// Copyright 2016 The Bazel Authors. All rights reserved. // // Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); // you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. // You may obtain a copy of the License at // // http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 // // Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software // distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, // WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. // See the License for the specific language governing permissions and // limitations under the License. package com.google.devtools.build.lib.rules.android; import com.google.common.collect.ImmutableMap; import com.google.devtools.build.lib.actions.Artifact; import com.google.devtools.build.lib.analysis.RuleContext; import com.google.devtools.build.lib.analysis.actions.SpawnAction; import com.google.devtools.build.lib.collect.nestedset.NestedSet; import com.google.devtools.build.lib.rules.android.AndroidConfiguration.ApkSigningMethod; import com.google.devtools.build.lib.rules.java.JavaHelper; import com.google.devtools.build.lib.rules.java.JavaToolchainProvider; import com.google.devtools.build.lib.rules.java.Jvm; import com.google.devtools.build.lib.vfs.PathFragment; import java.util.Map; /** * A class for coordinating APK building, signing and zipaligning. * *

It is not always necessary to zip align APKs, for instance if the APK does not contain * resources. Furthermore, we do not always care about the unsigned apk because it cannot be * installed on a device until it is signed. */ public class ApkActionsBuilder { private Artifact classesDex; private Artifact resourceApk; private Artifact javaResourceZip; private Artifact javaResourceFile; private NestedSet nativeLibsZips; private NativeLibs nativeLibs = NativeLibs.EMPTY; private Artifact unsignedApk; private Artifact signedApk; private boolean zipalignApk = false; private final String apkName; private final ApkSigningMethod signingMethod; public static ApkActionsBuilder create(String apkName, ApkSigningMethod signingMethod) { return new ApkActionsBuilder(apkName, signingMethod); } private ApkActionsBuilder(String apkName, ApkSigningMethod signingMethod) { this.apkName = apkName; this.signingMethod = signingMethod; } /** Sets the native libraries to be included in the APK. */ public ApkActionsBuilder setNativeLibs(NativeLibs nativeLibs) { this.nativeLibs = nativeLibs; return this; } /** * Sets the dex file to be included in the APK. * *

Can be either a plain .dex or a .zip file containing dexes. */ public ApkActionsBuilder setClassesDex(Artifact classesDex) { this.classesDex = classesDex; return this; } /** Sets the resource APK that contains the Android resources to be bundled into the output. */ public ApkActionsBuilder setResourceApk(Artifact resourceApk) { this.resourceApk = resourceApk; return this; } /** * Sets the file where Java resources are taken. * *

The contents of this zip will will be put directly into the APK except for files that are * filtered out by the {@link com.android.sdklib.build.ApkBuilder} which seem to not be resources, * e.g. files with the extension {@code .class}. */ public ApkActionsBuilder setJavaResourceZip(Artifact javaResourceZip) { this.javaResourceZip = javaResourceZip; return this; } /** * Adds an individual resource file to the root directory of the APK. * *

This provides the same functionality as {@code javaResourceZip}, except much more hacky. * Will most probably won't work if there is an input artifact in the same directory as this * file. */ public ApkActionsBuilder setJavaResourceFile(Artifact javaResourceFile) { this.javaResourceFile = javaResourceFile; return this; } public ApkActionsBuilder setNativeLibsZips(NestedSet nativeLibsZips) { this.nativeLibsZips = nativeLibsZips; return this; } /** Requests an unsigned APK be built at the specified artifact. */ public ApkActionsBuilder setUnsignedApk(Artifact unsignedApk) { this.unsignedApk = unsignedApk; return this; } /** Requests a signed APK be built at the specified artifact. */ public ApkActionsBuilder setSignedApk(Artifact signedApk) { this.signedApk = signedApk; return this; } /** Requests that signed APKs are zipaligned. */ public ApkActionsBuilder setZipalignApk(boolean zipalign) { this.zipalignApk = zipalign; return this; } /** Registers the actions needed to build the requested APKs in the rule context. */ public void registerActions(RuleContext ruleContext, AndroidSemantics semantics) { boolean useSingleJarApkBuilder = ruleContext.getFragment(AndroidConfiguration.class).useSingleJarApkBuilder(); // If the caller did not request an unsigned APK, we still need to construct one so that // we can sign it. So we make up an intermediate artifact. Artifact intermediateUnsignedApk = unsignedApk != null ? unsignedApk : AndroidBinary.getDxArtifact(ruleContext, "unsigned_" + signedApk.getFilename()); if (useSingleJarApkBuilder) { buildApk(ruleContext, intermediateUnsignedApk, "Generating unsigned " + apkName); } else { legacyBuildApk(ruleContext, intermediateUnsignedApk, null, "Generating unsigned " + apkName); } if (signedApk != null) { if (signingMethod.signLegacy()) { // With the legacy signer, zipalignment is performed after signing. So if a zipaligned APK // is requested, we need an intermediate signed-but-not-zipaligned apk artifact. Artifact intermediateSignedApk = zipalignApk ? AndroidBinary.getDxArtifact(ruleContext, "signed_" + signedApk.getFilename()) : signedApk; legacyBuildApk( ruleContext, intermediateSignedApk, semantics.getApkDebugSigningKey(ruleContext), "Generating signed " + apkName); if (zipalignApk) { zipalignApk(ruleContext, intermediateSignedApk, signedApk); } } else { Artifact apkToSign = intermediateUnsignedApk; // With apksigner, zipalignment is performed before signing. So if a zipaligned APK is // requested, we need an intermediate zipaligned-but-not-signed apk artifact. if (zipalignApk) { apkToSign = AndroidBinary.getDxArtifact(ruleContext, "zipaligned_" + signedApk.getFilename()); zipalignApk(ruleContext, intermediateUnsignedApk, apkToSign); } signApk(ruleContext, semantics.getApkDebugSigningKey(ruleContext), apkToSign, signedApk); } } } /** * Registers generating actions for {@code outApk} that builds the APK specified. * *

If {@code signingKey} is not null, the apk will be signed with it using the V1 signature * scheme. */ private void legacyBuildApk(RuleContext ruleContext, Artifact outApk, Artifact signingKey, String message) { SpawnAction.Builder actionBuilder = new SpawnAction.Builder() .setExecutable(AndroidSdkProvider.fromRuleContext(ruleContext).getApkBuilder()) .setProgressMessage(message) .setMnemonic("AndroidApkBuilder") .addOutputArgument(outApk); if (javaResourceZip != null) { actionBuilder .addArgument("-rj") .addInputArgument(javaResourceZip); } Artifact nativeSymlinks = nativeLibs.createApkBuilderSymlinks(ruleContext); if (nativeSymlinks != null) { PathFragment nativeSymlinksDir = nativeSymlinks.getExecPath().getParentDirectory(); actionBuilder .addInputManifest(nativeSymlinks, nativeSymlinksDir) .addInput(nativeSymlinks) .addInputs(nativeLibs.getAllNativeLibs()) .addArgument("-nf") // If the native libs are "foo/bar/x86/foo.so", we need to pass "foo/bar" here .addArgument(nativeSymlinksDir.getPathString()); } if (nativeLibs.getName() != null) { actionBuilder .addArgument("-rf") .addArgument(nativeLibs.getName().getExecPath().getParentDirectory().getPathString()) .addInput(nativeLibs.getName()); } if (nativeLibsZips != null) { for (Artifact nativeLibsZip : nativeLibsZips) { actionBuilder .addArgument("-z") .addInputArgument(nativeLibsZip); } } if (javaResourceFile != null) { actionBuilder .addArgument("-rf") .addArgument((javaResourceFile.getExecPath().getParentDirectory().getPathString())) .addInput(javaResourceFile); } if (signingKey == null) { actionBuilder.addArgument("-u"); } else { actionBuilder.addArgument("-ks").addArgument(signingKey.getExecPathString()); actionBuilder.addInput(signingKey); } actionBuilder .addArgument("-z") .addInputArgument(resourceApk); if (classesDex != null) { actionBuilder .addArgument(classesDex.getFilename().endsWith(".dex") ? "-f" : "-z") .addInputArgument(classesDex); } ruleContext.registerAction(actionBuilder.build(ruleContext)); } /** * Registers generating actions for {@code outApk} that build an unsigned APK using SingleJar. */ private void buildApk(RuleContext ruleContext, Artifact outApk, String message) { Map executionInfo = ImmutableMap.of("supports-workers", "1"); Artifact compressedApk = AndroidBinary.getDxArtifact(ruleContext, "compressed_" + outApk.getFilename()); SpawnAction.Builder compressedApkActionBuilder = new SpawnAction.Builder() .setMnemonic("ApkBuilder") .setProgressMessage(message) .setExecutionInfo(executionInfo) .addArgument("--exclude_build_data") .addArgument("--compression") .addArgument("--normalize") .addArgument("--output") .addOutputArgument(compressedApk); setSingleJarAsExecutable(ruleContext, compressedApkActionBuilder); if (classesDex != null) { if (classesDex.getFilename().endsWith(".zip")) { compressedApkActionBuilder .addArgument("--sources") .addInputArgument(classesDex); } else { compressedApkActionBuilder .addInput(classesDex) .addArgument("--resources") .addArgument( singleJarResourcesArgument( classesDex.getExecPathString(), classesDex.getFilename())); } } if (javaResourceFile != null) { compressedApkActionBuilder .addInput(javaResourceFile) .addArgument("--resources") .addArgument( singleJarResourcesArgument( javaResourceFile.getExecPathString(), javaResourceFile.getFilename())); } for (String architecture : nativeLibs.getMap().keySet()) { for (Artifact nativeLib : nativeLibs.getMap().get(architecture)) { compressedApkActionBuilder .addArgument("--resources") .addArgument( singleJarResourcesArgument( nativeLib.getExecPathString(), "lib/" + architecture + "/" + nativeLib.getFilename())) .addInput(nativeLib); } } ruleContext.registerAction(compressedApkActionBuilder.build(ruleContext)); SpawnAction.Builder singleJarActionBuilder = new SpawnAction.Builder() .setMnemonic("ApkBuilder") .setProgressMessage(message) .setExecutionInfo(executionInfo) .addArgument("--exclude_build_data") .addArgument("--dont_change_compression") .addArgument("--normalize") .addArgument("--sources") .addInputArgument(compressedApk) .addArgument("--output") .addOutputArgument(outApk); setSingleJarAsExecutable(ruleContext, singleJarActionBuilder); if (javaResourceZip != null) { // The javaResourceZip contains many files that are unwanted in the APK such as .class files. Artifact extractedJavaResourceZip = AndroidBinary.getDxArtifact(ruleContext, "extracted_" + javaResourceZip.getFilename()); ruleContext.registerAction(new SpawnAction.Builder() .setExecutable(AndroidSdkProvider.fromRuleContext(ruleContext).getResourceExtractor()) .setMnemonic("ResourceExtractor") .setProgressMessage("Extracting Java resources from deploy jar for " + apkName) .addInputArgument(javaResourceZip) .addOutputArgument(extractedJavaResourceZip) .build(ruleContext)); singleJarActionBuilder .addArgument("--sources") .addInputArgument(extractedJavaResourceZip); } if (nativeLibs.getName() != null) { singleJarActionBuilder .addArgument("--resources") .addArgument( singleJarResourcesArgument( nativeLibs.getName().getExecPathString(), nativeLibs.getName().getFilename())) .addInput(nativeLibs.getName()); } if (resourceApk != null) { singleJarActionBuilder .addArgument("--sources") .addInputArgument(resourceApk); } if (nativeLibsZips != null) { for (Artifact nativeLibsZip : nativeLibsZips) { singleJarActionBuilder .addArgument("--sources") .addInputArgument(nativeLibsZip); } } ruleContext.registerAction(singleJarActionBuilder.build(ruleContext)); } /** * The --resources flag to singlejar can have either of the following forms: *

* This method creates the syntax for the second form. */ private static String singleJarResourcesArgument(String from, String to) { return from + ":" + to; } /** Uses the zipalign tool to align the zip boundaries for uncompressed resources by 4 bytes. */ private void zipalignApk(RuleContext ruleContext, Artifact inputApk, Artifact zipAlignedApk) { ruleContext.registerAction(new SpawnAction.Builder() .addInput(inputApk) .addOutput(zipAlignedApk) .setExecutable(AndroidSdkProvider.fromRuleContext(ruleContext).getZipalign()) .addArgument("4") .addInputArgument(inputApk) .addOutputArgument(zipAlignedApk) .setProgressMessage("Zipaligning " + apkName) .setMnemonic("AndroidZipAlign") .build(ruleContext)); } /** * Signs an APK using the ApkSignerTool. Supports both the jar signing scheme(v1) and the apk * signing scheme v2. Note that zip alignment is preserved by this step. Furthermore, * zip alignment cannot be performed after v2 signing without invalidating the signature. */ private void signApk(RuleContext ruleContext, Artifact signingKey, Artifact unsignedApk, Artifact signedAndZipalignedApk) { ruleContext.registerAction(new SpawnAction.Builder() .setExecutable(AndroidSdkProvider.fromRuleContext(ruleContext).getApkSigner()) .setProgressMessage("Signing " + apkName) .setMnemonic("ApkSignerTool") .addArgument("sign") .addArgument("--ks") .addInputArgument(signingKey) .addArguments("--ks-pass", "pass:android") .addArguments("--v1-signing-enabled", Boolean.toString(signingMethod.signV1())) .addArguments("--v1-signer-name", "CERT") .addArguments("--v2-signing-enabled", Boolean.toString(signingMethod.signV2())) .addArgument("--out") .addOutputArgument(signedAndZipalignedApk) .addInputArgument(unsignedApk) .build(ruleContext)); } // Adds the appropriate SpawnAction options depending on if SingleJar is a jar or not. private static void setSingleJarAsExecutable( RuleContext ruleContext, SpawnAction.Builder builder) { Artifact singleJar = JavaToolchainProvider.fromRuleContext(ruleContext).getSingleJar(); if (singleJar.getFilename().endsWith(".jar")) { builder .setJarExecutable( ruleContext.getHostConfiguration().getFragment(Jvm.class).getJavaExecutable(), singleJar, JavaToolchainProvider.fromRuleContext(ruleContext).getJvmOptions()) .addTransitiveInputs(JavaHelper.getHostJavabaseInputs(ruleContext)); } else { builder.setExecutable(singleJar); } } }