// Copyright 2016 The Bazel Authors. All rights reserved. // // Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); // you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. // You may obtain a copy of the License at // // http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 // // Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software // distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, // WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. // See the License for the specific language governing permissions and // limitations under the License. package com.google.devtools.build.lib.rules.android; import com.google.common.base.Preconditions; import com.google.devtools.build.lib.actions.Artifact; import com.google.devtools.build.lib.rules.android.AndroidConfiguration.AndroidAaptVersion; /** * Builder for creating $android_resource_validator action. This action validates merged resources * of an android_library via aapt, and writes out an R.txt file (mostly to serve as a dependency for * the android_binary -- otherwise the merger step could have generated the R.txt). * *

This is split from merging, so that it can happen off of the compilation critical path. */ public class AndroidResourceValidatorActionBuilder { // Inputs private CompiledMergableAndroidData primary; private Artifact mergedResources; // Outputs private Artifact rTxtOut; private Artifact sourceJarOut; // Flags private String customJavaPackage; private boolean debug; private Artifact staticLibraryOut; private ResourceDependencies resourceDeps; private Artifact aapt2SourceJarOut; private Artifact aapt2RTxtOut; private Artifact compiledSymbols; private Artifact apkOut; public AndroidResourceValidatorActionBuilder setStaticLibraryOut(Artifact staticLibraryOut) { this.staticLibraryOut = staticLibraryOut; return this; } /** The primary resource container. We mostly propagate its values, but update the R.txt. */ private AndroidResourceValidatorActionBuilder withPrimary(CompiledMergableAndroidData primary) { this.primary = primary; return this; } public AndroidResourceValidatorActionBuilder setMergedResources(Artifact mergedResources) { this.mergedResources = mergedResources; return this; } public AndroidResourceValidatorActionBuilder setJavaPackage(String customJavaPackage) { this.customJavaPackage = customJavaPackage; return this; } public AndroidResourceValidatorActionBuilder setDebug(boolean debug) { this.debug = debug; return this; } public AndroidResourceValidatorActionBuilder setRTxtOut(Artifact rTxtOut) { this.rTxtOut = rTxtOut; return this; } public AndroidResourceValidatorActionBuilder setSourceJarOut(Artifact sourceJarOut) { this.sourceJarOut = sourceJarOut; return this; } /** Used to add the static library from the dependencies. */ public AndroidResourceValidatorActionBuilder withDependencies(ResourceDependencies resourceDeps) { this.resourceDeps = resourceDeps; return this; } public AndroidResourceValidatorActionBuilder setAapt2RTxtOut(Artifact aapt2RTxtOut) { this.aapt2RTxtOut = aapt2RTxtOut; return this; } public AndroidResourceValidatorActionBuilder setAapt2SourceJarOut(Artifact aapt2SourceJarOut) { this.aapt2SourceJarOut = aapt2SourceJarOut; return this; } private void build(AndroidDataContext dataContext) { if (rTxtOut != null) { createValidateAction(dataContext); } if (compiledSymbols != null) { createLinkStaticLibraryAction(dataContext); } } public ResourceContainer build( AndroidDataContext dataContext, ResourceContainer resourceContainer) { withPrimary(resourceContainer).build(dataContext); ResourceContainer.Builder builder = resourceContainer.toBuilder(); if (rTxtOut != null) { builder.setJavaSourceJar(sourceJarOut).setRTxt(rTxtOut); } if (compiledSymbols != null) { builder .setAapt2JavaSourceJar(aapt2SourceJarOut) .setAapt2RTxt(aapt2RTxtOut) .setStaticLibrary(staticLibraryOut); } return builder.build(); } public ValidatedAndroidResources build( AndroidDataContext dataContext, MergedAndroidResources merged) { withPrimary(merged).build(dataContext); return ValidatedAndroidResources.of( merged, rTxtOut, sourceJarOut, apkOut, aapt2RTxtOut, aapt2SourceJarOut, staticLibraryOut); } public AndroidResourceValidatorActionBuilder setCompiledSymbols(Artifact compiledSymbols) { this.compiledSymbols = compiledSymbols; return this; } public AndroidResourceValidatorActionBuilder setApkOut(Artifact apkOut) { this.apkOut = apkOut; return this; } /** * This creates a static library using aapt2. It also generates a source jar and R.txt from aapt. * *

This allows the link action to replace the validate action for builds that use aapt2, as * opposed to executing both actions. */ private void createLinkStaticLibraryAction(AndroidDataContext dataContext) { Preconditions.checkNotNull(resourceDeps); BusyBoxActionBuilder builder = BusyBoxActionBuilder.create(dataContext, "LINK_STATIC_LIBRARY") .addAapt(AndroidAaptVersion.AAPT2) .addInput("--libraries", dataContext.getSdk().getAndroidJar()) .addInput("--compiled", compiledSymbols) .addInput("--manifest", primary.getManifest()) // Sets an alternative java package for the generated R.java // this allows android rules to generate resources outside of the java{,tests} tree. .maybeAddFlag("--packageForR", customJavaPackage); if (!resourceDeps.getTransitiveCompiledSymbols().isEmpty()) { builder.addTransitiveVectoredInput( "--compiledDep", resourceDeps.getTransitiveCompiledSymbols()); } builder .addOutput("--sourceJarOut", aapt2SourceJarOut) .addOutput("--rTxtOut", aapt2RTxtOut) .addOutput("--staticLibraryOut", staticLibraryOut) .buildAndRegister("Linking static android resource library", "AndroidResourceLink"); } private void createValidateAction(AndroidDataContext dataContext) { BusyBoxActionBuilder.create(dataContext, "VALIDATE") .maybeAddFlag("--buildToolsVersion", dataContext.getSdk().getBuildToolsVersion()) .addAapt(AndroidAaptVersion.AAPT) .addAndroidJar() .addInput("--mergedResources", mergedResources) .addInput("--manifest", primary.getManifest()) .maybeAddFlag("--debug", debug) // Sets an alternative java package for the generated R.java // this allows android rules to generate resources outside of the java{,tests} tree. .maybeAddFlag("--packageForR", customJavaPackage) .addOutput("--rOutput", rTxtOut) .addOutput("--srcJarOutput", sourceJarOut) .maybeAddOutput("--packagePath", apkOut) .buildAndRegister("Validating Android resources", "AndroidResourceValidator"); } }