// Copyright 2015 The Bazel Authors. All rights reserved. // // Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); // you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. // You may obtain a copy of the License at // // http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 // // Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software // distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, // WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. // See the License for the specific language governing permissions and // limitations under the License. package com.google.devtools.build.lib.rules.android; import com.google.common.base.Preconditions; import com.google.common.collect.ImmutableCollection; import com.google.common.collect.ImmutableList; import com.google.common.collect.Iterables; import com.google.devtools.build.lib.actions.Artifact; import com.google.devtools.build.lib.actions.Root; import com.google.devtools.build.lib.analysis.TransitiveInfoProvider; import com.google.devtools.build.lib.concurrent.ThreadSafety.Immutable; import com.google.devtools.build.lib.vfs.PathFragment; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.LinkedHashSet; import java.util.Objects; import java.util.Set; import javax.annotation.Nullable; /** * An Android target provider to provide Android-specific info to IDEs. */ @Immutable public final class AndroidIdeInfoProvider implements TransitiveInfoProvider { /** Represents a directory that contains sources, generated or otherwise, for an IDE.*/ @Immutable public static class SourceDirectory { final PathFragment relativePath; final PathFragment rootPath; final boolean isSource; public SourceDirectory(PathFragment rootPath, PathFragment relativePath, boolean isSource) { this.rootPath = rootPath; this.relativePath = relativePath; this.isSource = isSource; } /** * The root relative path, {@link Artifact#getRootRelativePath()}. */ public PathFragment getRelativePath() { return relativePath; } /** * The absolute path of the root that contains this directory, {@link Root#getPath()}. */ public PathFragment getRootPath() { return rootPath; } /** Indicates if the directory is in the gen files tree. */ boolean isSource() { return isSource; } @Override public int hashCode() { return Objects.hash(relativePath, rootPath, isSource); } @Override public boolean equals(Object other) { if (other instanceof SourceDirectory) { SourceDirectory otherDir = (SourceDirectory) other; return Objects.equals(rootPath, otherDir.rootPath) && Objects.equals(relativePath, otherDir.relativePath) && Objects.equals(isSource, otherDir.isSource); } return false; } @Override public String toString() { return "SourceDirectory [relativePath=" + relativePath + ", rootPath=" + rootPath + ", isSource=" + isSource + "]"; } } /** * Builder for {@link AndroidIdeInfoProvider} */ public static class Builder { private Artifact manifest = null; private Artifact generatedManifest = null; private Artifact apk = null; private Artifact idlClassJar = null; private Artifact idlSourceJar = null; private final Set resourceDirs = new LinkedHashSet<>(); private final Set assetDirs = new LinkedHashSet<>(); private final Set idlDirs = new LinkedHashSet<>(); private final Set idlSrcs = new LinkedHashSet<>(); private final Set idlGeneratedJavaFiles = new LinkedHashSet<>(); private final Set apksUnderTest = new LinkedHashSet<>(); public AndroidIdeInfoProvider build() { return new AndroidIdeInfoProvider( manifest, generatedManifest, apk, idlClassJar, idlSourceJar, ImmutableList.copyOf(assetDirs), ImmutableList.copyOf(resourceDirs), ImmutableList.copyOf(idlDirs), ImmutableList.copyOf(idlSrcs), ImmutableList.copyOf(idlGeneratedJavaFiles), ImmutableList.copyOf(apksUnderTest)); } public Builder setApk(Artifact apk) { Preconditions.checkState(this.apk == null); this.apk = apk; return this; } public Builder setManifest(Artifact manifest) { Preconditions.checkState(this.manifest == null); this.manifest = manifest; return this; } public Builder setGeneratedManifest(Artifact manifest) { Preconditions.checkState(this.generatedManifest == null); this.generatedManifest = manifest; return this; } public Builder setIdlClassJar(@Nullable Artifact idlClassJar) { Preconditions.checkState(this.idlClassJar == null); this.idlClassJar = idlClassJar; return this; } public Builder setIdlSourceJar(@Nullable Artifact idlSourceJar) { Preconditions.checkState(this.idlSourceJar == null); this.idlSourceJar = idlSourceJar; return this; } /** * Add "idl_srcs" contents. */ public Builder addIdlSrcs(Collection idlSrcs) { this.idlSrcs.addAll(idlSrcs); addIdlDirs(idlSrcs); return this; } /** * Add the java files generated from "idl_srcs". */ public Builder addIdlGeneratedJavaFiles(Collection idlGeneratedJavaFiles) { this.idlGeneratedJavaFiles.addAll(idlGeneratedJavaFiles); return this; } /** * Add "idl_parcelables" contents. */ public Builder addIdlParcelables(Collection idlParcelables) { addIdlDirs(idlParcelables); return this; } private void addIdlDirs(Collection idlArtifacts) { for (Artifact idl : idlArtifacts) { this.idlDirs.add( new SourceDirectory( idl.getRoot().getPath().asFragment(), idl.getRootRelativePath().getParentDirectory(), idl.isSourceArtifact())); } } public Builder addAllResources(Collection resources) { resourceDirs.addAll(resources); return this; } public Builder addAllAssets(Collection assets) { assetDirs.addAll(assets); return this; } public Builder addResourceSource(Artifact resource) { resourceDirs.add( new SourceDirectory( resource.getRoot().getPath().asFragment(), trimTo( resource.getRootRelativePath(), LocalResourceContainer.Builder.findResourceDir(resource)), resource.isSourceArtifact())); return this; } public Builder addResourceSources(Collection resources) { for (Artifact resource : resources) { addResourceSource(resource); } return this; } public Builder addAssetSources(Collection assets, PathFragment assetDir) { for (Artifact asset : assets) { addAssetSource(asset, assetDir); } return this; } public Builder addAssetSource(Artifact asset, PathFragment assetDir) { assetDirs.add( new SourceDirectory( asset.getRoot().getPath().asFragment(), trimTo(asset.getRootRelativePath(), assetDir), asset.isSourceArtifact())); return this; } public Builder addAllApksUnderTest(Iterable apks) { Iterables.addAll(apksUnderTest, apks); return this; } /** * Finds the rightmost occurrence of the needle and returns subfragment of the haystack from * left to the end of the occurrence inclusive of the needle. * *
     * `Example:
     *   Given the haystack:
     *     res/research/handwriting/res/values/strings.xml
     *   And the needle:
     *     res
     *   Returns:
     *     res/research/handwriting/res
*/ private static PathFragment trimTo(PathFragment haystack, PathFragment needle) { if (needle.equals(PathFragment.EMPTY_FRAGMENT)) { return haystack; } // Compute the overlap offset for duplicated parts of the needle. int[] overlap = new int[needle.segmentCount() + 1]; // Start overlap at -1, as it will cancel out the increment in the search. // See http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Knuth%E2%80%93Morris%E2%80%93Pratt_algorithm for the // details. overlap[0] = -1; for (int i = 0, j = -1; i < needle.segmentCount(); j++, i++, overlap[i] = j) { while (j >= 0 && !needle.getSegment(i).equals(needle.getSegment(j))) { // Walk the overlap until the bound is found. j = overlap[j]; } } // TODO(corysmith): reverse the search algorithm. // Keep the index of the found so that the rightmost index is taken. int found = -1; for (int i = 0, j = 0; i < haystack.segmentCount(); i++) { while (j >= 0 && !haystack.getSegment(i).equals(needle.getSegment(j))) { // Not matching, walk the needle index to attempt another match. j = overlap[j]; } j++; // Needle index is exhausted, so the needle must match. if (j == needle.segmentCount()) { // Record the found index + 1 to be inclusive of the end index. found = i + 1; // Subtract one from the needle index to restart the search process j = j - 1; } } if (found != -1) { // Return the subsection of the haystack. return haystack.subFragment(0, found); } throw new IllegalArgumentException(String.format("%s was not found in %s", needle, haystack)); } } private final Artifact manifest; private final Artifact generatedManifest; private final Artifact signedApk; @Nullable private final Artifact idlClassJar; @Nullable private final Artifact idlSourceJar; private final ImmutableCollection resourceDirs; private final ImmutableCollection assetDirs; private final ImmutableCollection idlImports; private final ImmutableCollection idlSrcs; private final ImmutableCollection idlGeneratedJavaFiles; private final ImmutableCollection apksUnderTest; AndroidIdeInfoProvider(@Nullable Artifact manifest, @Nullable Artifact generatedManifest, @Nullable Artifact signedApk, @Nullable Artifact idlClassJar, @Nullable Artifact idlSourceJar, ImmutableCollection assetDirs, ImmutableCollection resourceDirs, ImmutableCollection idlImports, ImmutableCollection idlSrcs, ImmutableCollection idlGeneratedJavaFiles, ImmutableCollection apksUnderTest) { this.manifest = manifest; this.generatedManifest = generatedManifest; this.signedApk = signedApk; this.idlClassJar = idlClassJar; this.idlSourceJar = idlSourceJar; this.assetDirs = assetDirs; this.resourceDirs = resourceDirs; this.idlImports = idlImports; this.idlSrcs = idlSrcs; this.idlGeneratedJavaFiles = idlGeneratedJavaFiles; this.apksUnderTest = apksUnderTest; } /** Returns the direct AndroidManifest. */ @Nullable public Artifact getManifest() { return manifest; } /** Returns the direct generated AndroidManifest. */ @Nullable public Artifact getGeneratedManifest() { return generatedManifest; } /** Returns the direct debug key signed apk, if there is one. */ @Nullable public Artifact getSignedApk() { return signedApk; } @Nullable public Artifact getIdlClassJar() { return idlClassJar; } @Nullable public Artifact getIdlSourceJar() { return idlSourceJar; } /** A list of the direct Resource directories. */ public ImmutableCollection getResourceDirs() { return resourceDirs; } /** A list of the direct Asset directories. */ public ImmutableCollection getAssetDirs() { return assetDirs; } /** A list of direct idl directories. */ public ImmutableCollection getIdlImports() { return idlImports; } /** A list of sources from the "idl_srcs" attribute. */ public ImmutableCollection getIdlSrcs() { return idlSrcs; } /** A list of java files generated from the "idl_srcs" attribute. */ public ImmutableCollection getIdlGeneratedJavaFiles() { return idlGeneratedJavaFiles; } /** A list of the APKs related to the app under test, if any. */ public ImmutableCollection getApksUnderTest() { return apksUnderTest; } }