// Copyright 2014 The Bazel Authors. All rights reserved. // // Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); // you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. // You may obtain a copy of the License at // // http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 // // Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software // distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, // WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. // See the License for the specific language governing permissions and // limitations under the License. package com.google.devtools.build.lib.analysis.skylark; import com.google.common.collect.ImmutableList; import com.google.common.collect.ImmutableMap; import com.google.common.collect.ImmutableSet; import com.google.devtools.build.lib.actions.Artifact; import com.google.devtools.build.lib.analysis.ActionsProvider; import com.google.devtools.build.lib.analysis.ConfiguredTarget; import com.google.devtools.build.lib.analysis.DefaultInfo; import com.google.devtools.build.lib.analysis.RuleConfiguredTargetBuilder; import com.google.devtools.build.lib.analysis.RuleContext; import com.google.devtools.build.lib.analysis.Runfiles; import com.google.devtools.build.lib.analysis.RunfilesProvider; import com.google.devtools.build.lib.analysis.RunfilesSupport; import com.google.devtools.build.lib.analysis.SkylarkProviderValidationUtil; import com.google.devtools.build.lib.analysis.test.InstrumentedFilesCollector; import com.google.devtools.build.lib.analysis.test.InstrumentedFilesCollector.InstrumentationSpec; import com.google.devtools.build.lib.analysis.test.InstrumentedFilesProvider; import com.google.devtools.build.lib.collect.nestedset.NestedSet; import com.google.devtools.build.lib.collect.nestedset.NestedSetBuilder; import com.google.devtools.build.lib.events.Location; import com.google.devtools.build.lib.packages.Info; import com.google.devtools.build.lib.packages.NativeProvider; import com.google.devtools.build.lib.packages.Rule; import com.google.devtools.build.lib.packages.TargetUtils; import com.google.devtools.build.lib.skylarkinterface.SkylarkValue; import com.google.devtools.build.lib.syntax.BaseFunction; import com.google.devtools.build.lib.syntax.ClassObject; import com.google.devtools.build.lib.syntax.Environment; import com.google.devtools.build.lib.syntax.EvalException; import com.google.devtools.build.lib.syntax.EvalExceptionWithStackTrace; import com.google.devtools.build.lib.syntax.EvalUtils; import com.google.devtools.build.lib.syntax.Mutability; import com.google.devtools.build.lib.syntax.Runtime; import com.google.devtools.build.lib.syntax.SkylarkList; import com.google.devtools.build.lib.syntax.SkylarkNestedSet; import com.google.devtools.build.lib.syntax.SkylarkSemantics; import com.google.devtools.build.lib.syntax.SkylarkType; import com.google.devtools.build.lib.syntax.Type; import com.google.devtools.build.lib.util.FileType; import com.google.devtools.build.lib.util.FileTypeSet; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import javax.annotation.Nullable; /** * A helper class to build Rule Configured Targets via runtime loaded rule implementations defined * using the Skylark Build Extension Language. */ public final class SkylarkRuleConfiguredTargetUtil { private SkylarkRuleConfiguredTargetUtil() {} private static final ImmutableSet DEFAULT_PROVIDER_FIELDS = ImmutableSet.of("files", "runfiles", "data_runfiles", "default_runfiles", "executable"); /** * Create a Rule Configured Target from the ruleContext and the ruleImplementation. */ public static ConfiguredTarget buildRule( RuleContext ruleContext, BaseFunction ruleImplementation, SkylarkSemantics skylarkSemantics) throws InterruptedException { String expectFailure = ruleContext.attributes().get("expect_failure", Type.STRING); SkylarkRuleContext skylarkRuleContext = null; try (Mutability mutability = Mutability.create("configured target")) { skylarkRuleContext = new SkylarkRuleContext(ruleContext, null, skylarkSemantics); Environment env = Environment.builder(mutability) .setCallerLabel(ruleContext.getLabel()) .setSemantics(skylarkSemantics) .setEventHandler(ruleContext.getAnalysisEnvironment().getEventHandler()) .build(); // NB: loading phase functions are not available: this is analysis already, // so we do *not* setLoadingPhase(). Object target = ruleImplementation.call( /*args=*/ ImmutableList.of(skylarkRuleContext), /*kwargs*/ ImmutableMap.of(), /*ast=*/ null, env); if (ruleContext.hasErrors()) { return null; } else if (!(target instanceof Info) && target != Runtime.NONE && !(target instanceof Iterable)) { ruleContext.ruleError( String.format( "Rule should return a struct or a list, but got %s", SkylarkType.typeOf(target))); return null; } else if (!expectFailure.isEmpty()) { ruleContext.ruleError("Expected failure not found: " + expectFailure); return null; } ConfiguredTarget configuredTarget = createTarget(skylarkRuleContext, target); SkylarkProviderValidationUtil.checkOrphanArtifacts(ruleContext); return configuredTarget; } catch (EvalException e) { addRuleToStackTrace(e, ruleContext.getRule(), ruleImplementation); // If the error was expected, return an empty target. if (!expectFailure.isEmpty() && getMessageWithoutStackTrace(e).matches(expectFailure)) { return new RuleConfiguredTargetBuilder(ruleContext) .add(RunfilesProvider.class, RunfilesProvider.EMPTY) .build(); } ruleContext.ruleError("\n" + e.print()); return null; } finally { if (skylarkRuleContext != null) { skylarkRuleContext.nullify(); } } } /** * Adds the given rule to the stack trace of the exception (if there is one). */ private static void addRuleToStackTrace(EvalException ex, Rule rule, BaseFunction ruleImpl) { if (ex instanceof EvalExceptionWithStackTrace) { ((EvalExceptionWithStackTrace) ex) .registerPhantomFuncall( String.format("%s(name = '%s')", rule.getRuleClass(), rule.getName()), rule.getLocation(), ruleImpl); } } /** * Returns the message of the given exception after removing the stack trace, if present. */ private static String getMessageWithoutStackTrace(EvalException ex) { if (ex instanceof EvalExceptionWithStackTrace) { return ((EvalExceptionWithStackTrace) ex).getOriginalMessage(); } return ex.getMessage(); } private static ConfiguredTarget createTarget(SkylarkRuleContext context, Object target) throws EvalException { RuleConfiguredTargetBuilder builder = new RuleConfiguredTargetBuilder( context.getRuleContext()); // Set the default files to build. Location loc = context.getRuleContext() .getRule() .getRuleClassObject() .getConfiguredTargetFunction() .getLocation(); addProviders(context, builder, target, loc); try { return builder.build(); } catch (IllegalArgumentException e) { throw new EvalException(loc, e.getMessage()); } } private static void addOutputGroups(Object value, Location loc, RuleConfiguredTargetBuilder builder) throws EvalException { Map outputGroups = SkylarkType.castMap(value, String.class, SkylarkValue.class, "output_groups"); for (String outputGroup : outputGroups.keySet()) { SkylarkValue objects = outputGroups.get(outputGroup); NestedSet artifacts = convertToOutputGroupValue(loc, outputGroup, objects); builder.addOutputGroup(outputGroup, artifacts); } } private static void addInstrumentedFiles( Info insStruct, RuleContext ruleContext, RuleConfiguredTargetBuilder builder) throws EvalException { Location insLoc = insStruct.getCreationLoc(); FileTypeSet fileTypeSet = FileTypeSet.ANY_FILE; if (insStruct.getFieldNames().contains("extensions")) { @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") List exts = cast("extensions", insStruct, SkylarkList.class, String.class, insLoc); if (exts.isEmpty()) { fileTypeSet = FileTypeSet.NO_FILE; } else { FileType[] fileTypes = new FileType[exts.size()]; for (int i = 0; i < fileTypes.length; i++) { fileTypes[i] = FileType.of(exts.get(i)); } fileTypeSet = FileTypeSet.of(fileTypes); } } List dependencyAttributes = Collections.emptyList(); if (insStruct.getFieldNames().contains("dependency_attributes")) { dependencyAttributes = cast("dependency_attributes", insStruct, SkylarkList.class, String.class, insLoc); } List sourceAttributes = Collections.emptyList(); if (insStruct.getFieldNames().contains("source_attributes")) { sourceAttributes = cast("source_attributes", insStruct, SkylarkList.class, String.class, insLoc); } InstrumentationSpec instrumentationSpec = new InstrumentationSpec(fileTypeSet) .withSourceAttributes(sourceAttributes.toArray(new String[0])) .withDependencyAttributes(dependencyAttributes.toArray(new String[0])); InstrumentedFilesProvider instrumentedFilesProvider = InstrumentedFilesCollector.collect( ruleContext, instrumentationSpec, InstrumentedFilesCollector.NO_METADATA_COLLECTOR, Collections.emptySet()); builder.addProvider(InstrumentedFilesProvider.class, instrumentedFilesProvider); } public static NestedSet convertToOutputGroupValue(Location loc, String outputGroup, Object objects) throws EvalException { NestedSet artifacts; String typeErrorMessage = "Output group '%s' is of unexpected type. " + "Should be list or set of Files, but got '%s' instead."; if (objects instanceof SkylarkList) { NestedSetBuilder nestedSetBuilder = NestedSetBuilder.stableOrder(); for (Object o : (SkylarkList) objects) { if (o instanceof Artifact) { nestedSetBuilder.add((Artifact) o); } else { throw new EvalException( loc, String.format( typeErrorMessage, outputGroup, "list with an element of " + EvalUtils.getDataTypeNameFromClass(o.getClass()))); } } artifacts = nestedSetBuilder.build(); } else { artifacts = SkylarkType.cast( objects, SkylarkNestedSet.class, Artifact.class, loc, typeErrorMessage, outputGroup, EvalUtils.getDataTypeName(objects, true)) .getSet(Artifact.class); } return artifacts; } private static void addProviders( SkylarkRuleContext context, RuleConfiguredTargetBuilder builder, Object target, Location loc) throws EvalException { Info oldStyleProviders = NativeProvider.STRUCT.createEmpty(loc); ArrayList declaredProviders = new ArrayList<>(); if (target instanceof Info) { // Either an old-style struct or a single declared provider (not in a list) Info struct = (Info) target; // Use the creation location of this struct as a better reference in error messages loc = struct.getCreationLoc(); if (struct.getProvider().getKey().equals(NativeProvider.STRUCT.getKey())) { // Old-style struct, but it may contain declared providers oldStyleProviders = struct; if (struct.hasField("providers")) { Iterable iterable = cast("providers", struct, Iterable.class, loc); for (Object o : iterable) { Info declaredProvider = SkylarkType.cast( o, Info.class, loc, "The value of 'providers' should be a sequence of declared providers"); declaredProviders.add(declaredProvider); } } } else { // Single declared provider declaredProviders.add(struct); } } else if (target instanceof Iterable) { // Sequence of declared providers for (Object o : (Iterable) target) { Info declaredProvider = SkylarkType.cast( o, Info.class, loc, "A return value of a rule implementation function should be " + "a sequence of declared providers"); declaredProviders.add(declaredProvider); } } boolean defaultProviderProvidedExplicitly = false; for (Info declaredProvider : declaredProviders) { if (declaredProvider .getProvider() .getKey() .equals(DefaultInfo.PROVIDER.getKey())) { parseDefaultProviderFields(declaredProvider, context, builder); defaultProviderProvidedExplicitly = true; } else { builder.addSkylarkDeclaredProvider(declaredProvider); } } if (!defaultProviderProvidedExplicitly) { parseDefaultProviderFields(oldStyleProviders, context, builder); } for (String field : oldStyleProviders.getFieldNames()) { if (DEFAULT_PROVIDER_FIELDS.contains(field)) { // These fields have already been parsed above. // If a default provider has been provided explicitly then it's an error that they also // occur here. if (defaultProviderProvidedExplicitly) { throw new EvalException( loc, "Provider '" + field + "' should be specified in DefaultInfo if it's provided explicitly."); } } else if (field.equals("output_groups")) { addOutputGroups(oldStyleProviders.getValue(field), loc, builder); } else if (field.equals("instrumented_files")) { Info insStruct = cast("instrumented_files", oldStyleProviders, Info.class, loc); addInstrumentedFiles(insStruct, context.getRuleContext(), builder); } else if (isNativeDeclaredProviderWithLegacySkylarkName(oldStyleProviders.getValue(field))) { builder.addNativeDeclaredProvider((Info) oldStyleProviders.getValue(field)); } else if (!field.equals("providers")) { // We handled providers already. builder.addSkylarkTransitiveInfo(field, oldStyleProviders.getValue(field), loc); } } } private static boolean isNativeDeclaredProviderWithLegacySkylarkName(Object value) { if (!(value instanceof Info)) { return false; } return ((Info) value).getProvider() instanceof NativeProvider.WithLegacySkylarkName; } /** * Parses fields of (not necessarily a default) provider. If it is an actual default provider, * throws an {@link EvalException} if there are unknown fields. */ private static void parseDefaultProviderFields( Info provider, SkylarkRuleContext context, RuleConfiguredTargetBuilder builder) throws EvalException { SkylarkNestedSet files = null; Runfiles statelessRunfiles = null; Runfiles dataRunfiles = null; Runfiles defaultRunfiles = null; Artifact executable = null; Location loc = provider.getCreationLoc(); for (String field : provider.getFieldNames()) { if (field.equals("files")) { files = cast("files", provider, SkylarkNestedSet.class, Artifact.class, loc); } else if (field.equals("runfiles")) { statelessRunfiles = cast("runfiles", provider, Runfiles.class, loc); } else if (field.equals("data_runfiles")) { dataRunfiles = cast("data_runfiles", provider, Runfiles.class, loc); } else if (field.equals("default_runfiles")) { defaultRunfiles = cast("default_runfiles", provider, Runfiles.class, loc); } else if (field.equals("executable")) { executable = cast("executable", provider, Artifact.class, loc); if (!executable.getArtifactOwner().equals(context.getRuleContext().getOwner())) { throw new EvalException( loc, String.format( "'executable' provided by an executable rule '%s' should be created " + "by the same rule.", context.getRuleContext().getRule().getRuleClass())); } } else if (provider .getProvider() .getKey() .equals(DefaultInfo.PROVIDER.getKey())) { // Custom fields are not allowed for default providers throw new EvalException(loc, "Invalid field for default provider: " + field); } } if (executable != null && context.isExecutable() && context.isDefaultExecutableCreated()) { Artifact defaultExecutable = context.getRuleContext().createOutputArtifact(); if (!executable.equals(defaultExecutable)) { throw new EvalException(loc, String.format( "The rule '%s' both accesses 'ctx.outputs.executable' and provides " + "a different executable '%s'. Do not use 'ctx.output.executable'.", context.getRuleContext().getRule().getRuleClass(), executable.getRootRelativePathString()) ); } } if (executable == null && context.isExecutable()) { if (context.isDefaultExecutableCreated()) { // This doesn't actually create a new Artifact just returns the one // created in SkylarkRuleContext. executable = context.getRuleContext().createOutputArtifact(); } else { throw new EvalException(loc, String.format("The rule '%s' is executable. " + "It needs to create an executable File and pass it as the 'executable' " + "parameter to the DefaultInfo it returns.", context.getRuleContext().getRule().getRuleClass())); } } addSimpleProviders( builder, context.getRuleContext(), loc, executable, files, statelessRunfiles, dataRunfiles, defaultRunfiles); } private static void addSimpleProviders( RuleConfiguredTargetBuilder builder, RuleContext ruleContext, Location loc, Artifact executable, @Nullable SkylarkNestedSet files, Runfiles statelessRunfiles, Runfiles dataRunfiles, Runfiles defaultRunfiles) throws EvalException { // TODO(bazel-team) if both 'files' and 'executable' are provided 'files' override 'executalbe' NestedSetBuilder filesToBuild = NestedSetBuilder.stableOrder().addAll(ruleContext.getOutputArtifacts()); if (executable != null) { filesToBuild.add(executable); } builder.setFilesToBuild(filesToBuild.build()); if (files != null) { // If we specify files_to_build we don't have the executable in it by default. builder.setFilesToBuild(files.getSet(Artifact.class)); } if ((statelessRunfiles != null) && (dataRunfiles != null || defaultRunfiles != null)) { throw new EvalException(loc, "Cannot specify the provider 'runfiles' " + "together with 'data_runfiles' or 'default_runfiles'"); } if (statelessRunfiles == null && dataRunfiles == null && defaultRunfiles == null) { // No runfiles specified, set default statelessRunfiles = Runfiles.EMPTY; } RunfilesProvider runfilesProvider = statelessRunfiles != null ? RunfilesProvider.simple(mergeFiles(statelessRunfiles, executable, ruleContext)) : RunfilesProvider.withData( // The executable doesn't get into the default runfiles if we have runfiles states. // This is to keep skylark genrule consistent with the original genrule. defaultRunfiles != null ? defaultRunfiles : Runfiles.EMPTY, dataRunfiles != null ? dataRunfiles : Runfiles.EMPTY); builder.addProvider(RunfilesProvider.class, runfilesProvider); Runfiles computedDefaultRunfiles = runfilesProvider.getDefaultRunfiles(); // This works because we only allowed to call a rule *_test iff it's a test type rule. boolean testRule = TargetUtils.isTestRuleName(ruleContext.getRule().getRuleClass()); if (testRule && computedDefaultRunfiles.isEmpty()) { throw new EvalException(loc, "Test rules have to define runfiles"); } if (executable != null || testRule) { RunfilesSupport runfilesSupport = computedDefaultRunfiles.isEmpty() ? null : RunfilesSupport.withExecutable(ruleContext, computedDefaultRunfiles, executable); builder.setRunfilesSupport(runfilesSupport, executable); } if (ruleContext.getRule().getRuleClassObject().isSkylarkTestable()) { Info actions = ActionsProvider.create(ruleContext.getAnalysisEnvironment().getRegisteredActions()); builder.addSkylarkDeclaredProvider(actions); } } private static T cast(String paramName, ClassObject struct, Class expectedGenericType, Class expectedArgumentType, Location loc) throws EvalException { Object value = struct.getValue(paramName); return SkylarkType.cast(value, expectedGenericType, expectedArgumentType, loc, "expected %s for '%s' but got %s instead: %s", SkylarkType.of(expectedGenericType, expectedArgumentType), paramName, EvalUtils.getDataTypeName(value, true), value); } private static T cast(String paramName, ClassObject struct, Class expectedType, Location loc) throws EvalException { Object value = struct.getValue(paramName); return SkylarkType.cast(value, expectedType, loc, "expected %s for '%s' but got %s instead: %s", SkylarkType.of(expectedType), paramName, EvalUtils.getDataTypeName(value, false), value); } private static Runfiles mergeFiles( Runfiles runfiles, Artifact executable, RuleContext ruleContext) { if (executable == null) { return runfiles; } return new Runfiles.Builder( ruleContext.getWorkspaceName(), ruleContext.getConfiguration().legacyExternalRunfiles()) .addArtifact(executable) .merge(runfiles).build(); } }