// Copyright 2015 The Bazel Authors. All rights reserved. // // Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); // you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. // You may obtain a copy of the License at // // http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 // // Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software // distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, // WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. // See the License for the specific language governing permissions and // limitations under the License. package com.google.devtools.build.lib.rules.android; import static com.google.devtools.build.lib.packages.Attribute.ConfigurationTransition.HOST; import static com.google.devtools.build.lib.packages.Attribute.attr; import static com.google.devtools.build.lib.packages.BuildType.LABEL; import static com.google.devtools.build.lib.packages.BuildType.LABEL_LIST; import static com.google.devtools.build.lib.packages.BuildType.TRISTATE; import static com.google.devtools.build.lib.packages.ImplicitOutputsFunction.fromTemplates; import static com.google.devtools.build.lib.syntax.Type.BOOLEAN; import static com.google.devtools.build.lib.syntax.Type.INTEGER; import static com.google.devtools.build.lib.syntax.Type.STRING; import static com.google.devtools.build.lib.syntax.Type.STRING_LIST; import static com.google.devtools.build.lib.util.FileTypeSet.ANY_FILE; import com.google.common.collect.ImmutableList; import com.google.common.collect.ImmutableSortedSet; import com.google.common.collect.Lists; import com.google.devtools.build.lib.Constants; import com.google.devtools.build.lib.analysis.BaseRuleClasses; import com.google.devtools.build.lib.analysis.RuleDefinition; import com.google.devtools.build.lib.analysis.RuleDefinitionEnvironment; import com.google.devtools.build.lib.analysis.config.BuildConfiguration; import com.google.devtools.build.lib.analysis.config.BuildOptions; import com.google.devtools.build.lib.cmdline.Label; import com.google.devtools.build.lib.packages.Attribute.LateBoundLabel; import com.google.devtools.build.lib.packages.Attribute.SplitTransition; import com.google.devtools.build.lib.packages.AttributeMap; import com.google.devtools.build.lib.packages.ImplicitOutputsFunction.SafeImplicitOutputsFunction; import com.google.devtools.build.lib.packages.Rule; import com.google.devtools.build.lib.packages.RuleClass; import com.google.devtools.build.lib.packages.RuleClass.Builder; import com.google.devtools.build.lib.packages.RuleClass.Builder.RuleClassType; import com.google.devtools.build.lib.packages.TriState; import com.google.devtools.build.lib.rules.android.AndroidConfiguration.ConfigurationDistinguisher; import com.google.devtools.build.lib.rules.cpp.CppOptions; import com.google.devtools.build.lib.rules.java.JavaCompilationArgsProvider; import com.google.devtools.build.lib.rules.java.JavaSemantics; import com.google.devtools.build.lib.syntax.Type; import com.google.devtools.build.lib.util.FileType; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.List; import javax.annotation.Nullable; /** * Rule definitions for Android rules. */ public final class AndroidRuleClasses { public static final SafeImplicitOutputsFunction ANDROID_JAVA_SOURCE_JAR = fromTemplates("%{name}.srcjar"); public static final SafeImplicitOutputsFunction ANDROID_LIBRARY_SOURCE_JAR = JavaSemantics.JAVA_LIBRARY_SOURCE_JAR; public static final SafeImplicitOutputsFunction ANDROID_LIBRARY_CLASS_JAR = JavaSemantics.JAVA_LIBRARY_CLASS_JAR; public static final SafeImplicitOutputsFunction ANDROID_LIBRARY_JACK_FILE = fromTemplates("lib%{name}.jack"); public static final SafeImplicitOutputsFunction ANDROID_LIBRARY_AAR = fromTemplates("%{name}.aar"); public static final SafeImplicitOutputsFunction ANDROID_LIBRARY_AAR_CLASSES_JAR = fromTemplates("%{name}_aar/classes.jar"); public static final SafeImplicitOutputsFunction ANDROID_RESOURCES_APK = fromTemplates("%{name}.ap_"); public static final SafeImplicitOutputsFunction ANDROID_INCREMENTAL_RESOURCES_APK = fromTemplates("%{name}_files/incremental.ap_"); public static final SafeImplicitOutputsFunction ANDROID_BINARY_APK = fromTemplates("%{name}.apk"); public static final SafeImplicitOutputsFunction ANDROID_BINARY_INCREMENTAL_APK = fromTemplates("%{name}_incremental.apk"); public static final SafeImplicitOutputsFunction ANDROID_BINARY_UNSIGNED_APK = fromTemplates("%{name}_unsigned.apk"); public static final SafeImplicitOutputsFunction ANDROID_BINARY_SIGNED_APK = fromTemplates("%{name}_signed.apk"); public static final SafeImplicitOutputsFunction ANDROID_BINARY_DEPLOY_JAR = fromTemplates("%{name}_deploy.jar"); public static final SafeImplicitOutputsFunction ANDROID_BINARY_PROGUARD_JAR = fromTemplates("%{name}_proguard.jar"); public static final SafeImplicitOutputsFunction ANDROID_BINARY_PROGUARD_MAP = fromTemplates("%{name}_proguard.map"); public static final SafeImplicitOutputsFunction ANDROID_BINARY_INSTRUMENTED_JAR = fromTemplates("%{name}_instrumented.jar"); public static final SafeImplicitOutputsFunction ANDROID_TEST_FILTERED_JAR = fromTemplates("%{name}_filtered.jar"); public static final SafeImplicitOutputsFunction ANDROID_R_TXT = fromTemplates("%{name}_symbols/R.txt"); public static final SafeImplicitOutputsFunction ANDROID_SYMBOLS_TXT = fromTemplates("%{name}_symbols/local-R.txt"); public static final SafeImplicitOutputsFunction STUB_APPLICATON_MANIFEST = fromTemplates("%{name}_files/stub/AndroidManifest.xml"); public static final SafeImplicitOutputsFunction FULL_DEPLOY_MARKER = fromTemplates("%{name}_files/full_deploy_marker"); public static final SafeImplicitOutputsFunction INCREMENTAL_DEPLOY_MARKER = fromTemplates("%{name}_files/incremental_deploy_marker"); public static final SafeImplicitOutputsFunction SPLIT_DEPLOY_MARKER = fromTemplates("%{name}_files/split_deploy_marker"); public static final SafeImplicitOutputsFunction MOBILE_INSTALL_ARGS = fromTemplates("%{name}_files/mobile_install_args"); // This needs to be in its own directory because ApkBuilder only has a function (-rf) for source // folders but not source files, and it's easiest to guarantee that nothing gets put beside this // file in the ApkBuilder invocation in this manner public static final SafeImplicitOutputsFunction STUB_APPLICATION_DATA = fromTemplates("%{name}_files/stub_application_data/stub_application_data.txt"); public static final SafeImplicitOutputsFunction DEX_MANIFEST = fromTemplates("%{name}_files/dexmanifest.txt"); public static final SafeImplicitOutputsFunction JAVA_RESOURCES_JAR = fromTemplates("%{name}_files/java_resources.jar"); public static final String MANIFEST_MERGE_TOOL_LABEL = Constants.ANDROID_DEP_PREFIX + "merge_manifests"; public static final String BUILD_INCREMENTAL_DEXMANIFEST_LABEL = Constants.ANDROID_DEP_PREFIX + "build_incremental_dexmanifest"; public static final String STUBIFY_MANIFEST_LABEL = Constants.ANDROID_DEP_PREFIX + "stubify_manifest"; public static final String INCREMENTAL_INSTALL_LABEL = Constants.ANDROID_DEP_PREFIX + "incremental_install"; public static final String BUILD_SPLIT_MANIFEST_LABEL = Constants.ANDROID_DEP_PREFIX + "build_split_manifest"; public static final String STRIP_RESOURCES_LABEL = Constants.ANDROID_DEP_PREFIX + "strip_resources"; public static final Label DEFAULT_ANDROID_SDK = Label.parseAbsoluteUnchecked( Constants.ANDROID_DEFAULT_SDK); public static final Label DEFAULT_INCREMENTAL_STUB_APPLICATION = Label.parseAbsoluteUnchecked( Constants.ANDROID_DEP_PREFIX + "incremental_stub_application"); public static final Label DEFAULT_INCREMENTAL_SPLIT_STUB_APPLICATION = Label.parseAbsoluteUnchecked( Constants.ANDROID_DEP_PREFIX + "incremental_split_stub_application"); public static final Label DEFAULT_RESOURCES_PROCESSOR = Label.parseAbsoluteUnchecked(Constants.ANDROID_DEP_PREFIX + "resources_processor"); public static final Label DEFAULT_AAR_GENERATOR = Label.parseAbsoluteUnchecked(Constants.ANDROID_DEP_PREFIX + "aar_generator"); /** * Implementation for the :proguard attribute. */ static final LateBoundLabel PROGUARD = new LateBoundLabel(AndroidConfiguration.class) { @Override public Label getDefault(Rule rule, BuildConfiguration configuration) { // If --proguard_top is not specified, null is returned. AndroidSdk will take care of using // android_sdk.proguard then. return configuration.getFragment(AndroidConfiguration.class).getProguardLabel(); } }; public static final LateBoundLabel ANDROID_SDK = new LateBoundLabel(DEFAULT_ANDROID_SDK, AndroidConfiguration.class) { @Override public Label getDefault(Rule rule, BuildConfiguration configuration) { return configuration.getFragment(AndroidConfiguration.class).getSdk(); } }; public static final SplitTransition ANDROID_SPLIT_TRANSITION = new SplitTransition() { @Override public boolean defaultsToSelf() { return true; } private void setCrosstoolToAndroid(BuildOptions output, BuildOptions input) { AndroidConfiguration.Options inputAndroidOptions = input.get(AndroidConfiguration.Options.class); AndroidConfiguration.Options outputAndroidOptions = output.get(AndroidConfiguration.Options.class); CppOptions cppOptions = output.get(CppOptions.class); if (inputAndroidOptions.androidCrosstoolTop != null && !cppOptions.crosstoolTop.equals(inputAndroidOptions.androidCrosstoolTop)) { if (cppOptions.hostCrosstoolTop == null) { cppOptions.hostCrosstoolTop = cppOptions.crosstoolTop; } cppOptions.crosstoolTop = inputAndroidOptions.androidCrosstoolTop; } outputAndroidOptions.configurationDistinguisher = ConfigurationDistinguisher.ANDROID; } @Override public List split(BuildOptions buildOptions) { AndroidConfiguration.Options androidOptions = buildOptions.get(AndroidConfiguration.Options.class); CppOptions cppOptions = buildOptions.get(CppOptions.class); Label androidCrosstoolTop = androidOptions.androidCrosstoolTop; if (androidOptions.realFatApkCpus().isEmpty() && (androidCrosstoolTop == null || androidCrosstoolTop.equals(cppOptions.crosstoolTop))) { return ImmutableList.of(); } if (androidOptions.realFatApkCpus().isEmpty()) { BuildOptions splitOptions = buildOptions.clone(); setCrosstoolToAndroid(splitOptions, buildOptions); return ImmutableList.of(splitOptions); } List result = new ArrayList<>(); for (String cpu : ImmutableSortedSet.copyOf(androidOptions.realFatApkCpus())) { BuildOptions splitOptions = buildOptions.clone(); // Disable fat APKs for the child configurations. splitOptions.get(AndroidConfiguration.Options.class).fatApkCpus = ImmutableList.of(); // Set the cpu & android_cpu. // TODO(bazel-team): --android_cpu doesn't follow --cpu right now; it should. splitOptions.get(AndroidConfiguration.Options.class).cpu = cpu; splitOptions.get(BuildConfiguration.Options.class).cpu = cpu; splitOptions.get(CppOptions.class).cppCompiler = androidOptions.cppCompiler; setCrosstoolToAndroid(splitOptions, buildOptions); result.add(splitOptions); } return result; } }; public static final FileType ANDROID_IDL = FileType.of(".aidl"); public static final String[] ALLOWED_DEPENDENCIES = { "android_library", "cc_library", "java_import", "java_library", "proto_library"}; public static final SafeImplicitOutputsFunction ANDROID_BINARY_IMPLICIT_OUTPUTS = new SafeImplicitOutputsFunction() { @Override public Iterable getImplicitOutputs(AttributeMap rule) { boolean mapping = rule.get("proguard_generate_mapping", Type.BOOLEAN); List functions = Lists.newArrayList(); functions.add(AndroidRuleClasses.ANDROID_BINARY_APK); functions.add(AndroidRuleClasses.ANDROID_BINARY_UNSIGNED_APK); functions.add(AndroidRuleClasses.ANDROID_BINARY_DEPLOY_JAR); // The below is a hack to support configurable attributes (proguard_specs seems like // too valuable an attribute to make nonconfigurable, and we don't currently // have the ability to know the configuration when determining implicit outputs). // An IllegalArgumentException gets triggered if the attribute instance is configurable. // We assume, heuristically, that means every configurable value is a non-empty list. // // TODO(bazel-team): find a stronger approach for this. One simple approach is to somehow // receive 'rule' as an AggregatingAttributeMapper instead of a RawAttributeMapper, // check that all possible values are non-empty, and simply don't support configurable // instances that mix empty and non-empty lists. A more ambitious approach would be // to somehow determine implicit outputs after the configuration is known. A third // approach is to refactor the Android rule logic to avoid these dependencies in the // first place. boolean hasProguardSpecs; try { hasProguardSpecs = !rule.get("proguard_specs", LABEL_LIST).isEmpty(); } catch (IllegalArgumentException e) { // We assume at this point the attribute instance is configurable. hasProguardSpecs = true; } if (hasProguardSpecs) { functions.add(AndroidRuleClasses.ANDROID_BINARY_PROGUARD_JAR); if (mapping) { functions.add(AndroidRuleClasses.ANDROID_BINARY_PROGUARD_MAP); } } return fromFunctions(functions).getImplicitOutputs(rule); } }; public static final SafeImplicitOutputsFunction ANDROID_LIBRARY_IMPLICIT_OUTPUTS = new SafeImplicitOutputsFunction() { @Override public Iterable getImplicitOutputs(AttributeMap attributes) { ImmutableList.Builder implicitOutputs = ImmutableList.builder(); implicitOutputs.add( AndroidRuleClasses.ANDROID_LIBRARY_CLASS_JAR, AndroidRuleClasses.ANDROID_LIBRARY_SOURCE_JAR, AndroidRuleClasses.ANDROID_LIBRARY_JACK_FILE, AndroidRuleClasses.ANDROID_LIBRARY_AAR); if (LocalResourceContainer.definesAndroidResources(attributes)) { implicitOutputs.add( AndroidRuleClasses.ANDROID_JAVA_SOURCE_JAR, AndroidRuleClasses.ANDROID_RESOURCES_APK, AndroidRuleClasses.ANDROID_R_TXT); } return fromFunctions(implicitOutputs.build()).getImplicitOutputs(attributes); } }; /** * Definition of the {@code android_sdk} rule. */ public static final class AndroidSdkRule implements RuleDefinition { @Override public RuleClass build(Builder builder, RuleDefinitionEnvironment environment) { return builder .requiresConfigurationFragments(AndroidConfiguration.class) .setUndocumented() // This is the Proguard that comes from the --proguard_top attribute. .add(attr(":proguard", LABEL).cfg(HOST).value(PROGUARD).exec()) // This is the Proguard in the BUILD file that contains the android_sdk rule. Used when // --proguard_top is not specified. .add(attr("proguard", LABEL).mandatory().cfg(HOST).allowedFileTypes(ANY_FILE).exec()) .add(attr("aapt", LABEL).mandatory().cfg(HOST).allowedFileTypes(ANY_FILE).exec()) .add(attr("dx", LABEL).mandatory().cfg(HOST).allowedFileTypes(ANY_FILE).exec()) .add(attr("main_dex_list_creator", LABEL) .mandatory().cfg(HOST).allowedFileTypes(ANY_FILE).exec()) .add(attr("adb", LABEL).mandatory().cfg(HOST).allowedFileTypes(ANY_FILE).exec()) .add(attr("framework_aidl", LABEL).mandatory().cfg(HOST).allowedFileTypes(ANY_FILE)) .add(attr("aidl", LABEL).mandatory().cfg(HOST).allowedFileTypes(ANY_FILE).exec()) .add(attr("android_jar", LABEL).mandatory().cfg(HOST).allowedFileTypes(ANY_FILE)) .add(attr("shrinked_android_jar", LABEL).mandatory().cfg(HOST).allowedFileTypes(ANY_FILE)) .add( attr("android_jack", LABEL) .cfg(HOST) .allowedFileTypes(ANY_FILE) // TODO(bazel-team): Remove defaults and make mandatory when android_sdk targets // have been updated to include manually specified Jack attributes. .value(environment.getLabel( Constants.TOOLS_REPOSITORY + "//tools/android/jack:android_jack"))) .add(attr("annotations_jar", LABEL).mandatory().cfg(HOST).allowedFileTypes(ANY_FILE)) .add(attr("main_dex_classes", LABEL).mandatory().cfg(HOST).allowedFileTypes(ANY_FILE)) .add(attr("apkbuilder", LABEL).mandatory().cfg(HOST).allowedFileTypes(ANY_FILE).exec()) .add(attr("zipalign", LABEL).mandatory().cfg(HOST).allowedFileTypes(ANY_FILE).exec()) .add( attr("jack", LABEL) .cfg(HOST) .allowedFileTypes(ANY_FILE) .exec() .value(environment.getLabel( Constants.TOOLS_REPOSITORY + "//tools/android/jack:jack"))) .add( attr("jill", LABEL) .cfg(HOST) .allowedFileTypes(ANY_FILE) .exec() .value(environment.getLabel( Constants.TOOLS_REPOSITORY + "//tools/android/jack:jill"))) .add( attr("resource_extractor", LABEL) .cfg(HOST) .allowedFileTypes(ANY_FILE) .exec() .value(environment.getLabel( Constants.TOOLS_REPOSITORY + "//tools/android/jack:resource_extractor"))) .build(); } @Override public Metadata getMetadata() { return RuleDefinition.Metadata.builder() .name("android_sdk") .ancestors(BaseRuleClasses.BaseRule.class) .factoryClass(AndroidSdk.class) .build(); } } /** * Definition of the {@code android_tools_defaults_jar} rule. */ public static final class AndroidToolsDefaultsJarRule implements RuleDefinition { @Override public RuleClass build(Builder builder, RuleDefinitionEnvironment environment) { return builder .setUndocumented() .add(attr(":android_sdk", LABEL) .allowedRuleClasses("android_sdk", "filegroup") .value(ANDROID_SDK)) .build(); } @Override public Metadata getMetadata() { return RuleDefinition.Metadata.builder() .name("android_tools_defaults_jar") .ancestors(BaseRuleClasses.BaseRule.class) .factoryClass(AndroidToolsDefaultsJar.class) .build(); } } /** * Base class for rule definitions using AAPT. */ public static final class AndroidAaptBaseRule implements RuleDefinition { @Override public RuleClass build(RuleClass.Builder builder, RuleDefinitionEnvironment env) { return builder .add(attr("$android_resources_processor", LABEL).cfg(HOST).exec().value( AndroidRuleClasses.DEFAULT_RESOURCES_PROCESSOR)) .add(attr("$android_aar_generator", LABEL).cfg(HOST).exec().value( AndroidRuleClasses.DEFAULT_AAR_GENERATOR)) .build(); } @Override public Metadata getMetadata() { return Metadata.builder() .name("$android_aapt_base") .type(RuleClassType.ABSTRACT) .ancestors(AndroidRuleClasses.AndroidBaseRule.class) .build(); } } /** * Base class for rule definitions that support resource declarations. */ public static final class AndroidResourceSupportRule implements RuleDefinition { @Override public RuleClass build(RuleClass.Builder builder, RuleDefinitionEnvironment env) { return builder.setUndocumented() /* The name of the Android manifest file, normally AndroidManifest.xml. Must be defined if resource_files or assets are defined. ${SYNOPSIS} */ .add(attr("manifest", LABEL).legacyAllowAnyFileType()) /* Whether to export manifest entries to android_binary targets that depend on this target. uses-permissions attributes are never exported. ${SYNOPSIS} */ .add(attr("exports_manifest", BOOLEAN).value(false)) /* The list of resources to be packaged. ${SYNOPSIS} This is typically a glob of all files under the res directory.
Generated files (from genrules) can be referenced by Label here as well. The only restriction is that the generated outputs must be under the same "res" directory as any other resource files that are included. */ .add(attr("resource_files", LABEL_LIST).legacyAllowAnyFileType()) /* The string giving the path to the files in assets. ${SYNOPSIS} The pair assets and assets_dir describe packaged assets and either both attributes should be provided or none of them. */ .add(attr("assets_dir", STRING)) /* The list of assets to be packaged. ${SYNOPSIS} This is typically a glob of all files under the assets directory. You can also reference other rules (any rule that produces files) or exported files in the other packages, as long as all those files are under the assets_dir directory in the corresponding package. */ .add(attr("assets", LABEL_LIST).legacyAllowAnyFileType()) /* Let the compiler inline the constants defined in the generated java sources. ${SYNOPSIS} This attribute must be set to 0 for all android_library rules used directly by an android_binary, and for any android_binary that has an android_library in its transitive closure. */ .add(attr("inline_constants", BOOLEAN).value(false)) /* Java package for which java sources will be generated. ${SYNOPSIS} By default the package is inferred from the directory where the BUILD file containing the rule is. You can specify a different package but this is highly discouraged since it can introduce classpath conflicts with other libraries that will only be detected at runtime. */ .add(attr("custom_package", STRING)) .build(); } @Override public Metadata getMetadata() { return RuleDefinition.Metadata.builder() .name("$android_resource_support") .type(RuleClassType.ABSTRACT) .ancestors(AndroidRuleClasses.AndroidBaseRule.class) .build(); } } /** * Base class for Android rule definitions. */ public static final class AndroidBaseRule implements RuleDefinition { @Override public RuleClass build(RuleClass.Builder builder, RuleDefinitionEnvironment env) { return builder .add(attr(":android_sdk", LABEL) .allowedRuleClasses("android_sdk", "filegroup") .value(ANDROID_SDK)) /* Java compiler plugins to run at compile-time. ${SYNOPSIS} Every java_plugin specified in the plugins attribute will be run whenever this target is built. Resources generated by the plugin will be included in the result jar of the target. */ .add(attr("plugins", LABEL_LIST).cfg(HOST).allowedRuleClasses("java_plugin") .legacyAllowAnyFileType()) .add(attr(":java_plugins", LABEL_LIST) .cfg(HOST) .allowedRuleClasses("java_plugin") .silentRuleClassFilter() .value(JavaSemantics.JAVA_PLUGINS)) /* Extra compiler options for this target. ${SYNOPSIS} Subject to "Make variable" substitution and Bourne shell tokenization.

These compiler options are passed to javac after the global compiler options.

*/ .add(attr("javacopts", STRING_LIST)) // TODO(ahumesky): It would be better to put this dependency in //tools/android somehow // like all the rest of android tools. .add(attr("$jarjar_bin", LABEL).cfg(HOST).exec() .value(env.getLabel( Constants.TOOLS_REPOSITORY + "//third_party/java/jarjar:jarjar_bin"))) .add(attr("$idlclass", LABEL).cfg(HOST).exec() .value(env.getLabel(Constants.ANDROID_DEP_PREFIX + "IdlClass"))) .build(); } @Override public Metadata getMetadata() { return RuleDefinition.Metadata.builder() .name("$android_base") .type(RuleClassType.ABSTRACT) .ancestors(BaseRuleClasses.RuleBase.class) .build(); } } /** * Base class for Android rule definitions that produce binaries. */ public static final class AndroidBinaryBaseRule implements RuleDefinition { @Override public RuleClass build(RuleClass.Builder builder, final RuleDefinitionEnvironment env) { return builder /* The list of source files that are processed to create the target. ${SYNOPSIS}

srcs files of type .java are compiled. For readability's sake, it is not good to put the name of a generated .java source file into the srcs. Instead, put the depended-on rule name in the srcs, as described below.

srcs files of type .srcjar are unpacked and compiled. (This is useful if you need to generate a set of .java files with a genrule or build extension.)

This rule currently forces source and class compatibility with Java 6.

srcs files of type .jar are linked in. (This is useful if you have third-party .jar files with no source.)

*/ .add(attr("srcs", LABEL_LIST) .direct_compile_time_input() .allowedFileTypes(JavaSemantics.JAVA_SOURCE, JavaSemantics.JAR, JavaSemantics.SOURCE_JAR)) /* The list of other libraries to be linked in to the binary target. ${SYNOPSIS} Permitted library types are: android_library, java_library with android constraint and cc_library wrapping or producing .so native libraries for the Android target platform. */ .override(builder.copy("deps") .cfg(ANDROID_SPLIT_TRANSITION) .allowedRuleClasses(ALLOWED_DEPENDENCIES) .allowedFileTypes() .aspect(AndroidNeverlinkAspect.class)) // Proguard rule specifying master list of classes to keep during legacy multidexing. .add(attr("$build_incremental_dexmanifest", LABEL).cfg(HOST).exec() .value(env.getLabel(AndroidRuleClasses.BUILD_INCREMENTAL_DEXMANIFEST_LABEL))) .add(attr("$stubify_manifest", LABEL).cfg(HOST).exec() .value(env.getLabel(AndroidRuleClasses.STUBIFY_MANIFEST_LABEL))) .add(attr("$shuffle_jars", LABEL).cfg(HOST).exec() .value(env.getLabel(Constants.ANDROID_DEP_PREFIX + "shuffle_jars"))) .add(attr("$merge_dexzips", LABEL).cfg(HOST).exec() .value(env.getLabel(Constants.ANDROID_DEP_PREFIX + "merge_dexzips"))) .add(attr("$incremental_install", LABEL).cfg(HOST).exec() .value(env.getLabel(INCREMENTAL_INSTALL_LABEL))) .add(attr("$build_split_manifest", LABEL).cfg(HOST).exec() .value(env.getLabel(BUILD_SPLIT_MANIFEST_LABEL))) .add(attr("$strip_resources", LABEL).cfg(HOST).exec() .value(env.getLabel(AndroidRuleClasses.STRIP_RESOURCES_LABEL))) .add(attr("$incremental_stub_application", LABEL) .value(DEFAULT_INCREMENTAL_STUB_APPLICATION)) .add(attr("$incremental_split_stub_application", LABEL) .value(DEFAULT_INCREMENTAL_SPLIT_STUB_APPLICATION)) /* Additional command-line flags for the dx tool when generating classes.dex. ${SYNOPSIS} Subject to "Make variable" substitution and Bourne shell tokenization. */ .add(attr("dexopts", STRING_LIST)) /* Number of shards dexing should be decomposed into. ${SYNOPSIS} This is makes dexing much faster at the expense of app installation and startup time. The larger the binary, the more shards should be used. 25 is a good value to start experimenting with.

Note that each shard will result in at least one dex in the final app. For this reason, setting this to more than 1 is not recommended for release binaries. */ .add(attr("dex_shards", INTEGER).value(1)) /* Command line options to pass to the main dex list builder. ${SYNOPSIS} Use this option to affect the classes included in the main dex list. */ .add(attr("main_dex_list_opts", STRING_LIST)) /* A text file contains a list of class file names. Classes defined by those class files are put in the primary classes.dex. e.g.:

${SYNOPSIS} Must be used with multidex="manual_main_dex". */ .add(attr("main_dex_list", LABEL).legacyAllowAnyFileType()) /* Files to be used as the Proguard specifications to determine classes that must be kept in the main dex. ${SYNOPSIS} Only allowed if the multidex attribute is set to legacy. */ .add(attr("main_dex_proguard_specs", LABEL_LIST).legacyAllowAnyFileType()) /* Files to be used as Proguard specification. ${SYNOPSIS} This file will describe the set of specifications to be used by Proguard. */ .add(attr("proguard_specs", LABEL_LIST).legacyAllowAnyFileType()) /* Whether to generate Proguard mapping file. ${SYNOPSIS} The mapping file will be generated only if proguard_specs is specified. This file will list the mapping between the original and obfuscated class, method, and field names.

WARNING: If you use this attribute, your Proguard specification should contain neither -dontobfuscate nor -printmapping. .

*/ .add(attr("proguard_generate_mapping", BOOLEAN).value(false) .nonconfigurable("value is referenced in an ImplicitOutputsFunction")) /* Enables legacy native support, where pre-compiled native libraries are copied directly into the APK. ${SYNOPSIS} Possible values:
  • legacy_native_support = 1: Pre-built .so files found in the dependencies of cc_libraries in the transitive closure will be copied into the APK without being modified in any way. All cc_libraries in the transitive closure of this rule must wrap .so files. (deprecated - legacy_native_support = 0 will become the default and this attribute will be removed in a future Blaze release.)
  • legacy_native_support = 0: Native dependencies in the transitive closure will be linked together into a single lib[ruleName].so before being placed in the APK. This ensures that, e.g., only one copy of //base will be loaded into memory. This lib[ruleName].so can be loaded via System.loadLibrary as normal.
  • legacy_native_support = -1: Linking is controlled by the --[no]legacy_android_native_support Blaze flag.
*/ .add(attr("legacy_native_support", TRISTATE).value(TriState.AUTO)) .advertiseProvider(JavaCompilationArgsProvider.class) .build(); } @Override public Metadata getMetadata() { return RuleDefinition.Metadata.builder() .name("$android_binary_base") .type(RuleClassType.ABSTRACT) .ancestors( AndroidRuleClasses.AndroidBaseRule.class, AndroidAaptBaseRule.class, AndroidResourceSupportRule.class) .build(); } } /** * Semantic options for the dexer's multidex behavior. */ public static enum MultidexMode { // Build dexes with multidex, assuming native platform support for multidex. NATIVE("native"), // Build dexes with multidex and implement support at the application level. LEGACY("legacy"), // Build dexes with multidex, main dex list needs to be manually specified. MANUAL_MAIN_DEX("legacy"), // Build all dex code into a single classes.dex file. OFF("none"); @Nullable private final String jackFlagValue; private MultidexMode(String jackFlagValue) { this.jackFlagValue = jackFlagValue; } /** * Returns the attribute value that specifies this mode. */ public String getAttributeValue() { return toString().toLowerCase(); } /** * Returns whether or not this multidex mode can be passed to Jack. */ public boolean isSupportedByJack() { return jackFlagValue != null; } /** * Returns the value that should be passed to Jack's --multi-dex flag. * * @throws UnsupportedOperationException if the dex mode is not supported by Jack * ({@link #isSupportedByJack()} returns false) */ public String getJackFlagValue() { if (!isSupportedByJack()) { throw new UnsupportedOperationException(); } return jackFlagValue; } /** * Returns the name of the output dex classes file. In multidex mode, this is an archive * of (possibly) multiple files. */ public String getOutputDexFilename() { return this == OFF ? "classes.dex" : "classes.dex.zip"; } /** * Converts an attribute value to a corresponding mode. Returns null on no match. */ public static MultidexMode fromValue(String value) { for (MultidexMode mode : values()) { if (mode.getAttributeValue().equals(value)) { return mode; } } return null; } /** * Enumerates valid values for the "multidex" attribute. */ public static List getValidValues() { List ans = Lists.newArrayList(); for (MultidexMode mode : MultidexMode.values()) { ans.add(mode.getAttributeValue()); } return ans; } } }