// Copyright 2014 The Bazel Authors. All rights reserved. // // Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); // you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. // You may obtain a copy of the License at // // http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 // // Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software // distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, // WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. // See the License for the specific language governing permissions and // limitations under the License. package com.google.devtools.build.lib.profiler; import static com.google.devtools.build.lib.profiler.ProfilerTask.TASK_COUNT; import com.google.common.base.Preconditions; import com.google.common.base.Predicate; import com.google.common.collect.ImmutableList; import com.google.common.collect.Iterables; import com.google.devtools.build.lib.clock.Clock; import com.google.devtools.build.lib.collect.Extrema; import com.google.devtools.build.lib.concurrent.ThreadSafety.ThreadCompatible; import com.google.devtools.build.lib.concurrent.ThreadSafety.ThreadSafe; import com.google.devtools.build.lib.profiler.PredicateBasedStatRecorder.RecorderAndPredicate; import com.google.devtools.build.lib.profiler.StatRecorder.VfsHeuristics; import com.google.devtools.build.lib.util.VarInt; import java.io.BufferedOutputStream; import java.io.DataOutputStream; import java.io.IOException; import java.io.OutputStream; import java.io.OutputStreamWriter; import java.io.Writer; import java.nio.ByteBuffer; import java.nio.charset.StandardCharsets; import java.time.Duration; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.IdentityHashMap; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.concurrent.BlockingQueue; import java.util.concurrent.LinkedBlockingDeque; import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit; import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicInteger; import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicReference; import java.util.logging.Logger; import java.util.zip.Deflater; import java.util.zip.DeflaterOutputStream; /** * Blaze internal profiler. Provides facility to report various Blaze tasks and store them * (asynchronously) in the file for future analysis. * *

Implemented as singleton so any caller should use Profiler.instance() to obtain reference. * *

Internally, profiler uses two data structures - ThreadLocal task stack to track nested tasks * and single ConcurrentLinkedQueue to gather all completed tasks. * *

Also, due to the nature of the provided functionality (instrumentation of all Blaze * components), build.lib.profiler package will be used by almost every other Blaze package, so * special attention should be paid to avoid any dependencies on the rest of the Blaze code, * including build.lib.util and build.lib.vfs. This is important because build.lib.util and * build.lib.vfs contain Profiler invocations and any dependency on those two packages would create * circular relationship. * *

All gathered instrumentation data will be stored in the file. Please, note, that while file * format is described here it is considered internal and can change at any time. For scripting, * using blaze analyze-profile --dump=raw would be more robust and stable solution. * *

* *

 * Profiler file consists of the deflated stream with following overall structure:
 *   int32: magic token (Profiler.MAGIC)
 *   int32: version format (Profiler.VERSION)
 *   string: file comment
 *   int32: number of type names below
 *   string... : type names. Each of the type names is assigned id according to
 *               their position in this table starting from 0.
 *   int32 size: size of the encoded task record
 *   byte[size] encoded_task_record:
 *     varint64: thread id - as was returned by Thread.getId()
 *     varint32: task id - starting from 1.
 *     varint32: parent task id for subtasks or 0 for root tasks
 *     varint64: start time in ns, relative to the Profiler.start() invocation
 *     varint64: task duration in ns
 *     byte:     task type id (see TASK_TYPE_TABLE)
 *     varint32: description string index incremented by 1 (>0) or 0 this is
 *               a first occurrence of the description string
 *     AGGREGATED_STAT...: remainder of the field (if present) represents
 *                         aggregated stats for that task
 *   string: *optional* description string, will appear only if description
 *           string index above was 0. In that case this string will be
 *           assigned next sequential id so every unique description string
 *           will appear in the file only once - after that it will be
 *           referenced by id.
 *   byte:     stat type
 *   varint32: total number of subtask invocations
 *   varint64: cumulative duration of subtask invocations in ns.
 *   int64: -1 - please note that this corresponds to the thread id in the
 *               TASK_RECORD which is always > 0
* * @see ProfilerTask enum for recognized task types. */ @ThreadSafe public final class Profiler { private static final Logger logger = Logger.getLogger(Profiler.class.getName()); public static final int MAGIC = 0x11223344; // File version number. Note that merely adding new record types in // the ProfilerTask does not require bumping version number as long as original // enum values are not renamed or deleted. public static final int VERSION = 0x03; // EOF marker. Must be < 0. public static final int EOF_MARKER = -1; /** The profiler (a static singleton instance). Inactive by default. */ private static final Profiler instance = new Profiler(); private static final int HISTOGRAM_BUCKETS = 20; private static final TaskData POISON_PILL = new TaskData(0, 0, null, null, "poison pill"); /** File format enum. */ public static enum Format { BINARY_BAZEL_FORMAT, JSON_TRACE_FILE_FORMAT; } /** A task that was very slow. */ public static final class SlowTask implements Comparable { final long durationNanos; final String description; final ProfilerTask type; private SlowTask(TaskData taskData) { this.durationNanos = taskData.duration; this.description = taskData.description; this.type = taskData.type; } @Override public int compareTo(SlowTask other) { long delta = durationNanos - other.durationNanos; if (delta < 0) { // Very clumsy return -1; } else if (delta > 0) { return 1; } else { return 0; } } public long getDurationNanos() { return durationNanos; } public String getDescription() { return description; } public ProfilerTask getType() { return type; } } /** * Container for the single task record. * Should never be instantiated directly - use TaskStack.create() instead. * * Class itself is not thread safe, but all access to it from Profiler * methods is. */ @ThreadCompatible private static final class TaskData { final long threadId; final long startTimeNanos; final int id; final int parentId; final ProfilerTask type; final String description; long duration; int[] counts; // number of invocations per ProfilerTask type long[] durations; // time spend in the task per ProfilerTask type TaskData( int id, long startTimeNanos, TaskData parent, ProfilerTask eventType, String description) { this.id = id; this.threadId = Thread.currentThread().getId(); this.parentId = (parent == null ? 0 : parent.id); this.startTimeNanos = startTimeNanos; this.type = eventType; this.description = Preconditions.checkNotNull(description); } /** Aggregates information about an *immediate* subtask. */ public void aggregateChild(ProfilerTask type, long duration) { int index = type.ordinal(); if (counts == null) { // one entry for each ProfilerTask type counts = new int[TASK_COUNT]; durations = new long[TASK_COUNT]; } counts[index]++; durations[index] += duration; } @Override public String toString() { return "Thread " + threadId + ", task " + id + ", type " + type + ", " + description; } } /** * Tracks nested tasks for each thread. * * java.util.ArrayDeque is the most efficient stack implementation in the * Java Collections Framework (java.util.Stack class is older synchronized * alternative). It is, however, used here strictly for LIFO operations. * However, ArrayDeque is 1.6 only. For 1.5 best approach would be to utilize * ArrayList and emulate stack using it. */ @ThreadSafe private final class TaskStack extends ThreadLocal> { @Override public List initialValue() { return new ArrayList<>(); } public TaskData peek() { List list = get(); if (list.isEmpty()) { return null; } return list.get(list.size() - 1); } public TaskData pop() { List list = get(); return list.remove(list.size() - 1); } public boolean isEmpty() { return get().isEmpty(); } public void push(ProfilerTask eventType, String description) { get().add(create(clock.nanoTime(), eventType, description)); } public TaskData create(long startTimeNanos, ProfilerTask eventType, String description) { return new TaskData(taskId.incrementAndGet(), startTimeNanos, peek(), eventType, description); } @Override public String toString() { StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder( "Current task stack for thread " + Thread.currentThread().getName() + ":\n"); List list = get(); for (int i = list.size() - 1; i >= 0; i--) { builder.append(list.get(i)); builder.append("\n"); } return builder.toString(); } } /** * Implements datastore for object description indices. Intended to be used only by the * Profiler.save() method. */ @ThreadCompatible private static final class ObjectDescriber { private Map descMap = new IdentityHashMap<>(2000); private int indexCounter = 0; ObjectDescriber() { } int getDescriptionIndex(String description) { Integer index = descMap.get(description); return (index != null) ? index : -1; } String memoizeDescription(String description) { Integer oldIndex = descMap.put(description, indexCounter++); // Do not use Preconditions class below due to the rather expensive // toString() calls used in the message. if (oldIndex != null) { throw new IllegalStateException( description + "' @ " + System.identityHashCode(description) + " already had description index " + oldIndex + " while assigning index " + descMap.get(description)); } else if (description.length() > 20000) { // Note size 64k byte limitation in DataOutputStream#writeUTF(). description = description.substring(0, 20000); } return description; } boolean isUnassigned(int index) { return (index < 0); } } /** * Aggregator class that keeps track of the slowest tasks of the specified type. * *


is sharded so that all threads need not compete for the same * lock if they do the same operation at the same time. Access to an individual {@link Extrema} * is synchronized on the {@link Extrema} instance itself. */ private static final class SlowestTaskAggregator { private static final int SHARDS = 16; private final int size; @SuppressWarnings({"unchecked", "rawtypes"}) private final Extrema[] extremaAggregators = new Extrema[SHARDS]; SlowestTaskAggregator(int size) { this.size = size; for (int i = 0; i < SHARDS; i++) { extremaAggregators[i] = Extrema.max(size); } } // @ThreadSafe void add(TaskData taskData) { Extrema extrema = extremaAggregators[(int) (Thread.currentThread().getId() % SHARDS)]; synchronized (extrema) { extrema.aggregate(new SlowTask(taskData)); } } // @ThreadSafe void clear() { for (int i = 0; i < SHARDS; i++) { Extrema extrema = extremaAggregators[i]; synchronized (extrema) { extrema.clear(); } } } // @ThreadSafe Iterable getSlowestTasks() { // This is slow, but since it only happens during the end of the invocation, it's OK Extrema mergedExtrema = Extrema.max(size); for (int i = 0; i < SHARDS; i++) { Extrema extrema = extremaAggregators[i]; synchronized (extrema) { for (SlowTask task : extrema.getExtremeElements()) { mergedExtrema.aggregate(task); } } } return mergedExtrema.getExtremeElements(); } } /** * Which {@link ProfilerTask}s are profiled. */ public enum ProfiledTaskKinds { /** * Do not profile anything. * *

Performance is best with this case, but we lose critical path analysis and slowest * operation tracking. */ NONE { @Override boolean isProfiling(ProfilerTask type) { return false; } }, /** * Profile on a few, known-to-be-slow tasks. * *

Performance is somewhat decreased in comparison to {@link #NONE}, but we still track the * slowest operations (VFS). */ SLOWEST { @Override boolean isProfiling(ProfilerTask type) { return type.collectsSlowestInstances(); } }, /** A set of tasks that's useful for the Json trace output. */ ALL_FOR_TRACE { @Override boolean isProfiling(ProfilerTask type) { return !type.isVfs() // Exclude the critical path - it's not useful in the Json trace output. && type != ProfilerTask.CRITICAL_PATH && type != ProfilerTask.CRITICAL_PATH_COMPONENT; } }, /** * Profile all tasks. * *

This is in use when {@code --profile} is specified. */ ALL { @Override boolean isProfiling(ProfilerTask type) { return true; } }; /** Whether the Profiler collects data for the given task type. */ abstract boolean isProfiling(ProfilerTask type); } private Clock clock; private ProfiledTaskKinds profiledTaskKinds; private volatile long profileStartTime; private volatile boolean recordAllDurations = false; /** This counter provides a unique id for every task, used to provide a parent/child relation. */ private AtomicInteger taskId = new AtomicInteger(); /** * The reference to the current writer, if any. If the referenced writer is null, then disk writes * are disabled. This can happen when slowest task recording is enabled. */ private AtomicReference writerRef = new AtomicReference<>(); /** * This is a per-thread data structure that's used to track the current stack of open tasks, the * purpose of which is to track the parent id of every task. This is also used to ensure that * {@link #profile} and {@link #completeTask} calls always occur in pairs. */ // TODO(ulfjack): We can infer the parent/child relationship after the fact instead of tracking it // at runtime. That would allow us to remove this data structure entirely. private TaskStack taskStack; private final SlowestTaskAggregator[] slowestTasks = new SlowestTaskAggregator[ProfilerTask.values().length]; private final StatRecorder[] tasksHistograms = new StatRecorder[ProfilerTask.values().length]; private Profiler() { initHistograms(); for (ProfilerTask task : ProfilerTask.values()) { if (task.slowestInstancesCount != 0) { slowestTasks[task.ordinal()] = new SlowestTaskAggregator(task.slowestInstancesCount); } } } private void initHistograms() { for (ProfilerTask task : ProfilerTask.values()) { if (task.isVfs()) { Map> vfsHeuristics = VfsHeuristics.vfsTypeHeuristics; List recorders = new ArrayList<>(vfsHeuristics.size()); for (Map.Entry> e : vfsHeuristics.entrySet()) { recorders.add(new RecorderAndPredicate( new SingleStatRecorder(task + " " + e.getKey(), HISTOGRAM_BUCKETS), e.getValue())); } tasksHistograms[task.ordinal()] = new PredicateBasedStatRecorder(recorders); } else { tasksHistograms[task.ordinal()] = new SingleStatRecorder(task, HISTOGRAM_BUCKETS); } } } /** * Returns task histograms. This must be called between calls to {@link #start} and {@link #stop}, * or the returned recorders are all empty. Note that the returned recorders may still be modified * concurrently (but at least they are thread-safe, so that's good). * *

The stat recorders are indexed by {@code ProfilerTask#ordinal}. */ // TODO(ulfjack): This returns incomplete data by design. Maybe we should return the histograms on // stop instead? However, this is currently only called from one location in a module, and that // can't call stop itself. What to do? public ImmutableList getTasksHistograms() { return ImmutableList.copyOf(tasksHistograms); } public static Profiler instance() { return instance; } /** * Returns the nanoTime of the current profiler instance, or an arbitrary * constant if not active. */ public static long nanoTimeMaybe() { if (instance.isActive()) { return instance.clock.nanoTime(); } return -1; } /** * Enable profiling. * *

Subsequent calls to beginTask/endTask will be recorded * in the provided output stream. Please note that stream performance is * extremely important and buffered streams should be utilized. * * @param profiledTaskKinds which kinds of {@link ProfilerTask}s to track * @param stream output stream to store profile data. Note: passing unbuffered stream object * reference may result in significant performance penalties * @param comment a comment to insert in the profile data * @param recordAllDurations iff true, record all tasks regardless of their duration; otherwise * some tasks may get aggregated if they finished quick enough * @param clock a {@code BlazeClock.instance()} * @param execStartTimeNanos execution start time in nanos obtained from {@code clock.nanoTime()} */ public synchronized void start( ProfiledTaskKinds profiledTaskKinds, OutputStream stream, Format format, String comment, boolean recordAllDurations, Clock clock, long execStartTimeNanos) { Preconditions.checkState(!isActive(), "Profiler already active"); initHistograms(); this.profiledTaskKinds = profiledTaskKinds; this.clock = clock; // sanity check for current limitation on the number of supported types due // to using enum.ordinal() to store them instead of EnumSet for performance reasons. Preconditions.checkState(TASK_COUNT < 256, "The profiler implementation supports only up to 255 different ProfilerTask values."); // reset state for the new profiling session taskId.set(0); this.recordAllDurations = recordAllDurations; this.taskStack = new TaskStack(); FileWriter writer = null; if (stream != null) { if (format == Format.BINARY_BAZEL_FORMAT) { writer = new BinaryFormatWriter(stream, profileStartTime, comment); writer.start(); } else if (format == Format.JSON_TRACE_FILE_FORMAT) { writer = new JsonTraceFileWriter(stream, profileStartTime); writer.start(); } } this.writerRef.set(writer); // activate profiler profileStartTime = execStartTimeNanos; } /** * Returns task histograms. This must be called between calls to {@link #start} and {@link #stop}, * or the returned list is empty. */ // TODO(ulfjack): This returns incomplete data by design. Also see getTasksHistograms. public synchronized Iterable getSlowestTasks() { List> slowestTasksByType = new ArrayList<>(); for (SlowestTaskAggregator aggregator : slowestTasks) { if (aggregator != null) { slowestTasksByType.add(aggregator.getSlowestTasks()); } } return Iterables.concat(slowestTasksByType); } /** * Disable profiling and complete profile file creation. * Subsequent calls to beginTask/endTask will no longer * be recorded in the profile. */ public synchronized void stop() throws IOException { if (!isActive()) { return; } // Log a final event to update the duration of ProfilePhase.FINISH. logEvent(ProfilerTask.INFO, "Finishing"); FileWriter writer = writerRef.getAndSet(null); if (writer != null) { writer.shutdown(); writer = null; } taskStack = null; initHistograms(); profileStartTime = 0L; for (SlowestTaskAggregator aggregator : slowestTasks) { if (aggregator != null) { aggregator.clear(); } } } /** * Returns true iff profiling is currently enabled. */ public boolean isActive() { return profileStartTime != 0L; } public boolean isProfiling(ProfilerTask type) { return profiledTaskKinds.isProfiling(type); } /** * Unless --record_full_profiler_data is given we drop small tasks and add their time to the * parents duration. */ private boolean wasTaskSlowEnoughToRecord(ProfilerTask type, long duration) { return (recordAllDurations || duration >= type.minDuration); } /** * Adds task directly to the main queue bypassing task stack. Used for simple tasks that are known * to not have any subtasks. * * @param startTimeNanos task start time (obtained through {@link Profiler#nanoTimeMaybe()}) * @param duration task duration * @param type task type * @param description task description. May be stored until end of build. */ private void logTask(long startTimeNanos, long duration, ProfilerTask type, String description) { Preconditions.checkNotNull(description); Preconditions.checkState(startTimeNanos > 0, "startTime was %s", startTimeNanos); if (duration < 0) { // See note in Clock#nanoTime, which is used by Profiler#nanoTimeMaybe. duration = 0; } tasksHistograms[type.ordinal()].addStat( (int) TimeUnit.NANOSECONDS.toMillis(duration), description); // Store instance fields as local variables so they are not nulled out from under us by #clear. TaskStack localStack = taskStack; FileWriter currentWriter = writerRef.get(); if (localStack == null) { // Variables have been nulled out by #clear in between the check the caller made and this // point in the code. Probably due to an asynchronous crash. logger.severe("Variables null in profiler for " + type + ", probably due to async crash"); return; } TaskData parent = localStack.peek(); if (parent != null) { parent.aggregateChild(type, duration); } if (wasTaskSlowEnoughToRecord(type, duration)) { TaskData data = localStack.create(startTimeNanos, type, description); data.duration = duration; if (currentWriter != null) { currentWriter.enqueue(data); } SlowestTaskAggregator aggregator = slowestTasks[type.ordinal()]; if (aggregator != null) { aggregator.add(data); } } } /** * Used externally to submit simple task (one that does not have any subtasks). Depending on the * minDuration attribute of the task type, task may be just aggregated into the parent task and * not stored directly. * * @param startTime task start time (obtained through {@link Profiler#nanoTimeMaybe()}) * @param type task type * @param description task description. May be stored until the end of the build. */ public void logSimpleTask(long startTime, ProfilerTask type, String description) { if (isActive() && isProfiling(type)) { logTask(startTime, clock.nanoTime() - startTime, type, description); } } /** * Used externally to submit simple task (one that does not have any subtasks). Depending on the * minDuration attribute of the task type, task may be just aggregated into the parent task and * not stored directly. * *

Note that start and stop time must both be acquired from the same clock instance. * * @param startTimeNanos task start time * @param stopTimeNanos task stop time * @param type task type * @param description task description. May be stored until the end of the build. */ public void logSimpleTask( long startTimeNanos, long stopTimeNanos, ProfilerTask type, String description) { if (isActive() && isProfiling(type)) { logTask(startTimeNanos, stopTimeNanos - startTimeNanos, type, description); } } /** * Used externally to submit simple task (one that does not have any subtasks). Depending on the * minDuration attribute of the task type, task may be just aggregated into the parent task and * not stored directly. * * @param startTimeNanos task start time (obtained through {@link Profiler#nanoTimeMaybe()}) * @param duration the duration of the task * @param type task type * @param description task description. May be stored until the end of the build. */ public void logSimpleTaskDuration( long startTimeNanos, Duration duration, ProfilerTask type, String description) { if (isActive() && isProfiling(type)) { logTask(startTimeNanos, duration.toNanos(), type, description); } } /** Used to log "events" - tasks with zero duration. */ void logEvent(ProfilerTask type, String description) { if (isActive() && isProfiling(type)) { logTask(clock.nanoTime(), 0, type, description); } } /** * Records the beginning of a task as specified, and returns a {@link SilentCloseable} instance * that ends the task. This lets the system do the work of ending the task, with the compiler * giving a warning if the returned instance is not closed. * *

Use of this method allows to support nested task monitoring. For tasks that are known to not * have any subtasks, logSimpleTask() should be used instead. * *

Use like this: *

   * {@code
   * try (SilentCloseable c = Profiler.instance().profile(type, "description")) {
   *   // Your code here.
   * }
   * }
* * @param type predefined task type - see ProfilerTask for available types. * @param description task description. May be stored until the end of the build. */ public SilentCloseable profile(ProfilerTask type, String description) { // ProfilerInfo.allTasksById is supposed to be an id -> Task map, but it is in fact a List, // which means that we cannot drop tasks to which we had already assigned ids. Therefore, // non-leaf tasks must not have a minimum duration. However, we don't quite consistently // enforce this, and Blaze only works because we happen not to add child tasks to those parent // tasks that have a minimum duration. Preconditions.checkNotNull(description); if (isActive() && isProfiling(type)) { taskStack.push(type, description); return () -> completeTask(type); } else { return () -> {}; } } /** * Records the end of the task and moves tasks from the thread-local stack to * the main queue. Will validate that given task type matches task at the top * of the stack. * * @param type task type. */ private void completeTask(ProfilerTask type) { if (isActive() && isProfiling(type)) { long endTime = clock.nanoTime(); TaskData data = taskStack.pop(); Preconditions.checkState( data.type == type, "Inconsistent Profiler.completeTask() call: should have been %s but got %s (%s, %s)", data.type, type, data, taskStack); data.duration = endTime - data.startTimeNanos; if (data.parentId > 0) { taskStack.peek().aggregateChild(data.type, data.duration); } boolean shouldRecordTask = wasTaskSlowEnoughToRecord(type, data.duration); FileWriter writer = writerRef.get(); if ((shouldRecordTask || data.counts != null) && writer != null) { writer.enqueue(data); } if (shouldRecordTask) { SlowestTaskAggregator aggregator = slowestTasks[type.ordinal()]; if (aggregator != null) { aggregator.add(data); } } } } /** Convenience method to log phase marker tasks. */ public void markPhase(ProfilePhase phase) throws InterruptedException { MemoryProfiler.instance().markPhase(phase); if (isActive() && isProfiling(ProfilerTask.PHASE)) { Preconditions.checkState(taskStack.isEmpty(), "Phase tasks must not be nested"); logEvent(ProfilerTask.PHASE, phase.description); } } private abstract static class FileWriter implements Runnable { protected final BlockingQueue queue; protected final Thread thread; protected IOException savedException; FileWriter() { this.queue = new LinkedBlockingDeque<>(); this.thread = new Thread(this); } public void shutdown() throws IOException { // Add poison pill to queue and then wait for writer thread to shut down. queue.add(POISON_PILL); try { thread.join(); } catch (InterruptedException e) { thread.interrupt(); Thread.currentThread().interrupt(); } if (savedException != null) { throw savedException; } } public void start() { thread.start(); } public void enqueue(TaskData data) { queue.add(data); } } /** Writes the profile in the binary Bazel profile format. */ private static class BinaryFormatWriter extends FileWriter { private final DataOutputStream out; private final long profileStartTime; private final String comment; BinaryFormatWriter( OutputStream out, long profileStartTime, String comment) { // Wrapping deflater stream in the buffered stream proved to reduce CPU consumption caused by // the write() method. Values for buffer sizes were chosen by running small amount of tests // and identifying point of diminishing returns - but I have not really tried to optimize // them. this.out = new DataOutputStream( new BufferedOutputStream( new DeflaterOutputStream( // the DeflaterOutputStream has its own output buffer of 65k, chosen at random out, new Deflater(Deflater.BEST_SPEED, false), 65536), 262144)); // buffer size, basically chosen at random this.profileStartTime = profileStartTime; this.comment = comment; } private void writeHeader() throws IOException { out.writeInt(MAGIC); // magic out.writeInt(VERSION); // protocol_version out.writeUTF(comment); // ProfileTask.values() method sorts enums using their ordinal() value, so // there there is no need to store ordinal() value for each entry. out.writeInt(TASK_COUNT); for (ProfilerTask type : ProfilerTask.values()) { out.writeUTF(type.toString()); } } /** * Saves all gathered information from taskQueue queue to the file. * Method is invoked internally by the Timer-based thread and at the end of * profiling session. */ @Override public void run() { try { boolean receivedPoisonPill = false; try { writeHeader(); // Allocate the sink once to avoid GC ByteBuffer sink = ByteBuffer.allocate(1024); ObjectDescriber describer = new ObjectDescriber(); TaskData data; while ((data = queue.take()) != POISON_PILL) { sink.clear(); VarInt.putVarLong(data.threadId, sink); VarInt.putVarInt(data.id, sink); VarInt.putVarInt(data.parentId, sink); VarInt.putVarLong(data.startTimeNanos - profileStartTime, sink); VarInt.putVarLong(data.duration, sink); // To save space (and improve performance), convert all description // strings to the canonical object and use IdentityHashMap to assign // unique numbers for each string. int descIndex = describer.getDescriptionIndex(data.description); VarInt.putVarInt(descIndex + 1, sink); // Add 1 to avoid encoding negative values. // Save types using their ordinal() value sink.put((byte) data.type.ordinal()); // Save aggregated data stats. if (data.counts != null) { for (int i = 0; i < TASK_COUNT; i++) { if (data.counts[i] > 0) { sink.put((byte) i); // aggregated type ordinal value VarInt.putVarInt(data.counts[i], sink); VarInt.putVarLong(data.durations[i], sink); } } } out.writeInt(sink.position()); out.write(sink.array(), 0, sink.position()); if (describer.isUnassigned(descIndex)) { out.writeUTF(describer.memoizeDescription(data.description)); } } receivedPoisonPill = true; out.writeInt(EOF_MARKER); out.close(); } catch (IOException e) { this.savedException = e; try { out.close(); } catch (IOException e2) { // ignore it } if (!receivedPoisonPill) { while (queue.take() != POISON_PILL) { // We keep emptying the queue, but we can't write anything. } } } } catch (InterruptedException e) { // Exit silently. } } } /** Writes the profile in Json Trace file format. */ private static class JsonTraceFileWriter extends FileWriter { private final Writer out; private final long profileStartTimeNanos; JsonTraceFileWriter( OutputStream out, long profileStartTimeNanos) { this.out = // The buffer size of 262144 is chosen at random. We might also want to use compression // in the future. new OutputStreamWriter(new BufferedOutputStream(out, 262144), StandardCharsets.UTF_8); this.profileStartTimeNanos = profileStartTimeNanos; } /** * Saves all gathered information from taskQueue queue to the file. * Method is invoked internally by the Timer-based thread and at the end of * profiling session. */ @Override public void run() { try { boolean receivedPoisonPill = false; try { out.append("["); boolean first = true; TaskData data; while ((data = queue.take()) != POISON_PILL) { if (data.duration == 0) { continue; } if (first) { first = false; } else { out.append(","); } char eventType = data.duration == 0 ? 'i' : 'X'; out.append("{"); out.append("\"name\":\"").append(data.description).append("\","); out.append("\"ph\":\"").append(eventType).append("\","); out.append("\"ts\":") .append( Long.toString( TimeUnit.NANOSECONDS.toMicros(data.startTimeNanos - profileStartTimeNanos))) .append(","); if (data.duration != 0) { out.append("\"dur\":") .append(Long.toString(TimeUnit.NANOSECONDS.toMicros(data.duration))) .append(","); } out.append("\"pid\":1,"); out.append("\"tid\":").append(Long.toString(data.threadId)); out.append("}\n"); } receivedPoisonPill = true; out.append("]"); out.close(); } catch (IOException e) { this.savedException = e; try { out.close(); } catch (IOException e2) { // ignore it } if (!receivedPoisonPill) { while (queue.take() != POISON_PILL) { // We keep emptying the queue, but we can't write anything. } } } } catch (InterruptedException e) { // Exit silently. } } } }