// Copyright 2014 The Bazel Authors. All rights reserved. // // Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); // you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. // You may obtain a copy of the License at // // http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 // // Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software // distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, // WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. // See the License for the specific language governing permissions and // limitations under the License. package com.google.devtools.build.lib.concurrent; import com.google.common.annotations.VisibleForTesting; import com.google.common.base.Function; import com.google.common.base.Throwables; import com.google.common.util.concurrent.AtomicLongMap; import com.google.common.util.concurrent.ThreadFactoryBuilder; import com.google.devtools.build.lib.concurrent.ErrorClassifier.ErrorClassification; import com.google.devtools.build.lib.util.Preconditions; import java.util.concurrent.CountDownLatch; import java.util.concurrent.ExecutorService; import java.util.concurrent.RejectedExecutionException; import java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor; import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit; import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicLong; import java.util.logging.Level; import java.util.logging.Logger; import javax.annotation.Nullable; /** A {@link QuiescingExecutor} implementation that wraps an {@link ExecutorService}. */ public class AbstractQueueVisitor implements QuiescingExecutor { /** * Default factory function for constructing {@link ThreadPoolExecutor}s. The {@link * ThreadPoolExecutor}s this creates have the same value for {@code corePoolSize} and {@code * maximumPoolSize} because that results in a fixed-size thread pool, and the current use cases * for {@link AbstractQueueVisitor} don't require any more sophisticated thread pool size * management. * *

If client use cases change, they may invoke one of the {@link * AbstractQueueVisitor#AbstractQueueVisitor} constructors that accepts a pre-constructed {@link * ThreadPoolExecutor}. */ public static final Function EXECUTOR_FACTORY = new Function() { @Override public ThreadPoolExecutor apply(ExecutorParams p) { return new ThreadPoolExecutor( /*corePoolSize=*/ p.getParallelism(), /*maximumPoolSize=*/ p.getParallelism(), p.getKeepAliveTime(), p.getUnits(), p.getWorkQueue(), new ThreadFactoryBuilder().setNameFormat(p.getPoolName() + " %d").build()); } }; /** * The first unhandled exception thrown by a worker thread. We save it and re-throw it from * the main thread to detect bugs faster; otherwise worker threads just quietly die. * * Field updates happen only in blocks that are synchronized on the {@link * AbstractQueueVisitor} object; it's important to save the first one as it may be more * informative than a subsequent one, and this is not a performance-critical path. */ private volatile Throwable unhandled = null; /** * An uncaught exception when submitting a job to the {@link ExecutorService} is catastrophic, * and usually indicates a lack of stack space on which to allocate a native thread. The {@link * ExecutorService} may reach an inconsistent state in such circumstances, so we avoid blocking * on its termination when this field is non-{@code null}. */ private volatile Throwable catastrophe; /** * Enables concurrency. For debugging or testing, set this to {@code false} to avoid thread * creation and concurrency. Any deviation in observed behaviour is a bug. */ private final boolean concurrent; /** * An object used in the manner of a {@link java.util.concurrent.locks.Condition} object, for the * condition {@code remainingTasks.get() == 0 || jobsMustBeStopped}. * TODO(bazel-team): Replace with an actual {@link java.util.concurrent.locks.Condition} object. */ private final Object zeroRemainingTasks = new Object(); /** * If {@link #concurrent} is {@code true}, then this is a counter of the number of {@link * Runnable}s {@link #execute}-d that have not finished evaluation. */ private final AtomicLong remainingTasks = new AtomicLong(0); /** * Flag used to record when all threads were killed by failed action execution. Only ever * transitions from {@code false} to {@code true}. * *

May only be accessed in a block that is synchronized on {@link #zeroRemainingTasks}. */ private boolean jobsMustBeStopped = false; /** Map from thread to number of jobs executing in the thread. Used for interrupt handling. */ private final AtomicLongMap jobs = AtomicLongMap.create(); /** The {@link ExecutorService}. If !{@code concurrent}, this may be {@code null}. */ @Nullable private final ExecutorService executorService; /** * Flag used to record when the main thread (the thread which called {@link #awaitQuiescence}) * is interrupted. * * When this is {@code true}, adding tasks to the {@link ExecutorService} will fail quietly as * a part of the process of shutting down the worker threads. */ private volatile boolean threadInterrupted = false; /** * Latches used to signal when the visitor has been interrupted or seen an exception. Used only * for testing. */ private final CountDownLatch interruptedLatch = new CountDownLatch(1); private final CountDownLatch exceptionLatch = new CountDownLatch(1); /** If {@code true}, don't run new actions after an uncaught exception. */ private final boolean failFastOnException; /** If {@code true}, shut down the {@link ExecutorService} on completion. */ private final boolean ownExecutorService; private final ErrorClassifier errorClassifier; private final ErrorHandler errorHandler; private static final Logger LOG = Logger.getLogger(AbstractQueueVisitor.class.getName()); /** * Create the {@link AbstractQueueVisitor}. * * @param concurrent {@code true} if concurrency should be enabled. Only set to {@code false} for * debugging. * @param parallelism a measure of parallelism for the {@link ExecutorService}, such as {@code * parallelism} in {@link java.util.concurrent.ForkJoinPool}, or both {@code * corePoolSize} and {@code maximumPoolSize} in {@link ThreadPoolExecutor}. * @param keepAliveTime the keep-alive time for the {@link ExecutorService}, if applicable. * @param units the time units of keepAliveTime. * @param failFastOnException if {@code true}, don't run new actions after an uncaught exception. * @param poolName sets the name of threads spawned by the {@link ExecutorService}. If {@code * null}, default thread naming will be used. */ public AbstractQueueVisitor( boolean concurrent, int parallelism, long keepAliveTime, TimeUnit units, boolean failFastOnException, String poolName) { this( concurrent, parallelism, keepAliveTime, units, failFastOnException, poolName, EXECUTOR_FACTORY, ErrorClassifier.DEFAULT, ErrorHandler.NullHandler.INSTANCE); } /** * Create the {@link AbstractQueueVisitor}. * * @param concurrent {@code true} if concurrency should be enabled. Only set to {@code false} for * debugging. * @param parallelism a measure of parallelism for the {@link ExecutorService}, such as {@code * parallelism} in {@link java.util.concurrent.ForkJoinPool}, or both {@code * corePoolSize} and {@code maximumPoolSize} in {@link ThreadPoolExecutor}. * @param keepAliveTime the keep-alive time for the {@link ExecutorService}, if applicable. * @param units the time units of keepAliveTime. * @param failFastOnException if {@code true}, don't run new actions after an uncaught exception. * @param poolName sets the name of threads spawned by the {@link ExecutorService}. If {@code * null}, default thread naming will be used. * @param errorClassifier an error classifier used to determine whether to log and/or stop jobs. * @param errorHandler a handler for classified errors. */ public AbstractQueueVisitor( boolean concurrent, int parallelism, long keepAliveTime, TimeUnit units, boolean failFastOnException, String poolName, ErrorClassifier errorClassifier, ErrorHandler errorHandler) { this( concurrent, parallelism, keepAliveTime, units, failFastOnException, poolName, EXECUTOR_FACTORY, errorClassifier, errorHandler); } /** * Create the {@link AbstractQueueVisitor}. * * @param concurrent {@code true} if concurrency should be enabled. Only set to {@code false} for * debugging. * @param parallelism a measure of parallelism for the {@link ExecutorService}, such as {@code * parallelism} in {@link java.util.concurrent.ForkJoinPool}, or both {@code * corePoolSize} and {@code maximumPoolSize} in {@link ThreadPoolExecutor}. * @param keepAliveTime the keep-alive time for the {@link ExecutorService}, if applicable. * @param units the time units of keepAliveTime. * @param failFastOnException if {@code true}, don't run new actions after an uncaught exception. * @param poolName sets the name of threads spawned by the {@link ExecutorService}. If {@code * null}, default thread naming will be used. * @param executorFactory the factory for constructing the executor service if {@code concurrent} * is {@code true}. * @param errorClassifier an error classifier used to determine whether to log and/or stop jobs. * @param errorHandler a handler for classified errors. */ public AbstractQueueVisitor( boolean concurrent, int parallelism, long keepAliveTime, TimeUnit units, boolean failFastOnException, String poolName, Function executorFactory, ErrorClassifier errorClassifier, ErrorHandler errorHandler) { Preconditions.checkNotNull(poolName); Preconditions.checkNotNull(executorFactory); Preconditions.checkNotNull(errorClassifier); this.concurrent = concurrent; this.failFastOnException = failFastOnException; this.ownExecutorService = true; this.executorService = concurrent ? executorFactory.apply( new ExecutorParams( parallelism, keepAliveTime, units, poolName, new BlockingStack())) : null; this.errorClassifier = errorClassifier; this.errorHandler = errorHandler; } /** * Create the {@link AbstractQueueVisitor}. * * @param executorService The {@link ExecutorService} to use. * @param shutdownOnCompletion If {@code true}, pass ownership of the {@link ExecutorService} to * this class. The service will be shut down after a * call to {@link #awaitQuiescence}. Callers must not shutdown the * {@link ExecutorService} while queue visitors use it. * @param failFastOnException if {@code true}, don't run new actions after an uncaught exception. */ public AbstractQueueVisitor( ExecutorService executorService, boolean shutdownOnCompletion, boolean failFastOnException) { this( /*concurrent=*/ true, executorService, shutdownOnCompletion, failFastOnException, ErrorClassifier.DEFAULT, ErrorHandler.NullHandler.INSTANCE); } /** * Create the {@link AbstractQueueVisitor}. * * @param concurrent if {@code false}, run tasks inline instead of using the {@link * ExecutorService}. * @param executorService The {@link ExecutorService} to use. * @param shutdownOnCompletion If {@code true}, pass ownership of the {@link ExecutorService} to * this class. The service will be shut down after a * call to {@link #awaitQuiescence}. Callers must not shut down the * {@link ExecutorService} while queue visitors use it. * @param failFastOnException if {@code true}, don't run new actions after an uncaught exception. */ public AbstractQueueVisitor( boolean concurrent, ExecutorService executorService, boolean shutdownOnCompletion, boolean failFastOnException) { Preconditions.checkArgument(executorService != null || !concurrent); this.concurrent = concurrent; this.failFastOnException = failFastOnException; this.ownExecutorService = shutdownOnCompletion; this.executorService = executorService; this.errorClassifier = ErrorClassifier.DEFAULT; this.errorHandler = ErrorHandler.NullHandler.INSTANCE; } /** * Create the AbstractQueueVisitor. * * @param concurrent if {@code false}, run tasks inline instead of using the {@link * ExecutorService}. * @param executorService The {@link ExecutorService} to use. * @param shutdownOnCompletion If {@code true}, pass ownership of the {@link ExecutorService} to * this class. The service will be shut down after a * call to {@link #awaitQuiescence}. Callers must not shut down the * {@link ExecutorService} while queue visitors use it. * @param failFastOnException if {@code true}, don't run new actions after an uncaught exception. * @param errorClassifier an error classifier used to determine whether to log and/or stop jobs. * @param errorHandler a handler for classified errors. */ public AbstractQueueVisitor( boolean concurrent, ExecutorService executorService, boolean shutdownOnCompletion, boolean failFastOnException, ErrorClassifier errorClassifier, ErrorHandler errorHandler) { Preconditions.checkArgument(executorService != null || !concurrent); this.concurrent = concurrent; this.failFastOnException = failFastOnException; this.ownExecutorService = shutdownOnCompletion; this.executorService = executorService; this.errorClassifier = errorClassifier; this.errorHandler = errorHandler; } /** * Create the {@code AbstractQueueVisitor} with concurrency enabled. * * @param parallelism a measure of parallelism for the {@link ExecutorService}, such as {@code * parallelism} in {@link java.util.concurrent.ForkJoinPool}, or both {@code * corePoolSize} and {@code maximumPoolSize} in {@link ThreadPoolExecutor}. * @param keepAlive the keep-alive time for the {@link ExecutorService}, if applicable. * @param units the time units of keepAliveTime. * @param poolName sets the name of threads spawned by the {@link ExecutorService}. If {@code * null}, default thread naming will be used. */ public AbstractQueueVisitor(int parallelism, long keepAlive, TimeUnit units, String poolName) { this( true, parallelism, keepAlive, units, false, poolName, EXECUTOR_FACTORY, ErrorClassifier.DEFAULT, ErrorHandler.NullHandler.INSTANCE); } @Override public final void awaitQuiescence(boolean interruptWorkers) throws InterruptedException { if (concurrent) { awaitTermination(interruptWorkers); } else { if (Thread.currentThread().isInterrupted()) { throw new InterruptedException(); } } } /** Schedules a call. Called in a worker thread if concurrent. */ @Override public final void execute(Runnable runnable) { if (runConcurrently()) { WrappedRunnable wrappedRunnable = new WrappedRunnable(runnable); try { // It's impossible for this increment to result in remainingTasks.get <= 0 because // remainingTasks is never negative. Therefore it isn't necessary to check its value for // the purpose of updating zeroRemainingTasks. long tasks = remainingTasks.incrementAndGet(); Preconditions.checkState( tasks > 0, "Incrementing remaining tasks counter resulted in impossible non-positive number."); executeRunnable(wrappedRunnable); } catch (Throwable e) { if (!wrappedRunnable.ran) { // Note that keeping track of ranTask is necessary to disambiguate the case where // execute() itself failed, vs. a caller-runs policy on pool exhaustion, where the // runnable threw. To be extra cautious, we decrement the task count in a finally // block, even though the CountDownLatch is unlikely to throw. recordError(e); } } } else { runnable.run(); } } /** * Subclasses may override this to make dynamic decisiouns about whether to run tasks * asynchronously versus in-thread. */ protected boolean runConcurrently() { return concurrent; } /** * Returns an approximate count of how many threads in the queue visitor's thread pool are * occupied with tasks. */ protected final int activeParallelTasks() { return jobs.asMap().size(); } protected void executeRunnable(Runnable runnable) { executorService.execute(runnable); } private void recordError(Throwable e) { try { // If threadInterrupted is true, then RejectedExecutionExceptions are expected. There's no // need to remember them, but there is a need to call decrementRemainingTasks, which is // satisfied by the finally block below. if (e instanceof RejectedExecutionException && threadInterrupted) { return; } catastrophe = e; synchronized (this) { if (unhandled == null) { // save only the first one. unhandled = e; exceptionLatch.countDown(); } } } finally { decrementRemainingTasks(); } } /** * A wrapped {@link Runnable} that: *

*/ private final class WrappedRunnable implements Runnable { private final Runnable originalRunnable; private volatile boolean ran; private WrappedRunnable(Runnable originalRunnable) { this.originalRunnable = originalRunnable; } @Override public void run() { ran = true; Thread thread = null; boolean addedJob = false; try { thread = Thread.currentThread(); addJob(thread); addedJob = true; if (blockNewActions()) { // Make any newly enqueued tasks quickly die. We check after adding to the jobs map so // that if another thread is racing to kill this thread and didn't make it before this // conditional, it will be able to find and kill this thread anyway. return; } originalRunnable.run(); } catch (Throwable e) { synchronized (AbstractQueueVisitor.this) { if (unhandled == null) { // save only the first one. unhandled = e; exceptionLatch.countDown(); } markToStopAllJobsIfNeeded(e); } } finally { try { if (thread != null && addedJob) { removeJob(thread); } } finally { decrementRemainingTasks(); } } } } private void addJob(Thread thread) { jobs.incrementAndGet(thread); } private void removeJob(Thread thread) { if (jobs.decrementAndGet(thread) == 0) { jobs.remove(thread); } } /** Set an internal flag to show that an interrupt was detected. */ private void setInterrupted() { threadInterrupted = true; } private void decrementRemainingTasks() { // This decrement statement may result in remainingTasks.get() == 0, so it must be checked // and the zeroRemainingTasks condition object notified if that condition is obtained. long tasks = remainingTasks.decrementAndGet(); Preconditions.checkState( tasks >= 0, "Decrementing remaining tasks counter resulted in impossible negative number."); if (tasks == 0) { synchronized (zeroRemainingTasks) { zeroRemainingTasks.notify(); } } } /** If this returns true, don't enqueue new actions. */ protected boolean blockNewActions() { return isInterrupted() || (unhandled != null && failFastOnException); } @VisibleForTesting @Override public final CountDownLatch getExceptionLatchForTestingOnly() { return exceptionLatch; } @VisibleForTesting @Override public final CountDownLatch getInterruptionLatchForTestingOnly() { return interruptedLatch; } /** Get the value of the interrupted flag. */ @ThreadSafety.ThreadSafe protected final boolean isInterrupted() { return threadInterrupted; } /** * Get number of jobs remaining. Note that this can increase in value if running tasks submit * further jobs. */ @VisibleForTesting protected final long getTaskCount() { return remainingTasks.get(); } /** * Waits for the task queue to drain, then shuts down the {@link ExecutorService} and * waits for it to terminate. Throws (the same) unchecked exception if any * worker thread failed unexpectedly. */ private void awaitTermination(boolean interruptWorkers) throws InterruptedException { Throwables.propagateIfPossible(catastrophe); try { synchronized (zeroRemainingTasks) { while (remainingTasks.get() != 0 && !jobsMustBeStopped) { zeroRemainingTasks.wait(); } } } catch (InterruptedException e) { // Mark the visitor, so that it's known to be interrupted, and // then break out of here, stop the worker threads and return ASAP, // sending the interruption to the parent thread. setInterrupted(); } reallyAwaitTermination(interruptWorkers); if (isInterrupted()) { // Set interrupted bit on current thread so that callers can see that it was interrupted. Note // that if the thread was interrupted while awaiting termination, we might not hit this // codepath, but then the current thread's interrupt bit is already set, so we are fine. Thread.currentThread().interrupt(); } // Throw the first unhandled (worker thread) exception in the main thread. We throw an unchecked // exception instead of InterruptedException if both are present because an unchecked exception // may indicate a catastrophic failure that should shut down the program. The caller can // check the interrupted bit if they will handle the unchecked exception without crashing. Throwables.propagateIfPossible(unhandled); if (Thread.interrupted()) { throw new InterruptedException(); } } private void reallyAwaitTermination(boolean interruptWorkers) { // TODO(bazel-team): verify that interrupt() is safe for every use of // AbstractQueueVisitor and remove the interruptWorkers flag. if (interruptWorkers && !jobs.isEmpty()) { interruptInFlightTasks(); } if (isInterrupted()) { interruptedLatch.countDown(); } Throwables.propagateIfPossible(catastrophe); synchronized (zeroRemainingTasks) { while (remainingTasks.get() != 0) { try { zeroRemainingTasks.wait(); } catch (InterruptedException e) { setInterrupted(); } } } if (ownExecutorService) { executorService.shutdown(); for (;;) { try { Throwables.propagateIfPossible(catastrophe); executorService.awaitTermination(Integer.MAX_VALUE, TimeUnit.SECONDS); break; } catch (InterruptedException e) { setInterrupted(); } } } } private void interruptInFlightTasks() { Thread thisThread = Thread.currentThread(); for (Thread thread : jobs.asMap().keySet()) { if (thisThread != thread) { thread.interrupt(); } } } /** * Classifies a {@link Throwable} {@param e} thrown by a job. * *

If it is classified as critical, then this sets the {@link #jobsMustBeStopped} flag to * {@code true} which signals {@link #awaitTermination(boolean)} to stop all jobs. * *

Also logs details about {@param e} if it is classified as something that must be logged. */ private void markToStopAllJobsIfNeeded(Throwable e) { boolean critical = false; ErrorClassification errorClassification = errorClassifier.classify(e); switch (errorClassification) { case CRITICAL_AND_LOG: critical = true; LOG.log(Level.WARNING, "Found critical error in queue visitor", e); break; case CRITICAL: critical = true; break; default: break; } errorHandler.handle(e, errorClassification); synchronized (zeroRemainingTasks) { if (critical && !jobsMustBeStopped) { jobsMustBeStopped = true; zeroRemainingTasks.notify(); } } } }