// Copyright 2015 The Bazel Authors. All rights reserved. // // Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); // you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. // You may obtain a copy of the License at // // http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 // // Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software // distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, // WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. // See the License for the specific language governing permissions and // limitations under the License. package com.google.devtools.build.lib.rules.cpp; import com.google.common.annotations.VisibleForTesting; import com.google.common.base.Optional; import com.google.common.base.Preconditions; import com.google.common.base.Predicate; import com.google.common.cache.CacheBuilder; import com.google.common.cache.CacheLoader; import com.google.common.cache.LoadingCache; import com.google.common.collect.ImmutableList; import com.google.common.collect.ImmutableMap; import com.google.common.collect.ImmutableMultimap; import com.google.common.collect.ImmutableSet; import com.google.common.collect.Iterables; import com.google.devtools.build.lib.analysis.config.InvalidConfigurationException; import com.google.devtools.build.lib.concurrent.ThreadSafety.Immutable; import com.google.devtools.build.lib.vfs.PathFragment; import com.google.devtools.build.lib.view.config.crosstool.CrosstoolConfig.CToolchain; import com.google.devtools.build.lib.view.config.crosstool.CrosstoolConfig.CToolchain.Tool; import java.io.IOException; import java.io.ObjectInputStream; import java.io.Serializable; import java.util.ArrayDeque; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Queue; import java.util.Set; import java.util.Stack; /** * Provides access to features supported by a specific toolchain. * *

This class can be generated from the CToolchain protocol buffer. * *

TODO(bazel-team): Implement support for specifying the toolchain configuration directly from * the BUILD file. * *

TODO(bazel-team): Find a place to put the public-facing documentation and link to it from * here. * *

TODO(bazel-team): Split out Feature as CcToolchainFeature, which will modularize the * crosstool configuration into one part that is about handling a set of features (including feature * selection) and one part that is about how to apply a single feature (parsing flags and expanding * them from build variables). */ @Immutable public class CcToolchainFeatures implements Serializable { /** * Thrown when a flag value cannot be expanded under a set of build variables. * *

This happens for example when a flag references a variable that is not provided by the * action, or when a flag group references multiple variables of sequence type. */ public static class ExpansionException extends RuntimeException { ExpansionException(String message) { super(message); } } /** * A piece of a single string value. * *

A single value can contain a combination of text and variables (for example * "-f %{var1}/%{var2}"). We split the string into chunks, where each chunk represents either a * text snippet, or a variable that is to be replaced. */ interface StringChunk { /** * Expands this chunk. * * @param variables variable names mapped to their values for a single flag expansion. * @param flag the flag content to append to. */ void expand(Map variables, StringBuilder flag); } /** * A plain text chunk of a string (containing no variables). */ @Immutable private static class StringLiteralChunk implements StringChunk, Serializable { private final String text; private StringLiteralChunk(String text) { this.text = text; } @Override public void expand(Map variables, StringBuilder flag) { flag.append(text); } } /** * A chunk of a string value into which a variable should be expanded. */ @Immutable private static class VariableChunk implements StringChunk, Serializable { private final String variableName; private VariableChunk(String variableName) { this.variableName = variableName; } @Override public void expand(Map variables, StringBuilder stringBuilder) { // We check all variables in FlagGroup.expandCommandLine. // If we arrive here with the variable not being available, the variable was provided, but // the nesting level of the NestedSequence was deeper than the nesting level of the flag // groups. if (!variables.containsKey(variableName)) { throw new ExpansionException( "Invalid toolchain configuration: the flag group referencing '" + variableName + "' is not nested deeply enough to fully expand it."); } String value = variables.get(variableName); if (value == null) { throw new ExpansionException( "Internal blaze error: build variable '" + variableName + "'was set to 'null'."); } stringBuilder.append(variables.get(variableName)); } } /** * Parser for toolchain string values. * *

A string value contains a snippet of text supporting variable expansion. For example, a * string value "-f %{var1}/%{var2}" will expand the values of the variables "var1" and "var2" * in the corresponding places in the string. * *

The {@code StringValueParser} takes a string and parses it into a list of * {@link StringChunk} objects, where each chunk represents either a snippet of text or a * variable to be expanded. In the above example, the resulting chunks would be * ["-f ", var1, "/", var2]. * *

In addition to the list of chunks, the {@link StringValueParser} also provides the set of * variables necessary for the expansion of this flag via {@link #getUsedVariables}. * *

To get a literal percent character, "%%" can be used in the string. */ private static class StringValueParser { private final String value; /** * The current position in {@value} during parsing. */ private int current = 0; private final ImmutableList.Builder chunks = ImmutableList.builder(); private final ImmutableSet.Builder usedVariables = ImmutableSet.builder(); private StringValueParser(String value) throws InvalidConfigurationException { this.value = value; parse(); } /** * @return the parsed chunks for this string. */ private ImmutableList getChunks() { return chunks.build(); } /** * @return all variable names needed to expand this string. */ private ImmutableSet getUsedVariables() { return usedVariables.build(); } /** * Parses the string. * * @throws InvalidConfigurationException if there is a parsing error. */ private void parse() throws InvalidConfigurationException { while (current < value.length()) { if (atVariableStart()) { parseVariableChunk(); } else { parseStringChunk(); } } } /** * @return whether the current position is the start of a variable. */ private boolean atVariableStart() { // We parse a variable when value starts with '%', but not '%%'. return value.charAt(current) == '%' && (current + 1 >= value.length() || value.charAt(current + 1) != '%'); } /** * Parses a chunk of text until the next '%', which indicates either an escaped literal '%' * or a variable. */ private void parseStringChunk() { int start = current; // We only parse string chunks starting with '%' if they also start with '%%'. // In that case, we want to have a single '%' in the string, so we start at the second // character. // Note that for strings like "abc%%def" this will lead to two string chunks, the first // referencing the subtring "abc", and a second referencing the substring "%def". if (value.charAt(current) == '%') { current = current + 1; start = current; } current = value.indexOf('%', current + 1); if (current == -1) { current = value.length(); } final String text = value.substring(start, current); chunks.add(new StringLiteralChunk(text)); } /** * Parses a variable to be expanded. * * @throws InvalidConfigurationException if there is a parsing error. */ private void parseVariableChunk() throws InvalidConfigurationException { current = current + 1; if (current >= value.length() || value.charAt(current) != '{') { abort("expected '{'"); } current = current + 1; if (current >= value.length() || value.charAt(current) == '}') { abort("expected variable name"); } int end = value.indexOf('}', current); final String name = value.substring(current, end); usedVariables.add(name); chunks.add(new VariableChunk(name)); current = end + 1; } /** * @throws InvalidConfigurationException with the given error text, adding information about * the current position in the string. */ private void abort(String error) throws InvalidConfigurationException { throw new InvalidConfigurationException("Invalid toolchain configuration: " + error + " at position " + current + " while parsing a flag containing '" + value + "'"); } } /** * A flag or flag group that can be expanded under a set of variables. */ interface Expandable { /** * Returns the set of variables that can control the expansion of this expandable. * Returns null if the expandable is a simple flag that will only be expanded once. */ Set getControllingVariables(); /** * Expands the current expandable under the given {@code view}, adding new flags to * {@code commandLine}. * * The {@code view} controls which variables are visible during the expansion and allows * to recursively expand nested flag groups. */ void expand(Variables.View view, List commandLine); } /** * A single flag to be expanded under a set of variables. * *

TODO(bazel-team): Consider specializing Flag for the simple case that a flag is just a bit * of text. */ @Immutable private static class Flag implements Serializable, Expandable { private final ImmutableList chunks; private Flag(ImmutableList chunks) { this.chunks = chunks; } /** * Expand this flag into a single new entry in {@code commandLine}. */ @Override public void expand(Variables.View view, List commandLine) { StringBuilder flag = new StringBuilder(); for (StringChunk chunk : chunks) { chunk.expand(view.getVariables(), flag); } commandLine.add(flag.toString()); } @Override public Set getControllingVariables() { // A simple flag will only ever be expanded once. return null; } } /** * A single environment key/value pair to be expanded under a set of variables. */ @Immutable private static class EnvEntry implements Serializable { private final String key; private final ImmutableList valueChunks; private final ImmutableSet usedVariables; private EnvEntry(CToolchain.EnvEntry envEntry) throws InvalidConfigurationException { this.key = envEntry.getKey(); StringValueParser parser = new StringValueParser(envEntry.getValue()); this.valueChunks = parser.getChunks(); this.usedVariables = parser.getUsedVariables(); } /** * Adds the key/value pair this object represents to the given map of environment variables. * The value of the entry is expanded with the given {@code variables}. */ public void addEnvEntry(Variables variables, ImmutableMap.Builder envBuilder) { Variables.View view = variables.getView(usedVariables); StringBuilder value = new StringBuilder(); for (StringChunk chunk : valueChunks) { chunk.expand(view.getVariables(), value); } envBuilder.put(key, value.toString()); } } /** * A group of flags. */ @Immutable private static class FlagGroup implements Serializable, Expandable { private final ImmutableList expandables; private final ImmutableSet usedVariables; private FlagGroup(CToolchain.FlagGroup flagGroup) throws InvalidConfigurationException { ImmutableList.Builder expandables = ImmutableList.builder(); ImmutableSet.Builder usedVariables = ImmutableSet.builder(); Collection flags = flagGroup.getFlagList(); Collection groups = flagGroup.getFlagGroupList(); if (!flags.isEmpty() && !groups.isEmpty()) { // If both flags and flag_groups are available, the original order is not preservable. throw new ExpansionException( "Invalid toolchain configuration: a flag_group must not contain both a flag " + "and another flag_group."); } for (String flag : flags) { StringValueParser parser = new StringValueParser(flag); expandables.add(new Flag(parser.getChunks())); usedVariables.addAll(parser.getUsedVariables()); } for (CToolchain.FlagGroup group : groups) { FlagGroup subgroup = new FlagGroup(group); expandables.add(subgroup); usedVariables.addAll(subgroup.getControllingVariables()); } this.expandables = expandables.build(); this.usedVariables = usedVariables.build(); } @Override public void expand(Variables.View view, final List commandLine) { for (Expandable expandable : expandables) { view.expand(expandable, commandLine); } } @Override public Set getControllingVariables() { // Any of the used variables can be used to control this flag group's expansion. return usedVariables; } /** * Expands all flags in this group and adds them to {@code commandLine}. * *

The flags of the group will be expanded either: *

* *

Having more than a single variable of sequence type in a single flag group is not * supported. */ private void expandCommandLine(Variables variables, final List commandLine) { Variables.View view = variables.getView(getControllingVariables()); view.expand(this, commandLine); } } /** * Groups a set of flags to apply for certain actions. */ @Immutable private static class FlagSet implements Serializable { private final ImmutableSet actions; private final ImmutableSet expandIfAllAvailable; private final ImmutableList flagGroups; private FlagSet(CToolchain.FlagSet flagSet) throws InvalidConfigurationException { this.actions = ImmutableSet.copyOf(flagSet.getActionList()); this.expandIfAllAvailable = ImmutableSet.copyOf(flagSet.getExpandIfAllAvailableList()); ImmutableList.Builder builder = ImmutableList.builder(); for (CToolchain.FlagGroup flagGroup : flagSet.getFlagGroupList()) { builder.add(new FlagGroup(flagGroup)); } this.flagGroups = builder.build(); } /** * Adds the flags that apply to the given {@code action} to {@code commandLine}. */ private void expandCommandLine(String action, Variables variables, List commandLine) { for (String variable : expandIfAllAvailable) { if (!variables.isAvailable(variable)) { return; } } if (!actions.contains(action)) { return; } for (FlagGroup flagGroup : flagGroups) { flagGroup.expandCommandLine(variables, commandLine); } } } /** * Groups a set of environment variables to apply for certain actions. */ @Immutable private static class EnvSet implements Serializable { private final ImmutableSet actions; private final ImmutableList envEntries; private EnvSet(CToolchain.EnvSet envSet) throws InvalidConfigurationException { this.actions = ImmutableSet.copyOf(envSet.getActionList()); ImmutableList.Builder builder = ImmutableList.builder(); for (CToolchain.EnvEntry envEntry : envSet.getEnvEntryList()) { builder.add(new EnvEntry(envEntry)); } this.envEntries = builder.build(); } /** * Adds the environment key/value pairs that apply to the given {@code action} to * {@code envBuilder}. */ private void expandEnvironment(String action, Variables variables, ImmutableMap.Builder envBuilder) { if (!actions.contains(action)) { return; } for (EnvEntry envEntry : envEntries) { envEntry.addEnvEntry(variables, envBuilder); } } } /** * An interface for classes representing crosstool messages that can activate eachother * using 'requires' and 'implies' semantics. * *

Currently there are two types of CrosstoolActivatable: Feature and ActionConfig. */ private interface CrosstoolSelectable { /** * Returns the name of this selectable. */ String getName(); } /** * Contains flags for a specific feature. */ @Immutable private static class Feature implements Serializable, CrosstoolSelectable { private final String name; private final ImmutableList flagSets; private final ImmutableList envSets; private Feature(CToolchain.Feature feature) throws InvalidConfigurationException { this.name = feature.getName(); ImmutableList.Builder flagSetBuilder = ImmutableList.builder(); for (CToolchain.FlagSet flagSet : feature.getFlagSetList()) { flagSetBuilder.add(new FlagSet(flagSet)); } this.flagSets = flagSetBuilder.build(); ImmutableList.Builder envSetBuilder = ImmutableList.builder(); for (CToolchain.EnvSet flagSet : feature.getEnvSetList()) { envSetBuilder.add(new EnvSet(flagSet)); } this.envSets = envSetBuilder.build(); } @Override public String getName() { return name; } /** * Adds environment variables for the given action to the provided builder. */ private void expandEnvironment( String action, Variables variables, ImmutableMap.Builder envBuilder) { for (EnvSet envSet : envSets) { envSet.expandEnvironment(action, variables, envBuilder); } } /** * Adds the flags that apply to the given {@code action} to {@code commandLine}. */ private void expandCommandLine(String action, Variables variables, List commandLine) { for (FlagSet flagSet : flagSets) { flagSet.expandCommandLine(action, variables, commandLine); } } } /** * An executable to be invoked by a blaze action. Can carry information on its platform * restrictions. */ @Immutable static class Tool { private final String toolPathString; private final ImmutableSet executionRequirements; private Tool(CToolchain.Tool tool) { toolPathString = tool.getToolPath(); executionRequirements = ImmutableSet.copyOf(tool.getExecutionRequirementList()); } @VisibleForTesting public Tool(String toolPathString, ImmutableSet executionRequirements) { this.toolPathString = toolPathString; this.executionRequirements = executionRequirements; } /** * Returns the path to this action's tool relative to the provided crosstool path. */ PathFragment getToolPath(PathFragment crosstoolTopPathFragment) { return crosstoolTopPathFragment.getRelative(toolPathString); } /** * Returns a list of requirement hints that apply to the execution of this tool. */ ImmutableSet getExecutionRequirements() { return executionRequirements; } } /** * A container for information on a particular blaze action. * *

An ActionConfig can select a tool for its blaze action based on the set of active * features. Internally, an ActionConfig maintains an ordered list (the order being that of the * list of tools in the crosstool action_config message) of such tools and the feature sets for * which they are valid. For a given feature configuration, the ActionConfig will consider the * first tool in that list with a feature set that matches the configuration to be the tool for * its blaze action. * *

ActionConfigs can be activated by features. That is, a particular feature can cause an * ActionConfig to be applied in its "implies" field. Blaze may include certain actions in * the action graph only if a corresponding ActionConfig is activated in the toolchain - this * provides the crosstool with a mechanism for adding certain actions to the action graph based * on feature configuration. * *

It is invalid for a toolchain to contain two action configs for the same blaze action. In * that case, blaze will throw an error when it consumes the crosstool. */ @Immutable private static class ActionConfig implements Serializable, CrosstoolSelectable { private final String configName; private final String actionName; private final List tools; private ActionConfig(CToolchain.ActionConfig actionConfig) { this.configName = actionConfig.getConfigName(); this.actionName = actionConfig.getActionName(); this.tools = actionConfig.getToolList(); } @Override public String getName() { return configName; } /** * Returns the name of the blaze action this action config applies to. */ private String getActionName() { return actionName; } /** * Returns the path to this action's tool relative to the provided crosstool path given a set * of enabled features. */ private Tool getTool(final Set enabledFeatureNames) { Optional tool = Iterables.tryFind( tools, new Predicate() { // We select the first listed tool for which all specified features are activated // in this configuration @Override public boolean apply(CToolchain.Tool input) { Collection featureNamesForTool = input.getWithFeature().getFeatureList(); return enabledFeatureNames.containsAll(featureNamesForTool); } }); if (tool.isPresent()) { return new Tool(tool.get()); } else { throw new IllegalArgumentException( "Matching tool for action " + getActionName() + " not " + "found for given feature configuration"); } } } /** * Configured build variables usable by the toolchain configuration. */ @Immutable public static class Variables { /** * Variables can be set as an arbitrarily deeply nested recursive sequence, which * we represent as a tree of {@code Sequence} nodes. * The nodes are {@code NestedSequence} objects, while the leafs are {@code ValueSequence} * objects. We do not allow {@code Value} objects in the tree, as the object memory overhead * is too large when we have millions of values. * If we find single element {@code ValueSequence} in memory profiles in the future, we * can introduce another special case type. */ interface Sequence { /** * Expands {@code expandable} under the given nested {@code view}, appending flags to * {@code commandLine}. */ void expand(NestedView view, Expandable expandable, List commandLine); } /** * A sequence of simple string values. * Exists as a memory optimization - a typical build can contain millions of feature values, * so getting rid of the overhead of {@code Value} objects significantly reduces memory * overhead. */ static class ValueSequence implements Sequence { private final List values; /** Builder for value sequences. */ static class Builder { private final ImmutableList.Builder values = ImmutableList.builder(); /** Adds a value to the sequence. */ Builder addValue(String value) { values.add(value); return this; } /** Returns an immutable value sequence. */ ValueSequence build() { return new ValueSequence(values.build()); } } private ValueSequence(List values) { this.values = values; } @Override public void expand(NestedView view, Expandable expandable, List commandLine) { final ImmutableList.Builder sequences = ImmutableList.builder(); for (String value : values) { sequences.add(new Value(value)); } view.expandSequence(sequences.build(), expandable, commandLine); } /** * The leaves in the variable sequence node tree are simple values. Note that this should * never live outside of {@code expand}, as the object overhead is prohibitively expensive. */ private static class Value implements Sequence { private final String value; private Value(String value) { this.value = value; } @Override public void expand(NestedView view, Expandable expandable, List commandLine) { view.expandValue(value, expandable, commandLine); } } } /** An internal node in the sequence node tree. */ static class NestedSequence implements Sequence { /** * Builder for nested sequences. */ static class Builder { private final ImmutableList.Builder sequences = ImmutableList.builder(); /** * Adds a sub-sequence to the sequence. */ Builder addSequence(Sequence sequence) { sequences.add(sequence); return this; } /** * Returns an immutable nested sequence. */ NestedSequence build() { return new NestedSequence(sequences.build()); } } private final List sequences; private NestedSequence(List expandables) { this.sequences = expandables; } @Override public void expand(NestedView view, Expandable expandable, List commandLine) { view.expandSequence(sequences, expandable, commandLine); } } /** * Builder for {@code Variables}. */ public static class Builder { private final ImmutableMap.Builder variables = ImmutableMap.builder(); private final ImmutableMap.Builder expandables = ImmutableMap.builder(); /** * Add a variable that expands {@code name} to {@code value}. */ public Builder addVariable(String name, String value) { variables.put(name, value); return this; } /** * Add all variables in a map. */ public Builder addAllVariables(Map variableMap) { variables.putAll(variableMap); return this; } /** * Add a nested sequence that expands {@code name} recursively. */ public Builder addSequence(String name, Sequence sequence) { expandables.put(name, sequence); return this; } /** * Add a variable that expands a flag group containing a reference to {@code name} for each * entry in {@code values}. */ public Builder addSequenceVariable(String name, Collection values) { ValueSequence.Builder sequenceBuilder = new ValueSequence.Builder(); for (String value : values) { sequenceBuilder.addValue(value); } return addSequence(name, sequenceBuilder.build()); } /** * @return a new {@Variables} object. */ Variables build() { return new Variables(variables.build(), expandables.build()); } } /** * A group of extra {@code Variable} instances, packaged as logic for adding to a * {@code Builder} */ public interface VariablesExtension { void addVariables(Builder builder); } /** * Interface for a set of variables visible during an expansion of a variable. */ interface View { /** * Returns all bounds variables in the current view. */ Map getVariables(); /** * Expands the given {@code expandable} under the current view, adding flags to * {@code commandLine}. */ void expand(Expandable expandable, List commandLine); } /** * An simple view that contains a fixed mapping. */ private static class FixedView implements View { private final Map viewMap; FixedView(Map viewMap) { this.viewMap = viewMap; } @Override public Map getVariables() { return viewMap; } @Override public void expand(Expandable expandable, List commandLine) { expandable.expand(this, commandLine); } } /** * A nested view that is controlled by a nested build variable and expanded recursively. */ private static class NestedView implements View { /** * The view map will contain all mapped variables when a leaf node is reached. * During traversal it will not contain the control variable. */ private final Map viewMap; /** * The name of the control variable (a variable of nested structure) that controls * the recursive expansion. */ String controlVariable; /** * The stack of sequences that are currently being expanded. Each level represents * one level in the control variables nesting. */ Stack sequenceStack = new Stack<>(); NestedView(Map viewMap, String controlVariable, Sequence sequence) { this.viewMap = viewMap; this.controlVariable = controlVariable; this.sequenceStack.push(sequence); } @Override public Map getVariables() { return viewMap; } @Override public void expand(Expandable expandable, List commandLine) { Sequence sequence = sequenceStack.peek(); sequence.expand(this, expandable, commandLine); } /** * Expands {@code expandable} with the control variable set to {@code value}. */ void expandValue(String value, Expandable expandable, List commandLine) { viewMap.put(controlVariable, value); expandable.expand(this, commandLine); viewMap.remove(controlVariable); } /** * Expands {@code expandable}. If the {@code expandable} is controlled by the current view's * control variable, it will be expanded for each given sequence. Otherwise it will be * expanded once. */ void expandSequence( Collection sequences, Expandable expandable, List commandLine) { if (!controls(expandable)) { // If an expandable does not reference the control variable, we only want to expand // it once. expandable.expand(this, commandLine); return; } // Expandables that are controlled by the control variable will be expanded for each // sequence at the current nesting level of the control variable's content. for (Sequence sequence : sequences) { sequenceStack.push(sequence); expandable.expand(this, commandLine); sequenceStack.pop(); } } /** * Returns whether the expansion of {@code expandable} is controlled by the controlling * variable of the current view. */ boolean controls(Expandable expandable) { if (expandable.getControllingVariables() == null) { return false; } return expandable.getControllingVariables().contains(controlVariable); } } private final ImmutableMap variables; private final ImmutableMap sequenceVariables; private Variables( ImmutableMap variables, ImmutableMap sequenceVariables) { this.variables = variables; this.sequenceVariables = sequenceVariables; } /** * Returns a view of the current variables under the given {@code controllingVariables}. * Verifies that all controlling variables are available. */ View getView(Collection controllingVariables) { Map viewMap = new HashMap<>(); String sequenceName = null; for (String name : controllingVariables) { if (sequenceVariables.containsKey(name)) { if (variables.containsKey(name)) { throw new ExpansionException("Internal error: variable '" + name + "' provided both as sequence and standard variable."); } else if (sequenceName != null) { throw new ExpansionException( "Invalid toolchain configuration: trying to expand two variable list in one " + "flag group: '" + sequenceName + "' and '" + name + "'"); } else { sequenceName = name; } } else if (variables.containsKey(name)) { viewMap.put(name, variables.get(name)); } else { throw new ExpansionException("Invalid toolchain configuration: unknown variable '" + name + "' can not be expanded."); } } if (sequenceName == null) { return new FixedView(viewMap); } return new NestedView(viewMap, sequenceName, sequenceVariables.get(sequenceName)); } /** * Returns whether {@code variable} is set. */ private boolean isAvailable(String variable) { return variables.containsKey(variable) || sequenceVariables.containsKey(variable); } } /** * Captures the set of enabled features and action configs for a rule. */ @Immutable public static class FeatureConfiguration { private final ImmutableSet enabledFeatureNames; private final Iterable enabledFeatures; private final ImmutableSet enabledActionConfigActionNames; private final ImmutableMap actionConfigByActionName; public FeatureConfiguration() { this( ImmutableList.of(), ImmutableList.of(), ImmutableMap.of()); } private FeatureConfiguration( Iterable enabledFeatures, Iterable enabledActionConfigs, ImmutableMap actionConfigByActionName) { this.enabledFeatures = enabledFeatures; this.actionConfigByActionName = actionConfigByActionName; ImmutableSet.Builder featureBuilder = ImmutableSet.builder(); for (Feature feature : enabledFeatures) { featureBuilder.add(feature.getName()); } this.enabledFeatureNames = featureBuilder.build(); ImmutableSet.Builder actionConfigBuilder = ImmutableSet.builder(); for (ActionConfig actionConfig : enabledActionConfigs) { actionConfigBuilder.add(actionConfig.getActionName()); } this.enabledActionConfigActionNames = actionConfigBuilder.build(); } /** * @return whether the given {@code feature} is enabled. */ public boolean isEnabled(String feature) { return enabledFeatureNames.contains(feature); } /** * @return whether an action config for the blaze action with the given name is enabled. */ boolean actionIsConfigured(String actionName) { return enabledActionConfigActionNames.contains(actionName); } /** * @return the command line for the given {@code action}. */ List getCommandLine(String action, Variables variables) { List commandLine = new ArrayList<>(); for (Feature feature : enabledFeatures) { feature.expandCommandLine(action, variables, commandLine); } return commandLine; } /** * @return the environment variables (key/value pairs) for the given {@code action}. */ Map getEnvironmentVariables(String action, Variables variables) { ImmutableMap.Builder envBuilder = ImmutableMap.builder(); for (Feature feature : enabledFeatures) { feature.expandEnvironment(action, variables, envBuilder); } return envBuilder.build(); } /** * Returns a given action's tool under this FeatureConfiguration. */ Tool getToolForAction(String actionName) { Preconditions.checkArgument( actionConfigByActionName.containsKey(actionName), "Action %s does not have an enabled configuration in the toolchain.", actionName); ActionConfig actionConfig = actionConfigByActionName.get(actionName); return actionConfig.getTool(enabledFeatureNames); } } /** * All features and action configs in the order in which they were specified in the configuration. * *

We guarantee the command line to be in the order in which the flags were specified in the * configuration. */ private final ImmutableList selectables; /** * Maps the selectables's name to the selectable. */ private final ImmutableMap selectablesByName; /** * Maps an action's name to the ActionConfig. */ private final ImmutableMap actionConfigsByActionName; /** * Maps from a selectable to a set of all the selectables it has a direct 'implies' edge to. */ private final ImmutableMultimap implies; /** * Maps from a selectable to all features that have an direct 'implies' edge to this * selectable. */ private final ImmutableMultimap impliedBy; /** * Maps from a selectable to a set of selecatable sets, where: *

*/ private final ImmutableMultimap> requires; /** * Maps from a selectable to all selectables that have a requirement referencing it. * *

This will be used to determine which selectables need to be re-checked after a selectable * was disabled. */ private final ImmutableMultimap requiredBy; /** * A cache of feature selection results, so we do not recalculate the feature selection for * all actions. */ private transient LoadingCache, FeatureConfiguration> configurationCache = buildConfigurationCache(); /** * Constructs the feature configuration from a {@code CToolchain} protocol buffer. * * @param toolchain the toolchain configuration as specified by the user. * @throws InvalidConfigurationException if the configuration has logical errors. */ @VisibleForTesting public CcToolchainFeatures(CToolchain toolchain) throws InvalidConfigurationException { // Build up the feature/action config graph. We refer to features/action configs as // 'selectables'. // First, we build up the map of name -> selectables in one pass, so that earlier selectables // can reference later features in their configuration. ImmutableList.Builder selectablesBuilder = ImmutableList.builder(); HashMap selectablesByName = new HashMap<>(); // Also build a map from action -> action_config, for use in tool lookups ImmutableMap.Builder actionConfigsByActionName = ImmutableMap.builder(); for (CToolchain.Feature toolchainFeature : toolchain.getFeatureList()) { Feature feature = new Feature(toolchainFeature); selectablesBuilder.add(feature); selectablesByName.put(feature.getName(), feature); } for (CToolchain.ActionConfig toolchainActionConfig : toolchain.getActionConfigList()) { ActionConfig actionConfig = new ActionConfig(toolchainActionConfig); selectablesBuilder.add(actionConfig); selectablesByName.put(actionConfig.getName(), actionConfig); actionConfigsByActionName.put(actionConfig.getActionName(), actionConfig); } this.selectables = selectablesBuilder.build(); this.selectablesByName = ImmutableMap.copyOf(selectablesByName); checkForActionNameDups(toolchain.getActionConfigList()); checkForActivatableDups(this.selectables); this.actionConfigsByActionName = actionConfigsByActionName.build(); // Next, we build up all forward references for 'implies' and 'requires' edges. ImmutableMultimap.Builder implies = ImmutableMultimap.builder(); ImmutableMultimap.Builder> requires = ImmutableMultimap.builder(); // We also store the reverse 'implied by' and 'required by' edges during this pass. ImmutableMultimap.Builder impliedBy = ImmutableMultimap.builder(); ImmutableMultimap.Builder requiredBy = ImmutableMultimap.builder(); for (CToolchain.Feature toolchainFeature : toolchain.getFeatureList()) { String name = toolchainFeature.getName(); CrosstoolSelectable selectable = selectablesByName.get(name); for (CToolchain.FeatureSet requiredFeatures : toolchainFeature.getRequiresList()) { ImmutableSet.Builder allOf = ImmutableSet.builder(); for (String requiredName : requiredFeatures.getFeatureList()) { CrosstoolSelectable required = getActivatableOrFail(requiredName, name); allOf.add(required); requiredBy.put(required, selectable); } requires.put(selectable, allOf.build()); } for (String impliedName : toolchainFeature.getImpliesList()) { CrosstoolSelectable implied = getActivatableOrFail(impliedName, name); impliedBy.put(implied, selectable); implies.put(selectable, implied); } } for (CToolchain.ActionConfig toolchainActionConfig : toolchain.getActionConfigList()) { String name = toolchainActionConfig.getConfigName(); CrosstoolSelectable selectable = selectablesByName.get(name); for (String impliedName : toolchainActionConfig.getImpliesList()) { CrosstoolSelectable implied = getActivatableOrFail(impliedName, name); impliedBy.put(implied, selectable); implies.put(selectable, implied); } } this.implies = implies.build(); this.requires = requires.build(); this.impliedBy = impliedBy.build(); this.requiredBy = requiredBy.build(); } private static void checkForActivatableDups(Iterable selectables) throws InvalidConfigurationException { Collection names = new HashSet<>(); for (CrosstoolSelectable selectable : selectables) { if (!names.add(selectable.getName())) { throw new InvalidConfigurationException( "Invalid toolcahin configuration: feature or " + "action config '" + selectable.getName() + "' was specified multiple times."); } } } private static void checkForActionNameDups(Iterable actionConfigs) throws InvalidConfigurationException { Collection actionNames = new HashSet<>(); for (CToolchain.ActionConfig actionConfig : actionConfigs) { if (!actionNames.add(actionConfig.getActionName())) { throw new InvalidConfigurationException( "Invalid toolchain configuration: multiple action " + "configs for action '" + actionConfig.getActionName() + "'"); } } } /** * Assign an empty cache after default-deserializing all non-transient members. */ private void readObject(ObjectInputStream in) throws ClassNotFoundException, IOException { in.defaultReadObject(); this.configurationCache = buildConfigurationCache(); } /** * @return an empty {@code FeatureConfiguration} cache. */ private LoadingCache, FeatureConfiguration> buildConfigurationCache() { return CacheBuilder.newBuilder() // TODO(klimek): Benchmark and tweak once we support a larger configuration. .maximumSize(10000) .build(new CacheLoader, FeatureConfiguration>() { @Override public FeatureConfiguration load(Collection requestedFeatures) { return computeFeatureConfiguration(requestedFeatures); } }); } /** * Given a list of {@code requestedFeatures}, returns all features that are enabled by the * toolchain configuration. * *

A requested feature will not be enabled if the toolchain does not support it (which may * depend on other requested features). * *

Additional features will be enabled if the toolchain supports them and they are implied by * requested features. */ public FeatureConfiguration getFeatureConfiguration(Collection requestedFeatures) { return configurationCache.getUnchecked(requestedFeatures); } private FeatureConfiguration computeFeatureConfiguration(Collection requestedFeatures) { // Command line flags will be output in the order in which they are specified in the toolchain // configuration. return new FeatureSelection(requestedFeatures).run(); } /** * Given a list of {@code requestedFeatures}, returns all features that are enabled by the * toolchain configuration. * *

A requested feature will not be enabled if the toolchain does not support it (which may * depend on other requested features). * *

Additional features will be enabled if the toolchain supports them and they are implied by * requested features. */ public FeatureConfiguration getFeatureConfiguration(String... requestedFeatures) { return getFeatureConfiguration(Arrays.asList(requestedFeatures)); } /** * @return the selectable with the given {@code name}. * * @throws InvalidConfigurationException if no selectable with the given name was configured. */ private CrosstoolSelectable getActivatableOrFail(String name, String reference) throws InvalidConfigurationException { if (!selectablesByName.containsKey(name)) { throw new InvalidConfigurationException("Invalid toolchain configuration: feature '" + name + "', which is referenced from feature '" + reference + "', is not defined."); } return selectablesByName.get(name); } @VisibleForTesting Collection getActivatableNames() { Collection featureNames = new HashSet<>(); for (CrosstoolSelectable selectable : selectables) { featureNames.add(selectable.getName()); } return featureNames; } /** * Implements the feature selection algorithm. * *

Feature selection is done by first enabling all features reachable by an 'implies' edge, * and then iteratively pruning features that have unmet requirements. */ private class FeatureSelection { /** * The selectables Bazel would like to enable; either because they are supported and generally * useful, or because the user required them (for example through the command line). */ private final ImmutableSet requestedSelectables; /** * The currently enabled selectable; during feature selection, we first put all selectables * reachable via an 'implies' edge into the enabled selectable set, and than prune that set * from selectables that have unmet requirements. */ private final Set enabled = new HashSet<>(); private FeatureSelection(Collection requestedSelectables) { ImmutableSet.Builder builder = ImmutableSet.builder(); for (String name : requestedSelectables) { if (selectablesByName.containsKey(name)) { builder.add(selectablesByName.get(name)); } } this.requestedSelectables = builder.build(); } /** * @return a {@code FeatureConfiguration} that reflects the set of activated features and * action configs. */ private FeatureConfiguration run() { for (CrosstoolSelectable selectable : requestedSelectables) { enableAllImpliedBy(selectable); } disableUnsupportedActivatables(); ImmutableList.Builder enabledActivatablesInOrderBuilder = ImmutableList.builder(); for (CrosstoolSelectable selectable : selectables) { if (enabled.contains(selectable)) { enabledActivatablesInOrderBuilder.add(selectable); } } ImmutableList enabledActivatablesInOrder = enabledActivatablesInOrderBuilder.build(); Iterable enabledFeaturesInOrder = Iterables.filter(enabledActivatablesInOrder, Feature.class); Iterable enabledActionConfigsInOrder = Iterables.filter(enabledActivatablesInOrder, ActionConfig.class); return new FeatureConfiguration( enabledFeaturesInOrder, enabledActionConfigsInOrder, actionConfigsByActionName); } /** * Transitively and unconditionally enable all selectables implied by the given selectable * and the selectable itself to the enabled selectable set. */ private void enableAllImpliedBy(CrosstoolSelectable selectable) { if (enabled.contains(selectable)) { return; } enabled.add(selectable); for (CrosstoolSelectable implied : implies.get(selectable)) { enableAllImpliedBy(implied); } } /** * Remove all unsupported features from the enabled feature set. */ private void disableUnsupportedActivatables() { Queue check = new ArrayDeque<>(enabled); while (!check.isEmpty()) { checkActivatable(check.poll()); } } /** * Check if the given selectable is still satisfied within the set of currently enabled * selectables. * *

If it is not, remove the selectable from the set of enabled selectables, and re-check * all selectables that may now also become disabled. */ private void checkActivatable(CrosstoolSelectable selectable) { if (!enabled.contains(selectable) || isSatisfied(selectable)) { return; } enabled.remove(selectable); // Once we disable a selectable, we have to re-check all selectables that can be affected // by that removal. // 1. A selectable that implied the current selectable is now going to be disabled. for (CrosstoolSelectable impliesCurrent : impliedBy.get(selectable)) { checkActivatable(impliesCurrent); } // 2. A selectable that required the current selectable may now be disabled, depending on // whether the requirement was optional. for (CrosstoolSelectable requiresCurrent : requiredBy.get(selectable)) { checkActivatable(requiresCurrent); } // 3. A selectable that this selectable implied may now be disabled if no other selectables // also implies it. for (CrosstoolSelectable implied : implies.get(selectable)) { checkActivatable(implied); } } /** * @return whether all requirements of the selectable are met in the set of currently enabled * selectables. */ private boolean isSatisfied(CrosstoolSelectable selectable) { return (requestedSelectables.contains(selectable) || isImpliedByEnabledActivatable(selectable)) && allImplicationsEnabled(selectable) && allRequirementsMet(selectable); } /** * @return whether a currently enabled selectable implies the given selectable. */ private boolean isImpliedByEnabledActivatable(CrosstoolSelectable selectable) { return !Collections.disjoint(impliedBy.get(selectable), enabled); } /** * @return whether all implications of the given feature are enabled. */ private boolean allImplicationsEnabled(CrosstoolSelectable selectable) { for (CrosstoolSelectable implied : implies.get(selectable)) { if (!enabled.contains(implied)) { return false; } } return true; } /** * @return whether all requirements are enabled. * *

This implies that for any of the selectable sets all of the specified selectable * are enabled. */ private boolean allRequirementsMet(CrosstoolSelectable feature) { if (!requires.containsKey(feature)) { return true; } for (ImmutableSet requiresAllOf : requires.get(feature)) { boolean requirementMet = true; for (CrosstoolSelectable required : requiresAllOf) { if (!enabled.contains(required)) { requirementMet = false; break; } } if (requirementMet) { return true; } } return false; } } }