// Copyright 2014 The Bazel Authors. All rights reserved. // // Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); // you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. // You may obtain a copy of the License at // // http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 // // Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software // distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, // WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. // See the License for the specific language governing permissions and // limitations under the License. package com.google.devtools.build.lib.packages; import com.google.common.base.Predicate; import com.google.common.collect.ImmutableList; import com.google.common.collect.Sets; import com.google.devtools.build.lib.cmdline.Label; import com.google.devtools.build.lib.cmdline.ResolvedTargets; import com.google.devtools.build.lib.cmdline.TargetParsingException; import com.google.devtools.build.lib.events.Event; import com.google.devtools.build.lib.events.EventHandler; import com.google.devtools.build.lib.pkgcache.TargetProvider; import com.google.devtools.build.lib.syntax.Type; import com.google.devtools.build.lib.util.Pair; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Set; /** * Utility functions over test Targets that don't really belong in the base {@link Target} * interface. */ public final class TestTargetUtils { /** * Returns a predicate to be used for test size filtering, i.e., that only accepts tests of the * given size. */ public static Predicate testSizeFilter(final Set allowedSizes) { return new Predicate() { @Override public boolean apply(Target target) { if (!(target instanceof Rule)) { return false; } return allowedSizes.contains(TestSize.getTestSize((Rule) target)); } }; } /** * Returns a predicate to be used for test timeout filtering, i.e., that only accepts tests of * the given timeout. **/ public static Predicate testTimeoutFilter(final Set allowedTimeouts) { return new Predicate() { @Override public boolean apply(Target target) { if (!(target instanceof Rule)) { return false; } return allowedTimeouts.contains(TestTimeout.getTestTimeout((Rule) target)); } }; } /** * Returns a predicate to be used for test language filtering, i.e., that only accepts tests of * the specified languages. The reporter and the list of rule names are only used to warn about * unknown languages. */ public static Predicate testLangFilter(List langFilterList, EventHandler reporter, Set allRuleNames) { final Set requiredLangs = new HashSet<>(); final Set excludedLangs = new HashSet<>(); for (String lang : langFilterList) { if (lang.startsWith("-")) { lang = lang.substring(1); excludedLangs.add(lang); } else { requiredLangs.add(lang); } if (!allRuleNames.contains(lang + "_test")) { reporter.handle( Event.warn("Unknown language '" + lang + "' in --test_lang_filters option")); } } return new Predicate() { @Override public boolean apply(Target rule) { String ruleLang = TargetUtils.getRuleLanguage(rule); return (requiredLangs.isEmpty() || requiredLangs.contains(ruleLang)) && !excludedLangs.contains(ruleLang); } }; } /** * Returns whether a test with the specified tags matches a filter (as specified by the set * of its positive and its negative filters). */ public static boolean testMatchesFilters(Collection testTags, Collection requiredTags, Collection excludedTags, boolean mustMatchAllPositive) { for (String tag : excludedTags) { if (testTags.contains(tag)) { return false; } } // Check required tags, if there are any. if (!requiredTags.isEmpty()) { if (mustMatchAllPositive) { // Require all tags to be present. for (String tag : requiredTags) { if (!testTags.contains(tag)) { return false; } } return true; } else { // Require at least one positive tag. for (String tag : requiredTags) { if (testTags.contains(tag)) { return true; } } } return false; // No positive tag found. } return true; // No tags are required. } /** * Returns a predicate to be used for test tag filtering, i.e., that only accepts tests that match * all of the required tags and none of the excluded tags. */ // TODO(bazel-team): This also applies to non-test rules, so should probably be moved to // TargetUtils. public static Predicate tagFilter(List tagFilterList) { Pair, Collection> tagLists = sortTagsBySense(tagFilterList); final Collection requiredTags = tagLists.first; final Collection excludedTags = tagLists.second; return new Predicate() { @Override public boolean apply(Target input) { if (!(input instanceof Rule)) { return false; } // Note that test_tags are those originating from the XX_test rule, // whereas the requiredTags and excludedTags originate from the command // line or test_suite rule. return testMatchesFilters(((Rule) input).getRuleTags(), requiredTags, excludedTags, false); } }; } /** * Separates a list of text "tags" into a Pair of Collections, where * the first element are the required or positive tags and the second element * are the excluded or negative tags. * This should work on tag list provided from the command line * --test_tags_filters flag or on tag filters explicitly declared in the * suite. * * @param tagList A collection of text targets to separate. */ public static Pair, Collection> sortTagsBySense( Iterable tagList) { Collection requiredTags = new HashSet<>(); Collection excludedTags = new HashSet<>(); for (String tag : tagList) { if (tag.startsWith("-")) { excludedTags.add(tag.substring(1)); } else if (tag.startsWith("+")) { requiredTags.add(tag.substring(1)); } else if (tag.equals("manual")) { // Ignore manual attribute because it is an exception: it is not a filter // but a property of test_suite continue; } else { requiredTags.add(tag); } } return Pair.of(requiredTags, excludedTags); } /** * Returns the (new, mutable) set of test rules, expanding all 'test_suite' rules into the * individual tests they group together and preserving other test target instances. * * Method assumes that passed collection contains only *_test and test_suite rules. While, at this * point it will successfully preserve non-test rules as well, there is no guarantee that this * behavior will be kept in the future. * * @param targetProvider a target provider * @param eventHandler a failure eventHandler to report loading failures to * @param targets Collection of the *_test and test_suite configured targets * @return a duplicate-free iterable of the tests under the specified targets */ public static ResolvedTargets expandTestSuites(TargetProvider targetProvider, EventHandler eventHandler, Iterable targets, boolean strict, boolean keepGoing) throws TargetParsingException { Closure closure = new Closure(targetProvider, eventHandler, strict, keepGoing); ResolvedTargets.Builder result = ResolvedTargets.builder(); for (Target target : targets) { if (TargetUtils.isTestRule(target)) { result.add(target); } else if (TargetUtils.isTestSuiteRule(target)) { result.addAll(closure.getTestsInSuite((Rule) target)); } else { result.add(target); } } if (closure.hasError) { result.setError(); } return result.build(); } // TODO(bazel-team): This is a copy of TestsExpression.Closure with some minor changes; this // should be unified. private static final class Closure { private final TargetProvider targetProvider; private final EventHandler eventHandler; private final boolean keepGoing; private final boolean strict; private final Map> testsInSuite = new HashMap<>(); private boolean hasError; public Closure(TargetProvider targetProvider, EventHandler eventHandler, boolean strict, boolean keepGoing) { this.targetProvider = targetProvider; this.eventHandler = eventHandler; this.strict = strict; this.keepGoing = keepGoing; } /** * Computes and returns the set of test rules in a particular suite. Uses * dynamic programming---a memoized version of {@link #computeTestsInSuite}. */ private Set getTestsInSuite(Rule testSuite) throws TargetParsingException { Set tests = testsInSuite.get(testSuite); if (tests == null) { tests = Sets.newHashSet(); testsInSuite.put(testSuite, tests); // break cycles by inserting empty set early. computeTestsInSuite(testSuite, tests); } return tests; } /** * Populates 'result' with all the tests associated with the specified * 'testSuite'. Throws an exception if any target is missing. * * CAUTION! Keep this logic consistent with {@code TestsSuiteConfiguredTarget}! */ private void computeTestsInSuite(Rule testSuite, Set result) throws TargetParsingException { List testsAndSuites = new ArrayList<>(); // Note that testsAndSuites can contain input file targets; the test_suite rule does not // restrict the set of targets that can appear in tests or suites. testsAndSuites.addAll(getPrerequisites(testSuite, "tests")); if (testSuite.getRuleClassObject().hasAttr("suites", BuildType.LABEL_LIST)) { testsAndSuites.addAll(getPrerequisites(testSuite, "suites")); } // 1. Add all tests for (Target test : testsAndSuites) { if (TargetUtils.isTestRule(test)) { result.add(test); } else if (strict && !TargetUtils.isTestSuiteRule(test)) { // If strict mode is enabled, then give an error for any non-test, non-test-suite targets. eventHandler.handle(Event.error(testSuite.getLocation(), "in test_suite rule '" + testSuite.getLabel() + "': expecting a test or a test_suite rule but '" + test.getLabel() + "' is not one.")); hasError = true; if (!keepGoing) { throw new TargetParsingException("Test suite expansion failed."); } } } // 2. Add implicit dependencies on tests in same package, if any. for (Target target : getPrerequisites(testSuite, "$implicit_tests")) { // The Package construction of $implicit_tests ensures that this check never fails, but we // add it here anyway for compatibility with future code. if (TargetUtils.isTestRule(target)) { result.add(target); } } // 3. Filter based on tags, size, env. filterTests(testSuite, result); // 4. Expand all suites recursively. for (Target suite : testsAndSuites) { if (TargetUtils.isTestSuiteRule(suite)) { result.addAll(getTestsInSuite((Rule) suite)); } } } /** * Returns the set of rules named by the attribute 'attrName' of test_suite rule 'testSuite'. * The attribute must be a list of labels. If a target cannot be resolved, then an error is * reported to the environment (which may throw an exception if {@code keep_going} is disabled). */ private Collection getPrerequisites(Rule testSuite, String attrName) throws TargetParsingException { try { List targets = new ArrayList<>(); // TODO(bazel-team): This serializes package loading in some cases. We might want to make // this multi-threaded. for (Label label : NonconfigurableAttributeMapper.of(testSuite).get(attrName, BuildType.LABEL_LIST)) { targets.add(targetProvider.getTarget(eventHandler, label)); } return targets; } catch (NoSuchThingException e) { if (keepGoing) { hasError = true; eventHandler.handle(Event.error(e.getMessage())); return ImmutableList.of(); } throw new TargetParsingException(e.getMessage(), e); } catch (InterruptedException e) { Thread.currentThread().interrupt(); throw new TargetParsingException("interrupted", e); } } /** * Filters 'tests' (by mutation) according to the 'tags' attribute, specifically those that * match ALL of the tags in tagsAttribute. * * @precondition {@code env.getAccessor().isTestSuite(testSuite)} * @precondition {@code env.getAccessor().isTestRule(test)} for all test in tests */ private void filterTests(Rule testSuite, Set tests) { List tagsAttribute = NonconfigurableAttributeMapper.of(testSuite).get("tags", Type.STRING_LIST); // Split the tags list into positive and negative tags Pair, Collection> tagLists = sortTagsBySense(tagsAttribute); Collection positiveTags = tagLists.first; Collection negativeTags = tagLists.second; Iterator it = tests.iterator(); while (it.hasNext()) { Rule test = (Rule) it.next(); AttributeMap nonConfigurableAttributes = NonconfigurableAttributeMapper.of(test); List testTags = new ArrayList<>(nonConfigurableAttributes.get("tags", Type.STRING_LIST)); testTags.add(nonConfigurableAttributes.get("size", Type.STRING)); if (!includeTest(testTags, positiveTags, negativeTags)) { it.remove(); } } } /** * Decides whether to include a test in a test_suite or not. * @param testTags Collection of all tags exhibited by a given test. * @param positiveTags Tags declared by the suite. A Test must match ALL of these. * @param negativeTags Tags declared by the suite. A Test must match NONE of these. * @return false is the test is to be removed. */ private static boolean includeTest(Collection testTags, Collection positiveTags, Collection negativeTags) { // Add this test if it matches ALL of the positive tags and NONE of the // negative tags in the tags attribute. for (String tag : negativeTags) { if (testTags.contains(tag)) { return false; } } for (String tag : positiveTags) { if (!testTags.contains(tag)) { return false; } } return true; } } }