// Copyright 2015 The Bazel Authors. All rights reserved. // // Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); // you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. // You may obtain a copy of the License at // // http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 // // Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software // distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, // WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. // See the License for the specific language governing permissions and // limitations under the License. package com.google.devtools.build.lib.rules.android; import com.google.common.collect.ImmutableList; import com.google.common.collect.ImmutableMap; import com.google.devtools.build.lib.actions.Artifact; import com.google.devtools.build.lib.actions.ParameterFile.ParameterFileType; import com.google.devtools.build.lib.analysis.RuleConfiguredTarget.Mode; import com.google.devtools.build.lib.analysis.RuleConfiguredTargetBuilder; import com.google.devtools.build.lib.analysis.RuleContext; import com.google.devtools.build.lib.analysis.TransitiveInfoCollection; import com.google.devtools.build.lib.analysis.actions.CustomCommandLine; import com.google.devtools.build.lib.analysis.actions.SpawnAction; import com.google.devtools.build.lib.cmdline.Label; import com.google.devtools.build.lib.collect.nestedset.NestedSet; import com.google.devtools.build.lib.collect.nestedset.NestedSetBuilder; import com.google.devtools.build.lib.packages.BuildType; import com.google.devtools.build.lib.rules.java.JavaUtil; import com.google.devtools.build.lib.rules.java.ProguardSpecProvider; import com.google.devtools.build.lib.syntax.Type; import com.google.devtools.build.lib.vfs.FileSystemUtils; import com.google.devtools.build.lib.vfs.PathFragment; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Map.Entry; import java.util.Set; import javax.annotation.Nullable; /** * Helper class for Android IDL processing. */ public class AndroidIdlHelper { private final RuleContext ruleContext; private final AndroidIdlProvider androidIdlProvider; private final Map translatedIdlSources; private final Artifact idlClassJar; private final Artifact idlSourceJar; /** * Creates a new AndroidIdlHelper wrapping the given {@code ruleContext}. * * @param ruleContext The rule context whose idl attributes will be used to collect .aidl files. * @param baseArtifact An artifact used to calculate the paths for the IDL class and source jars. */ public AndroidIdlHelper(RuleContext ruleContext, Artifact baseArtifact) { this.ruleContext = ruleContext; checkIdlRootImport(ruleContext); Collection idls = getIdlSrcs(ruleContext); if (!idls.isEmpty() && !ruleContext.hasErrors()) { translatedIdlSources = generateTranslatedIdlArtifacts(ruleContext, idls); idlClassJar = createIdlJar(baseArtifact, "-idl.jar"); idlSourceJar = createIdlJar(baseArtifact, "-idl.srcjar"); } else { translatedIdlSources = ImmutableMap.of(); idlClassJar = null; idlSourceJar = null; } androidIdlProvider = createAndroidIdlProvider( ruleContext, idlClassJar, idlSourceJar); } /** * Adds the necessary providers to the {@code builder}. * * Adds an {@link AndroidIdlProvider} to the target, and adds the transitive generated IDL jars to * the IDL_JARS_OUTPUT_GROUP. This also generates the actions to compile the .aidl files to .java, * as well as the .jar and .srcjar files consisting of only the IDL-generated source and class * files. * * @param builder The target builder to add the providers to. * @param classJar The class jar to be separated into the IDL class jar. * @param manifestProtoOutput The manifest generated by JavaBuilder, for identifying IDL-generated * class files in the class jar. */ public void addTransitiveInfoProviders(RuleConfiguredTargetBuilder builder, Artifact classJar, Artifact manifestProtoOutput) { if (!translatedIdlSources.isEmpty()) { generateAndroidIdlCompilationActions( ruleContext, androidIdlProvider, translatedIdlSources); createIdlClassJarAction(ruleContext, classJar, translatedIdlSources.values(), manifestProtoOutput, idlClassJar, idlSourceJar); } builder .add(AndroidIdlProvider.class, androidIdlProvider) .addOutputGroup( AndroidSemantics.IDL_JARS_OUTPUT_GROUP, androidIdlProvider.getTransitiveIdlJars()); } /** * Returns the root directory under which idl_srcs and idl_parcelables are located in this rule. */ public String getIdlImportRoot() { return hasExplicitlySpecifiedIdlImportRoot(ruleContext) ? getIdlImportRoot(ruleContext) : null; } /** * Returns the raw (non-processed) idl_srcs, not including parcelable marker files. */ public Collection getIdlSources() { return translatedIdlSources.keySet(); } /** * Returns the idl_parcelables, consisting of parcelable marker files defined on this rule. */ public Collection getIdlParcelables() { return getIdlParcelables(ruleContext); } /** * Returns the generated Java sources created from the idl_srcs. */ public Collection getIdlGeneratedJavaSources() { return translatedIdlSources.values(); } /** * Returns the jar containing class files derived from the .aidl files. * *

Will be null if there are no idl_srcs. */ @Nullable public Artifact getIdlClassJar() { return idlClassJar; } /** * Returns the jar containing source files derived from the .aidl files. * *

Will be null if there are no idl_srcs. */ @Nullable public Artifact getIdlSourceJar() { return idlSourceJar; } public static boolean hasIdlSrcs(RuleContext ruleContext) { return ruleContext.getRule().isAttrDefined("idl_srcs", BuildType.LABEL_LIST); } /** * Returns a new list with the idl libs added to the given list if necessary, or the same list. */ public static ImmutableList addSupportLibs(RuleContext ruleContext, ImmutableList deps) { TransitiveInfoCollection aidlLib = AndroidSdkProvider.fromRuleContext(ruleContext).getAidlLib(); if (aidlLib == null) { return deps; } return ImmutableList.builder() .addAll(deps) .add(aidlLib) .build(); } public static void addSupportLibProguardConfigs(RuleContext ruleContext, NestedSetBuilder proguardConfigsbuilder) { TransitiveInfoCollection aidlLib = AndroidSdkProvider.fromRuleContext(ruleContext).getAidlLib(); if (aidlLib != null) { proguardConfigsbuilder.addTransitive( aidlLib.getProvider(ProguardSpecProvider.class).getTransitiveProguardSpecs()); } } /** * Generates an artifact by replacing the extension of the input with the suffix. */ private Artifact createIdlJar(Artifact baseArtifact, String suffix) { return ruleContext.getDerivedArtifact( FileSystemUtils.replaceExtension(baseArtifact.getRootRelativePath(), suffix), baseArtifact.getRoot()); } /** * Returns the idl_parcelables defined on the given rule. */ private static ImmutableList getIdlParcelables(RuleContext ruleContext) { return ruleContext.getRule().isAttrDefined("idl_parcelables", BuildType.LABEL_LIST) ? ImmutableList.copyOf(ruleContext.getPrerequisiteArtifacts( "idl_parcelables", Mode.TARGET).filter(AndroidRuleClasses.ANDROID_IDL).list()) : ImmutableList.of(); } /** * Returns the idl_srcs defined on the given rule. */ private static Collection getIdlSrcs(RuleContext ruleContext) { if (!hasIdlSrcs(ruleContext)) { return ImmutableList.of(); } checkIdlSrcsSamePackage(ruleContext); return ruleContext.getPrerequisiteArtifacts( "idl_srcs", Mode.TARGET).filter(AndroidRuleClasses.ANDROID_IDL).list(); } /** * Checks that all of the idl_srcs in the given rule are in the same package as the rule itself. */ private static void checkIdlSrcsSamePackage(RuleContext ruleContext) { PathFragment packageName = ruleContext.getLabel().getPackageFragment(); Collection idls = ruleContext .getPrerequisiteArtifacts("idl_srcs", Mode.TARGET) .filter(AndroidRuleClasses.ANDROID_IDL) .list(); for (Artifact idl : idls) { Label idlLabel = idl.getOwner(); if (!packageName.equals(idlLabel.getPackageFragment())) { ruleContext.attributeError("idl_srcs", "do not import '" + idlLabel + "' directly. " + "You should either move the file to this package or depend on " + "an appropriate rule there"); } } } /** * Generates matching .java sources for the given .aidl sources. * * @return A mapping from .aidl input to .java output. */ private static ImmutableMap generateTranslatedIdlArtifacts( RuleContext ruleContext, Collection idls) { ImmutableMap.Builder outputJavaSources = ImmutableMap.builder(); String ruleName = ruleContext.getRule().getName(); // for each aidl file use aggregated preprocessed files to generate Java code for (Artifact idl : idls) { // Reconstruct the package tree under _aidl to avoid a name conflict // if the same AIDL files are used in multiple targets. PathFragment javaOutputPath = FileSystemUtils.replaceExtension( new PathFragment(ruleName + "_aidl").getRelative(idl.getRootRelativePath()), ".java"); Artifact output = ruleContext.getGenfilesArtifact(javaOutputPath.getPathString()); outputJavaSources.put(idl, output); } return outputJavaSources.build(); } /** * Generates the actions to compile the given .aidl sources into .java sources. * * @param ruleContext The rule context in which to generate the actions. * @param transitiveIdlImportData A provider to supply the artifacts and import roots to give to * the compiler. * @param translatedIdlSources A map from input .aidl to output .java of files to be compiled. */ private static void generateAndroidIdlCompilationActions( RuleContext ruleContext, AndroidIdlProvider transitiveIdlImportData, Map translatedIdlSources) { AndroidSdkProvider sdk = AndroidSdkProvider.fromRuleContext(ruleContext); List preprocessedArgs = new ArrayList<>(); // add import roots so the aidl compiler will know where to look for the imports for (String idlImport : transitiveIdlImportData.getTransitiveIdlImportRoots()) { preprocessedArgs.add("-I" + idlImport); } preprocessedArgs.add("-p" + sdk.getFrameworkAidl().getExecPathString()); for (Entry entry : translatedIdlSources.entrySet()) { createAndroidIdlAction(ruleContext, entry.getKey(), transitiveIdlImportData.getTransitiveIdlImports(), entry.getValue(), preprocessedArgs); } } /** * Creates an action to split out classes and source files created by aidls. * * @param ruleContext The rule context in which to generate the action. * @param classJar The class jar to divide into IDL class and source jars. * @param generatedIdlJavaFiles The source files which should be put into the source jar and used * to determine the classes to take. * @param manifestProtoOutput The protobuf containing the manifest generated from JavaBuilder. * @param idlClassJar The artifact into which the IDL class jar should be written. * @param idlSourceJar The artifact into which the IDL source jar should be written. */ private static void createIdlClassJarAction( RuleContext ruleContext, Artifact classJar, Iterable generatedIdlJavaFiles, Artifact manifestProtoOutput, Artifact idlClassJar, Artifact idlSourceJar) { String basename = FileSystemUtils.removeExtension(classJar.getExecPath().getBaseName()); PathFragment idlTempDir = ruleContext.getConfiguration() .getBinDirectory(ruleContext.getRule().getRepository()) .getExecPath() .getRelative(ruleContext.getUniqueDirectory("_idl")) .getRelative(basename + "_temp"); ruleContext.registerAction(new SpawnAction.Builder() .addInput(manifestProtoOutput) .addInput(classJar) .addInputs(generatedIdlJavaFiles) .addOutput(idlClassJar) .addOutput(idlSourceJar) .setExecutable(ruleContext.getExecutablePrerequisite("$idlclass", Mode.HOST)) .setCommandLine(CustomCommandLine.builder() .addExecPath("--manifest_proto", manifestProtoOutput) .addExecPath("--class_jar", classJar) .addExecPath("--output_class_jar", idlClassJar) .addExecPath("--output_source_jar", idlSourceJar) .add("--temp_dir").addPath(idlTempDir) .addExecPaths(generatedIdlJavaFiles) .build()) .useParameterFile(ParameterFileType.SHELL_QUOTED) .setProgressMessage("Building idl jars " + idlClassJar.prettyPrint()) .setMnemonic("AndroidIdlJars") .build(ruleContext)); } /** * Creates an action to convert an .aidl source into a .java output. * * @param ruleContext The rule context in which to generate the action. * @param idl The .aidl file to be converted to .java. * @param idlImports The artifacts which should be accessible to this compilation action. * @param output The .java file where the .aidl file will be converted to. * @param importArgs The arguments defining the import roots and framework .aidl. */ private static void createAndroidIdlAction(RuleContext ruleContext, Artifact idl, NestedSet idlImports, Artifact output, List importArgs) { AndroidSdkProvider sdk = AndroidSdkProvider.fromRuleContext(ruleContext); ruleContext.registerAction(new SpawnAction.Builder() .setExecutable(sdk.getAidl()) .addInput(idl) .addTransitiveInputs(idlImports) .addInput(sdk.getFrameworkAidl()) .addOutput(output) .addArgument("-b") // Fail if trying to compile a parcelable. .addArguments(importArgs) .addArgument(idl.getExecPathString()) .addArgument(output.getExecPathString()) .setProgressMessage("Android IDL generation") .setMnemonic("AndroidIDLGnerate") .build(ruleContext)); } /** * Returns the union of "idl_srcs" and "idl_parcelables", i.e. all .aidl files * provided by this library that contribute to .aidl --> .java compilation. */ private static Collection getIdlImports(RuleContext ruleContext) { return ImmutableList.builder() .addAll(getIdlParcelables(ruleContext)) .addAll(getIdlSrcs(ruleContext)) .build(); } /** * Collects the importable .aidl files and AIDL class/source jars from this rule and its deps. * * @param ruleContext The rule context from which to harvest .aidl sources and parcelables, as * well as dependencies. * @param idlClassJar An artifact corresponding to an AIDL class jar for this rule, or null if one * does not exist. * @param idlSourceJar An artifact corresponding to an AIDL source jar for this rule, or null if * one does not exist. * @return A provider containing the collected data, suitable to be provided by this rule. */ private static AndroidIdlProvider createAndroidIdlProvider(RuleContext ruleContext, @Nullable Artifact idlClassJar, @Nullable Artifact idlSourceJar) { NestedSetBuilder rootsBuilder = NestedSetBuilder.naiveLinkOrder(); NestedSetBuilder importsBuilder = NestedSetBuilder.naiveLinkOrder(); NestedSetBuilder jarsBuilder = NestedSetBuilder.stableOrder(); if (idlClassJar != null) { jarsBuilder.add(idlClassJar); } if (idlSourceJar != null) { jarsBuilder.add(idlSourceJar); } for (AndroidIdlProvider dep : AndroidCommon.getTransitivePrerequisites( ruleContext, Mode.TARGET, AndroidIdlProvider.class)) { rootsBuilder.addTransitive(dep.getTransitiveIdlImportRoots()); importsBuilder.addTransitive(dep.getTransitiveIdlImports()); jarsBuilder.addTransitive(dep.getTransitiveIdlJars()); } Collection idlImports = getIdlImports(ruleContext); if (!hasExplicitlySpecifiedIdlImportRoot(ruleContext)) { for (Artifact idlImport : idlImports) { PathFragment javaRoot = JavaUtil.getJavaRoot(idlImport.getExecPath()); if (javaRoot == null) { ruleContext.ruleError("Cannot determine java/javatests root for import " + idlImport.getExecPathString()); } else { rootsBuilder.add(javaRoot.toString()); } } } else { PathFragment pkgFragment = ruleContext.getLabel().getPackageFragment(); Set idlImportRoots = new HashSet<>(); for (Artifact idlImport : idlImports) { idlImportRoots.add(idlImport.getRoot().getExecPath() .getRelative(pkgFragment) .getRelative(getIdlImportRoot(ruleContext))); } for (PathFragment idlImportRoot : idlImportRoots) { rootsBuilder.add(idlImportRoot.toString()); } } importsBuilder.addAll(idlImports); return AndroidIdlProvider.create( rootsBuilder.build(), importsBuilder.build(), jarsBuilder.build()); } /** * Checks that idl_import_root is only set if idl_srcs or idl_parcelables was. */ private static void checkIdlRootImport(RuleContext ruleContext) { if (hasExplicitlySpecifiedIdlImportRoot(ruleContext) && !hasExplicitlySpecifiedIdlSrcsOrParcelables(ruleContext)) { ruleContext.attributeError("idl_import_root", "Neither idl_srcs nor idl_parcelables were specified, " + "but 'idl_import_root' attribute was set"); } } private static boolean hasExplicitlySpecifiedIdlImportRoot(RuleContext ruleContext) { return ruleContext.getRule().isAttributeValueExplicitlySpecified("idl_import_root"); } private static boolean hasExplicitlySpecifiedIdlSrcsOrParcelables(RuleContext ruleContext) { return ruleContext.getRule().isAttributeValueExplicitlySpecified("idl_srcs") || ruleContext.getRule().isAttributeValueExplicitlySpecified("idl_parcelables"); } private static String getIdlImportRoot(RuleContext ruleContext) { return ruleContext.attributes().get("idl_import_root", Type.STRING); } }