// Copyright 2014 The Bazel Authors. All rights reserved. // // Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); // you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. // You may obtain a copy of the License at // // http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 // // Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software // distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, // WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. // See the License for the specific language governing permissions and // limitations under the License. package com.google.devtools.build.lib.actions.cache; import com.google.common.base.Preconditions; import com.google.common.cache.Cache; import com.google.common.cache.CacheBuilder; import com.google.common.cache.CacheStats; import com.google.common.io.BaseEncoding; import com.google.common.primitives.Longs; import com.google.devtools.build.lib.clock.BlazeClock; import com.google.devtools.build.lib.profiler.Profiler; import com.google.devtools.build.lib.profiler.ProfilerTask; import com.google.devtools.build.lib.util.Fingerprint; import com.google.devtools.build.lib.util.LoggingUtil; import com.google.devtools.build.lib.util.VarInt; import com.google.devtools.build.lib.vfs.FileStatus; import com.google.devtools.build.lib.vfs.Path; import com.google.devtools.build.lib.vfs.PathFragment; import java.io.IOException; import java.io.OutputStream; import java.nio.ByteBuffer; import java.util.Map; import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicBoolean; import java.util.logging.Level; /** * Utility class for getting md5 digests of files. * *

This class implements an optional cache of file digests when the computation of the digests is * costly (i.e. when {@link Path#getFastDigest()} is not available). The cache can be enabled via * the {@link #configureCache(long)} function, but note that enabling this cache might have an * impact on correctness because not all changes to files can be purely detected from their * metadata. * *

Note that this class is responsible for digesting file metadata in an order-independent * manner. Care must be taken to do this properly. The digest must be a function of the set of * (path, metadata) tuples. While the order of these pairs must not matter, it would not be * safe to make the digest be a function of the set of paths and the set of metadata. * *

Note that the (path, metadata) tuples must be unique, otherwise the XOR-based approach will * fail. */ public class DigestUtils { // Object to synchronize on when serializing large file reads. private static final Object DIGEST_LOCK = new Object(); private static final AtomicBoolean MULTI_THREADED_DIGEST = new AtomicBoolean(false); // The time that a digest computation has to take at least in order to be considered a slow-read. private static final long SLOW_READ_MILLIS = 5000L; // The average bytes-per-millisecond throughput that a digest computation has to go below in order // to be considered a slow-read. private static final long SLOW_READ_THROUGHPUT = (10 * 1024 * 1024) / 1000; /** * Keys used to cache the values of the digests for files where we don't have fast digests. * *

The cache keys are derived from many properties of the file metadata in an attempt to be * able to detect most file changes. */ private static class CacheKey { /** Path to the file. */ private final PathFragment path; /** File system identifier of the file (typically the inode number). */ private final long nodeId; /** Last modification time of the file. */ private final long modifiedTime; /** Size of the file. */ private final long size; /** * Constructs a new cache key. * * @param path path to the file * @param status file status data from which to obtain the cache key properties * @throws IOException if reading the file status data fails */ public CacheKey(Path path, FileStatus status) throws IOException { this.path = path.asFragment(); this.nodeId = status.getNodeId(); this.modifiedTime = status.getLastModifiedTime(); this.size = status.getSize(); } @Override public boolean equals(Object object) { if (object == this) { return true; } else if (!(object instanceof CacheKey)) { return false; } else { CacheKey key = (CacheKey) object; return path.equals(key.path) && nodeId == key.nodeId && modifiedTime == key.modifiedTime && size == key.size; } } @Override public int hashCode() { int result = 17; result = 31 * result + path.hashCode(); result = 31 * result + Longs.hashCode(nodeId); result = 31 * result + Longs.hashCode(modifiedTime); result = 31 * result + Longs.hashCode(size); return result; } } /** * Global cache of files to their digests. * *

This is null when the cache is disabled. * *

Note that we do not use a {@link com.google.common.cache.LoadingCache} because our keys * represent the paths as strings, not as {@link Path} instances. As a result, the loading * function cannot actually compute the digests of the files so we have to handle this externally. */ private static volatile Cache globalCache = null; /** Private constructor to prevent instantiation of utility class. */ private DigestUtils() {} /** * Obtain file's MD5 metadata using synchronized method, ensuring that system * is not overloaded in case when multiple threads are requesting MD5 * calculations and underlying file system cannot provide it via extended * attribute. */ private static byte[] getDigestInExclusiveMode(Path path) throws IOException { long startTime = BlazeClock.nanoTime(); synchronized (DIGEST_LOCK) { Profiler.instance().logSimpleTask(startTime, ProfilerTask.WAIT, path.getPathString()); return getDigestInternal(path); } } private static byte[] getDigestInternal(Path path) throws IOException { long startTime = BlazeClock.nanoTime(); byte[] digest = path.getDigest(); long millis = (BlazeClock.nanoTime() - startTime) / 1000000; if (millis > SLOW_READ_MILLIS && (path.getFileSize() / millis) < SLOW_READ_THROUGHPUT) { System.err.println("Slow read: a " + path.getFileSize() + "-byte read from " + path + " took " + millis + "ms."); } return digest; } /** * Enables the caching of file digests based on file status data. * *

If the cache was already enabled, this causes the cache to be reinitialized thus losing all * contents. If the given size is zero, the cache is disabled altogether. * * @param maximumSize maximumSize of the cache in number of entries */ public static void configureCache(long maximumSize) { if (maximumSize == 0) { globalCache = null; } else { globalCache = CacheBuilder.newBuilder().maximumSize(maximumSize).recordStats().build(); } } /** * Obtains cache statistics. * *

The cache must have previously been enabled by a call to {@link #configureCache(long)}. * * @return an immutable snapshot of the cache statistics */ public static CacheStats getCacheStats() { Cache cache = globalCache; Preconditions.checkNotNull(cache, "configureCache() must have been called with a size >= 0"); return cache.stats(); } /** * Enable or disable multi-threaded digesting even for large files. */ public static void setMultiThreadedDigest(boolean multiThreadedDigest) { DigestUtils.MULTI_THREADED_DIGEST.set(multiThreadedDigest); } /** * Get the digest of {@code path}, using a constant-time xattr call if the filesystem supports * it, and calculating the digest manually otherwise. * * @param path Path of the file. * @param fileSize size of the file. Used to determine if digest calculation should be done * serially or in parallel. Files larger than a certain threshold will be read serially, in order * to avoid excessive disk seeks. */ public static byte[] getDigestOrFail(Path path, long fileSize) throws IOException { byte[] digest = path.getFastDigest(); if (digest != null && !path.isValidDigest(digest)) { // Fail-soft in cases where md5bin is non-null, but not a valid digest. String msg = String.format("Malformed digest '%s' for file %s", BaseEncoding.base16().lowerCase().encode(digest), path); LoggingUtil.logToRemote(Level.SEVERE, msg, new IllegalStateException(msg)); digest = null; } // At this point, either we could not get a fast digest or the fast digest we got is corrupt. // Attempt a cache lookup if the cache is enabled and return the cached digest if found. Cache cache = globalCache; CacheKey key = null; if (cache != null && digest == null) { key = new CacheKey(path, path.stat()); digest = cache.getIfPresent(key); } if (digest != null) { return digest; } // All right, we have neither a fast nor a cached digest. Let's go through the costly process of // computing it from the file contents. if (fileSize > 4096 && !MULTI_THREADED_DIGEST.get()) { // We'll have to read file content in order to calculate the digest. In that case // it would be beneficial to serialize those calculations since there is a high // probability that MD5 will be requested for multiple output files simultaneously. // Exception is made for small (<=4K) files since they will not likely to introduce // significant delays (at worst they will result in two extra disk seeks by // interrupting other reads). digest = getDigestInExclusiveMode(path); } else { digest = getDigestInternal(path); } Preconditions.checkNotNull( digest, "We should have gotten a digest for %s at this point but we still don't have one", path); if (cache != null) { Preconditions.checkNotNull( key, "We should have computed a cache key earlier for %s because the cache is enabled and we" + " did not get a fast digest for this file, but we don't have a key here", path); cache.put(key, digest); } return digest; } /** * @param source the byte buffer source. * @return the digest from the given buffer. * @throws IOException if the byte buffer is incorrectly formatted. */ public static Md5Digest read(ByteBuffer source) throws IOException { int size = VarInt.getVarInt(source); if (size != Md5Digest.MD5_SIZE) { throw new IOException("Unexpected digest length: " + size); } byte[] bytes = new byte[size]; source.get(bytes); return new Md5Digest(bytes); } /** Write the digest to the output stream. */ public static void write(Md5Digest digest, OutputStream sink) throws IOException { VarInt.putVarInt(digest.getDigestBytesUnsafe().length, sink); sink.write(digest.getDigestBytesUnsafe()); } /** * @param mdMap A collection of (execPath, Metadata) pairs. Values may be null. * @return an order-independent digest from the given "set" of (path, metadata) pairs. */ public static Md5Digest fromMetadata(Map mdMap) { byte[] result = new byte[Md5Digest.MD5_SIZE]; // Profiling showed that MD5 engine instantiation was a hotspot, so create one instance for // this computation to amortize its cost. Fingerprint fp = new Fingerprint(); for (Map.Entry entry : mdMap.entrySet()) { xorWith(result, getDigest(fp, entry.getKey(), entry.getValue())); } return new Md5Digest(result); } /** * @param env A collection of (String, String) pairs. * @return an order-independent digest of the given set of pairs. */ public static Md5Digest fromEnv(Map env) { byte[] result = new byte[Md5Digest.MD5_SIZE]; Fingerprint fp = new Fingerprint(); for (Map.Entry entry : env.entrySet()) { fp.addString(entry.getKey()); fp.addString(entry.getValue()); xorWith(result, fp.digestAndReset()); } return new Md5Digest(result); } private static byte[] getDigest(Fingerprint fp, String execPath, Metadata md) { fp.addString(execPath); if (md == null) { // Move along, nothing to see here. } else if (md.getDigest() != null) { fp.addBytes(md.getDigest()); } else { // Use the timestamp if the digest is not present, but not both. Modifying a timestamp while // keeping the contents of a file the same should not cause rebuilds. fp.addLong(md.getModifiedTime()); } return fp.digestAndReset(); } /** Compute lhs ^= rhs bitwise operation of the arrays. */ private static void xorWith(byte[] lhs, byte[] rhs) { for (int i = 0; i < lhs.length; i++) { lhs[i] ^= rhs[i]; } } }