// Copyright 2014 The Bazel Authors. All rights reserved. // // Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); // you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. // You may obtain a copy of the License at // // http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 // // Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software // distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, // WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. // See the License for the specific language governing permissions and // limitations under the License. package com.google.devtools.build.lib.rules.cpp; import com.google.common.base.Joiner; import com.google.common.base.Preconditions; import com.google.common.base.Strings; import com.google.common.collect.FluentIterable; import com.google.common.collect.ImmutableList; import com.google.common.collect.ImmutableMap; import com.google.common.collect.ImmutableSet; import com.google.common.collect.Iterables; import com.google.common.collect.Maps; import com.google.devtools.build.lib.actions.ActionAnalysisMetadata; import com.google.devtools.build.lib.actions.Artifact; import com.google.devtools.build.lib.analysis.AnalysisEnvironment; import com.google.devtools.build.lib.analysis.FileProvider; import com.google.devtools.build.lib.analysis.MakeVariableSupplier; import com.google.devtools.build.lib.analysis.RuleContext; import com.google.devtools.build.lib.analysis.TemplateVariableInfo; import com.google.devtools.build.lib.analysis.TransitiveInfoCollection; import com.google.devtools.build.lib.analysis.config.CompilationMode; import com.google.devtools.build.lib.analysis.configuredtargets.RuleConfiguredTarget.Mode; import com.google.devtools.build.lib.analysis.platform.ToolchainInfo; import com.google.devtools.build.lib.analysis.skylark.SkylarkRuleContext; import com.google.devtools.build.lib.analysis.test.InstrumentedFilesCollector; import com.google.devtools.build.lib.analysis.test.InstrumentedFilesCollector.LocalMetadataCollector; import com.google.devtools.build.lib.analysis.test.InstrumentedFilesProvider; import com.google.devtools.build.lib.analysis.test.InstrumentedFilesProviderImpl; import com.google.devtools.build.lib.cmdline.Label; import com.google.devtools.build.lib.cmdline.PackageIdentifier; import com.google.devtools.build.lib.collect.nestedset.NestedSet; import com.google.devtools.build.lib.collect.nestedset.NestedSetBuilder; import com.google.devtools.build.lib.events.Location; import com.google.devtools.build.lib.packages.BuildType; import com.google.devtools.build.lib.packages.Rule; import com.google.devtools.build.lib.packages.RuleClass; import com.google.devtools.build.lib.rules.apple.ApplePlatform; import com.google.devtools.build.lib.rules.cpp.CcCompilationHelper.SourceCategory; import com.google.devtools.build.lib.rules.cpp.CcToolchainFeatures.CollidingProvidesException; import com.google.devtools.build.lib.rules.cpp.CcToolchainFeatures.FeatureConfiguration; import com.google.devtools.build.lib.rules.cpp.CppConfiguration.DynamicMode; import com.google.devtools.build.lib.rules.cpp.CppConfiguration.HeadersCheckingMode; import com.google.devtools.build.lib.rules.cpp.FdoSupport.FdoMode; import com.google.devtools.build.lib.rules.cpp.Link.LinkTargetType; import com.google.devtools.build.lib.shell.ShellUtils; import com.google.devtools.build.lib.skyframe.serialization.autocodec.AutoCodec; import com.google.devtools.build.lib.skyframe.serialization.autocodec.AutoCodec.VisibleForSerialization; import com.google.devtools.build.lib.syntax.EvalException; import com.google.devtools.build.lib.syntax.Type; import com.google.devtools.build.lib.util.FileType; import com.google.devtools.build.lib.util.Pair; import com.google.devtools.build.lib.vfs.PathFragment; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.TreeMap; import java.util.regex.Pattern; import java.util.regex.PatternSyntaxException; import java.util.stream.Collectors; import javax.annotation.Nullable; /** * Common parts of the implementation of cc rules. */ public final class CcCommon { /** Name of the build variable for the sysroot path variable name. */ public static final String SYSROOT_VARIABLE_NAME = "sysroot"; /** Name of the build variable for the path to the input file being processed. */ public static final String INPUT_FILE_VARIABLE_NAME = "input_file"; public static final String PIC_CONFIGURATION_ERROR = "PIC compilation is requested but the toolchain does not support it"; private static final String NO_COPTS_ATTRIBUTE = "nocopts"; /** * Collects all metadata files generated by C++ compilation actions that output the .o files * on the input. */ private static final LocalMetadataCollector CC_METADATA_COLLECTOR = new LocalMetadataCollector() { @Override public void collectMetadataArtifacts(Iterable objectFiles, AnalysisEnvironment analysisEnvironment, NestedSetBuilder metadataFilesBuilder) { for (Artifact artifact : objectFiles) { ActionAnalysisMetadata action = analysisEnvironment.getLocalGeneratingAction(artifact); if (action instanceof CppCompileAction) { addOutputs(metadataFilesBuilder, action, CppFileTypes.COVERAGE_NOTES); } } } }; private static final ImmutableList WHITELISTED_PACKAGES = ImmutableList.of(PathFragment.create("tools/build_defs")); public static final ImmutableSet ALL_COMPILE_ACTIONS = ImmutableSet.of( CppCompileAction.C_COMPILE, CppCompileAction.CPP_COMPILE, CppCompileAction.CPP_HEADER_PARSING, CppCompileAction.CPP_HEADER_PREPROCESSING, CppCompileAction.CPP_MODULE_COMPILE, CppCompileAction.CPP_MODULE_CODEGEN, CppCompileAction.ASSEMBLE, CppCompileAction.PREPROCESS_ASSEMBLE, CppCompileAction.CLIF_MATCH, CppCompileAction.LINKSTAMP_COMPILE, CppCompileAction.CC_FLAGS_MAKE_VARIABLE_ACTION_NAME); public static final ImmutableSet ALL_LINK_ACTIONS = ImmutableSet.of( LinkTargetType.EXECUTABLE.getActionName(), Link.LinkTargetType.DYNAMIC_LIBRARY.getActionName(), Link.LinkTargetType.NODEPS_DYNAMIC_LIBRARY.getActionName()); public static final ImmutableSet ALL_ARCHIVE_ACTIONS = ImmutableSet.of(Link.LinkTargetType.STATIC_LIBRARY.getActionName()); public static final ImmutableSet ALL_OTHER_ACTIONS = ImmutableSet.of(CppCompileAction.STRIP_ACTION_NAME); /** Action configs we request to enable. */ public static final ImmutableSet DEFAULT_ACTION_CONFIGS = ImmutableSet.builder() .addAll(ALL_COMPILE_ACTIONS) .addAll(ALL_LINK_ACTIONS) .addAll(ALL_ARCHIVE_ACTIONS) .addAll(ALL_OTHER_ACTIONS) .build(); /** Features we request to enable unless a rule explicitly doesn't support them. */ private static final ImmutableSet DEFAULT_FEATURES = ImmutableSet.of( CppRuleClasses.DEPENDENCY_FILE, CppRuleClasses.RANDOM_SEED, CppRuleClasses.MODULE_MAPS, CppRuleClasses.MODULE_MAP_HOME_CWD, CppRuleClasses.HEADER_MODULE_COMPILE, CppRuleClasses.INCLUDE_PATHS, CppRuleClasses.PIC, CppRuleClasses.PREPROCESSOR_DEFINES); public static final String CC_TOOLCHAIN_DEFAULT_ATTRIBUTE_NAME = ":cc_toolchain"; /** C++ configuration */ private final CppConfiguration cppConfiguration; private final RuleContext ruleContext; private final CcToolchainProvider ccToolchain; private final FdoSupportProvider fdoSupport; public CcCommon(RuleContext ruleContext) { this.ruleContext = ruleContext; this.cppConfiguration = ruleContext.getFragment(CppConfiguration.class); this.ccToolchain = Preconditions.checkNotNull( CppHelper.getToolchainUsingDefaultCcToolchainAttribute(ruleContext)); this.fdoSupport = Preconditions.checkNotNull( CppHelper.getFdoSupportUsingDefaultCcToolchainAttribute(ruleContext)); } /** * Merges a list of output groups into one. The sets for each entry with a given key are merged. */ public static Map> mergeOutputGroups( ImmutableList>> outputGroups) { Map> mergedOutputGroupsBuilder = new TreeMap<>(); for (Map> outputGroup : outputGroups) { for (Map.Entry> entryOutputGroup : outputGroup.entrySet()) { String key = entryOutputGroup.getKey(); mergedOutputGroupsBuilder.computeIfAbsent( key, (String k) -> NestedSetBuilder.compileOrder()); mergedOutputGroupsBuilder.get(key).addTransitive(entryOutputGroup.getValue()); } } Map> mergedOutputGroups = new TreeMap<>(); for (Map.Entry> entryOutputGroupBuilder : mergedOutputGroupsBuilder.entrySet()) { mergedOutputGroups.put( entryOutputGroupBuilder.getKey(), entryOutputGroupBuilder.getValue().build()); } return mergedOutputGroups; } public static void checkRuleWhitelisted(SkylarkRuleContext skylarkRuleContext) throws EvalException { RuleContext context = skylarkRuleContext.getRuleContext(); Rule rule = context.getRule(); RuleClass ruleClass = rule.getRuleClassObject(); Label label = ruleClass.getRuleDefinitionEnvironmentLabel(); if (label != null && WHITELISTED_PACKAGES .stream() .noneMatch(path -> label.getPackageFragment().startsWith(path))) { throwWhiteListError(rule.getLocation(), label.getPackageFragment().toString()); } } public static void checkLocationWhitelisted(Location location) throws EvalException { String bzlPath = location.getPath().toString(); if (WHITELISTED_PACKAGES.stream().noneMatch(path -> bzlPath.contains(path.toString()))) { throwWhiteListError(location, bzlPath); } } private static void throwWhiteListError(Location location, String bzlPath) throws EvalException { String whitelistedPackages = WHITELISTED_PACKAGES.stream().map(p -> p.toString()).collect(Collectors.joining(", ")); throw new EvalException( location, String.format( "the C++ Skylark API is for the time being only allowed for rules in in '//%s/...'; " + "but this is defined in '//%s'. Contact blaze-rules@google.com for more " + "information.", whitelistedPackages, bzlPath)); } /** * Returns our own linkopts from the rule attribute. This determines linker * options to use when building this target and anything that depends on it. */ public ImmutableList getLinkopts() { Preconditions.checkState(hasAttribute("linkopts", Type.STRING_LIST)); Iterable ourLinkopts = ruleContext.attributes().get("linkopts", Type.STRING_LIST); List result; if (ourLinkopts != null) { boolean allowDashStatic = !cppConfiguration.forceIgnoreDashStatic() && (CppHelper.getDynamicMode(cppConfiguration, ccToolchain) != DynamicMode.FULLY); if (!allowDashStatic) { ourLinkopts = Iterables.filter(ourLinkopts, (v) -> !"-static".equals(v)); } result = CppHelper.expandLinkopts(ruleContext, "linkopts", ourLinkopts); } else { result = ImmutableList.of(); } if (ApplePlatform.isApplePlatform(ccToolchain.getTargetCpu()) && result.contains("-static")) { ruleContext.attributeError( "linkopts", "Apple builds do not support statically linked binaries"); } return ImmutableList.copyOf(result); } public ImmutableList getCopts() { if (!getCoptsFilter(ruleContext).passesFilter("-Wno-future-warnings")) { ruleContext.attributeWarning( "nocopts", String.format( "Regular expression '%s' is too general; for example, it matches " + "'-Wno-future-warnings'. Thus it might *re-enable* compiler warnings we wish " + "to disable globally. To disable all compiler warnings, add '-w' to copts " + "instead", Preconditions.checkNotNull(getNoCoptsPattern(ruleContext)))); } return ImmutableList.builder() .addAll(CppHelper.getPackageCopts(ruleContext)) .addAll(CppHelper.getAttributeCopts(ruleContext)) .build(); } private boolean hasAttribute(String name, Type type) { return ruleContext.attributes().has(name, type); } /** Collects all .dwo artifacts in this target's transitive closure. */ public static DwoArtifactsCollector collectTransitiveDwoArtifacts( RuleContext ruleContext, CcCompilationOutputs compilationOutputs, boolean generateDwo, boolean ltoBackendArtifactsUsePic, Iterable ltoBackendArtifacts) { ImmutableList.Builder deps = ImmutableList.builder(); deps.addAll(ruleContext.getPrerequisites("deps", Mode.TARGET)); if (ruleContext.attributes().has("malloc", BuildType.LABEL)) { deps.add(CppHelper.mallocForTarget(ruleContext)); } return compilationOutputs == null // Possible in LIPO collection mode (see initializationHook). ? DwoArtifactsCollector.emptyCollector() : DwoArtifactsCollector.transitiveCollector( compilationOutputs, deps.build(), generateDwo, ltoBackendArtifactsUsePic, ltoBackendArtifacts); } public TransitiveLipoInfoProvider collectTransitiveLipoLabels(CcCompilationOutputs outputs) { if (fdoSupport.getFdoSupport().getFdoRoot() == null || !cppConfiguration.isLipoContextCollector()) { return TransitiveLipoInfoProvider.EMPTY; } NestedSetBuilder scannableBuilder = NestedSetBuilder.stableOrder(); CppHelper.addTransitiveLipoInfoForCommonAttributes(ruleContext, outputs, scannableBuilder); return new TransitiveLipoInfoProvider(scannableBuilder.build()); } /** * Returns a list of ({@link Artifact}, {@link Label}) pairs. Each pair represents an input * source file and the label of the rule that generates it (or the label of the source file * itself if it is an input file). */ List> getSources() { Map map = Maps.newLinkedHashMap(); Iterable providers = ruleContext.getPrerequisitesIf("srcs", Mode.TARGET, FileProvider.class); for (TransitiveInfoCollection provider : providers) { for (Artifact artifact : provider.getProvider(FileProvider.class).getFilesToBuild()) { // TODO(bazel-team): We currently do not produce an error for duplicate headers and other // non-source artifacts with different labels, as that would require cleaning up the code // base without significant benefit; we should eventually make this consistent one way or // the other. Label oldLabel = map.put(artifact, provider.getLabel()); boolean isHeader = CppFileTypes.CPP_HEADER.matches(artifact.getExecPath()); if (!isHeader && SourceCategory.CC_AND_OBJC.getSourceTypes().matches(artifact.getExecPathString()) && oldLabel != null && !oldLabel.equals(provider.getLabel())) { ruleContext.attributeError("srcs", String.format( "Artifact '%s' is duplicated (through '%s' and '%s')", artifact.getExecPathString(), oldLabel, provider.getLabel())); } } } ImmutableList.Builder> result = ImmutableList.builder(); for (Map.Entry entry : map.entrySet()) { result.add(Pair.of(entry.getKey(), entry.getValue())); } return result.build(); } /** * Returns the files from headers and does some sanity checks. Note that this method reports * warnings to the {@link RuleContext} as a side effect, and so should only be called once for any * given rule. */ public static List> getHeaders(RuleContext ruleContext) { Map map = Maps.newLinkedHashMap(); for (TransitiveInfoCollection target : ruleContext.getPrerequisitesIf("hdrs", Mode.TARGET, FileProvider.class)) { FileProvider provider = target.getProvider(FileProvider.class); for (Artifact artifact : provider.getFilesToBuild()) { if (CppRuleClasses.DISALLOWED_HDRS_FILES.matches(artifact.getFilename())) { ruleContext.attributeWarning("hdrs", "file '" + artifact.getFilename() + "' from target '" + target.getLabel() + "' is not allowed in hdrs"); continue; } Label oldLabel = map.put(artifact, target.getLabel()); if (oldLabel != null && !oldLabel.equals(target.getLabel())) { ruleContext.attributeWarning( "hdrs", String.format( "Artifact '%s' is duplicated (through '%s' and '%s')", artifact.getExecPathString(), oldLabel, target.getLabel())); } } } ImmutableList.Builder> result = ImmutableList.builder(); for (Map.Entry entry : map.entrySet()) { result.add(Pair.of(entry.getKey(), entry.getValue())); } return result.build(); } /** * Returns the C++ toolchain provider. */ public CcToolchainProvider getToolchain() { return ccToolchain; } /** * Returns the C++ FDO optimization support provider. */ public FdoSupportProvider getFdoSupport() { return fdoSupport; } /** * Returns the files from headers and does some sanity checks. Note that this method reports * warnings to the {@link RuleContext} as a side effect, and so should only be called once for any * given rule. */ public List> getHeaders() { return getHeaders(ruleContext); } /** * Supply CC_FLAGS Make variable value computed from FeatureConfiguration. Appends them to * original CC_FLAGS, so FeatureConfiguration can override legacy values. */ public static class CcFlagsSupplier implements MakeVariableSupplier { private final RuleContext ruleContext; public CcFlagsSupplier(RuleContext ruleContext) { this.ruleContext = Preconditions.checkNotNull(ruleContext); } @Override @Nullable public String getMakeVariable(String variableName) { if (!variableName.equals(CppConfiguration.CC_FLAGS_MAKE_VARIABLE_NAME)) { return null; } return CcCommon.computeCcFlags(ruleContext, ruleContext.getPrerequisite( CcToolchain.CC_TOOLCHAIN_DEFAULT_ATTRIBUTE_NAME, Mode.TARGET)); } @Override public ImmutableMap getAllMakeVariables() { return ImmutableMap.of( CppConfiguration.CC_FLAGS_MAKE_VARIABLE_NAME, getMakeVariable(CppConfiguration.CC_FLAGS_MAKE_VARIABLE_NAME)); } } /** A filter that removes copts from a c++ compile action according to a nocopts regex. */ @AutoCodec static class CoptsFilter { private final Pattern noCoptsPattern; private final boolean allPasses; @VisibleForSerialization CoptsFilter(Pattern noCoptsPattern, boolean allPasses) { this.noCoptsPattern = noCoptsPattern; this.allPasses = allPasses; } /** Creates a filter that filters all matches to a regex. */ public static CoptsFilter fromRegex(Pattern noCoptsPattern) { return new CoptsFilter(noCoptsPattern, false); } /** Creates a filter that passes on all inputs. */ public static CoptsFilter alwaysPasses() { return new CoptsFilter(null, true); } /** * Returns true if the provided string passes through the filter, or false if it should be * removed. */ public boolean passesFilter(String flag) { if (allPasses) { return true; } else { return !noCoptsPattern.matcher(flag).matches(); } } } /** Returns copts filter built from the make variable expanded nocopts attribute. */ CoptsFilter getCoptsFilter() { return getCoptsFilter(ruleContext); } /** @see CcCommon#getCoptsFilter() */ private static CoptsFilter getCoptsFilter(RuleContext ruleContext) { Pattern noCoptsPattern = getNoCoptsPattern(ruleContext); if (noCoptsPattern == null) { return CoptsFilter.alwaysPasses(); } return CoptsFilter.fromRegex(noCoptsPattern); } @Nullable private static Pattern getNoCoptsPattern(RuleContext ruleContext) { if (!ruleContext.getRule().isAttrDefined(NO_COPTS_ATTRIBUTE, Type.STRING)) { return null; } String nocoptsValue = ruleContext.attributes().get(NO_COPTS_ATTRIBUTE, Type.STRING); if (Strings.isNullOrEmpty(nocoptsValue)) { return null; } String nocoptsAttr = ruleContext.getExpander().expand(NO_COPTS_ATTRIBUTE, nocoptsValue); try { return Pattern.compile(nocoptsAttr); } catch (PatternSyntaxException e) { ruleContext.attributeError( NO_COPTS_ATTRIBUTE, "invalid regular expression '" + nocoptsAttr + "': " + e.getMessage()); return null; } } // TODO(bazel-team): calculating nocopts every time is not very efficient, // fix this after the rule migration. The problem is that in some cases we call this after // the RCT is created (so RuleContext is not accessible), in some cases during the creation. // It would probably make more sense to use TransitiveInfoProviders. /** * Returns true if the rule context has a nocopts regex that matches the given value, false * otherwise. */ static boolean noCoptsMatches(String option, RuleContext ruleContext) { return !getCoptsFilter(ruleContext).passesFilter(option); } private static final String DEFINES_ATTRIBUTE = "defines"; /** * Returns a list of define tokens from "defines" attribute. * *

We tokenize the "defines" attribute, to ensure that the handling of * quotes and backslash escapes is consistent Bazel's treatment of the "copts" attribute. * *

But we require that the "defines" attribute consists of a single token. */ public List getDefines() { List defines = new ArrayList<>(); for (String define : ruleContext.getExpander().list(DEFINES_ATTRIBUTE)) { List tokens = new ArrayList<>(); try { ShellUtils.tokenize(tokens, define); if (tokens.size() == 1) { defines.add(tokens.get(0)); } else if (tokens.isEmpty()) { ruleContext.attributeError(DEFINES_ATTRIBUTE, "empty definition not allowed"); } else { ruleContext.attributeError(DEFINES_ATTRIBUTE, "definition contains too many tokens (found " + tokens.size() + ", expecting exactly one)"); } } catch (ShellUtils.TokenizationException e) { ruleContext.attributeError(DEFINES_ATTRIBUTE, e.getMessage()); } } return defines; } /** * Determines a list of loose include directories that are only allowed to be referenced when * headers checking is {@link HeadersCheckingMode#LOOSE} or {@link HeadersCheckingMode#WARN}. */ List getLooseIncludeDirs() { List result = new ArrayList<>(); // The package directory of the rule contributes includes. Note that this also covers all // non-subpackage sub-directories. PathFragment rulePackage = ruleContext.getLabel().getPackageIdentifier() .getPathUnderExecRoot(); result.add(rulePackage); // Gather up all the dirs from the rule's srcs as well as any of the srcs outputs. if (hasAttribute("srcs", BuildType.LABEL_LIST)) { for (TransitiveInfoCollection src : ruleContext.getPrerequisitesIf("srcs", Mode.TARGET, FileProvider.class)) { PathFragment packageDir = src.getLabel().getPackageIdentifier().getPathUnderExecRoot(); for (Artifact a : src.getProvider(FileProvider.class).getFilesToBuild()) { result.add(packageDir); // Attempt to gather subdirectories that might contain include files. result.add(a.getRootRelativePath().getParentDirectory()); } } } // Add in any 'includes' attribute values as relative path fragments if (ruleContext.getRule().isAttributeValueExplicitlySpecified("includes")) { PathFragment packageFragment = ruleContext.getLabel().getPackageIdentifier() .getPathUnderExecRoot(); // For now, anything with an 'includes' needs a blanket declaration result.add(packageFragment.getRelative("**")); } return result; } List getSystemIncludeDirs() { List result = new ArrayList<>(); PackageIdentifier packageIdentifier = ruleContext.getLabel().getPackageIdentifier(); PathFragment packageFragment = packageIdentifier.getPathUnderExecRoot(); for (String includesAttr : ruleContext.getExpander().list("includes")) { if (includesAttr.startsWith("/")) { ruleContext.attributeWarning("includes", "ignoring invalid absolute path '" + includesAttr + "'"); continue; } PathFragment includesPath = packageFragment.getRelative(includesAttr); if (includesPath.containsUplevelReferences()) { ruleContext.attributeError("includes", "Path references a path above the execution root."); } if (includesPath.isEmpty()) { ruleContext.attributeError( "includes", "'" + includesAttr + "' resolves to the workspace root, which would allow this rule and all of its " + "transitive dependents to include any file in your workspace. Please include only" + " what you need"); } else if (!includesPath.startsWith(packageFragment)) { ruleContext.attributeWarning( "includes", "'" + includesAttr + "' resolves to '" + includesPath + "' not below the relative path of its package '" + packageFragment + "'. This will be an error in the future"); } result.add(includesPath); result.add(ruleContext.getConfiguration().getGenfilesFragment().getRelative(includesPath)); result.add(ruleContext.getConfiguration().getBinFragment().getRelative(includesPath)); } return result; } /** Collects compilation prerequisite artifacts. */ static NestedSet collectCompilationPrerequisites( RuleContext ruleContext, CcCompilationContext ccCompilationContext) { // TODO(bazel-team): Use ccCompilationContext.getCompilationPrerequisites() instead; note // that this // will // need cleaning up the prerequisites, as the {@code CcCompilationContext} currently // collects them // transitively (to get transitive headers), but source files are not transitive compilation // prerequisites. NestedSetBuilder prerequisites = NestedSetBuilder.stableOrder(); if (ruleContext.attributes().has("srcs", BuildType.LABEL_LIST)) { for (FileProvider provider : ruleContext.getPrerequisites("srcs", Mode.TARGET, FileProvider.class)) { prerequisites.addAll( FileType.filter( provider.getFilesToBuild(), SourceCategory.CC_AND_OBJC.getSourceTypes())); } } prerequisites.addTransitive(ccCompilationContext.getDeclaredIncludeSrcs()); prerequisites.addTransitive(ccCompilationContext.getAdditionalInputs()); prerequisites.addTransitive(ccCompilationContext.getTransitiveModules(true)); prerequisites.addTransitive(ccCompilationContext.getTransitiveModules(false)); return prerequisites.build(); } /** * Replaces shared library artifact with mangled symlink and creates related * symlink action. For artifacts that should retain filename (e.g. libraries * with SONAME tag), link is created to the parent directory instead. * * This action is performed to minimize number of -rpath entries used during * linking process (by essentially "collecting" as many shared libraries as * possible in the single directory), since we will be paying quadratic price * for each additional entry on the -rpath. * * @param library Shared library artifact that needs to be mangled * @param preserveName true if filename should be preserved, false - mangled. * @return mangled symlink artifact. */ public Artifact getDynamicLibrarySymlink(Artifact library, boolean preserveName) { return SolibSymlinkAction.getDynamicLibrarySymlink( ruleContext, ccToolchain.getSolibDirectory(), library, preserveName, true, ruleContext.getConfiguration()); } /** * Returns any linker scripts found in the dependencies of the rule. */ Iterable getLinkerScripts() { return FileType.filter(ruleContext.getPrerequisiteArtifacts("deps", Mode.TARGET).list(), CppFileTypes.LINKER_SCRIPT); } /** Returns the Windows DEF file specified in win_def_file attribute of the rule. */ @Nullable Artifact getWinDefFile() { return ruleContext.getPrerequisiteArtifact("win_def_file", Mode.TARGET); } /** * Provides support for instrumentation. */ public InstrumentedFilesProvider getInstrumentedFilesProvider(Iterable files, boolean withBaselineCoverage) { return cppConfiguration.isLipoContextCollector() ? InstrumentedFilesProviderImpl.EMPTY : InstrumentedFilesCollector.collect( ruleContext, CppRuleClasses.INSTRUMENTATION_SPEC, CC_METADATA_COLLECTOR, files, CppHelper.getGcovFilesIfNeeded(ruleContext, ccToolchain), CppHelper.getCoverageEnvironmentIfNeeded(ruleContext, ccToolchain), withBaselineCoverage); } public static ImmutableList getCoverageFeatures(CcToolchainProvider toolchain) { ImmutableList.Builder coverageFeatures = ImmutableList.builder(); if (toolchain.isCodeCoverageEnabled()) { coverageFeatures.add(CppRuleClasses.COVERAGE); if (toolchain.useLLVMCoverageMapFormat()) { coverageFeatures.add(CppRuleClasses.LLVM_COVERAGE_MAP_FORMAT); } else { coverageFeatures.add(CppRuleClasses.GCC_COVERAGE_MAP_FORMAT); } } return coverageFeatures.build(); } /** * Determines whether to statically link the C++ runtimes. * *

This is complicated because it depends both on a legacy field in the CROSSTOOL * protobuf--supports_embedded_runtimes--and the newer crosstool * feature--statically_link_cpp_runtimes. Neither, one, or both could be present or set. Or they * could be set in to conflicting values. * * @return true if we should statically link, false otherwise. */ private static boolean enableStaticLinkCppRuntimesFeature( ImmutableSet requestedFeatures, ImmutableSet disabledFeatures, CcToolchainProvider toolchain) { // All of these cases are encountered in various unit tests, // integration tests, and obscure CROSSTOOLs. // A. If the legacy field "supports_embedded_runtimes" is false (or not present): // dynamically link the cpp runtimes. Done. if (!toolchain.supportsEmbeddedRuntimes()) { return false; } // From here, the toolchain _can_ statically link the cpp runtime. // // B. If the feature static_link_cpp_runtimes is disabled: // dynamically link the cpp runtimes. Done. if (disabledFeatures.contains(CppRuleClasses.STATIC_LINK_CPP_RUNTIMES)) { return false; } // C. If the feature is not requested: // the feature is neither disabled nor requested: statically // link (for compatibility with the legacy field). if (!requestedFeatures.contains(CppRuleClasses.STATIC_LINK_CPP_RUNTIMES)) { return true; } // D. The feature is requested: // statically link the cpp runtimes. Done. return true; } /** * Creates a feature configuration for a given rule. Assumes strictly cc sources. * * @param ruleContext the context of the rule we want the feature configuration for. * @param toolchain C++ toolchain provider. * @return the feature configuration for the given {@code ruleContext}. */ public static FeatureConfiguration configureFeaturesOrReportRuleError( RuleContext ruleContext, CcToolchainProvider toolchain) { return configureFeaturesOrReportRuleError( ruleContext, /* requestedFeatures= */ ruleContext.getFeatures(), /* unsupportedFeatures= */ ruleContext.getDisabledFeatures(), toolchain); } /** * Creates the feature configuration for a given rule. * * @return the feature configuration for the given {@code ruleContext}. */ public static FeatureConfiguration configureFeaturesOrReportRuleError( RuleContext ruleContext, ImmutableSet requestedFeatures, ImmutableSet unsupportedFeatures, CcToolchainProvider toolchain) { try { return configureFeaturesOrThrowEvalException( requestedFeatures, unsupportedFeatures, toolchain); } catch (EvalException e) { ruleContext.ruleError(e.getMessage()); return FeatureConfiguration.EMPTY; } } public static FeatureConfiguration configureFeaturesOrThrowEvalException( ImmutableSet requestedFeatures, ImmutableSet unsupportedFeatures, CcToolchainProvider toolchain) throws EvalException { CppConfiguration cppConfiguration = toolchain.getCppConfiguration(); ImmutableSet.Builder allRequestedFeaturesBuilder = ImmutableSet.builder(); ImmutableSet.Builder unsupportedFeaturesBuilder = ImmutableSet.builder(); unsupportedFeaturesBuilder.addAll(unsupportedFeatures); if (!toolchain.supportsHeaderParsing()) { // TODO(bazel-team): Remove once supports_header_parsing has been removed from the // cc_toolchain rule. unsupportedFeaturesBuilder.add(CppRuleClasses.PARSE_HEADERS); unsupportedFeaturesBuilder.add(CppRuleClasses.PREPROCESS_HEADERS); } if (toolchain.getCcCompilationContext().getCppModuleMap() == null) { unsupportedFeaturesBuilder.add(CppRuleClasses.MODULE_MAPS); } if (enableStaticLinkCppRuntimesFeature(requestedFeatures, unsupportedFeatures, toolchain)) { allRequestedFeaturesBuilder.add(CppRuleClasses.STATIC_LINK_CPP_RUNTIMES); } else { unsupportedFeaturesBuilder.add(CppRuleClasses.STATIC_LINK_CPP_RUNTIMES); } ImmutableSet allUnsupportedFeatures = unsupportedFeaturesBuilder.build(); // If STATIC_LINK_MSVCRT feature isn't specified by user, we add DYNAMIC_LINK_MSVCRT_* feature // according to compilation mode. // If STATIC_LINK_MSVCRT feature is specified, we add STATIC_LINK_MSVCRT_* feature // according to compilation mode. if (requestedFeatures.contains(CppRuleClasses.STATIC_LINK_MSVCRT)) { allRequestedFeaturesBuilder.add( toolchain.getCompilationMode() == CompilationMode.DBG ? CppRuleClasses.STATIC_LINK_MSVCRT_DEBUG : CppRuleClasses.STATIC_LINK_MSVCRT_NO_DEBUG); } else { allRequestedFeaturesBuilder.add( toolchain.getCompilationMode() == CompilationMode.DBG ? CppRuleClasses.DYNAMIC_LINK_MSVCRT_DEBUG : CppRuleClasses.DYNAMIC_LINK_MSVCRT_NO_DEBUG); } ImmutableList.Builder allFeatures = new ImmutableList.Builder() .addAll(ImmutableSet.of(toolchain.getCompilationMode().toString())) .addAll(DEFAULT_FEATURES) .addAll(DEFAULT_ACTION_CONFIGS) .addAll(requestedFeatures) .addAll(toolchain.getFeatures().getDefaultFeaturesAndActionConfigs()); if (toolchain.isHostConfiguration()) { allFeatures.add("host"); } else { allFeatures.add("nonhost"); } if (toolchain.useFission()) { allFeatures.add(CppRuleClasses.PER_OBJECT_DEBUG_INFO); } allFeatures.addAll(getCoverageFeatures(toolchain)); if (cppConfiguration.getFdoInstrument() != null && !allUnsupportedFeatures.contains(CppRuleClasses.FDO_INSTRUMENT)) { allFeatures.add(CppRuleClasses.FDO_INSTRUMENT); } FdoMode fdoMode = toolchain.getFdoMode(); boolean isFdo = fdoMode != FdoMode.OFF && toolchain.getCompilationMode() == CompilationMode.OPT; if (isFdo && fdoMode != FdoMode.AUTO_FDO && !allUnsupportedFeatures.contains(CppRuleClasses.FDO_OPTIMIZE)) { allFeatures.add(CppRuleClasses.FDO_OPTIMIZE); // For LLVM, support implicit enabling of ThinLTO for FDO unless it has been // explicitly disabled. if (toolchain.isLLVMCompiler() && !allUnsupportedFeatures.contains(CppRuleClasses.THIN_LTO)) { allFeatures.add(CppRuleClasses.ENABLE_FDO_THINLTO); } } if (isFdo && fdoMode == FdoMode.AUTO_FDO) { allFeatures.add(CppRuleClasses.AUTOFDO); // For LLVM, support implicit enabling of ThinLTO for AFDO unless it has been // explicitly disabled. if (toolchain.isLLVMCompiler() && !allUnsupportedFeatures.contains(CppRuleClasses.THIN_LTO)) { allFeatures.add(CppRuleClasses.ENABLE_AFDO_THINLTO); } } if (cppConfiguration.getFdoPrefetchHintsLabel() != null) { allRequestedFeaturesBuilder.add(CppRuleClasses.FDO_PREFETCH_HINTS); } if (cppConfiguration.isLipoOptimizationOrInstrumentation()) { // Map LIPO to ThinLTO for LLVM builds. if (toolchain.isLLVMCompiler() && fdoMode != FdoMode.OFF) { if (!allUnsupportedFeatures.contains(CppRuleClasses.THIN_LTO)) { allFeatures.add(CppRuleClasses.THIN_LTO); } } else { allFeatures.add(CppRuleClasses.LIPO); } } for (String feature : allFeatures.build()) { if (!allUnsupportedFeatures.contains(feature)) { allRequestedFeaturesBuilder.add(feature); } } try { FeatureConfiguration featureConfiguration = toolchain.getFeatures().getFeatureConfiguration(allRequestedFeaturesBuilder.build()); for (String feature : unsupportedFeatures) { if (featureConfiguration.isEnabled(feature)) { throw new EvalException( /* location= */ null, "The C++ toolchain '" + toolchain.getCcToolchainLabel() + "' unconditionally implies feature '" + feature + "', which is unsupported by this rule. " + "This is most likely a misconfiguration in the C++ toolchain."); } } if ((cppConfiguration.forcePic() || toolchain.toolchainNeedsPic()) && !featureConfiguration.isEnabled(CppRuleClasses.PIC)) { throw new EvalException(/* location= */ null, PIC_CONFIGURATION_ERROR); } return featureConfiguration; } catch (CollidingProvidesException e) { throw new EvalException(/* location= */ null, e.getMessage()); } } /** * Computes the appropriate value of the {@code $(CC_FLAGS)} Make variable based on the given * toolchain. */ public static String computeCcFlags(RuleContext ruleContext, TransitiveInfoCollection toolchain) { CcToolchainProvider toolchainProvider = (CcToolchainProvider) toolchain.get(ToolchainInfo.PROVIDER); FeatureConfiguration featureConfiguration = CcCommon.configureFeaturesOrReportRuleError(ruleContext, toolchainProvider); if (!featureConfiguration.actionIsConfigured( CppCompileAction.CC_FLAGS_MAKE_VARIABLE_ACTION_NAME)) { return null; } CcToolchainVariables buildVariables = toolchainProvider.getBuildVariables(); String toolchainCcFlags = Joiner.on(" ") .join( featureConfiguration.getCommandLine( CppCompileAction.CC_FLAGS_MAKE_VARIABLE_ACTION_NAME, buildVariables)); String oldCcFlags = ""; TemplateVariableInfo templateVariableInfo = toolchain.get(TemplateVariableInfo.PROVIDER); if (templateVariableInfo != null) { oldCcFlags = templateVariableInfo.getVariables().getOrDefault( CppConfiguration.CC_FLAGS_MAKE_VARIABLE_NAME, ""); } return FluentIterable.of(oldCcFlags) .append(toolchainCcFlags) .join(Joiner.on(" ")); } }