// Copyright 2014 The Bazel Authors. All rights reserved. // // Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); // you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. // You may obtain a copy of the License at // // http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 // // Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software // distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, // WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. // See the License for the specific language governing permissions and // limitations under the License. package com.google.devtools.build.lib.analysis; import static java.util.stream.Collectors.joining; import com.google.common.annotations.VisibleForTesting; import com.google.common.base.Supplier; import com.google.common.base.Suppliers; import com.google.common.collect.ImmutableCollection; import com.google.common.collect.ImmutableMap; import com.google.common.collect.Iterables; import com.google.common.collect.Maps; import com.google.common.collect.Sets; import com.google.devtools.build.lib.actions.Artifact; import com.google.devtools.build.lib.analysis.configuredtargets.RuleConfiguredTarget.Mode; import com.google.devtools.build.lib.cmdline.Label; import com.google.devtools.build.lib.cmdline.LabelSyntaxException; import com.google.devtools.build.lib.packages.BuildType; import com.google.devtools.build.lib.packages.OutputFile; import com.google.devtools.build.lib.packages.RuleErrorConsumer; import com.google.devtools.build.lib.vfs.PathFragment; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Set; import java.util.TreeSet; import javax.annotation.Nullable; /** * Expands $(location) and $(locations) tags inside target attributes. You can specify something * like this in the BUILD file: * *
 * somerule(name='some name',
 *          someopt = [ '$(location //mypackage:myhelper)' ],
 *          ...)
* * and location will be substituted with //mypackage:myhelper executable output. * *

Note that this expander will always expand labels in srcs, deps, and tools attributes, with * data being optional. * *

DO NOT USE DIRECTLY! Use RuleContext.getExpander() instead. */ public final class LocationExpander { private static final boolean EXACTLY_ONE = false; private static final boolean ALLOW_MULTIPLE = true; private static final boolean USE_ROOT_PATHS = false; private static final boolean USE_EXEC_PATHS = true; private final RuleErrorConsumer ruleErrorConsumer; private final ImmutableMap functions; @VisibleForTesting LocationExpander( RuleErrorConsumer ruleErrorConsumer, Map functions) { this.ruleErrorConsumer = ruleErrorConsumer; this.functions = ImmutableMap.copyOf(functions); } private LocationExpander( RuleErrorConsumer ruleErrorConsumer, Label root, Supplier>> locationMap, boolean execPaths) { this( ruleErrorConsumer, allLocationFunctions(root, locationMap, execPaths)); } /** * Creates location expander helper bound to specific target and with default location map. * * @param ruleContext BUILD rule * @param labelMap A mapping of labels to build artifacts. * @param execPaths If true, this expander will expand $(location)/$(locations) using * Artifact.getExecPath(); otherwise with Artifact.getRootRelativePath(). * @param allowData If true, this expander will expand locations from the `data` attribute; * otherwise it will not. */ private LocationExpander( RuleContext ruleContext, @Nullable ImmutableMap> labelMap, boolean execPaths, boolean allowData) { this( ruleContext, ruleContext.getLabel(), // Use a memoizing supplier to avoid eagerly building the location map. Suppliers.memoize( () -> LocationExpander.buildLocationMap(ruleContext, labelMap, allowData)), execPaths); } /** * Creates an expander that expands $(location)/$(locations) using Artifact.getRootRelativePath(). * *

The expander expands $(rootpath)/$(rootpaths) using Artifact.getRootRelativePath(), and * $(execpath)/$(execpaths) using Artifact.getExecPath(). * * @param ruleContext BUILD rule * @param labelMap A mapping of labels to build artifacts. */ public static LocationExpander withRunfilesPaths(RuleContext ruleContext) { return new LocationExpander(ruleContext, null, false, false); } /** * Creates an expander that expands $(location)/$(locations) using Artifact.getExecPath(). * *

The expander expands $(rootpath)/$(rootpaths) using Artifact.getRootRelativePath(), and * $(execpath)/$(execpaths) using Artifact.getExecPath(). * * @param ruleContext BUILD rule * @param labelMap A mapping of labels to build artifacts. */ public static LocationExpander withExecPaths( RuleContext ruleContext, ImmutableMap> labelMap) { return new LocationExpander(ruleContext, labelMap, true, false); } /** * Creates an expander that expands $(location)/$(locations) using Artifact.getExecPath(). * *

The expander expands $(rootpath)/$(rootpaths) using Artifact.getRootRelativePath(), and * $(execpath)/$(execpaths) using Artifact.getExecPath(). * * @param ruleContext BUILD rule * @param labelMap A mapping of labels to build artifacts. */ public static LocationExpander withExecPathsAndData( RuleContext ruleContext, ImmutableMap> labelMap) { return new LocationExpander(ruleContext, labelMap, true, true); } public String expand(String input) { return expand(input, new RuleErrorReporter(ruleErrorConsumer)); } /** * Expands attribute's location and locations tags based on the target and * location map. * * @param attrName name of the attribute; only used for error reporting * @param attrValue initial value of the attribute * @return attribute value with expanded location tags or original value in * case of errors */ public String expandAttribute(String attrName, String attrValue) { return expand(attrValue, new AttributeErrorReporter(ruleErrorConsumer, attrName)); } private String expand(String value, ErrorReporter reporter) { int restart = 0; int attrLength = value.length(); StringBuilder result = new StringBuilder(value.length()); while (true) { // (1) Find '$( '. int start = value.indexOf("$(", restart); if (start == -1) { result.append(value.substring(restart)); break; } int nextWhitespace = value.indexOf(' ', start); if (nextWhitespace == -1) { result.append(value, restart, start + 2); restart = start + 2; continue; } String fname = value.substring(start + 2, nextWhitespace); if (!functions.containsKey(fname)) { result.append(value, restart, start + 2); restart = start + 2; continue; } result.append(value, restart, start); int end = value.indexOf(')', nextWhitespace); if (end == -1) { reporter.report( String.format( "unterminated $(%s) expression", value.substring(start + 2, nextWhitespace))); return value; } // (2) Call appropriate function to obtain string replacement. String functionValue = value.substring(nextWhitespace + 1, end).trim(); try { String replacement = functions.get(fname).apply(functionValue); result.append(replacement); } catch (IllegalStateException ise) { reporter.report(ise.getMessage()); return value; } restart = end + 1; } return result.toString(); } @VisibleForTesting static final class LocationFunction { private static final int MAX_PATHS_SHOWN = 5; private final Label root; private final Supplier>> locationMapSupplier; private final boolean execPaths; private final boolean multiple; LocationFunction( Label root, Supplier>> locationMapSupplier, boolean execPaths, boolean multiple) { this.root = root; this.locationMapSupplier = locationMapSupplier; this.execPaths = execPaths; this.multiple = multiple; } /** * Looks up the label-like string in the locationMap and returns the resolved path string. * * @param arg The label-like string to be expanded, e.g. ":foo" or "//foo:bar" * @return The expanded value */ public String apply(String arg) { Label label; try { label = root.getRelative(arg); } catch (LabelSyntaxException e) { throw new IllegalStateException( String.format( "invalid label in %s expression: %s", functionName(), e.getMessage()), e); } Collection paths = resolveLabel(label); return joinPaths(paths); } /** * Returns all target location(s) of the given label. */ private Collection resolveLabel(Label unresolved) throws IllegalStateException { Collection artifacts = locationMapSupplier.get().get(unresolved); if (artifacts == null) { throw new IllegalStateException( String.format( "label '%s' in %s expression is not a declared prerequisite of this rule", unresolved, functionName())); } Set paths = getPaths(artifacts, execPaths); if (paths.isEmpty()) { throw new IllegalStateException( String.format( "label '%s' in %s expression expands to no files", unresolved, functionName())); } if (!multiple && paths.size() > 1) { throw new IllegalStateException( String.format( "label '%s' in $(location) expression expands to more than one file, " + "please use $(locations %s) instead. Files (at most %d shown) are: %s", unresolved, unresolved, MAX_PATHS_SHOWN, Iterables.limit(paths, MAX_PATHS_SHOWN))); } return paths; } /** * Extracts list of all executables associated with given collection of label * artifacts. * * @param artifacts to get the paths of * @param takeExecPath if false, the root relative path will be taken * @return all associated executable paths */ private Set getPaths(Collection artifacts, boolean takeExecPath) { TreeSet paths = Sets.newTreeSet(); for (Artifact artifact : artifacts) { PathFragment execPath = takeExecPath ? artifact.getExecPath() : artifact.getRootRelativePath(); if (execPath != null) { // omit middlemen etc paths.add(execPath.getCallablePathString()); } } return paths; } private String joinPaths(Collection paths) { return paths.stream().map(LocationFunction::quotePath).collect(joining(" ")); } private static String quotePath(String path) { // TODO(ulfjack): Use existing ShellEscaper instead. if (path.contains(" ")) { path = "'" + path + "'"; } return path; } private String functionName() { return multiple ? "$(locations)" : "$(location)"; } } static ImmutableMap allLocationFunctions( Label root, Supplier>> locationMap, boolean execPaths) { return new ImmutableMap.Builder() .put("location", new LocationFunction(root, locationMap, execPaths, EXACTLY_ONE)) .put("locations", new LocationFunction(root, locationMap, execPaths, ALLOW_MULTIPLE)) .put("rootpath", new LocationFunction(root, locationMap, USE_ROOT_PATHS, EXACTLY_ONE)) .put("rootpaths", new LocationFunction(root, locationMap, USE_ROOT_PATHS, ALLOW_MULTIPLE)) .put("execpath", new LocationFunction(root, locationMap, USE_EXEC_PATHS, EXACTLY_ONE)) .put("execpaths", new LocationFunction(root, locationMap, USE_EXEC_PATHS, ALLOW_MULTIPLE)) .build(); } /** * Extracts all possible target locations from target specification. * * @param ruleContext BUILD target object * @param labelMap map of labels to build artifacts * @return map of all possible target locations */ static Map> buildLocationMap( RuleContext ruleContext, Map> labelMap, boolean allowDataAttributeEntriesInLabel) { Map> locationMap = Maps.newHashMap(); if (labelMap != null) { for (Map.Entry> entry : labelMap.entrySet()) { mapGet(locationMap, entry.getKey()).addAll(entry.getValue()); } } // Add all destination locations. for (OutputFile out : ruleContext.getRule().getOutputFiles()) { mapGet(locationMap, out.getLabel()).add(ruleContext.createOutputArtifact(out)); } if (ruleContext.getRule().isAttrDefined("srcs", BuildType.LABEL_LIST)) { for (TransitiveInfoCollection src : ruleContext .getPrerequisitesIf("srcs", Mode.TARGET, FileProvider.class)) { Iterables.addAll(mapGet(locationMap, AliasProvider.getDependencyLabel(src)), src.getProvider(FileProvider.class).getFilesToBuild()); } } // Add all locations associated with dependencies and tools List depsDataAndTools = new ArrayList<>(); if (ruleContext.getRule().isAttrDefined("deps", BuildType.LABEL_LIST)) { Iterables.addAll(depsDataAndTools, ruleContext.getPrerequisitesIf("deps", Mode.DONT_CHECK, FilesToRunProvider.class)); } if (allowDataAttributeEntriesInLabel && ruleContext.getRule().isAttrDefined("data", BuildType.LABEL_LIST)) { Iterables.addAll(depsDataAndTools, ruleContext.getPrerequisitesIf("data", Mode.DATA, FilesToRunProvider.class)); } if (ruleContext.getRule().isAttrDefined("tools", BuildType.LABEL_LIST)) { Iterables.addAll(depsDataAndTools, ruleContext.getPrerequisitesIf("tools", Mode.HOST, FilesToRunProvider.class)); } for (TransitiveInfoCollection dep : depsDataAndTools) { Label label = AliasProvider.getDependencyLabel(dep); FilesToRunProvider filesToRun = dep.getProvider(FilesToRunProvider.class); Artifact executableArtifact = filesToRun.getExecutable(); // If the label has an executable artifact add that to the multimaps. if (executableArtifact != null) { mapGet(locationMap, label).add(executableArtifact); } else { Iterables.addAll(mapGet(locationMap, label), filesToRun.getFilesToRun()); } } return locationMap; } /** * Returns the value in the specified map corresponding to 'key', creating and * inserting an empty container if absent. We use Map not Multimap because * we need to distinguish the cases of "empty value" and "absent key". * * @return the value in the specified map corresponding to 'key' */ private static Collection mapGet(Map> map, K key) { Collection values = map.get(key); if (values == null) { // We use sets not lists, because it's conceivable that the same label // could appear twice, in "srcs" and "deps". values = Sets.newHashSet(); map.put(key, values); } return values; } private static interface ErrorReporter { void report(String error); } private static final class AttributeErrorReporter implements ErrorReporter { private final RuleErrorConsumer delegate; private final String attrName; public AttributeErrorReporter(RuleErrorConsumer delegate, String attrName) { this.delegate = delegate; this.attrName = attrName; } @Override public void report(String error) { delegate.attributeError(attrName, error); } } private static final class RuleErrorReporter implements ErrorReporter { private final RuleErrorConsumer delegate; public RuleErrorReporter(RuleErrorConsumer delegate) { this.delegate = delegate; } @Override public void report(String error) { delegate.ruleError(error); } } }