosstool; } /** * Returns a middleman for all the files in Crosstool. */ public NestedSet getCrosstoolMiddleman() { return crosstoolMiddleman; } /** * Returns the files necessary for compilation. */ public NestedSet getCompile() { return compile; } /** * Returns the files necessary for a 'strip' invocation. */ public NestedSet getStrip() { return strip; } /** * Returns the files necessary for an 'objcopy' invocation. */ public NestedSet getObjcopy() { return objCopy; } /** * Returns the files necessary for linking, including the files needed for libc. */ public NestedSet getLink() { return link; } public NestedSet getDwp() { return dwp; } /** * Returns the files necessary for capturing code coverage. */ public NestedSet getCoverage() { return coverage; } public NestedSet getLibcLink() { return libcLink; } /** * Returns the static runtime libraries. */ public NestedSet getStaticRuntimeLinkInputs() { return staticRuntimeLinkInputs; } /** * Returns an aggregating middleman that represents the static runtime libraries. */ @Nullable public Artifact getStaticRuntimeLinkMiddleman() { return staticRuntimeLinkMiddleman; } /** * Returns the dynamic runtime libraries. */ public NestedSet getDynamicRuntimeLinkInputs() { return dynamicRuntimeLinkInputs; } /** * Returns an aggregating middleman that represents the dynamic runtime libraries. */ @Nullable public Artifact getDynamicRuntimeLinkMiddleman() { return dynamicRuntimeLinkMiddleman; } /** * Returns the name of the directory where the solib symlinks for the dynamic runtime libraries * live. The directory itself will be under the root of the host configuration in the 'bin' * directory. */ public PathFragment getDynamicRuntimeSolibDir() { return dynamicRuntimeSolibDir; } /** * Returns the C++ compilation context for the toolchain. */ public CppCompilationContext getCppCompilationContext() { return cppCompilationContext; } /** * Whether the toolchains supports parameter files. */ public boolean supportsParamFiles() { return supportsParamFiles; } /** * Whether the toolchains supports header parsing. */ public boolean supportsHeaderParsing() { return supportsHeaderParsing; } /** * Returns the configured features of the toolchain. */ @Nullable public CcToolchainFeatures getFeatures() { return cppConfiguration == null ? null : cppConfiguration.getFeatures(); } /** * Returns the compilation mode. */ @Nullable public CompilationMode getCompilationMode() { return cppConfiguration == null ? null : cppConfiguration.getCompilationMode(); } @Nullable public CppConfiguration getCppConfiguration() { return cppConfiguration; } /** * Returns build variables to be templated into the crosstool. */ public ImmutableMap getBuildVariables() { return buildVariables; } /** * Return the set of include files that may be included even if they are not mentioned in the * source file or any of the headers included by it. */ public ImmutableList getBuiltinIncludeFiles() { return builtinIncludeFiles; } /** * Returns the environment variables that need to be added to tests that collect code coverage. */ public NestedSet> getCoverageEnvironment() { return coverageEnvironment; } public ImmutableMap getEnvironment() { return environment; } /** * Returns the tool which should be used for linking dynamic libraries, or in case it's not * specified by the crosstool this will be @tools_repository/tools/cpp:link_dynamic_library */ public Artifact getLinkDynamicLibraryTool() { return linkDynamicLibraryTool; } /** * Returns the tool that builds interface libraries from dynamic libraries. */ public Artifact getInterfaceSoBuilder() { return interfaceSoBuilder; } @SkylarkCallable( name = "sysroot", structField = true, doc = "Returns the sysroot to be used. If the toolchain compiler does not support " + "different sysroots, or the sysroot is the same as the default sysroot, then " + "this method returns None." ) public PathFragment getSysroot() { return sysroot; } @SkylarkCallable( name = "unfiltered_compiler_options_do_not_use", doc = "Returns the default list of options which cannot be filtered by BUILD " + "rules. These should be appended to the command line after filtering." ) public ImmutableList getUnfilteredCompilerOptions(Iterable features) { return cppConfiguration.getUnfilteredCompilerOptions(features, sysroot); } @SkylarkCallable( name = "link_options_do_not_use", structField = true, doc = "Returns the set of command-line linker options, including any flags " + "inferred from the command-line options." ) public ImmutableList getLinkOptions() { return cppConfiguration.getLinkOptions(sysroot); } }