// Copyright 2014 The Bazel Authors. All rights reserved. // // Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); // you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. // You may obtain a copy of the License at // // http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 // // Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software // distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, // WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. // See the License for the specific language governing permissions and // limitations under the License. package com.google.devtools.build.lib.analysis; import com.google.common.annotations.VisibleForTesting; import com.google.common.collect.ImmutableList; import com.google.devtools.build.lib.actions.Artifact; import com.google.devtools.build.lib.analysis.RuleConfiguredTarget.Mode; import com.google.devtools.build.lib.analysis.SourceManifestAction.ManifestType; import com.google.devtools.build.lib.analysis.actions.ActionConstructionContext; import com.google.devtools.build.lib.analysis.config.BuildConfiguration; import com.google.devtools.build.lib.analysis.config.RunUnder; import com.google.devtools.build.lib.concurrent.ThreadSafety.Immutable; import com.google.devtools.build.lib.packages.TargetUtils; import com.google.devtools.build.lib.util.Preconditions; import com.google.devtools.build.lib.vfs.FileSystemUtils; import com.google.devtools.build.lib.vfs.Path; import com.google.devtools.build.lib.vfs.PathFragment; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Set; /** * This class manages the creation of the runfiles symlink farms. * *

For executables that might depend on the existence of files at run-time, we create a symlink * farm: a directory which contains symlinks to the right locations for those runfiles. * *

The runfiles symlink farm serves two purposes. The first is to allow programs (and * programmers) to refer to files using their workspace-relative paths, regardless of whether the * files were source files or generated files, and regardless of which part of the package path they * came from. The second purpose is to ensure that all run-time dependencies are explicitly declared * in the BUILD files; programs may only use files which the build system knows that they depend on. * *

The symlink farm contains a MANIFEST file which describes its contents. The MANIFEST file * lists the names and contents of all of the symlinks in the symlink farm. For efficiency, Blaze's * dependency analysis ignores the actual symlinks and just looks at the MANIFEST file. It is an * invariant that the MANIFEST file should accurately represent the contents of the symlinks * whenever the MANIFEST file is present. build_runfile_links.py preserves this invariant (modulo * bugs - currently it has a bug where it may fail to preserve that invariant if it gets * interrupted). So the Blaze dependency analysis looks only at the MANIFEST file, rather than at * the individual symlinks. * *

We create an Artifact for the MANIFEST file and a RunfilesAction Action to create it. This * action does not depend on any other Artifacts. * *

When building an executable and running it, there are three things which must be built: the * executable itself, the runfiles symlink farm (represented in the action graph by the Artifact for * its MANIFEST), and the files pointed to by the symlinks in the symlink farm. To avoid redundancy * in the dependency analysis, we create a Middleman Artifact which depends on all of these. Actions * which will run an executable should depend on this Middleman Artifact. */ @Immutable public final class RunfilesSupport { private static final String RUNFILES_DIR_EXT = ".runfiles"; private final Runfiles runfiles; private final Artifact runfilesInputManifest; private final Artifact runfilesManifest; private final Artifact runfilesMiddleman; private final Artifact sourcesManifest; private final Artifact owningExecutable; private final boolean createSymlinks; private final ImmutableList args; /** * Creates the RunfilesSupport helper with the given executable and runfiles. * * @param ruleContext the rule context to create the runfiles support for * @param executable the executable for whose runfiles this runfiles support is responsible, may * be null * @param runfiles the runfiles * @param appendingArgs to be added after the rule's args */ private RunfilesSupport(RuleContext ruleContext, Artifact executable, Runfiles runfiles, List appendingArgs, boolean createSymlinks) { owningExecutable = Preconditions.checkNotNull(executable); this.createSymlinks = createSymlinks; // Adding run_under target to the runfiles manifest so it would become part // of runfiles tree and would be executable everywhere. RunUnder runUnder = ruleContext.getConfiguration().getRunUnder(); if (runUnder != null && runUnder.getLabel() != null && TargetUtils.isTestRule(ruleContext.getRule())) { TransitiveInfoCollection runUnderTarget = ruleContext.getPrerequisite(":run_under", Mode.DATA); runfiles = new Runfiles.Builder( ruleContext.getWorkspaceName(), ruleContext.getConfiguration().legacyExternalRunfiles()) .merge(getRunfiles(runUnderTarget)) .merge(runfiles) .build(); } this.runfiles = runfiles; Preconditions.checkState(!runfiles.isEmpty()); Map symlinks = getRunfilesSymlinks(); if (executable != null && !symlinks.containsValue(executable)) { throw new IllegalStateException("main program " + executable + " not included in runfiles"); } Artifact artifactsMiddleman = createArtifactsMiddleman(ruleContext, runfiles.getAllArtifacts()); runfilesInputManifest = createRunfilesInputManifestArtifact(ruleContext); this.runfilesManifest = createRunfilesAction(ruleContext, runfiles, artifactsMiddleman); this.runfilesMiddleman = createRunfilesMiddleman( ruleContext, artifactsMiddleman, runfilesManifest); sourcesManifest = createSourceManifest(ruleContext, runfiles); args = ImmutableList.builder() .addAll(ruleContext.getTokenizedStringListAttr("args")) .addAll(appendingArgs) .build(); } /** * Returns the executable owning this RunfilesSupport. Only use from Skylark. */ public Artifact getExecutable() { return owningExecutable; } /** * Returns the exec path of the directory where the runfiles contained in this * RunfilesSupport are generated. When the owning rule has no executable, * returns null. */ public PathFragment getRunfilesDirectoryExecPath() { PathFragment executablePath = owningExecutable.getExecPath(); return executablePath.getParentDirectory().getChild( executablePath.getBaseName() + RUNFILES_DIR_EXT); } /** @return whether or not runfiles symlinks should be created */ public boolean getCreateSymlinks() { return createSymlinks; } public Runfiles getRunfiles() { return runfiles; } /** * For executable programs, the .runfiles_manifest file outside of the * runfiles symlink farm; otherwise, returns null. * *

The MANIFEST file represents the contents of all of the symlinks in the * symlink farm. For efficiency, Blaze's dependency analysis ignores the * actual symlinks and just looks at the MANIFEST file. It is an invariant * that the MANIFEST file should accurately represent the contents of the * symlinks whenever the MANIFEST file is present. */ public Artifact getRunfilesInputManifest() { return runfilesInputManifest; } private Artifact createRunfilesInputManifestArtifact(RuleContext context) { // The executable may be null for emptyRunfiles PathFragment relativePath = (owningExecutable != null) ? owningExecutable.getRootRelativePath() : context.getPackageDirectory().getRelative(context.getLabel().getName()); String basename = relativePath.getBaseName(); PathFragment inputManifestPath = relativePath.replaceName(basename + ".runfiles_manifest"); return context.getDerivedArtifact(inputManifestPath, context.getConfiguration().getBinDirectory(context.getRule().getRepository())); } /** * For executable programs, returns the MANIFEST file in the runfiles * symlink farm, if blaze is run with --build_runfile_links; returns * the .runfiles_manifest file outside of the symlink farm, if blaze * is run with --nobuild_runfile_links. *

* Beware: In most cases {@link #getRunfilesInputManifest} is the more * appropriate function. */ public Artifact getRunfilesManifest() { return runfilesManifest; } /** * For executable programs, the root directory of the runfiles symlink farm; * otherwise, returns null. */ public Path getRunfilesDirectory() { return FileSystemUtils.replaceExtension(getRunfilesInputManifest().getPath(), RUNFILES_DIR_EXT); } /** * Returns the files pointed to by the symlinks in the runfiles symlink farm. This method is slow. */ @VisibleForTesting public Collection getRunfilesSymlinkTargets() { return getRunfilesSymlinks().values(); } /** * Returns the names of the symlinks in the runfiles symlink farm as a Set of PathFragments. This * method is slow. */ // We should make this VisibleForTesting, but it is still used by TestHelper public Set getRunfilesSymlinkNames() { return getRunfilesSymlinks().keySet(); } /** * Returns the names of the symlinks in the runfiles symlink farm as a Set of PathFragments. This * method is slow. */ @VisibleForTesting public Map getRunfilesSymlinks() { return runfiles.asMapWithoutRootSymlinks(); } /** * Returns both runfiles artifacts and "conditional" artifacts that may be part of a * Runfiles PruningManifest. This means the returned set may be an overapproximation of the * actual set of runfiles (see {@link Runfiles.PruningManifest}). */ public Iterable getRunfilesArtifactsWithoutMiddlemen() { return runfiles.getArtifactsWithoutMiddlemen(); } /** * Returns the name of the workspace that the build is occurring in. */ public PathFragment getWorkspaceName() { return runfiles.getSuffix(); } /** * Returns the middleman artifact that depends on getExecutable(), * getRunfilesManifest(), and getRunfilesSymlinkTargets(). Anything which * needs to actually run the executable should depend on this. */ public Artifact getRunfilesMiddleman() { return runfilesMiddleman; } /** * Returns the Sources manifest. */ public Artifact getSourceManifest() { return sourcesManifest; } private Artifact createArtifactsMiddleman(ActionConstructionContext context, Iterable allRunfilesArtifacts) { return context.getAnalysisEnvironment().getMiddlemanFactory().createRunfilesMiddleman( context.getActionOwner(), owningExecutable, allRunfilesArtifacts, context.getConfiguration().getMiddlemanDirectory(context.getRule().getRepository()), "runfiles_artifacts"); } private Artifact createRunfilesMiddleman(ActionConstructionContext context, Artifact artifactsMiddleman, Artifact outputManifest) { return context.getAnalysisEnvironment().getMiddlemanFactory().createRunfilesMiddleman( context.getActionOwner(), owningExecutable, ImmutableList.of(artifactsMiddleman, outputManifest), context.getConfiguration().getMiddlemanDirectory(context.getRule().getRepository()), "runfiles"); } /** * Creates a runfiles action for all of the specified files, and returns the * output artifact (the artifact for the MANIFEST file). * *

The "runfiles" action creates a symlink farm that links all the runfiles * (which may come from different places, e.g. different package paths, * generated files, etc.) into a single tree, so that programs can access them * using the workspace-relative name. */ private Artifact createRunfilesAction(ActionConstructionContext context, Runfiles runfiles, Artifact artifactsMiddleman) { // Compute the names of the runfiles directory and its MANIFEST file. Artifact inputManifest = getRunfilesInputManifest(); context.getAnalysisEnvironment().registerAction( SourceManifestAction.forRunfiles( ManifestType.SOURCE_SYMLINKS, context.getActionOwner(), inputManifest, runfiles)); if (!createSymlinks) { // Just return the manifest if that's all the build calls for. return inputManifest; } PathFragment runfilesDir = FileSystemUtils.replaceExtension(inputManifest.getRootRelativePath(), RUNFILES_DIR_EXT); PathFragment outputManifestPath = runfilesDir.getRelative("MANIFEST"); BuildConfiguration config = context.getConfiguration(); Artifact outputManifest = context.getDerivedArtifact( outputManifestPath, config.getBinDirectory(context.getRule().getRepository())); context .getAnalysisEnvironment() .registerAction( new SymlinkTreeAction( context.getActionOwner(), inputManifest, artifactsMiddleman, outputManifest, /*filesetTree=*/ false, config.getLocalShellEnvironment(), config.runfilesEnabled())); return outputManifest; } /** * Creates an Artifact which writes the "sources only" manifest file. * * @param context the owner for the manifest action * @param runfiles the runfiles * @return the Artifact representing the file write action. */ private Artifact createSourceManifest(ActionConstructionContext context, Runfiles runfiles) { // Put the sources only manifest next to the MANIFEST file but call it SOURCES. PathFragment executablePath = owningExecutable.getRootRelativePath(); PathFragment sourcesManifestPath = executablePath.getParentDirectory().getChild( executablePath.getBaseName() + ".runfiles.SOURCES"); Artifact sourceOnlyManifest = context.getDerivedArtifact( sourcesManifestPath, context.getConfiguration().getBinDirectory(context.getRule().getRepository())); context.getAnalysisEnvironment().registerAction(SourceManifestAction.forRunfiles( ManifestType.SOURCES_ONLY, context.getActionOwner(), sourceOnlyManifest, runfiles)); return sourceOnlyManifest; } /** * Helper method that returns a collection of artifacts that are necessary for the runfiles of the * given target. Note that the runfile symlink tree is never built, so this may include artifacts * that end up not being used (see {@link Runfiles}). * * @return the Runfiles object */ private static Runfiles getRunfiles(TransitiveInfoCollection target) { RunfilesProvider runfilesProvider = target.getProvider(RunfilesProvider.class); if (runfilesProvider != null) { return runfilesProvider.getDefaultRunfiles(); } else { return Runfiles.EMPTY; } } /** * Returns the unmodifiable list of expanded and tokenized 'args' attribute * values. */ public List getArgs() { return args; } /** * Creates and returns a RunfilesSupport object for the given rule and executable. Note that this * method calls back into the passed in rule to obtain the runfiles. */ public static RunfilesSupport withExecutable(RuleContext ruleContext, Runfiles runfiles, Artifact executable) { return new RunfilesSupport(ruleContext, executable, runfiles, ImmutableList.of(), ruleContext.shouldCreateRunfilesSymlinks()); } /** * Creates and returns a RunfilesSupport object for the given rule and executable. Note that this * method calls back into the passed in rule to obtain the runfiles. */ public static RunfilesSupport withExecutable(RuleContext ruleContext, Runfiles runfiles, Artifact executable, boolean createSymlinks) { return new RunfilesSupport(ruleContext, executable, runfiles, ImmutableList.of(), createSymlinks); } /** * Creates and returns a RunfilesSupport object for the given rule, executable, runfiles and args. */ public static RunfilesSupport withExecutable(RuleContext ruleContext, Runfiles runfiles, Artifact executable, List appendingArgs) { return new RunfilesSupport(ruleContext, executable, runfiles, ImmutableList.copyOf(appendingArgs), ruleContext.shouldCreateRunfilesSymlinks()); } }