// Copyright 2015 The Bazel Authors. All rights reserved. // // Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); // you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. // You may obtain a copy of the License at // // http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 // // Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software // distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, // WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. // See the License for the specific language governing permissions and // limitations under the License. package com.google.devtools.build.lib.rules.apple; import com.google.common.annotations.VisibleForTesting; import com.google.common.collect.ImmutableList; import com.google.common.collect.Multimap; import com.google.devtools.build.lib.analysis.config.BuildConfiguration.DefaultLabelConverter; import com.google.devtools.build.lib.analysis.config.BuildConfiguration.LabelConverter; import com.google.devtools.build.lib.analysis.config.FragmentOptions; import com.google.devtools.build.lib.cmdline.Label; import com.google.devtools.build.lib.rules.apple.AppleConfiguration.ConfigurationDistinguisher; import com.google.devtools.build.lib.rules.apple.Platform.PlatformType; import com.google.devtools.build.lib.skylarkinterface.SkylarkModule; import com.google.devtools.build.lib.skylarkinterface.SkylarkModuleCategory; import com.google.devtools.common.options.Converters.CommaSeparatedOptionListConverter; import com.google.devtools.common.options.EnumConverter; import com.google.devtools.common.options.Option; import java.util.List; /** * Command-line options for building for Apple platforms. */ public class AppleCommandLineOptions extends FragmentOptions { @VisibleForTesting public static final String DEFAULT_MINIMUM_IOS = "7.0"; @Option( name = "xcode_version", defaultValue = "null", category = "build", converter = DottedVersionConverter.class, help = "If specified, uses xcode of the given version for relevant build actions. " + "If unspecified, uses the executor default version of xcode." ) // TODO(bazel-team): This should be of String type, to allow referencing an alias based // on an xcode_config target. public DottedVersion xcodeVersion; @Option( name = "ios_sdk_version", defaultValue = "null", converter = DottedVersionConverter.class, category = "build", help = "Specifies the version of the iOS SDK to use to build iOS applications." ) public DottedVersion iosSdkVersion; @Option( name = "watchos_sdk_version", defaultValue = "null", converter = DottedVersionConverter.class, category = "build", help = "Specifies the version of the WatchOS SDK to use to build WatchOS applications." ) public DottedVersion watchOsSdkVersion; @Option( name = "tvos_sdk_version", defaultValue = "null", converter = DottedVersionConverter.class, category = "build", help = "Specifies the version of the AppleTVOS SDK to use to build AppleTVOS applications." ) public DottedVersion tvOsSdkVersion; @Option( name = "macosx_sdk_version", defaultValue = "null", converter = DottedVersionConverter.class, category = "build", help = "Specifies the version of the Mac OS X SDK to use to build Mac OS X applications." ) public DottedVersion macOsXSdkVersion; @Option( name = "ios_minimum_os", defaultValue = DEFAULT_MINIMUM_IOS, category = "flags", converter = DottedVersionConverter.class, help = "Minimum compatible iOS version for target simulators and devices." ) public DottedVersion iosMinimumOs; @Option( name = "watchos_minimum_os", defaultValue = "null", category = "flags", converter = DottedVersionConverter.class, help = "Minimum compatible watchOS version for target simulators and devices." ) public DottedVersion watchosMinimumOs; @Option( name = "tvos_minimum_os", defaultValue = "null", category = "flags", converter = DottedVersionConverter.class, help = "Minimum compatible tvOS version for target simulators and devices." ) public DottedVersion tvosMinimumOs; @VisibleForTesting public static final String DEFAULT_IOS_SDK_VERSION = "8.4"; @VisibleForTesting public static final String DEFAULT_WATCHOS_SDK_VERSION = "2.0"; @VisibleForTesting public static final String DEFAULT_MACOSX_SDK_VERSION = "10.10"; @VisibleForTesting public static final String DEFAULT_TVOS_SDK_VERSION = "9.0"; @VisibleForTesting static final String DEFAULT_IOS_CPU = "x86_64"; /** * The default watchos CPU value. */ public static final String DEFAULT_WATCHOS_CPU = "i386"; /** * The default tvOS CPU value. */ public static final String DEFAULT_TVOS_CPU = "x86_64"; @Option(name = "ios_cpu", defaultValue = DEFAULT_IOS_CPU, category = "build", help = "Specifies to target CPU of iOS compilation.") public String iosCpu; @Option(name = "apple_platform_type", defaultValue = "IOS", category = "undocumented", converter = PlatformTypeConverter.class, help = "Don't set this value from the command line - it is derived from other flags and " + "configuration transitions derived from rule attributes") public PlatformType applePlatformType; @Option(name = "apple_split_cpu", defaultValue = "", category = "undocumented", help = "Don't set this value from the command line - it is derived from other flags and " + "configuration transitions derived from rule attributes") public String appleSplitCpu; // This option exists because two configurations are not allowed to have the same cache key // (partially derived from options). Since we have multiple transitions that may result in the // same configuration values at runtime we need an artificial way to distinguish between them. // This option must only be set by those transitions for this purpose. // TODO(bazel-team): Remove this once we have dynamic configurations but make sure that different // configurations (e.g. by min os version) always use different output paths. @Option(name = "apple configuration distinguisher", defaultValue = "UNKNOWN", converter = ConfigurationDistinguisherConverter.class, category = "undocumented") public ConfigurationDistinguisher configurationDistinguisher; @Option(name = "ios_multi_cpus", converter = CommaSeparatedOptionListConverter.class, defaultValue = "", category = "flags", help = "Comma-separated list of architectures to build an ios_application with. The result " + "is a universal binary containing all specified architectures.") public List iosMultiCpus; @Option(name = "watchos_cpus", converter = CommaSeparatedOptionListConverter.class, defaultValue = DEFAULT_WATCHOS_CPU, category = "flags", help = "Comma-separated list of architectures for which to build Apple watchOS binaries.") public List watchosCpus; @Option(name = "tvos_cpus", converter = CommaSeparatedOptionListConverter.class, defaultValue = DEFAULT_TVOS_CPU, category = "flags", help = "Comma-separated list of architectures for which to build Apple tvOS binaries.") public List tvosCpus; @Option(name = "default_ios_provisioning_profile", defaultValue = "", category = "undocumented", converter = DefaultProvisioningProfileConverter.class) public Label defaultProvisioningProfile; @Option( name = "xcode_version_config", defaultValue = "@local_config_xcode//:host_xcodes", category = "undocumented", converter = LabelConverter.class, help = "The label of the xcode_config rule to be used for selecting the xcode version " + "in the build configuration" ) public Label xcodeVersionConfig; // TODO(b/30281236): Remove the flag after deprecation. @Option( name = "experimental_disable_native_swift_rules", defaultValue = "false", category = "undocumented", help = "Disables Swift support in native objc_ rules." ) public boolean disableNativeSwiftRules; /** * The default label of the build-wide {@code xcode_config} configuration rule. This can be * changed from the default using the {@code xcode_version_config} build flag. */ // TODO(cparsons): Update all callers to reference the actual xcode_version_config flag value. static final String DEFAULT_XCODE_VERSION_CONFIG_LABEL = "//tools/objc:host_xcodes"; /** Converter for --default_ios_provisioning_profile. */ public static class DefaultProvisioningProfileConverter extends DefaultLabelConverter { public DefaultProvisioningProfileConverter() { super("//tools/objc:default_provisioning_profile"); } } @Option( name = "xcode_toolchain", defaultValue = "null", category = "flags", help = "The identifier of an Xcode toolchain to use for builds. Currently only the toolchains " + "that ship with Xcode are supported. For example, in addition to the default toolchain" + " Xcode 8 has 'com.apple.dt.toolchain.Swift_2_3' which can be used for building legacy" + " Swift code." ) public String xcodeToolchain; @Option(name = "apple_bitcode", converter = AppleBitcodeMode.Converter.class, // TODO(blaze-team): Default to embedded_markers when fully implemented. defaultValue = "none", category = "flags", help = "Specify the Apple bitcode mode for compile steps. " + "Values: 'none', 'embedded_markers', 'embedded'.") public AppleBitcodeMode appleBitcodeMode; private Platform getPlatform() { for (String architecture : iosMultiCpus) { if (Platform.forTarget(PlatformType.IOS, architecture) == Platform.IOS_DEVICE) { return Platform.IOS_DEVICE; } } return Platform.forTarget(PlatformType.IOS, iosCpu); } @Override public void addAllLabels(Multimap labelMap) { if (getPlatform() == Platform.IOS_DEVICE) { labelMap.put("default_provisioning_profile", defaultProvisioningProfile); } labelMap.put("xcode_version_config", xcodeVersionConfig); } /** * Represents the Apple Bitcode mode for compilation steps. * *

Bitcode is an intermediate representation of a compiled program. For many platforms, Apple * requires app submissions to contain bitcode in order to be uploaded to the app store. * *

This is a build-wide value, as bitcode mode needs to be consistent among a target and its * compiled dependencies. */ @SkylarkModule( name = "apple_bitcode_mode", category = SkylarkModuleCategory.NONE, doc = "Apple Bitcode mode for compilation steps. Possible values are \"none\", " + "\"embedded\", and \"embedded_markers\"" ) public enum AppleBitcodeMode { /** Do not compile bitcode. */ NONE("none", ImmutableList.of()), /** * Compile the minimal set of bitcode markers. This is often the best option for developer/debug * builds. */ EMBEDDED_MARKERS( "embedded_markers", ImmutableList.of("bitcode_embedded_markers"), "-fembed-bitcode-marker"), /** Fully embed bitcode in compiled files. This is often the best option for release builds. */ EMBEDDED("embedded", ImmutableList.of("bitcode_embedded"), "-fembed-bitcode"); private final String mode; private final ImmutableList featureNames; private final ImmutableList clangFlags; private AppleBitcodeMode( String mode, ImmutableList featureNames, String... clangFlags) { this.mode = mode; this.featureNames = featureNames; this.clangFlags = ImmutableList.copyOf(clangFlags); } @Override public String toString() { return mode; } /** Returns the names of any crosstool features that correspond to this bitcode mode. */ public ImmutableList getFeatureNames() { return featureNames; } /** * Returns the flags that should be added to compile and link actions to use this * bitcode setting. */ public ImmutableList getCompileAndLinkFlags() { return clangFlags; } /** * Converts to {@link AppleBitcodeMode}. */ public static class Converter extends EnumConverter { public Converter() { super(AppleBitcodeMode.class, "apple bitcode mode"); } } } @Override public FragmentOptions getHost(boolean fallback) { AppleCommandLineOptions host = (AppleCommandLineOptions) super.getHost(fallback); // Set options needed in the host configuration. host.xcodeVersionConfig = xcodeVersionConfig; host.xcodeVersion = xcodeVersion; host.iosSdkVersion = iosSdkVersion; host.watchOsSdkVersion = watchOsSdkVersion; host.tvOsSdkVersion = tvOsSdkVersion; host.macOsXSdkVersion = macOsXSdkVersion; host.appleBitcodeMode = appleBitcodeMode; return host; } /** Converter for the Apple configuration distinguisher. */ public static final class ConfigurationDistinguisherConverter extends EnumConverter { public ConfigurationDistinguisherConverter() { super(ConfigurationDistinguisher.class, "Apple rule configuration distinguisher"); } } /** Flag converter for {@link PlatformType}. */ public static final class PlatformTypeConverter extends EnumConverter { public PlatformTypeConverter() { super(PlatformType.class, "Apple platform type"); } } }